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It is important to learn how to work efficiently to derive all the possible benefits from
the experiences of working. A valuable opportunity is thus provided for finding ones self in
relation to the rest of the working world. She becomes more independent. She learns more about
people and social condition, she discovers ones own vocational aptitudes and inclinations and
she finds a valid out list for surplus energies and emotions.
Economic and social development requires the mobilization of the entire population and
all of human resources available in the country regardless of age, sex, or level of education.
Sometimes in the past, a womans role has to be a wife and mother. She has been overlooked as
participant in social developments.
A working mothers participation in rural development needs to be explored more. She
should be brought directly into the whole formal, non-formal and informal education and other
training structures. She should be given opportunities for creating or supplementing family
income, and improving levels of living.
Some husbands encourage their wives to look for jobs outside the house because they
want to have additional income for family expenses. In many instances, economic necessity is an
important factor in determining whether or not mothers should look for jobs.
Aside from the question of economic pressure, a certain amount of work is desirable in
the mothers program. Not only does work develop the habits of industry and responsibility, but
it gives the individual a feeling of his place in the scheme of life. Likewise, mothers should feel
that they are active participants in the producing and in the consuming aspects of community life.
The working mother is not a modern day phenomenon. For a long time, the woman has
been working side by side by the man in almost conceivable endeavour. It is stated, that the half
of the worlds population are women and these women who become the mothers of the next
generation have the power to influence children and youth. In the 21 st century, women have
shown their importance, influence and value not only in the home but also in the community. In

the rice fields and in numerous factories husband and wife work together. Many countries are
increasingly aware of women as great national potentials. It is being realized that mothers who
are trained, skilled and formally educated are national assets. They comprise an essential part of
any nations man power resources.
The traditional concept which lingers on the years is that a womans place is in the house.
However, some women, the world over have experienced the need for the pursuit of knowledge
and wisdom, so that they may improve their lot and their community. Mothers must have
freedom of thought and action, and equal opportunities with men for education and employment.
Jose Rizal believed that women should fulfil important duties if they were to relieve the
country of sufferings. Women should strive to change traditional change attitudes towards them
and stimulates governments to incorporate women at policy-making levels and to include women
in development progress.
The late President Ferdinand E. Marcos, his predecessors as well as his successors
recognized the potentials of women by appointing them to position of responsibility in
government. Filipino women have been given more important official duties. In many
government agencies, as well as in various private organizations, they occupy positions side by
side with men and have proven that they are equal to the task assigned to them.
Mothers have the desire to raise their living standards, the wish to use their abilities and
widen their mental horizon and natural human gregariousness.
In San Isidro, Province of Bohol, women have been involved in any activities in the
community. Even long before society recognized the role of women in the community

The establishment, before and after our decade of the New Order, brought various
reforms. Hand in hand with these reforms, is the necessity of allowing mothers to work not only
to meet the challenges of the status of life but it is a way of meeting the sustainable development
of our country. Even the late President Marcos emphasized that there is a need for social,
political and economic developments in order that this nation will strive forward to a vision of
new order. This concept was pursued by the succeeding presidents who had gone further to
encourage every citizen, men and women to cooperate and help in making the possibilities of
enhancing the attainment of our goals and visions.
It is for this that women are the partners for the countrys drive for a sustainable
development. They should involve themselves in our national development. They should involve
themselves in our national development efforts and play the greater part and role of shaping the
national destiny. They could influence our young children towards our common goal for
advancement. Womens functions in home as well as in work are gaining recognition. They are
now our biggest dollar earners in terms of manpower exports through working as developments.
Lately, they were considered our modern-day heroes.
Our present government has women equal opportunities with that of the man. Hence, for
her contributions not only to domestic but also to national and international progress, she has
opened her horizons not only to her family but also to her fellowmen.
With the goals and objectives of our new order, there is a need of assessing the
contributions of working mothers to rural developments.
The researchers worked on the involvement of the professional and non-professional
women of San Isidro, Bohol. Specifically, answers to the following problems were sought:

1. What are the occupations of the professionals and non-professionals working men in the
municipality of San Isidro, Bohol?
(a) Is the number of professional working women differ in the different
2. What are the reasons why the women in San Isidro work?
(a) Are there differences in the degree of importance of the reasons why woman
worked as perceived by the professional and non-professional women?
3. What are the socio-economic development activities of the government where women are
(a) Is there a significant difference between the extent of involvement of the
professionals and non- professional women in the socio-economic government
4. To what extent are the contributions of the two groups of working women to the socioeconomic development of San Isidro Municipality?
(a) Are there differences on this extent of contributions between those of the
professional and non-professional women?
5. What degree of seriousness are the problems encountered by the professionals and nonprofessional working women?
(a) Are differences in the degree of seriousness as perceived by the professional
and non-professional women?
Rural communities need and deserve improvement. In this effect, womens involvement
is very essential. They work along with the men through projects and programs which will not
only develop their wholesome relations with other people. But will learn to involve themselves
in activities which are contributory to the communitys progress. Women can help such to
motivate the interest and feeling of the leaders of the different agencies in the locality to become
more active in their involvement to community work.

The women who will read this finished study will know their degree of involvement.
Hence, they will become more aware of the value of their involvement in community activities.
Therefore, it is important for every working woman to realize that through her active
participation in the different community activities, she is contributing an aspect to the
improvement of her own society and to her country as a whole.
This study is important for its result may become a reference point in the formulation of
policies, goals, and programs sustaining and enhancing the cause of woman.
The local government, when this work will read by them, will show more concern on the
welfare of women in the community and will give more support in the implementation of the
activities of the women especially on community development.
The community as a whole will give more respect to womens right and will work hand
in hand for the development of their society.

To have clear understanding of this study, the following terms are defined:
Contribution. It refers to money, ideas or help given or efforts exerted for the improvement of a
certain locality.
Community Development. This refers to the progress and advancement of the community as a
result of the varied projects undertaken by the community as a result of the varied projects
undertaken by the community.
Development. It is the area in which the government launches a drive in social, economic and
cultural designed for the communities progress and upliftment.
Economic Development. It refers to the production, distribution and consumption of goods and
services that satisfy human wants.
Involvement. It is the active participation of an individual or group in any activities which
contribute to the betterment of the society or the organization.
Non-Professional. This refers to the individual woman who did not finish a four-year degree.
Professional. She is one who finished a four-year course.
Rural Development. This refers to programs, projects or activities designed to improve the social,
economic and cultural conditions.
Social Development. It relates to human society the interaction of the individual and the group,
or the welfare of human beings as members of the society.

Working Women. They are the women who supplement the needs of the family through a fulltime or part-time job outside of the home.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study was confined mainly in the selected barangays in the Municipality
of San Isidro, Bohol. These are Poblacion,Cansague Sur, Abehilan, Caimbang and Causwagan.

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