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Overall I am satisfied with my research to this point, especially since this was a new style of

researching that I had never participated in before. Im proud of my introductions hook line
The world is destroyed in the beginning and a few of my examples of definitions like my
particular figured world. Its not everyday I get to write about the post apocalypse. I also include
a lot of information that could be incorporated in my examples of the definitions. The Ground
youths speak with fists, knives, and blood. is a line I really could have carried into my Literacy
Practices definition. I would have rewritten my intro differently if I had known about the
necessary examples but feel that a total revision would make the style and perspective of the
paper inappropriate. I did include revisions for a lot of the comments like Joshs to elaborate
more on the allusions in the character names and Yosras to flesh out the domain of The 100 a
little more. I also made changes based on Jacies comment of connecting your background to
your observations, by making an opening sentence for each observation. I did not use Joshs
first comment of state that you are observing this figured world because I like the function of
delaying the subject to create a hook. I did not include any revision based on Jacies comment
about [thinking] the background information is [not] necessary if [I] had more details in [my]
observations. Instead I included more background for each observation to help fill the gaps
between episodes. I also did not include revision based on Jacies and Yosras comments about
my observations being very general, but not very descriptive If I went into detail the reader
would not be able to follow because the story is well developed by episode eight. On my
observations I wish I could have had feedback earlier about the format to display the information
to better help the reader. But I did include a what happens between episodes section to help
carry the plot a bit and assist the imagination in connecting the dots. This is something I would
consider as above and beyond. Another example of exceeding the minimum would be my list of
character names and the allusions being made through them in the plot. I personally enjoyed
discovering all the little details because it made the show a little more intellectual and gave your
mind something else to do besides trying to keep up. My knowledge of the composing process
has expanded because of this project. After having the peer review and reading my comments the
changes I decided to make included me returning to the research process. I did this in order to
supply my What you missed pieces. I had to research because thinking back it is hard to
distinguish between episodes with such a fast show. I also feel I did some critical watching
(instead of reading) because I discovered the allusions made in the character names and the
researched them after the peer workshop as well to flesh out the explanations. I am pleased with
the project knowing I am exploring another form of research and knowledge.

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