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Melendres Contempt Exhibits - P Exhibit 2095

Travis Anglin - SHERIFFX


Mike <>
Wednesday, January 08, 2014 4:20 PM
Travis Anglin- SHERIFFX
FW: Phone

From: David Webb []

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 3:59PM
To: 1Mike'
Subje<t: Phone
What changed is they were shocked to see the aneurysm, and the new changes in the aneurysm are very concerning to
them. This next procedure could jeopardize the sight in my right eye. The aneurysm is at the junction of my right
internal carotid internal artery and my right optical artery.
Like I said don't waste your time trying to get federal immunity. It may be of no value at this point. Have Sheriff save his
chips for someone else.
I am working on getting disability. We will see how that goes. Should know in a few months.

From: Mike []

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 2:47PM

To: 'David Webb'
Subject: RE: Phone
Dennis your immunity deal is done ... It is contingent on you producing what you said you have and us verifying the
information. Remember that is way Glenn was coming out with us.
A few days ago you be mailed me and said that the only time the surgeons could be available was 1-22/23. Has that
I keep trying to help you ... asking you to send me the internet bill, I am sure I can cover it even out of my own pocket,
but you won't send it.
I can't help you if you don't let me.
From: David Webb []
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 3:38 PM

To: 1Mike 1
Subject: Phone
Call the neurosurgeon or go the hospital the day of my surgery if you think I am playing a game. Which I am not! If you
recall, I was supposed to have these tests done on December 1, and then December 16'", but I had to cancel it for my
visit down there.
I see the neurologist tomorrow at 9:15 and the neurosurgeon at 9:30 on Friday.



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DATE:_ q. . q-( .fNAME:

Kellie L. Konicke CR50223


Melendres Contempt Exhibits - P Exhibit 2095

My last hospital bill as $250,000 for the surgery done in July. This bill will be even more.
The system is shut down right now. Like I said, this is a dangerous surgery, don't bother trying to get me immunity until I
know I will survive this.

Take Care

From: Mike [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 2:26PM

To: 'David Webb'
Subject: RE: Phone
I will contact Brian .. , If you can wrap up the BC by the weekend that would be a positive move. We are going to have to
show the AG something to extend the dead line of your free talk by a couple of weeks.
Most likely we will be dispatched out to your location to verify this unexpected development.

From: David Webb lmailto:dwebb605@gmail.corn]

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 3:18PM
To: 'Mike'
Subject: Phone
Starbucks waiting for my medicine. No big deal. Don't need the internet right now anyway. I haven't made contact
with Brian, since he got back from his Xmas vacation. I will assume you will tell him to have Glenn wait until I am back
on my feet.

From: Mike []

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 2:08 PM
To: 'David Webb'
Subject: RE: Phone
If you don't have internet how are you e mailing me? I asl<ed you to send me a copy of you internet bill? Why won't you

send it?
From:David Webb.[]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 3:04PM
To: 1Mike
Subject: Phone


Melendres Contempt Exhibits - P Exhibit 2095

I don't have cell phones or internet. They have been turned off. Just email me. I will email you over the weekend after
I know what my options are with the surgeons. They wanted me to stay in the hospital and do the surgery yesterday,
but I decided to go home and think about it.
Take Care

From: Mike [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 1:25PM
To: 'David Webb'
Cc: detmack@gmail.corn
Subject: Phone

If you don't have the phone .... down load Skype to your computer ..


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