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Regulation- 2009
Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

Construct the Photo Diode circuit and analysis the under presence of Light
and absence of Light using Light activated relay circuit.

Conduct a suitable experiment on Zener diode and also perform the VI

Characteristics, Break down voltage and Dynamic resistance of it
Conduct a suitable experiment on PN diode and perform the VI
Characteristics, Break down voltage, Dynamic resistance of it

Configure the Common base configuration using NPN Transistor and

also draw the various modes of regions in the transistor.

Configure the common emitter configuration using NPN Transistor and

also draw the various modes of regions in the transistor.

Configure the common collector configuration using NPN Transistor and

also draw the various modes of regions in the transistor.

Design the Differential amplifier Circuit using Field Effect Transistor

(FET) and Draw their amplifying signal with necessary wave forms.

Convert the AC Unidirectional signal into DC signal using Half wave

rectifier circuit and verify with filter &without filter, Draw the necessary
input& output wave forms.

Convert the AC Unidirectional signal into DC signal using Full wave

rectifier circuit and verify with filter &without filter, Draw the necessary
input & output wave forms.

10 Demonstrate a suitable experiment in practically to obtain the frequency

and phase measurement using Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and verify the
output parameters.
11 Construct and verify the frequency response ofpassive low pass filter and
to find the band width, cut off frequency of it.
12 Construct and verify the frequency response of passive high pass filter and
to find the band width, cut off frequency of it.
13 Construct the photo diode circuit and verify the VI Characteristics as well
as analysis of the under presence of light and absence of the light using
light activated relay circuit.
14 Construct the photo transistor circuit and verify the VI Characteristics as
well as analysis of the under presence of light and absence of the light
using light activated relay circuit.
15 Draw the equivalent circuit diagram of JFET and plot their VI
characteristics curve of it.
16 Generate the Non -sinusoidal wave form (saw tooth) using UJT and also
plot the characteristics curves of it.
17 Design the common emitter amplifier using NPN transistor and also plot
the frequency response of the amplifier with relevant amplifying
18 Design and test the RC Phase shift oscillator circuit and draw the
necessary input &output wave forms.
19 Design and test the LC oscillator circuit and draw the necessary input
&output wave forms.
20 Design a suitable circuit on Astable Multi Vibrator and also plot the
necessary wave forms with gain frequency specification.

21 Design a suitable circuit on Mono stable Multi Vibrator and also plot the
necessary wave forms with gain frequency specification. (100)

22 Design the Common base configuration using NPN Transistor and obtain
the input and output characteristics
23 Design the Common emitter configuration using NPN Transistor and
obtain the input and output characteristics
24 Design the Common collector configuration using NPN Transistor and
obtain the input and output characteristics
25 Design a Full wave rectifier circuit with filter and obtain the input &
output wave forms
26 Design a half wave rectifier circuit with filter and obtain the input &
output wave forms
27 Design the photo transistor circuit and obtain the VI Characteristics (100)
28 Design a Zener diode circuit and perform the VI Characteristics, Break
down voltage and Dynamic resistance of it
29. Design a PN diode circuit and perform the VI Characteristics, Break
down voltage and Dynamic resistance of it


30 Design a JFET circuit and plot their VI characteristics curve


31. Design a UJT circuit and also plot the out put characteristics


Allotment of marks:
Aim/Procedure Circuit

Experimental Resuls

Viva voce Total



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