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About CIS

The IEEE Portuguese CIS Chapter was established in 2005.

Chapter board directors
Chair: Joo Manuel Calado
Vice-Chair: Antnio Ruano
Vice-Chair: Jos Igreja
Treasurer: Ana Madureira

IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Portuguese

Chapter 10th anniversary
Workshop IA in the 21st century: What are the new
challenges? 1 Jun. 2015, ISEP, Porto, Portugal

(Coordinator Professor of ISEL/IPL)

Professor of UAlg)
(Coordinator Professor of ISEL/IPL)
(Coordinator Professor of ISEP/IPP)

It assembles Senior Members, Members, Graduate Student Members,

and also Student Members.

In the first of June was held a workshop at the Instituto Superior de

Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), Portugal, commemorating the 10th
anniversary of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Portuguese
Chapter, untitled IA in the 21st century: What are the new
challenges?. The event was organized by Prof. Ana Madureira (IEEE
Portugal Section Chair) and Prof. Joo Calado (CIS Portuguese Chapter
Chair). The workshop began with two presentations about the past and
present of IA given by Prof. Jos Carlos Quadrado (ISEP Vice-President
and founder of the CIS Portuguese Chapter) and Prof. Ins Dutra
(Science Faculty of Oporto University).

CIS challenges

Increase contributions in the area of computational intelligence;

Encourage researchers to cooperate;
Help researchers in order to solve complex and real life problems;
Help students and graduate students on competition activities;

These objectives are achieved through various activities including

seminars, lectures, schools, conferences, and other events.

Recent Activities
IEEE Computational Intelligence Portuguese Chapter
Annual Workshop, 26 Nov. 2014, ISEL, Lisbon, Portugal
In this year the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Portuguese
Chapter Annual Workshop was held in ISEL - Instituto Superior de
Engenharia de Lisboa, Lisbon, under the following topics:
Neural computing for biomedical applications;
Nature and Biologically Inspired computing for control and signal
processing applications;
Intelligent Control Approaches;
Open Service oriented Architectures for traffic and transportation
The workshop will began with 3-5 minutes presentations during the
morning. After lunch discussions for each topic was held separately with
moderation in a panel format.
The event has provided participants with a great opportunity for
networking, presenting and discuss their work and ideas with their

The two presentations were followed by a panel debate about the main
workshop theme. Panel members included several leading members of
the Portuguese IA scientific community namely, Prof. Alpio M. Jorge
(Science Faculty of Oporto Univeristy / LIAAD), Prof. Ernesto Costa
(Science and Technology Faculty of Coimbra University), Prof. Miguel
Calejo (Minho University /APPIA), Prof. Pavel Brazdil (Economy Faculty
of Oporto University) and Prof. Vladimiro Miranda (Engineering Faculty
of Oporto University / INESC TEC). During the debate several
perspectives of the roll of emergent IA, and Computational Intelligence,
solutions for human reasoning like problems or bio inspired
technologies were discussed. The debate evolved to the question of if
IA is already present in our dally life and in what extension, dividing the

Several examples were referred as new challenges and the need for IA
activities legal regulation was raised in particular concerning with big
data retrieval and analyses. Multi-agent cooperative scenarios and
signal processing integration were also pointed out as new challenges.
The audience attending the event included IEEE members, guests and
students, being more than 50 people in the meeting. The event ended
with a get-together lunch between the speakers.

Youre always welcome to attend our meetings, even if

you are not a current member of the IEEE.
Join to us CIS, and also IEEE !

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