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My interests

Debra Yes, you can (5)

rubbish and (6)

Complete the sentences.

out the
the table.

Irene OK. But don't ask me to make the


Last summer

Complete the words.

1 Last year Debra travelled by p l
to Brazil.

2 She fell in l

a n e

with a boy called

3 She made a lot of new


4 They climbed a m
5 They want to p
together and danced a lot.

1 I have long conversations on my mobile

phone. Im very t alkative .

6 Did you visit a

exciting last summer?

2 I usually play with my g

at the weekend.

English you need

3 My favourite subject at school is

4 When Im on holiday, I like s

5 My family need a dishwasher. I hate doing

the w

Circle the correct option.

Student I dont want to speak because Im
afraid of making (1) mistakes / communication.

6 Last year I went to New York. I did a lot of


Teacher You should (2) enjoy / worry about

speaking. Your vocabulary and grammar dont
have to be perfect when you speak.

Jobs at home

Student But Im bad at learning languages.

Teacher You should think (3) positively /
negatively. This will help you learn.

Complete the dialogue.

lay | make | do | take | tidy | iron

Student Do you think I should (4) translate /

think every word?

Debra I cant go to the cinema with you.

I have to (1)
the washing-up.

Teacher No, that isnt necessary. A little bit is

OK, but not for every word.

Irene OK, well go after that.

Student Do I have to learn (5) new / familiar


Debra Then I have to (2)

my clothes and (4)
my room.

my bed,

Teacher Good idea. Its also important to learn

new (6) mistakes / vocabulary.

Irene Is there anything I can do to help?


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how much?/ how many?

Tense review

Complete the questions. Match them with

the answers.


1 How

Complete the dialogue.

did | did | are | will | do | are

apples do you eat every


2 How

free time have you got?

Sally Where (1)

holiday this year?

3 How
the bank?

money have you got in

Tom Im going to Greece.

4 How

pets have your family

5 How

friends have you got at

6 How

cola do you drink?

Sally What (2)

you going on

you do there?

Tom Im not sure. Well probably visit Athens

and then go to one of the islands.
Sally Where (3)

you go last year?

Tom Our cousins came to visit, so we stayed

at home.
Sally What (4)

a Not a lot, because I bought a new bike last


Tom Its pasta. (5)


b I dont eat any. I dont like them. 1

you eating?
you want

Sally Yes, please. I didnt know you could

cook. When (6)
you start cooking?

c A lot. Weve got cats, dogs and fish.

d None. I dont like sugary drinks.

some/any/no + body/thing/where

e A lot. Were on holiday at the moment.


A few. Maybe three or four.

Circle the correct option.

Present simple v. present


Complete the sentences.

1 We hardly ever
to restaurants
because we havent got any money. (go)
2 Tonight we
to a restaurant
because its my birthday. (go)
3 At the moment I
food. (eat)
4 Most days we
at home. (not eat)
5 My mum
morning. (work)

Italian food
in an office every

6 Today my mum
at home
because she doesnt feel well. (stay)

Tom Do you know (1) anybody / nobody who

wants to buy a computer?
Sally Yes, I think I might know (2) anybody
/ somebody. But you should also write an ad
and put it (3) somewhere / anywhere.
Tom OK, but I dont know (4) nowhere /
anywhere I could put it.
Sally Maybe in the local computer shop. I
know (5) anybody / somebody who works
Tom The problem is, its an old computer.
Maybe (6) anybody / nobody will want it.


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Vocabulary 1


Performing arts

Musical instruments

Circle the correct option.

1 At the theatre last Saturday I saw a play /
choreographer by Shakespeare.

Complete the sentences.

cello | flute | violin | saxophone
drums | accordion

2 William Shakespeares one of Englands

most famous performances / playwrights.

Irene plays a lot of instruments.

3 From the front of the theatre. I could see

everything on the stage / audition.

4 The actors were excellent. I loved their

orchestra / performances.
5 At the end of the play, the live music /
audience were clearly happy.

6 After that I wanted to hear some audition /

live music, so we went to a concert.

Order the letters

Ruth What job would you like to have?
Claire I love classical dance, and Id like to
be a (1)
dancer. (llbtae) Next
month Im performing in a show. Its hard work
because weve got a (2)
day. (eresaharl)

1 Irene cant practise the steel
at home because theyre too noisy.
2 She can practise the
because it makes less noise.

Ruth Thats interesting. What do you do


3 Irene wants to learn how to play the


Claire Theres a (3)

he tells us how we should dance together.

4 Irenes mum plays the

5 Her dads bought an
starting classes next week.

Ruth How did you get a part in this show?

and they
Claire I did an (4)
said I was good enough to participate. Would
you like to be a performer? (aditiuon)
Ruth I play the violin. It would be great to play
in an (5)
. (otrarches)
Claire You could also be a (6)
and direct the musicians with a baton.

in an
. Hes

6 Irene loves listening to the

It makes beautiful music.

Complete the words.

1 Can you help me carry my ce l
very heavy.

l o ? Its

2 If you play the guitar, it will be easy to

learn the double b
3 Tom can hit the tam
and dance at the same time.

4 Mark likes listening to the sounds of the

5 Our school bands looking for someone to
play the tro
, you
6 To play the re
should cover the holes with your fingers.

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Grammar 1

3 Joseph / not plan / study Maths.

like + -ing form

Circle the correct option.

4 He wouldnt like / work in a bank.

5 Hed like / study at art school.
6 He plan / be an artist.

1 Mathew sleeps a lot. He cant stand / loves

getting up early.
2 Mathew loves / hates going to the theatre.
He thinks its really boring.
3 He loves / cant stand going to the cinema.
Hes a film fan.

have to: present

have to | doesnt have | have to

dont have to | has to | doesnt have to

4 Mathews band are excited. They like /

hate performing in front of an audience.
5 Mathew sings some songs, but he doesnt
mind / prefers playing the guitar.

doesnt have
1 A DJ

6 A lot of students really hate homework, but

Mathew cant stand / doesnt mind doing it.

Complete the sentences.

2 But a DJ
for people to hear.

to play a musical
put on music

Prepositions + -ing form

3 Its a holiday on Friday. We

go to school.

Write the correct preposition.

4 The teachers given us extra homework.

do that.
5 Dad says that I
my room before I watch the TV.


6 Its not fair because my dad

clean his room.
1 Mathews afraid

of mice.

2 Mathews interested
3 Hes good

playing the guitar.

4 Mathews hopeless

playing football.

5 His teachers are happy because hes

his homework.
6 He runs every day. Hes keen


Verbs of ambition + infinitive

Write complete sentences.

1 Martina hope / travel around the world.

Martina hopes to travel around the world.

2 Kate and Danny would like / be dancers.

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have to: past

reading novels.

Complete the dialogue.

Angela Did you (1)
last year?


Marge Yes! (2) I

hard last year.

to study a lot
to study very

Angela (3) I
have to study
much because there were no exams at my
school. But (4) we
to prepare a
performance. That was difficult.
Marge (5)

you have to sing or

Angela (6) I didnt

had to dance.

to sing but I

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Vocabulary 1


Performing arts

Musical instruments

Complete the words.


Order the letters.

1 A recorder s made of a wooden or
plastic tube. You blow down this and cover
the holes with your fingers. (ordrecer)

2 A
s made of metal. You blow
into it and press the metal keys. (rinclaet)

3 A sax players someone who plays the

. (sophoaxne)
4 A trombonists someone who plays the
. (trobonme)

s shaped like a box.

5 An
You hold it in your hands to play it.

6 The
is the largest musical
instrument of the violin family.
(dbleou ssba)

1 Shelly Shakespeares a
play w r i g h t .

Dictionary work

2 At the moment shes writing about a

3 Hes also a ba


1 interval d

4 One night hes dancing on a small


2 critic

5 He falls on top of the audi

6 Shelley Shakespeares new pl
Tonight I Fall.

Match the words with the descriptions.

s called

3 opening night
4 A stage manager
5 gig
6 stage fright

Complete the sentences.

live | audition | rehearsals | performance
choreographer | orchestra
1 A lot of actors want to audition
Shelley Shakespeares play.


2 Shelley also needs musicians for the

3 She doesnt want recorded music, she
4 Shelleys looking for a
to plan the dance moves.

a This person looks after the equipment

during a performance.
b This is the first night that a plays
c This is another word for a concert.
d This is a brief period between the parts of
a play or a film.
e This person gives an opinion about a play
or a film. Its their job.

This is when an actor or performers very

nervous about performing.

5 Before the play starts, theyll have four

weeks of
will be in four
6 The first
weeks and two days at the Royal Theatre.

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Grammar 1


Like + -ing form

Verbs of ambition + infinitive

Complete the dialogue.

Write complete sentences.

mind | prefer | like

cant | hate | enjoy

enjoy going to the beach on

Sabina (1) I
holiday. Its really good.
Tom The beach is cool, but (2) I
going to the mountains. Its nicer there.
Sabina We never go to the mountains
because (3) my mum
stand it.
Shes afraid of heights.
Tom (4) I also
a few days. Thats fun.

1 Tina plan / walk on the moon.

Tina plans to walk on the moon.

2 She hope / be a Formula One champion.

relaxing at home for

3 Tina want / learn Spanish.

Sabina Not for me! (5) I

staying at
home. Its horrible. But (6) I dont
going to my cousins house. Thats OK.

4 She would like / live in Spain.

Prepositions + -ing form

5 Tina not plan / cook Spanish food.

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 Sabinas bad on Maths and Science.

6 Shed like / have a house by the sea.

Sabinas bad at Maths and Science.

2 Toms good at languages.

have to: past

3 Sabina and Thelma are interested of

4 They arent afraid in anything.

5 Toms hopeless on doing homework.

6 Sabinas serious about rugby.

7 Toms interested in football.

Circle the correct option.

Hi Jessie,
How are you? Im fine, but very busy.
Last week my grandmother visited us.
(1) We had to / haved to paint the walls.
We (2) had to / didnt have to cut the
grass because we havent got a garden.
But we (3) had to / didnt have to tidy the
terrace. When your gran came did you
(4) had to / have to prepare a bedroom
for her? And (5) do / did you have to
collect her from the station?


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Vocabulary 2

a its made of metal.

Places in a village

b made of silver.

Circle the correct option.

c it could break. 1

1 There are a Catholic and a Protestant

signpost / church in Tims village.

d its made of plastic.

e riding a motorcycle.

2 You have to walk up a hill / farmhouse to

get to Tims house.
3 There are cows in the gate / field next to
his house.

woollen socks at the moment.

Order the letters

4 There are a lot of beautiful trees in the

wood / fence.

5 Tims family live in a big bridge /

6 In the summer his dog goes swimming in
the signpost / stream.

Complete the sentences.

gate | fence | bridge | signpost

crossroads | path
1 At the crossroads , you can go left, right,
or straight on to my house.


2 Theres no road to my house, but you can

walk along a
through the field.
3 In front of my house and garden, theres a
small metal
4 Were building a wooden
around the garden.
5 If you look down from the
can see fish in the stream.

1 Elton loves his

, you



2 Baby Peters sitting on a

horse. (denwoo)

6 At the entrance to the village theres a

. It says, Town Centre 3 km.

3 Tamara bought a really nice

shirt at the market. (kils)


4 Maurice has to polish all the

knives and forks. (revsli)

Match the parts of the sentence.

5 On windy days I always wear my

sweater. (oowllen)

1 Thats a glass table. If you sit on it,

2 The door is very strong because

6 My grans got a
her living room. (ssagl)

statue in

3 If the cup falls, it wont break as

4 Im knitting
5 The bracelet is expensive. Its
6 Leather clothes are perfect for

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Grammar 2


Past simple v. past continuous

4 She
ice cream.

Circle the correct option.

5 Where

A ghosts tale.

6 She used to go to Blackpool. She didnt

to travel abroad.

1 When I appeared / was appearing in the

hotel last night, everybody was sleeping.
2 When Mr Daniels walked / was walking out
of the lift, I was flying along the corridor.
3 While he opened / was opening the door to
his room, Mr Daniels saw me.
4 The manager heard / was hearing the
screaming while he was leaving the hotel.

to like chicken, chips and

she use to go on holiday?

used to

Write complete sentences. Use used to or

didnt use to.

5 I was going to the hotel reception when

the police arrived / were arriving.
6 I saw the sun rising while I went /
was going to the graveyard to sleep.


Complete the story.

Journalist's notes
A man saw the Hotel Heart ghost last
night. He was entering his room, when
suddenly the ghost (1)
(jump) in front of him. He stayed calm
(try) to
while the ghost (2)
scare him. The other guests were sleeping
when suddenly they (3)
(hear) a very loud noise.
The guest, Mr Declan Daniels, said I was
running after the ghost, when suddenly
the ghost (4)
(fall) and
shouted. I called the police while the ghost
(cry) on the floor.
When the police (6)
everybody was congratulating Mr. Daniels.
They were saying he was a brave man.

Complete the questions.

1 Did your mum
2 No, she
short hair.


1 When my mum was four, she / dance on

her kitchen table.

She used to dance on her kitchen table.

2 She / not eat her vegetables.

3 My mum / play with cars.

4 She / not play with dolls. She didnt like


used to: questions

to have long hair?

. She used to have

5 My mum / go swimming with her brother.

6 They / not write emails. They didn't exist!

did she use to like eating

when she was four?


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Vocabulary 2


Places in a village


Match the descriptions with the words.

1 This opens and closes like a door.

1 Clothes that are made of glass / silk / wood

are usually very soft.

2 A farmer normally lives here.

2 Windows are normally made of metal /

silver / glass.

3 This is a building for religious activities.

4 This is an area of land covered with trees.

3 You can find fashionable leather / metal /

wooden jackets in the shops.

5 This is next to the road. It gives

information about distances.

4 Supermarkets shouldnt use so many

wooden / plastic / metal bags.

6 This is a small river.

a a wood

d a signpost

b a stream

e a farmhouse

c a gate 1

5 They cut down a tree and made a lot of

wooden / silver / silk tables.
6 My dads wedding rings made of silver /
plastic / leather. Its an expensive ring.

a church

Complete the words.

Complete the words.

1 Nessas got a beautiful sil v e r watch.

Circle the correct option.

2 She loves sleeping with bed sheets that

are made of si
3 Shes also got a big wo
blanket so she wont get cold.

4 When its raining Nessa wears a good pair

of le
5 Her bikes made of me

6 Nessas also got a pair of lea

trousers. She wears them to discos.

Dictionary work

1 Jack goes running every day. He runs

along the path
beside the
2 He runs through the f
can smell the flowers.

4 He runs up the h
5 He stops at the c
some water.
6 Then he goes home over the b

1 What beautiful earrings! Are they real

2 Most modern buildings are made of

so he

3 He loves jumping over the f

Translate the underlined words.

3 Do you like wearing denim jackets?


4 Theres a special offer on cotton socks.

to drink
5 The fruits in a big ceramic dish.
6 All my old clothes are in that cardboard


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Grammar 2


used to

Past simple v. past continuous

Write or . Correct the incorrect



Order the words.

1 my / in / work / used to / the theatre /
grandparents .
My grandparents used to work in the theatre.

2 be / a / my gran / used / to / director .

3 she / grey / have / hair / use to / didnt .

4 grandad / my / didnt / be bald / use to .
5 to / very attractive / he / used / be .

1 When I arrived at the castle, Countess

Draculita was giving food to her cat.

6 used to / perform / all over / the / country /


2 While we ate, I suddenly saw her nails.

While we were eating, I suddenly saw her nails.

3 I was walking up the stairs when the cat
was jumping at me.

4 While I sat on my bed, someone downstairs

called my name.

5 I was going to the living room when I was

seeing a child.

6 While I was walking into the living room,

everyone shouted SURPRISE!


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used to: questions

Complete the dialogue.

Sean Where (1)
your grandparents
to live?
Celina They used to live in London.
visit them when
Sean Did you (2)
you were young?
Celina Yes, I did. We saw them every week.
did you use
Sean (3)
do with them?
Celina We used to go for walks and play in
the park. They were both actors.
Sean (4)
your grandparents use to
have fans?
Celina Yes, my grandfather used to have fans.
He was very famous.
Sean (5)
to go to
their plays?
Celina (6) Yes, I did. I
see a lot of

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Vocabulary 3



British v. American English

Complete the words.


Complete the dialogue with American

English words.
Joe I saw a great (1)
with Sean Penn. (film)


last night

Tony How did you get home afterwards?

. It was only
Joe I took the (2)
two stops to my apartment. (underground)

Tony I called you yesterday but you didnt


Joe Im really sorry. I left my

phone at home. (mobile)

Tony I wanted to invite you to a

game. (football)

next week.
Joe I have a (5)
Maybe we could do something then. (holiday)
1 We booked a t icket

Tony OK. We could go shopping for new

. (trainers)

to Mexico City.

2 We planned a r
City to Oaxaca.

from Mexico

3 The night before we left we packed a really

big b
4 We s

at some really cool youth

5 In Oaxaca, we h
6 We went s

Write the British English words.

American tourist My rooms on the first

almost every day.

British tour guide Well, we call it the

(1) ground floor .

Order the letters

1 People in the US love to travel by car.
Planning the route s an important part of
the preparation. (ningplan het outre)
2 Other people love to
(og kinhig)

Tourist Anyway, I dont have to use the

Guide No, you dont have to use the
Tourist Where do I put the garbage?
Guide In the (3)

bin over there.

3 They
with clothes,
boots and other things. (kcap a pacbackk)

Tourist Theres not much space to walk on

the sidewalk.

Guide Yes, the (4)


s a fantastic
feeling. (ttingse ffo no a neyruoj)

s full of

Tourist I need to go shopping for some pants.

5 If you dont have much money, you can

(tays ta a ythou telhos)
6 Dont forget your camera if you
. (og seeinghtsig)

Guide Ah, you mean you want to buy some

Tourist Hey, is that a gas station?
Guide Yes, but we call it a (6)


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Grammar 3


Present perfect with just, already

and yet

Present perfect with for/since

1 Garys known Trish for ten years.

Write a sentence with the present perfect

and just.

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

2 Theyve lived in Liverpool for 2006.

Theyve lived in Liverpool since 2006.

3 Garys worked as a chef since a long time.

4 Trish has worked as a pilot for last year.

5 Theyve gone hiking together since 2007.


6 Garys studied French for he was twelve.

7 Trish hasnt gone skiing for two years.

1 He isnt hungry because he s just eaten

2 Shes excited because she

a ticket to Sydney. (buy)
3 Hes very tired. He


4 They

the lottery. (win)

5 They

an argument. (have)

6 She

a marathon. (run)

Complete the dialogue. Use already or yet.

Gary Have you eaten (1)
Trish Yes, Ive (2)



Gary Well, Im going to eat dinner because

I havent eaten (3)
. I've
cooked. All I have to do is
put it in the microwave.
Trish OK. Ive rented a DVD, The Dark Angel.
Have you seen it (5)
Gary No, I havent seen it (6)
Let's watch it together.


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Complete the email with for or since.

Hey Jamie!
How are you? Im doing a cooking course here in
two days
Paris. Ive been here (1)
but we havent cooked anything yet. I havent
spoken English (2)
and I havent eaten any English food
three days now.
I know a lot about French food because Ive
worked in a French restaurant in Liverpool
ages. But Im also learning
new things.
Trish is fine. Weve been married
last year and were very
happy. We havent seen you and Clare
ages, so well try and visit
you this year.
Lots of love

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Vocabulary 3



British v. American English

Complete the sentences.

sightseeing | bike | hiking
journey | route | ticket

Brad I learned some new English words in

London last week.
Angie Really? What words?

1 Always bring boots if you want to go


Brad Well, we dont make movies. We make


2 If you buy a map, you can plan your

3 Its easy to book a
4 Before you start your
youve got everything!

Complete the dialogue. Use British English


Angie I knew that. They have a different word

for sidewalk, dont they?

on the

Brad Yes, in British English they say


, check

5 In some cities its cheap and practical to

hire a

Angie And they dont say garbage, they say


6 Wear a good pair of trainers when you go


Brad Exactly. And a cell phones a

Angie What about a subway station?

Complete the email.

Hi Emma,
Im in Canada now! Its amazing. We
(1) s e t off on our journey two days ago.
really big backpacks,
We (2)
so weve got everything we need. Were staying at
. Tomorrow we
a great (3)
a bike and cycle to
want to (4)
hiking in the
the lake. Id also like to (5)
mountains. Then well probably (6)
a ticket to Vancouver.
See you soon.

Brad Thats an (5)

they call a gas station a (6)

station. And

Angie What do they call a celebrity?

Brad Oh, thats the same. A celebritys a

Dictionary work

Circle the correct option.

1 In a British city you can visit the city
centre, but in the US you go downtown /
middle city.
2 In Britain you put your car in a car park,
but in the US its a car station / parking lot.
3 A person from London will say toilet, but a
person from LA will say T room / restroom.
4 In Britain its a timetable, but in the US its
a schedule / tabletime.
5 In Britain you drive on motorways, but in
America they're motorpaths / freeways.
6 You wait in a queue in Manchester, but in
Miami you wait in a line / waitplace.


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Grammar 3

a So why are you ordering another pizza?

Present perfect with just, already

and yet

b So be careful not to put your hands on it.

c You should come and visit us.

Write sentences with present perfect and

already or yet.

d So hes going to watch a DVD now. 1

e Hes going to Madrid next month.

Present perfect with for/since

Cross out the incorrect option.

1 Sue and Ken have worked in a music shop
for a year / since last year / for last year.
2 Sue's sung in a band since three years /
for a long time / for three years.
3 Kens played the guitar for twelve years/
since ages / since he was six.

1 Kathleen / make the bed.

2 Kathleen / open the window.

4 Theyve been friends since they met at

school / for five years / for they met at

3 She / throw out the rubbish.

5 Sue's had a boyfriend for Christmas /

since Christmas / for a few months.

Kathleen hasnt made the bed yet.

6 Ken hasnt seen Sue for a week /

since a week / since last week.

4 She / pick the clothes up from the floor.

5 She / put on her glasses.
6 She / drink her coffee.

Order the words. Then match the

sentences with a-f.

Complete the sentences. Use for or since

and a time phrase.
six days | he was born
they were children | a few weeks | ages
since he was eighteen
1 Kens had a car since he was eighteen. . His
dad gave it to him as a birthday present.
2 Hes been at university
Everythings very new to him.

3 Kens known Gary since

They met at primary school.

2 moved / weve / just / house.

3 s / just / Amy / painted / the wall.

4 Sues been on holiday for

Thats almost one week.

1 finished / his homework / Marks / just.

Marks just finished his homework.

4 booked / his / Johns / just / ticket.

5 Her family have lived there for

, maybe over fifty years.
6 Kens lived in Glasgow his whole life, since

5 eaten / youve / just.


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Vocabulary 4




Complete the words.


Circle the correct option.

Teen Queen is an advertising and
marketing company for teenagers.
1 We can write a cool product / slogan that
teenagers will love.
2 Weve done market research / commercial
with thousands of teenagers.

1 Mums waiting for us at the t i l

thinks shoppings really boring.

3 We design slogans / logos that will attract

the attention of young people.
4 We create the best advertising research /
campaigns in the country.

l . She

5 We make amazing TV commercials /


2 Dads in the ch
. Hes trying on a shirt.
3 Gran likes to use a tr
she goes shopping.

6 Let us launch and promote your logos /


4 I dont have much money. Im looking for a


Complete the diary.

design | write | make | doing
give | developing

5 Before leaving the shop, my dad checks

the re
very closely.
6 One day my mum was so bored she fell
asleep on the co
in a shop.

Order the letters

Mum Lets go. Im hungry and I hate
Son But, Mum! I need to find some
(1) bargains . (brgaians) and (2) the
are on. (essal)
. Its
Mum There are too many (3)
really stressful. (ppeshors) Im going to queue
at (4) the
. (euocntr) Tell your dad to
hurry up.
Son Hes waiting at (5) the
rooms. (gnhcagin) He wants to try on a pair of

Wednesday 26th November

I started working for the company Teen Queen
last week. Im really happy because Ive done a lot of
things. I helped to (1) write a slogan for a
new type of cola. Were (2)
products at the moment. My boss has to
names to some of the products.
Im helping her do this, and Im helping to
some logos.
Today Im (5)
market research, so I
have to call people and ask them questions.
Next week a film directors coming. Hell
a TV commercial. Its very exciting!

Mum Tell him to meet me at (6) the

in five minutes.(llit)

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25/8/09 12:20:32

Grammar 4


too and not enough with adjectives

Comparatives and superlatives

Write comparative and superlative


Complete the dialogue.

Boy Dad, can you buy me these red trainers?
Dad No way. (1) Theyre too expensive
(expensive). What about the blue trainers?

1 Yellow and blue trainers / fashionable /

black shoes.

Yellow and blue trainers are more fashionable

than black shoes.

Boy I dont like them. (2) They're


2 Discount supermarkets / cheap / other


Dad Try this pair on.

3 But you can find / good offers / on the


Dad Theres nobody coming to help us.

(4) Maybe they're

Boy (3) They're

Ill ask for a bigger size.


Boy Lets go to another shop. (5) Weve waited

here for a
time (long).

4 The local market / old / the shopping


to go another
Dad It's
shop (late). All the shops are closing now.

5 My watch / expensive / my mobile.

Sense verbs
(not) as as

Complete the sentences. Use the correct

forms of look, smell, taste, feel or sound.

Write complete sentences.

1 high-heeled shoes /comfortable/ trainers

High-heeled shoes arent as comfortable

as trainers.

1 Tom made popcorn soup. It smelled

really horrible. I had to put my hand over
my nose.
2 Then he served us a salad. The tomatoes
were black and the lettuce yellow. It

2 coffee / healthy / orange juice

3 I put some food in my mouth. It didnt

very nice.

3 secondary school / easy / primary school

4 Tom went to the kitchen. I heard a noise. It

like he was crying.

4 famous brands / cheap / other brands

bad, so I went to
5 Poor Tom. I
the kitchen to talk to him.
6 Toms eyes and face were red. He didnt
so good.

5 spring / hot / summer


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25/8/09 12:20:33

Vocabulary 4




Complete the story.

trolley | shoppers | checkout | till
sales | rooms
Roy went shopping one day with his friends.
They wanted to buy things in (1) the
sales . It was a Saturday and there were
a lot of (2)
in town. When Roy
was trying on a T-shirt in the (3) changing
, he heard people screaming.
He looked out and saw a robber at the
. The robber told the shop
assistant to open the (5)
give him all the money. Roy pushed a
at him. It hit the robber, and he
fell. Then a policeman came and caught the

Complete the sentences.


Everybody said that Roy was a hero.

1 Hi, My name is Emma. Im doing some

market r esearch

Complete the words.

2 Weve designed two l

one do you thinks the best?

Journalist What were you trying on in the

(1) changing

3 This is the new product that we want to

launch and p

Roy I was trying on a T-shirt. It only cost

2 euros. It was a (2) b

4 Were making a TV c

6 The boss is really angry. She thinks the

phones not ready for the market and that
we need to d
the product more.

Roy No, I didnt.

Roy Standing near the (4) c


5 Karls only got one day to write a

for the new product.

Journalist Did you have anything else in your

shopping (3) b

Journalist And where was the robber when

you first saw him?

. Which

Complete the words.

Journalist And what was your friend doing?

1 Karls w r i t i n g a new slogan,

because the boss hated the other one.

Roy He was asking the shop assistant for a

(5) r

2 Ms Brown has to give the product a new


Journalist Did any of the other

(6) s
help you?

3 Massie has to c
advertising campaign for the Internet.

Roy Yes, one lady called the police. So I

wasnt the only hero of the day.

4 I have to do more m
5 The company are spending more money to
another TV commercial.
6 Weve developed the p
again but the boss still isnt happy!

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Grammar 4


too and not enough with adjectives

Comparatives and superlatives

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 I think Halle Berrys most beautiful actress

in Hollywood.

Complete the sentences. Use too or

enough and an adjective.
young | strong | tired
good | fast | cold

I think Halle Berrys the most beautiful

actress in Hollywood.
2 Kate Winslets a more interesting actress
than Paris Hilton.

1 Its

too cold

to go swimming.

2 Tara wasnt

to win the race.

3 Hes
3 Watching a DVDs convenienter than
going to the cinema.

to buy cigarettes.

4 The film isnt
recommend. Dont pay to watch it!
5 He isnt

to lift that.

6 Shes

4 Going to the cinemas bestest way to see

a film.

and she cant stay

Sense verbs
5 This is the most busy DVD shop in town.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct

forms of look, smell, taste, feel or sound.
1 What deodorant are you wearing? It
smells nice.

6 Its more busy than the department stores.

2 Can you hear that? It

like a cat.

(not) as as

3 Have you
Its really delicious.

Circle the correct option.

4 Oops! The pizzas black. It

Ive cooked it too long.

the chocolate cake?


5 Why did I eat all those sweets? Now I


Verbs of probability
1 Daves house is the same size as /
not the same size as Vincents house.
Theyre both 100 square metres.
2 Maths is OK but its not as interesting as /
as interesting as French.
3 The cheese and tomato pizza is as tasty as
/ are as tasty as the salami pizza.
4 If youre in a hurry, dont take the bus. Its
as fast as / not as fast as the underground.
5 Your brothers are nice, but theyre
not as interesting as / like as your mum.
6 In my class, Tokio Hotel are as popular as /
arent as popular Green Day.

157853 _ 0073-0084.indd 76

Complete the dialogue with must, might

or cant.
Jane Who are they taking photos of?
Dee Britney Spears lives on this road, so it
might be Britney Spears. But I read
on the Internet that shes on holiday, so it
Dee I heard the paparazzi shouting Jennifer,
Jennifer!. So it (3)
be Jennifer
Anniston. Im sure about that.
Jane But Jennifer Lopez is making a film here,
so it (4)
be her. Its possible, isnt it?

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25/8/09 12:20:34

Vocabulary 5



5 You must write your

on your passport.

Complete the words.

6 Do you like my cool new

1 If you dont have a driving

l i c e n c e , you cant drive a car.
. You
2 You should remember your P
shouldnt write it down anywhere.

Verbs for historical events

2 beat
3 attempt to

was stolen. I cant do my

4 found
5 sink

5 You dont have to pay with cash, you can

also pay by de

6 fight for

6 You must enter your u

name if
you want to access your email.

a To try to do something, especially

something difficult.
b When something dangerous or unpleasant
suddenly starts.

Write the words.


Match the verbs with the descriptions.

1 break out b

3 The police can identify a person by his or

her fi
4 My la
homework now.

c To go down below the surface or to the

bottom of water.
d To try very hard to defeat something, or to
stop something happening:
e To do better than someone else and often
to win.


To create something, like a company or

a state.

Complete the dialogue.

breaks | attempts | fights
shot | sinks | becomes
Fiona This film's about a woman who
fights for her country. Shes on a ship
when it (2)
. She swims to land and
then shes (3)

1 You need to enter your

personal identification number when you

use the online bank.

2 Does everybody have to carry an
in your country?
3 My names Clare Jackson, and my
s J A C K O.
4 The
normally written on your debit card.

Nadia It sounds good. What happens next?

Fiona She goes to hospital and gets better.
Then a revolution (4)
out. She
the leader of a revolutionary
group. Later she (6)
to become the
president. So, do you want to see the film?
Nadia Well, not really. Youve just told me the
whole story.

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25/8/09 12:20:35

Grammar 5


Omitting who, which and that

Relative pronouns

1 Complete the sentences. Use who, which

or where.
1 Your bedrooms a place
can relax and chill out.


(1) E.T. is a film that was directed by

Stephen Spielberg.E.T.s in a place (2)
he knows isnt his home. He meets a boy
called Eliot, (3)
becomes his friend.
There are many scenes (4)
I love from
this film. I saw the film with my mother,
s a big Spielberg fan. The DVD was
a birthday present (6)
my Dad gave me.
E.T. is the first film (7)
made me cry.


2 The English teachers someone

can help you with your English.
3 In class we can surf websites
help us with our schoolwork.
4 We also chat online with people
exchange information with us.
5 At the end of the year weve got exams,
we have to study for.
6 Then Im going to the seaside,
I can go surfing for real!

Complete the gaps with a relative

pronoun, only if necessary.

Subject and object questions

Circle the correct option.


Put the relative pronouns into the

1 My mums someone always helps me.

My mums someone who always helps me.

2 I can tell her anything is worrying me.

3 If she cant help me, she tells me I can go

for help. (where)

4 She always listens carefully, is very

important. (which)
1 Who owns these boots? / Who do these
boots own?
5 A diarys also something allows you to
express ideas. (that)

2 Who drew that picture? / Who did that

picture draw?
3 Where live you? / Where do you live?

6 I keep my diary in a place nobody can find

it. (where)

4 What happened at school? / What did

happen at school?
5 Who gave you the marker? / Where did the
marker give you?
6 Why I did it? / Why did I do it?


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Vocabulary 5



Verbs for historical events

Match the words with the descriptions.

Complete the words.

1 a laptop c
2 a debit card
3 a password
4 a driving licence
5 an identity card
6 a signature
a A document which gives you official
permission to drive a car.

1 Many years ago my great grandmother

for womens right to vote.

b An official card with your name, date of birth,

photograph and other information on it.

her own business. It

2 She f
was a shop that sold cameras.

c A computer which is small enough to be

carried around easily.

3 She b
a politician, and was
an excellent public speaker.

d Your name, written by yourself, usually to

show that something has been written or
agreed by you.

4 She was a great tennis player. She always

5 When war b
as a nurse.

e A secret word or combination of letters or

numbers. You use it on a computer.

6 My great grandfather was s

during the war. My great grandmother was
his nurse in the military hospital.

A small plastic card which can use to pay

for things. The moneys taken from your
bank account automatically.

Complete the dialogue.

out, she worked

Complete the words.

identity card | user name | signature

account number | debit card | PIN
Customer Hello, I'm afraid. Ive forgotten my
(1) bank account number .
Bank employee Look at your
. Its printed on that.
Customer I cant because Ive lost it.
Bank employee You have to show me some
form of I.D. Have you got a passport or
? Also, You need to write
your details on this form. And I need your
Customer Where do I sign? Ah yes, here.
Bank employee Were going to give you a
new card, and a new (5)
. You
can use the online bank, but youll need to
invent a new (6)

1 My great grandfather f o u g h t for

his country during the war.
2 He nearly died. He was travelling in a ship
when it s
3 After the war he had terrible memories. He
a pacifist.
4 He worked as a diplomat and he
to stop other
5 He f
an organisation
which worked with victims of war.
6 Every time a new war b
was very sad.

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out he

25/8/09 12:20:35

Grammar 5


Omitting who, which and that

Relative pronouns

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

Write a relative pronoun or /.

1 Jimmy went to a shop today
sold a lot of cool things.
2 A shop assistant
to was very helpful.

he spoke

3 He bought a toy pig

around the room.
1 My friend Zack doesnt like people who

can fly

4 He got some French books

he needs for school.
5 The shop assistant gave him a plastic bag
broke on the way home.

2 He hates things who dont work.

6 There was a nice lady

helped him when everything fell onto the

He hates things which/that dont work.

3 Zack loves places where the sun shines a

7 She saw the flying pig

bought earlier and said it was cool.

4 He bought a really cool pair of trainers who

have wheels.


Subject and object questions

5 He likes music who you can dance to.

6 He works in a shop where you can buy a

lot of sports equipment.


Circle the correct option.

Customer Excuse me. Could you tell me what
this is?
Shop assistant Its a mobile telephone
(1) that / who you can use under water.
Customer Wow! And whats this?
Shop assistant Its an armchair (2) which /
who massages your back.
Customer Thats a great idea. Do you know
(3) which / who invented this chair? Id like
to buy it but I dont know (4) where / which I
could put it in my house. I already have a sofa
(5) where / which is too big for the living room.

Complete the questions.

did you buy the book

1 Where
I bought the book at the local book shop.
2 Who
George Orwell wrote the book.

3 What
I dont know what happens in the book. I
havent started it yet.
4 Why
I bought it because a friend of mine told it
was a great book.
5 Who
Jason told me that.

6 How often
I normally read a little every night.

Shop assistant I can show you a smaller

armchair (6) that / who you might like. Look!

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25/8/09 12:20:36

Vocabulary 6


Natural disasters


Match the words with the descriptions.

Order the letters.

1 an earthquake f

2 an iceberg
3 a drought
4 a flood
5 a hurricane
6 desertification
a A long period when theres little or no rain.
b A very large piece of ice in the sea.
c A strong dangerous wind thats able to
destroy buildings.
d This is the process of fertile land becoming

e This is when a large amount of water

covers an area thats usually dry.

1 Help! Someones

2 Shes going to

A sudden violent movement of the Earths

surface, sometimes causing great damage.


that house.

3 Hes just

Complete the words.

my car.

the bank. (bbedro)

4 The old womans

5 Its
car. (lageill)

1 You should never go outside in a
to r n a d o .
2 There was a serious
in the 1980s.

in Mexico City

for children to drive a

doesnt pay. (ecrim)

Complete the sentences.

robbery | piracy | thieves
robbed | crime | shoplifter

1 It was terrible - someone
me when I was in town last week.

3 In 2009 many people in Australia died

because of a fo

2 You shouldnt download from illegal music

websites because
is theft.

4 Every autumn there are many

in the southern
part of the US.

put an MP3
3 Mum saw a
player in her pocket and walk out the shop.
4 The police have to fight against

5 A volcanic er
very dangerous.

in the bank
5 There was a
yesterday. It was very frightening.

6 The gl
are melting.

could be
in the mountains

6 Be careful with your wallet because there

are a lot of
around here.

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25/8/09 12:20:36

Grammar 6


will and might

Future forms

Complete the sentences with will probably

or probably wont.

Complete the sentences.

wont | probably | might
might | probably | will


1 I love designing clothes. Ill
study fashion design at art school.
2 Ive made a lot of clothes so I
start selling them on the


3 My mums a businesswoman so she

probably help me.
4 My dad wants me to study medicine, so he
like my ideas.

5 All my friends are into clothes and the

Internet. Theyll
work with
me too.
1 It

will probably rain this afternoon.

2 She
shes older.
3 He

play football when

First conditional

go skiing today.

4 She
and she
5 He

6 If we do well, we
open a
shop in our local shopping centre.

finish work early,

have a nice

Match the parts of the sentence.

1 If Rose starts a business,
2 The bank might give her money

pass the exam.

3 If she doesnt work hard,

Circle the correct option.

4 If people like her clothes,

1 Our school s having / ll have a fashion

show on March 16th at 8 p.m.

5 Internet shopping will be bigger

2 In the future recycling will / s going to be

more necessary. Its a fact.
3 So, at our fashion show were going to /
we'll show people how recycled clothes
can be fashionable and environmentally
friendly. Thats our intention.
4 We predict that over five hundred people
will probably / wont probably come.
5 Rose is showing / is going to show her new
collection of clothes at 9 p.m.

6 Rose wont do business with people

a theyll tell their friends.
b she wont sell many clothes.
c if more people have an Internet connection
at home.
d if they arent eco-friendly.
e shell need money. 1

if she shows them a business plan.

6 My mum says shes going to buy / shell

buy a dress. Thats her plan.

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25/8/09 12:20:37

Vocabulary 6


Natural disasters


Complete the sentences.

1 The police ran after the two crimes /


eruption | earthquake | hurricane

forest fire | drought | flood

2 Theres a lot of pirate / piracy on the


1 People shouldnt smoke in forests, because

they could start a forest fire .

3 In Britain smoking in cafs is illegal /


2 It rained so much that there was a

3 I saw a volcanic

4 There was a big robbery / rob at the bank.

on TV.

5 Thief / Thieves stole my wallet.

4 Everybodys hoping it will rain. Theres

been a terrible
5 In Japan a lot of buildings shake but dont
fall during an

Circle the correct word.

6 I saw a burgle / burglary and called the


Complete the dialogue.

6 There were a lot of things flying through

the air during the

burgle | rob | steal | thieves

shoplifting | burglars

Complete the words.


Harry I saw a great film yesterday. It was

about two women who (1)
a car. They meet two men. The men are
also (2)
. They decide to
a house together. But they
arent professional (4)
, so they
dont know the best way to do it.
Will I think I saw this! Do they
a man outside the house,
and steal his wallet?

Harry Yes, exactly. In the end the police catch

them all (6)
in a clothes shop.

Dictionary work
1 Last year there were really big
in our town.
s a really big problem in
2 D
the world today.
3 The polar bear population could disappear
if the g
4 Everybodys left the city because a
s coming.
5 Some experts say there will be a
6 Every summer theres a danger of

Find the words.


is the crime of intentionally

starting a fire in order to destroy something.

is the crime of getting

money by cheating people.

3 To
someone is to attack
them in a public place and rob.
4 To
is to steal things out of
people's pockets or bags.
5 To
is to intentionally
damage property belonging to others.

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25/8/09 12:20:37

Grammar 6

a This is a future prediction.

Future forms

b This is a future plan.

c This is a future fact. 1

Complete the sentences using will, wont,

going to or present continuous.

d This is a future fact.

e This is a future prediction.

This is a future intention.

will and might


4 He
probably be very red at
the end of his holiday.

Martin Im not sure about what were doing on

Friday night, but (1) we might / will probably
go to the cinema.
Keith Ive got an exam on Saturday so
(2) I might / probably wont go out this
weekend. Im really worried because I haven't
studied. (3) Ill probably / I might fail.
Martin You always say that before an exam,
and you always pass. So Im sure
(4) youll probably / you might pass this exam
too. Im not really sure about my Saturday
plans, but (5) I will / Ill probably watch a game
of football.
Keith If I have time, Ill go too. But Im almost
certain that I wont have time.
(6) Ill probably be / I might be at home all day.

5 The bird
tree anymore!

live in this

First conditional

6 She probably
It's full of flies.

eat her dinner.

1 Jasons having

a party at his house.

2 The environment expert said that more

melt soon.
3 Terence
holiday to Spain.

Circle the correct option.

book a

Match the sentences with their meanings.

1 In 2020 Jessica wont be a teenager.
Shell be an adult.
2 Shell probably live in her own
3 Jessicas going to study this weekend.
Shes got exams next week.
4 After her exams, Jessicas having lunch
with her mum at Eddies restaurant.
5 Jessicas mum will probably ask for
spaghetti bolognaise.
6 Jessica wont eat meat at Eddies
because shes a vegetarian.


157853 _ 0073-0084.indd 84

Complete the sentences.

1 If Martins football team
very happy. (win / be)
2 If Keith
(pass / have)
3 People
(not stay / be)
4 My parents
old car

his exam, his

a party for him.
at home if
sunny this weekend.
a new car if the
. (buy / break down)

5 If I

to the supermarket, I
fair trade coffee. (go / get)

6 We might

for a walk, if you

to come with us. (go / want)

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25/8/09 12:20:38

Vocabulary 7


Collocations with have, do and



Circle the correct option.

Hi Gary,
I know we havent written in a long time.
Ive got a lot of news.
Last year I (1) got / fell in love with a
beautiful woman. I was in a restaurant and
she was the waitress. She (2) chatted / went
me up and then we (3) made / went on a
date. It was cool because we (4) got on /
got up really well.
We started (5) going out / going back a
week later. And last week we fell / got
engaged! Im so happy. I hope youll come
to the wedding.
Talk soon,

Complete the words.

1 Gary and Alice were having a
co n v e r s a t i

o n.

2 They went dancing together and they had

a go
3 The next day it was Alices birthday and
she had a pa
4 While Alice was talking, Gary was
fun of her.
5 Alice got very angry. She had an
with Gary.
6 Gary said that he hadnt d
anything. It was Alices imagination.

Order the letters

Complete the email.

broke | over | get | make | fell | back

Hi Rory,
Congratulations! Im very happy for you.
My personal lifes not so good, though.
I was engaged to a beautiful woman,
too. We were going to (1)
married. Then we had a terrible fight and
out. Two days later we
we (2)
up. It was horrible.
I havent seen Alice for a month now. Im
still very sad and I havent got
it. I really want to talk to
up. But I think
her and (5)
shes got a new boyfriend and she doesnt
want to get (6)
What should I do?

Gary Alice, Im sorry, but I havent done

anything . (athyning)
Alice Yes - you did (2)
You were laughing at me. (metsohing) And
stop making (3)
. (eusexcs)
Gary OK, I made a (4)
sorry. (takemis)

. Im

Alice I dont want to see you anymore.

Gary But Alice, Im making an
to be nice. (fortef)
Alice Goodbye, Gary.
Gary Alice please, Im trying to
a conversation with you.
Alice Its too late for that!


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Grammar 7


Second conditional

Second conditional for advice

Circle the correct option.

1 If I lived on the moon, Id /ll be very happy.

1 Tom I havent got any money.

2 My dad wouldnt / wont work if he won

the lottery.

Yvonne Get a part-time job.

If I were you, Id get a part-time job.

3 If I m / was Scottish, I wouldnt have to

learn English at school.

2 Tom My passport and wallet were stolen.

Yvonne Go to the police.

4 The teacher would be happier if everybody

do / did their homework.

3 Tom My dogs very fat.

5 If my dog could / can speak, shed tell us

that she was hungry.

Yvonne Dont give him so much to eat.

6 The world would be a better place if there

arent / werent so many wars.

4 Tom Im very stressed.

Yvonne Dont study so much.


Write advice using should and shouldnt.

5 Tom I need to relax.

run away | speak so loudly | go to bed

wear a helmet | wear a coat | eat all the cakes

Yvonne Go to the beach for a few days.

First v. second conditional

Write advice using the second conditional.

Match the parts of the sentence.

1 If its cold tomorrow morning,
2 If I didnt live in London,

3 My sister wouldnt be so angry

4 The shops will be completely full
5 Well be very sad
6 Would you live in Beverly Hills

a if she didnt have to work so much.

b if there are sales on.
c Id move to Italy.
1 The man

should run away

d if you dont visit us again.

2 He

e if you were a celebrity?

3 She

4 He

5 She

6 He


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Ill wear a coat and a scarf. 1

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Vocabulary 7


Collocations with have, do and



Complete the sentences.


Circle the correct option.

1 Shes very sensitive so you shouldnt make
an effort / fun of her.
2 I didnt do my homework and I had to
make an excuse / a mistake for the teacher.

3 We went out yesterday and we had a

mistake / good time.

4 Are you going to make / have a party for

your birthday?

5 The teacher was really angry. Some students

had done nothing / something wrong.

6 If you make / do an effort, youll do well in

the exam.

1 Bert and Angela


in love in

2 After two weeks they

3 They got
wonderful wedding.

in 2006. It was a

have | made | fun | conversation

do | nothing
Mum Why does your teacher want to speak
with me?
Son I dont know.


4 One day Angela saw a handsome guy

called Joey. She started to
him up.

Mum Did you (1)


5 She and Bert had a big fight and they


Mum Did you (3)

an argument
with another student?
Son Well, I was having a (4)
with a boy and the teacher said we were

6 In 2008 they
up and Angela
moved to another apartment.

Complete the dialogue.

Complete the words.

(1) When Angela met Joey, they
on really well. (2) A few days later they went
out on a d
. (3) They liked each
other and they started g
(4) They had arguments but they always
up after them. (5) They
broke up for a few days but they got back
. (6) Angelas ex-boyfriend
is Bert. Bert still hasnt got o

Son No, Ive done (2)


Mum Did you tell her shed (5)

a mistake?
Son Yes, but she said I was making
of her and she wants to
speak to you.


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Grammar 7

a You

Second conditional


drink a lot of water. 4

b You

talk to her.

c You

go to art school.

d You

go to bed so late.

If we had more money, we wouldnt work

e You

go to the dentist.

so much.

watch so much TV.

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 1 If we had more money, we wont work so

2 Wed make music all day, if we didnt have

to work.


Second conditional for advice

Complete the advice.


3 The children will be happier if they could

play all day.

4 But they wont learn so much if they didnt

go to school.

5 My parents would help me if they werent

so busy.

6 Id watch more TV if my parents allow me


1 If I
for help.

you, Id


2 I
listen to music as you do
your homework
I were you.
It's distracting.


Match the problem with the advice. Then

complete the advice.

3 If
were you, I
put that plant outside.
4 I wouldnt

1 I have a toothache.
2 My eyes hurt.
3 The teacher gives us too much homework.
4 Its very hot outside.

that water
I were you. It's dirty.

5 If I were
eat less junk food.
6 If I
my hair cut.

you, Id

5 I want to be an artist.
6 I always feel tired in the morning.


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Vocabulary 8

4 A lighthouse / wall is normally made of
stone or brick. It divides things like rooms
or is built around something.


Complete the sentences.

5 An opera house / a monastery is a place

where monks live and pray.

temples | opera house | pyramids

skyscrapers | palaces | skyscraper

6 A skyscraper / mosque is a building for

Islamic religious activities and worship.


Complete the words.

Todd What are you writing?

Lily Its a story about a woman detective

called Sheila Holmes. She solves
(1) my s t e r i e s . Shes got a new
(2) ca
about a man who disappears. She
goes to his house to look for (3) cl
She finds his mobile telephone and now has
a lot of (4) ev
about who
hes been calling.
Todd What does she do then?
Lily She analyses everything and studies the
(5) fa
. Then she has different
(6) Th
about what
happened. She has to test each one and try
and find a solution.

1 Bernard the Bear has travelled a lot. Hes

seen a lot of skyscrapers .
2 Hes been to see Aida at the Sydney
3 Bernards visited Buddhist


1 Police investigators are experts at finding

at a crime scene.

4 Bernards also been to the top of a

5 Hes taken pictures of great

Complete the words.

2 We dont know if aliens exist. Its a


6 His favourite monuments are


3 We know there are many planets in the

solar system. This is a f

Circle the correct option.

4 Nobody knows for sure why we are here on

Earth. But there are a lot of t

1 A palace / lighthouse is a tall building by

the sea. Its got a light at the top to warn
ships of dangerous rocks.

5 My mothers car was stolen. The police are

investigating the c

2 Pyramids / Skyscrapers are made of stone.

They were built in ancient times. The most
famous ones are in Egypt.

6 I like doing crosswords, especially when

the c
are difficult.

3 A church / mosque is a building used for

Christian religious activities and worship.

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Grammar 8


Passive: present and past

Passive: questions

Circle the correct option.

1 The hotel calls / s called Hotel.

1 The restaurants decorated with flowers.

Whats the restaurant decorated with?

2 My mother manages / is managed it.

3 Its popular with tourists. It
always fully books / s always fully booked.

2 The menus are designed by the chef.


4 The rooms clean / are cleaned every day.

3 The gyms located on the 1st floor.


5 Dinner serves / s served between 7 p.m.

and 11 p.m.

4 The new reception was designed by a


6 Singers perform / are performed at the


Write the questions.

5 The new sports clubs run by a former

Olympic champion.

Complete the sentences.


Complete the questions.

seen | who | were | what
was | what

1 What


made in the hotel?

A Hollywood film was made in the hotel.


was the hotel website

designed by?

It was designed by a famous web designer.

3 How many articles

about the hotel last year?


Over a hundred articles were written about

the hotel last year.
1 The Happy Hotel

was built

2 In the 1940s it
grandfather. (manage)
3 It

in 1935.
by my

4 New sculptures
the hotel in the 1980s. (install)

157853 _ 0085-0096.indd 90

5 Who was

in the reception?


were the paparazzi told?

The paparazzi were told to stay away.

the hotel in

6 New employees

A new budget hotel was opened last week.

Brad Pitt was seen in the reception.

again in the 1950s. (paint)

5 My mother
1990. (buy)

was opened last week?

last year.

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27/8/09 10:29:47

Vocabulary 8




Complete the sentences.

skyscraper | church | mosque

monastery | opera house | palace
1 The Santa Maria de Montserrat is a famous
monastery in the mountains near

Match the words with the descriptions.

1 a case d

4 a theory

2 a mystery

5 evidence

3 a fact

6 a clue

a This something which has happened or

exists. We can be sure about this.

2 The Torre Picasso is a

in Madrid. Its got 43 floors.

b This can be the explanation of something

which has happened or exists.

3 The Queen of England lives in


c This is one or more reasons for believing

that something is or is not true.

4 La Sagrada Familia is a very famous

in Barcelona.

d This is a particular situation or example of


is a place where Muslims

5 A
can pray. Its also a centre of information
and education.

e This a sign or some information which

helps you to find the answer to a problem,
question or mystery.

6 Id love to sing on stage at a famous


Complete the words.

This is something strange or unknown

which has not yet been explained or

Order the letters.

Sally Id love to be an architect and design tall

modern (1) s k y s c r a p e r s .
Mum There are some great books on
architecture at the library. Theres one about
(2) p
in Egypt and
Latin America. And theres another one about
Japanese (3) t
Sally The library's great. I saw some fantastic
photographs on the (4) w
. Theres
an exhibition about ships. It shows how they can
get help from a (5) l
Mum Next month theres an exhibition about
kings, queens and their (6) p

1 We studied the theory of evolution in

school today. (rytheo)
2 The police officer found the
he needed. (encedive)
3 Sherlock Holmes is working on a very
. (seca)
4 Scientists cant explain how superman
flies. Its a
. (erymyst)
5 The day after Mondays Tuesday. This is a
. (ftac)
6 The police have found an important
. (luce)

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Grammar 8


Passive: present and past

Passive: questions

Complete the sentences.

are worn
1 Uniforms
Britain. (wear)

Order the questions.

in some schools in

2 Soft drinks
in many
American high schools. (forbid)
3 Mobile phones
classes. (not allow)

in many

4 Sports

on a regular basis.

5 Lunch
and 2 p.m. (serve)

between 12 p.m.

6 Talking
library. (not permit)

1 shown / for the first time / when was the

film ?

When was the film shown for the first time?

It was shown for the first time on Friday
2 the screenplay / was / based on / what ?

in the school
It was based on a book by Stephen King.

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 The AVE to Seville isnt opened until 1992.

3 for the Oscar / who / was nominated ?

The AVE to Seville wasnt opened until 1992.

2 The line from Madrid to Barcelona was
finished in 2008.

Angelina Jolie was nominated for the

4 celebrities / invited to the event / how
many / were ?

3 Expo Zaragoza is held in 2008.

4 The new terminal in Barcelona Airport

were designed by Ricardo Bofill.

5 Palma Airport were used by over 22 million

people in 2008.

6 La Corua is connected to Madrid by the A6.


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Over five hundred celebrities were invited

to the event.
5 the after party / held / where / was ?

The after party was held at the Ritz Carlton

6 Angelina Jolies dress / was / designed by
/ who ?

It was designed by Galliano.

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Vocabulary 9



Reporting verbs

Circle the correct option.

Complete the words.

1 A headline / cartoon is a line of words

printed in large letters as the title of a story
in a newspaper.

2 A cartoon / caption is a short piece of text

under a picture. It describes the picture or
explains what the characters are doing or
3 A horoscope / front page describes whats
going to happen to you. Its based on the
position of the stars and planets.

4 If you want to read news about football

or tennis, you should look at the
weather forecast / sports section.
5 A cartoon / caption is a drawing that tells
a joke.

6 The first thing you normally see when

you buy a newspaper is the front page /
weather forecast.

Complete the dialogue.

local news | weather forecast | cartoons
world news | headlines | sports section
Justin What kinds of news are you interested
Linda First of all, I take a look at every page
headlines . Im a huge
and read the (1)
football and golf fan, so after that I read the
. If Im going to the
beach or the mountains, Ill look at the
before I leave. What
about you?
Justin I want to know whats happening in
my city. So I read the (4)
first. But Im also interested in whats
happening in other countries, so I always read
the (5)
as well. If I want to
laugh, Ill look at the (6)

1 Patricia cl a i m e d that her son

Killian had broken the vase.
2 Killian de
the vase.

that he had broken

3 Alison, the sister, in

that Killian had broken it.
4 Lisa ad
broken it.

that she had

5 Dad co
that it had
been Lisa. He had seen her break it.
6 Everybody was happy when Killian
that there had been
money inside the vase.


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Grammar 9

4 Had your parents seen you before you
went on holiday?

Past perfect

Write complete sentences.

No, they
. So they were very
happy to see me when I got back.

1 Jill was tired because she / run up the hill.

Jill was tired because she had run up the hill.

you studied
5 How often
before you did your exams?

2 The class start / when we arrived.

Before I did my exams, I

studied every day.
3 The room was really messy because I /
forget to clean it.

Reported speech

Complete the sentences.

really happy.
I passed my exam.
My dads going to
buy me a dog. My mum
will be pleased about
the exam. She wont
be pleased about
the dog.

4 We couldnt get a table at the restaurant

because we / not book.

5 It was my first time in Rome. I / not be

there before.
1 John said
6 I turn around for a second / when my bag
was stolen.

that he was really happy

2 He said

3 Then he said

4 He told us

5 Finally he revealed

Past perfect: questions

Complete the questions.

hadnt | had | what | d | had | been


your bag been stolen

No, it was the first time.
in Italy before or
2 Had you
was that your first time?
Yes, Id been in Naples once.

had you eaten before lunch?

Id only had a piece of toast for breakfast,
so I was very hungry.


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Circle the correct option.

1 Britney claimed / denied that the paparazzi
were making her life horrible. She wanted
them to stop following her.
2 Britney claimed / denied that she was
having another child. Its a lie, she said.
3 Christina claimed / revealed to us that she
loves hamburgers! Nobody knew this.
4 Last week we said that Penelope was
going to work in Italy. This morning
Penelope confirmed / insisted that it's true.
5 Last week Brad said he wasnt getting
a divorce. But yesterday he denied /
admitted that he was getting a divorce.

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Vocabulary 9



Reporting verbs

Write the words.


Match the verbs with the sentences.

confirm | admit | claim | reveal
deny | insist
1 OK, OK, this is my second time visiting
your planet.

2 Im not alone. There are other aliens living

3 You dont know this, but Ive got a family
waiting for me at home.

4 No, Im not here to fight against humans.

5 You think I come from the Mars. Well, yes,

thats correct.
6 Ive already said this. Im here to
make friends with people on earth.

1 There was a huge picture of an alien on

the front page of the newspaper.
2 The
said that the alien was
here to visit Earth.
3 There was an article about tennis in the

Complete the dialogue using the correct

forms of reporting verbs.

4 The
said it would be
cloudy, warm and rainy. A typical spring day.

5 The
cat and a mouse.

yesterday was about a

6 My

for today is positive.

Complete the words.

Hey Milo
Have you read the newspaper today? All the
(1) h e a d l i n e s are saying
theres an alien in our town! I saw the picture
and the I read the (2) c
This is really big (3) l
news and
its in foreign newspapers, so its also
(4) w
Im going to see the alien. I saw the
(5) w
and its going to rain. So Ill take my umbrella.
My (6) h
this week
didnt say I would meet an alien!

Journalist Mr President, have you met the

alien? Weve heard that you have.

President Yes, I can (1)
Ive met the alien. The last president said
the alien was our enemy, but I want to
that. The alien is our friend.
Journalist Are you sure about that, Mr
President Im positive and I (3)
that the alien is our friend. OK, let me say that
last week I wasnt sure. I thought the alien
might be dangerous. I (4)
But then I met the alien. He (5)
all kinds of secrets about his planet and I
learned so much. The alien (6)
to be our friend and its a fact. Its true!


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Grammar 9


Past perfect

Reported speech

Write the explanations.

1 You have to come immediately! Ive fallen

down the stairs.

Put the statements into reported speech.

he had to come

Bobs mother said

immediately. Shed fallen down the stairs


1 Susan couldnt find her car. It

stolen. (steal)

had been

2 Ill be there in ten minutes.

Bob said

3 Ive called an ambulance.

Bobs mother said

4 Your mothers fine.

The nurse said

5 You can see her now.

The nurse said

Complete the sentences.

2 Susan went to her friends house, but there

was no one there. Bob
(go out).

denied | claimed | revealed

insisted | admitted

3 When Bob arrived home, Susan

at the front door. (fall

1 Im going to buy my own car.

4 Susan was wet because it

. (rain)

2 OK, its true. I didnt call you before I took

your car. Im sorry.

5 Susan was very hungry because she

. (not eat)
6 Susan was very angry when Bob told her
that he
the car. (take)

Circle the correct option.

Bob left the house in a panic because he
(1) received / had received a phone call. His
mother called him to say that she (2) fell /
had fallen down the stairs. As soon as Bob
heard the news, he ran out the door and
(3) went / had gone straight to Susans house.
He took Susans car from the car park after he
(4) tried / had tried to call Susan. When Bob
(5) arrived / had arrived at his mothers house,
she wasnt there. The ambulance (6) took /
had taken her to hospital.


157853 _ 0085-0096.indd

buy his own car.

that he was going to

that he hadnt called

her before hed taken the car.
3 I didnt take your bicycle though. That
wasnt me.

taking the bicycle.

4 Here take this money. Please. Take it'.


that Susan take the

5 And youll never believe this! - Ive got a

new girlfriend!

that he had a new

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My interests

Debra Yes, you can (5)

rubbish and (6)

Complete the sentences.

out the
the table.

Irene OK. But don't ask me to make the


Last summer

Complete the words.

1 Last year Debra travelled by p l
to Brazil.

2 She fell in l o

a n e

v e with a boy called

3 She made a lot of new

f r i e n d s.

4 They climbed a m o u n t a
5 They want to p a r t i
together and danced a lot.

1 I have long conversations on my mobile

phone. Im very t alkative .

e s

6 Did you visit a n y w h e

exciting last summer?

2 I usually play with my games

at the weekend.

r e

English you need

3 My favourite subject at school is

4 When Im on holiday, I like sunbathing
5 My family need a dishwasher. I hate doing
the washing
- up


Circle the correct option.

Student I dont want to speak because Im
afraid of making (1) mistakes / communication.

6 Last year I went to New York. I did a lot of


Teacher You should (2) enjoy / worry about

speaking. Your vocabulary and grammar dont
have to be perfect when you speak.

Jobs at home

Student But Im bad at learning languages.

Teacher You should think (3) positively /
negatively. This will help you learn.

Complete the dialogue.

lay | make | do | take | tidy | iron

Student Do you think I should (4) translate /

think every word?

Debra I cant go to the cinema with you.

I have to (1)
the washing-up.

Teacher No, that isnt necessary. A little bit is

OK, but not for every word.

Irene OK, well go after that.

Student Do I have to learn (5) new / familiar


Debra Then I have to (2)
my clothes and (4)
my room.

my bed,


Teacher Good idea. Its also important to learn

new (6) mistakes / vocabulary.

Irene Is there anything I can do to help?

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25/8/09 13:03:17



how much?/ how many?

Tense review

Complete the questions. Match them with

the answers.

Complete the dialogue.

did | did | are | will | do | are

1 How


2 How


free time have you got?

Sally Where (1)

holiday this year?

3 How
the bank?

money have you got in

Tom Im going to Greece.

4 How


5 How
6 How


apples do you eat every

Sally What (2)

pets have your family



you going on

you do there?

Tom Im not sure. Well probably visit Athens

and then go to one of the islands.

friends have you got at

Sally Where (3)


you go last year?

Tom Our cousins came to visit, so we stayed

at home.

cola do you drink?

Sally What (4)

a Not a lot, because I bought a new bike last

week. 3

Tom Its pasta. (5)


b I dont eat any. I dont like them. 1


you eating?


you want

Sally Yes, please. I didnt know you could

cook. When (6)
you start cooking?

c A lot. Weve got cats, dogs and fish. 4

d None. I dont like sugary drinks. 6

some/any/no + body/thing/where

e A lot. Were on holiday at the moment. 2


A few. Maybe three or four. 5

Circle the correct option.

Present simple v. present


Complete the sentences.

1 We hardly ever
to restaurants
because we havent got any money. (go)
2 Tonight we re going
to a restaurant
because its my birthday. (go)
3 At the moment I m eating
food. (eat)


dont eat
4 Most days we
at home. (not eat)
5 My mum
morning. (work)

Italian food

in an office every

6 Today my mum s staying

at home
because she doesnt feel well. (stay)

Tom Do you know (1) anybody / nobody who

wants to buy a computer?
Sally Yes, I think I might know (2) anybody
/ somebody. But you should also write an ad
and put it (3) somewhere / anywhere.
Tom OK, but I dont know (4) nowhere /
anywhere I could put it.
Sally Maybe in the local computer shop. I
know (5) anybody / somebody who works
Tom The problem is, its an old computer.
Maybe (6) anybody / nobody will want it.


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25/8/09 13:03:17

Vocabulary 1


Performing arts

Musical instruments

Circle the correct option.

1 At the theatre last Saturday I saw a play /
choreographer by Shakespeare.

Complete the sentences.

cello | flute | violin | saxophone
drums | accordion

2 William Shakespeares one of Englands

most famous performances / playwrights.

Irene plays a lot of instruments.

3 From the front of the theatre. I could see

everything on the stage / audition.

4 The actors were excellent. I loved their

orchestra / performances.
5 At the end of the play, the live music /
audience were clearly happy.

6 After that I wanted to hear some audition /

live music, so we went to a concert.

Order the letters

Ruth What job would you like to have?
Claire I love classical dance, and Id like to
be a (1)
dancer. (llbtae) Next
month Im performing in a show. Its hard work
because weve got a (2) rehearsal every
day. (eresaharl)

1 Irene cant practise the steel
at home because theyre too noisy.
2 She can practise the
because it makes less noise.

Ruth Thats interesting. What do you do


3 Irene wants to learn how to play the


Claire Theres a (3) choreographer and

he tells us how we should dance together.

4 Irenes mum plays the


and they
Claire I did an (4)
said I was good enough to participate. Would
you like to be a performer? (aditiuon)


Claire You could also be a (6)

and direct the musicians with a baton.

in an

5 Her dads bought an accordion

starting classes next week.

Ruth How did you get a part in this show?

Ruth I play the violin. It would be great to play

in an (5) orchestra . (otrarches)


6 Irene loves listening to the

It makes beautiful music.

. Hes


Complete the words.

1 Can you help me carry my ce l
very heavy.

l o ? Its

2 If you play the guitar, it will be easy to

learn the double b a s s .
3 Tom can hit the tam b o u r i
and dance at the same time.

n e,

4 Mark likes listening to the sounds of the

cla r i n e t .
5 Our school bands looking for someone to
play the tro m b o n e .
6 To play the re c o r d e r , you
should cover the holes with your fingers.
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25/8/09 12:34:12

Grammar 1


like + -ing form

3 Joseph / not plan / study Maths.

Circle the correct option.

4 He wouldnt like / work in a bank.

Joseph doesnt plan to study Maths.

He wouldnt like to work in a bank.

5 Hed like / study at art school.

Hed like to study at art school.

6 He plan / be an artist.

He plans to be an artist.

1 Mathew sleeps a lot. He cant stand / loves

getting up early.
2 Mathew loves / hates going to the theatre.
He thinks its really boring.
3 He loves / cant stand going to the cinema.
Hes a film fan.

have to: present

have to | doesnt have | have to

dont have to | has to | doesnt have to

4 Mathews band are excited. They like /

hate performing in front of an audience.

Complete the sentences.

5 Mathew sings some songs, but he doesnt

mind / prefers playing the guitar.

doesnt have
1 A DJ

6 A lot of students really hate homework, but

Mathew cant stand / doesnt mind doing it.

has to
2 But a DJ
for people to hear.

Prepositions + -ing form

3 Its a holiday on Friday. We

dont have to
go to school.

Write the correct preposition.

4 The teachers given us extra homework.

have to
do that.

to play a musical
put on music

have to
5 Dad says that I
my room before I watch the TV.


6 Its not fair because my dad

doesnt have to clean his room.

of mice.
2 Mathews interested in reading novels.
3 Hes good at playing the guitar.
4 Mathews hopeless at playing football.
1 Mathews afraid

5 His teachers are happy because hes

serious about his homework.
6 He runs every day. Hes keen

on sport.

Verbs of ambition + infinitive

Write complete sentences.

1 Martina hope / travel around the world.

Martina hopes to travel around the world.

2 Kate and Danny would like / be dancers.

have to: past

Complete the dialogue.

Angela Did you (1)
last year?
Marge Yes! (2) I
hard last year.


to study a lot
to study very

didnt have to study

Angela (3) I
much because there were no exams at my
school. But (4) we
to prepare a
performance. That was difficult.
Marge (5)


Angela (6) I didnt

had to dance.

you have to sing or


to sing but I

Kate and Danny would like to be dancers.


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25/8/09 12:34:13

Vocabulary 1


Performing arts

Musical instruments

Complete the words.


Order the letters.

1 A recorder s made of a wooden or
plastic tube. You blow down this and cover
the holes with your fingers. (ordrecer)

2 A clarinet s made of metal. You blow

into it and press the metal keys. (rinclaet)

3 A sax players someone who plays the

saxophone . (sophoaxne)
4 A trombonists someone who plays the
trombone . (trobonme)

accordion s shaped like a box.

5 An
You hold it in your hands to play it.

6 The double bass is the largest musical

instrument of the violin family.
(dbleou ssba)

1 Shelly Shakespeares a
play w r i g h t .
2 At the moment shes writing about a
con d u c t o r .
3 Hes also a ba l

l e t dancer.

Match the words with the descriptions.

2 critic e

5 He falls on top of the audi e n c e .

6 Shelley Shakespeares new pl a y s called
Tonight I Fall.
Complete the sentences.
live | audition | rehearsals | performance
choreographer | orchestra
1 A lot of actors want to audition
Shelley Shakespeares play.

1 interval d

4 One night hes dancing on a small

st a g e .

Dictionary work


2 Shelley also needs musicians for the

orchestra .
3 She doesnt want recorded music, she
4 Shelleys looking for a choreographer

3 opening night b
4 A stage manager a
5 gig c
6 stage fright f
a This person looks after the equipment
during a performance.
b This is the first night that a plays
c This is another word for a concert.
d This is a brief period between the parts of
a play or a film.
e This person gives an opinion about a play
or a film. Its their job.

This is when an actor or performers very

nervous about performing.

to plan the dance moves.

5 Before the play starts, theyll have four
rehearsals .
weeks of
6 The first performance will be in four
weeks and two days at the Royal Theatre.
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25/8/09 12:34:13

Grammar 1


Like + -ing form

Verbs of ambition + infinitive

Complete the dialogue.

Write complete sentences.

mind | prefer | like

cant | hate | enjoy

enjoy going to the beach on

Sabina (1) I
holiday. Its really good.
Tom The beach is cool, but (2) I
going to the mountains. Its nicer there.
Sabina We never go to the mountains
because (3) my mum
stand it.
Shes afraid of heights.

1 Tina plan / walk on the moon.

Tom (4) I also
a few days. Thats fun.

2 She hope / be a Formula One champion.

Tina plans to walk on the moon.

relaxing at home for

She hopes to be a Formula One champion.

Sabina Not for me! (5) I
staying at
home. Its horrible. But (6) I dont
going to my cousins house. Thats OK.

3 Tina want / learn Spanish.

Tina wants to learn Spanish.

4 She would like / live in Spain.

She would like to live in Spain.

Prepositions + -ing form

5 Tina not plan / cook Spanish food.

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

She doesnt plan to cook Spanish food.

1 Sabinas bad on Maths and Science.

6 Shed like / have a house by the sea.

Sabinas bad at Maths and Science.

Shed like to have a house by the sea.

2 Toms good at languages.

have to: past

3 Sabina and Thelma are interested of

Circle the correct option.

Sabina and Thelma are interested in holidays.

4 They arent afraid in anything.

They arent afraid of anything.

5 Toms hopeless on doing homework.

Toms hopeless at doing homework.

6 Sabinas serious about rugby.
7 Toms interested in football.

Hi Jessie,
How are you? Im fine, but very busy.
Last week my grandmother visited us.
(1) We had to / haved to paint the walls.
We (2) had to / didnt have to cut the
grass because we havent got a garden.
But we (3) had to / didnt have to tidy the
terrace. When your gran came did you
(4) had to / have to prepare a bedroom
for her? And (5) do / did you have to
collect her from the station?


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25/8/09 12:34:14

Vocabulary 2

a its made of metal. 2

Places in a village

b made of silver. 5

Circle the correct option.

c it could break. 1

1 There are a Catholic and a Protestant

signpost / church in Tims village.

d its made of plastic. 3

e riding a motorcycle. 6

2 You have to walk up a hill / farmhouse to

get to Tims house.
3 There are cows in the gate / field next to
his house.

woollen socks at the moment. 4

Order the letters

4 There are a lot of beautiful trees in the

wood / fence.

5 Tims family live in a big bridge /

6 In the summer his dog goes swimming in
the signpost / stream.

Complete the sentences.

gate | fence | bridge | signpost

crossroads | path
1 At the crossroads , you can go left, right,
or straight on to my house.


2 Theres no road to my house, but you can

walk along a
through the field.
3 In front of my house and garden, theres a
gate .
small metal

4 Were building a wooden

around the garden.


5 If you look down from the

can see fish in the stream.


1 Elton loves his

, you


2 Baby Peters sitting on a

horse. (denwoo)



6 At the entrance to the village theres a

signpost . It says, Town Centre 3 km.

3 Tamara bought a really nice

shirt at the market. (kils)



4 Maurice has to polish all the

knives and forks. (revsli)

Match the parts of the sentence.

5 On windy days I always wear my

sweater. (oowllen)

1 Thats a glass table. If you sit on it,

2 The door is very strong because

6 My grans got a
her living room. (ssagl)

statue in

3 If the cup falls, it wont break as

4 Im knitting
5 The bracelet is expensive. Its
6 Leather clothes are perfect for
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25/8/09 12:34:14

Grammar 2


Past simple v. past continuous

4 She
ice cream.

Circle the correct option.

5 Where

A ghosts tale.

6 She used to go to Blackpool. She didnt

to travel abroad.

1 When I appeared / was appearing in the

hotel last night, everybody was sleeping.
2 When Mr Daniels walked / was walking out
of the lift, I was flying along the corridor.
3 While he opened / was opening the door to
his room, Mr Daniels saw me.
4 The manager heard / was hearing the
screaming while he was leaving the hotel.


to like chicken, chips and

she use to go on holiday?

used to

Write complete sentences. Use used to or

didnt use to.

5 I was going to the hotel reception when

the police arrived / were arriving.
6 I saw the sun rising while I went /
was going to the graveyard to sleep.


Complete the story.

Journalist's notes
A man saw the Hotel Heart ghost last
night. He was entering his room, when
suddenly the ghost (1)
(jump) in front of him. He stayed calm
while the ghost (2) was trying (try) to
scare him. The other guests were sleeping
when suddenly they (3)
(hear) a very loud noise.
The guest, Mr Declan Daniels, said I was
running after the ghost, when suddenly
the ghost (4)
(fall) and
shouted. I called the police while the ghost
was crying
(cry) on the floor.
When the police (6)
everybody was congratulating Mr. Daniels.
They were saying he was a brave man.

2 No, she
short hair.




to have long hair?

. She used to have

did she use to like eating

when she was four?


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1 When my mum was four, she / dance on

her kitchen table.

She used to dance on her kitchen table.

2 She / not eat her vegetables.

She didnt use to eat her vegetables.

3 My mum / play with cars.

My mum used to play with cars.

She didnt use to play with dolls.

Complete the questions.

1 Did your mum

4 She / not play with dolls. She didnt like


used to: questions

5 My mum / go swimming with her brother.

My mum used to go swimming with her brother.

6 They / not write emails. They didn't exist!

They didnt use to write emails.

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25/8/09 12:34:14

Vocabulary 2


Places in a village


Match the descriptions with the words.

1 This opens and closes like a door.

1 Clothes that are made of glass / silk / wood

are usually very soft.

2 A farmer normally lives here.

2 Windows are normally made of metal /

silver / glass.

3 This is a building for religious activities.

4 This is an area of land covered with trees.

3 You can find fashionable leather / metal /

wooden jackets in the shops.

5 This is next to the road. It gives

information about distances.

4 Supermarkets shouldnt use so many

wooden / plastic / metal bags.

6 This is a small river.

a a wood 4
b a stream 6

d a signpost 5

c a gate 1

5 They cut down a tree and made a lot of

wooden / silver / silk tables.

e a farmhouse 2

6 My dads wedding rings made of silver /

plastic / leather. Its an expensive ring.

a church 3

Complete the words.

Complete the words.

1 Nessas got a beautiful sil v e r watch.

Circle the correct option.

2 She loves sleeping with bed sheets that

are made of si l k .
3 Shes also got a big wo o l l e n
blanket so she wont get cold.

4 When its raining Nessa wears a good pair

of le a t h e r shoes.
5 Her bikes made of me t a l .
6 Nessas also got a pair of lea t h e r
trousers. She wears them to discos.

Dictionary work Students own answers.

1 Jack goes running every day. He runs

along the path
beside the
2 He runs through the flowers
can smell the flowers.
4 He runs up the hill
5 He stops at the crossroads
some water.

1 What beautiful earrings! Are they real

2 Most modern buildings are made of

so he

3 He loves jumping over the fence

Translate the underlined words.

3 Do you like wearing denim jackets?

4 Theres a special offer on cotton socks.

to drink

6 Then he goes home over the bridge

5 The fruits in a big ceramic dish.

6 All my old clothes are in that cardboard

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25/8/09 12:34:15

Grammar 2


used to

Past simple v. past continuous

Write or . Correct the incorrect



Order the word.

1 my / in / work / used to / the theatre /
grandparents .
My grandparents used to work in the theatre.

2 be / a / my gran / used / to / director .


gran used to be a director.

3 she / grey / have / hair / use to / didnt .



didnt use to have grey hair.

4 grandad / my / didnt / be bald / use to .


grandad didnt use to be bald.

5 to / very attractive / he / used / be .

1 When I arrived at the castle, Countess
Draculita was giving food to her cat.

6 used to / perform / all over / the / country /


2 While we ate, I suddenly saw her nails.

While we were eating, I suddenly saw her nails.

3 I was walking up the stairs when the cat
was jumping at me.

when the cat jumped at me.

4 While I sat on my bed, someone downstairs
called my name.

While I was sitting on my bed,

5 I was going to the living room when I was
seeing a child.

when I saw a child.

6 While I was walking into the living room,
everyone shouted SURPRISE!

When I walked into the living room


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used to be very attractive.

used to perform all over the country.

used to: questions

Complete the dialogue.

Sean Where (1)
your grandparents
to live?
Celina They used to live in London.
visit them when
Sean Did you (2)
you were young?
Celina Yes, I did. We saw them every week.
What did you use
Sean (3)
do with them?
Celina We used to go for walks and play in
the park. They were both actors.
Sean (4)
your grandparents use to
have fans?
Celina Yes, my grandfather used to have fans.
He was very famous.
Sean (5)
to go to
their plays?
Celina (6) Yes, I did. I used to see a lot of

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25/8/09 12:34:16

Vocabulary 3



British v. American English

Complete the words.


Complete the dialogue with American

English words.
Joe I saw a great (1)
with Sean Penn. (film)


last night

Tony How did you get home afterwards?

subway . It was only

Joe I took the (2)
two stops to my apartment. (underground)

Tony I called you yesterday but you didnt


Joe Im really sorry. I left my

phone at home. (mobile)

Tony I wanted to invite you to a

game. (football)

vacation next week.

Joe I have a (5)
Maybe we could do something then. (holiday)
1 We booked a t icket

to Mexico City.

2 We planned a route
City to Oaxaca.

from Mexico

Tony OK. We could go shopping for new

sneakers . (trainers)

3 The night before we left we packed a really

big backpack
4 We stayed

at some really cool youth

5 In Oaxaca, we hired
6 We went sightseeing

almost every day.

British tour guide Well, we call it the

(1) ground floor .

Order the letters

Tourist Anyway, I dont have to use the


1 People in the US love to travel by car.

Planning the route s an important part of
the preparation. (ningplan het outre)

go hiking

Guide No, you dont have to use the


Tourist Where do I put the garbage?

Guide In the (3)

pack a backpack

3 They
with clothes,
boots and other things. (kcap a pacbackk)

Write the British English words.

American tourist My rooms on the first


2 Other people love to

(og kinhig)

Setting off on a journey

s a fantastic
feeling. (ttingse ffo no a neyruoj)

(tays ta a ythou telhos)

6 Dont forget your camera if you
go sightseeing
. (og seeinghtsig)

Tourist Theres not much space to walk on

the sidewalk.
Guide Yes, the (4) path

s full of

Guide Ah, you mean you want to buy some

trousers .
Tourist Hey, is that a gas station?
Guide Yes, but we call it a (6) petrol station .

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bin over there.

Tourist I need to go shopping for some pants.

5 If you dont have much money, you can

stay at a youth hostel



27/8/09 11:15:16

Grammar 3


Present perfect with just, already

and yet

Present perfect with for/since

1 Garys known Trish for ten years.

Write a sentence with the present perfect

and just.

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

2 Theyve lived in Liverpool for 2006.

Theyve lived in Liverpool since 2006.

3 Garys worked as a chef since a long time.

Garys worked as a chef for a long time.


4 Trish has worked as a pilot for last year.

Trish has worked as a pilot since last year.

5 Theyve gone hiking together since 2007.

6 Garys studied French for he was twelve.

Garys studied French since he was twelve.

7 Trish hasnt gone skiing for two years.
1 He isnt hungry because he s just eaten

2 Shes excited because she s just bought

a ticket to Sydney. (buy)
3 Hes very tired. He s just finished
4 They ve just won
5 They ve just had
6 She s just run


the lottery. (win)

an argument. (have)
a marathon. (run)

Complete the dialogue. Use already or yet.

Gary Have you eaten (1)
Trish Yes, Ive (2)




Gary Well, Im going to eat dinner because

I havent eaten (3)
. I've
cooked. All I have to do is
put it in the microwave.
Trish OK. Ive rented a DVD, The Dark Angel.
Have you seen it (5)
Gary No, I havent seen it (6)
Let's watch it together.


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Complete the email with for or since.

Hey Jamie!
How are you? Im doing a cooking course here in
two days
Paris. Ive been here (1)
but we havent cooked anything yet. I havent
spoken English (2)
and I havent eaten any English food
three days now.
I know a lot about French food because Ive
worked in a French restaurant in Liverpool
ages. But Im also learning
new things.
Trish is fine. Weve been married
last year and were very
happy. We havent seen you and Clare
ages, so well try and visit
you this year.
Lots of love

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25/8/09 12:34:16

Vocabulary 3



British v. American English

Complete the sentences.

sightseeing | bike | hiking
journey | route | ticket

Brad I learned some new English words in

London last week.
Angie Really? What words?

1 Always bring boots if you want to go


Brad Well, we dont make movies. We make


2 If you buy a map, you can plan your

3 Its easy to book a
4 Before you start your
youve got everything!


Complete the dialogue. Use British English


Angie I knew that. They have a different word

for sidewalk, dont they?

on the

Brad Yes, in British English they say


, check

5 In some cities its cheap and practical to

hire a

Angie And they dont say garbage, they say

rubbish .

6 Wear a good pair of trainers when you go

sightseeing .

Brad Exactly. And a cell phones a

(4) mobile phone .
Angie What about a subway station?

Complete the email.

Hi Emma,
Im in Canada now! Its amazing. We
(1) s e t off on our journey two days ago.
We (2) p a c k e d really big backpacks,
so weve got everything we need. Were staying at
a great (3) h o s t e l . Tomorrow we
want to (4) h i r e a bike and cycle to
the lake. Id also like to (5) g o hiking in the
mountains. Then well probably (6) b o o k
a ticket to Vancouver.
See you soon.

Brad Thats an (5) underground station. And

they call a gas station a (6)
Angie What do they call a celebrity?
Brad Oh, thats the same. A celebritys a

Dictionary work

Circle the correct option.

1 In a British city you can visit the city
centre, but in the US you go downtown /
middle city.
2 In Britain you put your car in a car park,
but in the US its a car station / parking lot.
3 A person from London will say toilet, but a
person from LA will say T room / restroom.
4 In Britain its a timetable, but in the US its
a schedule / tabletime.
5 In Britain you drive on motorways, but in
America they're motorpaths / freeways.
6 You wait in a queue in Manchester, but in
Miami you wait in a line / waitplace.

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25/8/09 12:34:17

Grammar 3

a So why are you ordering another pizza? 5

Present perfect with just, already

and yet

b So be careful not to put your hands on it. 3

c You should come and visit us. 2

Write sentences with present perfect and

already or yet.

d So hes going to watch a DVD now. 1

e Hes going to Madrid next month. 4

Present perfect with for/since

Cross out the incorrect option.

1 Sue and Ken have worked in a music shop
for a year / since last year / for last year.
2 Sue's sung in a band since three years /
for a long time / for three years.
3 Kens played the guitar for twelve years/
since ages / since he was six.

1 Kathleen / make the bed.

4 Theyve been friends since they met at school /

for five years / for they met at school.

Kathleen hasnt made the bed yet.

2 Kathleen / open the window.

5 Sue's had a boyfriend for Christmas /

since Christmas / for a few months.

Kathleen has already opened the window.

3 She / throw out the rubbish.

6 Ken hasnt seen Sue for a week /

since a week / since last week.

She hasnt thrown out the rubbish yet.

4 She / pick the clothes up from the floor.

She hasnt picked the clothes up from the floor yet.

5 She / put on her glasses.

Shes already put on her glasses.

6 She / drink her coffee.

She hasnt drunk her coffee yet.

Order the words. Then match the

sentences with a-f.
1 finished / his homework / Marks / just.

Marks just finished his homework.

2 moved / weve / just / house.

Weve just moved house.

3 s / just / Amy / painted / the wall.

Amys just painted the wall.

4 booked / his / Johns / just / ticket.

Johns just booked his ticket.

Complete the sentences. Use for or since

and a time phrase.
six days | he was born
they were children | a few weeks | ages
since he was eighteen
1 Kens had a car since he was eighteen. . His
dad gave it to him as a birthday present.

a few weeks
2 Hes been at university
Everythings very new to him.

he was born
3 Kens known Gary since
They met at primary school.

4 Sues been on holiday for

Thats almost one week.

six days

5 Her family have lived there for

, maybe over fifty years.
6 Kens lived in Glasgow his whole life, since
he was born

5 eaten / youve / just.

Youve just eaten.


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25/8/09 12:34:17

Vocabulary 4




Complete the words.


Circle the correct option.

Teen Queen is an advertising and
marketing company for teenagers.
1 We can write a cool product / slogan that
teenagers will love.
2 Weve done market research / commercial
with thousands of teenagers.

3 We design slogans / logos that will attract

the attention of young people.

1 Mums waiting for us at the t i l

thinks shoppings really boring.

4 We create the best advertising research /

campaigns in the country.

l . She

5 We make amazing TV commercials /


2 Dads in the ch a n g i n g
r o o m s . Hes trying on a shirt.
3 Gran likes to use a tr o
she goes shopping.

6 Let us launch and promote your logos /


l e y when

4 I dont have much money. Im looking for a

ba r g a i n .

Complete the diary.

design | write | make | doing
give | developing

5 Before leaving the shop, my dad checks

the re c e i p t very closely.
6 One day my mum was so bored she fell
asleep on the co u n t e r in a shop.

Order the letters

Mum Lets go. Im hungry and I hate
Son But, Mum! I need to find some
(1) bargains . (brgaians) and (2) the
sales are on. (essal)
Mum There are too many (3) shoppers . Its
really stressful. (ppeshors) Im going to queue
at (4) the counter . (euocntr) Tell your dad to
hurry up.
Son Hes waiting at (5) the changing

Wednesday 26th November

I started working for the company Teen Queen
last week. Im really happy because Ive done a lot of
things. I helped to (1) write a slogan for a
new type of cola. Were (2) developing different
products at the moment. My boss has to
names to some of the products.
Im helping her do this, and Im helping to
(4) design some logos.
Today Im (5) doing market research, so I
have to call people and ask them questions.
Next week a film directors coming. Hell
(6) make a TV commercial. Its very exciting!

rooms. (gnhcagin) He wants to try on a pair of

Mum Tell him to meet me at (6) the
in five minutes.(llit)


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25/8/09 12:25:01

Grammar 4


too and not enough with adjectives

Comparatives and superlatives

Write comparative and superlative


Boy Dad, can you buy me these red trainers?

Dad No way. (1) Theyre too expensive
(expensive). What about the blue trainers?

1 Yellow and blue trainers / fashionable /

black shoes.

Yellow and blue trainers are more fashionable

than black shoes.

Boy I dont like them. (2) They're

not fashionable enough

2 Discount supermarkets / cheap / other


Dad Try this pair on.

too busy
Boy (3) They're
Ill ask for a bigger size.

Discount supermarkets are cheaper than

other supermarkets.

Boy Lets go to another shop. (5) Weve waited

long enough
here for a
time (long).

But you can find the best offers on the Internet.

too late
to go another
Dad It's
shop (late). All the shops are closing now.

4 The local market / old / the shopping centre.

The local market is older than the shopping centre.

5 My watch / expensive / my mobile.

Sense verbs

My watch is more expensive than my mobile.


Dad Theres nobody coming to help us.

too busy
(4) Maybe they're

3 But you can find / good offers / on the


(not) as as

Complete the dialogue.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct

forms of look, smell, taste, feel or sound.

Write complete sentences.

1 high-heeled shoes /comfortable/ trainers

High-heeled shoes arent as comfortable

as trainers.
2 coffee / healthy / orange juice

Coffee isnt as healthy as orange juice.

3 secondary school / easy / primary school

Secondary school isnt as easy as primary

4 famous brands / cheap / other brands

Famous brands arent as cheap as other


1 Tom made popcorn soup. It smelled

really horrible. I had to put my hand over
my nose.
2 Then he served us a salad. The tomatoes
were black and the lettuce yellow. It
looked horrible.
3 I put some food in my mouth. It didnt
taste very nice.
4 Tom went to the kitchen. I heard a noise. It
sounded like he was crying.

bad, so I went to
5 Poor Tom. I
the kitchen to talk to him.
6 Toms eyes and face were red. He didnt
so good.

5 spring / hot / summer

Spring isnt as hot as summer.


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25/8/09 12:25:02

Vocabulary 4




Complete the story.

trolley | shoppers | checkout | till
sales | rooms
Roy went shopping one day with his friends.
They wanted to buy things in (1) the
sales . It was a Saturday and there were
a lot of (2) shoppers in town. When Roy
was trying on a T-shirt in the (3) changing
rooms , he heard people screaming.
He looked out and saw a robber at the
(4) checkout . The robber told the shop
assistant to open the (5)
give him all the money. Roy pushed a
trolley at him. It hit the robber, and he
fell. Then a policeman came and caught the

Complete the sentences.


Everybody said that Roy was a hero.

1 Hi, My name is Emma. Im doing some

market r esearch

Complete the words.

2 Weve designed two logos

one do you thinks the best?

Journalist What were you trying on in the

(1) changing

3 This is the new product that we want to

launch and p romote

Roy I was trying on a T-shirt. It only cost

2 euros. It was a (2) b argain

4 Were making a TV c ommercial

6 The boss is really angry. She thinks the

phones not ready for the market and that
we need to d evelop
the product more.

Roy No, I didnt.

Roy Standing near the (4) checkout


5 Karls only got one day to write a

for the new product.
s logan

Journalist Did you have anything else in your

shopping (3) b ag

Journalist And where was the robber when

you first saw him?

. Which

Complete the words.

Journalist And what was your friend doing?

1 Karls w r i t i n g a new slogan,

because the boss hated the other one.

Roy He was asking the shop assistant for a

(5) r eceipt

2 Ms Brown has to give the product a new

n a m e.

Journalist Did any of the other

(6) s hoppers
help you?

3 Massie has to c r e a t e an
advertising campaign for the Internet.

Roy Yes, one lady called the police. So I

wasnt the only hero of the day.

4 I have to do more m a r k e t
5 The company are spending more money to
m a k e another TV commercial.
6 Weve developed the p r o d u c t
again but the boss still isnt happy!

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25/8/09 12:25:02

Grammar 4


too and not enough with adjectives

Comparatives and superlatives

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 I think Halle Berrys most beautiful actress

in Hollywood.

young | strong | tired

good | fast | cold

I think Halle Berrys the most beautiful

actress in Hollywood.
2 Kate Winslets a more interesting actress
than Paris Hilton.

1 Its

too cold

to go swimming.

fast enough to win the race.

too young
to buy cigarettes.
3 Hes
good enough to
4 The film isnt
2 Tara wasnt

3 Watching a DVDs convenienter than

going to the cinema.
Watching a DVDs more convenient than going to

recommend. Dont pay to watch it!

5 He isnt

the cinema.

6 Shes

4 Going to the cinemas bestest way to see a

Going to the cinemas the best way to see a film.
5 This is the most busy DVD shop in town.
This is the busiest DVD shop in town.

strong enough to lift that.

too tired
and she cant stay

Sense verbs

Complete the sentences. Use the correct

forms of look, smell, taste, feel or sound.
1 What deodorant are you wearing? It
smells nice.

6 Its more busy than the department stores.

Its busier than the department stores.


2 Can you hear that? It


Complete the sentences. Use too or

enough and an adjective.

(not) as as

3 Have you
Its really delicious.

Circle the correct option.

4 Oops! The pizzas black. It

Ive cooked it too long.

like a cat.

the chocolate cake?



5 Why did I eat all those sweets? Now I


Verbs of probability
1 Daves house is the same size as /
not the same size as Vincents house.
Theyre both 100 square metres.
2 Maths is OK but its not as interesting as /
as interesting as French.
3 The cheese and tomato pizza is as tasty as
/ are as tasty as the salami pizza.
4 If youre in a hurry, dont take the bus. Its
as fast as / not as fast as the underground.
5 Your brothers are nice, but theyre
not as interesting as / like as your mum.
6 In my class, Tokio Hotel are as popular as /
arent as popular Green Day.

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Complete the dialogue with must, might

or cant.
Jane Who are they taking photos of?
Dee Britney Spears lives on this road, so it
might be Britney Spears. But I read
on the Internet that shes on holiday, so it
cant her.
Dee I heard the paparazzi shouting Jennifer,
must be Jennifer
Jennifer!. So it (3)
Anniston. Im sure about that.
Jane But Jennifer Lopez is making a film here,
could be her. Its possible, isnt it?
so it (4)

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25/8/09 12:25:03

Vocabulary 5



5 You must write your

on your passport.

Complete the words.

6 Do you like my cool new

1 If you dont have a driving

l i c e n c e , you cant drive a car.
2 You should remember your P i n . You
shouldnt write it down anywhere.

Match the verbs with the descriptions.

1 break out b
2 beat e
3 attempt to a

4 My la p t o p was stolen. I cant do my

homework now.

4 found f
5 sink c

5 You dont have to pay with cash, you can

also pay by de b i t card.

6 fight for d

6 You must enter your u s e r name if

you want to access your email.

a To try to do something, especially

something difficult.
b When something dangerous or unpleasant
suddenly starts.

Write the words.



Verbs for historical events

3 The police can identify a person by his or

her fi n g e r p r i n t s .


c To go down below the surface or to the

bottom of water.
d To try very hard to defeat something, or to
stop something happening:
e To do better than someone else and often
to win.


To create something, like a company or

a state.

Complete the dialogue.

breaks | attempts | fights
shot | sinks | becomes
Fiona This film's about a woman who
fights for her country. Shes on a ship
sinks . She swims to land and
when it (2)
shot .
then shes (3)

1 You need to enter your

personal identification number when you

use the online bank.

2 Does everybody have to carry an
identification card in your country?
3 My names Clare Jackson, and my
usernames J A C K O.

bank account

4 The
normally written on your debit card.

Nadia It sounds good. What happens next?

Fiona She goes to hospital and gets better.
Then a revolution (4) breaks out. She
(5) becomes the leader of a revolutionary
group. Later she (6) attempts to become the
president. So, do you want to see the film?
Nadia Well, not really. Youve just told me the
whole story.

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25/8/09 12:25:03

Grammar 5


Omitting who, which and that

Relative pronouns

1 Complete the sentences. Use who, which

or where.
1 Your bedrooms a place
can relax and chill out.



4 We also chat online with people

exchange information with us.
5 At the end of the year weve got exams,
where we have to study for.
6 Then Im going to the seaside,
I can go surfing for real!

Complete the gaps with a relative

pronoun, only if necessary.
(1) E.T. is a film that was directed by
Stephen Spielberg.E.T.s in a place (2) /
he knows isnt his home. He meets a boy
called Eliot, (3) who becomes his friend.
There are many scenes (4) / I love from
this film. I saw the film with my mother,
(5) who s a big Spielberg fan. The DVD was
a birthday present (6) / my Dad gave me.
E.T. is the first film (7) that made me cry.


2 The English teachers someone

can help you with your English.
3 In class we can surf websites
help us with our schoolwork.

Subject and object questions


Circle the correct option.


Put the relative pronouns into the

1 My mums someone always helps me.

My mums someone who always helps me.

2 I can tell her anything is worrying me.

I can tell her anything thats worrying me.

3 If she cant help me, she tells me I can go
for help. (where)

If she cant help me, she tells me where I can go

for help.
4 She always listens carefully, is very
important. (which)

She always listens carefully, which is very

5 A diarys also something allows you to
express ideas. (that)

A diarys also something that allows you to

express ideas.
6 I keep my diary in a place nobody can find
it. (where)

I keep my diary in a place where nobody can

1 Who owns these boots? / Who do these

boots own?
2 Who drew that picture? / Who did that
picture draw?
3 Where live you? / Where do you live?
4 What happened at school? / What did
happen at school?
5 Who gave you the marker? / Where did the
marker give you?
6 Why I did it? / Why did I do it?

find it.

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25/8/09 12:25:04

Vocabulary 5



Verbs for historical events

Match the words with the descriptions.

Complete the words.

1 a laptop c
2 a debit card f
3 a password e
4 a driving licence a
5 an identity card b
6 a signature d
a A document which gives you official
permission to drive a car.

1 Many years ago my great grandmother

for womens right to vote.

b An official card with your name, date of birth,

photograph and other information on it.

her own business. It

2 She founded
was a shop that sold cameras.

c A computer which is small enough to be

carried around easily.

3 She became
a politician, and was
an excellent public speaker.

d Your name, written by yourself, usually to

show that something has been written or
agreed by you.

4 She was a great tennis player. She always

5 When war broke
as a nurse.

e A secret word or combination of letters or

numbers. You use it on a computer.

6 My great grandfather was shot

during the war. My great grandmother was
his nurse in the military hospital.

A small plastic card which can use to pay

for things. The moneys taken from your
bank account automatically.

Complete the dialogue.

out, she worked

Complete the words.

identity card | user name | signature

account number | debit card | PIN
Customer Hello, I'm afraid. Ive forgotten my
(1) bank account number .
Bank employee Look at your
debit card
. Its printed on that.
Customer I cant because Ive lost it.
Bank employee You have to show me some
form of I.D. Have you got a passport or
identity card ? Also, You need to write
your details on this form. And I need your
(4) signature .
Customer Where do I sign? Ah yes, here.
Bank employee Were going to give you a
new card, and a new (5)
. You
can use the online bank, but youll need to
invent a new (6) user name .

1 My great grandfather f o u g h t for

his country during the war.
2 He nearly died. He was travelling in a ship
when it s a n k .
3 After the war he had terrible memories. He
b e c a m e a pacifist.
4 He worked as a diplomat and he
a t t e m p t e d to stop other
5 He f o u n d e d an organisation
which worked with victims of war.
6 Every time a new war b r o k e out he
was very sad.

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25/8/09 12:25:04

Grammar 5


Omitting who, which and that

Relative pronouns

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 Jimmy went to a shop today

sold a lot of cool things.
2 A shop assistant
to was very helpful.
3 He bought a toy pig
around the room.

1 My friend Zack doesnt like people who


Write a relative pronoun or /.

he spoke


4 He got some French books

he needs for school.

can fly

5 The shop assistant gave him a plastic bag

broke on the way home.

2 He hates things who dont work.

He hates things which/that dont work.

6 There was a nice lady
helped him when everything fell onto the

3 Zack loves places where the sun shines a


7 She saw the flying pig
bought earlier and said it was cool.

4 He bought a really cool pair of trainers who

have wheels.


Subject and object questions

He bought a really cool pair of trainers that

have wheels.
5 He likes music who you can dance to.

He likes music that you can dance to.

6 He works in a shop where you can buy a
lot of sports equipment.


Complete the questions.

Circle the correct option.

did you buy the book

1 Where
I bought the book at the local book shop.

Customer Excuse me. Could you tell me what

this is?

2 Who wrote the book

George Orwell wrote the book.

Shop assistant Its a mobile telephone

(1) that / who you can use under water.

3 What happens in the book

I dont know what happens in the book. I
havent started it yet.

Customer Wow! And whats this?

Shop assistant Its an armchair (2) which /
who massages your back.
Customer Thats a great idea. Do you know
(3) which / who invented this chair? Id like
to buy it but I dont know (4) where / which I
could put it in my house. I already have a sofa
(5) where / which is too big for the living room.

4 Why did you buy it

I bought it because a friend of mine told it
was a great book.
5 Who told you that
Jason told me that.

6 How often do you read

I normally read a little every night.

Shop assistant I can show you a smaller

armchair (6) that / who you might like. Look!

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25/8/09 12:25:04

Vocabulary 6


Natural disasters


Match the words with the descriptions.

Order the letters.

1 an earthquake f

2 an iceberg b
3 a drought a
4 a flood e
5 a hurricane c
6 desertification d
a A long period when theres little or no rain.
b A very large piece of ice in the sea.
c A strong dangerous wind thats able to
destroy buildings.
d This is the process of fertile land becoming

e This is when a large amount of water

covers an area thats usually dry.

1 Help! Someones

2 Shes going to

A sudden violent movement of the Earths

surface, sometimes causing great damage.

3 Hes just

Complete the words.



4 The old womans


5 Its
car. (lageill)

1 You should never go outside in a
to r n a d o .



my car.
that house.

the bank. (bbedro)

shoplifting .
for children to drive a

doesnt pay. (ecrim)

Complete the sentences.

robbery | piracy | thieves
robbed | crime | shoplifter

2 There was a serious

ea r t h q u a k e in Mexico City
in the 1980s.

1 It was terrible - someone
me when I was in town last week.

3 In 2009 many people in Australia died

because of a fo r e s t fire.

2 You shouldnt download from illegal music

websites because
is theft.

put an MP3
3 Mum saw a
player in her pocket and walk out the shop.

4 Every autumn there are many

hu r r i c a n e s in the southern
part of the US.

4 The police have to fight against

5 A volcanic er u p t
very dangerous.

in the bank
5 There was a
yesterday. It was very frightening.

6 The gl a c i
are melting.

i o n could be

e r s in the mountains

6 Be careful with your wallet because there

are a lot of
around here.

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crime .


25/8/09 12:25:05

Grammar 6


will and might

Future forms

Complete the sentences with will probably

or probably wont.

Complete the sentences.

wont | probably | might
might | probably | will


1 I love designing clothes. Ill
study fashion design at art school.
2 Ive made a lot of clothes so I
start selling them on the


3 My mums a businesswoman so she

probably help me.
4 My dad wants me to study medicine, so he
like my ideas.

5 All my friends are into clothes and the

probably work with
Internet. Theyll
me too.

6 If we do well, we
open a
shop in our local shopping centre.

will probably rain this afternoon.

2 She ll probably
play football when
1 It

shes older.
3 He

probably wont

4 She ll probably
and she ll probably
5 He

probably wont

First conditional

go skiing today.
finish work early,
have a nice

Match the parts of the sentence.

1 If Rose starts a business,
2 The bank might give her money

pass the exam.

3 If she doesnt work hard,

Circle the correct option.

4 If people like her clothes,

1 Our school s having / ll have a fashion

show on March 16th at 8 p.m.

5 Internet shopping will be bigger

2 In the future recycling will / s going to be

more necessary. Its a fact.
3 So, at our fashion show were going to /
we'll show people how recycled clothes
can be fashionable and environmentally
friendly. Thats our intention.
4 We predict that over five hundred people
will probably / wont probably come.
5 Rose is showing / is going to show her new
collection of clothes at 9 p.m.

6 Rose wont do business with people

a theyll tell their friends. 4
b she wont sell many clothes. 3
c if more people have an Internet connection
at home. 5
d if they arent eco-friendly. 6
e shell need money. 1

if she shows them a business plan. 2

6 My mum says shes going to buy / shell

buy a dress. Thats her plan.

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25/8/09 12:25:05

Vocabulary 6


Natural disasters


Complete the sentences.

1 The police ran after the two crimes /


eruption | earthquake | hurricane

forest fire | drought | flood

2 Theres a lot of pirate / piracy on the


1 People shouldnt smoke in forests, because

they could start a forest fire .

3 In Britain smoking in cafs is illegal /


2 It rained so much that there was a

3 I saw a volcanic


4 There was a big robbery / rob at the bank.

on TV.

5 Thief / Thieves stole my wallet.

4 Everybodys hoping it will rain. Theres

drought .
been a terrible
5 In Japan a lot of buildings shake but dont
fall during an earthquake .

Circle the correct word.

6 I saw a burgle / burglary and called the


Complete the dialogue.

6 There were a lot of things flying through

the air during the hurricane .

burgle | rob | steal | thieves

shoplifting | burglars

Complete the words.


Harry I saw a great film yesterday. It was

about two women who (1)
a car. They meet two men. The men are
thieves . They decide to
also (2)
a house together. But they
burglars , so they
arent professional (4)
dont know the best way to do it.
Will I think I saw this! Do they
a man outside the house,
and steal his wallet?

Harry Yes, exactly. In the end the police catch

them all (6) shoplifting in a clothes shop.

Dictionary work
1 Last year there were really big
in our town.
2 Drought

s a really big problem in

the world today.

3 The polar bear population could disappear

if the glacier
4 Everybodys left the city because a
s coming.
5 Some experts say there will be a
6 Every summer theres a danger of

Find the words.



is the crime of intentionally

starting a fire in order to destroy something.


is the crime of getting

money by cheating people.

3 To
someone is to attack
them in a public place and rob.
4 To
is to steal things out of
people's pockets or bags.
5 To
is to intentionally
damage property belonging to others.

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25/8/09 12:25:06

Grammar 6

a This is a future prediction. 2

Future forms

b This is a future plan. 4

c This is a future fact. 1

Complete the sentences using will, wont,

going to or present continuous.

d This is a future fact. 6

e This is a future prediction. 5

This is a future intention. 3

will and might


Martin Im not sure about what were doing on

Friday night, but (1) we might / will probably
go to the cinema.
Keith Ive got an exam on Saturday so
(2) I might / probably wont go out this
weekend. Im really worried because I haven't
studied. (3) Ill probably / I might fail.
Martin You always say that before an exam,
and you always pass. So Im sure
(4) youll probably / you might pass this exam
too. Im not really sure about my Saturday
plans, but (5) I will / Ill probably watch a game
of football.
Keith If I have time, Ill go too. But Im almost
certain that I wont have time.
(6) Ill probably be / I might be at home all day.

1 Jasons having

a party at his house.

2 The environment expert said that more

melt soon.

is going to
3 Terence
holiday to Spain.

book a

4 He ll
probably be very red at
the end of his holiday.

5 The bird
tree anymore!


6 She probably
It's full of flies.


live in this

First conditional
eat her dinner.

Match the sentences with their meanings.

1 In 2020 Jessica wont be a teenager.
Shell be an adult.
2 Shell probably live in her own
3 Jessicas going to study this weekend.
Shes got exams next week.
4 After her exams, Jessicas having lunch
with her mum at Eddies restaurant.
5 Jessicas mum will probably ask for
spaghetti bolognaise.
6 Jessica wont eat meat at Eddies
because shes a vegetarian.


157853 _ 0111-0122.indd 122

Circle the correct option.

Complete the sentences.

1 If Martins football team
very happy. (win / be)
his exam, his
2 If Keith
a party for him.
(pass / have)
wont stay
3 People
at home if

sunny this weekend.
(not stay / be)
ll buy
4 My parents
a new car if the
old car breaks down . (buy / break down)

5 If I

will get

6 We might


to the supermarket, I
fair trade coffee. (go / get)
for a walk, if you
to come with us. (go / want)

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25/8/09 12:25:06

Vocabulary 7


Collocations with have, do and



Circle the correct option.

Hi Gary,
I know we havent written in a long time.
Ive got a lot of news.
Last year I (1) got / fell in love with a
beautiful woman. I was in a restaurant and
she was the waitress. She (2) chatted / went
me up and then we (3) made / went on
a date. It was cool because we (4) got on /
got up really well.
We started (5) going out / going back a
week later. And last week we fell / got
engaged! Im so happy. I hope youll come
to the wedding.
Talk soon,

Complete the words.

1 Gary and Alice were having a
co n v e r s a t i

o n.

2 They went dancing together and they had

a go o d ti m e .
3 The next day it was Alices birthday and
she had a pa r t y .
4 While Alice was talking, Gary was
ma k i n g fun of her.
5 Alice got very angry. She had an
ar g u m e n t with Gary.
6 Gary said that he hadnt d o n e
anything. It was Alices imagination.

Order the letters

Complete the email.

broke | over | get | make | fell | back

Hi Rory,
Congratulations! Im very happy for you.
My personal lifes not so good, though.
I was engaged to a beautiful woman,
too. We were going to (1)
married. Then we had a terrible fight and
out. Two days later we
we (2)
up. It was horrible.
I havent seen Alice for a month now. Im
still very sad and I havent got
it. I really want to talk to
up. But I think
her and (5)
shes got a new boyfriend and she doesnt
want to get (6)
What should I do?

Gary Alice, Im sorry, but I havent done

anything . (athyning)
Alice Yes - you did (2) something wrong.
You were laughing at me. (metsohing) And
excuses . (eusexcs)
stop making (3)
Gary OK, I made a (4)
sorry. (takemis)


. Im

Alice I dont want to see you anymore.

Gary But Alice, Im making an
to be nice. (fortef)
Alice Goodbye, Gary.
Gary Alice please, Im trying to
a conversation with you.
Alice Its too late for that!

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25/8/09 12:26:55

Grammar 7


Second conditional

Second conditional for advice

Circle the correct option.

1 If I lived on the moon, Id /ll be very happy.

Write advice using the second conditional.

1 Tom I havent got any money.

2 My dad wouldnt / wont work if he won

the lottery.

Yvonne Get a part-time job.

If I were you, Id get a part-time job.

3 If I m / was Scottish, I wouldnt have to

learn English at school.

2 Tom My passport and wallet were stolen.

Yvonne Go to the police.

4 The teacher would be happier if everybody

do / did their homework.

If I were you, Id go to the police.

3 Tom My dogs very fat.

5 If my dog could / can speak, shed tell us

that she was hungry.

Yvonne Dont give him so much to eat.

If I were you, I wouldnt give him so much to eat.

6 The world would be a better place if there

arent / werent so many wars.

4 Tom Im very stressed.

Yvonne Dont study so much.


If I were you, I wouldnt study so much.

Write advice using should and shouldnt.

5 Tom I need to relax.

run away | speak so loudly | go to bed

wear a helmet | wear a coat | eat all the cakes

Yvonne Go to the beach for a few days.

If I were you, Id go to the beach for a few days.

First v. second conditional

Match the parts of the sentence.

1 If its cold tomorrow morning,
2 If I didnt live in London,

3 My sister wouldnt be so angry

4 The shops will be completely full
5 Well be very sad
6 Would you live in Beverly Hills

a if she didnt have to work so much. 3

b if there are sales on. 4
c Id move to Italy. 2
1 The man

should run away

d if you dont visit us again. 5

2 He

should go to bed

e if you were a celebrity? 6

3 She

should wear a helmet

4 He

shouldnt eat all the cakes

5 She

should wear a coat

6 He

shouldnt speak so loudly


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Ill wear a coat and a scarf. 1

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25/8/09 12:26:56

Vocabulary 7


Collocations with have, do and



Complete the sentences.


Circle the correct option.

1 Shes very sensitive so you shouldnt make
an effort / fun of her.
2 I didnt do my homework and I had to
make an excuse / a mistake for the teacher.

3 We went out yesterday and we had a

mistake / good time.

4 Are you going to make / have a party for

your birthday?

5 The teacher was really angry. Some students

had done nothing / something wrong.

6 If you make / do an effort, youll do well in

the exam.

1 Bert and Angela
2 After two weeks they

3 They got
wonderful wedding.


in love in

have | made | fun | conversation

do | nothing

in 2006. It was a

Mum Why does your teacher want to speak

with me?
Son I dont know.


4 One day Angela saw a handsome guy

called Joey. She started to
him up.

Mum Did you (1)


5 She and Bert had a big fight and they


Mum Did you (3)
an argument
with another student?
Son Well, I was having a (4) conversation
with a boy and the teacher said we were

6 In 2008 they
up and Angela
moved to another apartment.

Complete the dialogue.

Complete the words.

(1) When Angela met Joey, they
on really well. (2) A few days later they went
out on a date
. (3) They liked each
other and they started g
(4) They had arguments but they always
up after them. (5) They
broke up for a few days but they got back
. (6) Angelas ex-boyfriend
is Bert. Bert still hasnt got over

Son No, Ive done (2)


Mum Did you tell her shed (5)

a mistake?



Son Yes, but she said I was making

of her and she wants to
speak to you.

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25/8/09 12:26:56

Grammar 7

a You


drink a lot of water. 4

b You


talk to her. 3

c You


go to art school. 5

d You


go to bed so late. 6

If we had more money, we wouldnt work

e You


go to the dentist. 1

so much.

Second conditional

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 1 If we had more money, we wont work so

2 Wed make music all day, if we didnt have

to work.



watch so much TV. 2

Second conditional for advice

Complete the advice.


3 The children will be happier if they could

play all day.

The children would be happier if they could play

all day.
4 But they wont learn so much if they didnt
go to school.

But they wouldnt learn so much if they didnt

go to school.
5 My parents would help me if they werent
so busy.

6 Id watch more TV if my parents allow me


Id watch more TV if my parents allowed me to.


Match the problem with the advice. Then

complete the advice.
1 I have a toothache.
2 My eyes hurt.
3 The teacher gives us too much homework.
4 Its very hot outside.

1 If I
for help.

you, Id


2 I
listen to music as you do
your homework
I were you.
It's distracting.
3 If
were you, I
put that plant outside.
4 I wouldnt


that water
I were you. It's dirty.

were you
5 If I were
eat less junk food.
6 If I
my hair cut.


, I d

you, Id


5 I want to be an artist.
6 I always feel tired in the morning.


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25/8/09 12:26:57

Vocabulary 8

4 A lighthouse / wall is normally made of
stone or brick. It divides things like rooms
or is built around something.


Complete the sentences.

5 An opera house / a monastery is a place

where monks live and pray.

temples | opera house | pyramids

skyscrapers | palaces | skyscraper

6 A skyscraper / mosque is a building for

Islamic religious activities and worship.


Complete the words.

Todd What are you writing?

Lily Its a story about a woman detective

called Sheila Holmes. She solves
(1) my s t e r i e s . Shes got a new
(2) ca s e about a man who disappears. She
goes to his house to look for (3) cl u e s .
She finds his mobile telephone and now has
a lot of (4) ev i d e n c e about who
hes been calling.
Todd What does she do then?
Lily She analyses everything and studies the
(5) fa c t s . Then she has different
(6) Th e o r i e s about what
happened. She has to test each one and try
and find a solution.

1 Bernard the Bear has travelled a lot. Hes

seen a lot of skyscrapers .
2 Hes been to see Aida at the Sydney
opera house
3 Bernards visited Buddhist



1 Police investigators are experts at finding

at a crime scene.

4 Bernards also been to the top of a

skyscraper .
5 Hes taken pictures of great


Complete the words.

2 We dont know if aliens exist. Its a


6 His favourite monuments are

pyramids .

3 We know there are many planets in the

solar system. This is a fact

Circle the correct option.

4 Nobody knows for sure why we are here on

Earth. But there are a lot of theories

1 A palace / lighthouse is a tall building by

the sea. Its got a light at the top to warn
ships of dangerous rocks.

5 My mothers car was stolen. The police are

investigating the case

2 Pyramids / Skyscrapers are made of stone.

They were built in ancient times. The most
famous ones are in Egypt.

6 I like doing crosswords, especially when

the clues
are difficult.

3 A church / mosque is a building used for

Christian religious activities and worship.

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25/8/09 12:26:57

Grammar 8


Passive: present and past

Passive: questions

Circle the correct option.

1 The hotel calls / s called Hotel.

1 Whats

2 My mother manages / is managed it.

the restaurant decorated with?

The restaurants decorated with flowers.

What are the menus designed by?

3 Its popular with tourists. It

always fully books / s always fully booked.

2 The menus are designed by the chef.

Who s the gym located?

4 The rooms clean / are cleaned every day.

3 The gyms located on the 1st floor.

Where was the new reception designed by?

5 Dinner serves / s served between 7 p.m.

and 11 p.m.

Write the questions.

6 Singers perform / are performed at the


4 The new reception was designed by a

Who was the new reception designed by?

Complete the sentences.

5 The new sports clubs run by a former

Olympic champion.
Who s the new sports club run by?

Complete the questions.

seen | who | were | what
was | what

1 What


made in the hotel?

A Hollywood film was made in the hotel.



was the hotel website

designed by?

It was designed by a famous web designer.

3 How many articles
about the hotel last year?


Over a hundred articles were written about

the hotel last year.
1 The Happy Hotel

was built

in 1935.

was managed
2 In the 1940s it
grandfather. (manage)

5 Who was

were installed
4 New sculptures
the hotel in the 1980s. (install)

6 New employees

157853 _ 0123-0134.indd 128

was opened last week?

A new budget hotel was opened last week.

by my



in the reception?

Brad Pitt was seen in the reception.

3 It was painted again in the 1950s. (paint)

5 My mother
1990. (buy)



were the paparazzi told?

The paparazzi were told to stay away.

the hotel in

were hired

last year.

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25/8/09 12:26:57

Vocabulary 8




Complete the sentences.

skyscraper | church | mosque

monastery | opera house | palace
1 The Santa Maria de Montserrat is a famous
monastery in the mountains near

1 a case d

4 a theory b

2 a mystery f

5 evidence c

3 a fact a

6 a clue e

a This something which has happened or

exists. We can be sure about this.

2 The Torre Picasso is a skyscraper

in Madrid. Its got 43 floors.

b This can be the explanation of something

which has happened or exists.

3 The Queen of England lives in


c This is one or more reasons for believing

that something is or is not true.

4 La Sagrada Familia is a very famous

in Barcelona.

d This is a particular situation or example of


is a place where Muslims
5 A
can pray. Its also a centre of information
and education.

e This a sign or some information which

helps you to find the answer to a problem,
question or mystery.

6 Id love to sing on stage at a famous

opera house

Match the words with the descriptions.

Complete the words.

This is something strange or unknown

which has not yet been explained or

Order the letters.

Sally Id love to be an architect and design tall

modern (1) s k y s c r a p e r s .
Mum There are some great books on
architecture at the library. Theres one about
(2) p y r a m i d s in Egypt and Latin
America. And theres another one about
Japanese (3) t e m p l e s .
Sally The library's great. I saw some fantastic
photographs on the (4) w a l l s . Theres an
exhibition about ships. It shows how they can
get help from a (5) l i g h t h o u s e .
Mum Next month theres an exhibition about
kings, queens and their (6) p a l a c e s .

1 We studied the theory of evolution in

school today. (rytheo)
2 The police officer found the
he needed. (encedive)


3 Sherlock Holmes is working on a very

. (seca)
4 Scientists cant explain how superman
mystery . (erymyst)
flies. Its a
5 The day after Mondays Tuesday. This is a
. (ftac)
6 The police have found an important
. (luce)

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25/8/09 12:26:58

Grammar 8


Passive: present and past

Passive: questions

Complete the sentences.

are worn
1 Uniforms
Britain. (wear)

Order the questions.

in some schools in

are forbidden in many

2 Soft drinks
American high schools. (forbid)
3 Mobile phones are not allowed
classes. (not allow)
4 Sports

are played

is served
5 Lunch
and 2 p.m. (serve)

in many

on a regular basis.
between 12 p.m.

6 Talking is not permitted

library. (not permit)

1 shown / for the first time / when was the

film ?

When was the film shown for the first time?

It was shown for the first time on Friday
2 the screenplay / was / based on / what ?

in the school

What was the screenplay based on?

It was based on a book by Stephen King.

Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 The AVE to Seville isnt opened until 1992.

3 for the Oscar / who / was nominated ?

Who was nominated for the Oscar?

The AVE to Seville wasnt opened until 1992.

2 The line from Madrid to Barcelona was
finished in 2008.
3 Expo Zaragoza is held in 2008.

Expo Zaragoza was held in 2008.

4 The new terminal in Barcelona Airport
were designed by Ricardo Bofill.

The new terminal in Barcelona Airport was

designed by Ricardo Bofill.
5 Palma Airport were used by over 22 million
people in 2008.

Palma Airport was used by over 22 million

people in 2008.
6 La Corua is connected to Madrid by the A6.

157853 _ 0123-0134.indd 130

Angelina Jolie was nominated for the

4 celebrities / invited to the event / how
many / were ?

How many celebrities were invited to the event?

Over five hundred celebrities were invited
to the event.
5 the after party / held / where / was ?

Where was the after party held?

The after party was held at the Ritz Carlton
6 Angelina Jolies dress / was / designed by
/ who ?

Who was Angelina Jolies dress designed by?

It was designed by Galliano.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

25/8/09 12:26:58

Vocabulary 9



Reporting verbs

Circle the correct option.

Complete the words.

1 A headline / cartoon is a line of words

printed in large letters as the title of a story
in a newspaper.

2 A cartoon / caption is a short piece of text

under a picture. It describes the picture or
explains what the characters are doing or
3 A horoscope / front page describes whats
going to happen to you. Its based on the
position of the stars and planets.

If you want to read news about football

or tennis, you should look at the
weather forecast / sports section.
4 A cartoon / caption is a drawing that tells
a joke.

5 The first thing you normally see when

you buy a newspaper is the front page /
weather forecast.

Complete the dialogue.

local news | weather forecast | cartoons
world news | headlines | sports section
Justin What kinds of news are you interested
Linda First of all, I take a look at every page
headlines . Im a huge
and read the (1)
football and golf fan, so after that I read the
(2) sports section . If Im going to the
beach or the mountains, Ill look at the
(3) weather forecast before I leave. What
about you?
Justin I want to know whats happening in
local news
my city. So I read the (4)
first. But Im also interested in whats
happening in other countries, so I always read
world news
the (5)
as well. If I want to
cartoons .
laugh, Ill look at the (6)

1 Patricia cl a i m e d that her son

Killian had broken the vase.
2 Killian de n
the vase.

e d that he had broken

3 Alison, the sister, in s i s t

that Killian had broken it.
4 Lisa ad m
broken it.

t t e d that she had

5 Dad co n f i r m e d that it had

been Lisa. He had seen her break it.
6 Everybody was happy when Killian
re v e a l e d that there had been
money inside the vase.

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e d


25/8/09 12:26:59

Grammar 9

4 Had your parents seen you before you
went on holiday?

Past perfect

No, they
. So they were very
happy to see me when I got back.

Write complete sentences.

1 Jill was tired because she / run up the hill.

you studied
5 How often
before you did your exams?
Before I did my exams, I d

Jill was tired because she had run up the hill.

2 The class start / when we arrived.

The class had started when we arrived.

studied every day.

3 The room was really messy because I /
forget to clean it.

Reported speech

The room was really messy because I had

forgotten to clean it.

Complete the sentences.

really happy.
I passed my exam.
My dads going to
buy me a dog. My mum
will be pleased about
the exam. She wont
be pleased about
the dog.

4 We couldnt get a table at the restaurant

because we / not book.

We couldnt get a table at the restaurant

because we hadnt booked.
5 It was my first time in Rome. I / not be
there before.

It was my first time in Rome. I hadnt been

1 John said

there before.

2 He said
6 I turn around for a second / when my bag
was stolen.

I had turned around for a second when my bag

that hed passed his exam

3 Then he said that his dad was going to buy

him a dog

Past perfect: questions

that his mum would be pleased

about the exam
5 Finally he revealed that she wouldnt be
pleased about the dog

Complete the questions.

6 Circle the correct option.

4 He told us

was stolen.

that he was really happy

hadnt | had | what | d | had | been



your bag been stolen

No, it was the first time.

in Italy before or
2 Had you
was that your first time?
Yes, Id been in Naples once.


had you eaten before lunch?

Id only had a piece of toast for breakfast,

so I was very hungry.


157853 _ 0123-0134.indd 132

7 Britney claimed / denied that the paparazzi

were making her life horrible. She wanted
them to stop following her.
8 Britney claimed / denied that she was
having another child. Its a lie, she said.
9 Christina claimed / revealed to us that she
loves hamburgers! Nobody knew this.
10 Last week we said that Penelope was
going to work in Italy. This morning
Penelope confirmed / insisted that it's true.
11 Last week Brad said he wasnt getting
a divorce. But yesterday he denied /
admitted that he was getting a divorce.

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25/8/09 12:27:00

Vocabulary 9



Reporting verbs

Write the words.


Match the verbs with the sentences.

confirm | admit | claim | reveal
deny | insist
1 OK, OK, this is my second time visiting
your planet.

2 Im not alone. There are other aliens living

3 You dont know this, but Ive got a family
waiting for me at home.

4 No, Im not here to fight against humans.


5 You think I come from the Mars. Well, yes,

thats correct.
6 Ive already said this. Im here to
make friends with people on earth.

1 There was a huge picture of an alien on

the front page of the newspaper.

2 The
said that the alien was
here to visit Earth.
3 There was an article about tennis in the
sports section


Complete the dialogue using the correct

forms of reporting verbs.

weather forecast said it would be

4 The
cloudy, warm and rainy. A typical spring day.
5 The
cat and a mouse.
6 My


yesterday was about a

for today is positive.

Complete the words.

Hey Milo
Have you read the newspaper today? All the
(1) h e a d l i n e s are saying
theres an alien in our town! I saw the picture
and the I read the (2) c a p t i o n .
This is really big (3) l o c a l news and
its in foreign newspapers, so its also
(4) w o r l d news.
Im going to see the alien. I saw the
(5) w e a t h e r f o r e c a s t
and its going to rain. So Ill take my umbrella.
My (6) h o r o s c o p e this week
didnt say I would meet an alien!

Journalist Mr President, have you met the

alien? Weve heard that you have.

President Yes, I can (1)
Ive met the alien. The last president said
the alien was our enemy, but I want to
that. The alien is our friend.
Journalist Are you sure about that, Mr

President Im positive and I (3)
that the alien is our friend. OK, let me say that
last week I wasnt sure. I thought the alien
might be dangerous. I (4)
But then I met the alien. He (5)
all kinds of secrets about his planet and I
learned so much. The alien (6)
to be our friend and its a fact. Its true!

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25/8/09 12:27:00

Grammar 9


Past perfect

Reported speech

Write the explanations.


Put the statements into reported speech.

1 You have to come immediately! Ive fallen
down the stairs.

he had to come

Bobs mother said

immediately. Shed fallen down the stairs


2 Ill be there in ten minutes.

Bob said

that hed be there in ten minutes .

3 Ive called an ambulance.


that shed called an

Bobs mother said


4 Your mothers fine.

1 Susan couldnt find her car. It
stolen. (steal)

The nurse said

had been

5 You can see her now.

2 Susan went to her friends house, but there

had gone out
was no one there. Bob
(go out).

The nurse said


5 Susan was very hungry because she

hadnt eaten
. (not eat)
6 Susan was very angry when Bob told her
had taken
that he
the car. (take)

Circle the correct option.

Bob left the house in a panic because he
(1) received / had received a phone call. His
mother called him to say that she (2) fell /
had fallen down the stairs. As soon as Bob
heard the news, he ran out the door and
(3) went / had gone straight to Susans house.
He took Susans car from the car park after he
(4) tried / had tried to call Susan. When Bob
(5) arrived / had arrived at his mothers house,
she wasnt there. The ambulance (6) took /
had taken her to hospital.


157853 _ 0123-0134.indd 134

that he could see her now .

Complete the sentences.

3 When Bob arrived home, Susan
fallen asleep at the front door. (fall
4 Susan was wet because it
. (rain)

that his mother was fine .

denied | claimed | revealed

insisted | admitted
1 Im going to buy my own car.

buy his own car.

that he was going to

2 OK, its true. I didnt call you before I took

your car. Im sorry.

admitted that he hadnt called

her before hed taken the car.
3 I didnt take your bicycle though. That
wasnt me.


taking the bicycle.

4 Here take this money. Please. Take it'.


that Susan take the

5 And youll never believe this! - Ive got a

new girlfriend!


that he had a new

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25/8/09 12:27:01

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