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4.1 Geology Museum

2.1.1 Definition
Geology Museum was first opened on May 16, 1929 AD, initially this
museum serves as a storage collection is the result of a geological survey
carried out by experts who commandeered by the Dutch government in the

4.1.2Number of Visitors
From 1969 to 1998 the Museum of Geology visitors continues to
increase in number, 85% consisted of lesson students who want to increase
science knowledge in the field of geology or the like, because the system
demonstration organized in 1929 is less informative, then start in 1993
explored a joint project with Japanese government with the development of
geological museum is currently a joint project that is completed mid August
2002 and inaugurated on August 22, 2002.

4.2 History of Earth

4.2.1 Definition
Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago started and had a few progress to
form it is today. At the beginning of the formation, the earth is still a ball of

fire that had hot accumulation due to radioactive decay and gravitational
contraction microit rain. The period is called the Archaeozoikum, ended 2.5
billion years ago. Furthermore, the earth's core which is liquid iron and nickel
broke away from the Earth's mantle. Massive evaporation of gas from the
earth together with hydrogen and helium to form a positive atmosphere which
then causes the cooling process of gradually forming the crust.
Archaeozoikum period is the early formation of Earth's rocky crust
that evolved into protokinten. The rock is found in the old part of the world
3.8 billion years ago. At this time also was recorded as the beginning of the
emergence of primitive life in the oceans in the form of algae and bacteria as
evidenced by fossils Iyanobacteria and Stromatin (3.5 billion years).
Protozoikum period (2.5 billion - 590 million years ago). This period
began the development of hydrosphere and atmosphere and the beginning of a
more complex life. Period Archaeizonikum and Protozoikum known as the
peripheral procambium.

Paleozonikum period divided by an advanced six times as follows:


Cambrian Period (590 million - 500 million years ago)

Earth still a sea full of land called Ondwana which is the forerunner the
island / country of India , Africa, parts of Asia , Australia, Antarctica, and


Ordovician Period (500 million - 440 million years ago)

Mainland Gonswana still cover the cracks ocean, ocean eruptions and the
occurrence of ice ages are the events that occurred during this period.


Selur Period (440 million - 410 million years ago)

The formation of trains that cross the mountains towards justice area we now
know as the Scandinavian region, Scotland and the North American coast.


Devonian Period (410 million -360 million years ago)

Receding oceans to cause the giant continent Gondwana region of Eastern
Europe and Greenland in this period.


Kwali Carboniferous Period (360 million - 260 million years ago)

The occurrence of continental union of climate and land form regions
depending on geography and astronomical respectively.


Perme Period (260 million - 250 million years ago)

Pangea continents joined together to form the mainland, the water began to
recede due to the formation in Antarctica and Africa region which caused the
dry desert climate in the North.

Period of the Mesozoic era is divided into three as follows:


Tiras Period (250 million - 210 million years ago)

Pangea continent moving towards north and the desert regions of ice sheets
formed in the south began to melt into the cracks between the continents
began to form at Pangea.


Jurassic Period (210 million - 140 million years ago)

Continent Pangaea split the land now known as North America separated from
mainland Africa. In addition, the mainland of South America broke away
from mainland Antarctica and Australia.


Cretaceous Period (140 million - 65 million years ago)

State of India apart from mainland Africa to the Asian region and forming a
temperate climate in the regions of India.

Konozoikum period to 6 days, namely:


Kala Paleosin (67 million - 56.7 million years ago)

Early emergence of grass-eating, primates, birds and some reptiles. Kala is
characterized by intensive magmatic activity, a large arc lavas and rain


Eocene (56.7 million - 35.5 million years ago)

African Regional European regions and areas hit India is still moving toward
the region of Asia, raising the Alps and the Himalayas. Pressure between the
continents to form an ocean basin widens causing sea levels modestly.


Kala Oligasen (35.5 million - 24 million years ago)

Mainland increasingly broad, narrow sea, the movement of continental crust
was widespread in American and European regions begin to form on this
Oligocene time.


Kala Miocene (24 million - 5 million years ago)

At this stage the more extensive grasslands, forests decreased.


Kala Pliocene (5 million - 1.8 million years ago)

A large number of plants run out because the weather gets colder.


Kala Pleistocene (1.8 million - 0.01 million years ago)

Currently known as the ice age because at the time this happened several
times Glasisasion. At this time most of the regions of Europe, America,
North, North Asia is covered by ice, as well as the Alps, Himalayas and
Cherpathia, Earth's climate was warmer.

4.2.2 Characteristics of the Atmosphere and Benefits

The atmosphere is derived from the Atmos, which means steam or gas and
spahira or Sphere, which means the ball so, the atmosphere is the air that blankets the
circle of the earth. Atmosphere is important to protect the earth from excessive
heating and cooling as well as meteors and so forth.
In the atmosphere consist of gases or substances that the higher layer of air was
getting thin. The main element is the dominant nitrogen ((N2) as much as 78%,
oxygen (O2) 21%, Argon (Ar) 1% and carbon dioxide (CO2) 0.03%.
Nitrogen (N2) in the atmosphere is an element that is not easily joined with other
elements, so that only a few are used by soil and vegetation. Meanwhile, oxygen (O2)
is an active element and easily fused with other elements. This can be seen in the
process of weathering on the ground and used oxygen to breathe in living organisms.
Argon is an element that is not so important in the natural process of carbon dioxide
(CO2), although little is a very important element because it absorbs the sun's heat
that is useful for the plants and the photosynthetic process that is changing the
substance subject to a carbohydrate.

The atmosphere has layers that include the following:

1. Troposphere
a. The altitude is not the same as follows:
1) in the high polar regions between 0-8 km DML (from the earth)
2) on the equator, the height between 0-16 km DML
3) average height of approximately 12 km DML
b. The period of the most tightly covered air. The content of the most complex
substances and gas, approximately 80% and total gas content of substance and
contained in a layer trosfer.
c. Characteristics of temperature in this layer of air that raises higher lower air
temperature until the lowest temperature zone boundary with the stratosphere
trosfer reached 600 C. Layer of the coldest air is called the tropopause zone.
On the contrary motion of the air go up every 100 meters, temperatures
dropped an average of 50 C. based on the characteristics of the air temperature
is troposphere into the space where the formation of weather processes that
affect the lives of living creatures on the earth's surface. Weather processes
such as rain, wind, clouds and so forth occur at this layer.

2. Stratosphere
a. The altitude of 15-55 km at sea level.
b. The period of the air in this layer is not meeting such as the air in the
troposphere. In the upper layer of the stratosphere around the boundary
with the mesosphere (stratopause zone) is the concentration of ozone
gas (O 2) at most. The concentration of ozone gas in this layer serves
as a protector of the earth because the elements of sun, such as gamma
rays, X-rays, ultraviolet and infrared have been neutralized by O3.
therefore, the elements of solar radiation to the surface of the earth
does not harm the living.
c. Air temperature from the tropopause to stratopause increase of 620 C
to reach 00 C and stratopause will however continue to decline to
-100 C in zone mesosphere.
3. Mesosphere
a. The altitude of 55-75 km
b. The temperature in this layer decreased sharply until it reaches
1000 c. The stones of meteorites originating from exosphere
move through the atmosphere (due to gravity). In the mesospher
layer of stone meteorites in the press by the cold air. As a result,
burned and destroyed before it touched the face of the earth so,
mesosphere serves as a protector of the earth from the meteorite rock
4. Thermosphere
a. The altitude of 75 km to a height that is not yet known.

b. Bottom layer of the thermosphere is called the ionosphere. In this

ionosphere layer heights between 75-375 km and is the space where
the ionization process or the formation of electrically charged gas ions
are positive. As a result, high temperature in this layer. At an altitude
of 375 km the temperature rose to 1.0100 C and at an altitude of 480
km the temperature reaches 12 000 C. In this layer aurora (light poles)
look is sparkling.

4.2.3 Shape Earth

This landform is flat or undulating, consisting of land and seabed. Face of

the earth's ocean floor is lower than the mainland. The ocean floor into a
puddle of water.
a. Shape the face of the Earth in Mainland
Mainland is a landform that arise on the surface of the sea or ocean.
Mainland is in the form continents and islands. The altitude 0 meters 9,000 meters above sea level.
1) lower mainland coast, the height between 0 m - 200 m above sea level.
2) Mainland High, include the following:
Low mountains, the high between 201 m - 500 m above sea level
Middle Mountains, the high between 501 m - 1,500 above sea level
High mountains, the high is more than 1500 m above sea level.

Mount is part of a high mountain peaks vary. The mountains have higher
peaks are generally found in high mountain areas and are found in the

medium mountains.
Valley, canyon, hills and plateaus. The valley is low part of the earth's
surface, lying between the slopes of the foothills, mountains or hills. The
valley is steep, deep, and extends called canyon or canyon. Throughout
the canyon, the river is almost always there. Countries often found in
areas of grabon earth. Grabon formed at the top of the mountain folds are
broken in Indonesia graben found in many parts of the mountains such as
fault Semangko Sumatera, whose length is 1650 km. Hill is a small
volcanic hills called also common on the mountains surrounding low and
medium mountains. Plato (plateau) is part of the land is relatively flat and
the height exceeds 700 m above sea level.

b. Mainland and the potential for life

Any of various forms of land has the function of sustaining human life or
potential. The more so if the landscape of this land has a good climate,
such as in earth our archipelago. Climate is quite good if rainfall is
plentiful and the air temperature is. Thereby allowing the growing
proliferation of various types of plants and various types of animal life.
Climate said to be less good if the air temperature is too low (very cold)
or too high and rarely rains.
Mainland islands in Indonesia formed the structural origin of land and
land of volcanic origin. Indonesian tropical monsoon climate, the sea at
high temperature and periodic rainfall lot. As a result, the widest part of
mainland islands covered with vegetation that huge population.

4.2.4 The forms of rocks on Earth Surface Processes

Form of rock on the surface of the earth, can be divided into 3 parts:
a. Igneous rock is rock that occurs because the form of liquid magma cools
and becomes incandescent frozen ;
1. Igneous rocks in (plutonic or abisic), where the freezing of the magma
channel inside trosfer (inside the earth).
2. Igneous rocks, place them in line freezing magma (diatrema).
3. Igneous rock out or melt, where the freezing surface of the earth.
Table examples of igneous rock
Igneous rock Igneous rocks in the alley / scrape the outside Igneous
Quartz diorite
Sieris Aplidioris
Porfit - diorite
Porfit - granite
Porfit - sierit Andesis

b. Sedimentary rocks is transported by the flow of water, wind or fluid
glacier and then deposited in this place. Due process of diagenesis
(chemical and physical force) of sediment into hard rock.
Based on the process of formation, sedimentary rocks are divided into 3
parts as follows:

Classic sedimentary rock, namely the chemical composition of


from the same material. When transported just

experienced the destruction of the great becomes small for example,

gravel, sand, mud (from the boulders on the mountain, into the river
and then carried by water and each other to form and eventually
become smaller, its chemical composition is similar to the rock
2) Chemical sedimentary rock, the sediments that occur because of
chemical dissolution processes, evaporation and oxidation. For
example, limestone (CaCO2) into lime water solution (HCO3) caused
by rain water that contains CO2.

Organic sedimentary rock, the sediments that occur during the

deposition process to get help from the organism, which can house or a

marine animal carcasses buried on the seabed, such as shells, coral

reefs, bones, bird droppings (guano) is mounting in the stomach and
humus layer in the forest.
Based on the nature of sediments transport is divided into 4, namely:
1) Sedimentary rock aeolik (aerik) is a sedimentary rock formed by wind
power is transported and deposited elsewhere. For example, welding
2) Sedimentary rock akualik is a sedimentary rock formed by flowing water
power that transported and deposited elsewhere, such as breccia and
3) Glacial sedimentary rock are sedimentary rocks formed by the power of
glaciers (ice) are transported and deposited elsewhere, for example Morena
derived from the slopes of the mountain glacier-borne and deposited at the
foot of the mountain.
4) Marine sedimentary rock, which is sedimentary rock formed by the power
of sea water (waves and currents) that transport it and it was deposited
elsewhere, such as white sand iron sand in the beach.
Some kind of environment where classic sediment was deposited as follows:

1) Alluvial environment, namely the environment such as river sand in the

bottom sediment and river flow.

Environmental dulta, namely estuaries such as the various delta (sand and

3) The desert environment, such as desert sand


Environmental glacial (ice area), for example embankment Morena


Shallow marine environment, marine organisms such as residual, coral

and silt from the land.


Metamorphic rocks (transition or changing the nature) is to help frozen or

sediments that have undergone changes in form and nature (metamorphosis),
the cause is an increased temperature or pressure and the presence and the
addition of other substances into the rock origin.
There are several kinds of metamorphosis that is:

1) Metamorphosis thermal or contact or touch to a process of metamorphic

rocks that formed due to temperature changes such as marble, limestone and
antrosit occurred from coal.
Metamorphosis dingy comprises:
a. Pyrometamorfosis the process a very high rock, such as marble and
b. Pneumatolysis, ie the process of metamorphic rocks formed by the gas
from the magma is rising to change the surrounding rocks and minerals
form rocks such as the formation of tin ore and farts.

c. Hydrothermal, which is a process of metamorphic rocks are formed by

the condensation of gas combustion process heat. For example andesite
converted into propilit.


Metamorphosis dynamo, which is a process of metamorphic rocks formed

due to pressure changes for example, sabah stone and coal.


Regional metamorphosis, is the process of metamorphic rocks are formed

because of the temperature and pressure work together for examples rock
genesis and flakes.

4.3 Life in the Past

4.3.1 Definition
Life associated with regular past history is significant for understanding
the elements of history as an event, as the event's history, as science and as art.
History is history as events that happen in people's lives in the past. In this
sense, the word "something going on in people's lives is very important because
everything that had nothing to do with relationships and people's lives are not
history, then the word" past "as a life or events that occur on the day is not a
history. History as the story is narrated historical events retold again or as a
result of reconstruction or history (historians) to the event, such as books and
research results.
History as a science is a series of steps (procedures) that must be taken by
investigators to reconstruct the history of (reconstruct) the composition of
historical events.
History as art that is, a history associated with a rule and the ease of language.
Therefore artists work history ( historiography ) is not only seen as scientific

papers, but also works of art. In history there are the results of human remains,
mentioned how some ancient relic of course at the geology museum.
3.2 The types of results in the Age of Historical Heritage (the past)
At the Museum of Geology have different outcomes relic of history (the past)
of such fossils and relics of the objects of antiquity.
a. Fossil
At the Museum of Geology there and hominid fossils of other creatures.
Fossils of early humans who are here are:

Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus
Megantropus Paleojavanicus strapping physique estimated, expected to
remain with thick cheekbones sharp bulge behind the head and sticking a
big place for the leg muscles strong. With large movements, then the
surface was a lot of wrinkles with a very strong teeth.


Phytecanthropus Erectus
These fossils are found in Indonesia. Height is estimated between 165-180
cm in body and sturdy limbs, his face has a yellow bulge kua, a wide nose
with the back of the head angled, the contents of the skull ranges from 750100 cm.


Homosapiens type has a characteristic of more advanced with
Phytecanthropus erectus. Walking and standing upright and more perfect,
her height between 130-210 cm, initially flat and wide, broad nasal root
and the mouth is a bit protruding, rounded and high forehead, while the
back of the skull is rounded with smaller jaws and teeth and tongue too
protruding toward the front. The average cranial volume between 1350 1450 cm.

Here too there are fossil animals and plants including:

1. Elephas Maximus
2. Bovid
3. Corvus 59 B
4. Fossil leaves
5. Cypirinis Carpio
6. Phyton Retigulanus
However, we do not explain, only some of them:
1. Fossil Reugulatius Python, and
This fossil is fosli snake found in Indonesia, Bandung regency Ciharaman.
Diameter of 5 m. Morphology close to type python rehtulatus, estimated
age 30,000 to 40,000 years ago.
2. Elephand Maximus
Fossils of elephants that his lower jaw is the most comprehensive of its
kind in Indonesia (brother priest) at the time of digging a well at his home
May 16, 2002 (deposited in sandstone conglomerate 20000-30000 years
b. Tools or objects on the Past
In the past people have with the various tools that are used as his daily life,

1) Stone tool, a tool made of stone. Variety of stone tools including:

a. Chopper
b. Sropper
c. Chopping tool
d. Handheld chisel
e. Proto hand axe
2) Equipment flakes
Is a tool that is used as a knife, drill or awl. This tool is used before
knowing the writing that is used as peeling, cutting or digging is also a
kind of tubers.
3) Bone tools
Tooling material is basically made from animal bones. The bones are
formed from the hunted animal bones, usually before it is used as a
common tool is formed as needed.

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