Essay About Racism-Based On Luther King

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Professor Timothy Hagen
English 109
14 November 2015
Essay 1

Do not let racism grow. Fight it!

Racism is a wide phenomena that has been in humans history since hundred years ago. To
be racist means that people of one race(in most cases white people) feel superior than other races
in terms of benefiting in society. Racism can be found everywhere ,for example in schools where
students of other races bully others that feel inferior , in finding jobs where white people are the
first option instead of others, in everyday life when people tend to blame other races for their
problems etc. You can also see discrimination made by police, by judges in courts , which shows
that even the justice which must treat people equally seems to be unilateral when it comes to
judge them. It is one of the most discussed problems that people face every day, but is obvious
that racism is not as bad as it was any decades ago but it surely has not gone away.Hopefully by
approaching or accepting people of other races in your society group, by applying strict laws
against racism and by building institutions and organizations to help these people, might be a
cure for this cancer of society.
When people were created by the nature, they were divided in different races or different
skin colors. They lived in different places and they did different things. This is the philosophy of
nature, and that is why the world is amazing because everything is different and unique in its
own. So why are people not accepting all this diversity? Usually when people are in troubles in
their work or life, they tend to blame others such as immigrants or people of other races, who are
supposed by majority that they are getting their work and their money. Apart this negativity

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found in everyday conversations between people, something is sure that by approaching these
type of people who feel inferior, you are giving an opportunity for them to put up with the
society . Also making new friends is one of the greatest things that life offers to everyone. If they
are your friends they would feel more comfortable and acceptable by everyone. Talking with
them and listening to them can make you understand how they feel and also can make them feel
comfortable and confident about the fact that they are equal as all other members of society. By
spending more time as friends, they feel more as a part of the group and also they will be free
from being discriminated.
Another important factor of fighting racism, is one of the most powerful tool to make this
happen ,which is the government. Government has the power to heal this society illness. This can
be done by applying strict and rough laws about racism. Which means that people who abuse
with others because of their race will have strong punishments financially and even though
being in prison if there are extremely and harmful actions against others. Also government can
oblige by their laws these people who abuse with racism to work voluntarily in helping
community in every way possible. It would be better if government make them to go to social
groups in order to be educated and to know how to behave correctly with everyone who is not
their race, and all this initiative will help them to understand that color of the skin does not mean
you are superior.It is in our principle rights in constitution that everyone is free to think, to speak
and to live life like everyone wants but at the point of not touching anyones else rights.
Everyone should keep in mind that people are not born racist,but they become during life
because some group of people think they are on top of others and nothing else is important, but
this is not true and hopefully world will change and make it possible to wipe out this issue from
our life.

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Lastly but not less important factor of fighting this cause is by creating or building
institutions and non profit organizations to help victims financially and morally. Powerful states
like USA,UK,Canada etc., invest a lot in this area,like millions of dollars to support these
organizations. Also FIFA has started these recently years a very big campaign against racism, and
this has helped a lot because football is the most viewed sport in the world and this leads to
millions of people to think differently about this topic. By participating in these campaigns
people have the power to raise their voice and to be listened by everyone that this is a serious
issue which must be solved as soon as possible. As Martin Luther King ( one of the most
important activist of the biggest anti racism campaign in US) stated in Letter from Birmingham
Jail that people who feel inferior (in his case black people in US) should take action in order to
be listened. To take action means that it is not enough just a quiet demonstration with banners
flags etc., but it is important to take attention for the cause you are fighting for. Luther King
believed that creating tension between people and government , can result in having at least a
negotiation with government, so just a point where to really start doing something about this
To conclude with, everyone should be conscious that one word, one unsuitable action can
hurt a lot. Being responsible for what you say and do is an obligation. So people should think
about others as themselves and they also should understand all this importance of being equal in
human rights and also equal in front of law and constitution. Hoping that people would follow
one of these three ways, maybe we would have a better society and of course less discrimination
and racism. If we accept everyone depend of their race, of their religion, of their opinions can
make us even greater person and also we gain high human values. All this philosophy of this
writing can be shortly described by a quote from Martin Luther King which explains the topic

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very well. He remarked, Darknesscan not drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate can
not drive out hate; only love can do that.

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Works cited
Brainy Quotes, Darknesscan not drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate can not drive
out hate; only love can do that.- Marthin Luther King,Jr. at BrainyQuotes. no date,web, 13november
Marthin Luther King .,Letter from Birmingam Jail, Harpercollins; 1st edition,1994.E-book (P.768)

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