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HR Interview Questions and Answers

Tell me about yourself.

Why should I hire you?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Why do you want to work at our company?
What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?
What is the difference between hard work and smart work?
How do you feel about working nights and weekends?
Can you work under pressure?
Are you willing to relocate or travel?
What are your goals?
What motivates you to do good job?
What makes you angry?
Give me an example of your creativity.
How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
Are not you overqualified for this position?
Describe your ideal company, location and job.
What are your career options right now?
Explain how would be an asset to this organization?
What are your outside interests?
Would you lie for the company?
Who has inspired you in your life and why?
What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
Have you considered starting your own business?
How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?
If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work?
Tell me something about our company.
How much salary do you expect?
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.
Do you have any questions for me?

Category :: HR Interview Questions For Experienced

Why did you resign from your previous job?

Why have you been out of work so long?
Why have you had so many jobs?
Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized.
Could you have done better in your last job?
Tell me about the most boring job you have ever had.
May I contact your present employer for a reference?
How many hours a week do you normally work?
What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced?
Have you been absent from work more than a few days in any previous position?
What changes would you make if you came on board?
What would you say to your boss if he is crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?
How could you have improved your career progress?
Tell me honestly about the strong points and weak points of your boss (company,
management team, etc.)
Looking back on your last position, have you done your best work?
Why should I hire you from the outside when I could promote someone from within?
How do you feel about reporting to a younger person?
Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?
Why are not you earning more money at this stage of your career?

Why did you resign from your previous job?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Kirti said: (Fri, Jul 6, 2012 12:29:44 AM)

I had a great experience with the company but the things were not working well between me and my
company. I felt company had lessen my importance for them, my hard work was appreciated.
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Jagdish Gupta said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 01:31:26 PM)

I left my Previous company because if I would have continued working over there than I would have
lost my all knowledge which I have acquired from my education and previous experience that is
related to finance. There was nothing to learn anything new which could boost my career. The word
was just updating the system only.
And I wish to have some challenging job.
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Seema Gandhi said: (Tue, Jul 3, 2012 01:30:45 PM)

Because of my boss. I worked hard for last seven years and was getting full recognition from
everyone in the organization but things got changed when my new boss came. She gave a royal
ignore she didn't even bother to take good morning. I don't know the reason but I started feeling
frustrated so I decided to leave the organization and look for other place to work because I want my
creative side to bloom so I am content today but miss my previous place and people.
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Arun said: (Sat, Jun 30, 2012 07:42:22 PM)

The company where I have worked was good. But it was not a big company the level of growth was
very limited over there. That's why I am looking for a job where I can growth & give growth to
company due to my performance and my best ability.
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Padmanathan said: (Tue, Jun 26, 2012 01:14:18 PM)

At the outset I am learn about the product from my previous corporate and that might enable me to
work with dignified, confidential and planning work & that lead me good name in market & inspight
of that I am achieved my lifetime opportunity to attend interview with you & I have overwhelmed
confident to select and join as employee of your corporate is my ambition due to this reason I am
resigned my previous job.
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Padmanathan said: (Sat, Jun 23, 2012 08:40:13 PM)

At the outset let me thanks to my earlier company for create me a chance to learning about the
product and provide me my lifetime achievement such as attend a interview with your corporate, I
am resigned my previous job due to learn new because always I am a learner perhaps show my
dignified planning work to my new corporate.
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Avinash said: (Sat, Jun 23, 2012 05:56:13 PM)

I resigned my previous job because I want to work in a MNC where I can handle much challenges to
enhance my knowledge and skills and in my last company there were no more learning opportunity
to develop my myself.
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Naresh Kumar said: (Sat, Jun 23, 2012 01:37:13 PM)

I need to pursue my higher studies to explore more knowledge in my area of interest. So I decided
to resign my previous job. And also I got more experience and knowlege through my higher studies.
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Renu Arya Kundra said: (Fri, Jun 22, 2012 07:47:54 PM)

I resigned only few days to my marriage. After marriage, for last three years I had taken the
experience of our own business. This gave me a good exposure & confidence which will help me to
take the organisation to the new level.
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Satyam Sharma said: (Fri, Jun 22, 2012 10:53:32 AM)

To enhance my skills and to explore other possibilities of growth in a multi-dimensional scope of

work I chose to resign. It has been always my desire to learn, adapt and implement the skills which
work towards mutually beneficial environment. Money always played a secondary role, and hard
work, intelligence, integrity and faithfulness always came first. In my earlier company, they did gave
me a comfortable environment to work, but new avenues were not allotted, to sharpen skills. As I
knew, where I can be more beneficial, I thought of utilizing myself elsewhere.
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Rattan Jha said: (Thu, Jun 21, 2012 10:58:29 AM)

Well, I had no problem with the last organization. Only one problem was there that the company was
so far from my house and no cab facility was being provided by the company side. Everyday I had to
travel around 3 to 4 hours to reach the company, It means I was serving 13 hours to the company.
So I decided to left that organization.
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Jobin said: (Fri, Jun 15, 2012 10:59:35 PM)

I am very thankful for my previous job. I got good technical skill from. I have one reason for
resigning my job. No more salary increment.
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Raj said: (Tue, Jun 12, 2012 12:04:56 AM)

I whole heartedly thank my earlier company for their encouragement and guidance. The reason why
I resigned my job is, I always want to upgrade my technical skill which is essential to survive in the
field I am working. In that way I took this decision.
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Padmanathan Nadar said: (Mon, Jun 11, 2012 09:02:23 PM)

First of all I am not left any job and I am not a kind to thinking about the past, always desperate to
learn new and looking for a good opportunity to prove my dignity working style with confident and
planning, if you offer me as per my requirement to enable me to working with your organisation & to
my present job resignation.
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Sudh said: (Tue, May 29, 2012 08:10:45 AM)

Looking for new change is always some thing good for a person, its always make you learn new
things improve yourself more and make your self confident, stronger and challenging. Presently I am
working in a hydro power generation company and now for my future prospects of my carrier my I
looking financial institution which and funding the hydro power projects.
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Seema said: (Fri, May 25, 2012 11:45:12 AM)



First of all I have to thank my previous employer & my subordinates. Because I learnt a lot from
them, that was my stepping stone for what I am today. I wanted a change in my job I wanted to
venture out into different avenues and learn different working procedures, where I can adapt myself.
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Amol said: (Wed, May 23, 2012 12:24:23 AM)

Sir, I shall first thank to my previous job, because I got many more things to learn as well as
experience in the particular field. Now, I am looking for change because there is no any career
growth opportunities in the future. And, every one want growth in their life.
So, I would like to utilize my skills and experience with the progressive organisation.
Like yours as well as want to gain more experience in other fields of accoutning.
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Puneet said: (Tue, May 22, 2012 11:38:03 AM)

Working at my compay has been an amazing experience. I have learned a lot from there. It has
helped me developed an entrepreneurial perspective of doing things. I have developed skill like
liasoning, negotiation and has worked in the capacity of individual as well as team handling roles,
however I believe my growth is stagnating and my learning cycle has reached a peak. I am no more
pushing me hard which is setting me into a comfort zone.
In a company like yours I would be meeting people with a bigger vision and innovative ideas.
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Nitin said: (Sat, May 19, 2012 03:15:49 PM)

Sir, first thank my previous organisation because I got experience and good working knowledge from
their but I am looking carrier growth as well as stable job, my previous company is small scale
company I want to make my carrier in big organisation to prove my working ability as wall as I take
some irresponsibility of my family that's why I leave the job.

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Shilpa said: (Tue, May 15, 2012 04:36:00 PM)

Dear Mam,
Its not that i didnt like my job even i loved it but just Few issues which i really tried my Best to
resolve but couldnt get the Positive result and i always want to work where i should give 100% but
company should also consider the work.and here i got i the exact Profile on which i wanted to work.
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Amar said: (Mon, May 14, 2012 01:29:07 AM)

I like my previous company, I got good technical skill from that. I always wanted to face new and
challenging situations and enhance my career by getting higher position. The main thing is I am
expecting more salary with permanent position.
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Joshi said: (Thu, May 10, 2012 05:12:41 PM)

Well, I'm very very thankfull to my previous Compnay or Job. I have learned many diffrent things in
that comapany I never forget the expertince which was I felt there, very good and excellent support
in there higher mangament, and I'm happy with that company. But I want to say one thing that if
you want more something than you have left somethig. I learned - earned more and more thing and
get good sound in my field. I want to be prove that whatever I have taken experience in my past
job, the same is utilized in here and makes a smooth functiniong in my work.
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Gopal said: (Thu, May 10, 2012 09:08:56 AM)

I am very thankful for previous organisation, it give lot of learning their to work under pressure.
Everyone want new learning opportunity & earning opportunity to enhance my economical &
personal growth that's why I change my job.

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Usavdev said: (Tue, May 8, 2012 03:05:00 PM)

Honestly, though my present job is very much secure for another 15 years, the personal short & long
term goals set by me will not be achieved if I continue to perform in the same environment which is
not presurrising my capabilities and holding me in a safe zone. I always trust my instincts and follow
my heart which induces me to get out of the environment which demands minimum skill sets.
I am sure I can explore my strengths & limitations with your truly multicutural organisations which
will enhance my productivity. Thus proceded further.
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Sathish Kumar said: (Thu, May 3, 2012 06:50:41 PM)

I'm thankful to my previous company for giving opportunity to show my problem solving skills and
lots of unforgettable learning experience.
I have three reasons for resigning my job.

No more learning opportunity to develop my skills. (Reached saturation limit).

No more responsibility (promotion) was not given to show my talent & skill.
No more salary increment for true hard work.
To give opportunity for freshers or others or my subordinates to take my job.

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Mohamad-Ahmad said: (Tue, May 1, 2012 03:37:42 PM)

I really thanks to my previous organization because I got a good working experience and improved
my skill there and every one want to jump and growth in his carrier but there is no growth no salary
increment and no for an opportunity so that I am resigning my previous organization.
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Shailesh said: (Sun, Apr 29, 2012 03:40:08 PM)



Well, I must thanks to my previous organisation, my coworkers, & staff for giving me technical
experiences & knowledge in the designing areas although when sometimes when i caught in the
deadlines. It was a very tough decision to make My job is in Mumbai As I am from Nagpur it wasn't
there to look after my mother & family.
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Gaurav said: (Tue, Apr 24, 2012 01:49:50 PM)

My Previous Organisation is Good, Team Mates (Friendly, Cooperative & helpful). But from long time,
there is no work. So Not getting chance to enhance my skills on my area of interest, so looking for
Change in Organization like yours where I can enhance my technical skills in my interest area.
Where I can give optimal results to benefit the organisation.
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Mohan said: (Thu, Apr 19, 2012 08:59:17 PM)

I resigned to my previous job because every one should work as a leader then only we will fulfill our
job. And if there is no chance of taking good care of our idea even though it is good I may not have
any value in that company. And even more they should think of every idea given by every objective.
That is not there in my previous institute. I can't work in a place where I won't get any respect from
others so I want to change my company. And it is not a matter where I am doing work. But it is a
matter to me how % I am doing well of my and how much I useful to that company.
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Ketan Wagh said: (Thu, Apr 19, 2012 05:14:40 PM)

I am very thankful for previous organisation, it give lot of learning their to work under pressure.
Everyone want new learning opportunity & earning opportunity to enhance my economical &
personal growth that s why I change my job.
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Vikram Janugade said: (Sat, Apr 7, 2012 09:18:06 PM)

I really thanks for my previous organization,

I got the good working knowledge and experience from that organization,
But there is no more growth opportunities in terms of bright career,
I think the growth is the part of life as in learning and earning both, also
My ultimate goal is working in Multinational companies, If you give me an opportunity, I will put my
entire effort and I will get a good feed back from your organization.
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Farazu said: (Sat, Apr 7, 2012 06:51:57 AM)

The company where I have been working is good, but the level of the growth over there is very
limited as per my desire and my working abilities that I believe. Honestly everyone want to moves
on to excel in his career, so did I. I resigned my previous company for the enhancement of my
technical skills, professional growth in terms of responsibilities and compensation paid to me in
terms of CTC.
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Raks said: (Sun, Mar 25, 2012 02:21:39 PM)

I really appreciate my previous employer for initiating me into the corporate culture. As my first
company, I got a lot of space to understand the workings of the corporate but I was looking for
growth and recognition. It was not timely and sparse.
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Mohit said: (Wed, Mar 21, 2012 08:19:35 PM)

I am very thank ful to my previous organisation. My previous company gave me the good atmosfare
for work but din, t provide the way of career growth. Everybody wants a good salary asper the
exeperience and good career growth for the success. Job change gives the opportunity to do
something new & career growth. So I had to left my previous organisation.
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Amiya Show said: (Fri, Mar 16, 2012 11:23:59 AM)

My previous company is good. But apart from my desire & ability the growth over their is limited.
Honestly say every one want to excel in his carrier so did I.
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Vipin Rana said: (Fri, Mar 16, 2012 11:15:15 AM)

I am thank full of my previous company. I learn many thinks like Technical, and how to growth
company and good knowledge in that company. I want to resign because that company was changed
own working place that's why.
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Shefali said: (Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:42:15 PM)

After doing mba finance i got an opportunity to work with icici bank.There I worked as a junior
officer in operations.I really want to thank my previous company from where i got so much
knowledge about banking operations and processes,but being a versatile person i want to learn more
and more.Therefore i decided to resign and give my time to prepare for government bank exams and
after months of preparation i cracked the exam. Training part of government bank is very good and if
one's base is strong he cannot fail in any challenge of his professional life.Moreover i always dreamt
of working with a public sector bank.Thats why qute from my previous oranisation and i think it is
the right time to do.
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Aatish Shinde said: (Tue, Mar 6, 2012 06:42:31 PM)

The company where I have been working is very good, I really say thanks to that organisation, as I
got good working knowledge and experienced from that organisations but level of growth over there
is very limited as per my desire and my working abilities I believe, .
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Atish said: (Tue, Mar 6, 2012 02:59:08 PM)

I really want to say thanks to my current organisation, as I got good working knowledge and
experienced from that organisation, but I want to resing from that organisation becuase I am
working there on third party payroll, and the level of growth over there is very limited as per my
desire and my working abilities.
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Atul Kumar said: (Tue, Mar 6, 2012 10:44:28 AM)

I really say thanks to my previous job, I got the good working knowledge and experience from that
organisation. I want to resign from that organization because i am working there on third party
payroll. I want to work on company payroll.
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Raj said: (Fri, Mar 2, 2012 11:38:20 AM)

Currently i am working with indiabulls securities ltd since 2004 but after 7 years now my salary is
only 8000,my joining in this company 4500 so i can't work with this company more.Company
working enviorment fully faithful for manager and senior managers relatives but who have no
reference of any big position persong his salary increased only 5-8 percent in 1 or 2 years.
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Rahul said: (Wed, Feb 29, 2012 09:27:22 PM)

Sir/madam I want to grow with industry so I thought to go for higher education which will be helpful
for me to analysis the situation good.
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Rishi said: (Wed, Feb 29, 2012 08:49:50 PM)

I am really very thankful to my previous company which given me full project development ex-poser
since from the beginning , where I worked in a project from the scratch and learnt a lot ,now project
has been developed successfully and in the next month it will go the production support so , this is
right time when i can move to here where I am expecting to get some quality ex-poser and my
professional growth.
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Xyz said: (Tue, Feb 28, 2012 05:57:33 PM)

My Current job is my first job by campus recruitment. The reasons behind my job change is, I have
done my & I am seeing my future in pure Technical domain which is not satisfied with my
current profile, so I think now its best opportunity to take a switch & concrete my technical domain.
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Subi said: (Sun, Feb 26, 2012 11:52:28 PM)

As I am currently in Delhi, I have plans for relocating to Bangalore for supporting my family.
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Anjaneyya Setty said: (Fri, Feb 17, 2012 06:46:37 AM)

My previous company is good, I really say thanks to that organisation, and my professional growth
also good bez i got a promotion in 1 year only but i am not satisfied with salary by that salary i cannt
meet my family commitment, more over i like to work in FMCG'S, so only i came hear.
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Gaurav Tiwari said: (Fri, Feb 10, 2012 07:18:39 PM)



I want to thanks my previous company because they gave me first chance to prove myself and i did
also, actually i started my job at a low salary package but after giving my hundred % i was still at
the same position after one year, growth was negligible so i want a company where i can stay for a
long time so that i can grow my technical or career skill with that company. That is why i want to
resign that company.
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Yogesh said: (Sun, Feb 5, 2012 04:06:13 PM)

Sir, I resigned my last job because of transition of my process to different site out my city and to
enhance my skills, knowlegde and financial growth.
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Bhagwat said: (Wed, Feb 1, 2012 06:18:52 PM)

First I really say thanks to my previous job, I got the good working knowledge and experience from
that organisation, I want to learn some new like mnc companies, my ultimate gole is working in mnc
companies, if you give me oppurtunity I will put my entire effort and I will get good feed back from
your organisation.
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Sudhan said: (Sat, Jan 28, 2012 12:01:26 PM)

I really wants to say thanks to my previous organisation as I got good working experience and I got
to know how the bpo job is but after my graduation, our family financial conditions mad me to do the
job compulsory. So I joined in karvy which is my first job from the day one I have done all the night
shifts. My company has identified as a good and hard worker and provide good increments also. My
main reason for leaving the company I want increase my designation I want to learn and do big
tasks in my working field.
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Why have you been out of work so long?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Mitlehs said: (Mon, Jun 18, 2012 02:15:46 PM)

In order to make my carrier in Civil Services I had to take a break from there. I did not have
appropriate time to prepare for the same. It took around one year for preparation.
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Pooja Kamble said: (Sat, Mar 31, 2012 01:54:52 AM)

Till now waiting for the good opportunities. but during the break, I kept on improving my skills and
communication. Now I think I am more organised, better decision maker an emotionally stable to
perform the job efficiently.
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Anju Setty said: (Fri, Feb 17, 2012 07:12:52 AM)

Sir, after completing 2 years in last company I like to do the SAP course for my future development,
bez I not having enough knowledge in software, To over come the problems I resigned the last job.

More over I not have interest to work in pharma field so I decided to continue in FMCG market.
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Amit Rathore said: (Wed, Feb 1, 2012 08:16:40 PM)

Since I Left m previous job, I have been looking for good opportunity that can provide me with
better learning and more responsibility, and not to mention provide me a better financial position so
that I can attain overall growth and the organisation also get benefited by my work and effort.
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S P Khan said: (Tue, Jan 17, 2012 10:25:39 PM)

My previous Company is Good but some i have problem because their is so lots of employeer are
doing the work and work flow is very little more nothing we can't learn from their. So i want to get
more then opportunity.
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Freddie said: (Wed, Nov 30, 2011 06:29:10 PM)

Because lack of my technical and communication skill now I am pretty good and well knowledge for
both, and also waiting for a good opportunity,
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Srikanth said: (Thu, Aug 25, 2011 05:28:10 PM)

To bring more exposure and develop myself in all aspects like communication, empathy, etc.,
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Mahima Singh said: (Sat, Jul 30, 2011 06:07:21 PM)

Professional and personal life go parallelly, both are important & depend on each other up to great
extent. But sometimes we have to choose one.
Most of the people leave their family and go to another city for job and growth, in the same way,
sometimes we have to quit job for family demands which cannot be ignored.
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Sapana Sinha said: (Thu, May 19, 2011 11:47:14 AM)

The break was Taken when i Got Married and Baby Followed shortly.At times you have to Give
Priority to the family over Career. When i have restarted Looking for Opportunity the Industry was
recession Hit and I was not getting Proper Break.Also i was Assisting my Husband in his Business.
During the break i Kept on Improving my Skills and Communication. Now i think i am More
Organised , Better Decision Maker and Emotionally Stable to perform the Job Efficiently.
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Malik said: (Tue, Jan 4, 2011 07:04:32 AM)

My family was in a problem, as a par of the family i took the responsibility. Now every thing is
alright. I am dynamic in my field so i can featch a job. I hope i have done a satisfied job.
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Dipti Sawant said: (Mon, Oct 11, 2010 01:43:14 PM)

At that moment my family front was more important for me, and just wanted to stick to my
streamline, waited for better opportunities.
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Ramesh Thakur said: (Fri, Oct 1, 2010 11:23:13 PM)

There is no specific reason behind it. I am always thanks to current company. I want to say I had
learned a lot from my current organization. But now time has come to take some more
responsibilities and work for the best of my knowledge and capability, which can came in not better
shape then changing my job profile.
And there is one more reason I wanted to share with you that successful people change there job
not because of working load I want to moves on and wanted to go ahead for some betterment, but
change cause of if they don't have something to learn and use there ability and I am searching a
ambience which support me in this regard I found off your organization is one of the best as per
your requirement I suitable person for this post.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 03:21:42 AM)

The break is nothing but to sharpen my self and boost up more and more.
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Patrali Ray said: (Mon, Aug 2, 2010 08:31:24 AM)

Last year's recession cajoled me to make my short break a longer one. Moreover, due to lack of
better opportunities, I kept my patience & waited for good offers to come.
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Why have you had so many jobs?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Jagdish Gupta said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 01:50:24 PM)

When I passed out there was recession in job market and I was not getting my preferred job and my
family responsibility was not allowing me to wait for the good opportunity.
Therefore to assist financially to family I worked with 3 company in 2 years.
But now I have found the opportunity in your company to associate which is my field of choice.
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Ted said: (Wed, Jul 4, 2012 10:59:57 PM)

Because of the working capabilities and flexibility at work. They gave me change to be part of the
company as admin assistant, and because of my ability to complete my assigned task they offer me
another position in the company, that's why I have so many jobs at the same company.
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Abhishek Jain said: (Fri, Jun 29, 2012 10:42:25 AM)

I have worked for 6 companies in 8 years of span it doesn't mean that I have that tendency to
change jobs in every year. Started career with pharma and spent there almost 4.5 years but then
realize that I was unqualified for promotion so I had to change the industry. And when you are
changing industry I am sure you will agree that we need to compromise certain aspects. I moved to
print media with less salary. Here I took opportunities as it came to me. It gave me monetary growth
with designation hike. I believe in stability and would definitely like to grow myself with organization

like you where employees gets freedom to perform as per their skills.
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K. Dongare said: (Thu, Jun 21, 2012 02:39:17 PM)

Life is like water & company like pot. We change our self as per the shape of pot. At a point when
pot gets full of water into it, we need to change Pot to save loss of a drop of it & its true for
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Kishor said: (Thu, Jun 21, 2012 02:19:18 PM)

Life is a combination of hurdles, experiments, experience, changes & finally success which provide
satisfaction. During my tenure with previous organisations I loved or say enjoyed my job but at
certain point I missed the enjoyment. I have seen my friends are working in your organisation since
log period, I hope, I will enjoy the culture of the organisation.
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Tip Stackz said: (Mon, Jun 4, 2012 10:57:48 PM)

I have had so many jobs because I took on jobs that I was unqualified for; in the end, I was let go
but on the up side I have acquired many skills from my past employers that makes me well qualified
for this job.
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Surendra Nath said: (Wed, Apr 25, 2012 12:55:16 AM)

Right from starting of my carrier I had been ambitious, to do some thing new, in all the jobs I had
worked in project rather seen the a company as bud and as tree. Rather by changing my job I have
got interaction with the new people learned to adjust in the new team and made my place.

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Anu said: (Wed, Apr 4, 2012 03:17:11 PM)

Major reason for job changes are for better opportunity as well to get betterment life.
As where now I m working its a proprietorship concern, where the scope of promotion and growth of
knowledge is limited so I look for a change.
I want to get placed in an organisation like yours where my ability/skills are to be enhanced.
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Ramj said: (Sun, Feb 12, 2012 01:32:32 PM)

Though I have changed a lot of jobs, because my previous experience were just like a data entry
works, even though the work profile is good. I like to learn more and expecting the job which
represents my talents, manually or through the system.
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Anil said: (Sat, Feb 4, 2012 09:19:34 PM)

The Company where I'm working now was related to only with thee back end processing of
Liquidation/Transfer of Assets/Securities and not exactly with Finance or Accounting. My previous
Employer was Infosys, I wasn't provided Transport till my place, I used to go by Bus when I was in
12 PM to 9 PM Shift, However, my shift got changed due to some internal movements and I was
made to work for 5PM to 2AM. I hardly get any mode of transport at that time, while returning back
home. I've very great passion for Finance/Accounting/Tax.
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Archit said: (Fri, Jan 13, 2012 04:27:38 PM)

Because I want to develop my self more and this could be happen in the new environment.
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Priya said: (Sun, Jan 1, 2012 06:07:10 AM)

Currently I am working with. Co in mortgages and due to financial loss process went back, its
unfortunate and I was thinking of a long term carier. Before this I worked with. But due to transport
securities issue as they were not providing marshals in a grave yard shifts, so my inlaws were not
allowing me for the same. As we know and we heard so many cases related to women securities, so
we should take care of the same. Before this my first co was. In which againI was in mortgages but
due to recetion process wind up. Though it shows my stability but I was helpless with the situation.
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Vijaykumar Pal said: (Tue, Nov 29, 2011 06:49:11 PM)

Because Sir, i want to work with reputed MNC company to provide my best knowledge and skills just
like this organisation. Earlier, i did work in small organisation and their some management lack had.
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Krishna said: (Wed, Nov 23, 2011 05:06:17 PM)

Major reasons for job change are either for budget issues in company due to recession or for a better
opportunity.(If asked for a particular company)In this company we completed our fast paced project
early and were on bench for longer than expected i was not comfortable being on bench and hence
changed my job.
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Md Asif said: (Sun, Nov 20, 2011 05:09:47 PM)

Because I didn't find such kind of orgination where I can explore my abilities with various field ,I
change many companies only to find out suited job as well position for me.As all of my friends who
are currently working for IBM told me definitely I'll find such opportunities if join here .
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Shailendra Kumar said: (Mon, Nov 7, 2011 10:57:31 AM)

Its a great honor to me. I have a set of skills which is require most in the current scenario and I
have sufficient skills to perform this role and responsibility.
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Vinay said: (Sat, Oct 8, 2011 01:32:25 PM)

Because I have such capabilities of working which have highly demanded in the Companies. Because
I am the best. I have completed my assigned task within the time wih good accuracy. Because I
want to develop myself more. As the number is more, I could say exposure is even more. Though it's
not suggestible to change the job that often, I prefer to fit in a productive job which benefits the
organization effectively as I. Mainly, desire to do more and not settle as there is lot to learn etc. Are
guiding me to gain good knowledge and I am sure I could use all of my skills/exposure I gained so
far and prove to be a key resource in a short while.
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Dileepkumar said: (Wed, Sep 28, 2011 10:04:42 AM)

Because I want to develop my self more and want to learn more, this could be depends on the new
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Geeta Bisht said: (Mon, Sep 12, 2011 12:12:10 PM)

I always want to learn more.

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Sahil Mahotra said: (Tue, Sep 6, 2011 03:53:05 AM)

Though I have changed lot of jobs but due to this I have learn different set of skills. And these skills
help me a lot in dealing with different kinds of people. It may show negativity on my part but my
skills and learning ability have increased.
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Milind R said: (Mon, Sep 5, 2011 01:04:12 PM)

Because I feel Working in different organizations gives you an opportunity to prove your self in
varied conditions and gives you an opportunity to work in different setups before you could finally
chose a job and organization which is most suited to your skills and nature.
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Srikanth.Nag said: (Sat, Jul 23, 2011 04:06:10 PM)

When I was younger, I decided to sample a wide variety of careers. That way, when I was ready to
choose a career path I would be absolutely certain that I had found the right...
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Uma Shankar Mishra said: (Sun, Jun 5, 2011 10:56:36 AM)

Well, So far I did not have permanent accommodation so that I had to change my job with the
change in residence. Now I have settled in Pune and looking for a permanent job.
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Adarsh Saxena said: (Fri, May 6, 2011 03:33:51 AM)

I personally feel that it's always advisable to have more varied work exp in the initial years of one's
professional life or, till one gets to the middle years of his life or the middle management role in

one's organisation. And after reaching such level in one's life, he/ she would explore the roles/
concerns which they are comfortable in or find challenging enough.
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Suresh Devarasetty said: (Wed, Jan 5, 2011 12:54:27 PM)

As the number is more, I could say exposure is even more. Though it's not suggestible to change the
job that often, I prefer to fit in a productive job which benefits the organization effectively as I.
Mainly, desire to do more and not settle as there is lot to learn etc. are guiding me to gain good
knowledge and I am sure I could use all of my skills/exposure I gained so far and prove to be a key
resource in a short while.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 03:25:45 AM)

I learned more in the previous to get the experience to reach the position to apply for the job in your
esteemed organisation and it became steps to reach you.
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Sruthi said: (Fri, Sep 3, 2010 06:53:06 AM)

Because I want to develop myself more.

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Sumon said: (Fri, Jul 30, 2010 07:08:45 AM)

Because I am the best. I have completed my assigned task within the time wih good accuracy.
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Amrit S. Saxena said: (Wed, Jul 14, 2010 01:16:06 AM)

Because I have such capabilities of working which have highly demanded in the Companies.
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Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized.

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Jagdish Gupta said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 01:56:15 PM)

Yes there was a movement when I was criticized for my work but I took it positively and improved on
that therefore I got appreciation too.
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Saranya said: (Wed, Jul 4, 2012 11:26:19 AM)

Honestly speaking I have faced a few criticism earlier but each time I had been happy about learning
a new way that will not work.
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Sangita Saha said: (Tue, Jun 26, 2012 03:36:18 PM)

I have never been criticised, but failure is the path to success, so taking the criticism positively is the
best way to be successful.
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Vidya S said: (Tue, May 15, 2012 09:17:28 AM)

When a person is being criticized he/she should try to correct and work over it. Instead he/she
should not feel bad and loose their temper for being criticized,
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Anu said: (Wed, Apr 4, 2012 03:24:26 PM)

Well sir, in my present job since today I was never criticized as the situation was never come but
with the reference to my first job as an office assistant I was criticized by my seniors for a work but I
take it as an lesson and always try to do my job accurately to my level.
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Swamy said: (Wed, Feb 15, 2012 08:31:42 AM)

It's an opportunity to correct our mistakes if someone criticise us.

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Archit said: (Fri, Jan 13, 2012 04:38:38 PM)

Yes I was criticized by my seniors but critisised is only key to success and after that I willl never give
a chance to critised me in future.
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Vyshali said: (Fri, Dec 16, 2011 08:51:29 PM)

When a person is being critisised he/she should try to correct and work over it. Insted he/she should
not feel bad and loose their confidence for being critisised, and also they should not get angry that
may lead to failure in their life.
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Shailendra said: (Mon, Nov 7, 2011 02:11:24 PM)

Yes, when I was working on my project, in that project I was handing analysis part. I was late in
submitting my report on time. Then my senior criticize me but after complete study my report, he
appropriated me for my job.
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Amit said: (Mon, Oct 3, 2011 09:30:56 PM)

I don't remember such incident of criticism but my manager has given me feedback about areas
which can be improved. The feedback was taken by me quite positively and I started working on it
proactively. I think even if my work had been criticised, I would have taken it in constructive manner

and would have given it a thought...

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Namrata Joshi said: (Tue, Sep 27, 2011 11:32:38 AM)

Of course I was criticized by my seniors but critics is the only key to success and I will never give a
single chance to anybody to criticize me further in future and I will reply by my achievements. That's
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Lokesh Gupta said: (Tue, Sep 27, 2011 12:34:21 AM)

If you have a POSITIVE and GO-GET IT attitude then the CRITICISM is the KEY of success.
Criticism is like the FEEDBACK which you had done before and its necessary to have the FEEDBACK
for your Work to know what you had done.
If my work ever Criticized by Some then i'll first check out my Flaws and Correct them immediately
and again show that person and TRY to get passed by that person with MARKED IMPROVEMENT.
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Zunaid Zaidi said: (Fri, Jul 29, 2011 12:38:34 AM)

Take criticism in a positive way. Because it is only critics who make you strong and capable person.
Take thing in a positive sense and give your 100%. When I was doing job critics were the only
people who made me such achievable person in my life.
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Pooja said: (Tue, Jul 19, 2011 01:35:53 PM)

Criticism is like a soap whenever you use it, it wash out your all body dust and make you much clean

& brighter. So criticism depends on your attitude, how you takes it. Either you can take it positively
and makes your errors correct or just loose your confidence and stop to go ahead.
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Manpreet said: (Wed, May 25, 2011 08:04:06 AM)

Sir, lets put it this way, I wasn't criticized rather I was given a constructive feedback on my
improvement areas by my immediate reporting manager in my last job and as we know sir, that "NO
ONE IS PERFECT" as there is always a scope of improvement no matter how qualified or experienced
we are. I am sure you would agree with me on this.
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Gaurav said: (Fri, May 20, 2011 01:44:00 PM)

I don't remember any such type of incident happened to me. But one thing which I appreciate about
my seniors is that they always gave me a chance to improve my self.
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Aswin Kumar A said: (Tue, Apr 19, 2011 12:44:31 PM)

Success is impossible without criticism. But as a human, I cannot digest those criticism. Definitely I
will reply to those criticism by my achievements.
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Sree said: (Mon, Mar 21, 2011 11:45:39 AM)

As no human can be perfect in all the situations. It's quite common to commit mistakes. But the
thing to be remembered is not to repeaat them again.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Tue, Mar 1, 2011 03:18:23 AM)

Criticisms are quite common in our day to day life and we all have to face them at some point of our
I had prepared a thorough report of my graduation project working non stop for a few days with lots
of calculations , report preparations, and data analysis. But the final report was not well appreciated
by the guide and I had to re-prepare it. The modification was mostly in the format and a few data
But it was important. The criticism made me revise my calculations and correct all the errors. The
format was improved and I thank my project guide for criticizing me, as his guidance helped me
improve myself.
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Mahesh said: (Sat, Feb 5, 2011 12:21:45 AM)

I think it not necessary in your work you will be get 100% successes immediately, some time you
done good work and sometime it create criticized, it not mean you fall or you doing wrong, but I will
be care that it not happened again,.
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Anjani said: (Sat, Oct 2, 2010 08:26:44 AM)

Yet, I did not face such a situation in any time. If I face I will definitely get depress for some time.
And later on I will convince myself and I will not give a chance to anyone to criticize me further in
the future.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 03:30:36 AM)

I had a bitter experience that I was busy with some other work, where the prior to me left.
Meanwhile my Boss asked about updation after my joining of couple of weeks. I was in finding the
root cause. He shouted a lot on that day, but after knowing the entire situation, what was happened

earlier to me and then he joined me to clear the situation and appreciated my work later.
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Praveen said: (Sun, Aug 29, 2010 04:53:29 AM)

Ya, I have such bitter experience in my college days where somebody criticized my paper work, but I
took it positively and the next day the same person got shocked to see my paper work again with all
that he demanded from me were met very cleanly and he was satisfied.
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Shakeer Baig.S said: (Thu, Aug 26, 2010 04:40:32 AM)

I wil wait more patiently for every mistakes i did and i never ever repeat it again.
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Rani said: (Wed, Jul 28, 2010 07:17:02 AM)

Ofcourse i really feel bad for my wrong work... but that mistake only made me perfect in future... so
i can realize my mistake and dont do the same again..
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Roshan Kumar said: (Mon, Jun 28, 2010 12:57:23 AM)

I Will take it as positively and i will not give second chance to them to criticize
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Could you have done better in your last job?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Jagdish Gutpa said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 02:00:08 PM)

Yes I could have done better on previous job because there is always a room for improvement but I
have put in my 100% efforts to get worked done efficiently.
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Sangita Saha said: (Tue, Jun 26, 2012 03:40:52 PM)

Yes surely, but to get knowledge you have to find different avenues. I think your organisation will
surely help me to sharpen my skills and knowledge and help in my development along with your
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Davinder Kaur said: (Fri, Jun 15, 2012 03:00:01 PM)

With the type of organization I was working with, there was very less scope of loop holes. So the
attitude of "Give the best whenever you go for the assignment. " drove me.
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Vikrant said: (Thu, May 3, 2012 02:47:00 PM)

Yes, in my previous organization I worked with 5 processes and I done my best, Because I was in
sales process so in that processes the target is main focus but I complete my every task with my
honesty and hard work.
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Bb Singh said: (Thu, Apr 19, 2012 07:16:00 AM)

Of-course I could have done better in my past job. I worked hard to achieve the organization goal
and was successful to provide suitable response.
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Jennifer said: (Wed, Jun 29, 2011 01:45:37 PM)

I have done my best being commited and loyal to my old job and had complete job satisfaction so I
assure neverthles for my current job or assignment.
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Gaurav said: (Sun, Jun 19, 2011 08:08:57 AM)

Yes definitely, I will use my experience & knowledge for your organization.
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Mukul Modak said: (Sat, May 7, 2011 01:12:24 AM)

Yes I could because at a certain time no one is perfect.

Everyone learn as the time progresses and learning is the best suited tool for anyone to grow in the
organisation so as far as I am concerned I could have done better in my last job.
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Suresh Devarasetty said: (Wed, Jan 5, 2011 12:48:25 PM)

I performed well in all my previous assignments to the best of my efforts, same has been well
appreciated by my peers and managers. Ofcourse there is always a room for improvement, which I
am working on it, to be even more better.
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Pushpraj Singh said: (Sun, Nov 14, 2010 07:44:58 AM)

I liked this one:

I suppose with the benefit of hindsight you can always find things to do better, of course, but off the
top of my head, I can't think of anything of major consequence.
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Kachhadiya said: (Sat, Oct 30, 2010 11:47:22 AM)

Yes, I have done everything which had resposible worked on me.

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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 03:33:15 AM)

Yes, I've done the better in the last job by clearing all the pending and also kept every thing on track
right now today.
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Appu said: (Fri, Jun 25, 2010 05:39:28 AM)

Infact, Now i can understood that iam improving my knowledge day by day and facing strange
challenges and did my role well in the last job.
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Rudy said: (Wed, Jun 16, 2010 02:58:42 AM)

yes of course. i was better doing my job but i wanted to try out my potential in more advanced
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Tell me about the most boring job you have ever had.
@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Jagdish Gupta said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 02:03:27 PM)

When I was a jobber, there was a some movement which was boring that is when there is no
movement in market index or in stocks.
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Ted said: (Wed, Jul 4, 2012 11:04:19 PM)

Most boring job at all times was to do nothing. Most particularly at my job, if all the layouts are done
and ready for printing, I actually do is NOTHING and just wait till the printer gave me my layouts.
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Kavita Wadkar said: (Fri, Jun 29, 2012 01:31:13 PM)

Well my opinion said to itself please do not use word job is boring because they get knowledge for
you & salary also then you said job is boring so you don't work it means you are always over smart
& overconfidence i.e. you are selfish person.
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Prakash said: (Fri, Apr 27, 2012 11:39:11 AM)



A job without involvement leads to boring. I haven't encountered any such situation still now and I
won't get anymore.
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Deepak Devaliya said: (Wed, Apr 4, 2012 04:43:46 PM)

As my Opinion, There is no any job is boring but it is depend on us how we make boring or
interesting. If we are showing good interest in any job it is good for us but someone do not like that
work it is boring for him.
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Saif said: (Thu, Mar 22, 2012 02:29:04 PM)

According to me there is no job is boring in this would unless it not useful to you. If you are not
satisfied with work and not enjoying the work then all the jobs will look boring.
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Mahi said: (Fri, Feb 17, 2012 01:32:54 PM)

Sir, No job is boring it is totally depend upon individual interest, and not upon
qualification,experience,etc. If I will be interested about any job then we can take this as a challenge
and learn new things and can make it enjoyfulllll...
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Santosh said: (Wed, Oct 19, 2011 10:37:26 PM)

According to me teacher job is very difficult.

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Dheeraj said: (Fri, Sep 30, 2011 09:09:29 PM)

I thing no job is boring,it depends on us that how much eager we are to do the job because every
job gives us an experience to do the growth.
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Namrata Joshi said: (Tue, Sep 27, 2011 11:51:45 AM)

According to my point of view no job is boring. It is totally depend on the individual that how they
react towards their job responsibility.
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Nilakshi said: (Wed, Aug 17, 2011 04:54:30 PM)

Every Job have its own value. We make it boring or interesting based on individual perceptions. Well
I enjoy my job, but at times I get bored of monotonous job.
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Sweety said: (Mon, May 30, 2011 10:47:35 AM)

None job in this world is boring. It depends on the interest that we hav towards the field.
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Neha said: (Sun, May 22, 2011 08:40:53 AM)

Well no job is depends on interest if one has interest intact ..the job is interesting..but i
think jobs that requires to do repetitive works without any future prospects and stagnant career will
cause boredom as one will lose interest in them.. example can be call centre job...wel m fresher and
havent come across any boring job yet.

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Anand said: (Sun, May 15, 2011 01:52:05 AM)

Jobs are different,according to me there is no superior or inferior

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Nilesh said: (Thu, May 12, 2011 05:50:46 AM)

There is no job in this world which is boring because its depend upon your knowledge, interest and
qualification. But we should prefer those jobs which is related to our qualification and interest.
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Anand said: (Thu, Apr 28, 2011 06:36:22 AM)

I love my Profession and my job whether i am working in small industry or big industry.If we can
love the job its looks like very easy even if it is too hard.But at the same time doing the same
responsibility some time feel boring.So we always learn new things and move to next level.
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Vishu said: (Mon, Dec 20, 2010 02:48:05 PM)

As per my perception, doing same responsibilities repetitively for quite long period of time-will be
boring and it would create stagnancy in the career, so we need to learn the job quickly and move
forward for next level of the ladder.
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Pushpraj Singh said: (Sun, Nov 14, 2010 07:48:20 AM)


None of my jobs were boring I always loved coming to office finish my work, talk to my collegues,
office meetings, talking to my bosses etc, Tea breaks etc.
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Kachhadiya said: (Sat, Oct 30, 2010 11:55:29 AM)

As my view, short term marketing which is very boring job i.e. door to door selling product etc. I
have experience about that field.
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Vishal said: (Mon, Oct 18, 2010 11:07:39 AM)

According to me no job is boring. It's depend on individual interest.

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Omprakash said: (Fri, Jun 18, 2010 07:41:02 PM)

Call center job

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May I contact your present employer for a reference?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Jagdish Gupta said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 02:08:05 PM)

Yes there is no problem to contact for the verification as I know my reputation over there was good.
And you will hear about me something good.
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Hari Wadhwa said: (Fri, May 25, 2012 03:48:23 PM)

Off course, why not sir! I am damn sure that you will be double confident to select me after having a
word with my previous reporting manager as you would come to know some more traits about me
which you still don't know.
Further, I very confident about it not only due to the reason that they are too good to appreciate
there team workers for their future development rather I have also put THE BEST there. Not my best
rather THEIR best!
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Anshay said: (Thu, Apr 19, 2012 07:57:45 AM)

As I think it is not right time to contact him because if you contact him he will not feel well about me
as being a responsible and honest person in his view.
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Prasad said: (Mon, Mar 26, 2012 12:03:04 AM)

Yes sir with pleasure, but not right now, as he is not aware with my job search. Once i selected you
can, i am confident that u will get positive response,because i have always given my best...
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 09:26:30 PM)

Certainly yes after my confirmation in this company. I'll pass my word to my employer then he will
give his best answer. Hope positive result from him regarding work experience and behavior of mine.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 09:20:30 PM)


Certainly Yes after my confirmation in this company. I just pass my work to my employer after that u
can hear a positive approach on my work and behavior in my previous company.
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Mohit said: (Fri, Feb 24, 2012 05:52:33 PM)

Yes sir definitely but not right now because he is not aware with my job search but once you appoint
me and I had a words with him you can surely contact him and I am confidance that you will get
positive reply.
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Manjula said: (Wed, Feb 22, 2012 07:37:15 PM)

yes sir I'm surely you will content

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Namrata Joshi said: (Tue, Sep 27, 2011 12:12:14 PM)

Ya definitely. I am sure you will get a good hear about my work.

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Saravanan said: (Thu, Sep 15, 2011 01:16:04 AM)

My Employer does know about my hard work, however my employer doesn't know about smart work
and huge achievement I have done over there. Hence you can contact my team leader!
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Amit Sinha said: (Fri, Jul 29, 2011 01:10:22 PM)

My present employer is not aware of my job search and, for obvious reasons; I'd prefer to keep it
that way. I'd be most appreciative if we kept our discussion confidential right now. Of course, when
we both agree the time is right, then by all means you should contact them. I'm very proud of my
record there.
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Amarjeet said: (Thu, Jun 2, 2011 04:15:27 AM)

Ya you can, I'm sure u'll get to know more about me, because I have always given my best.
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Rajitha said: (Fri, May 6, 2011 06:59:17 AM)

Yes of course with pleasure.

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Srinivas said: (Sun, Feb 20, 2011 11:47:33 AM)

Yes definitely, there is no problem sir.

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Moin Khan said: (Sat, Feb 5, 2011 10:59:14 PM)

Yes definetly you can contact.

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Srikanth said: (Sun, Jan 2, 2011 11:06:01 AM)

with pleasure....
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Pushpraj Singh said: (Sun, Nov 14, 2010 07:53:14 AM)

My present employer is not aware of my job search and, for obvious reasons; I'd prefer to keep it
that way. I'd be most appreciative if we kept our discussion confidential right now. Of course, when
we both agree the time is right, then by all means you should contact them. I'm very proud of my
record there.
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Rajan said: (Wed, Nov 10, 2010 11:26:49 AM)

Sure sir, there is no problem.

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Amit Verma said: (Fri, Sep 24, 2010 09:29:47 AM)

Of course, sir you can contact my employer reference for me at any time.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:25:55 AM)

Yes, you can contact at any time.

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Nitesh Popali said: (Tue, Sep 14, 2010 02:00:01 PM)

Yes. There is no problem.

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Hakkeem said: (Sun, Aug 15, 2010 08:09:49 AM)

of course, sir
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Menaka said: (Sat, Jul 24, 2010 04:30:21 AM)

Yes of course, you will contact my present employer reference for me.
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Swaroop said: (Fri, Jun 18, 2010 11:13:30 PM)

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How many hours a week do you normally work?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Mirriam said: (Wed, Jul 11, 2012 11:18:23 PM)

As I work, I would not be able to count, as I will be focusing on my job and tasks for a day. What is
importance and satisfying is job well done by the end of the day.
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K Dongare said: (Tue, Jun 26, 2012 08:24:26 PM)

In the field where I am working, there is no such thing like limited hour work. Whenerver situation
demands we always stand for work.
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Prasd said: (Fri, Jun 8, 2012 12:23:52 AM)

Depends up on the task given to me, I will make a timetable to adjust my working hours. Its help
me, to devote proper time to all my necessarily things and I will try to accomplish the work in a
maximum time. It help me to manage my work in efficient manner.
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Samiksha Jain said: (Thu, May 31, 2012 11:01:45 PM)


Calculating time become impossible but I am very comfortable with my working timing which make
me comfortable and give them chance to participate in every thing both professional and social.
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Rajiv said: (Mon, May 21, 2012 11:01:49 AM)

I was flexible on the timings when the work is ON, hence company is flexible on TIME when the work
is OFF.
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Bhagya Raju.K said: (Mon, May 21, 2012 07:58:32 AM)

I never calculated my time with work, I always calculate my work with perfection and time period
according to requirement.
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D.Ganesh Reddy said: (Fri, May 11, 2012 04:30:42 PM)

According to me I never give the importance to working hours why because it shows that the
employee is not interest to work. I would like to give the importance to completion of the work with
in time.
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Mantu Swain said: (Sat, May 5, 2012 06:50:53 PM)

I think Time is not a measurement of good work it depends upon person's attitude, designation &
responsibility. If work load more & he feels his presence gives some fruitfulness to company &
management then gives more time if everything is normal I think not give extra time.
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Nish:) said: (Thu, May 3, 2012 06:05:14 PM)

I will work until my work got over. Time is no matter for me. Because I liked to concentrate on my
work only so that I can work well without any disturbance.
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Sunil said: (Sat, Apr 28, 2012 04:01:49 PM)

I will work according to company's policy and try to finish work within the given time schedules, if
there would be a need for a company then i will surely give more time to meet the demand of the
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Kaju P said: (Thu, Apr 19, 2012 07:38:07 AM)

Each day of week I work for 08 to 09 hrs but sometimes may have stay more than 09 hrs due to
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Sitha said: (Wed, Apr 11, 2012 09:40:06 PM)

I will work 40 t0 45 hours in a week but if the work demands I never mind how many hours I am
working, I will put my maximum effort to finish my work as soon as possible.
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Noor said: (Sun, Apr 1, 2012 02:37:45 PM)



It depends upon the demand of work. If the nature of work needs attention and timeliness, I
prioritize my tasks accordingly.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 09:31:17 PM)

We can't calculate the time while we are working. If we calculate time it shows the interest lacking in
the employee. It depends upon the work and needy time for that work.
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Bharat said: (Thu, Feb 23, 2012 08:58:09 PM)

It is not about working hours. It is all about the priority of the task needs to be done with more and
more accuracy. One should not get worry about stretching his time and just because of this I never
wear watch.
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Ram said: (Sun, Feb 12, 2012 01:54:51 PM)

I have a responsibility to complete the task which the company allotted to me, so if there is a
demand to extend my work hours definitely will do it.
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P.Chandra Shaker Varma said: (Fri, Dec 30, 2011 09:32:45 AM)

Sir its not about working hours. Its about how do I complete my work, if I am passionate to do the
work, I won't see how many hours I should work. I will try to complete it as soon as possible with
my creative thinking and hard work.

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Nagendra said: (Wed, Dec 21, 2011 08:50:37 AM)

As per our company schedules it was between 42 to 45 hours a week. But I have never hesitated to
extend my shift when there is a requirement. I always loved my work and the work enviornment.
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Jayasree said: (Wed, Dec 7, 2011 08:02:19 PM)

As per our company norms, I have to work 45 hours a week. But if there is any business
requirement, I will stretch for one or two hours to complete that particular task within the given
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Boby said: (Tue, Nov 22, 2011 04:47:16 PM)

As per law maximum limit of working hour 42 but my limit is on depending my work. I can't lingering
with my work.
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Rahul said: (Mon, Oct 10, 2011 08:45:48 PM)

Well sir, I always make a time table to adjust my working hour. So that I can devote my proper time
to all my necessary things and it help me to manage my work in efficient manner. I normally work
about 12 hours besides my college.
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Namrata Joshi said: (Tue, Sep 27, 2011 12:18:38 PM)



I work 45-48 hrs. I will try to finish my job within time but of course if there is a work load or I am
not able to complete my job within the time then definitely I will do overtime till the work complete.
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Srikanta said: (Sat, Sep 17, 2011 06:50:18 PM)

As an employe of a respective company my first preference is my duty. That doesnt mean I will work
only during office work or taking extra time. More over I have responsibility take my company to the
toppest level and I will work day night till my mission is complete.
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Swetha said: (Sun, Aug 21, 2011 09:05:38 AM)

If it is a 6 day environment, I will work for 56 hours.

If it is 5 days per week I will work for 48 hours. I am sure that I am always ready to work for
overtime also.
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Manish Kumar said: (Tue, Aug 2, 2011 01:17:29 PM)

Work is the most important for me and my company, so i'll do work with company's requirement.
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Nag said: (Sun, Jun 12, 2011 08:05:50 AM)

As per preplanned, my work fish with in the time, in case it cant finish my work. Am doing Or spend
some more time, that means 8 to 10 hours.
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Amarjeet said: (Thu, Jun 2, 2011 04:21:59 AM)

Well I can work 10+ hours a day, still if my work is due and requires more time I can definetly put
into more hours of work to finish it, because m very dedicated to the work given to me.
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Vikas said: (Fri, May 6, 2011 12:55:06 AM)

Work is the first preference so I'm ready to work on the demand of work.
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Dibakar Das said: (Sun, Apr 10, 2011 11:27:38 PM)

As a professional every hour should spent with a proper time management skill as per the work
demand. It is better to calculate the day to day work and finally we got the weekly status.
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Sunil Pawar said: (Mon, Mar 28, 2011 01:06:48 PM)

We are normally work to finish weekly target, our work is project work, all are applying know. Skills,
soft skills etc. to complete work.
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Daksh said: (Fri, Feb 25, 2011 11:24:00 AM)

It totally depend on that work which I m going to unertake, I m a hard worker with the attitude of

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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Oct 9, 2010 02:53:22 AM)

I'm ready to work as the work demands until the completion of work with the time management
skills. And Work is my first preference.
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Mahi said: (Wed, Sep 22, 2010 04:27:30 PM)

It depends on the project we are going to undertake. If work demands I can work for long hours.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:28:44 AM)

If work demands for 24*7, I'm ready to work. Otherwise, as company assigns me, i'll do that
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Gaurang said: (Fri, Sep 17, 2010 12:07:32 PM)

I am working only 8 hours. And complete my work by smartly. And yes if there is load of work then I
also do overtime.
But I think that if you do your work day to day completely then there is no need to do work more
than your working hours.
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Pallavi said: (Tue, Aug 17, 2010 07:49:21 AM)

Depends on the workload i will do the time management and try to give maximum time for
accomplish a work.
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Naveen said: (Tue, Aug 3, 2010 06:26:01 AM)

I'll work for 40-45 hrs and if it is necessary I'll work for more hours to accomplish my work.
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Menaka.Ms said: (Sat, Jul 24, 2010 04:32:11 AM)

I'm woking 45hrs per week. But if any urgent work means i will do the work extra time.
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Jitendra Rajput said: (Sun, Jul 11, 2010 04:50:09 AM)

42 hrs and if need work more hours

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Rajarajan said: (Tue, Jun 29, 2010 06:56:11 AM)

45 hrs and if need work more hours

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Roshan Kumar said: (Mon, Jun 28, 2010 01:04:03 AM)

after finish my office hour if pending work is there means then there is no time limit so i dont have
fixed working hour, am flexible
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What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Sunil said: (Mon, Jul 2, 2012 11:46:29 AM)

Recently I have faced one interview, Interviewr asked me the same question what are challanges
you are facing?
Reality is I could not answerd well, I am saying them my daily routine task and small issue which not
be consider as a chalanges.
And after going through all answer of this forum Now I am able to give them well answer but now
opportunity has gone and It givne me great learning to next interview.
And I am sure I can answer well.
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Sanjana said: (Mon, Jun 25, 2012 11:31:12 PM)

I never face any kind of tough challenge in my life, yes I do faced many challenges which I overcome
with my ability and go getter attitude, but I never find them difficult which I couldnt able to
overcome. Challenges are the part of life, it depeds on the person how we deal with it.
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Madhuri said: (Wed, Jun 6, 2012 12:53:27 PM)

Every day has a new beginning and brings new challenges, so we can't be able to judge which
challenge is the toughest. Cause tomorrow challenge might be tougher than today. Hence, face the
challenges with positive attitude to crack it.
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Sakthi said: (Sat, May 5, 2012 02:49:43 PM)

As I am a Tamil medium student coming from village its very challenging to me to be a good
communicator in English. But now I improved so much.
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Prachi Gala said: (Fri, Apr 27, 2012 01:00:31 PM)

Challenges are challenges. They cannot be categorized into tough tougher or toughest. So yes I have
faced many challenges in my life. Which I have definitely overcome due to positive attitude. Proof is
I am sitting here right in front of you :).
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Raju said: (Tue, Apr 17, 2012 02:21:44 PM)

In my personal life, finished my BE is a most toughest challenge. Because I belongs to middle class
family. When I was joined Engineering college from 1st year to final year financial wise I faced lot of
problems even though I much more concentrate on my studies and completed with 80%. Now am an
B. E holder.
What was my toughest challenge for me as an profession, When I was working for my company as a
web developer, we have to finish the website and launched the site within 2 days. Already I did my
job. But unfortunately in deadline client change the functionality in my part. So my team-lead told
me, change the function and finish the task today only client give total payment. In last day I put my
full effort and finished the task as per client wish. I just think this is my toughest task.
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Prabhat said: (Thu, Apr 5, 2012 04:50:02 PM)

I have faced so many challenges that i can't never explain, but my self-confidence and my skills wins
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Neha said: (Fri, Mar 30, 2012 07:52:28 PM)

I think the toughest challenge we students face, whether in school or in college, are the exams itself.
We have to get through with a good percentage as there is so much competition outside. As an
engineering student, I face this challenge every 6 months, every semester being much tougher than
the previous, but I keep my cool and remain confident of my skills and aptitude and thus have
maintained a competitive academic percentage.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 09:52:51 PM)

From my previous project I faced one toughest thing in my profession. It was solved with the help of
my superior. Therefore nothing makes me tough. Day by day I'm becoming comfort to my

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Indhu said: (Tue, Mar 6, 2012 04:43:09 PM)

In my college life, I have faced a challenge when I was doing project on memory management. I am
not well versed to code in linked list, so I started learning from basics. Because of my hardwork, I
finished my project in 2 months.
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Anu said: (Sat, Jan 21, 2012 03:31:58 PM)

Till now i didnt faced any toughest challenge . but if it arise i can able to crack it.
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Ravi said: (Thu, Jan 19, 2012 10:11:07 AM)

In my professional life, I faced a challenging work of capturing the data from PDF file of about 100
pages which was got wrong due to minor problem came in copy-paste by me. There were we have to
capture the data around 100 per day with full description like product name, product code, color,
description, price etc.But due to mistake, I was challenged to accomplish that work within 3 days
which was earlier done in 10 days. But with the help of my skills and knowledge I completed my
work within given time successfully without a single mistake. Later I was appreciate by my senior...
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Muni said: (Wed, Jan 11, 2012 12:14:54 PM)

Life is a game of ups and downs hence, we cannot say that life is a bed of roses. Life can be bitter if
there are no challenges. We have to overcome them with diligent steps in order to get fruitful
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Uttam said: (Wed, Jan 4, 2012 01:41:32 AM)

My toughest challenge in my personal life came when I was disqualified in Indian Air force selection
process due to a minor bone deformality which has no effect on daily life however that was
considered unfit in defence forces. All my dreams were shattered aftere this incidenc asit was dream
to work in Indian Air force and I was being disqualified on medical grounds which I have no control
nor was my fault.
Anyways, I get over this toughest emotional challenge in my life owning to my will power and
positive thinking.
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Md Asif said: (Sun, Dec 11, 2011 10:53:03 AM)

Yes I'll definitely explain you what was my toughest challenge for me, When I was working for Airtel
prepaid we have a target of hello tune Upsell of 10/day, but I failed to achieve my target so, my
maneger called me and gave strong feedback for the same and told me Asif you have to fulfill your
target today otherwise strong action will be taken against you, but fortunately that day I upselled 12
hellotune, after when my maneger came to know about that he gave me a gift for my success.
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Priya said: (Sun, Dec 4, 2011 04:29:11 PM)

As a fresher i dint face any challenge in my professional life. but in personal life many challenges
invited me but nothing was toughest as i accepted all those challenges in a positive way and i was
successful in achieving.
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Parandhaman said: (Tue, Nov 22, 2011 09:52:17 PM)

In one of my semester exam. . Due to improper evaluation so many students kept arrears in my
dept. . . I too got 4 arrears. . . That was the big challenge for me to face when everyone feared for

that. . :). . . . Finally with enough confidence I succeeded (i cleared all my papers).
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Ritu said: (Sat, Nov 19, 2011 10:20:47 PM)

I'm a fresher, so til nw i din met with any professional challenges. But, as a student, as a daughter
and as a friend i met with some challenges bt none was the toughest. I crossed all those challenges
with a cool attitude.
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Ratna said: (Fri, Nov 4, 2011 01:02:11 PM)

This situation from my previous company have started my carrier as assistant, reporting to manager,
after joining 2 months I have learned about taxation little bit, after 2 months my manager has gone
to his marriage, in that time there is no senior in my office, we should deposit TDS on 7th every
month, 7th has come, I have to deposit TDS, it is Statutory matter if it is deposited wrong, my head
office people viewed very seriously, but I have done that work without mistake at the date, after
knowing the incident my head office peoples appreciated, that is the main challenge I have faced.
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Ratnaji said: (Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:56:01 PM)

This situation from my previous company, I have started my carrier as assistant, reporting to
manager, after joing 2 months I have learned about taxation little bit, after 2 months my manager
has gone to his marraiage, in that time there is no senior in my office, we should deposit TDS on 7th
every month, 7th has come, I have to deposit TDS, it is Statutory matter if it is deposited wrong, my
head office people viewd very seriously, but I have done that work without mistake at the date, after
knowing the incedent my head office peoples appreciated, that is the main challange I have faced.
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Namrata Joshi said: (Tue, Sep 27, 2011 12:28:38 PM)


I my life whether it is personal or professional life I have faced so many toughest situation but I
have crack them with my self confidence and skills.
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Shivateja said: (Mon, Sep 12, 2011 11:51:56 AM)

Yes I like to make challenge myself. In my life I have been facing more challenges since my
childhood. Great challenge in my career is that when I were 7th standard I was poor at all subject I
did have interest on studies so that my family push me into mechanic field and also at the time I
were crazy to drive bike and learn how to repair. At the time I were not sensible to take proper
decision on my life. When I got 10th stranded age then I could knew about life and I decided that we
would leave the this field and start study carrier. At the time I did have knowledge even I were
unable to write others name then I challenged myself we should become equal to who go school
regular and learn the subject.
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Anand said: (Mon, Aug 8, 2011 02:12:28 PM)

Toughest challenge in my life is to clear my Chartered Accountancy course which is one of the
toughest course in India. But with hardwork and dedication and parents well wish I come across the
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Shrivastawa said: (Tue, Jul 26, 2011 11:08:44 AM)

When none of my colleagues preferred posting to North East due to security reasons, I opted for the
same. Because of inaccessibility, poor infrastructure support and extreme climatic conditions, It was
really hard to run the show both on career as well as personal front. But with the support of my
peers and superiors, I performed well and had most satisfying tenure.
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B Kanani said: (Sat, Jul 16, 2011 04:05:15 AM)



First time I am facing this question and to answer this question is the toughest challenge I have
faced. In my carrier I have faced many more tough challenges but I have crack then with my skill
and confidence.
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Amarjeet said: (Thu, Jun 2, 2011 04:26:12 AM)

Well I have face many challenge which were tough, but none seemed to be very challenging because
I have keep my self boosted with energy and confident to face more challenges.
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Ranjeet said: (Sat, May 7, 2011 05:24:48 AM)

The toughest challenge I ever had faced was when I got transferred to a terrorist infested area in
kashmir. I was to accomplish the assigned tasks within the specified time frame sidelining the
adverse weather conditions and also disturbances prevailing in the area. However, with
determination and cooperation of dedicated team I accomplished the assigned task.
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Tcs_Gnr said: (Wed, Mar 16, 2011 08:16:31 AM)

Being asked the question "What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced?" is the toughest
challenge I have ever faced.
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Y.Anandh said: (Mon, Feb 14, 2011 08:09:55 AM)

In my life I have faced toughest many challenges. One of those is, after completed my 12th standard
I want to join in army but my parents were refuse it and they told that take BscIT, it provide you

bright future, but I neglect it, because I not well maths and programming. I fell in depression. Later
I agree with my parents. After that I finished my BscIT with distinction with hard work and sincerity.
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Devesh said: (Mon, Nov 15, 2010 03:11:27 AM)

The toughest challenge was to get the first Job, as I passed out when there was a deep recesion in
market. The expectation from family was high used to weight egerly for job advertise. Also, used to
go each industry in MIDC area but watchman used to refuse to give me the permission to meet
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:35:02 AM)

In my eyes, the toughest challenge is taking birth on the earth from mother's womb, that we
crossed. There no much toughest more than that.
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Nitesh Popali said: (Tue, Sep 14, 2010 02:05:27 PM)

In my personal life I have faced many challenges. In my college life I have faced a challenge, when I
was in B.C.A and in graphics practical I have faced very much technical issue and I solved it by my
hard work and knowledge. That issue was related to portability of graphics program on different
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Rajarajan said: (Tue, Jun 29, 2010 06:42:25 AM)

In my personal life, I have faced so many situations

and for my official career, in the Technology side, For the installation of New HP server with RHEL 5.2
version with Raid 1 it took 35 days, since the Raid concept was not enable in it even we tried with so

many ways and HP L2s and our company L3's were trying to fix it after that one HP L2 personnel
created test Environment and solve the issue.
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Have you been absent from work more than a few days in any previous position?
@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

K Dongare said: (Tue, Jun 26, 2012 08:43:32 PM)

I never bunked office & hence avoided working but yes health is wealth. During my absence in office
also I do get connected to job by any means of communication & instruct to subordinates. Finally I
am the decision maker.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 09:56:57 PM)

Due to health problems / Functions / Family reasons that too in a critical positions. I kept leaves.
After coming back to my company I cleared my work with accuracy.
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Amol said: (Mon, Feb 13, 2012 04:58:43 PM)

Yes, b'coz of unavoidable situation. We are human beings so we can not forget about our social
responsibilities & our family. But always complete your work & hand over it to your subordinate.
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Prashantmamadi said: (Thu, Jan 12, 2012 09:49:18 PM)

Yes sir as we are also human being we also will have some problems which we cant avoid if situation
require our presence.. so i also had taken some few days holidays but work assigned to me i
completed on time...
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Jayasree said: (Wed, Dec 7, 2011 08:11:39 PM)

Yes... I have taken 5 days of leave to go to my native place as I have proper reason and unavoidable
situation to go there....
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Jeet4V said: (Fri, Nov 11, 2011 08:54:34 AM)

Honestly speaking,i have taken few days of leave for some proper health reason. But i understand
my responsibilities in the terms of my assigned work, So, i did my pending work by managing my
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Namrata Joshi said: (Tue, Sep 27, 2011 12:32:13 PM)

Yes I have taken leave for 2-3 days but I have completed my work properly so that there should be
no pending work. And told to my Team Leader about the leave before 2 days because that was an
urgent leave because my mother is not well and she was in Hospital and no one was there to take
care of her. So I took urgent leave for that.
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Sundar said: (Tue, Aug 2, 2011 05:29:33 PM)

Yes. I have taken more than few days leave. But, I have informed about my leave before 2 weeks to
my superior officer and to all my team-mates those working on the same project.
Also, before leaving I had documented the work completed by me in that project to help others
team-mates to continue my task during my absence.
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Mahesh Jadhav said: (Tue, Aug 2, 2011 02:52:50 PM)

Yes, with proper reason.

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Anjaneyya Shetty said: (Mon, Jun 13, 2011 06:54:26 AM)

Ya sir but I have taken leave one time.

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Deepak said: (Thu, Jun 2, 2011 10:27:43 PM)

Not yet because. I am a mature person and I understand my responsibilities and I am caring for my
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Sanjay said: (Fri, Apr 8, 2011 02:37:21 PM)

Yes, but not without reason.

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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:36:10 AM)

No, not yet.

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What changes would you make if you came on board?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

K Dongare said: (Tue, Jun 26, 2012 08:39:21 PM)

First thing I will do is to understand the culture of the company. As I have good exposure in my
previous jobs, definitely I will contribute something. Each team has different strategies & each player
do contribute to success & hence change game.
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Mudassar said: (Mon, Jun 11, 2012 12:14:07 AM)

Change is only permanent thing. As the external and internal environment changes, the tastes and
preferences of the customers changes on which the profitability of the company depends I would like
to bring changes I the organisation that will satisfy the current needs and make the organisation
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Jitesh said: (Tue, Apr 3, 2012 09:28:31 PM)

In every type of company basic things are.

Customers satisfaction.
Employers satisfaction.
Benefit to the company.
If those criteria is satisfied and changing according to that than I will go for changing.
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Abdul Rahman said: (Sat, Mar 10, 2012 02:07:01 PM)

I would first thank my fellow colleagues for making me a part of their team. I would first go through
the complete work process and bring the awareness about the things which are not happening
properly and then with the help of my managers and team support will improve the things in a
meaningful manner.
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Dinu said: (Mon, Feb 27, 2012 06:08:43 PM)

Once getting onboard, 1st I will study about the company and then if the things are not on the right
track i will make it change and if the things are going well i will add some valueable inputs if
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Amol said: (Mon, Feb 13, 2012 05:05:24 PM)

First I will study about every thing related to our company. Then I will ask to previous board
members that why they have taken some wrong decisions? what was the situation in that time?
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Ram said: (Sun, Feb 12, 2012 01:50:52 PM)

Frankly says, At least it will take more than 10 to 15 days to study about the company. Even though
we have a relevant experience. All the companies are not the same so, after getting studied about
the company only will make myself prepared according to it.
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Nisar Ahmed Sheikh said: (Sat, Jan 28, 2012 12:01:30 AM)

Well sir, if one thing is going to be in a right way, changes can not be made untill and unless there is
existance of problem, after all nature needs changes, I would suggest gap should not be considered
in any activity of the organisation and control is the main part of the activities if there is a control
over the activities there is always success.
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Mukesh said: (Wed, Jan 25, 2012 08:30:50 PM)



First of all i would like to say that i would not change anything but i would add something addtional
to the ongoing work/plan/environment with my experience and skills.
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Saumya said: (Fri, Jan 20, 2012 12:36:40 AM)

Sir. Since change is the nature of law and if taken in positive direction can be prooved benificial. So
first of all I would study the reqirement and environment of company in abroad only then I will
change or modify my pesonality.
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Rrn said: (Sat, Nov 26, 2011 07:22:11 PM)

I would first like to know whether changes are ready needed:) if really needed, I would first study
the shortcomings of the system and then plan requisite actions.
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Alok Kumar Rout said: (Wed, Nov 2, 2011 10:33:48 PM)

Sir, I will try to achive optimum results from the given resources without degrading the environment
and without graaudging about deficienies and lack of resouces.
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Swapnali Ghorpade said: (Fri, Oct 21, 2011 12:35:06 PM)

I would try changing the work environment, coz if the people are comfortable and happy with the
work environment, better results are delivered.
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Sangeetha said: (Tue, Sep 6, 2011 02:39:18 PM)

First I have to do a questionnaire section from top level to bottom level(which will be confidential)so
that I will come to know about the grievances each employees has got and the majority problems
will be discussed in the board meeting, and will come up with a solution which will be beneficial to
both employees and the management.
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Amarjeet said: (Thu, Jun 2, 2011 04:09:59 AM)

Well, i'll make a research and i'll monitor the entire situation an keep a note of it and make changes
with the help of other members.
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Ranjeet said: (Sat, May 7, 2011 05:34:55 AM)

The foremost change I will introduce on joining the organisation, is to create a cordial environment
in my aegis. I will invite the suggestions from my colleagues make efforts that the genuine
suggestions received are implemented in letter and spirit. Respecting the ideas of your
juniors/colleagues boost their morale and motivate them to work hard for upliftment of the
department in particular and organisation in a whole.
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Kiran said: (Wed, May 4, 2011 04:38:30 AM)

1) First off all i will thank full for all the team member for selecting/trusting me.
2) working atmosphere and friendly enviornment will be created.
to run organisation were smoothly.
3) Each department as to work with their frame limit and also can share ideas if necessary.
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Rashi said: (Sat, Nov 13, 2010 04:39:06 AM)

I would instill a sense of having more space in my workplace so that juniors/subordinates can come
up with more ideas without the fear of rejection or humiliation.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:37:52 AM)

First, I prefer to study the entire situation and i'll take the necessary according to.
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Saood Khan said: (Wed, Jul 14, 2010 01:40:04 PM)

Changes are made by the people who are in charge. So, if I am given the opportunity to make
changes; then, first of all I will change the work environment to a happy work environment where
every one accomplishes the given tasks within the given time keep frustration aside.
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What would you say to your boss if he is crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?
@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Dev said: (Sun, May 27, 2012 05:06:05 PM)

Sir, you have really come up with good idea and I m sure that nobody can defeat you in this area.
However, I feel and think some differently so if you agree to this, please let me know so that I can
put my suggestions.
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Antony said: (Fri, Mar 2, 2012 11:40:18 PM)

You are having much experience in this field and you might take many decision according to different
situations. so this decision also may be right according to you. same time i feel that it may cause
severe consequences. If u feel that my attitude is good in this criteria u can consider my solution.
anyway taking decision is yours.

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Nikki said: (Tue, Feb 28, 2012 08:14:19 PM)

Sir, your idea is good and will surely be in the interests of the company but if your allow me I would
like to give few suggestions from my side for your consideration.
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Omi said: (Mon, Jan 30, 2012 08:48:42 PM)

If boss is open for ideas then i'l discuss my points with him so that he can re-think on certain points
of his vision, if he's nt open to new ideas from subordinates, then i'll follow "boss is always right"
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Avijit_Kg said: (Mon, Jan 30, 2012 01:28:36 PM)

Boss is always right, because his or her knowledge much more better then me, my experience says
that any idea which I feeling as crazy, this is actually not like that. Because I'm watching a part of
that idea not watching the overall of that idea or plan.
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Anu said: (Sat, Jan 21, 2012 03:37:29 PM)

Everyone has different point of view on same matter,it is not necessary to match up with our
seniors . so i will express my point view with him/her.
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Nagendra said: (Wed, Dec 21, 2011 08:53:36 AM)



There is a way to put it across, I never tell him on the face that the idea is not good. I rather tell him
what alternative could be done and if he is okay with that?
It makes lot of difference between saying "You know what your idea is not good at all!"
And saying "Sir, WHy don't we do this instead of that? don't you think it could be more effective?"
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Arpit said: (Sat, Nov 19, 2011 03:06:03 AM)

Sir, I clearly understand which way you are heading but it would be great if we take a bird eye view
on the entire scenerio rather than focusing on only the positive aspects of the project
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Smita Banerjee said: (Thu, Sep 15, 2011 02:47:09 AM)

I would say sir there is no doubt about your idea but it is better to have a proper analysis of
anything. Then we can come out with a more practical version of your idea.
I think it is good to have a view of the effects or you can call it the advantages or disadvantages of
your idea from company point of view. It would then become more feasible to implement it.
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Shyam Kumar said: (Mon, Feb 21, 2011 02:56:40 AM)

Sir, our company is ment for innovative ideas in past and the present idea is good for some extent
so, As company standards once again have to make final brainstorming session on it.
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Abc said: (Tue, Jan 18, 2011 03:11:55 AM)



Sir,all the ideas which you have given before are really excellent and the added value to our
company but what I feel about this is to discuss this idea twice and then we can implement this idea
sir please.
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Josh said: (Wed, Dec 1, 2010 01:51:20 PM)

Sir, all the ideas which you have given before are really superb and added value to our company but
what I feel about this particular idea is that it may decrease the glory of your previous ideas. So I
think we can once again think about this twice and then we can implement this sir.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:39:53 AM)

Sir, let us discuss on this once again and let us make a review on that, then will go for the
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Satya said: (Sat, Aug 14, 2010 11:02:53 PM)

Sir, Let us discuss and categorized all pron's and corn's and lets take views of other experienced
guys and then it would be good to finalize and impliment.
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How could you have improved your career progress?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Siddartha Reddy said: (Sun, Jun 10, 2012 11:40:54 PM)

Sir career progress depends on our interest to learn new things by exploring and also working for
any MNC company gives a simple way to make career better because according to me definitely a
good company follows a best frame work to reach their customer satisfaction, so that every
employee of that company follows the companies guidelines, from that he learns a good experience
to make his carrier progress.
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Pintu said: (Fri, Apr 6, 2012 12:31:02 PM)

Always I would like to resolve my weak point with out any hesitation and cooperative with superior
person team member.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 10:19:17 PM)

Learning the things which is suitable for the task / assignment given to us. We must achieve our
tasks within the time slot and with accuracy. Legacy bugs makes us to find good solutions and in a
perfect manner.
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Mukhesh said: (Sat, Jan 28, 2012 11:14:31 PM)

I will try to polish my skills and use my experience, new challenges help me to utilize my learnings
thus relating to my career progress.
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G.G.Muthu said: (Wed, Jan 11, 2012 05:58:20 PM)

Every incident, it will lead to improve my career. (One time I meet success and
Another time I meet failure. Therefore, life is a circle.)
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Priya said: (Sun, Dec 4, 2011 04:24:07 PM)

For a success one should have strong perseverance, dedication and determination. Career
progression can be improved by polishing one's own skills, confidence levels, positive attitude. One
should have a devoted mind to know new things and acquire knowledge as knowledge is incredible
and insatiable.
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Anil Kuria said: (Sat, Aug 6, 2011 09:27:21 PM)

Merely being that hardworking, intelligent and lonely is not enough more now u have to make a
conscious attempt to promote yourself and Ur skills.
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Shikha said: (Thu, May 12, 2011 06:03:01 AM)

I will try to polish my skills and use my experience, new challenges help me to utilize my learnings

thus relating to my career progress....

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Ranjeet said: (Sat, May 7, 2011 05:46:26 AM)

Career progression can be improved with dedication and determination to strive for the target set
forth. The vast goals will be achieved by breaking them into small pieces and going forward
continuously achieving them as it is said journey to thousand miles start with a single step.
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Dibakar Das said: (Sun, Apr 10, 2011 11:14:17 PM)

Positive attitude and interest to learn can improve the career progress.
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Dhirendra Kumar Bharti said: (Tue, Feb 8, 2011 06:22:53 AM)

We can improve our career if we have a dedication to learn new things and to face the new
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Hashmiz said: (Tue, Dec 21, 2010 06:56:31 AM)

By Working For An Well Recognized Mnc

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Devesh said: (Tue, Nov 23, 2010 03:53:12 AM)



I have some plans to which are going to complete in the coming year & I am confident that, this will
lift me to new height.
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Sampath said: (Sat, Nov 6, 2010 12:01:31 AM)

Always thinking the possitive way and self confidence is very important to improve the careers
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Vishal said: (Mon, Oct 18, 2010 11:14:16 AM)

I would improve my carrier with not only my hard work but smart work i.e. more output in minimum
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Dipti Sawant said: (Mon, Oct 11, 2010 01:55:39 PM)

I always believe in perfection, but that requires time management, so just working out for it.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:43:07 AM)

Improvement is a continous process that never ends. I'm taking all necessary steps with
determination and dedication.
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Anu said: (Sat, Jul 3, 2010 05:13:00 AM)

To criticize myself. I will improve my career with determination, attitude and full of confidence.
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Tell me honestly about the strong points and weak points of your boss (company,
management team, etc.)
@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Tejaswi said: (Tue, Jul 3, 2012 09:33:11 PM)

My boss is a very confidant and knowledgeable person, he always try to understand employees

problem and appreciate for the good job.

As per as weaknesses concerns i always sees positive qualities in the people and avoid to point out
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Sangita Saha said: (Tue, Jun 26, 2012 03:52:56 PM)

As an employee still in that company, and I will be breaking the trust of the company if I speak out
those confedintial information regarding my "BOSS". I am sorry that I can't disclose anything like
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Anil Kumar said: (Thu, Jun 21, 2012 12:59:56 PM)

Sorry sir, frankly I don't know because as a superior I just want to learn the right things from my
boss how I see his negative background in-spite of knowing completely his positive background. And
am not a such scholar to judge my boss stating these qualities are good and these are bad.
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Rizwan said: (Thu, Jun 14, 2012 04:31:12 PM)

Every man has some strong and weak points but this is responsibility of each person to ignore that
weak points, always admire every person and highlight their strong points.
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Dev said: (Sun, May 27, 2012 04:58:10 PM)

My boss has really good communication skills specifically with regards to the languages he knows.
He is short tampered this is the weakness he has.
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Sneha said: (Fri, May 25, 2012 11:54:22 AM)

Sir, I believe that every one as a person has strong and weak points. But I am not a judge to say
anything about anyone my boss was energetic and supportive of my decisions. I have never noticed
any weak point in him. He has been good to me and he will always be.
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Jay Cruz said: (Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:50:36 PM)

I can say that my boss has a great knowledge about the company, a very open minded person, open
for suggestion and really care for his subordinates. He made sure that he talked to his subordinates
once in awhile and asked not only about our worked but other stuffs too. As for his weakness I think
I don't have a right to judge him as I don't have no idea how it feels like to be a boss yet. But
regarding on how he handle his subordinate I can honestly say that he do a superb job.
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Mahesh said: (Mon, Apr 16, 2012 02:28:24 PM)

The strong points of my boss is that he very innovative, alert, and very energetic.
About the weak points I have never ever noticed. He's always been good and I have learnt a lot from
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Bks said: (Fri, Apr 6, 2012 10:15:34 PM)

My boss as any other human being has some strengths and weakness. Now that you have asked me
to judge him. I have experienced that this person has exceptional technical knowledge and he knows
how to get the reports and data in the right position consistently. I have been observing him in this
regards and have learned a lot from him.

About weakness, He is not always a soft spoken or you may say appears to be rude.
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Lakshya said: (Fri, Mar 16, 2012 02:00:51 PM)

My boss is really innovative, and always welcome to new ideas of employees, and whatever he does,
it is related to company's prospective, and at this level where he is leading a team of talented people
and giving hundred percent business to the company, it means he is capable as well as talented
enough, so it is really very difficult for me to judge such a talented person.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 10:25:32 PM)

My boss takes the responsibility for the growth of the company. I'm very much happy to say I'm the
one in that company. As a honest Employee this much information only I can give u hardly. If I got
selected in this company I must think about the positiveness of the boss rather than negative
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Vijay said: (Mon, Jan 16, 2012 12:36:19 AM)

My boss was perfect in the subject of manner, rules and regulation but he has lack of leadership
quality and guidance. In every shift he was only focus on my sitting manner, dressing etc but not tell
what can I do when the unit is going to be tripped.
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G.G.Muthu said: (Wed, Jan 11, 2012 06:22:04 PM)

My boss take decision quickly it will lead to success. Some time it will lead.

To failure. This is the strong and weak point of my boss.

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Nagendra said: (Wed, Dec 21, 2011 09:06:57 AM)

To be honest I had no problem with my company and management. I always used to get what I
deserved and also I was so happy with my boss. There is one thing I wanted him to change is at
times he was rude. I really have no complains about it becasuse that no way affected the good
relationship in our team. Also what ever I said here is my personal opinion. Thats it!
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Dinesh Kumar said: (Mon, Dec 19, 2011 02:13:25 PM)

As an employee its my duty to save secret information about my company, management, my BOSS.
And every person has strong and weak points, so I can not point out like this is strong point and this
is weak point
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Rengaraja said: (Thu, Nov 24, 2011 11:36:56 AM)

If am an honest person, I don't have any choice to reveal anything about my boss as well as my
management. My management denotes still am working for that oarganisation. So for this question
pl excuse me.
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Ratnaji said: (Tue, Nov 8, 2011 10:48:07 AM)

Sir, please don't mind, I don't know how to give replay to this question, first I have to say thank to
my previous company and I one of the honest employee of my previous organization, every person
has consists strong and weak points, but I can't tell that points to you sir.

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Lakshmi said: (Thu, Nov 3, 2011 08:44:51 PM)

As a employee its my duty to save secret information about my company, management, my "BOSS.
And every person has strong and weak points, so I can not point out like this is strong point and this
is weak point.
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Shreya said: (Sun, Oct 16, 2011 01:32:23 AM)

I believe that weakness of a person should be told in front of that person.

Whereas, the strong points is visible to everyone. The boss has all the qualities that align with
organization's objective due to which organization is prospering.
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Renu said: (Thu, Aug 11, 2011 07:58:34 AM)

Sir once I get this job I will be one of the empoyee to this organization.
So its my responsibility to save the information regarding our company, boss, employees etc. If I tell
this information I am not an honesty person.
So how can I answer this question. Sorry sir.
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Nitin said: (Wed, Aug 3, 2011 11:49:24 AM)

Good point:I have seen that my boss is hard task master which is good and i will like to be.

Weak point:It is very easy to find weak points about any body, because i need to use my brain, and to
appreciate i need to use heart. To grow i need to see good things not weak points
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Vijay Kalwani said: (Wed, Jul 27, 2011 07:22:08 PM)

They are rude only at work for getting their work done. They are the people with good nature,
friendly and en-courageous personality outside the office.
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Harsh Jain said: (Sun, Jul 3, 2011 08:36:35 AM)

As I am doing ca my answer would be - code of ethics for ca does not allow us to disclose
information gained during the course of employment, following the same I cannot disclose any
information regarding my job&employer.
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Saurabh said: (Thu, Jun 16, 2011 11:02:07 AM)

As a employee its my duty to save secret information about my company, management, my "BOSS".
Because I am still working with my boss so how I can tell you about the strong points and weak
points of my boss, and sir you are also a competitor of my present company, So please don't mind. I
think am honest employee of company, so please sorry me for this question.
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Raji said: (Wed, Jun 8, 2011 03:11:36 AM)

My boss was very honesty person, very innovative, very alert person,

I don't want to find out negative points ON my boss. Because if I know any negative or bad I can not
work there. So only.
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Rinu said: (Tue, Jun 7, 2011 08:53:01 AM)

Every human being has both strong point and weak point because no one is always perfect. The
most strong point of my boss is his panctuality and keeping commitment, also he is innovative,
About the weak points I think I m not in that position to judge him. For me he is good and always I
try to learnt the good qualities of him.
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Dibakar Das said: (Sun, Apr 10, 2011 11:07:57 PM)

We are not there to judge our bosses rather the bosses are there to judge and guide us.
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Angela said: (Sun, Mar 6, 2011 08:20:16 AM)

My boss always thinks his way of doing any job is the right way. Because he has different job
experiences, he expects all staff to work that way. I don't and it is extremely frustrating. And when
"stuff" roles down hill guess where it stops.
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Rm A Murugappan said: (Tue, Feb 22, 2011 08:25:39 AM)

I like the GREAT GUT FEELINGS of my Boss under any situation which is the driving force to come
out successfully from any problem.

As a normal human being every body has got certain weakness and let us not look into the negative
side and high light it as long as it is not affecting us officially and personally.
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Wasim said: (Wed, Dec 22, 2010 06:47:28 AM)

With respect to the professionalism my boss is Quiet Intelligent, move with the situation, always
supportive and never discourages his team member. On personal front some time he may not
understand the problem and give the difficult situation.
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Siva said: (Fri, Dec 17, 2010 06:02:58 AM)

There is no way discussing of other companies info. (that may be personal things issues. ) and I
have never bother of certain things at all !.
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Amarjeet Singh said: (Mon, Nov 22, 2010 02:52:53 AM)

The strong points of my boss is that he very innovative, alert, and very energetic.
About the weak points I have never ever noticed. He's always been good and I have learnt a lot from
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:45:27 AM)

No one can judge his Boss and I don't want finger on any one.
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Arun Koli said: (Thu, Jul 15, 2010 07:19:11 AM)

My boss always sees company's prospective which is required. But week point, Seeing the company,
He has to kill his desire, but sometimes he couldn't able to kill all desire.
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Looking back on your last position, have you done your best work?
@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Sunil said: (Tue, Jul 3, 2012 04:14:17 PM)

Yeah sure I have done unexpected thing in my organization, as you know I have transferred to new
location where I have started work from root level and take it that location on huge earning point
and that given my reward.
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Devendra said: (Sun, May 27, 2012 04:55:47 PM)

100% I have done my best in current job that's the reason I have been surveying there for last five
years without fail as well as expecting the same for coming years if don't leave the job.
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Kaju K K. said: (Sun, Apr 15, 2012 12:54:31 PM)

I have done my best work in my previous position. Even whatever I am today that is the result of my
past hard work. I have improved myself a lot by doing hard work and that experience will inspire me
to lot to do well in future.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 10:29:40 PM)

Our last positions intimates the best of the past and we want to think about the future also. No rest
until u work at the last day in that company. The last day should be my best worth full work.
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Bushra said: (Sun, Mar 4, 2012 07:43:52 PM)

I have worked for two different profiles in my current organisation.Started as a fresher

consistensously performed well n won star perfrmer bonus in my team.As in my current position as
QA i did received any slight kind of a training only rest of I am doing at my own level of learning and
m giving my 100%.
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Vivian said: (Mon, Feb 27, 2012 03:58:33 AM)

In my last job, I did jobs of the three people and I received the pay of one, but I did it and I'm very
proud of me.
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Nagendra said: (Tue, Dec 20, 2011 12:20:03 PM)

Yes, I have been the best employee throughout. I am proud to say that I have won Rewards and
certifications couple of times from the clients and the management for being the best employee.
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Shalu said: (Fri, Dec 9, 2011 08:54:52 PM)



In my last company I have given my cent percent for the betterment of the organisation as well as
polished my career skills like Office administration, communication skills, coordination skills. I am
proud that I could gain and improve my personnel skills and positive attitude towards career
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Aditi said: (Thu, Dec 8, 2011 10:07:35 PM)

I have worked for two different profile, started working as a fresher. I didnt received any kind of
training, from very first day had been put in a project. within next 6 month i was part 3-4 project,
started interecting with client, making some decision making docs.As well as in my current job am
giving my 100%. Whatevr task is given,have always delivered on time with maximum perfection.
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Umabahdur said: (Tue, Sep 13, 2011 09:32:57 PM)

I have worked in two types of feilds 1st is of teaching in which I have learnt many things 2nd a
counseller's job which made me learn to build my confidence. So I always gave my hundred percent
and I was satisfied n learnt many things.
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Gaurav said: (Fri, May 20, 2011 02:02:53 PM)

Everyone knows that nobody is perfect as their is always a scope for improvement. Though I don't
get any reward for my work done in my previous job but I am sure I was given my 100 % and my
satisfaction is more valuable to me.
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Ayman said: (Fri, Nov 12, 2010 03:47:01 AM)



I have to make efforts to my job only but also for myself.

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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:46:42 AM)

My awards and rewards are indicating that I did best in my last position.
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Saood said: (Wed, Jul 14, 2010 01:37:44 PM)

Though, I always try to do my best everywhere but yes, I did fantastic job in my last company and
for that I was given my awards and recognition.
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Why should I hire you from the outside when I could promote someone from within?
@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Manu said: (Thu, Jul 12, 2012 02:29:36 PM)

Hi friends. According to my view it all depends upon the company's prerequisites but in my
conviction it is better to recruit a person from outside then inside. Because recruiting a dexterity and
sedulous person from outside will imbibe in your company with new notions. The fact is that in every
human being Thought Provoking nature is different.
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Tejaswi said: (Sun, Jul 8, 2012 08:49:40 PM)

Sir, I think it is always good to have Fresh Fruits in your basket. If you hire people from outside it
will definitely add some new skills and knowledge to your organization and the fresh fruit will help
improve your organizational health. :-).
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Sangita Saha said: (Tue, Jun 26, 2012 03:58:51 PM)

Why not Sir, but since conducting interview means you want to appoint an outsider for your
company, and yes new people means sharing of new ideas and knowledge which can help the growth
of the company. Moreover you are taking my interview since you have thought me capable enough
to join your company.
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Renu Arya Kundra said: (Fri, Jun 22, 2012 07:20:48 PM)

You know how much capable is your team. They must be perfect but with the coming of new ideas

and new people a team always perform better towards the growth of the organisation.
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Sundari said: (Sun, Jun 10, 2012 10:47:19 PM)

An organisation conducts interview only when it needs a person. If it can manage with the existing
employee then it will not waste its time by conducting interview. Moreover if load of work added to
one person the result of work loses perfection.
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Madhuri said: (Wed, Jun 6, 2012 01:24:09 PM)

Every organisation needs good employees who can take the organisation to the next level of its
growth. New people have different thinking and perceptiveness towards the job and I am one among
them. So you should give me an opportunity by hiring me.
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Samiksha Jain said: (Fri, Jun 1, 2012 12:00:33 AM)

I am new to work I want create a place in your company so I double my work time to make strong
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Devendra said: (Sun, May 27, 2012 04:53:02 PM)

Sometimes it is in the favor of the company to recruit from outside so that new person will give
some new ideas as well as his creativity. If somebody is worthy to get the same position I don't feel
that you will have to search for new candidates to be sourced outside.
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Nilesh said: (Wed, May 16, 2012 09:53:04 AM)

Sir I have much experience of same field for this vacancy. I have good knowledge to improve value
of company as well as product. That why I am the best suitable candidate for this position.
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Siddharth said: (Fri, May 4, 2012 01:19:16 PM)

Sir if I am here for interview then its clear that you required somebody for this job and definitely
newcomer will have new ideas and can apply new ideas for the job.
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Rakesh said: (Fri, Apr 27, 2012 04:44:53 PM)

See different organization have different technique to work and different culture which I learned
there I use that here for the organizational growth and learn some new here to enhance myself
personally so to be very frank this is ongoing process which will be beneficial for both.
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Gomathi.S said: (Wed, Apr 4, 2012 05:57:44 PM)

I have all the best of qualities which your asking for as I explained about myself and my education
qualification. More over I see an add as there is an vacancy for this position for outsiders. So I
thought if I got an opportunity here would be great.
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Ankita said: (Tue, Mar 27, 2012 02:41:17 AM)



Sir if you have taken a decision of placing an ad for outsiders, then surely you must have thought
wisely on it. Because if you would have found an ideal inhouse employee for the position then there
wouldn't have been any scope for me to sit here in front of you as an interviewee.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 10:34:40 PM)

As per our discussion till now. U can estimate the strength and knowledge of mine. As comparing my
experience will help u more rather than someone from within the company side.
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Vijbhu said: (Wed, Mar 14, 2012 02:51:59 PM)

Different people have different thoughts. A guy from outside will bring new ideas which he learn
somewhere, which can improve your organisation. It may be way of giving a chance to a talented
person to prove himself.
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Dinesh said: (Wed, Mar 7, 2012 05:18:43 PM)

I'm a hard woker, well educatd & well understanding person. I know my responsibility to my team &
my company.
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Mahendra said: (Mon, Feb 27, 2012 11:44:43 AM)

Sir, I am the right person for this position because I am a self motivated and dedicated person, who
is open to new knowledge. I think I have enough ability and qualification for this job. And more, I am
very confident, team works, good working attitude, so I think this job very qualify with me.
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Arun Dutt said: (Wed, Feb 22, 2012 10:24:40 PM)

I must say it is a very valid point and something most recruiters and HR professionals would be
thinking about as we speak. Most organisations in my knowledge do reserve a percentage of their
openings for new and diverse talents from other companies. One could say this is to adopt best
practices of the former company, but I also feel this brings about tinge of change, and change is
imperative to challenge status quo, and challenges to status quo is what the companies need to raise
performance and keep winning. :-). Please feel free to examine the breadth of my expertise as well
which speaks for itself.
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Sudesh Chander said: (Fri, Feb 10, 2012 05:48:11 PM)

Well sir as far as this company it has a very reputation in market. Now I'm sure new talents like me
will definetly take this company to the next level.
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Omi said: (Mon, Jan 30, 2012 08:30:25 PM)

I'm fresh talent, adaptive, more informed so employing me is more cost effective to the organization
than promoting and training employees who'r gonna retire in next 10-15yrs.
Because if you promote, your gonna promote experienced ppl who won't hav much service left.
Plus you can't fill all posts by promotions cz there will be some posts remain vacated all d tym.
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Avijit_Kg said: (Sun, Jan 29, 2012 09:39:00 PM)

I can assure you my 100% with 0% error level, sir i believe my employer paying me against of my

intellect & service, and i never want to prove myself wrong.

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Joey said: (Fri, Jan 27, 2012 06:53:22 PM)

You should hire me because I believe with great confidence I could say I am flexible, I can adapt to
different demands of the job, I am passionate about my work! I also believe that a person could
accomplish any task if he/she posess three things; passionate, determination, confidence and I have
all of these, further, my interpersonal, c communicatin skills and my educational background perhaps
would make me the best person for the job.
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G.G.Muthu said: (Wed, Jan 11, 2012 06:28:32 PM)

I accept company decision. Every day I do my work sincerely and properly.

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Pawan Mor said: (Fri, Jan 6, 2012 11:20:01 PM)

Since you have evaluate me on all your banchmarks, I believe you would know better if I should be
selected for the profile or not. As from my side my work is my passion and this is a one word
summary of my candidature.
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Jeet4V said: (Fri, Nov 11, 2011 10:00:50 AM)

When a big artist needed to develop his new projection/project (related to anything) , normally he
try to small child to sketch about the same as they think. And he will find some thing which sketched
by child and become happy.
In the same way new person who is unknown about the organization can bring a lot of new ideas

and suggestion which will be prove as beneficial to an org.

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Santa said: (Wed, Sep 28, 2011 01:02:58 AM)

Because east and west. I am the best.

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Narender said: (Tue, Aug 2, 2011 02:26:04 PM)

No One can improvemtnt herself without working any where, new person always bring new thinks in
organization, so, I think I am the right person for this opportunity.
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Abhay said: (Wed, Jul 6, 2011 03:49:17 AM)

As i am a fresher i have no experience you can mold me in your way to accomplish the work.
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Neha Bhatt said: (Fri, May 13, 2011 05:45:27 AM)

First of all i would like to say that sir if you are conducting interviews for this paricular position it
means you require an individual from outside your organisation,otherwise i wont be sitting in front of
you for the interview and secondly a new person always bring something new innovative ideas
through his experiences which is definitely helpful for an organisation growth perspective.
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Sourish said: (Wed, May 11, 2011 03:59:35 PM)



well sir,I think the main purpose of this recruitment is to inject fresh blood ,that's why you gave the
opportunity to a fresher,doing things in a new& better way.
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Raj said: (Sat, May 7, 2011 08:27:54 AM)

I appreciate the policy of encouraging experienced and effective person within the organisation by
giving opportunity for growth.
However you will realize soon after recruiting me, you have recruited a better person and ofcourse
the best suitable for the job.
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Krishna said: (Mon, May 2, 2011 01:03:01 PM)

Fresh blood can do wonders.

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Ravi Kiran said: (Tue, Mar 1, 2011 03:37:58 AM)

If you get more additional values in new recruits, which are valuable to the company, it is really
worth going for a new employee.
I have had roles in leadership and team work. Being good at interpersonal skills and problem solving
abilities, I have brought positive results in my previous job.
Moreover, a job in this company will be a dream come true for me and I am sure to give my best
effort for this particular job.
I believe that recruiting a right person is a good option in addition to promoting the current
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Shyam Kumar.K said: (Mon, Feb 21, 2011 02:59:59 AM)

Many new ideas were given by freshers in companies so thinking out of box is been possessed by
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Chuchendra Babu said: (Mon, Dec 20, 2010 04:29:36 AM)

I'm a hard woker, innovative, having commitment to complete a given work in deadline. In addition,
I'm having good knowledge, better problem solving skills and I can work well with in a group. I can
also work under pressure. So I think I'm better person for this job.
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Neeraj Kumar Gupta said: (Thu, Oct 7, 2010 07:23:42 AM)

I haven't experience but willingness with knowledge of point and ability to get framed easily in all
condition I will be best.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:50:52 AM)

Different experience may add flavour to the work and also experience is always leads the Best. ,
Where as inner and outer, it depends on the work forcement and I'm the one who can understand
and clear the issues and situation smoothly and mingle with employees. As a team leader and
member I wish I can do the best.
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Pinky said: (Tue, Sep 7, 2010 02:47:12 AM)



A fresher have new ideas and thoughts regarding his/her subjects rather than experienced.
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Anish said: (Thu, Aug 26, 2010 06:02:45 PM)

A fresher works hard then an experienced.

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Harneet Singh said: (Fri, Jul 16, 2010 01:25:41 AM)

A fresher is the only person who thinks about the problem in a different way then an expert can.
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How do you feel about reporting to a younger person?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Manu said: (Thu, Jul 12, 2012 02:13:50 PM)

Hello friends. In my vista it's obviously comfort. Because in any company if you work only hard work
and intelligence is observed but not age factor. We can't survive in this fast moving technology world
until and unless WE ACCEPT THINGS AS LIKE IT IS!
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Sandeep Gopale said: (Fri, Jun 22, 2012 01:27:08 PM)

First I will respect his ability and knowledge as well his skill due to which he deserves that post. So I
can learn lot from him as in this age he is very perfect, so must have to learn lot of things from him.
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Devendra Menaria said: (Sun, May 27, 2012 04:49:55 PM)

I don't take it otherwise if he is younger to me because he is doing the Job on his talent and I will try
to learn from him so that in near future I may not have to the same situation. Sometimes I may also
be younger to my subordinates so I will behave like that they are my colleagues and not
subordinates but some times we have to act like seniors too to get the thins done.
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Pallavi said: (Fri, May 25, 2012 11:49:38 AM)

Age does not matter whether is young or old. What matters is the job which has to be executed well
and on time. I don't mind reporting to him. I give respect to the position he is in.
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Kaju K K. said: (Sun, Apr 15, 2012 12:42:45 PM)

You believe or not, not me only, I think everybody surprises a bit about reporting to his younger. But
it is negative thinking. Everybody wants to develop in life we should take lesson from his talent and
abilities and try to proceed in our life. Senior is leader and age doesn't have any importance for
talent and smartness.
I will give him too much respect and salute him hearty specially for his position being my senior.
(he is younger to me by age not younger by his designation, faculty and capabilities).
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Toshani said: (Mon, Apr 2, 2012 10:18:08 AM)

I will feel more energetic and innovative.

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Heena said: (Thu, Mar 29, 2012 08:19:34 PM)

Experience merits more respect. So age does not matter. If a younger person has more experience
than me, I would not hesitate to take instructions from him /her.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 10:38:58 PM)

I feel happy to report to such a guy because I can gain knowledge from him having capability in such
a young age. My least importance to the age.
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Vijbhu said: (Wed, Mar 14, 2012 02:35:48 PM)

Age is doesn't a matter in talent. I will give respect to his/her post.

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Nagendra said: (Wed, Dec 21, 2011 08:55:27 AM)

It really doesn't matter. As long as the work enviornment is good it makes no difference whom we
report to.
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Pappu said: (Wed, Nov 30, 2011 12:36:41 AM)

Not at all Sir,Honestly to say it would be pleasure to work alongwith him,as i believe no one can steal
anybody's abilitiy ,intelligence and fortune,unless we learn and try to adopt in ourselves from people
arround us anywhere.
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Rajendra said: (Wed, Nov 23, 2011 11:38:27 AM)

It is all about the ability and caliber. In my opinion, age doesn't make any difference to it. If a person
has talent to lead, I won't mind reporting to him whether he is younger or older to me.
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Soundar said: (Wed, Nov 2, 2011 02:58:52 PM)

Thats the same what I expect age does not a matter to play role in any of the situagion rather than
qualification if he she qualified we has to respect there disignation yes its true.
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Swapnali said: (Fri, Oct 21, 2011 12:33:21 PM)

I feel it doesnt matter whether the person is younger or elder, what matters is the tasks.
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Milton said: (Sat, Sep 17, 2011 02:37:03 PM)

I feel as comfortable as I report to my elder one, because tallent is not directly propotional to age.
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Khushi said: (Sun, Sep 11, 2011 03:36:08 PM)

It does not make any difference to me that i am to report a person who is younger to me,It is

his/her ability which carries his designation,,,

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Phani Chakravarthi said: (Sun, Sep 11, 2011 11:32:58 AM)

It does not matter for me to report to a person who is younger to me..infact i appreciate the
company and also feel proud to be in the company which is really encouraging the talented persons
to secure a higher position.(because the person is identified with all his talents and then given him
responsibilities irrespective of his age).
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Mallikarjuna Reddy said: (Sun, Sep 4, 2011 01:11:26 PM)

I feel same whether the boss is younger/older or Male/female, I give importance to the designation
and respects company.
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Dejenelle Mcinnis said: (Wed, Aug 10, 2011 08:05:06 AM)

Honestly I would feel the same way as reporting to an older person. That person is my boss which is
sopposed to be set over me. Age dosen't matter what really matter is we are to work together to
achieve the set goals.
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Sudhir Sharma said: (Sun, May 8, 2011 08:21:29 AM)

I feel comfortable. Because I won't give importance to the age, I give importance to his post or
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Ranjeet said: (Sat, May 7, 2011 06:06:26 AM)

Age and designation are not interrelated. It is not necessary that a person in higher position has to
be elder. By virtue of his talent and qualification he is placed above me. Hence, it is nothing unusual
to report to him. By all means he is my boss and hence I don't mind reporting him. I am reporting to
an authority which is entrusted to that individual and not a person in particular.
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Mandip said: (Thu, Apr 28, 2011 01:48:37 AM)

I'd be honest and tell HR that I would not feel comfortable in reporting to a younger employee. If I
was the older employee in this situation, I would have more of experience, regardless of the
supervisor's suitability and eventually the younger employee will feel intimidated by my actions, as
they would feel their position may be in jeopardy. They are human, as well as I and for all intents
and purposes this would not be a winning-working situation for the corporation or team. I would not
like to place a younger supervisor in such a position, and nor would I wish for my experience to be
downgraded with such. I also would not get the job, but better to get a job I am happy with and my
supervisor is happy rather than have a canned statement that isn't good for company moral or
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Ravi Kiran said: (Tue, Mar 1, 2011 03:32:09 AM)

Younger or Elder does not matter for me as far as we are working for the same goal. I take it more
as working in a team where there are people who are elder to me and others who are younger. May
be, the younger person is a senior executive by designation and I have to report to him/her, but it
doesn't bother me at all.
The point of importance is, he/she should be a sensible person by character and should be a good
team member.
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Swathichandra said: (Thu, Feb 17, 2011 07:47:11 AM)


Sir, as per my concern the age is belongs to only the knowing things not to the body.
The person who know the more things he is the old person.
So I never bother about the age. I feel very comfort.
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Nagaraj said: (Mon, Jan 31, 2011 08:25:23 AM)

I want to win his mind by my excellent job; I want to overtake him.

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Rahul Sali said: (Sun, Jan 9, 2011 12:01:11 PM)

Everyone gets their position by the shear ability of hard work and dedication,if someone younger
than me have the kind of personality to be on my top or on higher post i will definitely listen to him
and will try to be like him.
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Sabarish said: (Sun, Jan 2, 2011 07:34:03 AM)

I never feel shy. Age is not important to me. I give only importance to his designation.
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Rashi said: (Sat, Nov 13, 2010 04:42:48 AM)

Age as well as gendor never comes in work. I am not reporting to that younger person rather
reporting to the deserving authority/position.

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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:53:19 AM)

I never felt and feel about the age. Might be younger, he may have more experience than me or he
might have suitable and required qualities for the post.
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Lakshmi said: (Wed, Jun 30, 2010 01:45:18 AM)

I feel comfortable. Because I won't give importance to the age, I give importance to his post or
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Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?

@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Renuka said: (Thu, Jun 7, 2012 06:28:54 AM)

Past is full of engineering life. I crossed lots miles in education. This job is achievement of all the
education I learn so far. I want to full fill my education work through doing this job.
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Gaurav Sharma said: (Tue, Jun 5, 2012 08:31:02 PM)

I can not change past what had happen in past, but I can learn from my past so that I never repeat
that mistakes again. I want my schooling from cbse board.
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K. Prem Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 10:42:38 PM)

Past life gives u the correct path to choose in the coming future.
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Vijbhu said: (Wed, Mar 14, 2012 02:26:42 PM)

Well Looking back in life does not going to change anything in past. So I focus on my present and
future. But I will understand the mistakes what I done in past will not be repeated in future.
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Garima said: (Sun, Mar 11, 2012 01:23:02 PM)

Looking back is right but not so important as compared to focus on present and future. To achieve
the success focusing is important. Looking back means you are diverting from your present and
future. We can't change our past. But we can make better future. In the professional life feet should
always move in forward direction rather than backward direction.
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Garima said: (Fri, Mar 9, 2012 03:49:18 PM)

Looking back is right but not so important as compared to focus on present and future. To achieve
the success focusing is important. Looking back means your are diverting from your present and
future. We can't change our past. But we can make better future. In the professional life feet should
always move in forward direction rather than backward direction.
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Gayathri said: (Tue, Jan 10, 2012 04:41:33 PM)

I want to increase my vocabulary. Well, I like to learn as much as languages, because languages
plays an important role where ever we go. And also I would love to face the problems with smiling
face, so as to understand the problem, how to pass through it. I would like to use the internet to the
core as possible in order to learn something new and explore the innovative ideas.
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Saratha said: (Tue, Nov 22, 2011 09:03:40 PM)

Well. Looking back my life I have seen may thing which tough me to be patient till we get whatever
we want for our life. And it tough me more to improve myself in a good way. I had many failure but I
had took them as my success steps. Good thing never come soon it will come as it way only we must
wait with more patient and should keep trying for till we get it. Surly we would get what we want it
won't go anywhere it is waiting to come to you at a good time. Now I have confident on me and my
hope. So I would give my best which will help to improve the company into much more good than
now. Of course it will help to build my career.
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Sindhu said: (Mon, Nov 21, 2011 12:07:35 PM)

Well sir, We improve present only through the mistakes learned from the past and the future will
automatically fly high as we improving present.
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Sukesh Kumar said: (Mon, Oct 24, 2011 12:36:30 AM)

I think there are many areas for development which I have noticed in me while on work, would like
to make it up and try doing it next time in best possible way. I grow but my company is also grow in
same manner in the world.
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Lavan said: (Fri, Oct 21, 2011 07:32:36 PM)

I would like to imporve my honest and helpness. I love my india.

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Nandini said: (Mon, Sep 5, 2011 12:16:00 PM)

Looking back is important as it shows us where we were right and where we went wrong. Everyone
makes errors, so did I. But one thing I maintain is that mistakes once done can't be corrected, so,
it's better to work on it in a way that the mistake itself leads to the correct thing. I believe in
changing the future which is in my hand, not the trodden past, which I can't change!
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Sourav Dutta said: (Sat, Sep 3, 2011 09:17:58 PM)



I would like to improve my spoken English skills.

Well ! we Can't change the past. So I want to focus on the present because my future depends on it.
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Mahesh said: (Tue, Aug 2, 2011 03:03:51 PM)

Day to day increasing my experience & knowledge.

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Venkat said: (Tue, Jun 28, 2011 12:56:58 PM)

I would like to change my approach towards day to day experience, still bold and matured. Would
like to develop new skills.
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Sweety said: (Mon, May 30, 2011 10:52:26 AM)

I will build up my passion and confidence towards my job and life.

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Madhura said: (Sun, May 15, 2011 12:18:20 AM)

We are not change our past but present and future is totally depend on our self that why if we are
focus on our present then our future definitely good. In our life every moment teach us something
new that's why not don't waste time on think past focus on present.
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Raj Nunna said: (Tue, Apr 12, 2011 05:20:32 AM)

Well ! we Can't change the past.But that experience teaches us to do better every time.
So what ever the work i do i will be very cautious before doing it.
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Himanshu said: (Fri, Feb 11, 2011 12:18:03 AM)

I would have done my studies more seriously and I would have worked for improving my english
speaking skills.
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Devesh said: (Tue, Nov 23, 2010 03:37:19 AM)

I tried to make a slow but steady progress which I need to expedite by developing some skills.
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Rithina said: (Wed, Sep 29, 2010 07:36:03 AM)

I think there are many areas for development which I have noticed in me while on work, would like
to make it up and try doing it next time in best possible way.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:55:01 AM)

My way of thinking, my life style and my passion towards to work are changing with the day to day
experience. Defintely, given nice experience.
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Saood Khan said: (Wed, Jul 14, 2010 01:36:09 PM)

First of all, I will keep my emotions in the corner and will try to be as professional as I can. Secondly,
there is no short-cut to success so I have to work in a way that not only I grow but my company also
grows the same time.
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Why are not you earning more money at this stage of your career?
@ : Home > HR Interview > HR Interview Room

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to attend this question and tell your real answers.

Richa said: (Fri, Jun 22, 2012 03:08:54 PM)

Sometime to get something bigger we need to accept something lesser because accepting nothing
initially will may not give anything later.
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Hari Wadhwa said: (Sat, May 26, 2012 07:19:35 PM)

I think, instead of stating any frivolous reason for this question, we must share the specific truth of
one's life due to which he feel that he is not getting good money because normally, the interviewers
are experienced enough to catch the false tricky & artificial reasons & can easily distinguish with the
reason what it should have.
Not only this, the artificial reasons. Due to artificial inherent ineffectiveness can irritate the
interviewers as well.
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Arjun said: (Wed, May 23, 2012 04:22:03 PM)

SIR right now i am a fresher and i dont have any knowledge and experiance of working in industry,
thats y i m not earning more money but i m very sure that as my knowledge and expereiance will
increase money will be incresed.
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D.Ganesh Reddy said: (Fri, May 11, 2012 04:58:54 PM)

According to me MONEY FOR MAN BUT NOT MAN FOR MONEY. If I satisfy with my work I will work at
any salary but if there is not satisfaction in job I will never do that job even with lacks of salary.
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Banu said: (Fri, Apr 27, 2012 04:04:34 PM)

Well sir money may be important every one life even me also but apart from that job satisfaction is
most important for me when we do the work with involvement than we have all the things including
money first I want utilize the opportunity for future growth not for a money I hope myself I can do
my work with involvement.
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Gomathi.S said: (Thu, Apr 5, 2012 12:42:01 PM)

Making money is not a big deal we can do it by many ways but geting talented in work is more
important for me. If we have Knowledge and experiance its like we are having all time money. First
we should get knowledge and experience then money automatically follows.
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Madhuri said: (Fri, Mar 30, 2012 01:05:11 PM)

At the initial stage of career knowledge is more important than career as it will play the main role
once we get more accustomed with the work. At any interview depending upon the knowledge we
will be judged and the salary will be negotiated.
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Anil said: (Fri, Mar 16, 2012 05:59:19 PM)

Money is not everythig in the life, you got more money from the job but you not satisfied with your
work's then meaningless of your earnigs. Happiness comes from heart not from the money.
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Sudeesh Chandar said: (Sat, Feb 11, 2012 06:17:17 PM)

Well sir there are so many segment where I could earn more money, But I have my own principles,
personal goals, and passion and I am going through in my right track. I strongly believe that at one
time I would reach great heights in terms of hirearchy also in monetary status.
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Goutham said: (Fri, Feb 10, 2012 11:09:39 AM)

I belive in making carrier, because one cannot get an oppurtunity in buliding carrier again and again.

So once you build a carrier on right track than money automatically comes on your way.
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Ram said: (Fri, Jan 13, 2012 12:35:41 PM)

Life is important than money but here money makes much simplier of life so every one looks for
money even you and me also.
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Prashant said: (Thu, Jan 12, 2012 06:15:13 PM)

All now money is important but as I am doing job at this point I feel money is not so important when
related to job. As if now I will improve my knowledge along with experience so that will help me to
earn money automatically.
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Dixson said: (Thu, Jan 5, 2012 04:43:15 PM)

During the initial stages of our career, we won't look for jobs which pays more. We will try to get a
better start with a good profile. As I'm at the initial stage, I'm satisfied with the way which I'm
going. I'm pretty sure that if I continue to excel in my job, I can earn more money in future.
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Jayendra Modi said: (Sun, Dec 11, 2011 07:44:33 AM)

Because I'm not money minded person...i prefer future growth, job satisfaction & happy family life, i
am career oriented person and i believe that if career is on right track money can come
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Rrn said: (Sat, Nov 26, 2011 07:38:29 PM)

Priority is one word that makes all the difference.. Although I am career oriented, since it was the
demand of situation, I had to concentrate more on my family and child. So, I didn't really think much
about how much I am earning. The only important thing was that I have a good satisfying job.
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Aparna Mattoo said: (Tue, Nov 8, 2011 12:14:28 PM)

More or less I want to earn money , But I didn't find equivalent opportunities.
Thank You
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Satya Prasad said: (Mon, Nov 7, 2011 01:23:28 PM)

Sure. But money is not only the solution for all the problems. Right now whatever I am earning
money is sufficient for my family needs. But specialized knowledge always more value than the
money. I will give preference for money only survival. There is no end and meaning more money.
But as a person it is important to fulfill all the needs of my family. In that way I am happy.
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Jeff said: (Tue, Sep 20, 2011 09:34:57 PM)

Chances are still not with me right now but if you going to hire me right now right after my first
salary I will start earning money immediately.
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Mayank said: (Wed, Aug 31, 2011 06:25:53 PM)



Well, we all know money is importanct but but one will not get golden opportunities of building
career again and again and I believe that if career is on right track and on progress. Money can
come automatically. If we just focus on our work we will get fruitful results.
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Champa said: (Wed, Aug 17, 2011 09:19:14 AM)

Because you haven't given me a job. If you give me a job i will earn money at this stage of my
career. Infact i would earn money at any stage of my career.
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Pavithra said: (Fri, Jun 24, 2011 02:00:08 AM)

I think i still need some more experience to earn more money

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Prasad said: (Sun, Jun 19, 2011 02:26:27 AM)

Well. Sir Money is important, But work is most important.

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Neha said: (Sun, May 22, 2011 08:25:10 AM)

Because I'm not money minded person...i prefer future growth and job satisfaction, i m career
oriented may come and go... but one will not get golden opportunities of building
career again and again and i believe that if career is on right track and on can
come automatically...jus focus on your work..and you will get fruitful results.
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Gaurav said: (Fri, May 20, 2011 02:18:52 PM)

Well sir, I am not a money minded person. Every one knows money is only means not an ends. I
only believes first deserve than desire.
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Srikanth Kotte said: (Wed, Feb 23, 2011 06:13:33 AM)

When I feel about my experience as well as money because its remainds me what you earn in your
life so far, so I want growth n money in my career.
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Kuldeep said: (Mon, Feb 7, 2011 09:29:32 AM)

See One can rise any time in his/her carrier, it just needs to recognize right opportunity. If a person
grows money automatically comes in his way. Money is important but not everything. Keep on
growing, money will come in your way. So there is never late to earn money.
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Sabarish said: (Sun, Jan 2, 2011 07:26:08 AM)

Money is important for me for living and feed my parent and give rest to them in their old
aim is to serve poor atleast minimum number of people.that's why i need money.thank you for
giving me this chance
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Kunal said: (Sat, Nov 20, 2010 10:00:32 PM)



Money is a material thing and its part of life, so eventually its makes a difference. But opportunities
knock only once so, but when you can see your successive future growth then I think less money
doesn't matter at initial stage.
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Nani said: (Tue, Nov 2, 2010 05:51:08 AM)

To support my family and support for in the society for poor peoples.
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Venu said: (Mon, Sep 20, 2010 01:20:42 PM)

At this stage we are afraid to take the risky challenges.

Actually we have lots of qualitative new thoughts, but we fail to implement, if we implement
perfectly those new ideas, definitely we earn more at this stage.
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Ravi Kiran said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 04:56:45 AM)

I never prefer money but I need suffient money to lead my life and my dependents life comfortable,
not much more than that.
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Rajiv Kumar said: (Tue, Jul 6, 2010 07:44:59 AM)

Money is imported but knowledge is most important at the initial stage of career.
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~Ajmal said: (Mon, Jul 5, 2010 06:57:12 AM)

"When you do more than you're paid to do, you will eventually be paid more for what you do."
Zig Ziglar
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Jaya said: (Fri, Jun 25, 2010 05:44:38 AM)

Yeah ofcourse, Without money nobody will survive in these generation,

for me money is not a problem.
do ur work and money will automatically flow like anything which we cant expect like before
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Madhu said: (Tue, Jun 15, 2010 05:33:17 AM)

Well..Money is a very important factor in everybody's life. I can enjoy a luxurious life by earning
more money at this stage.But, what if I am not satisfied with my work.I always feel job satisfaction
is much more important than huge money. I am happy if I get a sufficient money for a sound living
and good responsibilities and opportunities in my career.Anyway, all the richest people are not
happiest in the world.
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