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TERAKREDITASI A: Nomor 02.00/311/BAP-SM/SK/X/2014
Jalan Pangeran Sutajaya No. 60 Kec. Babakan Kab. Cirebon 45191
Telp. (0231) 664507

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Bahasa Inggris
Rabu, 09 Desember 2015
Pukul 09.15 s.d 11.15 WIB
VIII (Delapan)

1. Tuliskan nama, kelas dan nomor peserta pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia
2. Jumlah soal 35 pilihan ganda dan 5 soal uraian
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal, sebelum anda jawab
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ulangan apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang
jelas, rusak atau tidak terbaca
5. Periksa kembali pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas
Tropical Forest of the World
A tropical rainforest is one of the earths spectacular natural wonders. From
its name we know that rainforest is very wet. A forest is called as a rainforest
when it receives around 400-1000 cm of rain every year. Thats a lot of rain! Los
Angeles, for example, only gets 40-80 cm of rain every year.
There are a lot of rainforest in tropical areas, because in tropical areas
there are two seasons: wet and dry seasons. During the wet season rainforest
receive a lot of rain and so do they in the dry season. In the dry season, the water
in the ground evaporates and becomes clouds. When the clouds get heavy, they
fall to the ground and become rain.
Tropical rainforest are very important. They control the worlds climate and
give the Earth a lot of oxygen. The plants in the rainforest are very useful for
peoples life. People can get their food, houses and medicines from the
rainforests. Rainforests also become the house of a lot of animals. About 90% of
worlds animal and plant species live in the rainforests.
Unfortunately, rainforests are now in danger. People clear the rainforests
by cutting the trees. Every year the world loses about 0.3% of its forest. We
cannot replace a rainforest. When we lose a rainforest, we lose it forever because
it takes about 70-100 million years to get the rainforest back. Thats why we must
help to preserve rainforests. When we preserve them, we also preserve our life.
Choose the correct answer
1. How many paragraphs are there in the reading text above?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
2. In what paragraph can we find the origin of rainforests name?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
3. In what paragraph can we find the importance of rainforests?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
4. How much rain does a rainforest get every year?
a. 40 100 cm
c. 40 90 cm
b. 400 1000 cm
d. 400 800 cm
5. Here are some reasons why rainforest are important, except:
a. Rainforests produce a lot of oxygen
b. A lot of medicines come from rainforests

c. Not many animals live in rainforests

d. The worlds climate depends on rainforests
6. Why are the rainforests in danger?
a. People cut the trees in the rainforests
b. We cannot grow back rainforests
c. It takes about 70-100 million years to get the rainforests back
d. We lose the rainforests forever
7. The worlds its in line 2 refer to:
a. Earth
c. Natural wonders
b. Rainforest
d. Forest
8. The world they in line 9 refer to:
a. Dry season
c. water
b. Rainforests
d. clouds
9. The word receives in line 3 has the same meaning as:
a. Gets
c. takes
b. Falls
d. gives
10. What is the best title for the text above?
a. The importance of rainforest
b. The danger of rainforests
c. Rainforest preservation
d. The tropical rainforests
11. Zebra..climb, but they.very fast
a. Can, Can
c. Cant, Can
b. Cant, Cant
d. Can, Cant
12. fast, but their babiessee
a. Can, Can
c. Cant, Can
b. Cant, Cant
d. Can, Cant
13. Have six legs. Most of them have wings and can fly. They are.
a. Reptiles
c. Birds
b. Insect
d. Fish
14. Have cold blood and thick skin. They all lay eggs. They are
a. Reptiles
c. Mammals
b. Insects
d. Fish
15. Lay eggs. They have warm blood. They are.
a. Reptiles
c. Mammals
b. Insects
d. Fish
16. Live in water and lay eggs. They have cold blood and can swim. They are
a. Reptiles
c. Mammals
b. Insects
d. Fish
17. A cat..milk to its babies
a. Give
c. Given
b. Gives
d. Gave
18. Reptiles..thick skin
a. Has
c. had
b. Have
d. him
19. Butterflies..insects
a. Is
c. Are
b. Am
d. Has
20. A snake.eggs
a. Lays
c. laid
b. Lay
d. laying
21. Lionsabout 11 hour
a. Sleep
c. sleeping
b. Sleeps
d. slept
22. Zebras..from Africa
a. Come
c. came
b. Comes
d. coming
23. trees. Their blood are cold
a. Live
c. lived
b. Lives
d. living

24. A tortoise.leaves and grass

a. Eat
c. ate
b. Eats
d. eaten
25. Animal Can Talk
Language is very important for us. With language, we (15), about many
things. We (16)the past, the present and the future. We are the only
animals that have a language. Other animals (17)but they can only say the
same things. For example, a young bird (18).its mother when its mother
when it is hungry. Monkeys make noises when they are in danger. We (19)
them but other monkeys know what the noises mean.
26. a. can discus
c. can communicate
b. can talk
d. can tell
27. a. can discus
c. can communicate
b. can talk
d. can tell
28. a. can discus
c. can communicate
b. can talk
d. can tell
29. a. can understand
d. understand
b. cant understand
d. understanding
30. Does not tell the truth is aperson
a. Patient
c. dishonest
b. Confident
d. cheerful
31. Always does her/his homework is a..person
a. Generous
c. punctual
b. Diligent
d. introverted
32. Keeps everything to himself/herself is aperson
a. Generous
c. punctual
b. Diligent
d. introverted
33. Talks about the same things again and again is a ..person
a. Helpful
c. dishonest
b. Boring
d. honest
34. I am from Indonesia.
a. So must I
c. I am too
b. So was mine
d. I couldnt either
35. I must go home now.
a. So must I
c. I am too
b. So was mine
d. I couldnt either
1. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronouns!
a. Miss Kofifah has an iguana
- It is..
- It is.
b. Budi has a snake
- It is..
- It is..
2. Complete the sentences with so, too, neither or either
a. Cattleya is a kind of orchid andphalaenopsis
b. Cashew fruit is a tropical fruit and star fruit
3. Rearrange the words below into questions!
a. Mammal/is/a/it
b. Swim/can/it?
4. Mention four tame animal and wild animal
5. Rearrange the butterflys cycle of live..
- Butterfly
- Caterpillar
- Egg
- Pupa



TERAKREDITASI A: Nomor 02.00/311/BAP-SM/SK/X/2014
Jalan Pangeran Sutajaya No. 60 Kec. Babakan Kab. Cirebon 45191
Telp. (0231) 664507

Mata Pelajaran
Hari Tanggal



Bahasa Inggris
Jumat, 09 Desember 2015
Pukul 09.15 s.d 11.15 WIB
IX (Sembilan)

1. Tuliskan nama, kelas dan nomor peserta pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia
2. Jumlah soal 35 pilihan ganda dan 5 soal uraian
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal, sebelum anda jawab
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ulangan apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang
jelas, rusak atau tidak terbaca
5. Periksa kembali pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas
Museums are institutions which help people understand and appreciate the
world. Museums collect object of scientific, aesthetic or historical importance.
They care for them, study and exhibit them for the purpose of public education
and the advancement of knowledge.
Museums can be found in almost every big city in the world.
Museums also function as educational institutions which offer many
benefits to their visitors. People of different ages, interests, background and
abilities can explore and do self-learning at the museums. They are also public
places where people can be entertained, inspired and introduced to new ideas.
There are some major types of museums. The most common one is the
history museum. They usually collect a wide range of objects, including fine art,
furniture, clothing, documents, and other materials. The next type of museums is
the art museums. They reflect artistic accomplishment, both historic and
contemporary. Their collection includes paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings,
photographs, ceramics and glass, metal work and furniture.
The next two museums are the natural history museums and the science
museums. The first type of museums usually focuses on nature and culture.
Dinosaurs, gems and minerals, native and ancient cultures are always popular
exhibits at natural history museums. Meanwhile, the science museums are
dedicated to improve public understanding of science and scientific
achievements. Science museums usually allow people to experience and
Choose the correct answer according to the text
1. How many paragraphs are there in the text?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
2. In which paragraph can we find the definition of museums?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
3. In which paragraph can we find the advantages of visiting museums?
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
4. How many major types of museums are there?
a. 2
c. 4
b. 3
d. more than 4

5. In which museums can we find Leonardo Da Vincis painting?

a. History museums
c. natural history museums
b. Art museums
d. science museums
6. In which museums are visitors allowed to experiment?
a. History museums
c. natural history museums
b. Art museums
d. science museums
7. We can find these in the natural history museums, except:
a. Stones
c. rockets
b. Animal skeletons
d. plant fossils
8. In what lines can we find the purpose of science museums?
a. Lines 6-10
c. lines 16-19
b. Lines 11-15
d. lines 21-24
9. What does their in line 15 refer to?
a. Art museums
c. materials
b. Type
d. contemporary
10. The word visitors in line 7 mean:
a. People
c. places
b. Guest
d. institutions
11. Car Japan
a. Produce
c. produced
b. Producing
d. produces
12. Many different language arein India
a. Speak
c. spoken
b. Spoke
d. speaking
13. All kinds of food Supermarket
a. Sell
c. sold
b. Selling
d. sold out
14. In Bali, notice Indonesian and English
a. Write
c. wrote
b. Written
d. writing
15. Football isin most countries in the world
a. Playing
c. play
b. Played
d. plays
16. This book Erlangga
a. Published
c. Publish
b. Publishing
d. Publishes
17. Every five years, a new President
a. Electing
c. Elect
b. Elected
d. Elects
18. The homework is.on Monday morning
a. Collected
c. Collecting
b. Collects
d. Collect
19. Cartoon films areon TV every afternoon.
a. Shows
c. Showed
b. Showing
d. Show
20. Children Kindergarten before elementary school
a. Go
c. Gone
b. Going
d. Goes
21. People public areas
a. Bring
c. smoke
b. Buy
d. love
22. Children mustnt..TV too much
a. Hear
c. Watch
b. Listen
d. buy
23. It is a dark cloud shaped like a funnel and pointed to the ground. It is a very
strong rotating column of air. The strongest may sweep houses from their
foundations, destroy buildings, and even lift cars from the streets. The average
diameter is about 50 m.
a. Tsunami
c. Landslide
b. Tornado
d. Flood

24. Its a tremendous wave from the sea. It can cross the sea at a speed of to 800
kilometers per hours! It can cause terrible destruction when they reach land. It
will sweep everything: building, cars, bridges.
a. Tsunami
c. Landslide
b. Tornado
d. Flood
25. Everything is dry. Very little rain falls. People run short of water. People
everywhere should be careful not to waste water.
a. Landslide
c. Tsunami
b. Drought
d. Flood
26. The soil and rock slides down. It can bury towns and neighborhoods. Rain can
cause it, but by cutting all trees humans can also be the main cause.
a. Landslide
c. Tsunami
b. Drought
d. Flood
27. Water is going up and up. Its everywhere. People cannot go to work and
children cannot go to school. The worst is people should leave their house
when the water reaches the roofs.
a. Earth Quake
c. Tornado
b. Drought
d. Flood
28. What could be scarier than feeling the ground shake under your feet? The
furniture shakes. Pictures drop from walls. Books fall off shelves. Get out of
your house immediately!
a. Earth Quake
c. Tornado
b. Drought
d. Flood
29. Translate into Indonesian language...
Someone has just bought some petrol
a. Seseorang Baru saja membeli Bensin
b. Dia baru saja membeli solar
c. Kita mempunyai bensin
d. Seorang mempunyai beberapa bensin
30. An appliance for making toast.
a. Blender
c. Toaster
b. Radio
d. Rice cooker
31. Instruments for cutting something
a. Calculator
c. washing machine
b. Scissor
d. blender
32. An instrument for measuring human temperature
a. Thermometer
c. computer
b. Electric iron
d. toaster
33. An electronic device for receiving sound broadcast
a. Thermometer
c. radio
b. Blender
d. toaster
34. A device for accepting, processing, storing data
a. Calculator
c. scissors
b. Computer
d. blender
35. The irregular verb of write in past participle is.
a. Write
c. written
b. Wrote
d. writing
1. Change the sentences into passive voice
We celebrate our independence day on 17th August
2. When you agree about something, you say?
3. When you dont agree, it is better to start your argument by saying.
4. Make a sentences using present perfect tense with just!
- Open
- Wash
5. Complete the lyrics of radio by the cors .
Its late at night, and Im Feeling down
Theres couples standing in the street
Sharing summer kisses and silly sound

So I Step inside pour glass of wine

With a full glass and empty heart
I search for something to occupy my mind
Coz you are in my head
(a).forever in my head
Tangled in my dreams

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