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Using symbols

Fireworks has three types of symbols: graphic, animation, and button. Each has unique
characteristics for its specific use. Instances are representations of a Fireworks symbol.
When the
symbol object (the original) is edited, the instances (copies) automatically change to reflect
modifications to the symbol.
Symbols are useful whenever you want to reuse a graphic element. You can place instances
multiple Fireworks documents and retain the association with the symbol. Symbols are
helpful for
creating buttons and animating objects across multiple frames. For more information about
additional features built into animation and button features, see Creating animation
on page 310 and Creating button symbols on page 289.
Creating a symbol
You can create graphic, animation, and button symbols using the Edit > Insert submenu. You
create a symbol from any object, text block, or group, and then organize them in the Library
To place instances in a document, you simply drag them from the Library panel onto the
To create a new symbol from a selected object:

Select the object and choose Modify > Symbol > Convert to Symbol.
Type a name for the symbol in the Name text box of the Symbol Properties dialog box.
Choose a symbol type: Graphic, Animation, or Button. Then click OK.
The symbol appears in the library, the selected object becomes an instance of the symbol,
the Property inspector displays symbol options.

To create a symbol from scratch:

Do one of the following:

Choose Edit > Insert > New Symbol.
Choose New Symbol from the Library panel Options menu.
2 Choose a symbol type: Graphic, Animation, or Button. Then click OK.
Depending on which symbol type you choose, the Symbol Editor or Button Editor opens.
3 Create the symbol using the tools in the Tools panel, then close the editor.
For more information, see Creating button symbols on page 289 and Creating animation
symbols on page 310.

256 Chapter 11

Placing instances
You can place instances of a symbol in the current document.
To place an instance:

Drag a symbol from the Library panel to the current document.

An instance of a symbol on the canvas
Editing symbols
You can modify a symbol in the Symbol Editor, which automatically modifies all associated
Note: For most types of edits, modifying an instance affects the symbol and all other instances. There are some
exceptions, however. For more information, see Editing instances on page 257.

To edit a symbol and all its instances:

Do one of the following to open the Symbol Editor:

Double-click an instance.
Select an instance and choose Modify > Symbol > Edit Symbol.
Make changes to the symbol and close the window.
The symbol and all instances reflect the modifications.

To rename a symbol:


Double-click the symbol name in the Library panel.

Change the name in the Symbol Properties dialog box and click OK.

To duplicate a symbol:


In the Library panel, select the symbol.

Choose Duplicate from the Library panel Options menu.

To change a symbols type:


Double-click the symbol name in the Library.

Choose a different Symbol Type option.

To select all unused symbols in the Library panel:

Choose Select Unused Items from the Library panel Options menu.
Using Styles, Symbols, and URLs 257
To delete a symbol:

In the Library panel, select the symbol.

Choose Delete from the Library panel Options menu.
Click Delete. The symbol and all its instances are deleted.
Editing instances
When you double-click an instance to edit it, youre actually editing the symbol itself in the
Symbol Editor or Button Editor. To edit only the current instance, you need to break the link
between the instance and the symbol. This permanently breaks the relationship between the
however, and any future edits you make to the symbol wont be reflected in the former
Button symbols have several convenient features that allow you to retain the symbolinstance
relationship for a group of buttons, while assigning unique button text and URLs to each
instance. For more information, see Editing button symbols on page 295.
Breaking symbol links
You can modify an instance without affecting the symbol or other instances by first breaking
link between it and the symbol.

To release an instance from a symbol:

Select the instance.

Choose Modify > Symbol > Break Apart.
The selected instance becomes a group. The symbol in the Library panel is no longer
with that group. After separation from the symbol, a former button instance loses its button
symbol characteristics and a former animation instance loses its animation symbol
Editing instance properties
These instance properties can be modified in the Property inspector without affecting the
or other instances:
Blending mode
Width and height
X and Y coordinates

Note: Button instances have additional properties that can be edited without affecting the symbol. For more
information about editing button instances, see Editing button symbols on page 295.

To edit instance properties without affecting the symbol or breaking the symbol link:


Select the instance.

Modify instance properties in the Property inspector.

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