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Starting Build Points: 400


Race: Human Cost
Character Concept: Occult Investigator 0 CHARACTER CREATOR
Is Hacker/Technomancer? No Magic Tradition Shamanic by Harri Tusa (
Grimoire compiled by Christian J. Patterson

Body 1 +2 3 6 20 9 3
Agility 1 +2 3 6 20 9 3 Initiative 7
Reaction 1 +2 3 6 20 9 3 Condition (Stun) 10
Strength 1 +1 2 6 10 9 2 Condition (Physical) 10

Charisma 1 +3 4 6 30 9 4
Intuition 1 +3 4 6 30 9 4
Logic 1 +3 4 6 30 9 4
Willpower 1 +3 4 6 30 9 4

Edge 2 +1 3 7 10
Magic 1 +3 4 6 30 4
NOTES 0 0 0 6 0
Total Cost: 230


COMBAT SKILLS Specialization Cost PHYSICAL SKILLS Specialization Cost

Archery Climbing
Automatics Disguise
Blades Diving
Clubs Escape Artist
Dodge Gymnastics
Exotic Melee Weapons Infiltration
Exotic Ranged Weapons Navigation
Heavy Weapons Palming
Longarms Parachuting
Pistols 2 8 Perception 3 Visual 14
Throwing Weapons Running
Unarmed Combat Shadowing 2 8
MAGIC SKILLS Specialization Cost Swimming
Assensing 3 12 Tracking
Astral Combat
Banishing TECHNICAL SKILLS Specialization Cost
Binding Magic Aeronautics Mechanic
Counterspelling Armorer
Ritual Spellcasting Artisan
Spellcasting Automotive Mechanic
Summoning Computer
RESONANCE SKILLS Specialization Cost Cybertechnology
Compiling Data Search 3 12
Decompiling Demolitions
Registering Electronic Warfare
First Aid
SOCIAL SKILLS Specialization Cost Forgery
Con Hacking
Etiquette Hardware
Instruction Industrial Mechanic
Intimidation Locksmith 1 4
Leadership Medicine
Negotiation Nautical Mechanic
VEHICLE SKILLS Specialization Cost
Gunnery Total Cost: 58
Pilot Aerospace
Pilot Aircraft SKILL GROUPS
Pilot Anthroform Conjuring Skill Group 3 30
Pilot Exotic Vehicle Influence Skill Group 2 20
Pilot Ground Craft Sorcery Skill Group 3 30
Pilot Watercraft
Total Cost: 80


Magician 15
Local Area Knowledge 4 8
Tribal Politics 2 4
Underworld Politics 4 8
Addiction, Mild -5
Academic Bad Luck -20
Chemistry 3 6
Magical Theory 4 8

Total Cost: -5

Professional CONTACTS Connection Loyalty Cost

Police Procedures 2 4 Bartender 2 1 3
Lone Star Beat Cop 2 1 3
Street Snitch 2 2 4
Talismonger 1 1 2

Total Cost: 12

English N
Salish 2 4

Total Cost: 0

BP Spent Available Cash RESOURCES LEFT
Starting Gear 4 20,000 nuyen

Lifestyle Low 1,425¥

for 1 months

Starting Cash: (3D6+9) x 50 ¥

MELEE Cost Avail Reach AP DV

Knife 20 0 2P

PROJECTILE Cost Avail Ammo Type Type Damage AP Mode Capacity RC
Colt America L36 150 4R Regular Rounds Light Pistol 4P 0 SA 11(c)
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

Total Cost: 170

WEAPON ACCESSORIES Top Mount Avail Barrel Mount Avail Underbarrel Mount Avail Cost
Colt America L36 Laser Sight 2 100

Total Cost: 100

NOTE ON CYBERWARE: Items marked with a "+" (e.g. "+ Smartlink") are intended to be used with a base unit. They only cost Capacity, not
Essence. The number in brackets (e.g. [3]) is the Capacity cost and you have to track it manually. Cyberweapon cost is calculated with
Cyberware; for weapon stats, pick the corresponding cyberweapon from the standard weapons list (cost won't be double charged).

CYBERWARE Cost Essence Avail Implant Grade BIOWARE Cost Ess Ava Implant Grade
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Total Cost: 0 0.00 Total Cost: 0 0.00


PRIMARY ARMOR Cost Ballistic Impact Avail
Lined Coat 700 6 4 2

COMMLINK Cost Response Signal STOCK OS Cost FW Sys

Sony Emperor 700 2 3 Renraku Ichi 600 2 2
Total: 700 2 3

GEAR Cost Avail AMMUNITION/EXPLOSIVES (# x 1) Avail Cost

Glasses 25 Regular Rounds 110 2R 220
+ Low Light 100 4
+ Flare Compensation 50 2
+ Image Link 25
Earbuds 10
+ Audio Enhancement III 300 2
+ Spatial Recognizer 100 6
Lockpick Set 300 6R Total Cost: 220
Maglock Passkey (Rating 4) 8,000 12F
Fake SIN, Rating 3 3,000 12F
Fake License, Rating 4 400 12F
20 Security Tags 100 4
Micro - Capacity 1
+ Camera [1]
Micro - Capacity 1
+ Microphone [1] 50
Micro - Capacity 1
+ Directional Microphone [1] 50 4
Handheld - Capacity 3
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 3) [1] 75 4R

Total Cost: 12,585

SPELLS Cost Properties Type RangeDamageDuration Drain Value
Improved Invisibility 3 Realistic, Single-Sense P LOS Sustained 3
Influence 3 Mental M LOS Permanent 3
Ignite 3 Physical P LOS 4P Permanent 2
Magic Fingers 3 Physical P LOS Sustained 3
Mind Probe 3 Active, Directional M Touch Sustained 4
Stunbolt 3 Direct P LOS 4S Instant 1

Total Cost: 18

# of Spell slots left: 0

ADEPT POWERS Level PP Specialization (when applicable) NOTES

Power Points Left: 4.00

BOUND SPIRITS Favors Cost FOCI Force Cost Avail Bound BP Cost
Total Cost: Total Cost: Total BP Cost:

# of Adept Spirit slots left: 4

Force Cost

COMMLINK Response Signal STOCK OS Firewall System
Sony Emperor 2 3 Renraku Ichi 2 2
VR Initiative: 6
VR Initiative (Hot-Sim): 7

Matrix Defense: 2

Damage Resistance (Attack): 2

Damage Resistance (Black IC): 4
Matrix Condition Monitor: 9

Commlink Upgrade Rating Cost NOTES
Common Use
Reality Filter
Biofeedback Filter
Black Hammer
Data Bomb
Electronic Warfare
Maneuver (Aerospace)
Maneuver (Aircraft)
Maneuver (Anthroform)
Maneuver (Exotic Vehicle)
Maneuver (Ground Craft)
Maneuver (Watercraft)
Targeting (Automatics)
argeting (Exotic Ranged Weapons)
Targeting (Heavy Weapons)
Targeting (Longarms)
Targeting (Pistols)
Total Cost:
Human 0 1 6 9 1 6 9 1 6 9 1 6
Ork 20 4 9 13 1 6 9 1 6 9 3 8
Dwarf 25 2 7 10 1 6 9 1 5 7 3 8
Elf 30 1 6 9 2 7 10 1 6 9 1 6
Troll 40 5 10 15 1 5 7 1 6 9 5 10

Dam Overflow: 3 3 1 OOO

¥ RESOURCES: 1425¥
Adept 5
Ambidextrous 5
Animal Empathy 10
Aptitude 10
Astral Chameleon 5
Blandness 10
Codeslinger 10
Double Jointed 5
Exceptional Attribute, Body 20
Exceptional Attribute, Agility 20
Exceptional Attribute, Reaction 20
Exceptional Attribute, Strength 20
Exceptional Attribute, Charisma 20
Exceptional Attribute, Intuition 20
Exceptional Attribute, Logic 20
Exceptional Attribute, Willpower 20
First Impression 5
Focused Concentration I 10
Focused Concentration II 20
Guts 5
High Pain Tolerance I 5
High Pain Tolerance II 10
High Pain Tolerance III 15
Home Ground 10
Human Looking 5
Lucky 20
Magician 15
Magic Resistance I 5
Magic Resistance II 10
Magic Resistance III 15
Magic Resistance IV 20
Mentor Spirit 5
Murky Link 10
Mystic Adept 10
Natural Hardening 10
Natural Immunity I 5
Natural Immunity II 15
Photographic Memory 10
Quick Healer 10
Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins I 5
Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins II 10
Spirit Affinity 10
Technomancer 5
Toughness 10
Will to Live I 5
Will to Live II 10
Will to Live III 15
Addiction, Mild -5
Addiction, Moderate -10
Addiction, Severe -20
Addiction, Burnout -30
Allergy, Uncommon/Mild -5
Allergy, Uncommon/Moderate -10
Allergy, Uncommon/Severe -15
Allergy, Common/Mild -10
Allergy, Common/Moderate -15
Allergy, Common/Severe -20
Astral Beacon -5
Bad Luck -20
Codeblock -5
Combat Paralysis -20
Elf Poser -5
Gremlins I -5
Gremlins II -10
Gremlins III -15
Gremlins IV -20
Incompetent -5
Infirm -20
Low Pain Tolerance -10
Ork Poser -5
Scorched -5
Sensitive Neural Structure -5
Sensitive System -15
Simsense Vertigo -10
SINner, Standard -5
SINner, Criminal -10
Spirit Bane -10
Uncouth -20
Uneducated -20
Weak Immune System -5

Magic: 4
Calculator F 5


Hermetic 4 Logic
Shamanic 4 Charisma

Drain Stat Used: 4 Charisma

SPELLS PropertType RanDamage Dur Drain DV Drain DV (calculator)

Acid Stream Indirec P LOS4P Inst 5 5
Toxic Wave Indirec P LOS4P Inst 7 7
Punch Indirec P Tou 4S Inst 1 1
Clout Indirec P LOS4S Inst 2 2
Blast Indirec P LOS4S Inst 4 4
Death Touch Direct, M Tou 4P Inst 1 1
Manabolt Direct M LOS4P Inst 2 2
Manaball Direct, M LOS4P Inst 4 4
Flamethrower Indirec P LOS4P Inst 5 5
Fireball Indirec P LOS4P Inst 7 7
Lightning Bolt Indirec P LOS4P Inst 5 5
Ball Lightning Indirec P LOS4P Inst 7 7
Shatter Direct, P Tou 4P Inst 1 1
Powerbolt Direct P LOS4P Inst 3 3
Powerball Direct, P LOS4P Inst 5 5
Knockout Direct, P Tou 4P Inst -1 -1
Stunbolt Direct P LOS4S Inst 1 1
Stunball Direct, P LOS4S Inst 3 3
Analyze Device Active, M Touch Sus 2 2
Analyze Truth Active, M Touch Sus 2 2
Clairaudience PassiveM Touch Sus 1 1
Clairvoyance PassiveM Touch Sus 1 1
Combat Sense Active, M Touch Sus 4 4
Detect [Life Form] Active, M Touch (Radius: 16m Sus 1 1
Detect [Life Form], Extnd. Active M Touch (Radius: 160 Sus 3 3
Detect [Object] Active, P Touch (Radius: 16m Sus 1 1
Detect [Object], Extnd. Active P Touch (Radius: 160 Sus 3 3
Detect Enemies Active, M Touch (Radius: 16m Sus 3 3
Detect Enemies, Extnd. Active M Touch (Radius: 160 Sus 5 5
Detect Individual Active, M Touch (Radius: 16m Sus 1 1
Detect Individual, Extnd. Active M Touch (Radius: 160 Sus 3 3
Detect Life Active, M Touch (Radius: 16m Sus 2 2
Detect Life, Extnd. Active M Touch (Radius: 160 Sus 4 4
Detect Magic Active, M Touch (Radius: 16m Sus 2 2
Detect Magic, Extnd. Active M Touch (Radius: 160 Sus 4 4
Mindlink Active, M Touch Sus 3 3
Mind Probe Active, M Touch Sus 4 4
Antidote M Touch Per Toxin DV - Toxin DV - 2
Cure Disease M Touch Per Disease DVDisease DV- 2
Decrease Agility Negati P Tou Agil - Net Hits Sus 3 3
Decrease Body Negati P Tou Bod - Net Hits Sus 3 3
Decrease Charisma Negati P Tou Cha - Net Hits Sus 3 3
Decrease Intuition Negati P Tou Intu - Net Hits Sus 3 3
Decrease Logic Negati P Tou Log - Net Hits Sus 3 3
Decrease Reaction Negati P Tou Rea - Net Hits Sus 3 3
Decrease Strength Negati P Tou Str - Net Hits Sus 3 3
Decrease Willpower Negati P Tou Will - Net Hits Sus 3 3
Detox M Touch Per Toxin DV - Toxin DV - 2
Heal M Touch Per DV-2 DV-2
Hibernate M Touch Sus -1 -1
Increase Agility Negati P Tou Agil + Net Hits Sus 0 0
Increase Body Negati P Tou Bod + Net Hits Sus 0 0
Increase Charisma Negati P Tou Cha + Net Hits Sus 0 0
Increase Intuition Negati P Tou Intu + Net Hits Sus 0 0
Increase Logic Negati P Tou Log + Net Hits Sus 0 0
Increase Reaction Negati P Tou Rea + Net Hits Sus 0 0
Increase Strength Negati P Tou Str + Net Hits Sus 0 0
Increase Willpower Negati P Tou Will + Net Hits Sus 0 0
Increase Reflexes P Tou +1 Init & Pass/( Sus 4 4
Oxygenate P Tou +1 bod/hit & watSus 1 1
Prophylaxis M Tou +1 die/hit resist Sus 0 0
Resist Pain M Tou ignore 1 box dm Per -2 -2
Stabilize M Touch Per Overflow D Overflow DV - 2
Confusion Realist M LOS Sus 2 2
Mass Confusion Realist M LOS (A) Sus 4 4
Chaos Realist P LOS Sus 3 3
Chaotic World Realist P LOS (A) Sus 5 5
Entertainment Obviou M LOS (A) Sus 3 3
Trid Entertainment Obviou P LOS (A) Sus 4 4
Invisibility Realist M LOS Sus 2 2
Improved Invisibility Realist P LOS Sus 3 3
Mask Realist M Touch Sus 2 2
Physical Mask Realist P Touch Sus 3 3
Phantasm Realist M LOS (A) Sus 4 4
Trid Phantasm Realist P LOS (A) Sus 5 5
Hush Realist M LOS (A) Sus 4 4
Silence Realist P LOS (A) Sus 5 5
Stealth Realist P LOS Sus 3 3
Armor Physic P LOS Sus 5 5
Control Actions Mental M LOS Sus 2 2
Mob Control Mental M LOS (A) Sus 4 4
Control Emotions Mental M LOS Sus 2 2
Mob Mood Mental M LOS (A) Sus 4 4
Control Thoughts Mental M LOS Sus 4 4
Mob Mind Mental M LOS (A) Sus 6 6
Fling Physic P LOS (Wt: 4kg, Str: 2 Inst 3 3
Ice Sheet Enviro P LOS (A) Inst 5 5
Ignite Physic P LOS4P Per 2 2
Influence Mental M LOS Per 3 3
Levitate Physic P LOS Sus 3 3
Light Enviro P LOS (Radius: 4m) Sus 1 1
Magic Fingers Physic P LOS Sus 3 3
Mana Barrier Enviro M LOS (A) Sus 3 3
Petrify Physic P LOS Sus 4 4
Physical Barrier Enviro P LOS (A) Sus 5 5
Poltergeist Enviro P LOS (A) Sus 5 5
Shadow Enviro P LOS (A) Sus 3 3
Shapechange Physic P LOS Sus 4 4
(Critter) Form Physic P LOS Sus 3 3
Turn to Goo Physic P LOS Sus 4 4

Athletics Skill Group
Biotech Skill Group
Close Combat Skill Group
Conjuring Skill Group
Cracking Skill Group
Electronics Skill Group
Firearms Skill Group
Influence Skill Group
Mechanic Skill Group
Outdoors Skill Group
Sorcery Skill Group
Stealth Skill Group
Tasking Skill Group

ADEPT POWERS PPCost BodAgi Reac Str Cha In LogWill

Astral Perception 1 Allows you to perceive Astrally
Attribute Boost 0.25 Boosts attribute by hits on (Magic+Power Level) test for 2 x hits Combat Rounds
Combat Sense 0.5 dice Surprise and Attack Defense
Critical Strike 0.25 to unarmed DV
Enhanced Perception 0.25 dice to perception tests
Great Leap 0.25 to agility for jump tests
Improved Ability, Combat Skills 0.5 dice to linked combat skill
Improved Ability, Physical Skills 0.25 dice to linked physical skill
Improved Physical Attribute, Body 1 to body up to racial max (alread 1
Improved Physical Attribute, Agility 1 to agility up to racial max (already c 1
Improved Physical Attribute, Reacti 1 to reaction up to racial max (already calculated) 1
Improved Physical Attribute, Strengt 1 to strength up to racial max (already calculated) 1
Improved Reflexes I 2 +1 Reaction/+1 Initiative Pass (already calculat 1
Improved Reflexes II 3 +2 Reaction/+2 Initiative Pass (already calculat 2
Improved Reflexes III 5 +3 Reaction/+3 Initiative Pass (already calculat 3
Improved Sense 0.25 Direction, Scent, Taste, Flare Comp. or Sound Damp.
Killing Hands 0.5 Unarmed attacks deal lethal and bypass armor
Kinesics 0.5 to Social tests
Missile Parry 0.25 dice to missile parry
Mystic Armor 0.5 Balistic/Impact Armor
Pain Resistance 0.5 -1 to damage box/+2 dice to resist pain
Rapid Healing 0.25 dice to healing tests
Voice Control 0.5 Control pitch of voice
Natural Immunity 0.25 dice for resistance tests vs. toxin/disease
Spell Resitance 0.5 dice to resist spells

Street 1D6 10 3 0
Squatter 2D6 20 6 500
Low 3D6 50 9 2000
Middle 4D6 100 12 5000
High 4D6 500 12 10000
Luxury 4D6 1000 12 100000

1,425 Low 9
(3D6+9) x 50 ¥
Reach: 0
Unarmed: 1 0 S 1S
MELEE WEAPONS Reach Damage AP Availability Cost
Combat Axe 2 5P -1 8R ###
Forearm Snap Blades 0 3P 6R ###
Katana 1 4P -1 4R ###
Knife 0 2P 20
Monofilament Sword 1 4P -1 8R ###
Survival Knife 0 2P -1 50
Sword 1 4P 4R ###
Club 1 2P 30
Extendable Baton 1 2P 50
Sap 0 2S 30
Staff 2 3P 50
Stun Baton 1 6S(e) -hal 4R ###
Polearm 2 3P -2 4R ###
Monofilament Chainsaw 1 5P -2 4 ###
Monofilament Whip 2 8P -4 12F ###
Shock Glove 0 5S(e) -hal 3R ###
Riot Shield 1S 2
Taser Armor/Shield 6S(e) ###
Hand Blade 0 3P
Hand Razors 0 2P
Shock Hand 0 6S(e) -half
Spurs 1 4P


BOWS Type Damage AP Mode RC Rshort Rmed Rlong Rext Am Av Cost
Bow (Min Str Rating 1) Bow 3 SS 0-1m 2-10m 11-30m 31-60m 1 2 100
Bow (Min Str Rating 2) Bow 4 SS 0-2m 3-20m 21-60m 61-120m 1 2 200
Bow (Min Str Rating 3) Bow 5 SS 0-3m 4-30m 31-90m 91-180m 1 2 300
Bow (Min Str Rating 4) Bow 6 SS 0-4m 5-40m 41-120m 121-240m 1 2 400
Bow (Min Str Rating 5) Bow 7 SS 0-5m 6-50m 51-150m 151-300m 1 2 500
Bow (Min Str Rating 6) Bow 8 SS 0-6m 7-60m 61-180m 181-360m 1 2 600
Bow (Min Str Rating 7) Bow 9 SS 0-7m 8-70m 71-210m 211-420m 1 2 700
Bow (Min Str Rating 8) Bow 10 SS 0-8m 9-80m 81-240m 241-480m 1 2 800
Bow (Min Str Rating 9) Bow 11 SS 0-9m 10-90m 91-270m 271-540m 1 2 900
Bow (Min Str Rating 10) Bow 12 SS 0-10m 11-100m 101-300m 301-600m 1 2 1000
Light Crossbow Bow 3 SS 4(m 2 300
Medium Crossbow Bow 5 SS 4(m 4R 500
Heavy Crossbow Bow 7 -1 SS 4(m 8R 750
Thrown Knife (cost per 10) Throw 2 0-2m 3-4m 5-6m 7-10m 1 2 200
Shuriken (cost per 10) Throw 1 0-2m 3-4m 5-10m 11-14m 1 2 300
Defiance EX Shocker Taser 8 SS 4(m) 150
Yamaha Pulsar Taser 6 SA 4(m) 150
Raecor Sting (flech) Hold-ou 6 2 SS 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 5(c) 6R 350
Streetline Special Hold-ou 4 SS 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 6(c) 4R 100
Colt America L36 Light P 4 SA 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 11(c4R 150
Flechetti Security 600 Light P 4 SA (1) 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 30(c6R 450
Hammerli 620S Light P 4 SA 1 0-5m 6-20m 21-40m 41-60m 6(c) 8R 650
Yamaha Sakura Fubuki Light P 4 SA/BF (1) 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 10(m10R 2000
Ares Predator IV Heavy 5 -1 SA 0-5m 6-20m 21-40m 41-60m 15(c4R 350
Ares Viper Silvergun Heavy 8P(f) 2 SA/BF 0-5m 6-20m 21-40m 41-60m 30(c5R 500
Colt Manhunter Heavy 5 -1 SA 0-5m 6-20m 21-40m 41-60m 16(c4R 300
Remington Roomsweeper Heavy 5 -1 SA 0-5m 6-20m 21-40m 41-60m 8(m 6R 250
+ with flechettes 7 2
Ruger Super Warhawk Heavy 6 -2 SS 0-5m 6-20m 21-40m 41-60m 6(cy3R 250
Ceska Black Scorpion Machin 4 SA/BF 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 35(c8R 550
Steyr TMP Machin 4 SA/BF/FA (1) 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 30(c8R 600
AK-97 Carbine SMG 5 SA/BF/FA (1) 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 30(c4R 400
HK-227X SMG 5 SA/BF/FA 2(3) 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 28(c8R 800
HK MP-5 TX SMG 5 SA/BF/FA 2(3) 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 20(c4R 550
Ingram Smartgun X SMG 5 BF/FA (1) 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 32(c6R 650
Uzi IV SMG 5 BF (1) 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 24(c4R 500
AK-97 Assault 6 -1 SA/BF/FA 0-50m 51-150m 151-350m 351-550m 38(c4R 500
Ares Alpha Assault 6 -1 SA/BF/FA 2 0-50m 51-150m 151-350m 351-550m 42(c12F 1700
+ Grenade Launcher Grenade SS 5-50m 51-100m 101-150m 151-500m 6(c)
FN HAR Assault 6 -1 SA/BF/FA 2 0-50m 51-150m 151-350m 351-550m 35(c8R 1000
HK XM30 Assault 6 -1 SA/BF/FA (1) 0-50m 51-150m 151-350m 351-550m 30(c15F 2500
+ Grenade Launcher Grenade SS 5-50m 51-100m 101-150m 151-500m 8(c)
+ Shotgun Shotgu 7 1 SA (1) 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 10(c) 1000
+ Carbine Carbin 5 SA/BF/FA (1) 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 30(c) 500
+ Sniper Sniper 7 -2 SA (1) 0-150m 151-350 351-800m 801-1500m 10(c) 1000
+ LMG Machin 6 -1 BF/FA 2(3) 0-80m 81-250m 251-750m 751-1200m 100(belt 1000
Ruger 100 Sport R 7 -1 SA (1) 0-100m 101-250 251-500m 501-750m 5(m 4R 900
PJSS Elephant Rifle Sport R 9 -1 SS (1) 0-100m 101-250 251-500m 501-750m 2(b) 12R 6000
Ranger Arms SM-4 Sniper 8 -3 SA (1) 0-150m 151-350 351-800m 801-1500m 15(c16F 6200
Walter MA-2100 Sniper 7 -3 SA (1) 0-150m 151-350 351-800m 801-1500m 10( 10F 5000
Mossberg AM-CMDT (flech) Shotgu 9 2 SA/BF/FA 0-10m 11-25m 26-40m 41-60m 10(c12R 1000
Remington 990 Shotgu 7 -1 SA (1) 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 8(m 4R 550
+ with flechettes 9 2 0-10m 11-25m 26-40m 41-60m
Ares S-III Super Squirt Special SA 20(c 4 500
Flechetti Pain Inducer Special -hal SS Spe 8R 2000
Ingram White Knight LMG 6 -1 BF/FA 5(6) 0-80m 81-250m 251-750m 751-1200m 50(c12F 2000
Stoner-Ares M202 MMG 6 -2 FA 0-80m 81-250m 251-750m 751-1200m 50(c12F 4500
Ultimax HMG-2 HMG 7 -3 FA 3(1 0-80m 81-250m 251-750m 751-1200m 50(c15F 7500
Panther XXL Assaul 10 -5 SS (1) 0-100m 101-300 301-750m 751-1500m 15(c20F 5500
Ares Antioch-2 Grenade SS 5-50m 51-100m 101-150m 151-500m 8(m 8F 600
ArmTech MGL-2 Grenade SA 5-50m 51-100m 101-150m 151-500m 12(c10F 2000
Aztechnology Striker Missile SS 20-70m 71-150m 151-450m 451-1500m 1(ml10F 1000
Mitsubishi YakuSoku MRL Missile SA 20-70m 71-150m 151-450m 451-1500m 8(m 20F ###
Micro Flare Launcher Exotic 3 SS 1(ml)
Grapple Gun Exotic 5 SS 1(ml)
Cyber Holdout Cyber 4 SS 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 2(m)/6(c)
Light Cyber Pistol Cyber 4 SA 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 12(m)/12(c)
Cyber Machine Pistol Cyber 4 SA/BF 1 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 12(m)/35(c)
Heavy Cyber Pistol Cyber 5 -1 SA 0-5m 6-20m 21-40m 41-60m 10(m)/10(c)
Cyber Submachine Gun Cyber 5 SA/BF 2 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 12(m)/24(c)
Cyber Shotgun Cyberweapon SA 0-10m 11-40m 41-80m 81-150m 10(m)/10(cy)
Cyber Microgrenade Launcher Cyberweapon SS 5-50m 51-100m 101-150m 151-500m 2(m)/6(c)


Top Mount
Imaging Scope 3 300
Laser Sight 2 100
Periscope 3 50
Smartgun System, External 4R 400
Barrel Mount
Gas-Vent 2 System 4R 200 2
Gas-Vent 3 System 6R 400 3
Laser Sight 2 100
Silencer 8F 200
Sound Suppressor 12F 300
Underbarrel Mount
Bipod 2 100
Gyro Stabilization 7 3000
Laser Sight 2 100
Smart Firing Platform 12F 2000
Smartgun System, External 4R 400
Tripod 4 300


Colt America L36
Laser Sight







+ Laser Sight

+ Laser Sight
APDS Rounds 0 -4 P 16F 7
Explosive Rounds 1 -1 P 8F 5
EX Explosive Rounds 2 -2 P 12F 10
Flechette Rounds 2 2 P(f) 2R 10
Gel Rounds 2 2 S 4R 3
Regular Rounds 0 0 P 2R 2
Stick 'n' Shock Rounds 6 S(e 5R 8
Assault Cannon Rounds P 16F 45
Flash-Bang Grenade 6 -3 S 6R 30
Flash-Pak ###
Frag Grenade 12 2 P(f) 10F 35
HE Grenade 10 -2 P 7F 45
Smoke Grenade 30
Thermal Grenade 35
Anti-Vehicle Missile/Rocket 16 -2 P 20F
Frag Missile/Rocket 16 2 P(f) 16F
HE Missile/Rocket 14 -2 P 20F
1kg Commercial Explosive (Rating 3) 8R ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 4) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 5) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 6) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 7) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 8) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 9) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 10) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 11) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 12) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 13) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 14) 12F ###
1kg Foam Explosive (Rating 15) 12F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 4) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 5) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 6) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 7) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 8) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 9) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 10) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 11) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 12) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 13) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 14) 16F ###
1kg Plastic Explosive (Rating 15) 16F ###
Detonator Cap 8R 75
Taser S(e)


1 250 10 4
2 750 50 4
3 1250 150 8
4 2000 500 8
5 4000 1000 12
6 8000 3000 16

ARMOR Ball Impact Av Cost

Actioneer Business Clothes 5 3 8 1500
Armor Clothing 4 0 2 500
Armor Jacket 8 6 2 900
Armor Vest 6 4 4 600
Camouflage Suit 8 6 4 1200
Chameleon Suit 6 4 10R 8000
Full Body Armor 10 8 14R 6000
Full Body Armor (w/ Helmet) 12 10 14R 7000
Leather Jacket 2 2 200
Lined Coat 6 4 2 700
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit 6 6 8 500
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit (w/ Helmet 6 8 8 550

Encubrance Bigges Penalty

6 0

FOCI Base ABase Cost

Spellcasting Focus 4 15000
Counterspelling Focus 4 5000
Sustaining Focus 4 10000
Summoning Focus 4 15000
Banishing Focus 4 5000
Binding Focus 4 10000
Weapon Focus 5 10000
Power Focus 4 25000


0 0 No
0 0 No
0 0 No
0 0 No
0 0 No
0 0 No


Leather Jacket (Ballistic/Impact - 2/2) 200
Actioneer Business Clothes (Ballistic 8 1500
Armor Clothing (Ballistic/Impact - 4/ 2 500
Armor Jacket (Ballistic/Impact - 8/6) 2 900
Armor Vest (Ballistic/Impact - 6/4) 4 600
Camouflage Suit (Ballistic/Impact - 8 4 1200
Chameleon Suit (Ballistic/Impact - 6/ 10R 8000
Full Body Armor (Ballistic/Impact - 1 14R 6000
Full Body Armor (w/ Helmet) (Ballist 14R 7000
Lined Coat (Ballistic/Impact - 6/4) 2 700
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit (Ballistic/Im 8 500
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit (w/ Helmet) 8 550
Helmet (Ballistic/Impact - +1/+2) 2 100
Ballistic Shield (Ballistic/Impact - +6 12R 1500
Riot Shield (Ballistic/Impact - +2/+6) 6R 200
Taser Shield (Ballistic/Impact - +2/+ 10R 750
AR Gloves 250
Biometric Reader 4 200
Nanopaste Trodes 2 100
Printer 5
Satellite Link 4 500
Sim Module 100
Sim Module, Modified for HotSim/B 4F 250
Simrig 12 1000
Skinlink 6 50
Subvocal Microphone 6 50
Trodes 50
Electronic Paper 20
Holo Projector 200
20 Standard RFID Tags 1
20 Security Tags 4 100
20 Stealth Tags 6 5
Headjammer (Rating 1) 6R 250
Headjammer (Rating 2) 6R 500
Headjammer (Rating 3) 6R 750
Headjammer (Rating 4) 6R 1,000
Headjammer (Rating 5) 6R 1,250
Headjammer (Rating 6) 6R 1,500
Jammer, Area (Rating 1) 3F 500
Jammer, Area (Rating 2) 6F 1,000
Jammer, Area (Rating 3) 9F 1,500
Jammer, Area (Rating 4) 12F 2,000
Jammer, Area (Rating 5) 15F 2,500
Jammer, Area (Rating 6) 18F 3,000
Jammer, Area (Rating 7) 21F 3,500
Jammer, Area (Rating 8) 24F 4,000
Jammer, Area (Rating 9) 27F 4,500
Jammer, Area (Rating 10) 30F 5,000
Jammer, Directional (Rating 1) 2F 500
Jammer, Directional (Rating 2) 4F 1,000
Jammer, Directional (Rating 3) 6F 1,500
Jammer, Directional (Rating 4) 8F 2,000
Jammer, Directional (Rating 5) 10F 2,500
Jammer, Directional (Rating 6) 12F 3,000
Jammer, Directional (Rating 7) 14F 3,500
Jammer, Directional (Rating 8) 16F 4,000
Jammer, Directional (Rating 9) 18F 4,500
Jammer, Directional (Rating 10) 20F 5,000
Micro-Transceiver (Rating 1) 2 200
Micro-Transceiver (Rating 2) 4 400
Micro-Transceiver (Rating 3) 6 600
Micro-Transceiver (Rating 4) 8 800
Micro-Transceiver (Rating 5) 10 1,000
Micro-Transceiver (Rating 6) 12 1,200
Tag Eraser 6F 150
White Noise Generator (Rating 1) 2 50
White Noise Generator (Rating 2) 3 100
White Noise Generator (Rating 3) 4 150
White Noise Generator (Rating 4) 5 200
White Noise Generator (Rating 5) 6 250
White Noise Generator (Rating 6) 7 300
Activesoft (Rating 1) 8 3,000
Activesoft (Rating 2) 8 6,000
Activesoft (Rating 3) 8 9,000
Activesoft (Rating 4) 8 12,000
Knowsoft (Rating 1) 4 1,000
Knowsoft (Rating 2) 4 2,000
Knowsoft (Rating 3) 4 3,000
Knowsoft (Rating 4) 4 4,000
Knowsoft (Rating 5) 4 5,000
Linguasoft (Rating 1) 2 500
Linguasoft (Rating 2) 2 1,000
Linguasoft (Rating 3) 2 1,500
Linguasoft (Rating 4) 2 2,000
Linguasoft (Rating 5) 2 2,500
Certified Credstick 25
Fake License, Rating 1 3F 100
Fake License, Rating 2 6F 200
Fake License, Rating 3 9F 300
Fake License, Rating 4 12F 400
Fake License, Rating 5 15F 500
Fake License, Rating 6 18F 600
Fake SIN, Rating 1 4F 1,000
Fake SIN, Rating 2 8F 2,000
Fake SIN, Rating 3 12F 3,000
Fake SIN, Rating 4 16F 4,000
Fake SIN, Rating 5 20F 5,000
Fake SIN, Rating 6 24F 6,000
Kit 500
Shop 8 5,000
Facility 12 100,000
Binoculars 100
Contact Lenses 6 50
Glasses 25
Goggles 50
Endoscope 8 250
Monocle 4 25
Periscope 3 50
Mage Sight Goggles 12R 2,000
+ Low Light 4 100
+ Flare Compensation 2 50
+ Image Link 25
+ Smartlink 4R 500
+ Thermographic 6 100
+ Ultrasound 8 1,000
+ Vision Enhancement I 4 100
+ Vision Enhancement II 4 200
+ Vision Enhancement III 4 300
+ Vision Magnification 2 100
Earbuds 10
Headphones 50
+ Audio Enhancement I 2 100
+ Audio Enhancement II 2 200
+ Audio Enhancement III 2 300
+ Select Sound Filter I 8 200
+ Select Sound Filter II 8 400
+ Select Sound Filter III 8 600
+ Spatial Recognizer 6 100
RFID - Capacity 1
Micro - Capacity 1
Handheld - Capacity 3
Mounted - Capacity 5
Large Drone - Capacity 8
Vehicle - Capacity 12
+ Atmosphere Sensor (Rating 1) [1 2 25
+ Atmosphere Sensor (Rating 2) [1 2 50
+ Atmosphere Sensor (Rating 3) [1 2 75
+ Camera [1]
+ Cyberware Scanner (Rating 1) [1 4R 75
+ Cyberware Scanner (Rating 2) [1 4R 150
+ Cyberware Scanner (Rating 3) [1 4R 225
+ Cyberware Scanner (Rating 4) [1 4R 300
+ Cyberware Scanner (Rating 5) [1 4R 375
+ Cyberware Scanner (Rating 6) [1 4R 450
+ Directional Microphone [1] 4 50
+ Geiger Counter [1] 4 50
+ Laser Microphone (Rating 1) [2] 8R 50
+ Laser Microphone (Rating 2) [2] 8R 100
+ Laser Microphone (Rating 3) [2] 8R 150
+ Laser Microphone (Rating 4) [2] 8R 200
+ Laser Microphone (Rating 5) [2] 8R 250
+ Laser Microphone (Rating 6) [2] 8R 300
+ Laser Rangefinder [1] 8 100
+ MAD Scanner (Rating 1) [1] 6R 75
+ MAD Scanner (Rating 2) [1] 6R 150
+ MAD Scanner (Rating 3) [1] 6R 225
+ Microphone [1] 50
+ Motion Sensor [1] 4 50
+ Olfactory Sensor (Rating 1) [1] 4 500
+ Olfactory Sensor (Rating 2) [1] 4 1000
+ Olfactory Sensor (Rating 3) [1] 4 1500
+ Olfactory Sensor (Rating 4) [1] 4 2000
+ Olfactory Sensor (Rating 5) [1] 4 2500
+ Olfactory Sensor (Rating 6) [1] 4 3000
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 1) 4R 25
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 2) 4R 50
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 3) 4R 75
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 4) 4R 100
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 5) 4R 125
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 6) 4R 150
Key Lock (Rating 1) 10
Key Lock (Rating 2) 20
Key Lock (Rating 3) 30
Key Lock (Rating 4) 40
Key Lock (Rating 5) 50
Key Lock (Rating 6) 60
Maglock (Rating 1) 100
Maglock (Rating 2) 200
Maglock (Rating 3) 300
Maglock (Rating 4) 400
Maglock (Rating 5) 500
Maglock (Rating 6) 600
+ Keypad or Card Reader 50
+ Anti-Tamper Circuits (Rating 1) 100
+ Anti-Tamper Circuits (Rating 2) 200
+ Anti-Tamper Circuits (Rating 3) 300
+ Anti-Tamper Circuits (Rating 4) 400
+ Biometric Reader 4 200
Metal Restraints 20
Plasteel Restraints 6R 50
10 Plastic Restraints 1
Containment Manacles 6R 200
Autopicker (Rating 1) 8R 200
Autopicker (Rating 2) 8R 400
Autopicker (Rating 3) 8R 600
Autopicker (Rating 4) 8R 800
Autopicker (Rating 5) 8R 1000
Autopicker (Rating 6) 8R 1200
Cellular Glove (Rating 1) 12F 200
Cellular Glove (Rating 2) 12F 400
Cellular Glove (Rating 3) 12F 600
Chisel 20
Keycard Copier (Rating 1) 8F 300
Keycard Copier (Rating 2) 8F 600
Keycard Copier (Rating 3) 8F 900
Keycard Copier (Rating 4) 8F 1200
Keycard Copier (Rating 5) 8F 1500
Keycard Copier (Rating 6) 8F 1800
Lockpick Set 6R 300
Maglock Passkey (Rating 1) 3F 2000
Maglock Passkey (Rating 2) 6F 4000
Maglock Passkey (Rating 3) 9F 6000
Maglock Passkey (Rating 4) 12F 8000
Maglock Passkey (Rating 5) 15F 10000
Maglock Passkey (Rating 6) 18F 12000
Miniwelder 2 250
Monofilament Chainsaw 4 300
Sequencer (Rating 1) 3F 200
Sequencer (Rating 2) 6F 400
Sequencer (Rating 3) 9F 600
Sequencer (Rating 4) 12F 800
Sequencer (Rating 5) 15F 1000
Sequencer (Rating 6) 18F 1200
Wire Clippers 25
Chemsuit (Rating 1) 2 100
Chemsuit (Rating 2) 4 200
Chemsuit (Rating 3) 6 300
Chemsuit (Rating 4) 8 400
Chemsuit (Rating 5) 10 500
Chemsuit (Rating 6) 12 600
Climbing Gear 200
Diving Gear 6 2000
Gas Mask 100
Gecko Tape Gloves 12 250
GPS 3 200
Hazmat Suit 8 1000
Flashlight 25
Light Stick (per 5) 25
Magnesium Torch (per 5) 100
Micro Flare Launcher 50
Micro Flares (per 4) 100
Rappelling Gloves 70
Respirator (Rating 1) 2 100
Respirator (Rating 2) 4 200
Respirator (Rating 3) 6 300
Respirator (Rating 4) 8 400
Respirator (Rating 5) 10 500
Respirator (Rating 6) 12 600
Survival Kit 4 100
Grapple Gun 8R 500
Catalyst Stick 8F 120
Microwire (100m) 4 50
Myomeric Rope (10m) 10 200
Standard Rope (100m) 50
Stealth Rope (100m) 8F 85
Glue Sprayer 2 150
Thermite Burning Bar 16R 500
5 x Thermite Burning Bar 16R 2500
Biomonitor 300
Disposable Syringe (per 5) 50
Medkit (Rating 1) 100
Medkit (Rating 2) 200
Medkit (Rating 3) 300
Medkit (Rating 4) 400
Medkit (Rating 5) 500
Medkit (Rating 6) 600
DocWagon Contract, Basic 5000
DocWagon Contract, Gold 25000
DocWagon Contract, Platinum 50000
DocWagon Contract, Super-Platinum 100000
Antidote Patch (Rating 1) 1 50
Antidote Patch (Rating 2) 2 100
Antidote Patch (Rating 3) 3 150
Antidote Patch (Rating 4) 4 200
Antidote Patch (Rating 5) 5 250
Antidote Patch (Rating 6) 6 300
Stimulant Patch (Rating 1) 2 25
Stimulant Patch (Rating 2) 4 50
Stimulant Patch (Rating 3) 6 75
Stimulant Patch (Rating 4) 8 100
Stimulant Patch (Rating 5) 10 125
Stimulant Patch (Rating 6) 12 150
Tranq Patch (Rating 1) 2 20
Tranq Patch (Rating 2) 4 40
Tranq Patch (Rating 3) 6 60
Tranq Patch (Rating 4) 8 80
Tranq Patch (Rating 5) 10 100
Tranq Patch (Rating 6) 12 120
Tranq Patch (Rating 7) 14 140
Tranq Patch (Rating 8) 16 160
Tranq Patch (Rating 9) 18 180
Tranq Patch (Rating 10) 20 200
Trauma Patch 2 500
5 x Trauma Patch 2 2500
Latex Face Mask 8 500
Nanopaste Disguise, Small Containe 12 500
Nanopaste Disguise, Large Containe 16 1000

Regular Rounds 110
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

+ Low Light
+ Flare Compensation
+ Image Link
+ Audio Enhancement III
+ Spatial Recognizer
Lockpick Set
Maglock Passkey (Rating 4)
Fake SIN, Rating 3
Fake License, Rating 4
20 Security Tags
Micro - Capacity 1
+ Camera [1]
Micro - Capacity 1
+ Microphone [1]
Micro - Capacity 1
+ Directional Microphone [1]
Handheld - Capacity 3
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 3) [1]
Magical Lodge Materials (Force 3)0

+ Camera [1]
Magical Lodge Materials (Force 3)
110 x Regular Rounds
110 x Regular Rounds

ADEPTPOWER GATHER Body Agi ReaStr ChaIn Log Will BodRes ArmArmInitPass
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

Pistols 2

Assensing 3
Perception 3 Visual

Shadowing 2

Data Search 3

Locksmith 1

Conjuring Skill Group 3

Influence Skill Group 2
Sorcery Skill Group 3
Aeronautics Mechanic #N/A ### #N/A
Archery #N/A ### #N/A
Armorer #N/A ### #N/A
Artisan #N/A ### #N/A
Assensing Assensing 3
Astral Combat #N/A ### #N/A
Athletics Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
Automatics #N/A ### #N/A
Automotive Mechanic #N/A ### #N/A
Banishing #N/A ### #N/A
Binding Magic #N/A ### #N/A
Biotech Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
Blades #N/A ### #N/A
Climbing #N/A ### #N/A
Close Combat Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
Clubs #N/A ### #N/A
Compiling #N/A ### #N/A
Computer #N/A ### #N/A
Con #N/A ### #N/A
Conjuring Skill Group Conjuring S 3
Counterspelling #N/A ### #N/A
Cracking Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
Cybercombat #N/A ### #N/A
Cybertechnology #N/A ### #N/A
Data Search Data Searc 3
Decompiling #N/A ### #N/A
Demolitions #N/A ### #N/A
Disguise #N/A ### #N/A
Diving #N/A ### #N/A
Dodge #N/A ### #N/A
Electronic Warfare #N/A ### #N/A
Electronics Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
Escape Artist #N/A ### #N/A
Etiquette #N/A ### #N/A
Exotic Melee Weapons #N/A ### #N/A
Exotic Ranged Weapons #N/A ### #N/A
Firearms Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
First Aid #N/A ### #N/A
Forgery #N/A ### #N/A
Gunnery #N/A ### #N/A
Gymnastics #N/A ### #N/A
Hacking #N/A ### #N/A
Hardware #N/A ### #N/A
Heavy Weapons #N/A ### #N/A
Industrial Mechanic #N/A ### #N/A
Infiltration #N/A ### #N/A
Influence Skill Group Influence S 2
Instruction #N/A ### #N/A
Intimidation #N/A ### #N/A
Leadership #N/A ### #N/A
Locksmith Locksmith 1
Longarms #N/A ### #N/A
Mechanic Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
Medicine #N/A ### #N/A
Nautical Mechanic #N/A ### #N/A
Navigation #N/A ### #N/A
Negotiation #N/A ### #N/A
Outdoors Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
Palming #N/A ### #N/A
Parachuting #N/A ### #N/A
Perception Perception 3 Visual
Pilot Aerospace #N/A ### #N/A
Pilot Aircraft #N/A ### #N/A
Pilot Anthroform #N/A ### #N/A
Pilot Exotic Vehicle #N/A ### #N/A
Pilot Ground Craft #N/A ### #N/A
Pilot Watercraft #N/A ### #N/A
Pistols Pistols 2
Registering #N/A ### #N/A
Ritual Spellcasting #N/A ### #N/A
Running #N/A ### #N/A
Shadowing Shadowing 2
Software #N/A ### #N/A
Sorcery Skill Group Sorcery Ski 3
Spellcasting #N/A ### #N/A
Stealth Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
Summoning #N/A ### #N/A
Survival #N/A ### #N/A
Swimming #N/A ### #N/A
Tasking Skill Group #N/A ### #N/A
Throwing Weapons #N/A ### #N/A
Tracking #N/A ### #N/A
Unarmed Combat #N/A ### #N/A
Data Search 3
Locksmith 1
Sorcery Skill Group 3

Sorcery Skill Group 3

Local Area Knowledge 4
Tribal Politics 2
Underworld Politics 4

Chemistry 3
Magical Theory 4

Police Procedures 2

Local Area Knowledge 4

Tribal Politics 2


English N
Salish 2

English N
Salish 2
Magician 15
Mentor Spirit 5

Addiction, Mild -5
Bad Luck -20

Bad Luck (-20 BP)


Bartender 2 1
Lone Star Beat Cop 2 1
Street Snitch 2 2
Talismonger 1 1

Talismonger (Connection 1, Loyalty 1)

Standard 1.0 1
Alphaware 0.8 2
Betaware 0.7 4
Deltaware 0.5 10

CYBTAKEN Bod Agi Reac Str Cha In Log Will

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CYBERWARE Essen Cap Av Cost BodAgi Reac Str Cha In LogWill

Commlink 0.2 2 2,000
Control Rig 0.5 8 10,000
Cranial Bomb, Kink Bomb 1 16F 2,000
Cranial Bomb, Microbomb 2 16F 5,000
Cranial Bomb, Area Bomb 3 20F 10,000
Datajack 0.1 1 500
Data Lock 0.1 1 12 1,000
Olfactory Booster I 0.2 2 4 1,000
Olfactory Booster II 0.2 2 8 2,000
Olfactory Booster III 0.2 2 12 3,000
Olfactory Booster IV 0.2 2 16 4,000
Olfactory Booster V 0.2 2 20 5,000
Olfactory Booster VI 0.2 2 24 6,000
Sim Module 0.2 2 2,000
Sim Module, Hot Sim Modified 0.2 2 12F 5,000
Tooth Storage Compartment 8 200
Tooth Breakable Compartment 12 500
Ultrasound Sensor 0.3 2 10 6,000
Voice Modulator 0.2 4 7,500
+ Secondary Pattern (Rating 1) 3F 5,000
+ Secondary Pattern (Rating 2) 6F 10,000
+ Secondary Pattern (Rating 3) 9F 15,000
+ Secondary Pattern (Rating 4) 12F 20,000
+ Secondary Pattern (Rating 5) 15F 25,000
+ Secondary Pattern (Rating 6) 18F 30,000
Cybereyes I - Capacity 4 0.2 4 500
Cybereyes II - Capacity 8 0.3 8 4 750
Cybereyes III - Capacity 12 0.4 12 6 1,000
Cybereyes IV - Capacity 16 0.5 16 8 1,500
+ Flare Compensation [1] 1 4 750
+ Low-Light Vision [2] 2 4 1,000
+ Ocular Drone [6] 6 63,000
+ Protective Covers 4 100
+ Retinal Duplication (Rating 1) [1] 1 16F 15,000
+ Retinal Duplication (Rating 2) [1] 1 16F 30,000
+ Retinal Duplication (Rating 3) [1] 1 16F 45,000
+ Retinal Duplication (Rating 4) [1] 1 16F 60,000
+ Retinal Duplication (Rating 5) [1] 1 16F 75,000
+ Retinal Duplication (Rating 6) [1] 1 16F 90,000
+ Smartlink [3] 3 8R 1,000
+ Thermographic Vision [2] 2 4 1,000
+ Vision Enhancement I [1] 1 3 1,500
+ Vision Enhancement II [2] 2 6 3,000
+ Vision Enhancement III [3] 3 9 4,500
+ Vision Magnification [2] 2 4 1,000
Eye Recording Unit 0.1 4 2,000
Flare Compensation 0.1 4 750
Image Link 0.1 4 500
Low-Light Vision 0.1 4 1,000
Ocular Drone 63,000
Protective Covers 4 100
Retinal Duplication (Rating 1) 0.1 16F 15,000
Retinal Duplication (Rating 2) 0.1 16F 30,000
Retinal Duplication (Rating 3) 0.1 16F 45,000
Retinal Duplication (Rating 4) 0.1 16F 60,000
Retinal Duplication (Rating 5) 0.1 16F 75,000
Retinal Duplication (Rating 6) 0.1 16F 90,000
Smartlink 0.1 8R 1,000
Thermographic Vision 0.1 4 1,000
Vision Enhancement I 0.1 3 1,500
Vision Enhancement II 0.1 6 3,000
Vision Enhancement III 0.1 9 4,500
Vision Magnification 0.1 4 1,000
Cyberears I - Capacity 4 0.2 4 500
Cyberears II - Capacity 8 0.3 8 4 750
Cyberears III - Capacity 12 0.4 12 6 1,000
Cyberears IV - Capacity 16 0.5 16 8 1,500
+ Audio Enhancement I [1] 1 3 1,500
+ Audio Enhancement II [2] 2 6 3,000
+ Audio Enhancement III [3] 3 9 4,500
+ Balance Augmenter [4] 4 10 5,000
+ Damper [1] 1 4 750
+ Select Sound Filter I [1] 1 3 1,000
+ Select Sound Filter II [2] 2 6 2,000
+ Select Sound Filter III [3] 3 9 3,000
+ Select Sound Filter IV [4] 4 12 4,000
+ Select Sound Filter V [5] 5 15 5,000
+ Select Sound Filter VI [6] 6 18 6,000
+ Spatial Recognizer [2] 2 8 750
Audio Enhancement I 0.1 3 1,500
Audio Enhancement II 0.1 6 3,000
Audio Enhancement III 0.1 9 4,500
Balance Augmenter 0.1 10 5,000
Damper 0.1 4 750
Select Sound Filter I 0.1 3 1,000
Select Sound Filter II 0.1 6 2,000
Select Sound Filter III 0.1 9 3,000
Select Sound Filter IV 0.1 12 4,000
Select Sound Filter V 0.1 15 5,000
Select Sound Filter VI 0.1 18 6,000
Spatial Recognizer 0.1 8 750
Bone Lacing, Plastic 0.5 8F 5,000
Bone Lacing, Aluminum 1 12F 15,000
Bone Lacing, Titanium 1.5 16F 40,000
Dermal Plating I 0.5 5R 5,000
Dermal Plating II 1 10R 10,000
Dermal Plating III 1.5 15R 15,000
Fingertip Compartment 0.1 1 4 750
Grapple Gun 0.5 5 8 1,500
Internal Air Tank 0.25 3 4 650
Muscle Replacement I 1 5R 5,000 1 1
Muscle Replacement II 2 10R 10,000 2 2
Muscle Replacement III 3 15R 15,000 3 3
Muscle Replacement IV 4 20R 20,000 4 4
Reaction Enhancers I 0.3 5R 10,000 1
Reaction Enhancers II 0.6 10R 20,000 2
Reaction Enhancers III 0.9 15R 30,000 3
Skillwires I 0.2 4 2,000
Skillwires II 0.4 8 4,000
Skillwires III 0.6 12 6,000
Skillwires IV 0.8 16 8,000
Skillwires V 1 20 10,000
Simrig 0.5 8 5,000
Smuggling Compartment 0.2 2 6 1,500
Touch Link 0.1 6 1,000
Wired Reflexes I 2 8R 11,000 1
Wired Reflexes II 3 12R 32,000 2
Wired Reflexes III 5 20R 100,000 3
Full Arm, Obvious - Capacity 15 1 15 4 15,000
Full Leg, Obvious - Capacity 20 1 20 4 15,000
Hand/Foot, Obvious - Capacity 4 0.25 4 2 5,000
Lower Arm, Obvious - Capacity 10 0.45 10 4 10,000
Lower Leg, Obvious - Capacity 12 0.45 12 4 10,000
Torso, Obvious - Capacity 10 1.5 10 12 20,000
Skull, Obvious - Capacity 4 1.75 4 16 10,000
Full Arm, Synthetic - Capacity 8 1 8 4 20,000
Full Leg, Synthetic - Capacity 10 1 10 4 20,000
Hand/Foot, Synthetic - Capacity 2 0.25 2 2 6,000
Lower Arm, Synthetic - Capacity 5 0.45 5 4 12,000
Lower Leg, Synthetic - Capacity 6 0.45 6 4 12,000
Torso, Synthetic - Capacity 5 1.5 5 12 25,000
Skull, Synthetic - Capacity 2 1.75 2 16 15,000
+ Armor +1 [2] 2 5 300
+ Armor +2 [4] 4 10 600
+ Armor +3 [6] 6 15 900
+ Armor +4 [8] 8 20 1,200
+ Body +1 [1] 1 3R 200
+ Body +2 [2] 2 6R 400
+ Body +3 [3] 3 9R 600
+ Body +4 [4] 4 12R 800
+ Body +5 [5] 5 15R 1,000
+ Body +6 [6] 6 18R 1,200
+ Body +7 [7] 7 21R 1,400
+ Strength +1 [1] 1 3R 250
+ Strength +2 [2] 2 6R 500
+ Strength +3 [3] 3 9R 750
+ Strength +4 [4] 4 12R 1,000
+ Strength +5 [5] 5 15R 1,250
+ Strength +6 [6] 6 18R 1,500
+ Strength +7 [7] 7 21R 1,750
+ Agility +1 [1] 1 3 250
+ Agility +2 [2] 2 6 500
+ Agility +3 [3] 3 9 750
+ Agility +4 [4] 4 12 1,000
+ Agility +5 [5] 5 15 1,250
+ Agility +6 [6] 6 18 1,500
+ Agility +7 [7] 7 21 1,750
+ Cyberarm Gyromount [4] 4 12F 6,000
+ Cyberarm Slide [8] 8 12R 3,000
+ Cyber Holster [7] 7 8R 2,000
+ Hydraulic Jacks I [1] 1 9 1,000
+ Hydraulic Jacks II [2] 2 9 2,000
+ Hydraulic Jacks III [3] 3 9 3,000
+ Hydraulic Jacks IV [4] 4 9 4,000
+ Hydraulic Jacks V [5] 5 9 5,000
+ Hydraulic Jacks VI [6] 6 9 6,000
+ Large Smuggling Compartment [5] 5 6 2,000
+ Holdout Pistol [2] 2 12R 800
+ Light Pistol [4] 4 14R 1,500
+ Machine Pistol [4] 4 16R 2,000
+ Heavy Pistol [6] 6 16R 3,200
+ Submachine Gun [10] 10 20R 2,500
+ Shotgun [11] 11 20R 2,100
+ Grenade Launcher [15] 15 20F 4,000
+ External Clip Port [1] 1 100
+ Laser Sight [1] 1 100
+ Silencer [2] 2 400
+ Sound Suppressor [3] 3 600
+ Handblade (Retractable) [3] 3 10F 1,500
+ Hand Razors (Retractable) [2] 10F 900
+ Spurs (Retractable) [3] 12F 1,800
+ Shock Hand [3] 8R 1,000
Holdout Pistol 0.15 2 12R 800
Light Pistol 0.35 4 14R 1,500
Machine Pistol 0.4 4 16R 2,000
Heavy Pistol 0.6 6 16R 3,200
Submachine Gun 1 10 20R 2,500
Shotgun 1.1 11 20R 2,100
Grenade Launcher 1.5 15 20F 4,000
External Clip Port 0.1 1 100
Laser Sight 0.1 1 100
Silencer 0.2 2 400
Sound Suppressor 0.3 3 600
Handblade (Retractable) 0.25 3 10F 1,500
Hand Razors (Retractable) 0.2 10F 900
Spurs (Retractable) 0.3 12F 1,800
Shock Hand 0.25 8R 1,000
+ Commlink [2] 2 2,000
+ Cranial Bomb, Kink Bomb [1] 1 16F 2,000
+ Cranial Bomb, Microbomb [2] 2 16F 5,000
+ Cranial Bomb, Area Bomb [3] 3 20F 10,000
+ Datajack [1] 1 500
+ Data Lock [1] 1 12 1,000
+ Olfactory Booster I [2] 2 4 1,000
+ Olfactory Booster II [2] 2 8 2,000
+ Olfactory Booster III [2] 2 12 3,000
+ Olfactory Booster IV [2] 2 16 4,000
+ Olfactory Booster V [2] 2 20 5,000
+ Olfactory Booster VI [2] 2 24 6,000
+ Sim Module [2] 2 2,000
+ Sim Module, Hot Sim Modified [2] 2 12F 5,000
+ Ultrasound Sensor [2] 2 10 6,000
+ Fingertip Compartment [1] 1 4 750
+ Grapple Gun [5] 5 8 1,500
+ Internal Air Tank [3] 3 4 650
+ Smuggling Compartment [2] 2 6 1,500

BIOWARE Essen Cap Av Cost BodAgi Reac Str Cha In LogWill

Adrenaline Pump I 0.75 6F 30,000
Adrenaline Pump II 1.5 12F 60,000
Adrenaline Pump III 2.25 18F 90,000
Bone Density Augmentation I 0.30 12 20,000
Bone Density Augmentation II 0.60 12 40,000
Bone Density Augmentation III 0.90 12 60,000
Bone Density Augmentation IV 1.20 12 80,000
Cat's Eyes 0.10 4 7,500
Digestive Expansion 0.50 4 20,000
Enhanced Articulation 0.30 12 40,000
Muscle Augmentation I 0.20 5R 7,000 1
Muscle Augmentation II 0.40 10R 14,000 2
Muscle Augmentation III 0.60 15R 21,000 3
Muscle Augmentation IV 0.80 20R 28,000 4
Muscle Toner I 0.20 5R 8,000 1
Muscle Toner II 0.40 10R 16,000 2
Muscle Toner III 0.60 15R 24,000 3
Muscle Toner IV 0.80 20R 32,000 4
Orthoskin I 0.25 4R 30,000
Orthoskin II 0.50 8R 60,000
Orthoskin III 0.75 12R 90,000
Pathogenic Defense I 0.10 8 10,000
Pathogenic Defense II 0.20 8 20,000
Pathogenic Defense III 0.30 8 30,000
Pathogenic Defense IV 0.40 8 40,000
Pathogenic Defense V 0.50 8 50,000
Pathogenic Defense VI 0.60 8 60,000
Platelet Factories 0.20 12 25,000
Skin Pocket 0.10 4 5,000
Suprathyroid Gland 0.70 20F 45,000 1 1 1 1
Symbiotes I 0.20 5 10,000
Symbiotes II 0.40 10 20,000
Symbiotes III 0.60 15 30,000
Synthcardium I 0.10 4 10,000
Synthcardium II 0.20 8 20,000
Synthcardium III 0.30 12 30,000
Tailored Pheromones I 0.20 4F 15,000
Tailored Pheromones II 0.40 8F 30,000
Tailored Pheromones III 0.60 12F 45,000
Toxin Extractor I 0.20 3 20,000
Toxin Extractor II 0.40 6 40,000
Toxin Extractor III 0.60 9 60,000
Toxin Extractor IV 0.80 12 80,000
Toxin Extractor V 1.00 15 100,000
Toxin Extractor VI 1.20 18 120,000
Tracheal Filter I 0.20 3 15,000
Tracheal Filter II 0.40 6 30,000
Tracheal Filter III 0.60 9 45,000
Tracheal Filter IV 0.80 12 60,000
Tracheal Filter V 1.00 15 75,000
Tracheal Filter VI 1.20 18 90,000
Cerebral Booster I 0.20 6 10,000 1
Cerebral Booster II 0.40 12 20,000 2
Cerebral Booster III 0.60 18 30,000 3
Damage Compensators I 0.10 3F 15,000
Damage Compensators II 0.20 6F 30,000
Damage Compensators III 0.30 9F 45,000
Damage Compensators IV 0.40 12F 60,000
Damage Compensators V 0.50 15F 75,000
Damage Compensators VI 0.60 18F 90,000
Damage Compensators VII 0.70 21F 105,000
Damage Compensators VIII 0.80 24F 120,000
Damage Compensators IX 0.90 27F 135,000
Damage Compensators X 1.00 30F 150,000
Damage Compensators XI 1.10 33F 165,000
Damage Compensators XII 1.20 36F 180,000
Mnemonic Enhancer I 0.10 5 7,500
Mnemonic Enhancer II 0.20 10 15,000
Mnemonic Enhancer III 0.30 15 22,500
Pain Editor 0.30 18F 40,000
Reflex Recorder, Skill Group 0.20 12 25,000
Reflex Recorder, Skill 0.10 10 10,000
Sleep Regulator 0.15 8 10,000
Synaptic Booster I 0.50 6R 80,000 1
Synaptic Booster II 1.00 12R 160,000 2
Synaptic Booster III 1.50 18R 240,000 3
COMMLINKS Respo Signal Cost
Meta Link 1 2 ###
CMT Chip 1 3 ###
Sony Emperor 2 3 ###
Renraku Sensei 2 4 ###
Novatech Airwave 3 3 ###
Erika Elite 3 4 ###
Hermes Ikon 4 3 ###
Transys Avalon 4 4 ###
Fairlight Caliban 4 5 ###

STOCK OS Firewa System Cost

Vector Xim 1 1 ###
Redcap Nix 1 2 ###
Renraku Ichi 2 2 ###
Mangadyne Deva 2 3 ###
Iris Orb 3 3 ###
Novatech Navi 3 4 ###

Response 2
Signal 3
Firewall 2
System 2

Matrix Init, Cold 6

Matrix Init, Hot 7
Matrix Defense Dicepool 4
Matrix Condition 9
RACE: Human (0BP)
CONCEPT: Occult Investigator
Body: 3 Charisma: 4 EDGE: 3 Ballistic: 9 = Body (3) + Armor (6) + Cyber/Bio (0)
Agility: 3 Intuition: 4 INITIATIVE: 7 Impact: 7 = Body (3) + Armor (4) + Cyber/Bio (0)
Reaction: 3 Logic: 4 MAGIC: 4 5 = Body (3) + Armor (2) + Cyber/Bio (0)
Strength: 2 Willpower: 4 Armour: Lined Coat - (0 Armor Penalty)


Assensing 3 Physical Stun
Conjuring Skill Group 3
Data Search 3
-1 -1 EDGE

Influence Skill Group 2 -2 -2
Locksmith 1
-3 -3
Perception 3 (Visual +2)
Pistols 2 -4 -4
Shadowing 2 -5 -5 DAMAGE OVERFLOW
Sorcery Skill Group 3
-6 -6 OOO

Type Resp Signal OS Type FW System
Sony Emperor 2 3 Renraku Ichi 2 2


KNOWLEDGE SKILLS (24 FREE BP) Starting Cash: (3D6+9) x 50 ¥
Local Area Knowledge 4 English N Lifestyle: Low for 1 month(s)
Tribal Politics 2 Salish 2 Glasses
Underworld Politics 4 + Low Light
Chemistry 3 + Flare Compensation
Magical Theory 4 + Image Link
Police Procedures 2 Earbuds
+ Audio Enhancement III
+ Spatial Recognizer
Lockpick Set
Maglock Passkey (Rating 4)
Fake SIN, Rating 3
Fake License, Rating 4
20 Security Tags
QUALITIES (-5BP) Micro - Capacity 1
+ Camera [1]
Magician (15 BP)
Micro - Capacity 1
Mentor Spirit (5 BP) + Microphone [1]
Addiction, Mild (-5 BP) Micro - Capacity 1
Bad Luck (-20 BP) + Directional Microphone [1]
Handheld - Capacity 3
+ Radio Signal Scanner (Rating 3) [1]
Magical Lodge Materials (Force 3)
Colt America L36
+ Laser Sight
110 x Regular Rounds


Bartender (Connection 2, Loyalty 1) Name Reach AP DVD
Lone Star Beat Cop (Connection 2, Loyalty 1) Unarmed 0 0 1S
Street Snitch (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Talismonger (Connection 1, Loyalty 1) Knife 0 0 2P


Name Type Mode AP DVD S (0) M (-1) L (-2) Ext (-3) Cap Ammo
Colt America L36 Light Pistol SA 4P 0 0-5m 6-15m 16-30m 31-50m 11(c) Regular Rounds
Spellcasting Dicepool: 6 = Magic (4) + Sorcery Spell Group (3)
Counterspell Dicepool: 6 = Magic (4) + Sorcery Spell Group (3)
Ritual Spellcasting Dicepool: 6 = Magic (4) + Sorcery Spell Group (3)

Drain Resistance: 8 = Willpower (4) + Charisma (4)

Astral Initiative: 8
Astral Initiative Passes: 3

SPELLS (18BP), Default Force = Magic Attribute

Name Properties Type Range DV Duration Drain
Improved Invisibility Realistic, Single-Sense P LOS Sustained 3
Influence Mental M LOS Permanent 3
Ignite Physical P LOS 4P Permanent 2
Magic Fingers Physical P LOS Sustained 3
Mind Probe Active, Directional M Touch Sustained 4
Stunbolt Direct P LOS 4S Instant 1

Name Linked Attribute/Skill Level NOTES


Name Favours Owned Name Force Bound?
Type Response Signal OS TYPE Firewall System
Sony Emperor 2 3 Renraku Ichi 2 2

AR Initiative: 7 = Reaction (3) + Intuition (4)

VR Initiative (Hot-Sim): 6(7) = Response (2) + Intuition (4) (+1 in Hot-Sim)

Matrix Defence: 2 = Response (2) + Stealth ()

Damage Resistance (Attack): 2 = System (2) + Armor ()

Damage Resistance (Black IC/Dumpshock): 4 = Willpower (4) + Biofeedback Filter ()

Hacking Pool: 0 = Hacking () + Exploit ()

Attack Pool: 0 = Cybercombat () + Attack ()

Black Hammer Pool: 0 = Cybercombat () + Black Hammer ()
Blackout Pool: 0 = Cybercombat () + Blackout ()

Addiction, Mild (Alcohol)
Mentor Spirit (Raven) +2 Dice for Manipulation Spells
+2 Dice for Air Spirits
A Ravin Shaman must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to avoid
exploiting someone else's misfortune to her own advantage.
Attacker AGI 3 Defender Reaction 2
Attacker Skill 4
Misc. Mod. 1

Net Success 2

Weapon DV 7 Defender Body 3

Defender Armor

Total Damage 9 Physical

Normal Normal

# of dice rolled 8

Spell Magic Fingers

Force 5

Drain DV: 3

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