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A note on the speech of the President Obama in Cairo.

I was really inspired by President Obama’s speech in Cairo, the way he

articulated Islamic concepts and discourses, the historical evidence he
flavoured his speech, the contentious points he addressed, the personal
experiences he interjected and the strong proposal for a fresh start in the US-
Muslim relations. Certainly, it is a great speech, and I liked the most when he
said the time had come to "speak the truth" and "seek a new beginning." I am
also inspired for President Obama who incarnates the greatness of American
democracy that placed him at the top of the greatest power on earth. Coming
to our clannish sentiments, I was also inspired not only for the first black
president in the history of United States of America attempting to change the
course of history, but also for being rooted in our Horn of Africa region and
Islamic heritage.

Of course, we should not judge President Obama’s recent speech in Cairo on

what we would like to hear from him and unfeasible drastic change of the US
policies in the global issues. However, we should consider the speech as the
beginning of change of attitudes and policies. Besides better approach in
dealing with the Arab-Israel conflict, Iraq, Afghanistan and other thorny issues,
I think, US unwavering support for building democratic institutions in the
Muslim despotic countries is the single most crucial. The fear from democracy
that may empower Islamic parties in the Muslim world is counter productive. It
licences extremists and portrays as if democracy is a tool for western
hegemony. Let the democracy marches and extremism will lose hope, support
and evaporates.

Finally, to be part of the world, Somalis had to change their attitude towards
the state, society and Islam. The magic word is “moderation” that brings
inclusiveness, mutual respect and good neighbourliness. Moreover, the
promised change of USA policies on the issues of counter-terrorism in Somalia
will create a better image of America that will be positive contribution for
peace and security in the region.

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