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Background and History

Barnardos is a non-profit organisation set up to help young people,
especially those affected by abuse, discrimination or poverty. They aim
to help all children gain a good start in life and fulfill their potential.
Their activities include helping children whose families are poor to
providing foster homes to children who are unable to live with their
families. Their work began in 1867, when Thomas Barnardo set up a
school for the education of poor children in London. Later, when he
became aware of the dreadful conditions in which children in the area
were living he was moved to set up a home to care for them. This bore
the sign No destitute child ever refused admission, a sentiment
which the charity echoes even today. When Barnardo died in 1905 the
charity was running 96 homes, caring for more than 8000 children.
Later, the focus of the work changed, as the government began taking
responsibility for homeless children. They started providing help for
families who struggle to care for their children, and to provide help for
children with special needs. The name also changed from Dr
Barnardos homes to simply Barnardos, emphasizing the change in
their work. Today, their funding comes primarily from donations and
purchases from their second-hand shops. It is one of these shops that
is situated in Haverfordwest. It is located at No. 34 on the High Street,
where it has been for many years.
Ethos and Housestyle
The name Barnardos springs from the founder of the organisation,
Thomas Barnardo, and as such both identifies them and states their
mission, as Barnardo was a well known philanthropist and they carry
on his work today. Their logo, which depicts a child between two
adults, is full of meaning. The figures appear to be skipping, giving the
image a happy quality, and this is in line with the work the charity
does. They place great emphasis on the family as crucial to the wellbeing of children, and much of their work is to do with fostering and
adoption. The primary colours are green and white. The green
symbolizes naturalness. This obviously connects to children, as
children are a natural, happy part of life. In addition, the logo is on a

green background. This shows that Barnardos is dedicated to

producing happy, natural families. White is used to show cleanness and
is related to healing. They use it to demonstrate their attempts to heal
and help children. Together, the two colours give a clean, wholesome
air to their literature.
Barnardos slogan - Believe in children - is short and to the point. It is
a mission statement of sorts, and acts as an encouragement to their
customers. The theme of children is continued throughout many of
their pamphlets. They contain pictures of those who have been helped
by Barnardos, thus putting a subtle pressure on the reader to
contribute. Also, some of the leaflets contain pictures drawn by
children, adding a friendly, warm atmosphere to them.
Your Guide to our work today
This leaflet is designed to acquaint the reader with the work done by
the charity, and the reasons why they chould contribute. It is simply
laid out, and includes stories and pictures of those who have been
helped by Barnardo's, as well as facts and figures on the uses the
money is put to.
Pembrokeshire Family Link Service
This is a brief description of the facilities available to those with
children with special needs. It is bilingual, so it can be read by
everyone, and serves a dual purpose. It explains the use to which
donations are put, and also explains to those who may have need of
help exactly what can be done to assist them.
Will Forms
These are used to convince people that they ought to include a
donation to Barnardo's in their will, and to assist them in doing this.
They would be an excellent candidate for mailmerge, as a standard
letter could be used, mailmerged, then dispatched with the leaflets to
various people, to encourage them to donate to Barnardo's in their will.
The ideal target for this would be those who often donate money or
goods to Bardardos, as they have an interest in the charity and most
likely have a reasonable disposable income, so would be prepared to
leave money in a will to Barnardos. By compiling a database of people
who donate mailmerge could be used to target this specific

This website is professionally done, and contains features such as
videos, electronic forms to subscribe to the newsletter and links to
various files and ages. The purpose of the website is to provide details
on the history and goals of Barnardos and also to explain how you can
contribute. To this end, it gives a brief summary of the history and
provides links to downloadable files which give a more comprehensive
history. Also, it explains what they do with the money they raise and
gives details of store locations and how to donate money online.
Clip art - Logo
Hyperlink button to electronic form
Hyperlink button to donation page
Hyperlink button to video
Option to change font size
Navigation Menu
Search bar

Scrolling, repeating image bar

Reveal hyperlink button

Interactive electronic form for submission

Hyperlinks to downloadable .pdf files

S:\AS-Level ICT\Barnados Info.rtf

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