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Jumaa Prayer

for the Muslims of Africa and beyond

West Africa Advanced School of Theology

November 20, 2015

Intercede for the Muslim World!

...I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven
(Mt. 5.44, NIV).

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries

CHAD: An alumnus serving as a missionary/Bible school director here asks us to pray that God would pave the way
for a project to plant a church in a Muslim area in 2016. Other attempts have largely failed because it is so difficult to
obtain land for a church. Pray for a miracle in getting a parcel of land and for the church planter who is being sent, for
God's wisdom and courage and for favor in the community.
GABON: Although they make up less than 15% of the population, Muslims are gaining economic and political
influence in this Central African nation. Alumni serving as pastors and AG church leaders share the following
information and requests:
- Muslims have been going door-to-door, targeting especially the very poor and unemployed, to lure them into Islam.
They may bring them food or offer scholarships to their children (to attend Islamic schools) or capital to start a
small business. The price: to serve Allah. Please pray for those who are tempted in this way, that they may
perceive the deception of this religion. Intercede for those who profess Jesus but who are not well grounded in
their faith, that they might take a firm decision to obey Him and know Jehovah Jireh, their Provider.
- Pray for a lady who accepted Jesus and was attending church and growing. Her Muslim husband, who was not in
favor of this, transferred to another town for work, and she followed him. The pastor has had no news of her since.
Please pray that she may know God's presence with her and that she may find fellowship and continue in her walk
of faith. Pray that her husband will also be drawn to the God of love.
- More Islamic schools are being established, from kindergarten through high school, and an Islamic university is
planned for Libreville, the capital. Pray for the children and youth attending these schools, that in this environment
they would question and search for truth, and that the Holy Spirit would lead them supernaturally to the Truth.

In the News
Intercede for the churches and Christians in Paris, that they may be mightily used to bring healing through Jesus in the
wake of the terrorist attacks last Friday. Pray that the suspects still at large may be apprehended by God himself and
come to know His love and forgiveness. See
Earlier this month we prayed for those living where Boko Haram is active, and concerning the rocket-making factory
this group had established. Praise God, this week the Nigerian Army destroyed the makeshift plant, recovering
chemicals and materials that were likely stolen from the laboratories of local schools.

From Global Initiative*

Pray for protection for converts in Afghanistan, who have left Islam to follow Jesus.

For Muslim Women**

Intercede for the moms and daughters among Iraqs 900,000 Kurdish Muslim refugees. As they escape ISIS, a local
ministry is sharing Bibles and medical care. Pray for the power of Gods Word to captivate their hearts.
Prayer Resources
*Global Initiative is a ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions, USA. Visit for information
about praying for Muslims and weekly requests.
**Muslim women need your prayers! You can join a prayer network and receive regular requests at
For suggestions on starting a prayer group, see
For news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit,, and
For the 2015 World Watch List of countries where Christians are most persecuted, and prayer requests, see
For prayer requests, visit and
To help you answer Muslims' questions about Jesus and the Bible, explore

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