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Hierarchical Task Analysis

John Annett
University of Warwick

Hierarchical task analysis is one of the most familiar of the analytical methods employed
by human factors specialists in the UK. This chapter reviews the historical origins of HTA
and explains the underlying principles and rationale. It is best regarded not so much as a
strict procedure but a generic approach to the investigation of problems of human performance
within complex, goal-directed, control systems, including those involving computers. The main
section comprises a 7-step procedural guide with illustrative examples. The chapter concludes
with a discussion of the variety of uses and a brief review of evaluation studies.


3.1.1 The Search for a Unit of Analysis
Hierarchical task analysis (HTA) was developed at the University of Hull in the late 1960s in
response to the need for a rational basis for understanding the skills required in complex nonrepetitive operator tasks, especially process control tasks such as are found in steel production,
chemical and petroleum refining, and power generation. The principal analytic tools available
up to that time were derived either from classical work study (Gilbreth, 1911; Taylor, 1911)
or skill taxonomies based on psychometric constructs. Work study provided a set of simple
units such as select, grasp, and assemble descriptive of repetitive manual operations, but
proved inadequate for mental work such as monitoring, controlling, and decision making.
Some of Gilbreths units, such as select, implied a cognitive process, but no serious attempt
was made to elaborate or analyze the underlying mental activity.
The programmed instruction movement inspired by B. F. Skinners (1954) behaviorist
theory of learning was also based on the notion that complex behavior, including intellectual
tasks such a doing mathematics, comprised a set of simple stimulus-response (S-R) units.
Intelligent behavior could, according to Skinner, be reduced to a chain of individually reinforced
S-R connections. To program a course of instruction, the teacher had to identify these



components and reinforce each individually in a carefully planned sequence in which complex
behavior was shaped in a series of small steps progressively closer approximations to the
desired behavior. In the absence of any systematic theory of cognition, the shaping of behavior
could only be empirically determined, and so analysis was seen, like the learning process itself,
as a matter of trial-and-error.
The alternative arising out of psychometric studies of motor skills (Seashore, 1951) sought
to describe work in terms of the skills and abilities required for successful task performance.
Tasks were executed by the deployment of skills such as coordination, dexterity, verbal
knowledge, spatial relations, and so on, as defined by patterns of performance on psychometric tests. The analysis of tasks in these terms might be accomplished by correlating task
performance with test results but in practice was rarely attempted. There was the added complication that these patterns were observed to change with practice (Fleishman & Hempel, 1954).
The classification of tasks in terms of supposed underlying cognitive processes continued to
provide a focus for analysis prompted by the notion of taxonomies of learning objectives such as
that of Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl (1956) or Gagne (1965). Gagnes taxonomy
comprised a hierarchy of cognitive skills, with simple S-R connections and behavioral chains
at the lowest level rising through the ability to make discriminations, to form concepts, acquire
general principles, and solve problems as progressively more complex skills. Although such
schemes attributed greater significance to cognitive processes than did Skinners behaviorism,
they suffer from the problem of all taxonomies, namely, that they are intrinsically fuzzy and
susceptible to changes in definition and fashions in the use of language.
HTA constituted a radically new approach based on functional rather than behavioral or psychometric constructs and using a fundamental unit called an operation. A functional task analysis begins by defining goals before considering actions by which the task may be accomplished.
Complex tasks are defined in terms of a hierarchy of goals and subgoals nested within higher
order goals, each goal, and the means of achieving it being represented as an operation. The key
features of an operation are the conditions under which the goal is activated (see chap. 19) and
the conditions which satisfy the goal together with the various actions which may be deployed
to attain the goal. These actions may themselves be defined in terms of subgoals. For example,
thirst may be the condition which activates the goal of having a cup of tea, and subgoals are
likely to include obtaining boiling water, a teapot with tea, and so on. By analyzing tasks in this
way, we not only avoid the awkward problem of behavioral taxonomies but focus attention on
what really matters, that is, whether the task is actually accomplished and, if not, why not. In
short, task analysis is seen not so much as a describing of actions or even cognitive processes as
such but as a systematic method of investigating problems of human performance (see chap. 1).
3.1.2 Modeling Human Performance Systems Theory
The origin of this functional approach lay in systems theory and information-processing models of human performance (see, e.g., Morgan, Cook, Chapanis, & Lund, 1963). Systems theory
sees task performance as the interaction between human and machine, the latter becoming
increasingly complex as computers and automation developed. Each have their respective
strengths and weaknesses, and overall system performance can be optimized by correct allocation of function between human and machine consistent with the performance capabilities
of each (see chaps. 6 and 22). System performance can also be analyzed in terms of the sum
of individual sources of variation, or error, in system output. Chapanis (1951) pointed out that
the relative importance of the error contributed by uncorrelated sources of variance increases
quadratically with relative size. In other words, the most effective means of improving overall system performance is to identify and deal first with factors generating the largest error



variance. These could be either the machine or the humanor indeed any identifiable feature
of their interaction, such as the visibility of displays, the dynamics of the controls, the length
of the sequence of relevant actions, the complexity of the decisions required, and many other
physical and psychological factors. HTA takes this top-down approach by first examining
high-level goals and decomposing the task into subgoals and subsubgoals, looking for those
subgoals which are more difficult to attain (i.e., generate more error) and that therefore restrict
or even prevent overall goal attainment. Feedback Theory
The functional analysis of a task into a hierarchy of operations within which are nested suboperations is compatible with the kind of information-processing model of human performance
advanced by early cognitive theorists such as Broadbent (1958) and Miller, Galanter, and
Pribram (1960). Both, in contrast to the behaviorist view, envisaged human behavior as goaldirected and essentially controlled by feedback. Although Broadbents theory concentrated
on the capacity limitations of the principal feedback loop, Miller et al. expounded the hierarchical structure of feedback loops and especially the concept of a plan. They proposed a
basic behavioral unit comprising a test of the goal state and an operate function connected in a
recursive loop such that if the goal state tests negative, then operate is triggered, but if the goal
state tests positive, then exit from the loop is permitted. This basic feedback loop was called
a Test-Operate-Test-Exit (T-O-T-E) unit. Their classic example is a T-O-T-E for hammering a
nail: The test is Is the nail flush? If negative, then hammer (operate), then test again. If
positive, then exit. Complex behavior, say, constructing a bookshelf from a self-assembly
kit, may be described as a nested hierarchy of T-O-T-E units such as Is the kit unpacked?
(if no, unpack it), Are all components present? and so on. Tasks such as controlling an acid
purification plant (Duncan, 1972) can be similarly decomposed into subgoals such as ensuring
the plant is started up, is run within safety limits, and is shut down under certain conditions, and
each of these is further unpacked to whatever level of detail the situation might demand, such
as testing for the presence of faults and adopting suitable remedial procedures. The detailed
description of the goal hierarchy is termed a plan, and this designation is adopted in HTA.
Some plans, such as cooking recipes, are simple, often comprising a set of subgoals, such
as obtaining ingredients, preparing them, and heating them, arranged in a simple sequence.
Others, such as the plans required to detect, diagnose, and remedy a fault in a nuclear power
plant, are much more complex, but they are plans nonetheless. Examples of the variety of plans
will be given later in the chapter.


3.2.1 Analysis Versus Description
The rationale for HTA springs from the ideas outlined in the previous section. The principles
on which the method is based were all present or implicit in the original statement of HTA
(Annett, Duncan, Stammers, & Gray, 1971), but they are here elaborated for clarification and
to make it easier to understand when and how to use HTA. Analysis is not just a matter
of listing the actions or the physical or cognitive processes involved in carrying out a task,
although it is likely to refer to either or both. Analysis, as opposed to description, is a procedure
aimed at identifying performance problems (i.e., sources of error) and proposing solutions.
This distinction between task description and task analysis was made by R. B. Miller (1962;
see also chap. 24), and emphasizes the purpose of analysis as providing solutions to initially
specified problems. The problem might be to design a suitable interface or perhaps decide



what kind of training to provide, and in each case the course of the analysis might be different,
depending on what kinds of information are most relevant to the question being asked.
3.2.2 Tasks and Goals
A task is any piece of work that has to be done (Shorter Oxford Dictionary, 1973). Every task
may therefore be defined in terms of its goal or goals. HTA differs radically from earlier methods
of task analysis by beginning, not with a list of activities, but by identifying the goals of the task.
It aims to provide a functional analysis rather than a behavioral description. In routine repetitive
tasks, actions vary little while the environment and purpose remain constant. In complex
tasks, the same goals may be pursued by different routes and different means, depending on
circumstances peculiar to each occasion. Simply to list actions without understanding what they
are for can be misleading. Complex systems, including those involving humans and computers,
are designed with goals in mind, and understanding how a system attains or fails to attain its
designated goal is the primary purpose of the analysis.
A goal is best stated as a specific state of affairs, formally a goal state. The goal state can
be an event or some physically observable value of one or more variables that act as criteria
of goal attainment and ultimately of system performance. At any one time, a goal may be
active or latent. Active goals are those being currently pursued, whereas latent goals are those
that may be pursued under conditions that might arise. The importance of this distinction will
become apparent when we consider the concept of a plan.
3.2.3 Decomposition and Redescription
Goals are often complex; that is, they are defined by more than one event or by values of
more than one variable. Where these can be individually identified, the analysis should specify
these component goal states by the process of decomposition. HTA envisages two kinds of
decomposition. The first comprises identifying those goal states specified by multiple criteria,
for example, to arrive at a destination (an event) having expended minimum effort (variable 1)
and with no injury (variable 2). The second kind of decomposition comprises the identification
of subgoals in any routes that may be taken in attaining the overall goal state. Goals may
be successively unpacked to reveal a nested hierarchy of goals and subgoals. This process
of decomposition, also referred to as redescription, has the benefit, according to the general
principle proposed by Chapanis (1951), of comprising an economical way of locating sources
of general system error (actual or potential) in failure to attain specific subgoals.
3.2.4 Operations, Input-Action-Feedback
An operation is the fundamental unit of analysis. An operation is defined by its goal(s) (or
goals). It is further specified by (a) the circumstances in which the goal is activated (the I nput),
(b) the activities (Action) that contribute to goal attainment, and (c) the conditions indicating
goal attainment (Feedback); hence operations are sometimes referred to as I-A-F units. As
shown in the introduction, operations are equivalent to T-O-T-E units (Miller et al., 1960) in
that they are feedback (or servo) loops. Just as goals may be decomposed into constituent subgoals, so operations may be decomposed into constituent suboperations arranged in a nested
hierarchy. Suboperations are included within higher order (or superordinate) operations, the
attainment of each subgoal making a unique contribution to the attainment of superordinate
goals. The suboperations comprising a superordinate operation should be mutually exclusive and collectively comprise an exhaustive statement of the subgoals and superordinate



An action can be understood as an injunction (or instruction) to do something under specified

circumstances, as illustrated by the T-O-T-E for hammering a nail into a piece of wood. Input
and feedback both represent states or tests in the Miller et al. formulation. These states register
either error, therefore requiring action, or the cancellation of error, signaling the cessation
of that action (operate in Miller et als [1960] terminology). An action can be understood
formally as a transformation rule (Annett, 1969, pp. 165169), that is, a specification of how
a servo responds to an error signal and its cancellation. For example, in a manual tracking
task, the transformation rule can be specified by an equation, known as a transfer function,
which quantifies the control output required to correct for an error signal of given direction
and magnitude (McRuer & Krendel, 1959). This is, however, a special case, and normally,
for example in self-assembly kits, computer software handbooks, and cookbooks, instructions
are specified using commonly understood verbs. Some verbs (e.g., chamfer, defragment, and
marinate) form part of a technical vocabulary and may need to be redescribed in simpler terms
(how does one chamfer wood, defragment a computer disc, or marinate meat?), and each
redescription comprises a set of suboperations.
3.2.5 Plans
As indicated above, suboperations collectively redescribe their superordinate operation, but
typically we need to know not only the constituent suboperations but the order, if any, in
which they should be carried out (e.g., To chamfer, first secure the piece to be chamfered,
then obtain a suitable file . . .). The specification of the rule, or rules, governing the order in
which suboperations should be carried out is called a plan. Plans can be of various types, the
commonest being simply a fixed sequence or routine procedure, such as do this, then this,
then this, and so on. Another common type of plan specifies a selective rule or decision: If
x is the case, do this. If y is the case, do that. These two types of plan are significant because
they imply knowledge on the part of the operator. The required knowledge may be simple
procedural knowledge or extensive declarative knowledge of the environment, the limits and
capabilities of the machine, safety rules, and much else besides. In this respect, HTA anticipated
the requirement for what is now known as cognitive task analysis (Schraagen, Chipman, &
Shalin, 2000; chap. 15).
A third distinct type of plan requires two or more operations to be pursued in parallel. In
other words, the superordinate goal cannot be attained unless two or more subordinate goals
are attained at the same time. Such a plan is known as a time-sharing or dual task plan, and
this type of plan also has significant cognitive implications for the division of attention (e.g.,
chaps. 14 and 15) and in the case of team operations the distribution of information between
team members acting together. When a goal becomes active, its subordinate goals become
active according to the nature of the plan. For example, in a fixed sequence, the goal of each
suboperation becomes active as the previous subgoal is attained. Where the plan involves a
selective rule, only those goals become active that are specified by the application of the rule;
the rest remain latent. In a time-sharing plan, two or more goals are simultaneously active.
3.2.6 Stop Rules
The decomposition of goal hierarchies and the redescription of operations and suboperations
might continue indefinitely without the use of a stop rule specifying the level of detail beyond
which no further redescription is of use. The ultimate stop rule is just that: Stop when you have
all the information you need to meet the purposes of the analysis. However, since the general
purpose of HTA is to identify sources of actual or potential performance failure a general stop
rule is common: Stop when the product of the probability of failure ( p) and the cost of failure



(c) is judged acceptable. This is known as the p c criterion (Annett & Duncan, 1967), and its
prime benefit is that it keeps the analytical work down to the minimal amount and focuses the
attention of the analyst on those aspects of the task that are critical to overall system success.
In practice, lack of empirical data may mean that p and c can only be estimated, but it is the
product of the two that is crucial to the decision to stop or continue decomposition. The obvious
reason for stopping is that the source of error has been identified and the analyst can propose a
plausible remedy in terms of either system design, operating procedures, or operator training
(i.e., by redesigning the cognitive task).


HTA is a flexible tool that can be adapted to a variety of situations and needs. Data may be
derived from any number of different sources (chap. 1), the analysis can be continued to any
desired level of detail, and there is no rigid prescription of how the results may be used. HTA
can nevertheless be carried out in a number of different ways that may involve greater or
lesser attention to individual steps in the fundamental procedure outlined below. In general,
the benefits of HTA, and its reliability and validity, are proportional to the effort that goes
into following this procedure. The analyst is nevertheless entitled to trade off effort for value
by shortening or adapting the procedure to suit specific needs. Some ways of doing this are
mentioned. The steps are summarized in Table 3.1.
3.3.1 Step 1: Decide the Purpose(s) of the Analysis
The purpose of the analysis has important implications for the way in which it is carried
out, including the preferred data collection procedures, the depth of the analysis, and the
kinds of solutions (results) that can be offered. Typical purposes are designing a new system,
troubleshooting and modifying an existing system, and developing operator training all of
which involve the design or redesign of the operators tasks. System Design
Special considerations may include the design of the equipment interface and operating procedures and manning with the aim of optimizing workload and minimizing errors. Few designs
are totally novel, and, as suggested by Lim and Long (1994), an analysis of a comparable
extant system may prove useful in identifying difficulties to be avoided in the new design.
In the case of an extant design, relevant data may be collected from records of performance,
errors, and accidents; from the views of expert users, supervisors, and managers; and by direct
observation. Depending on the observed, reported, or even anticipated symptoms of failure,
the analysts attention may well focus on particular aspects of the task, such as displays, communications, complex decision rules or heuristics to be employed, and the number and roles of
operators required for successful system performance. Where relevant data are not available,
limited hierarchical decomposition, as recommended by Ormerod (2000), may be helpful in
drawing attention to possible sources of error. Some error prediction methods, such as Task
Analysis for Error Identification (TAFEI) by Baber and Stanton (1994; chap. 18), use HTA as a
first stage, but the accuracy with which errors can be predicted will depend on the quality of the
information available for the analysis. Particular attention should be paid to operations that play
a critical role in system performance, and reference to published ergonomic design standards
may be valuable. In general, the analysis and report should address the sponsors questions.



Principal Steps in Conducting HTA

Step Number

Notes and Examples

1. Decide the purpose(s) of the analysis

1. Design of system/interface/operating procedures/manning.

2. Determine training content/method.

2. Get agreement between stakeholders on

the definition of task goals and criterion

1. Stakeholders may include designers, managers, supervisors,

instructors, operators.
2. Concentrate on system values and outputs.
3. Agree performance indicators and criteria.

3. Identify sources of task information and

select means of data acquisition

1. What sources as are available? e.g. direct observation,

walk-through, protocols, expert interviews, operating procedures
and manuals, performance records, accident data, simulations.

4. Acquire data and draft decomposition


1. Account for each operation in terms of input, action, feedback and

goal attainment criteria and identify plans.
2. Sub-operations should be (a) mutually exclusive (b) exhaustive
3. Ask not only what should happen but what might happen.
Estimate probability and cost of failures.

5. Re-check validity of decomposition with


1. Stakeholders invited to confirm analysis, especially identified

goals and performance criteria.
2. Revert to step 4 until misinterpretations and omissions have been

6. Identify significant operations in light of

purpose of analysis

1. Identify operations failing p c criterion

2. Identify operations having special characteristics, e.g. high
work-load, requiring teamwork, specialist knowledge etc.
1. Consider sources of failure attributable to skills, rules and
2. Refer to current theory/best practice to provide plausible solutions.
3. Confirm validity of proposed solutions whenever possible.

7. Generate and, if possible, test hypotheses

concerning factors affecting learning and
performance Training
The intended product of the analysis is also important in determining the appropriate stop rule.
To produce a fully documented training program for novices, the level of detail may need to
be capable of generating very specific how-to instructions in plain language. If the purpose
is to identify the type of training required, the analysis should identify operations and plans
of particular types that are thought to respond to particular training methods. For example,
where inputs are perceptually or conceptually complex, special recognition exercises may be
required, or where procedures are especially critical, operating rules and heuristics and system
knowledge will need to be learned (Duncan, 1972). In summary, the analysis should anticipate
the kinds of results which would provide answers to the original questions such as design
recommendations, training syllabi and so on.
3.3.2 Step 2: Definition of Task Goals
Task performance, by definition, is goal-directed behavior, and it is therefore crucial to the
analysis to establish what the performance goals are and how one would know whether these
goals have been attained. A common mistake is to take this question to be about observed
operator behavior, such as using a particular method, rather than performance outcomes, such



as frequency of errors and out-of-tolerance products. Bear in mind that the effort of analysis
is ultimately justified by evidence of the outcomes of performance, an issue that is taken up
again in the section on validity.
Different stakeholders (designers, trainers, supervisors, and operators) can sometimes have
subtly different goals. It is better to identify problems of this kind early in the analysis by
thorough discussion with all the relevant stakeholders. If goals appear to be incompatible,
the analyst can sometimes act as a catalyst in resolving these issues but should not impose
a solution without thorough discussion (see also chap. 1). As the decomposition proceeds,
more detailed goals and more specific criterion measures are identified, and it can emerge that
different operators with ostensibly the same overall purpose have slightly different plans (ways
of doing things) that may imply different subgoals. Objective performance measures provide
the opportunity to compare methods in terms of superordinate criteria.
For any goal, the key questions, which may be asked in many different forms, are these:
(a) What objective evidence will show that this goal has been attained? and (b) What are the
consequences of failure to attain this goal? Answers to the first question can form the basis of
objective performance measures that may subsequently be used in evaluating any design modifications or training procedures proposed on the basis of the analysis. Answers to the second
question may be used to evaluate the p c criterion and hence the degree of detail of the analysis. Answers to both questions form the essential basis for agreement about the system goals. If
goals cannot be stated in these objective terms, then the sponsors and stakeholders are unclear
about the purposes of the system, and the validity of the entire analysis is called in question.
3.3.3 Step 3: Data Acquisition
Classical work study methods were typically based on direct observation. However, HTA is
concerned with the functional aspects of the task, and actual behavior may not always be
the best guide. If the purpose is to look for ways to improve operator performance on an
existing system, records of actual operator performance, including both the methods used by
operators and measures of success or failure, will be important. Errors may be rare, but critical
incident data can provide useful insights into the origins of performance failure (chap. 16). If
the purpose is to make recommendations on a new design, then data relating to comparable
(e.g., precursor) tasks may be helpful, but the designers intentions are critical. In the absence
of actual performance data, the analyst should challenge the designer with what-if questions
(see chaps. 5 and 21) to estimate the consequences of performance failure. Sometimes data
concerning performance on preexisting systems or comparable tasks may prove useful.
Preferred sources of data will clearly vary considerably between analyses. Interviewing the
experts is often the best way to begin, particularly if the interviews focus on system goals,
failures, and shortcomings. Direct observation may provide confirmatory information but, especially in the case of nonroutine tasks, may yield relatively little information concerning
uncommon events that may be critical. Formal performance records such as logs and flight
recorders may be available, especially in safety-critical systems, but these are often designed
primarily with engineering objectives in mind, and the human contribution to system performance can sometimes be difficult to determine from a mass of recorded data. Doing focused
interviews with recognized experts aimed at identifying performance problems is often the
only practicable method of obtaining estimates of the frequency and criticality of key behaviors. In some cases, where the informants are unclear about what would happen in certain
circumstances and what would be the most effective operator strategy, it may be helpful to
run experimental trials or simulations. In one (personally observed) case where even skilled
operators were not clear about the cues used in reaching an important decision, an experiment
was run in which the effects of blocking certain sources of information were observed. In



0. Inspect
Instruments &
Locate Fault

1. Restore column
10 feed

1.2.1. Close
inlet valve to
pump in use

2. Report
empty feed

1.1. Try start

switch of pump
in use

1.2. Change over

to stand-by pump

1.3. Report
need for pump

1.2.2. Close
outlet valve
from pump in

1.2.3. Open
inlet valve to
stand-by pump

1.2.4. Start
stand-by pump

outlet valve
from stand-by

FIG. 3.1. Section of the goal hierarchy for an acid distillation plant operators task.

this instance, it was determined that the operators were unconsciously using the sound of the
machinery rather than the sight of the product to reach a key decision.
3.3.4 Step 4: Acquire Data and Draft a Decomposition
Table or Diagram
In general, the more independent sources of data consulted, the greater the guarantee of validity
of the analysis. It is all too easy to think of operations simply as actions. The critical goal of HTA
is to be able to relate what operators do (or are recommended to do) and why they do it and the
consequences if it is not done correctly. Only when this is thoroughly understood is it possible
to create a meaningful diagram or table (see Fig. 3.1 and Table 3.2). A useful logical check on
the validity of a proposed decomposition table is that all suboperations must be (a) mutually
exclusive and (b) exhaustive (i.e., must completely define the superordinate operation).
The use of standard notation generally helps in the construction of tables and diagrams as
well as the interpretation of results, and it can also improve communication between analysts
and stakeholders. The recommended notation system provides for each identified operation a
unique number that may be used in both diagrams and tables. The notation should also specify
plans and indicate stops. Stops represent the most detailed level of the analysis, typically the
level that is most relevant to the results of the search and the recommendations for further
Both tabular and diagrammatic formats have their advantages, and typically both are used.
The diagrammatic format (see Fig. 3.1) often helps to make clear the functional structure
of the task whereas the tabular format (see Table 3.2) is more economical of space and facilitates
the recording of supplementary notes, queries, and recommendations. Individual operations
are normally numbered with 0 standing for the top-level goal, in effect the title of the task,
and suboperations being numbered in the order of description (which is not necessarily the
same as the order of execution). Thus operations 1, 2, and 3 would be the three principal
suboperations of task 0; 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 would be the three suboperations into which operation
1 is decomposed; and 2.1 and 2.2 would be the two suboperations into which operation 2 is
decomposed. Each additional digit indicates a new level of decomposition. In the diagrammatic


Extracts from the Tabular Format Identifying those Operations Likely to Cause Problems
and Offering Recommendations


Problems and Recommendations

0. Inspect instruments & locate fault. 1/2

Input: Need to learn location and function of up to 50 control panel

instruments and 128 hand-operated valves throughout plant and
recognise fault pattern.
Feedback: Only available when fault indicators restored to normal
following correct diagnosis.
Action: Diagnosis required within 3 minutes.
Plan: restore feed to column 10 OR report empty feed tank.
Recommendations: (1) improve labelling of control valves. (2) Provide
decision tree to optimise search strategy. (3) Simulation of possible
fault patterns for training. Methods could be (a) rote learning of
patterns & remedies or (b) technical story training plus practice.

1. Restore column feed. 1/2 + 3

Plan: try start switch of pump in use OR change over to stand-by pump
AND report need for pump repair.

1.2. Change over to stand-by pump.


Action: Essential to follow correct sequence due to danger of acid spill.

Plan: follow strict sequence (sub-operations 15)
Recommendation: Correct sequence to be thoroughly memorised.

format, a vertical line descends from the superordinate operation to a horizontal line covering
the set of suboperations into which it is expanded.
Plans are implicit in the decomposition structure, but they can be made more explicit by
adding the appropriate algorithm to the diagram . A succinct way of presenting four basic types
of plan in the diagram was employed by Annett, Cunningham, and Mathias-Jones (2000); it is
shown in Fig. 3.1. The symbol > is used to indicate a sequence, / to represent an either/or
decision, + to represent dual or parallel operations, and : to represent multiple operations
in which timing and order are not critical. The lowest or most detailed level of decomposition,
being often the most important level of description, is typically indicated in the diagram by
some feature of the box, such as the double sidebars in Fig. 3.1, and may be similarly indicated
in the table by a typographic variant, such as boldface.

3.3.5 Step 5: Recheck Validity of Decomposition

with Stakeholders
Stakeholders, especially those unfamiliar with HTA, sometimes change their minds as the
analysis proceeds. By thinking about the task, they may realize that events do not always
occur in a standard way or that something that has never been known to happen just could.
For this reason, an iterative process is recommended wherever possible, with the full analysis
being developed over a series of interviews and by cross-checking between sources such as
training manuals and experienced operators (see chap. 2). The process of cross-checking not
only provides the best guarantee of the reliability of the completed analysis but encourages
the stakeholders to develop a sense of ownership of the analysis and consequently to share
responsibility for recommendations arising from the results.



3.3.6 Step 6: Identify Significant Operations

It is common in decomposition methods used by large organizations, such as the military, to
adopt a fixed number of levels, such as job, task, and subtask, but this means that some parts of
the task may be described in unnecessary detail whilst others require more. As a general rule,
the recommended criterion (the stop rule) is to stop the analysis of any given operation when the
probability of performance failure multiplied by the cost to the system of performance failure
( p c) is acceptably low. The rationale for this general rule is that the analysis is essentially
a search process aimed at identifying significant sources of actual or potential system failure,
so when no more sources can be identified, then clearly the analysis should cease. However,
modifications to this general rule may be made in certain circumstances. For example, when
the analysis is part of the design process, it may be desirable to stop at a level that is device
independent, specifying the component operations functionally but leaving open exactly how
these operations will be implemented in terms of equipment or software (see Lim & Long,
1994; Ormerod, Richardson, & Shepherd, 1998).
Different stopping rules may serve different purposes. For example, Crawley (1982) used
a form of HTA, referred to as overview task analysis (OTA), in a study of air traffic control.
The analysis was stopped at tasks that could be readily identified and judged by controllers as
having certain characteristics, such as being particularly demanding or especially satisfying,
that provided a basis for deciding whether automation should be considered. Annett et al.
(2000) analyzed naval antisubmarine warfare command team tasks in sufficient detail to identify
certain types of teamwork such as operations depending critically on intra-team communication
or discussion, active collaboration, or the synchronization of actions.
3.3.7 Step 7: Generate and, If Possible, Test Hypotheses
Concerning Task Performance
HTA is principally carried out on the assumption that it is a tool to be used by a specialist
who is looking for particular classes of problem and has a range of optional recommendations
available. The analysis provides a means of generating hypotheses concerning the likely sources
of actual or potential failure to meet overall task goals and to propose appropriate solutions.
It must be clearly understood that HTA as a method does not itself include a set of diagnostic
categories nor a set of acceptable solutions to the problems identified. These will depend on
the predilections and technical capabilities of the analyst. HTA simply provides an efficient
procedure for identifying sources of actual or potential performance failure. However, Reasons
(1990) classification of human error, based on Rasmussens (1983) taxonomy of skill-based,
rule-based, and knowledge-based performance, may be helpful in this context. The analyst is
prompted to develop hypotheses to account for failures and propose practical solutions, but
these are to be regarded as hypotheses that should be put to the test, since testing is the only
way to guarantee that the analysis is valid.


3.4.1 A Process Control Task
This analysis was carried out by Keith Duncan as part of the University of Hull Task Analysis
project and is described more fully in Duncan (1972). The tabular format has been changed
from the original to something closer to the notation recommended here. The problem was
to devise a training program to teach process operators to locate and cure faults in an acetic
acid distillation plant. Figure 3.1 shows a section of the goal hierarchy, and Table 3.2 presents



some of the notes derived from the analysis. The presence of a fault is normally indicated by
one or more clear alarms, and the physical actions, such as throwing a switch or closing a
valve, are mostly simple. A core problem was learning the identity and function of around 50
instruments in the control room plus a further 128 control valves located throughout the plant
and learning a large number of possible symptom patterns and their remedies. This was made
especially difficult by variable time delays between corrective action and the restoration of
normal function and by the possibility of compounding failure due to faulty diagnosis. Three
minutes was regarded as the maximum allowable time for diagnosis. Note also a changeover
to a standby pump was potentially dangerous if the necessary steps were not carried out in the
correct order. As regards training solutions, there was a clear need for some form of simulation
because it could take many months of on-the-job experience to be exposed to a representative
range of faults and variable feedback delay in the confirmation of diagnosis, to say nothing of
the danger of misdiagnosis. Three possible training solutions were suggested and subsequently
tested experimentally, and in addition suggestions were offered concerning a labeling system
to make it easier to identify the control valves.
3.4.2 A Naval Team Task
Table 3.3 shows in tabular form part of the analysis of a task carried out by the antisubmarine
warfare team in the operations room of a warship. It is described more fully in Annett et al.
(2000). The team comprises the principal warfare officer (PWO), the active sonar director
(ASD), and the action picture supervisor (AcPS), all located in the ships operations room.
They are also in touch with the officer of the watch (OOW) and the electronic warfare director
(EWD) elsewhere on the ship and in other platforms, such as the helicopter (Helo) and maritime
patrol aircraft (MPA). The overall aim of the team is to defend a highly valued unit (e.g., a
troopship) by identifying and responding appropriately to submarine threats picked up by the
ships sensors. The purpose of this analysis was to be able to identify and provide objective
measures of key team skills. The team members were already proficient in their individual
skills, and the table shows only some of the critical team operations. The notes indicate the
goal of each suboperation and criterion measure and include a plain language statement of the
nature of the teamwork involved. To identify threats (1.1), the team must, at the same time,
scan for possible threats (1.1.1) and classify threats (1.1.2), of which more than one could be
present at any given time. One possible classification is an Immediate Threat (
Having identified these and other critical team behaviors, their occurrence was observed
during simulator-based exercises. An objective scoring system was then based on five types of
team behavior, including sending and receiving information, discussing ambiguous data and
courses of action, collaborating in the execution of a plan, and synchronizing team actions. At
the time of writing (spring 2003), the Royal Navy is in the process of evaluating the method
as a means of objectively assessing collective performance.
3.5.1 Uses of HTA
HTA has been used in a wide variety of contexts for the full range of problems that confront human factors practitioners. Shepherd (2001) cites a range of examples including simple
procedural tasks, such as changing a printer cartridge, using a word processor and the supermarket checkout task, through fine motor skills of minimal access (keyhole) surgery to air
traffic control and management tasks. In a survey of 30 task analysis studies in the defence
industry Ainsworth and Marshall (1998) found 2 cases of its use in system procurement, 7 for



Extracts from an HTA(T) of an Anti-submarine Warfare team. From Annett et. al. (2000)

Team Operation

Notes on Teamwork

1.1.1. Scan for threats

Goal: To ensure no potential threat goes undetected.

Measure: Reporting response time of individuals to whom stimuli
have been presented. Some contacts ignored because they are thought
to be irrelevant (e.g., an aircraft track)
Teamwork: All members alert to sources of information. Sources include
sonar contacts or visual sightings and from own ship or other platform. The ASD and the AcPS monitor sonar contacts and are best able
to take action on a submarine contact or a torpedo. EWD monitors
ESM, AcPS monitors for riser/sinker and with Helo for feather and
team members should monitor voice circuits for Helo or MPA reports.
PWO ultimately responsible for ensuring vigilance and team members
awareness of possible threats.
Plan: Scanning is continuous throughout the exercise.

1.1.2. Classify threats [1/2 > 3]

An immediate threat, an approaching torpedo has to be identified as

such. A contact from whatever source is usually ambiguous and team
must put together available data to arrive at the most likely
identification. Classifying at certain levels (possub1, possub2 etc.)
has consequences for subsequent actions . Grading system may be
used incorrectly.
Classification categories are possub lo 1, lo 2, hi 3 etc. hi4, probsub
(needs more informatione.g., acoustic information) then to certsub
when a qualified observer actually sees it.
Goal: Identify immediate threat. Correctly classify all contacts.
Measure: Frequency of correct classification. Time to make correct
Teamwork: Normally classification is a matter of discussion between
PWO, ASWD and CO. Incorrect or missing information may result
in late or incorrect classification.
Plan: If threat is immediate (torpedo) go to [], else go to chart
check. [], then [] Identify Immediate Threat


Goal: Recognition of an immediate threate.g., a torpedo trackand

give correct range & bearing.
Measure: Immediate threat correctly recognised and correct
bearing/range given.
Teamwork: PWO must be adequately informed by other team members.
In case of Torpedo Counter Measure (TCM) OOW is responsible.
Plan: Requires immediate response (e.g., TCM). Go to [1.2].

manpower analysis, 9 for interface design, 5 for operability assessment and 2 instances of its
use in specifying training.
Duncan (1972) described the use of HTA in the design of training for process control operators in the petrochemical industry (see section 3.4.1). Other uses include assessing workload
and manning requirements (Fewins, Mitchell, & Williams, 1992; Penington, Joy, & Kirwan,
1992). The cognitive task problems identified by the analysis were dealt with by a combination
of interface design, changes in staffing levels, and automation. Crawley (1982) used an abbreviated version of HTA to identify critical air traffic control tasks, and Annett et al. (2000) used



a variant of HTA to identify critical team functions. Shepherd (2001) outlined the application
of HTA to production teams, supervision of an automatic railway, and collaboration between
members of medical teams. HTA has also been used for the purpose of hazard assessment and
error prediction (Baber & Stanton, 1994; Penington, 1992; Reed, 1992).
HTA was recommended as a precursor to systematic design by Lim and Long (1994) in their
Method for Usability Engineering (MUSE). Ormerod (2000) also advocated a modified version
of HTA, called the Sub-Goal Template (SGT) method (chap. 17), as part of the design process.
The decomposition proceeds down to the level at which the specification of an operation is
independent of any specific equipment or interface design. This approach frees the designer to
consider a range of design possibilities.
The principle of hierarchical goal decomposition first developed in HTA has become widely
used in a number of well-known HCI methods, including Goals, Operators, Methods, and
Selection rules (GOMS; Card, Moran, & Newell, 1983; chap. 4) and knowledge analysis of
tasks (KAT; Johnson & Johnson, 1991). In addition, task analysis for knowledge description
(TAKD; Diaper, 2001; Diaper & Johnson, 1989) explicitly incorporate the essentials of HTA
into an extended methodology (see also chaps. 12, 15, 19, and 27).
3.5.2 Usability, Validity, and Reliability
It is reasonable to expect that the same standards of usability should apply to the methods used
by human factors specialists as apply to the objects of their studies. Ainsworth and Marshalls
(1998) survey found that training in the use of HTA is somewhat variable, and it appears that
some practitioners neglect some of the important steps outlined in this chapter. Ainsworth and
Marshall also noted that it appeared that the most insightful analyses were undertaken by
analysts who had the most human factors experience (p. 1617).
Stanton and Young (1998) surveyed the use of 27 methods, including HTA, used by professional ergonomists. The consensus view was that HTA was useful but time consuming and
required more training and practice than most others. These findings were confirmed by giving
engineering students training and practice in 11 of the most commonly used methods, including HTA. Patrick, Gregov, and Halliday (2000) reported a study in which a small sample of
students received training in the main features of HTA and were then required to draw up an
analysis of painting a door or making a cup of tea. Their analyses were then scored on 13
criteria dealing with the principal features of the method. Overall performance was found to be
poor, particularly in respect of the students ability to construct an adequate hierarchy. A second study using the same population and tasks but with enhanced training generated analyses
of higher quality although still not without problems. These results confirm the conclusions
reached by Ainsworth and Marshall (1998) and Stanton and Young (1998)that HTA is far
from simple and takes both expertise and practice to administer effectively.
Evidence from these studies suggests that careful attention to the basic steps summarized
in Table 3.1 is recommended as the best guarantee of validity and reliability. In particular
keeping the purpose of the study in sight throughout is crucial to the validity of the analysis.
The ultimate test of validity lies in Step 7, the empirical test of the hypotheses on which the
recommendations are based. Sadly, such results are rarely, if ever, reported. Reliability rests
principally on the skills of the analyst in extracting and cross-checking data from various
sources (Step 3) and on consultation with stakeholders (in Step 5). A good analyst will always
pursue and try to resolve apparent disagreement between informants or inconsistencies in the
data. In this way reliability can be maximised. There are many practical reasons why direct
evidence of the validity and reliability of HTA, in common with other analytical methods,
is scarce, but perhaps the best evidence that HTA has been found a valuable tool lies in its
continued use in a wide variety of contexts over the past 30 years.



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