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The entire population of the community found living in Rural area and

about 70% of house holds are possessing of agriculture land while the
average land possessing of house hold is 3.54 acres. About 38% of house
holds are living in Kutcha houses, about 92% of house holds are possessing
white ration cards, about 82% of house holds without phone or cell phone
connected, about 54% of house holds without drinking water facility within
premises and about 88% of house holds without Latrine facility.
The per capita income of the community is Rs 10,014/- against the
state per capita income of Rs 25,695/-.
Anantharaman Commission recommended for inclusion of Mali caste in
the list of Backward Classes and it was included at S.No.18 under Group D in
the list of Backward Classes. Anantharaman Commission with regard to Mali
observed as follows:
This is a small community found in Mahabubnagar and Adilabad
district. This community is also called 1) Marar 2) Barai and 3) Tamboli. Their
traditional occupation is gardening. They used to grow and sell betel leaves.
As betel leaves are being imported from Madras and other places, their
profession have become unremunerative. They have taken to agriculture and
agricultural labour. Most of them are working as coolies they are economically
very poor an account of their poverty, educational backwardness and unclean
occupation their social status is low. In view of their low position in social
hierarchy and educational backwardness the Commission considers that this
community is socially and educationally backward.
The survey team conducted door-to-door household sample survey and
the survey would reveal that 69% of the households are attending to their
traditional occupation. Their literacy rate is below the state literacy rate. The
school / college drop out rate is more for the reasons mentioned in the survey
results. The work participation rate of the community is found above the state
-9participation rate. Most of them are living in Kutcha houses possessing white
ration cards. They are residing in unhygienic conditions without basic facilities.
The per capita income of the community is below the state per capita income.
Commission considered their representations report of Anantharaman
Commission and the survey reports. In view of the clear finding by the
Anantharaman Commission that Mali caste people are socially and
educationally backward and Bare, Barai, Marar and Tamboli are synonyms of
Mali caste and these people are also socially and educationally backward and
fit to be included in the list of Backward Classes.
The projected population of Bare caste is about 37,400.
For the above said reasons, we recommend to the Government that
Bare, Barai, Marar And Tamboli caste are synonyms of Mali caste which are
socially and educationally backward and fit to included in the list of Backward
Classes for the purpose of Articles 15 (4) and 16 (4) of the constitution of
India. Accordingly we recommend to the Government to include Bare, Barai,
Marar and Tamboli as synonyms of Mali at S.No.18 under Group D in
the existing list of Backward Classes. In view of the fact that they are already
included as per G.O.Ms No.3, Backward Classes Welfare (C2) Department
dated 09-01-2004 the inclusion may

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