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A Weekend Workshop May 1-3, 2010

Friday 7:00 – 9:30pm. Saturday 9:00am – 9:30pm. Sunday 9:00am – 5:30pm.

What is Basic Trust?

 Implicit confidence in the goodness of life

 Unshakable trust in the way things are, and the way they are unfolding
 Realization that the intent of the universe is a movement toward more understanding,
consciousness, and love.
 Confidence that reality is guiding and supporting you on a path of continuing change that
reveals who you are at your depth and all your inner richness and power. And that reality
wants you to understand the mystery of its own nature.

Why is Basic Trust so important to growth and spiritual maturity?

We exist in a dynamic universe of constant change. Aligning ourselves with the process of
growth, unfoldment, and transformation demands that we continually let go of the old in order to
be open for the new and fresh to manifest. The difficulty is that there is usually a very vulnerable
gap in time between letting go of the old and the arrival of the new. It is at this juncture that
Basic Trust enters and supports us to relax, to not become fearful, and to enjoy an attitude of
positive anticipation for what will emerge – allowing us to embrace the unknown with a sense of

Losing our Basic Trust in the gap will stop our growth. We begin to distrust the movement of
life. Fear emerges with an attitude of holding-on to the familiar. Trying to be safe we end up
stuck in the painful experience of the old but familiar habits, patterns, and limited self images. In
truth, without some degree of Basic Trust, we may never really engage in transformative work,
it's too scary.

In this experiential Weekend you will:

 Examine the presence or absence of Basic Trust in your life

 Recognize how it has affected your own inner growth process
 Understand the factors that cause us to lose contact with Basic Trust
 Learn how Basic Trust is regained
 Experience the essential quality that must be reconnected with in order to re-establish this
fundamental trust and faith in the universe.
 Establish your own plan to realize Basic Trust in your life.
 Cost - $275 CND
 Meals by donations or bring your own food
 To reserve a place: deposit $150. Please make
check payable to: Michael Torresan
 Payment may be mailed to:
Simon Thomson,
6630 Willis Point Drive,
Victoria, BC V9E 2A2

 (30 minutes from downtown Victoria)

For more information Michael Torresan

425 608-6949

Simon Thomson
250 652-6965

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