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Conjugaison de l’auxiliaire TO BE (= être)

Pronoms personnels sujets Verbe Pronoms personnels sujets Verbe

infinitif To be infinitif être

I am Je suis
You are Tu es
He / she / it is il / elle / c’ est
We are Nous sommes
You are Vous êtes
They are ils / Elles sont

1. Remplacez les éléments soulignés par le bon pronom personnel sujet :

1. Jenny and Paul are happy.

2. Clara is happy.

3. The cat is happy.

4. The grandmother is happy.

5. Alice and Fiona are happy.

6. Maria, Nina and Teresa are happy.

7. Christian, Luis and I are happy.

8. Roger is happy.

2. Conjugue l’auxiliaire TO BE à la bonne forme:

I ____ happy. She ___ tall. He ___ from France. They ____ from Germany. He ___ a teacher. She
___ a nurse. My sister ____ eleven years old. My mother ___ sad. My grandmother ___ singing. My
uncle ___ a businessman. Charles ____ at home. Melany ___ in the garden. The cat ___ outside.
The chair ___ under the table. The door ___ open. The window ____ broken. We ___ going to the
cinema. Paul and Kate ____ happy. Michel and I ____ married. You ___ intelligent, but she ___

3. Retrouve les réponses dans la colonne B qui correspondent aux questions de la colonne A.
1. Where are you from? a) We live in Lille.
2. Where does Mary come from? b) I’m from France.
3. How are you doing? c) She’s playing tennis.
4. What is she doing? d) It is a cat.
5. Who is it? e) She comes from Belgium.
6. Where do Philip and you live? f) I’m fine, thank you.
7. Are they English? g) It is Michael.
8. What is it? h) No, they are French.
9. Where is Paul? i) He is in the house.
10. How old is she? j) She is 17.
3. Complétez le dialogue ci-dessous:
Henry: Hello Mary!
Mary: Good _________ Henry!
Henry: How ____ you doing?
Mary: I am _______, thank you, and ____?
Henry: I am _______. ________ is this?
Mary: Oh, this is Paul, my friend. He _______ from America!
Henry: Oh, he comes ____ America! How wonderful! Where do ____ live in America, Paul?
Paul: ___ live in New York!
Henry: Wow! New York! So you ____ American!
Paul: Yes, I ____ American.
Henry: How ____ are you Paul?
Paul: I ____ 22.
Henry: Nice to _____ you, Paul!
Paul: ____ to meet you Sir.
Henry: Have a _____ day!
Paul: You too, bye ____
Henry: Bye bye!

Les articles indéfinis A / AN (= un, une)

En anglais, il n’y a pas de féminin ou masculin. On choisit l’article indéfini « A » ou « An » en fonction
de la 1ère lettre du mot qui suit.

VOWELS (voyelles) AN CONSONANTS (consonnes) A

Si la 1ère lettre du mot Si la 1ère lettre du mot
qui suit est une voyelle, qui suit est une
alors, l’article indéfini consonne, alors,
sera l’article indéfini sera
« AN » «A»
Ex : an apple Ex : a banana
5. Mettez le bon article indéfini devant chaque mot.
__ old man __ girl __ man __ igloo

__ woman __ cat __ dog __ rabbit

__ boy __ couple __ airport __ family

L’article défini « THE » (= le, la, les) est valable pour le féminin, le masculin, au singulier et au pluriel.
Il se prononce de 2 manières différentes : [ze] ou [zi], dans les mêmes cas que pour l’article indéfini :

VOWELS (voyelles) THE prononcé [zi] CONSONANTS (consonnes) THE prononcé [ze]
Si la 1ère lettre Si la 1ère lettre du
du mot qui suit mot qui suit est
est une voyelle, une consonne,
alors, l’article alors, l’article
défini THE défini THE
sera sera
prononcé [zi] prononcé [ze]

Ex : the apple Ex : the banana

6. Reprenez les mots de l’exercice précédent et prononcez-les correctement en les faisant
précéder de THE.

“in” or “at” or “on” or “to”?

at the office.
Where is my coat? It is on the table. Pas de mouvement
in the cupboard.

Where are you going? I am going to the station. Mouvement

(aller en direction de)

Je suis dans la maison : I am in the house.

Je suis dans la piscine : I am in the swimming-pool.
In localisé à l’intérieur. DANS Je suis en ville (dans la ville) : I am in town.
Je suis dans mon lit : I am in my bed.
Je suis au lit (allongé dans le lit): I am in bed.
Je suis à la maison : I am at home.
Je suis (me trouve) à la piscine : I am at the swimming-pool.
At localisé à un endroit.
AU Je suis à la maison de ma sœur. I am at my sister’s house.
Je suis chez ma sœur. I am at my sister’s.
Je suis sur le toit de la maison : I am on the roof of the house.
On localisé sur un endroit. SUR
Je suis assise sur la chaise : I am sitting on the chair.

EN DIRECTION I am going to my sister’s : Je vais chez ma sœur (mouvement).

To Aller vers un endroit DE Je vais à l’école : I am going to school.
Questions Answers
What is your name?
My name is ______.
What’s your name?
I am sixteen (16) (years old).
How old are you?
I’m 16.
I live in Lille.
Where do you live?
I live in France.

I am in my room.
I am at home.
Where are you?
I am in my house.
I am at Valery’s house/ home

I play tennis 3 times a week.

I play tennis every Tuesday.
How often do you play tennis?
I play tennis every week.
I play tennis once a week.

I have been living in Lille for 16 years.

How long have you been living in Bailleul? I have been living in Lille since 1989.
I have been living in Lille since I was born.

I have lived in Lille for 16 years.

How long have you lived in Bailleul? I have lived in Lille since 1989.
I have lived in Lille since I was born.
How many persons are there? There are three (3) persons.
How many apples do you want? I want two (2) apples.
How many bottles of water do you want? I want two bottles of water.
How much money do you have? I have three Euros.
How much does it cost? It costs five Euros.
How much water do you drink per day? I drink one litre of water.
How much time do you have? I don’t have much time, only 5 minutes.

How long can you stay? I can stay five minutes.

How long have you been waiting? I have been waiting for five minutes.
Yes, I have one brother.
Have you got any brothers or sisters?
No, I haven’t got any.
Can I have some milk? Yes of course, here is some.
Can you give me some money? Yes, here it is.
Would you like some cake? Yes please.
Would you like a piece of cake? Yes, please.
Yes I do
Do you like music?
No I don’t
It is raining.
What is the weather like?
It is sunny.
What does he look like? Well, he is tall, he’s got blue eyes, brown hair...
Does he like you? Oh yes he does!
Is he like his brother? Yes he is, he has a lot in common with him.
Does he look like his brother? Yes, he is as tall as his brother.

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