Award in Education and Training: Group B (Name of The Writer) (Name of The Institution) (Dated)

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Award in Education and Training: Group B

[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Understanding and Using Inclusive Teaching Approaches in Education and Training

1.1 Describe features of inclusive teaching and learning
Features of inclusive teaching and learning
Following are the features of inclusive teaching and learning.
The inclusive teaching and learning is based on the vision of the child.
The inclusive teaching and learning aims to improve the quality of life of children / as

and their families.

Inclusive teaching and learning provides a positive working relationship with families;

governed by respect, reflective attitudes, empathic, active and proactive listening.

The inclusive teaching and learning aims to train people with democratic sense, to

develop a critical and cooperative spirit (Caputo, & Langher, 2014).

The inclusive teaching and learning assesses student progress as a whole, taking into

account their capabilities individually.

Methodologically focused on the characteristics of the student, not the content,
facilitating the diversification of education and personalization of common learning

Promulgates values:
o Humanization: Promotes the maximum development of the capabilities of each
o Freedom.
o Criteria standards : All the students are offered a unique model and
context. Considered "normal" or ordinary by most.
o Democracy Defend equal opportunities for all, whatever their social, economic,

cultural or sexual orientation.

o Justice: To each is trying to give what you need.
Great importance is given to the involvement of parents and community in teaching and
learning activities in support of specific learning and monitoring the progress of their

It insists on the participation of all members of the educational community, teachers,

parents and students of all students, as well as the participation of members of the
administration and teaching and learning services, without exclusion. An active

participation that goes beyond their presence.

It is assumed that all students belong to the group and everyone can learn in the normal

1.2 Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in own area
of specialism in relation to meeting individual learning needs

I used the strategy of joining differing qualities into your general educational program.
I was deliberate about making a protected learning environment by using ground rules.
I was proactive in uniting with and learning about your students.
I used an assortment of showing techniques, exercises, and assignments that will suit the

needs of students with different learning styles, abilities, backgrounds, and encounters.
I used general outline standards to make open classes. Case in point, present data both
orally and outwardly to suit both students with visual or sound-related debilitations

notwithstanding students with different learning inclinations.

I made it clear about how students will be assessed and reviewed.

1.2 Explain why it is important to provide opportunities for learners to develop their English,
mathematics, ICT and wider skills
Allowing the learners to develop their own skills will make them more engaged and
motivate with their coursework. As students will search for answers for the question they will go
to the library and use internet searching for answers through various resources, It will not only
enhance their learning ability but will also allows them to broaden their horizon and develop

their problem solving skills. It will make them more connected to the subject as they will use
various resources to gain the knowledge their knowledge of the subject will gradually increase,
and their interest will be generated.

Understand ways to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment

2.1 Explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment
Both international and the national standards, emphasize on the fact that all human beings
have the right to education. This has been postulated guidelines to achieve an inclusive education
that takes into account the needs of all students, including those with a disability or exceptional
talent. Inclusive education considers the needs of all children and leads to a real social and labor
market inclusion in order to achieve a decent life (Henderson, 2014).
The concept of inclusive education is off equity, where all children have the right to a
quality education, with a collaborative approach that focuses on the self. In this way, everyone
can have access to education that allows them to prepare for working life. It is intended that all
children and young people, including those with a disability and / or exceptional talent receive
education, and institutions should recognize the needs of all and seek their development and
learning to their full potential, regardless of their status. At the same time, it is intended that all
children and young people are educated in a different social environment that respects
differences without any exclusion. Finally, inclusive education that prepares all for working life
has economic advantages because everyone can contribute to the development of their own
society (Henderson, 2014).
For a successful educational inclusion, it is essential that the institutions have a trained
support staff in working with diverse and vulnerable, a major sensitization and training of
teachers working with students every day required. Without adequate awareness of the needs that
all students, including those with special educational needs, teachers are not going to want to
have them in your classroom. This awareness must also include the recognition of their rights,
especially the right to education. In addition to raising awareness, it is necessary to give these
teachers the tools they need for daily work with this population. Only appropriate knowledge and

skills, teachers can provide quality education to all students, both those with SEN and those who
are considered "normal", who are also entitled to a quality education.
2.2 Explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources and
assessment methods to meet individual learner needs
It is essential because the inclusive strategies are being designed for these learners, and if
they fail to comply with their needs then these strategies would be useless. If the resources does
not satisfy the needs of the students than they will be useless for the teacher as the students will
not be able to utilize them to learn. Thus it is essential that the teaching and learning approaches,
resources and assessment methods meet the individual learner needs
2.3 Explain ways to engage and motivate learners
Ways to Motivate and Engage students
Meeting the needs and motives of the students
Students learn best when they have incentives to satisfy their own motives for
learning. In this sense it may be useful that the teacher try to identify the needs of students both
those of which they are aware as those who do not ... Imagine that before teaching a course in
mathematics, physics, music, etc
Make students to be active participants in learning
Students can learn by doing, constructing, writing, designing, creating, and solving
problems. Encourage students to suggest approaches to a problem or guess the results of an
Keep expectations high but be realistic
Apparently according to some research teacher expectations have a powerful effect on
student behavior. It is the teacher should have realistic expectations when assessing their work,
making presentations, lead discussions and take tests; while giving students opportunities to
succeed. That combination can always work that, according to students, give a realistic balance.

Help students set their own goals

Help students assess their progress, encouraging or criticizing their work, analyzing their
efforts, their weaknesses ... Perhaps the most important topic is to encourage students to focus on
a process to continuously improve not only one rating or on a test (Thomas, 2014).
Communicate to students the requirements of the subject for approval
It is positive to establish clearly what is required of students to pass the course. Even
being very careful with language. For example, instead of saying " you're very late "would have
to say to the students: "this is the way to go a day .. can I help you?".
Strengthen the motivation of students
Avoid messages like "I demand", "should", "should" and replace "think you will find .."
"Would be interested to hear your answer." The need for self-motivation and self-esteem of the
students must be always present in the mind of the teacher.
Working the strengths and interests of students
Explain how the content of the subject will help the educational, professional or personal
goals of students. From the real interests of those that are linkable with learning.
Increase gradually the difficulty of subject material
It is interesting to provide opportunities for students to succeed at the beginning of the
first term or semester. Once you have succeeded, it is easier to increase the difficulty level or
Avoid using grades as threats
Alluding or Threatening with low grades may cause some students to work hard, but they
can cause other students from the desire to be self-deception or excuses to delay work until other
counterproductive behaviors.
Give feedback to students as soon as possible
Return the tests and assignments corrected as soon as possible and recognize and reward
public and immediately successes. Give instructions on how well they have done or how they
can improve.
Reward success
Both positive and negative comments influence motivation, but research indicates that
students react better through a feedback positive and success. Praise helps build confidence,
competence and self-esteem of students. It is important to recognize the efforts, even if results

are not good, transmitting confidence professor who will be good in the future (Rodrigues,
2.4 Summarise ways to establish ground rules with learners
Student varies in terms of conduct and appreciation for others, subsequently building
ground rules will need to mirror this distinction. Bunch discussion of desires and consolidation
of all perspectives guarantees that each understudy feels heard and included. This type of
consideration encourages a vital foundation of ground rules which are exclusively and also on
the whole significant. At the point when talking about ground rules with learners it is critical for
the instructor to build their own rules which mirror their dedication to the educating/learning
relationship. It is essential that the teachers ground rules would join being completely arranged
for lessons and guaranteeing I keep great time for classes to begin and complete speedily.
Teachers should respond to learners' dedication to finishing task by verifying that all checking is
finished and returned in just as great time. (Bondy, & Ross, 2012) Further rules to guarantee
students get the most out of their learning knowledge includes verifying all have an equivalent
voice when communicating sentiments.

Bondy, E., & Ross, D. D. (Eds.). (2012). Preparing for inclusive teaching: Meeting the
challenges of teacher education reform. SUNY Press.
Caputo, A., & Langher, V. (2014). Validation of the Collaboration and Support for Inclusive
Teaching Scale in Special Education Teachers. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment,
Henderson, S. (2014). Using cultural inclusive teaching practices to motivate culturally and
linguistically nursing students to learn and succeed in their academic studies.
Rodrigues, A. A. (2014). Lights! Camera! Action! Exploring Links between Inclusive Teaching
in Broadcast Education and Diversity in Canadian Media.
Thomas, C. (Ed.). (2014). Inclusive Teaching: Presence in the Classroom: New Directions for
Teaching and Learning, Number 140. John Wiley & Sons.

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