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QUOTES from ‘Frankenstein’


- ‘I never saw a more interesting creature…gnash his teeth’

- ‘expression of wildness, and even madness’
- ‘the land of mist and sorrow’ [Coleridge’s poem: ‘The Rime of the Ancient
Mariner’, published in the ‘Lyrical Ballads’]


- ‘unknown powers’, ‘unlimited powers’

- ‘Parcelsus’ and ‘Magnus’
- ‘penetrate’

- ‘what glory would attend the discovery’

- ‘bestowing animation upon lifeless matter’
- ‘painful labour’

- ‘Darkness had no effect upon my fancy’

- ‘…how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge’
- ‘My cheek had grown pale with study’
- ‘my eyeballs were starting from their sockets’
Chapter 4
- ‘One secret which I alone possessed’
- ‘…the moon gazed on y midnight labours’
- ‘In a solitary chamber, or rather cell’
- ‘one doomed by slavery to toils in the mines’
- ‘eight feet in height, and proportionately large’

- ‘…the beauty of the dream vanished’

- ‘…breathless horror and disgust filled my heart’
- ‘My heart palpitated in the sickness of fear’

- ‘lustrous black’, ‘teeth of pearly whiteness’

- ‘yellow skin’, ‘watery eyes’, ‘dun-white sockets’, ‘straight black lips’

- ‘fangs of remorse’
- ‘…the fiend that lurked in my heart’
- ‘The immense mountains and precipices that overhung me’
- ‘corpse of my dead mother’ (dream)

- ‘I saw an insurmountable barrier placed between me and my fellow-men’

- ‘…the wickedness of my promise burst upon me’
- ‘Yet I would die to make her happy’
- ‘Begone!’
[Volume 1, Chapter 7]

- ‘I wanted the tempest, so beautiful yet terrific’  the storm symbolises the
internal turmoil facing Frankenstein.
- ‘It was completely dark’
- ‘I soon felt the rain coming slowly in large drops, but its violence quickly
- ‘vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my eyes’
- ‘deformity’, ‘wretch’, ‘filthy daemon’

[Volume 3, Chapter 6]

- ‘Flight of the vulture’

- ‘Suddenly a heavy storm of rain descended’
- ‘destruction of the best hope’, ‘the purest creature’
- ‘…head hanging down’
- ‘her pale and distorted features half covered by her hair’
- ‘I fell senseless on the ground’


- ‘Darkness then came over me’

- ‘…kindness moved me sensibly’
- Looks ‘upon them as superior beings’
- ‘…the monster that I am’
- ‘sorrow only increased with knowledge’
- ‘And what was I?’
- ‘The bitterest sensations of despondence and mortification’

- ‘insanity in my spirits’
- ‘rage and misery’, ‘bitterness and horror’
- ‘hellish rage and gnashing of teeth’
- ‘she, shall suffer’
- ‘stirred the fiend within me’

- ‘I am malicious because I am miserable!’

- ‘You are my creator, but I am your master – obey!’
- ‘Man, you shall repent of the injuries you inflict’
- ‘moon…was suddenly overspread by a thick cloud’
- He had vowed ‘to be with me on my wedding night’

- ‘…howl of devilish despair and revenge’

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