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Why not read the Qur'an?

by *Nayzak
Manga & Anime / Digital Media / Drawings

2011 *Nayzak

Assalaamu alaikum [peace be to you],

I got the idea to make this drawing after I saw this [link]
here, I'd like to share this article with you. it's not written by a Muslim, that's why the
prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- is not addressed with the respectful expression
"peace be upon him". but I think this article would be interesting for my non-Muslims
friends that's why I am sharing it:

In a Gainesville Sun article of August 26, Pastor Terry Jones stated that he has never read
the Quran he will burn. Speaking as a Christian pastor, a college instructor, and a patriotic
American, I find this unfortunate.
Muslims make up 20 percent of the world's population. In today's world, gaining a basic
knowledge of Islam is both good common sense and an act of responsible citizenship.
So let's say you're a non-Muslim and you've decided to open that Quran before reaching
for the lighter fluid. What now?
Be sure to read a modern translation.
I'd recommend "The Qur'an: A New Translation," by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem (Oxford World's
Classics, 2004). It's inexpensive and packed with helpful footnotes.

Adjust your expectations.

Unlike the Christian Bible, the Quran doesn't begin with Creation and end with the Last
Judgment. Instead, the Quran contains a series of spiritual messages which comment on,
and offer guidance for, situations in the life of Muhammad.
Bible-readers should expect the Quran to look rather like a book of prophecy; in which God
comments on ancient politics and offers guidance to leaders like Isaiah and Jeremiah.
Non-Bible readers might find an analogy in '60s protest music! For example, the Neil Young
song "Ohio" comments on the Kent State shootings of 1970, and offers guidance to
American youth. In both biblical books of prophecy and '60s protest songs, current events
are often alluded to indirectly rather than described in detail. It's the same with the Quran:
Its messages comment on situations which are often only hinted at.
Use a biography of Muhammad.
Since the messages in the Quran comment on very specific situations, understanding these
is essential to understanding the Quran. So along with that up-to-date Quran translation,
get a recent biography of Muhammad...
Jews and Christians may find parallels between Muhammad and Israel's King David. Both
grew up as shepherds and later became remarkable leaders of their people: religious,
political, military.
Start reading at the back of the book.
Now that you've got a biography of Muhammad handy, you're ready for the Quran. Start at
page one? Hardly.
The chapters in the Quran aren't laid out chronologically. Instead, the chapters are
arranged by length: Longest to shortest.
Bible-readers might be reminded of the letters of St. Paul. In the New Testament, Paul's
letter to the Romans comes first. That's not because Paul wrote it first, but simply because
it's his longest letter. The Quran works the same way.
The first messages Muhammad shared with the world were very short. So as a rule, you'll
find the earliest, simplest messages at the back of the Quran, not the front!
Get to know your Muslim neighbors.
The Quran isn't just words on a page, it shapes people's lives. Find out how by checking
out local interfaith groups like the Silk Road Club... The club sponsors panel discussions
with Jewish, Christian and Muslim speakers, and family-oriented events like a picnic.
A basic knowledge of Islam and the Quran can illuminate past history, current events and
what the future may hold. Looks like reading a Quran produces more light than burning
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!
By Josh Braley, Published: Sunday, September 5, 2010 [link]

Josh Braley teaches at Santa Fe College and is the pastor of Bethlehem Presbyterian Church in Archer.</b>

I hope that was beneficial

Wassalaamu alaikum.

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