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Faculty of Engineering Technology
S.C BLOCK ,Gzb (U.P )
Question bank
Heat and Mass Transfer (HMT) EME-504

Q-1 What is Fourier's Law of heat conduction and in detail?
Q-2. Derive general heat conduction equation in Cartesian co-ordinate for
homogeneous and isotropic material.
Q-3. Derive general heat conduction equation in cylindrical co-ordinate for
homogeneous and isotropic material
Q-4 Derive the expression for heat conduction through hollow and composite
Q-5 The composite wall of furnace is made up with 120mm fire clay
[k=0.25(1+0.0009t) w/mC] and 600mm of red brick (k=0.8w/mC).the inside
surface temperature is 1250C and the outside temperature is 40C.determine:
(i) The temperature at the layer interface and .
(ii) The loss for 1m2 of surface wall.
Q-6 A pipe consists of 100 mm internal diameter and 8 mm thickness carries
steam at 170C. The convective heat transfer coefficient on the inner surface of
pipe is 75 W/m C. The pipe is insulated by two layers of insulation. The first
layer of insulation is 46 mm in thickness having thermal conductivity of 0.14
W/mC. The second layer of insulation is also 46 mm in thickness having
thermal conductivity of 0.46 W/mC. Ambient air temperature 33C. The
convective heat transfer coefficient from the outer surface of pipe12 W/mC.
Thermal conductivity of steam pipe 46 W/mC. Calculate the heat loss per unit

length of pipe and .Determine the interface temperatures. Suggest the materials
used for insulation.
Q-6 Discuss the effects of various parameters on the thermal conductivity of
Q-7 Derive the expression of overall heat transfer coefficient.
Q-8 A reactor wall ,320mm thick ,is made up of an inner layer of fire brick
(k=0.84w/mC) covered with a layer of insulation (k=0.16w/mC).the reactor
operate at a temperature of 1325C and the ambient temperature is 25C.
(i) Determine the thickness of fire brick and insulation which gives minimum
heat loss.
(ii) calculate the heat loss pressuring that the insulating materials
maximum temperature of 1200C.

has a

Q-9. A furnace wall consists of three layers. The inner layer of 10 cm thickness
is made of firebrick =1.04 W/mK). The intermediate layer of 25 cm thickness is
made of masonry (k brick (k = 0.69 W/mK) followed by a 5 cm thick concrete
wall (k = 1.37 W/mK). When the furnace is in continuous operation the inner
surface of the furnace is at 800C while the outer concrete surface is at 50C.
Calculate the rate of heat loss per unit area of the wall, the temperature at the
interface of the firebrick and masonry brick and the temperature at the interface
of the masonry brick and concrete.
Q-10 An electrical wire of 10 m length and 1 mm diameter dissipates 200 W in
air at 25C. The convection heat transfer coefficient between the wire surface
and air is 15 W/m2 K. Calculate the critical radius of insulation and also
determine the temperature of the wire if it is insulated to the critical thickness of
Q-11. Explain the different modes of heat transfer with appropriate expressions.
Q-12 A composite wall consists. of 10 cm thick layer of building brick, k = 0.7
W/mK and 3 cm thick plaster, k = 0.5 W/mK. An insulating material of k = 0.08
W/mK is to be added to reduce the heat transfer through the wall by 40%. Find
its thickness.
Q-13 Derive the expression for heat conduction through hollow and composite

Q-14 A 3 cm OD steam pipe is to be covered with two layers of insulation each

having a thickness of 2.5 cm. The average thermal conductivity of one
insulation is 5 times that of the other. Determine the percentage decrease in heat
transfer if better insulating material is next to pipe than it is the outer layer.
Assume that the outside and inside temperatures of composite insulation are
Q-15 Explain briefly the concept of critical thickness of insulation and state
any two applications of the same.
Q-16 Derive the expression for heat conduction through hollow and composite
Q-17 A composite wall is formed of a 2.5 cm copper plate (k = 355 W/m.K), a
3.2 mm layer of asbestos (k = 0.110 W/m.K) and a 5 cm layer of fiber plate (k =
0.049 W/m.K). The wall is subjected to an overall temperature difference of
560C (560C on the Cu plate side and OC on the fiber plate side). Estimate
the heat flux through this composite wall and the interface temperature between
asbestos and fiber plate.
Q-18 (i)Define the thermal conductivity. How do thermal conductivity of gases
and liquids vary with temperature?
(ii)What do understand by combined heat transfer mechanism? Explain.
Q-19. Derive general heat conduction equation in spherical co-ordinate for
homogeneous and isotropic material.
Q-20 A steel pipe of 100mm bore and 7mm wall thickness, carrying steam at
2600C, is insulated with 40mm of glass wool carrying, this covering in turn
insulated with 60mm of asbestos felt. the atmospheric temperature is 30 0C .the
heat transfer coefficient for the inside and outside surface are 550 and15W/M2
respectively, and the thermal conductivity of steel, glass wool ,asbestos
felt are 50,0.09 and 0.07W/M2 0C respectively .calculate followings.
(i)Rate of heat loss per unit length of pipe.
(ii)Temperature of each cross section of the pipe.
Q-21. What is insulation and derive an expression for critical radius of
insulation for cylinder and sphere.
Q-22. A furnace wall is made up of three layers of thickness 200mm,100mm
and 150mm with thermal conductivities of 1.65, K and 9.2w/m 0C respectively.
the inside is exposed to gases at 1250 0C with a convection coefficient of

25W/m2 0C and the inside surface is at 11000C ,the outside surface exposed to
air at 250C with convection coefficient of 12W/m2 0C .Determine

The unknown thermal conductivity( K )

The overall heat transfer coefficient.

All surface temperatures.

Q-23 (i) What is Lap lace equation for heat flow?

(ii)What is Poisson's equation for heat flow?
Q-24 Derive the expression for heat transfer plane wall with uniform heat
Q-25 What is thermal contact resistance and explain in details with the help of
Q-1. Derive the governing differential equation for the one dimensional heat
flow in fins.
Q-2 Derive an expression for the temperature distribution and heat transfer rate
for a rectangular fin in case of infinitely long fin.
Q-3. A long rod is exposed to air at 298C. It is heated at one end. At steady
state conditions, the temperature at two points along the rod separated by 120
mm is found to be 130C and 110C respectively. The diameter of the rod is 25
mm ID and its thermal conductivity is 116 W/mC. Calculate the heat transfer
coefficient at the surface of the rod and also the heat transfer rate.
Q-4.An aluminum rod (k =204 W/mK) 2 cm in diameter and 20 cm long
protrudes from a wall which is maintained at 300C. The end of the rod is
insulated and the surface of the rod is exposed to air at 30C. The heat transfer
coefficient between the rod's surface and air is 10 W/m 2K. Calculate the heat
lost by the rod and the temperature of the rod at a distance of 10 cm from the
Q-5 Derive an expression for the temperature distribution and heat transfer rate
for a rectangular fin with tip of a fin.

Q-6 A large iron plate of 10 cm thickness and originally at 800C is suddenly

exposed to an environment at OC where the convection coefficient is 50 W/m 2
K. Calculate the temperature at a depth of 4 cm from one of the faces 100
seconds after the plate is exposed to the
environment. How much energy has been lost per unit area of the plate during
this time?
Q-7. Circumferential aluminum fins of rectangular profile (1.5cm wide and
1mm thick) are fitted on to a 90 mm engine cylinder with a pitch of 10mm. The
height of the cylinder is 120 mm. The cylinder base temperature before and
after fitting the fins are 200C and 150C respectively. Take ambient at 30C
and h(average) =100 W/m K. Estimate the heat dissipated from the finned and
the unfinned surface areas of cylinder body.
Q-8 A 6 cm long copper rod (k = 300 W/mK) 6mm in diameter is exposed to an
environment at 20C. The base temperature of the rod is maintained at 160C.
The heat transfer co-efficient is 20 W/m K. Calculate the heat given by the rod
and efficiency and effectiveness of the rod.
Q-9 Define the Biot and Fourier numbers and explain in details.
Q-10 What is meant lumped capacity? What are the physical assumptions
necessary for a lumped capacity unsteady state analysis to apply?
Q-11.Two longs rod of the same diameter, one made of brass (k=85w/m 0C )
and other made of copper (k=375w/m0C) haves one of their ends inserted into
the furnace .Both of the rods are exposed to the same environment. at a distance
105mm away from the furnace end ,the temperature of the brass rod is 120
what distance from the furnace ends the same temperature would be reached in
copper rod?
Q-12. What is Newtonian heating or cooling process?
Q-13 Give examples for Transient heat transfer and explain in details one of
Q-14. (i) What are Heisler chart?
(ii) What is the function of insulating materials?

Q-15-A 15mm diameter mild steel sphere (k=42w/m0C) is exposed to cooling

air flow at 20 0C resulting in the convective coefficient h=120w/m2 0C
(i)Time required to cool the sphere from550 0 C to90 0C .
(i)The instantaneous heat transfer rate 2 minutes after the start of cooling .
(iii)Total energy transferred from the sphere during the first 2 minutes
Q-16. Give examples of use of fins in various engineering applications and
explain with live example.
Q-17. What is meant by Transient heat conduction and explain in details
Q-18. Define efficiency of the fin and derive the formulae in all the case of fin.
Q-19. What do you understand by the corrected length of fins? Derive an
for the temperature distribution and heat transfer rate for a
rectangular fin with insulated tip.
Q-20. Define effectiveness of the fin and derive the formulae in all the case of
Q-21 An aluminum alloy plate of 400mm x400mmx4mm size at200 0C is
suddenly quenched into liquid oxygen at -183 0C .Starting from fundamentals or
deriving the necessary expression. Determine the time required for the plate to
reach a temperature of -700C .Assume h=20000kg/m2-h 0C , cp=0.8 kj/kg 0C
, =3000kg/m3. mild steel takes p=7850kg/m3 ,c=475j/kg c ,=0.045m 2/h
Q-22 Superheated steam at 330 0C is flowing at 2m/s velocity(h=110 W/m2 0C)
through a pipe 120mm in diameter .the temperature of steam is to be measured
by putting a pocket in the pipe of 15mm diameter (inside) and 1mm wall
thickness. The thermal conductivity of the materials of the pocket is 50
W/m0C .
determine the length of insertion so that thermometric error is 0.5
present. Find also the temperature measured if the pipe wall
temperature is 400C .
(ii) what will be the actual error in temperature measurement in 0C if the
depth of immersion is 55mm only and the pipe wall temperature is

Q-23 A slab of Aluminum 5 cm thick initially at 200C is suddenly immersed in

a liquid at 70C for which the convection heat transfer co-efficient is 525 W/m 2
K. Determine the temperature at a depth of 12.5 mm from one of the faces 1
minute after the immersion. Also calculate the energy removed per unit area
from the plate during 1 minute of immersion. Take P = 27 bar, Cp = 0.9
kJ/kgok, k=215W/mK, 8.4X 10.5 m.
Q-24 Explain whether providing extended surface will always result in
increased heat transfer.
Q-25 Derive a expression for estimation of error in temperature measurement in
a thermometer well.
Unit -03
Q-1. What is Convective heat transfer and define the natural and forced
Q-2 Sketch formation of boundary layer and show laminar, transition
turbulent flow.


Q-3 Derive an expression for heat transfer coefficient for laminar flow inside a
tube, given that its wall temperature is constant throughout.
Q-4 What is boundary layer thickness? What is laminar sub layer? what is
heated while flowing through a 1.5cm x3.5cm rectangular cross section fiber at
a velocity of 1.2 m/s. entering temperature of water is 40 0C and the tube wall
is maintained at 85 0C
.determine the length of tube required to rise the
temperature to 70 C
.properties of water at 55 0C
are: =985.5kg/m3,
cp=4.18 kj/kgk ,v=0.517x10-6 m2/s k=0.654 w/mk and pr=3.26
use the
equation NUd=0.0023Re .pr .
Q-5. Write down differential equation for Continuity of fluid flow.

(i)State Newton's law of cooling.

(ii) Differentiate between Natural & Forced convection.

Q-7 A cylindrical body of 300mm of diameter and 1.6m height is maintained at

a constant temperature of 36.5 0C . The surrounding temperature is 13.5 0C
.find out the amount of heat to be generated by the body per hour if
=1.025kg/m3 ,cp=0.96kj/kg 0C , v=15.06x10-6m2/s ,k=0.0892 kj/m-h 0C and
=1/298 k .Assume NU=0.12(Gr.Pr)1/3 (the symbols have their usual meaning)

Q-8. Descrive the dimensionless numbers and their physical significance in

Forced and Natural convection.
Q-9.Air at 2 bar and 400C is heated as it flows through tube of diameter 30mm
at a velocity of 10m/s .calculate the heat transfer per unit length of tube when
wall temperature is maintained at 1000C all along length of tube. How much
would be the bulk temperature increase over 1m length of tube? Use the
following relation:
NU=0.023Re0.8.pr0.4 The properties of air at (100+40)/2=700C are:
=20.6x10-6 N-s/m2 , pr= 0.694 ,cp =1.009kj/kg 0C, k=0.0297 kg/m 0C.
Q-10. What is Reynold's analogy? Describe the relation between fluid friction
and heat transfer?
Q-11. (i)Define the Bulk temperature.
(ii) Define velocity boundary layer thickness.
Q-12 The water is heated in a tank by dipping a plate of 20 cm X 40 cm in size.
The temperature of the plate surface is maintained at 100C. Assuming the
temperature of the surrounding water is at 30 C, Find the heat loss from the
plate 20 cm side is in vertical plane.
Q13. (i) Give examples for free convection.
(ii)Define Grashof number.
Q-14.Sketch, temperature and velocity profiles in free convection on a vertical
Q -15. List the dimensionless numbers.
What are the uses of dimensional analysis?
Q-16. Air at 200 kPa and 200C is heated as it flows through a tube with a
diameter of 25 mm at a velocity of 10 m./sec. The wall temperature is
maintained constant and is 20C above the air temperature all along the length
of tube. Calculate:
(i) The rate of heat transfer per unit length of the tube. (ii) Increase in the bulk
temperature of air over a 3 m length of the tube.

Q-17. Write down the momentum equation for a steady, two dimensional flow
of an incompressible, constant property newtonian fluid in the rectangular
coordinate system and mention the physical significance of each term.
Q-18.(i) Define thermal boundary layer thickness.
(ii)Define skin friction coefficient.
Q-19. Air at 400 K and 1 atm pressure flows at a speed of 1.5 m/s over a flat
plate of 2 m long. The plate is maintained at a uniform temperature of 300 K. If
the plate has a width of 0.5 m, estimate the heat transfer coefficient and the rate
of heat transfer from the air stream to the plate. Also estimate the drag force
acting on the plate.
Q-20. Cylindrical cans of 150 mm length and 65 mm diameter are to be cooled
from an initial temperature of 20C by placing them in a cooler containing air at
a temperature of 1C and a pressure of 1 bar. Determine the cooling rates when
the cans are kept in horizontal and
Vertical positions.
Q-21. A circular disc heater 0.2m in diameter is ex posed to ambient air at 25C.
One surface of the disc is insulated at 130C. Calculate the amount of heat
transferred from the disc when it is.
(i) Horizontal with hot surface facing up.
(ii) Horizontal with hot surface facing down.
Q-22 Air at 25C flows over 1 m x 3 m (3 m long) horizontal plate maintained
at 200C at 10 m/s. Calculate the average heat transfer coefficients for both
laminar and turbulent regions. Take Re (critical) = 3.5 x 10 5.
Q-23 Atmospheric air at 275 K and a free stream velocity of 20 m/s flows over
a flat plate 1.5 m long that is maintained at a uniform temperature of 325 K.
Calculate the average heat transfer coefficient over the region where the
boundary layer is laminar, the average heat transfer coefficient over the entire
length of the plate and the total heat transfer rate from the plate to the air over
the length 1.5 m and width 1 m. Assume transition occurs at Re= 2xl05.
Q-24 A large vertical plate 5 m high is maintained at 100C and exposed to air
at 30C Calculate the convection heat transfer coefficient.
Q-25. Explain for fluid flow along a flat plate: (1) Velocity distribution in
hydrodynamic boundary layer. (2) Temperature distribution in thermal boundary
layer. (3) Variation of local heat transfer co-efficient along the flow.

Q-1. What do you understand by the following?


Gray body
Intensity of radiation
Radiation shape factor

Q-2.Determine the radiant heat exchanger in W/m2 between two large parallel
steel plate of emissivities 0.8 and 0.5 held at a temperature of 1000k and 500k
respectively ,if a thin copper plate of emissivity 0.1 is introduced as a radiation
shield between two plates. Use =5.67x10-8 W/m2 k4
Q-3.Two concentric spheres 210mm and 300mm diameters with the space
between them evacuated are to be used to store liquid air(-1530C) in a room at
270C .the surfaces of the spheres are flushed with aluminium ( =0.03) and
latent heat of
Vaporization of liquid air is 209.35kj/kg .calculate the rate of evaporation of
liquid air.
Q-4. A thin aluminium sheet with an emissivity of 0.1 on both sides is placed
between two very large parallel plate that are maintained at uniform temperature
T1=800k and t2= 500k and have emissivity 0.2 and 0.7 respectively. Determine
the rate of radiation heat transfer between the two plates per unit surface area of
the plates and compare the result to that without the shield.

Q-5.What is the use of radiation shield? Prove that

Heat transfer with n shield /heat transfer without shields=1/ (1+n)
Q-6. Distinguish between Absorptivity & Transmittivity of radiation.
Q-7. What is the equation for radiation between two gray bodies?
Q-8. Distinguish between Reflectivity & Transmittivity.

Q-9. Differentiate Opaque body & perfectly transparent surface.

Q-10. Write down the Wien's formula.
Q-11. Write down the heat transfer equation for Radiant exchange between
Q-12.(i) Discuss how the radiation from gases differ from that of solids.

Q-13. Two very large parallel plates with emissivities 0.5 exchange heat.
Determine the percentage reduction in the heat transfer rate if a polished
aluminium radiation shield of c = 0.04 is placed in between the plates.
Q-14. (i) Define emissivity, absorptivity and reflectivity
(ii) Describe the phenomenon of radiation from real surfaces.
Q-15. (i) What are the radiation view factors and why they are used?
Q-16. (i) State and prove the following laws:
(1) Kirchoffs law of radiation
(2) Stefan - Boltzmann law
Q-17. Show-from energy-balance consideration that the radiation heat transfer
from a plane composite surface area A4 and made up of plane surface areas A2
and A3 to a plane surface area Al is given by: A4F41=A3F31+A2F21 &
Q-18. A surface at look with emissivity of 0.10 is protected from a radiation flux
of 1250 W/m2 by a shield with emissivity of 0.05. Determine the percentage cut
off and the shield temperature. Assume shape factor as 1.
Q-19. Explain briefly the following:
(i) Specular and diffuse reflection
(ii) reflectivity and transmissivity
(iii)reciprocity rule and summation rule

Q-20. Two parallel, infinite grey surface are maintained at temperature of

1270C and 2270C respectively. If the temperature of the hot surface is increased
to 327C, by what factor is the net radiation exchange per unit area increased?
Assume the emissivities of cold and hot surface to be 0.9 and 0.7 respectively.
Q-21 (i) Define Shape factor.

(ii)What is Radiation Shield?

Q-22 (i) What is Stefan's Bolts Mann law? .(ii) What is Intensity of radiation?
Q-23 (i) Define concept of Black body.
(ii) Define Planck's distribution law. (iii) Define Wien's distribution law.
Q-24. Two equal and parallel discs of diameter 25 cm are separated by a
distance of 50 cm. If the discs are maintained at 600C and 250C. Calculate the
radiation heat exchange between them.
Q-25. Two large parallel planes with emissivities 0.35 and 0.85 exchange heat
by radiation. The planes are respectively 1073K and 773K . A radiation shield
having the emissivity of 0.04 is placed between them. Find the percentage
reduction in radiation heat exchange and temperature of the shield.

Q-1 (i)What is a Heat Exchanger
(ii)How heat exchangers are Classified?
Q-2 (i) Sketch temperature distribution graph for condensers & evaporators.
(ii) What is overall heat transfer coefficient in a heat exchanger?
Q-3.In a counter-flow double pipe heat exchanger ,water is heated from 25 0C to
650C by an oil with a specific heat of 1.45kj/kg k and mass flow rate of
0.9kg/s .the oil is cooled from 230 0C to1600C.if the overall heat transfer
coefficient is 420W/m2 0C, calculate the following:

The rate of heat transfer,

The mass flow rate of water and
The surface area of heat exchanger.

Q-4Show that for parallel flow heat exchanger:

= 1-exp [(-NTU) (1+R)]/ (1+R)

Q-5A counter flow heat exchanger is employed to cool 0.55kg/s (Cp=2.45kj/kg
C) of oil from 115 0C to 40 0C by the use of water. The inlet and outlet
temperature of cooling water are 15 0C and 75 0C respectively .the overall heat
transfer coefficient is expected to be 1450 W/m 2 0C. Using NTU method,
calculate the following:

The mass flow rate of water.

the effectiveness of heat exchanger,
The surface area required.

Q-6 Define effectiveness of a heat exchanger. Derive an expression for the

effectiveness of a double pipe parallel flow heat exchanger. State the
assumptions made.
Q-7 Water enters a cross flow Heat exchanger (both fluids unmixed) at 5C and
flows at the rate of 4600 kg/h to cool 4000 kg/h of air that is initially at 40C.
Assume the overall heat transfer coefficient value to be 150 W/m2 K For
exchanger surface area of 25m2 Calculate the exit temperature of air and water.
Q-8 Describe the principle of parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers
showing the axial temperature distribution.
Q-9 A parallel flow heat exchanger has hot and cold water stream running
through it, the flow rates are 10 and 25 kg/min respectively. Inlet temperatures
are 75 C and 25 C on hot and cold sides. The exit temperature on the hot side
should not exceed 50 C. Assume hi = h =600W/m2 K. Calculate the area of
heat exchanger using
E -NTU approach.
Q-10 Compare LMTD and NTU method of heat exchanger analysis.
Q-11 Hot exhaust gases which enters a finned tube cross flow heat exchanger at
300C and leave at 100c, are used to heat pressurized water at a flow rate of 1
kg/s from 35 to 125C. The exhaust gas specific heat is approximately 1000
J/kg.K, and the overall heat transfer co-efficient based on the gas side surface
area is U = 100W/m2 K. Determine the required gas side surface area Ah using
the NTU method.
Take Cp,c at Tc = 80C is 4197 J/kg.K and Cp,h = 1000 J/kg.K .
Q-12 With a neat and labeled sketch explain the various regimes in boiling heat

Q-13 A vertical plate 0.5 m2 in area at temperature of 92C is exposed to steam

at atmospheric pressure. If the steam is dry and saturated estimate the heat
transfer rate and condensate mass per hour. The vertical length of the plate is 0.5
m. Properties of water at film temperatures of 96C can be obtained from tables.
Q-14 Discuss the various regimes of pool boiling heat transfer.
Q-15. Dry saturated steam at a pressure of 2.45 bar condenses on the surface of
a vertical tube of height 1 m. The tube surface temperature is kept at 117C.
Estimate the thickness of the condensate film and the local heat transfer
coefficient at a distance of 0.2m from the upper end of the tube.
Q-16 Discuss the general arrangement of parallel flow, counter flow and cross
flow heat exchangers.
Q-17. In a Double pipe counter flow heat exchanger 10000 kg/h of an oil
having a specific heat of 2095 J/kgK is cooled from 80C to 50C by 8000 kg/h
of water entering at 25C. Determine the heat exchanger area for an overall heat
transfer coefficient of 300 W/m2 K. Take Cp for water as 4180 J/kgK
Q-18. A tube of 2 m length and 25 mm OD is to be used to condense saturated
steam at 100C while the tube surface is maintained at 92C. Estimate the
average heat transfer coefficient and the rate of condensation of steam if the
tube is kept horizontal. The steam condenses on the outside of the tube.
Q-19. It is desired to boil water at atmospheric pressure on a copper surface
which electrically heated. Estimate the heat flux from the surface to the water, if
the surface is maintained at 0c and also the peak heat flux.
Q-20. Give the classification of heat exchangers and explain.
Q-21. It is desired to use a double pipe counter flow heat exchanger to cool 3
kg/s of oil (C = 2.1 kJ/kgK) from 120C. Cooling water at 20C enters the heat
exchanger at a rate of 10 kg/s. The overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat
exchanger is 600 W/m2 K and the heat transfer area is 6 m 2 Calculate the exit
temperatures of oil and water.

Q-22. Steam condenses at atmospheric pressure on the external surface of the

tubes of a steam condenser. The tubes are 12 in number and each is 30 mm in

diameter and 10 m long. The inlet and outlet temperatures of cooling water
flowing inside the tubes are 25C and 60C respectively. If the flow rate is 1.1
kg/s, calculate
(i) The rate of condensation of steam
(ii) The number of transfer units
(iii)The effectiveness of the condenser.
Q-23 (i) Define Film wise condensation.
(ii) Define Drop wise condensation.
Q-24 How is the Reynolds number in condensation defined and explain.
Q-25 State ficks law of diffusion .what is its limitation?

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