2 Bac Modals Last Practice

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Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb

8. She (should /must / had to ) take the bus to school yesterday

1. I feel tired these days. You .............(go) to the

doctor and get a blood test. (advice)
2.. .you close the door, please? Its cold
here. (request)
3. When John was eleven, he .(drive)
his fathers car. (ability)
4. Everybody wants to see that film. It ( be )very
interesting.( deduction)
5. She did badly at the English test. She ..
(revise) her lessons well. (critisism )
6.We didnt have any food yesterday, so we ..
(go) shopping. (obligation)
7. The weather (change) this
weekend I hope so (possibility)
8. The windows arent dirty. You . ..(clean)
them. (no necessity)
9. Keep these documents in a safe place. You ..
lose them. (prohitibion)
10. They (arrive) yesterday. They took the train
two days ago. (deduction )
11. She did not come to the meeting. She .
(forget) about it.
(possibility )

9. I (don't need / needn't / had to) take an umbrella; it won't rain

1.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb

3. (Would/May/Might) you please fill in this form?

1. I feel tired these days. You .............(go) to the

doctor and get a blood test. (advice)
2.. .you close the door, please? Its cold
here. ( request)
3. When John was eleven, he .(drive)
his fathers car. (ability)
4. Everybody wants to see that film. It ( be )very
interesting.( deduction)
5. She did badly at the English test. She ..
(revise) her lessons well. (critisism )
6.We didnt have any food yesterday, so we ..
(go) shopping. (obligation)
7. The weather (change) this
weekend I hope so (possibility)
8. The windows arent dirty. You . ..(clean)
them. (no necessity)
9. Keep these documents in a safe place. You ..
lose them. (prohitibion)
10. They (arrive) yesterday. They took the train
two days ago. (deduction )
11. She did not come to the meeting. She .
(forget) about it.
(possibility )

4. We have plenty of time. We (might/mustn't/don't have to) rush.

2 . Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct

5. Sally (won't / can't / mustn't) be asleep - all the lights in her house are

modal in brackets.


1. He (should/can't/may) study law. He hasn't decided yet.

6. I'm not sure why Jane's not at work today. She (would /will / might) be

2. She looked for her glasses everywhere but she


( needn't/shouldn't/couldn't) find them.

7. If no one knows how to use a computer, The teacher (should / ought /

3. (Would/May/Might) you please fill in this form?

might) to organize a lesson

4. We have plenty of time. We (might/mustn't/don't have to) rush.

2 . Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct

modal in brackets.
1. He (should/can't/may) study law. He hasn't decided yet.
2. She looked for her glasses everywhere but she
( needn't/shouldn't/couldn't) find them.

5. Sally (won't / can't / mustn't) be asleep - all the lights in her house are

8. She (should /must / had to ) take the bus to school yesterday


9. I (don't need / needn't / had to) take an umbrella; it won't rain

6. I'm not sure why Jane's not at work today. She (would /will / might) be
7. If no one knows how to use a computer, The teacher (should / ought /
might) to organize a lesson

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