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Marina Diaz

1, Castellana Avenue
27th March, 2014
Dear friend,
I am writing this letter to provide you with some pieces of advice about
being on a diet.
First of all, I suggest that you should make a list of things you like and
dislike. So, you will be able choose your favourite products to eat.
Secondly, if you practice some sport activity such as gym o basketball once
a week, your body will feel more agile and better.
Thirdly, you should spend time with people who love eating vegetarian food
because it is a healthy lifestyle.
Fourthly, it is very important to watch your weight because if you eat many
sweats sweets, your effort will not be worth a lot.
I hope this was helpful. If you want more advice, you can phone me.

Jos Luis

A very good job, Jos Luis.

Dear friend:

In reply to your letter, I want to tell give you

some advices.
First of all, you must try to change your lifestyle.
You mustn't eat junk food like pizzas, hamburgers,
hotdogs etc.

You can replace snacks for nutritious snacks such as

fresh fruit and vegetables or yogurts.
If you have a diet out of without carbohiydrates and
less sugar you will lose weight.
In On the other side hand, it's very important that
you practice any sport or physical activity twice a
week. If you want, you can come with me to
swim/we can go swimming together.
I think you have a strong willpower and you'll
lose/get rid of your overweight soon.

Yours Ana.

Quite a good job, Ana.


Beln Gonzlez Bentez
Dear Sara,
I send you this e-mail to answer your questions about how you must go on a
diet. First, Im going to describe to you how my personal experience was, so
try to understand this these notes like advices tips, because first at of all, you
need a doctors opinion to go on a diet.
Now, I always eat healthy food, so if I were you, I only would only eat toast,
fruits and orange juice in the for breakfast, and I would try to stop eatening
only chocolates and pastries. Also, you could go running every day and drink
more water, like two liters per day approximately.
In my case, besides, I started to go to yoga classes, and this helped to take
it easy on me, and be relaxed. It was very important to for me to forget that I
was so hungry every time! Ha-ha. So you can check it.
I hope that your experience will be great. Youll tell me later how it is going
Quite correct, Beln.

Good for you, my friend!

You have chosen the best option. Im sure you will feel much better when
you start losing weight. If I were you, I would do what the dietician advised
me. You need to change your lifestyle and stop eating junk food. Moreover,
practicing a sport will improve your health.
I remember when one of my children had the same problem as like you and
decided to go on a diet too. It was hard for him because he loved eating
pizzas and hamburgers. But he has willpower and got it.
If a teenager is able to do it, you will too. I hope to see you soon at the

You did a very good job, Ana Mara. Congratulations!



Dear Ethan,
Sorry for the delay in answering, but I have been very busy these days. You
told me that you wanted to go on a diet, didnt you?
First of all, Tom Ethan, you know that the most important thing to start a diet
is that you are convinced on of it. So, are you?
If the answer is yes, here Im sending you some tips that worked on me.
First, stop eating junk food. Try to replace it by vegetables and fruits.
Second, its important that you have five meals a day, instead of three, as
you usually have.
Third, I know you like snacks like chips, bakery, etc. Why dont you prove try
healthy snacks, like nuts or fruit?
And the last and but not less least important advice, all that I have told you
before doesnt work if you dont move and if you are all the time watching
the TV! Please, try to exercise, at least twice a week
I hope these tips will help you.
Write soon. Thousand kisses,

You did a very good job, Mauri. Congratulations!

Dear friend,
Today, I read your letter and I am concerned with your problem.
Would you like me to give you some advice?
You mustn t worry with about your weight, you must/should worry for about your
health. A hefty reason is your health. If you arent happy with your body, you must
change this situation. I can give you some advice and guidelines to reach your target:
-You could do some exercises such as walking, climbing the stairs or running. For
example, you could walk five kilometers every day. One of the advantages of exercising
is weight loss.
-On the other hand, you might eat five times a day, this is very important because if you
eat frequently, you aren t wont be hungry all the day/all day long and youll keep your
weight under control.
-Finally, I think that is very important, you should say your purpose to your family and
your friends. They can help you.
I wish you luck, write to me again if you have more problems.
Best regards,

Quite a good job, Carolina.

Dear Martha,
In your last e-mail, you mentioned to me that you wanted to go on a diet.
You asked me if I would give you advice because you knew that Id just
finished my diet a month ago.
First of all, I recommend you that you must call to* a nutritionist. I think its
better to go on a diet with a professional/professional advice than by on
your own.
However I can offer you a little advices like, drink more water, go for a walk
three times a week or work out with a friend and use the stairs instead of
the elevator.
Finally, take it easy because its better to lose weight slowly.
Good Luck!

*Quite correct, Matilde. Remember that the verb to call is not followed by
the preposition to.

Im really happy that you want to go on a diet, because its very

important to have a healthy life. I am not a dietician, therefore I dont
give you a diet, however I am be able to give you a few/some lunch
eating/nutrition habits.
Firstly I think you must eat more vegetables and fruits, above all for
dinner, where you must try dont not to eat a huge amount of food,
fried or a lot of bread for example.
Moreover you can do exercise(s), like running, swimming, or walking.
You must choose that what* you like more.
The first weeks you must do make a big effort, but then you will be
more happy happier, I tell you.
Regards, Lola.
*Not bad. What in affirmative sentences means lo que.

Writing Task 12. Letter of Advice (II)

Hi Jane,

My sister told me yesterday that you have decided to go on a diet to try to lose some weight,
so I'm writing to encourage you to achieve it!

First of all, I think it's very important to drink a lot of water throughout the day, especially
before each meal, it will help you to control the hunger.

Besides, as you'll know, most

dietitians recommend to eat eating at least five meals along the day, and remember: the
breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you have to eat a light dinner.

At the same time, its very helpful to make some regular exercise. You can come jogging with
me, I go running every weekend early in the morning, so call me!


Very good, Aitziber.

Dear Anne,
Last week your sister told me that you had started a new diet.
As I know a lot of things about healthy lifestyle, Im going to give you some
advice about going on a diet.
First of all, you should visit a dietician, who will inform you about the
different diets you can go on. I recommend you not to spend your time and
money following miracle diets, because those diets dont work.
Then, you should exercise. You could run or swim. If you join a gym with
other people, you will have a good fun. Its very important that you work out
at least for an hour three times a week.
Finally, you should avoid fried food and cakes. You must eat healthy food,
like vegetables, fruit and white meat.
I hope you enjoy your new lifestyle.
Sincerely yours.
Sandra Martnez.

You did a great job, Sandra.

06.240.123-Q Mnica Lozano calvo

26 de marzo de 2014
Dear friend:
How are you? As you asked me about some advices to go on with your diet Ill
answer you in this e-mail.
Firstly, you should be patient and relaxed. Stress gets makes you fat. Its not
quite good for your health to lose weight too fast. Even, You would/could even
get sick.
Please, dont take/follow diets or advises from some websites. You dont know
who writes them (doctors or not...).
If I were you, Ill would go to a dietician or a doctor in Endocrinology to control
my weight and progress in my diet. And when I have finished my diet, I would
ask them what I could eat for don t take not to put on weight again.
Why don t you do more exercise? Bike, Fitness, Running... What do you prefer?
I hope these advices tips have helped you.

Dear Martha,
In your last e-mail, you mentioned to me that you wanted to go on a diet.
You asked me if I would give you advice because you knew that Id just
finished my diet a month ago.
First of all, I recommend you that you must call to* a nutritionist. I think its
better to go on a diet with a professional/professional advice than by on
your own.
However I can offer you a little advices like, drink more water, go for a walk
three times a week or work out with a friend and use the stairs instead of
the elevator.
Finally, take it easy because its better to lose weight slowly.
Good Luck!

*Quite correct, Matilde. Remember that the verb to call is not followed by
the preposition to.

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