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Melendres Contempt Exhibits - P Exhibit 2096


J:r.gyls_Anglin - SHERIFFX

FW: Rand Paul

Wednesday, January 08, 2014 8:45:39 PM

I knew it was all BS .. He is back in play. Working me for money. He did provide the internet bill. I can
pay it from the Posse funds if I can get reimbursed. I need every cent for travel coming up.
From: Mike []
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 8:26 PM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Rand Paul

From: Mike []

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 8:25PM
To: 'David Webb'
Subject: RE: Rand Paul

Do not destroy any evidence!! Do not part with any drives!! Do not wipe them clean or sell anyone
of them! That will destroy your credibility.
Destroying evidence will nullify your agreement with the AG!
If you can finish the work I asked you for, Brian and I will fly up there just to hand you the money.
You are the only one who can do it. This is the only way we can release money to you.
The BC should be easy for you to complete, you have most of it done. Just finish the BC and the get
the Sheriff some more on the attorney's e mails and we will come up with cash in hand ..

Do not destroy any evidence!!

From: David Webb []

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 8:06PM
To: 1Mike 1

Subject: Rand Paul



AN ttU tJ

Kellle L. Konicke CR50223


Melendres Contempt Exhibits - P Exhibit 2096

Regarding the harvested dates you must be careful. It could have been harvested in years earlier
and updated when the latest harvest was done.
I have to have the servers up to do the work. I need to pay the $415.47 to Comcast. I am going sell
equipment, including disk drives, it is obvious I have to do that, and I will, I am just not sure which
drives I can sell. I hate to sell the wrong drives, and regret it for the rest of my life. Mr. Cabo didn't
pay the prior month Comcast bill, and I have to deal with that. My internet is$200 per month per
line, two lines.
I don't care about the phone records, and I am not going to do work with them anymore. I just lost
two drives before I shut the system down, and I am tired of struggling with billions and billions of
phone records on so many drives that are fragile and old. I don't have the database to deal with that
kind of data anyway. I am done with the phone records and will purge the data and sell the drives.
So don't ask me about phone records going forward. I am done with them and the drives.
I will work on the other stuff when I get the system back up. It will take me two days to get the
system back up and online.
I still have stiches in me so it makes it slow getting around.
From: Mike []

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 6:39PM

To: 'David Webb'
Subject: RE: Rand Paul

I can, I just need you to finish something. We all get excited when you fine new stuff .. unbelievable
stuff... but now we something's finished. You are the only one who can do that .. If you get us what
we ... need we can help you ... we want to help .. but we can't if we cannot justify it. We have to
account for every cent. If you can finish the BC and do some more work on the Email I can get you
the Insurance money ..
I just spoke to the Sherriff he wishes you well. He was upset to learn of you medical situation.
From: David Webb]

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 7:30PM


To: Mike

Subject: Rand Paul

I will. There must be some way you guys can help keep me going. I am not asking for the moon and
stars, just enough to survive until I can get back on my feet.
I am still in shock from Mr. Cabo demanding financial data on Xmas eve "Cabo Xmas Massacre".
had to turn him down, and he didn't take it too well. But I did the right thing.


Melendres Contempt Exhibits - P Exhibit 2096

must know my health insurance will be paid. it is $2900 /month. If I can pay it, I at least will have
that option available to me. Only cost me $4,000 vs. $250,000 for the surgery this month.
I know these are my issues, but I am looking for a job ASAP, that would have health coverage. That
way my pre-existing condition is not an issue. But Monday hospital visit through me a curve.
If that wasn't enough l(atie has two large kidney stones that she can't pass (too large) and is having
surgery on Monday to remove them.

From: Mike [!]

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 5:57PM
To: 'David Webb'
Subject: RE: Rand Paul

Those SOB'S unreal. Dennis I don't want to stop working on getting Federal Immunity .. I think I can
open the doors now and we can get the info to them after you are well,
Can you send me a screen shot of Rand Paul's Name in the data base,

From: David Webb []

Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 6:53PM


Subject: Rand Paul

Kentucky residents harvested is over 240,000.
Rand Paul was harvested at least 4 times from 2004-2012 I know of: Downtown Optical (Park Ave
St), Clinic Optical (West Kentucky St.), Alchemy LLC (Wayside Way), election campaign, and his
Two companies Humana and YUM! Brands (Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut) have their cooperate
headquarters in Louisville, KY. Both have been harvested heavily by the CIA over the last 10 years.
YUM! Band in particular has had over 15,700 of their employees harvested across the US. The .pdf
file with just names on the page is over 80 pages.


Melendres Contempt Exhibits - P Exhibit 2096

Humana has over 200 over their employees harvested also.

The only way this kind of data could ever had been created was by the US Government harvesting on
a massage scale over so many years.
Texas is a different story and much larger harvested state. Exxon Mobil, Halliburton (which was not
harvested until 2008), and many of the fortune 100 companies had millions of their employees
harvested by the US Government without their knowledge all done by Brennan and Clapper covert
No surprise, Bush never harvested Halliburton (2004-2008), but it was Obama that did the
harvesting in 2009. Including all prior information they could obtain on Dick Cheney.


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