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How to defeat the plot of the Illuminati

by Alain Pilote

After having read the previous article on the Illuminati and their plot to establish a one world
government and to abolish all religions, one could be led to fatalism and pessimism, and think that these
people are too powerful, and that there is nothing one can do to stop them. Thinking that way would be
a serious mistake! As powerful as the Illuminati may seem, their project is doomed to failure, since they
literally place their confidence in the devil, Lucifer, and not in the true God, Jesus Christ. Moreover, the
Catholics know that God entrusted to Mary (see Genesis 3:15) the mission to crush the head of this
proud Satan. In Fatima, in 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary foretold: "In the end, My Immaculate Heart
will triumph."

The insignia of the Illuminati

As surprising as it may seem, the insignia of the Order of the Illuminati appears on the reverse side of
U.S. one-dollar bills. The first time it appeared was in 1933, by order of U.S. President Franklin D.
Roosevelt, at the beginning of the New Deal (the name given to Roosevelt political reforms of that

One can read at the base of the 13-story pyramid, the year 1776 (MDCCLXVI in Roman numerals).
Most of the people think it represents the date of the signing of the American Declaration of
Independence, but it actually memorializes the foundation of the Order of the Illuminati, which was on
May 1, 1776.

The pyramid represents the conspiracy for the destruction of the Catholic Church (and all existing
religions), and the establishment of a one world government, or a United Nations dictatorship. The eye
radiating in all directions, is the "all-spying" eye that symbolizes the terroristic, Gestapolike, espionage
agency that Weishaupt set up to guard the "secret of the Order and to terrorize the populace into the
acceptance of its rule. The Latin words "ANNUIT COEPTIS" mean "our entreprise (conspiracy) has
been crowned with success." Below, "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" explains the nature of the
enterprise: a "Nuw Social Order" or a "New World Order".

This insignia was adopted by the U.S. Congress as the reverse of the seal of the United States on
September 15, 1789. (The obverse side of the seal bears the eagle, which is used as the official seal and
coat of arms of the U.S.A. is also shown on the reverse side of the U.S. $1.00 bills.)

The appearance of this insignia of the Illuminati on U.S. dollar bills in 1933 meant that the followers of
Weishaupt regarded their efforts as beginning to "be crowned with success," and that they totally controlled the
U.S. Government.
A Luciferian conspiracy

When it is written in the previous article that the Illuminati is a "Luciferian conspiracy", it is not only in
a figurative sense, but in the literal sense, since the leaders of the Illuminati are actually worshipers of
Satan, and their final objective is to have the whole world bow down to him. Through his hellhounds, it
is Satan himself who continues his revolt against God by endeavoring to foil God's plan on earth, and
snatch from God as many souls as possible.

Just like Satan, The Financiers think they are the only ones who can lead mankind properly, and in order
to be able to impose their will upon every individual and control the whole world, they invented the
present debt-money system. They want to bring every nation in the world to such a state of crisis that
these countries will think they have no alternative but to accept the miracle solution of the Financiers to
save them from disaster: complete centralization, a single world currency, and a world government, in
which every nation will be abolished. The members of the Illuminati are people of every race and creed,
but who all lust for money and power.

Recognizing the powers involved

In the conclusion of his book Pawns in the Game, wich denounces the plot of the Illuminati for world
domination, William Guy Carr explains what must be done to stop this plot.

First, we must as individuals recognize the spiritual powers involved, and realize that we are not only
facing terrestrial powers, but also spiritual ones that it is basically a fight between God and Satan. We
must choose who we will serve, who we will fight for: God or Satan.

Second, we must take practical steps to counteract the plan of the Financiers which, in Mr. Carr's own
words, can be done only through a monetary reform: "The electors must insist that the issue of money,
and the control thereof, be placed back in the hands of the Government where it rightfully belongs."

To do one's part

Back in 1970, Louis Even wrote, in an article entitled "Social Credit, yes - Party, no", that all the
governments were led by the Financiers, and that changing the party in office would change absolutely
nothing to this fact. But Mr. Even also hastened to mention the example of David who overcame, with
his sling, Goliath the Giant:

«Quite a lesson is being taught to us here. The Social Crediters of the "Michael" Journal are often
reminded of that lesson, and the endeavor to take it into account. Only a celestial power can
triumph over the most powerful terrestrial powers. Heaven wants us to do our part, and do it the
best we can, just the same, but we must not rely on our action only. Young David did not say: "I
will do nothing! What would be the use of facing a powerful warrior who laughs at my weakness?
" No, he did his little part. Hi used the weapons he had - a staff, a sling and five stones - and God
did the rest, the bigger part.

«The Social Crediters of the "Michael" Journal do not stop, even despite their own weakness, in
front of an enemy power that is humanly invincible, despite years that succeed each other without
noticeable successes, despite mockery, criticisms, or betrayals. They know that every step made
for a just cause, every testimony borne to a truth, every ray of hope communicated to
demoralized people, every elevation of a soul, or every conversion brought about by their example
and by the message they carry, is a benefit. Only the Angels know all the good this message, these
prayers and examples, have done. If the apostles realize this, they can be delighted about it, but
they must also give thanks to God for it. If they ignore all the good they have done, if they do not
see the seed that they have sown grow, they continue just the same to sow, to plow, to work hard,
in the inner joy of unselfishness, in the sole search for the glory of God and the well-being of their

The necessity for Social Credit

The prayers and sacrifices to obtain the assistance of Heaven are certainly necessary to thwart the plan
of the Financiers. But a technique, a temporal means, is also necessary to thwart the plan of the
Financiers. This means is the Social Credit reform, conceived by the Scottish engineer, Clifford Hugh
Douglas, the only reform that the Financiers really fear, and that would put an end to their power to
control all the nations. ("Social Credit" means social money - money created without debt by society,
issued with new production, and withdrawn from circulation as production is consumed - instead of
having a banking credit as it is the case today - money created as a debt by private banks.)

Douglas first thought that once his discovery and its implications would be brought to the attention of
the governments and of those in charge of the economy, they would hasten to implement it. But
Douglas soon made another discovery: the Financiers, who ruled the economy, were absolutely not
interested in changing the financial system, and its flaws and consequences (wars, waste, poverty, social
friction, etc.) were absolutely what they desired, and even fostered deliberately, in order to impose their
solution of a one-world government. So the Financiers did everything they could to stop and silence the
Social Credit idea: a conspiracy of silence in the news media, or deliberate falsification of Douglas's
doctrine, in order to render it vulnerable; calumies and ridicule against the apostles of "Michael".
Douglas wrote in his book Warning Democracy:

"So rapid was the progress made by the Social Credit ideas between 1919 and 1923 both in this
country (Great Britain) and abroad, and so constantly did ideas derived from them appear in the
pages of the press, that the interests threatened by them became considerably alarmed, and took
what were, on the whole, effective steps to curtail their publicity. In this country the Institute of
Bankers allocated five million pounds (then the equivalent of 24 million dollars) to combat the
"subversive" ideas of ourselves and other misguided people who wished to tinker with the
financial system, The large Press Associations were expressly instructed that my own name should
not be mentioned in the public press, and no metropolitan newspaper in this country or the
United States was allowed to give publicity, either to correspondence or to contributions bearing
upon the subject. In spite of this the Canadian Parliamentary Inquiry at which I was a witness (in
1923) managed to expose on the one hand the ignorance of evec leading bankers of the
fundamental problems with which they had to deal, and on the other hand the lengths to which
the financial power was prepared to go to retain control of the situation.»

One must not forget to mention here that the best way that the Financiers found to stop the advancement
of the Social Credit idea was the creation of political parties falsely bearing the name "Social Credit", to
make people think that voting for a new party is sufficient to change the system, whereas what is
needed is the education of the people (by having them subscribe to the "Michael" Journal), to force the
elected representatives to serve the population, instead of serving the Financiers. Fortunately, all the so-
called "Social Credit parties" are dead and buried now, but they did a lot f damage and spread confusion
in the minds while they existed.

"The psychological moment"

Douglas predicted that the present debt-money system of the Bankers would become unworkable and
fall by itself, because of all of the unpayable debts it creates. All the countries in the world are
struggling with skyrocketing debts and heading for disaster, even though everybody knows these debts
can never be paid off. Other factors announce the inevitable fall of the present system: automation,
which makes full employment impossible, the fall of the U.S. dollar in comparison with the Japanese
yen, etc.

Douglas said that "a psychological moment" will come, a critical moment when the population, given
the gravity of the situation, and despite all the power of the Financiers, will have suffered their debt-
money system long enough, and will be disposed to study and accept Social Credit. Douglas wrote the
following in 1924, in his book Social Credit:

«The position will be tremendous in its importance. A comparatively short period will probably
serve to decide whether we are to master the mighty economic and social machine that we have
created, or whether it is to master us; and during that period a small impetus from a body of men
who know what to do and how to do it, may make the difference between yet one more retreat
into the Dark Ages, or the emergence into the full light of a day of such splendour as we can at
present only envisage dimly. It is this necessity for the recognition of the psychological moment,
and the fitting to that moment of appropriate action, which should be present in the minds of that
small minority which is seized of the gravity of the present times.»

Louis Even, at the end of his article quoted above ("Social Credit, yes - Party, no"), repeats this idea of

«The Social Crediters of the "Michael" Journal maintain, along with Douglas, that as regards
Social Credit, the most effective work to do is to enlighten the population on the monpoly of
financial credit, attributing to it the bad fruits of which it is the cause in the lives of people, of
families, of institutions; and, in front of these bad fruits, to expose the doctrine of genuine Social
Credit, which is so brilliant and in keeping with common sense. They also endeavor to develop
within themselves, and to also radiate, a Social Credit spirit, Which is clearly in keeping with the
spiret of the Gospel: a spirit of service and not of domination, not of an insatiable pursuit of
money or material goods, which is of the same nature - with a less powerful means - as the spirit
of the barons of High Finance.

«Whether the collapse of the present financial system, under the weight of its own enormities, or
events that have been foretold many times by privileged souls - events one certainly cannot doubt
of when one sees the present decadence of moral standards, apostasy, the paganization of affluent
nations that used to be Christian - occur soon, in either case, the living or the survivors of those
events won't be without a light to establish a social economic system worthy of its name.»

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