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Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2012

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

(Objective Type)

Note: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice
which you think

is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink. Cutting or
filling two or

more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Write the letter A, B, C or D in
the column

(write correct option) against each question also. If there is a contraction in the
bubble and hand

written answer, bubble option will be considered correct.

Q1. 17

1. The apparent weight of a man in a lift moving down with an acceleration of 9.8
m / s2

(a) 0 (b) 9.8N (c) 19.6N (d) Infinity

2. Working cycle of a typical petrol engine consists of:

(a) Two strokes

(b) Four strokes

(c) Six strokes

(d) Eight strokes

3. Radar system is an application of:

(a) Interference

(b) Beats

(c) Stationary waves

(d) Doppler effect

4. The sum of three numbers, 2.7543, 4 10 and 1.273, up-to correct decimal place

(a) 8.12 (b) 8.13 (c) 8.1273 (d) 8.127

5. The SI unit of angular acceleration is:

(a) rad / sec2

(b) rad / sec

(c) rev / sec2

(d) rev / sec

6. Time period of simple pendulum only depends on:

(a) Mass of the bob

(b) Length of the pendulum

(c) Amplitude of vibration Page 2 of 6

(d) Size of the bob

7. Position vector of a point P (a, b, c) in YZ-Plane is given by:

(a) = + (b) = +

(c) = +

(d) = + +

8. The unit of entropy is:

(a) JK (b) J/K (c) J/K2 (d) K/J

9. In the newer systems of fiber optics, signals are regenerated by placing

repeaters, which may be

separated by as much as:

(a) 30 km (b) 50 km (c) 100 km (d) 500 km

10.Mathematically unit vector is given by:

(a) =

(b) =

(c) =

(d) = . 11.Longitudinal waves do not exhibit:

(a) Reflection

(b) Refraction

(c) Diffraction

(d) Polarization

12.Water flows out from a pipe at 3 kg / sec and its velocity changes from 5m / s to
zero on striking

the wall. The force due to water flow is:

(a) 3N (b) 5N (c) 10N (d) 15N

13. 10 waves pass through the medium in one sec. with speed of 10 m / s. The
wavelength of waves

(a) 1m (b) 10m (c) 20m (d) 100m

14. SI units of pressure are:

(a) N-m


(b) N

(c) N - m

-2 - m

(d) N

15.The mathematical relation, = 2 (h h ) is known as:

(a) Equation of continuity

(b) Bernoullis equation

(c) Torricellis theorem

(d) Ventri relation

16.The effective path difference between two reflected beams, in x-rays diffraction
by crystals is:

(a) dsin (b) 2 dsin (c) dsin( /2) (d) dsin(2 )

-2 Page 3 of 6

17. Power can be defined as the product of:

(a) Force and displacement

(b) Force and velocity

(c) Force and time

(d) Force and mass Page 4 of 6

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2012

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 2.40 Hours Marks: 68

(Essay Type)

Note: Out of Q. No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 write any Twenty-Two (22) short answers. While
writing answers

Q. No. and its part carefully. Each part carries two marks. 44


Q2. Write short answers to any 8 questions.

1) How many nano-seconds are there in 1 year?

2) Give the drawbacks to use the period of a pendulum as a time standard.

3) What are the dimensions and units of gravitational constant G in the formula

4) What is negative of a vector? How a vector B is subtracted from a vector A?

5) Find the unit vector of the vector = 4 + 3 . 6) Can a body rotate about its center
of gravity under the action of its weight?

7) Differentiate between elastic and inelastic collision.

8) What Is projectile motion? In what direction acceleration is zero in this motion

9) Define impulse and show that how it is related to linear momentum?

10) Show that 1 kwh = 3.6 x 106

11) An object has 1 j of potential energy. Explain what does it mean.

12) Define power. Write its SI unit.

Q3. Write short answers to any 8 questions.

1) What is meant by moment of inertia? Explain its significance.

2) Explain the difference between tangential velocity and angular velocity.

3) State the direction of following vectors in simple situation.

(a) Angular momentum

(b) Angular velocity

4) Explain how the swing is produced in a fast moving cricket ball?

5) Considering Bernoullis principle explain the working of a carburetor of a motor


j. Page 5 of 6

6) Write few lines on blood flow.

7) State Torricellis theorem.

8) What happen to the period of a simple pendulum if its length is double?

9) In relation to SHM, explain the equation

(a) = sin( + )

(b) =

10) What is the velocity of sound in air, if temperature of air is 200C?

11) Is it possible for two different identical waves travelling in the e same direction
along the string

to give rise to a stationary waves?

Q4. Write short answers to any 6 questions.

1) How can the difference between interference fringes affect by the separation
between the slits of

Youngs experiment? Can fringes disappear?

2) An oil film spreading over a wet footpath shows colors. Explain how it happens. 3)
How would you distinguish between un-polarized and plain-polarized lights?

4) One can buy a cheap microscope for use by the children. The images seen in
such a microscope

have colored edges. Why is this so?

5) How the power is lost in optical fiber through dispersion? explain

6) If a person was looking through a telescope at the full moon, how would the
appearance of the

moon be changed by covering half of the objective lens?

7) Why is the average velocity of the molecules in a gas zero but the average of the
square of the

velocities is not zero?

8) Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than specific heat at

constant volume. Why?

9) Can the mechanical energy be converted completely into heat energy? If so, give
an example.


Note: Attempt any THREE questions.

Q5. (a) Define elastic collisions. Show that for elastic collisions in one dimension, the
velocity of

approach is equal to the velocity of separation. 5

(b) Given that = 2 + 3 = 3 4 , find the projection of on . 3

Q6. (a) Define conservative field. Prove that the work done in the earths
gravitational field is

independent of the path followed. 5

(b) What should be the orbital speed to launch a satellite in a circular orbit 900 km
above the

surface of earth? (Take mass of the earth as 6.0 x 1024 kg and its radius as 6400
km) 3

Q7. (a) Define molar specific heat and prove the relation Cp - Cv = R. 5 Page 6 of 6

(b) How large must a heating duct be if air moving with 3.0 ms-1 along it can
replenish the air

in a room of 300 m3 volume every 15 min? (Assume the airs density remains
constant). 3

Q8. (a) Define and explain simple pendulum 5

(b) A stationary wave is established in a string which is 120 cm long and fixed at
both ends.

The string vibrates in four segments; at a frequency of 120 Hz. Determine its
wavelength and

the fundamental frequency. 3

Q9. (a) Describe how Michelson measured the speed of light. 5

(b) In a double slit experiment the second order maximum occurs at 0 = 0.25. The

wavelength is 650 nm. Determine the slit separation. 3

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2011

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

(Objective Type)

Note: Write answers to the questions on the objective answer sheet provided. Four
possible answers

A, B, C and D to each question are given. Which answer you consider correct, fill the
circle in front

of A. B. C or D with Marker or Pen ink to each question on the answer sheet


Q1. Some possible answers to each statement are given below. 17

1. The value of r for diatomic gas is:

(a) 1.67 (b) 1.40 (c) 1.29 (d) Infinity

2. The final image formed by simple microscope is:

(a) Virtual and inverted

(b) Virtual and erect

(c) Real and erect

(d) Real and inverted

3. The resultant magnitude of 6N force acting at right angle to a 8N force is:

(a) 2N (b) 14N (c) 8N (d) 10N

4. The refractive index of water is 4.33. The speed of light in water is:

(a) 3x108mS-1

(b) 1.8 x108mS-1

(c) 2.3 x108mS-1

(d) 0

5. The apparent weight of a man in an ascending lift moving with acceleration a:

(a) Increases

(b) Decrease

(c) Remains constant

(d) Becomes zero

6. The value of triple point of water is:

(a) 373.16 K (b) 273. 16 K (c) 212 K (d) 100K

7. The dimensions of power are:

(a) [MLT-1] (b) [ML2T

8. The S.I. unit of pressure in terms of base units are:

(a) Kgm-1S

-2 (b) Kgm-1S

-2] (c) [ML2T

-3 (c) KgmS-2 (d) Kgm2S Page 2 of 5

9. If 20 waves pass through a medium in 1 sec. with a speed of 20mS-1

(a) 20m (b) 40m (c) 400m (d) 1m

10.The distance between two consecutive wave fronts is called :

(a) Time period (b) Frequency (c) Wavelength (d)


11.The device used for the measurement of liquid flow is:

(a) Manometer (b) Barometer (c) Hydrometer (d)

Venturi meter

12.The magnitude of vector product of two non-zero vectors and making an angle
with each

(a) ABSin (b) ABSin (c) ABCos (d) AB

13.The ratio between orbital and escape velocities are:

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 2 (d)

14.A projectile is thrown upward with initial velocity Vi" making an angle with the

The maximum horizontal range is given by:

(b) 2

(c) sin 2

(d) 2

15.The efficiency of petrol engine is about:

(a) 20 to 25%

(b) 30 to 35%

(c) 35 to 40 %

(d) 25 to 30%

16.The S.I. units of spring constant are:

(a) m-1 (b) Nm-1 (c) Nm-2 (d) Nm2

17.Which of the following is least multiple:

(a) Pico (b) Femto (c) Nano (d) Atto

sin 2 Page 3 of 5

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2011

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 2.40 Hours Marks: 68

(Essay Type)

Note: Out of Q. No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 write any Twenty-Two (22) short answers. While
writing answers

Q. No. and its part carefully. Each part carries two marks. 44


Q1. 1) The period of simple pendulum is measured by a stop watch. What types of
errors are possible in

the time period?

2) Why do we find it useful to have two units for the amount of substance kilogram
and mole?

3) Write the dimensions of: (i) Pressure, (ii) Density.

4) If all of the components of the vectors A1 and A2 were reversed, how would alter
A1x A2?. 5) Name the three different conditions that could make A2 A2= 0

6) Can a body rotate about its center of gravity under the action of its weight?

7) Define elastic and inelastic collisions. 8) At what point or points in its path does a
projectile have its minimum speed, its maximum

1) Show graphically how the displacement and velocity of a vertically thrown ball
varies with time.

2) Define conservative and non-conservative forces.

3) A person holds a bag of groceries while standing still. A car is stationary with its
engine running.

How are the two situations similar from the point of view of work?

4) What sort of energy is in the following:

(a) A compressed spring

(b) A moving car

5) Show that orbital angular momentum L0 = mvr.

6) You have a disc, and a hoop of same mass and size. Which of the two has greater
moment of

inertia and why? Page 4 of 5

7) An object orbiting around the earth is said to be a freely falling body. Why?

8) State Torricelli's theorem. Q3.

1) Why 80g droplets appear to be suspended in air?

2) A person is standing near a fast moving train, is there any danger that he will fall
towards it?

3) Why soldiers are advised to break their steps when marching on a bridge?

4) Does frequency depend on amplitude for harmonic oscillator?

5) Can we realize an ideal simple pendulum?

6) Explain why sound travels faster in warm air than in cold air?

7) How are beats useful in tuning musical instrument?

8) What is apparent change in frequency when source is moving away from

stationary observer?

1) Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?

2) The center of Newtons rings is dark. Why?

3) Write down two methods to obtain plane polarized beam of light.

4) What is the function of collimator in a spectrometer?

5) Explain the difference between angular magnification and resolving power of an



6) Why we use infra-red light in a fiber optic communication system?

7) Write two postulates of kinetic theory of gases.

8) A thermos flask containing milk as a system is shaken rapidly. Does the

temperature of milk

9) Does entropy of a system increase or decrease due to friction?


Note: Attempt any THREE questions.

Q5. (a) Discuss the elastic collision of two smooth balls in one dimension and find

velocities after the collision. 5

(b) The line of action of force, = 2 , passes through a point whose position vector
is 1 + . Find the moment of about the origin. 3

Q6. (a) What are geo-stationary satellites? Calculate the radius of geo-stationary
orbit? 5 Page 5 of 5

(b) A 1000 kg car at the top of an incline 10m high and 100 m long is released and

down the hill. What is its speed at the bottom of the incline if the average retarding
force due

to friction is 480 N? 3

Q7. (a) Prove that the absolute temperature of an ideal gas is directly proportional
to the average

translation kinetic energy of gas molecules. 5

(b) Water flows through a hose whose internal diameter is 1 cm, at a speed of 1 ms1

should be the diameter of the nozzle if the water is to emerge at 21 ms-1?. 3

Q8. (a) Define simple harmonic motion. Derive the relation for instantaneous
velocity for the

projection of particle P moving in a circle. 5

(b) A pipe has a length of 1 meter. Determine the frequencies of the fundamental
and the first

two harmonics if the pipe opens at both ends. (Speed of sound in air = 340ms-1) 3

Q9. (a) Describe the young double slit experiment. Derive the expression for fringe
spacing. 5

(b) An astronomical telescope having magnifying power 5 consist of two thin lenses
25 cm

apart. Find the focal length of lenses.

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2010

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

Note: Use this paper to write the answers to the objective questions. No mark will
be awarded for

cutting, over-writing or using, a pencil. This paper must be tagged with the answerbook.

Q1. Some possible answers to each statement are given below. Tick mark the
correct answer: 17

1. The S.I unit of solid angle is:

(a) Steradian (b) Degree (c) Revolution (d) Radian

2. Force in terms of base unit is:

(a) Kgms-1 (b) Kgms-2 (c) Kgm-1

3. A single vector which has same effect as all the original vectors taken together is

(a) Unit vector

(b) Equal vector

(c) Resultant vector

(d) Null vector

4. The resultant of two forces 6 N and 8 N acting at right angle to each other is:

(a) 4N (b) 6N (c) 8N (d) 10N

5. The motion of a rocket is in accordance with law of conservation of:

(a) Linear momentum

(b) Energy

(c) Mass

(d) Angular momentum

6. Kilowatt hour is the unit of:

(a) Power (b) Work (c) Force (d) Momentum

7. The minimum velocity required to put a satellite into orbit is:

(a) 5.9 kms-1 (b) 6.9 kms-1 (c) 7.9 kms-1 (d) 8.9 kms-1

8. The expression for the orbital speed of a satellite is:

(b) Page 2 of 5

9. The dimensions of co-efficient of viscosity are:

(a) [ML-1T

10.If the time period of simple pendulum is 2 seconds, its frequency will be:

(a) 1.0 Hz (b) 0.5 Hz (c) 1.5 Hz (d) 2 Hz

11.The error in the value of speed of sound calculated by Newton at STP is about:

(a) 14% (b) 15% (c) 16% (c) 18%

12.The speed of sound is greater in solids due to their high:

(a) Density (b) Pressure (c) Temperature (d) Elasticity

13.Newton's rings are formed as a result of:

(a) Interference (b) Dispersion (c) Diffraction (d) Polarization

14.The light emitted from LED has a wavelength:

(a) 1.3 pm (b) 1.3m (c) 1.3mm (d) 1.3nm

15.A layer over the central core of the jacket is called

(a) Jacket (b) Plastic (c) Cladding (d) Rubber

16.The efficiency of petrol engine is about:

(a) 20 to 25%

(b) 30 to 35%

(c) 35 to 40 %

(d) 25 to 30%

17.The process which is carried out at constant temperature is called:

(a) Isothermal (b) Adiabatic (c) Isochoric (d) Isobaric

-1] (b) MLT-2 (c) MLT-1 (d) ML2T Page 3 of 5

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2010

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 2.40 Hours Marks: 68

Note: All questions are attempted on the answer book.

Q2. Write any TWEENTY-TWO (22) short answers of the following questions: 44

1. Name two repetitive phenomena occurring in nature which could serve as

reasonable time

2. Derive the dimensions of pressure and density.

3. The length and the width of the rectangular plate are 15.3 cm and 12.80 cm
respectively. Find

the area of the plate up to correct significant figures.

4. Define the terms unit vector and position vector.

5. Can a vector have a component greater than vectors magnitude?

6. Two vectors have unequal magnitudes. Can their Sum be zero? Explain.

7. What is the difference between uniform and variable velocity? Define acceleration
and give its

S.I. units.

8. Can the velocity of an object reverse the direction, when acceleration is constant?
If so give

9. Define impulse. How is it related to linear momentum?

10.What is solar energy? How sunlight can be converted into electrical energy?

11.In which case more work is done, when a 50 kg bag is lifted through 50 cm or
when a 50 kg

crate is pushed through 2 m with a force of 50 N?

12.When a rocket re-enters the atmosphere, its nose cone becomes very hot?
Where does this

energy come from?

13.Explain the difference between tangential and angular velocity. What is the
relation between

14.What is meant by moment of inertia? Explain its significance.

15.Describe what should be the minimum velocity for a satellite to orbit close to the
earth around it.

16.What do you understand by the term viscosity? Give its S.I unit.

17.Why fog droplets appear to be suspended in air? Page 4 of 5

18.Two row boats moving parallel in the same direction are pulled towards each
other, why?

19.Name two characteristics of simple harmonic motion.

20.What is the total distance travelled by an object moving with SHM in a time
equal to its period,

if its amplitude is A?

21.Does the acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator remain constant during its
motion? Is the

acceleration ever zero? Explain.

22.What features do longitudinal waves have common with transverse waves?

23.Define the terms node and antinode.

24.How are beats useful in tuning a musical instrument?

25.Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?

26.An oil film spreading over a wet footpath shows colors. Explain how it happens.
27.How would you manage to get more orders of spectra using a diffraction grating?

28.What do you understand by linear magnification and angular magnification?

29.Why would it be advantageous to use blue light with a compound microscope?

30.If a person was looking through a telescope at the full moon, how would the
appearance of the

moon be changed by covering half of the objective lens?

31.Why the average velocity of the molecules in a gas is zero but the average of the
square of

velocities is not zero?

32. Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than specific heat at
constant volume. Why?

33.Is it possible to construct a heat engine that will not expel heat into the

Note: Attempt any THREE questions.

Q3. (a) Explain the addition of vectors by rectangular components method. 5

(b) A 1500 kg car has its velocity reduced from 20 ms-1

the average retarding force? 3

Q4. (a) Define gravitational field. Prove that work done in the earth's gravitational
field is

independent of path followed. 5

(b) Calculate the angular momentum of a star of mass 2 x 1030 kg and radius 7 x
105 km. If it

makes one complete rotation in 20 days, what is its K.E.? 3/2, 3/2

Q5. (a) State the equation of continuity and derive its relation. 5

(b) A Carnot engine utilizes an ideal gas. The source temperature is 227C and the

temperature is 12.7C. Find the efficiency of the engine. 3

Q6. (a) Define simple harmonic motion. Show that energy is conserved for a body

simple harmonic motion. 5 Page 5 of 5

(b) A church organ consists of pipes, each opens at one end of different lengths. The

minimum length is 30 mm and the longest is 4m. Calculate the frequency range of

fundamental notes. (Speed of sound = 340 ms-1) 3

Q7. (a) Define diffraction of light. Explain diffraction of x-rays by crystal and derive

equation. 5

(b) A compound microscope has lenses of focal length 1 cm and 3 cm. An object is

1.2 cm from the object lens. If a virtual image is formed 25 cm from the eye,
calculate: Separation of the lenses. 3/2

Magnifying power.
Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2010

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

Note: Use this paper to write the answers to the objective questions. No mark will
be awarded for

cutting, over-writing or using, a pencil. This paper must be tagged with the answerbook.

Q1. Some possible answers to each statement are given below. Tick mark the
correct answer: 17

1. The S.I unit of solid angle is:

(a) Steradian (b) Degree (c) Revolution (d) Radian

2. Force in terms of base unit is:

(a) Kgms-1 (b) Kgms-2 (c) Kgm-1

3. A single vector which has same effect as all the original vectors taken together is

(a) Unit vector

(b) Equal vector

(c) Resultant vector

(d) Null vector

4. The resultant of two forces 6 N and 8 N acting at right angle to each other is:

(a) 4N (b) 6N (c) 8N (d) 10N

5. The motion of a rocket is in accordance with law of conservation of:

(a) Linear momentum

(b) Energy

(c) Mass

(d) Angular momentum

6. Kilowatt hour is the unit of:

(a) Power (b) Work (c) Force (d) Momentum

7. The minimum velocity required to put a satellite into orbit is:

(a) 5.9 kms-1 (b) 6.9 kms-1 (c) 7.9 kms-1 (d) 8.9 kms-1

8. The expression for the orbital speed of a satellite is:

(b) Page 2 of 5

9. The dimensions of co-efficient of viscosity are:

(a) [ML-1T

10.If the time period of simple pendulum is 2 seconds, its frequency will be:

(a) 1.0 Hz (b) 0.5 Hz (c) 1.5 Hz (d) 2 Hz

11.The error in the value of speed of sound calculated by Newton at STP is about:

(a) 14% (b) 15% (c) 16% (c) 18%

12.The speed of sound is greater in solids due to their high:

(a) Density (b) Pressure (c) Temperature (d) Elasticity

13.Newton's rings are formed as a result of:

(a) Interference (b) Dispersion (c) Diffraction (d) Polarization

14.The light emitted from LED has a wavelength:

(a) 1.3 pm (b) 1.3m (c) 1.3mm (d) 1.3nm

15.A layer over the central core of the jacket is called

(a) Jacket (b) Plastic (c) Cladding (d) Rubber

16.The efficiency of petrol engine is about:

(a) 20 to 25%

(b) 30 to 35%

(c) 35 to 40 %

(d) 25 to 30%

17.The process which is carried out at constant temperature is called:

(a) Isothermal (b) Adiabatic (c) Isochoric (d) Isobaric

-1] (b) MLT-2 (c) MLT-1 (d) ML2T Page 3 of 5

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2010

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 2.40 Hours Marks: 68

Note: All questions are attempted on the answer book.

Q2. Write any TWEENTY-TWO (22) short answers of the following questions: 44

1. Name two repetitive phenomena occurring in nature which could serve as

reasonable time

2. Derive the dimensions of pressure and density.

3. The length and the width of the rectangular plate are 15.3 cm and 12.80 cm
respectively. Find

the area of the plate up to correct significant figures.

4. Define the terms unit vector and position vector.

5. Can a vector have a component greater than vectors magnitude?

6. Two vectors have unequal magnitudes. Can their Sum be zero? Explain.

7. What is the difference between uniform and variable velocity? Define acceleration
and give its

S.I. units.

8. Can the velocity of an object reverse the direction, when acceleration is constant?
If so give

9. Define impulse. How is it related to linear momentum?

10.What is solar energy? How sunlight can be converted into electrical energy?

11.In which case more work is done, when a 50 kg bag is lifted through 50 cm or
when a 50 kg

crate is pushed through 2 m with a force of 50 N?

12.When a rocket re-enters the atmosphere, its nose cone becomes very hot?
Where does this

energy come from?

13.Explain the difference between tangential and angular velocity. What is the
relation between

14.What is meant by moment of inertia? Explain its significance.

15.Describe what should be the minimum velocity for a satellite to orbit close to the
earth around it.

16.What do you understand by the term viscosity? Give its S.I unit.

17.Why fog droplets appear to be suspended in air? Page 4 of 5

18.Two row boats moving parallel in the same direction are pulled towards each
other, why?

19.Name two characteristics of simple harmonic motion.

20.What is the total distance travelled by an object moving with SHM in a time
equal to its period,

if its amplitude is A?

21.Does the acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator remain constant during its
motion? Is the

acceleration ever zero? Explain.

22.What features do longitudinal waves have common with transverse waves?

23.Define the terms node and antinode.

24.How are beats useful in tuning a musical instrument?

25.Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?

26.An oil film spreading over a wet footpath shows colors. Explain how it happens.
27.How would you manage to get more orders of spectra using a diffraction grating?

28.What do you understand by linear magnification and angular magnification?

29.Why would it be advantageous to use blue light with a compound microscope?

30.If a person was looking through a telescope at the full moon, how would the
appearance of the

moon be changed by covering half of the objective lens?

31.Why the average velocity of the molecules in a gas is zero but the average of the
square of

velocities is not zero?

32. Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than specific heat at
constant volume. Why?

33.Is it possible to construct a heat engine that will not expel heat into the

Note: Attempt any THREE questions.

Q3. (a) Explain the addition of vectors by rectangular components method. 5

(b) A 1500 kg car has its velocity reduced from 20 ms-1

the average retarding force? 3

Q4. (a) Define gravitational field. Prove that work done in the earth's gravitational
field is

independent of path followed. 5

(b) Calculate the angular momentum of a star of mass 2 x 1030 kg and radius 7 x
105 km. If it

makes one complete rotation in 20 days, what is its K.E.? 3/2, 3/2

Q5. (a) State the equation of continuity and derive its relation. 5

(b) A Carnot engine utilizes an ideal gas. The source temperature is 227C and the

temperature is 12.7C. Find the efficiency of the engine. 3

Q6. (a) Define simple harmonic motion. Show that energy is conserved for a body

simple harmonic motion. 5 Page 5 of 5

(b) A church organ consists of pipes, each opens at one end of different lengths. The

minimum length is 30 mm and the longest is 4m. Calculate the frequency range of

fundamental notes. (Speed of sound = 340 ms-1) 3

Q7. (a) Define diffraction of light. Explain diffraction of x-rays by crystal and derive

equation. 5

(b) A compound microscope has lenses of focal length 1 cm and 3 cm. An object is

1.2 cm from the object lens. If a virtual image is formed 25 cm from the eye,
calculate: Separation of the lenses. 3/2

Magnifying power.
Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2014 Group 1

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

(Objective Type)

Note: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice
which you think

is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink. Cutting or
filling two or

more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Write the letter A, B, C or D in
the column

(write correct option) against each question also. If there is a contraction in the
bubble and hand

written answer, bubble option will be considered correct.

Q1. 17

1. The stationary waves consist of:

(a) Crests and troughs

(b) Compressions and elongations

(c) Nodes and antinodes

(d) Reflection and rarefraction

2. When one mirror of a Michelson Interferometer is moved a distance of 0.5 mm,

2000 fringes are

observed. The wave length of light used is :

(a) 5000m

(b) 5000 A0

(c) 500cm

(d) 2000 A0

3. The area between velocity-time graph and the time axis is numerically equal to :

(a) Speed of object

(b) Distance covered by the object

(c) Average velocity of the object

(d) Acceleration of the object

4. The optical fiber is covered for protection by a :

(a) Glass Jacket

(b) Plastic Jacket

(c) Copper Jacket

(d) Aluminium Jacket

5. International Telecommunication Satellite Organization operates at microwave

frequencies of:

(a) 4, 6, 8 and 10 Hz Page 2 of 7

(b) 4, 6, 11 and 14 GHz

(c) 4, 6, 8 and 12 Hz

(d) 4, 8, 11 and 16 GHz

6. Which is the process in which temperature of the system remains constant:

(a) Isobaric process

(b) Isochoric process

(c) Isothermal process

(d) Adiabatic process

7. When a body is whirled in a horizontal circle by means of a string, the centripetal

force is

supplied by :

(a) Mass of a body

(b) Velocity of a body

(c) Tension in the string

(d) Centripetal acceleration

8. If the resultant of two vectors each of magnitude F is also of magnitude F, the

angle between

them will be :

(a) 30 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) 120

9. A set of frequencies which are multiples of the fundamental frequency are called :

(a) Doppler effect

(b) Nodal frequencies

(c) Beat frequencies

(d) Harmonics

10.The pitch of sound depends upon :

(a) Intensity of sound

(b) Loudness of sound

(c) Wavelength of sound

(d) Frequency of sound

11.The lower reading of blood pressure is called :

(a) Systolic pressure

(b) Diastolic pressure

(c) Normal pressure

(d) Non-normal pressure

12.When the projectile reaches the highest point of trajectory, the vertical
component of velocity

becomes :

(a) Small (b) Maximum (c) Vicos (d) Zero

13.If a car moves with a uniform speed of 2m / sec. in a circle of radius 0.4 m its
angular speed is :

(a) 4rad/sec

(b) 5 rad/sec

(c) 1.6rad/sec

(d) 2.8 rad/sec

14.The value of solar constant is :

(a) 1.4kwm-2

(b) 1.0kw m-2 Page 3 of 7

(c) 4.1kw m-2

(d) .1kw m-2

15.The frequency of waves produced in microwave oven is :

(a) 1435 Hz (b) 2450MHz (c) 1860MHz (d) 2850 Hz

16. A system does 600 J of work and at the same time has its internal energy
increased by 320 J.

How much heat has been supplied :

(a) 280 J

(b) 920J

(c) 600 J

(d) 200 J

17.A light year is the distance, light travels in one year. How many meters are there
in one light


(a) 9.5 x 10-15 m

(b) 9.5 x 1015 m

(c) 9.5 x 1015 cm

(d) 9.5 x 1015 km Page 4 of 7

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2014 Group 1

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 3.10 Hours Marks: 83

(Essay Type)

Note: Out of Q. No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 write any Twenty-Two (22) short answers. While
writing answers

Q. No. and its part carefully. Each part carries two marks. 44


Q2. Write short answers to any 8 questions. 16

1) Write the dimensions of: (a) Pressure, (b) Density.

2) How many nanoseconds are in one year?

3) Name several repetitive phenomenon occurring in nature which could serve as


time standard.

4) What do you mean by scientific notation, give an example?

5) Define the terms:

(a) Unit vector (b) Position vector

6) Can a magnitude of a vector have a negative value?

7) Why do you keep your legs far apart when you have to stand in the aisle of a
bumpy riding


8) What is the difference between uniform and variable velocity? Give S.I units of
velocity and


9) Can the velocity of an object reverse the direction when acceleration is constant?

10)Define impulse and show that how it is related to linear momentum.

11)Why is it useful to use a safety helmet?

12)Explain what do you understand by the term viscosity and give its S.I unit.

Q3. Write short answers to any 8 questions. 16

1) Define escape velocity. Write its value.

2) Calculate the work done in kilo joules in lifting a mass of 10 kg (at a steady
velocity) through

a vertical height of 10 m.

3) State law of conservation of energy. Page 5 of 7

4) Explain the difference between tangential velocity and angular velocity.

5) Explain how many minimum number of geo-stationary satellites are required for

coverage of T.V. transmission.

6) Why does a diver change his body position before and. after diving in the pool?

7) Under what conditions does the addition of two simple harmonic motions produce

resultant, which is also simple harmonic?

8) Does frequency depend on amplitude for harmonic oscillators?

9) What is meant by phase angle? Does it define angle between maximum

displacement and the

driving force?

10)How are beats useful in tuning musical instruments?

11)Explain why sound travels faster in warm air than in cold air.

12)How should a sound source move with respect to an observer so that the
frequency of its

sound does not change?

Q4. Write short answers to any 6 questions. 12

1) Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?

2) What is Huygen's Principle?

3) Why the Polaroid sunglasses are better than ordinary sunglasses?

4) What is simple microscope? Write down the equation for its magnifying power.

5) Why would it be advantageous to use blue light with a compound microscope?

6) Derive Charles' law from kinetic theory of gases.

7) Why does the pressure of a*gas in a car tyre increase when it is driven through


8) Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than specific heat at

constant volume.


9) Give an example of a natural process that involves an increase in entropy.


Note: Attempt any THREE questions.

Q5. (a) Define scalar product write down its any four characteristics. 5

(b) Two blocks of masses 2.0 kg and 0.50 kg are attached at the two ends of a

spring. The elastic potential energy stored in the spring is 10 J. Find the velocities of

blocks if the spring delivers its energy to the blocks when released. 3

Q6. (a) Show that work done in gravitational field is independent of path followed. 5 Page 6 of 7

(b) A body of moment of inertia (I = 0.80 Kgm2) about a fixed axis rotates with

angular velocity of 100 rad s"1

this motion. 3

Q7. (a) Define and explain interference of sound waves. What are its kinds &
conditions? 5

(b) A block of mass 4.0 kg is dropped from a height of 0.80 m onto a spring of spring

constant K = 1960 Nm-1

compressed. 3

Q8. (a) Explain diffraction of X-rays by crystals. 5

(b) A telescope is made of an objective of focal length 20 cm and an eye piece of

5.0 cm,

both convex lenses. Find the angular magnification. 3

Q9. (a) State and derive Bernoulli's equation for ideal fluid. 5

(b) A heat engine performs 100 J of work and at the same time rejects 400 J of heat
energy to

cold reservoir. What is the efficiency of the engine?

. Calculate its angular momentum L and torque to sustain

. Find the maximum distance through which the spring will be

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2014 Group 2

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

(Objective Type)

Note: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice
which you think

is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink. Cutting or
filling two or

more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Write the letter A, B, C or D in
the column

(write correct option) against each question also. If there is a contraction in the
bubble and hand

written answer, bubble option will be considered correct.

Q1. 17

1. If a string is fixed at both ends vibrates in n loops, then wave-length in term of

length l of

string, is given by :

(a) nl/2

(b) l/2n

(c) 2l/n

(d) 2l/v

2. The process of confining the beam of light to vibrate in one plane is called:

(a) Interference

(b) Diffraction

(c) Polarization

(d) Total internal reflection

3. A bullet shot straight up returns to its starting point in 10 sec. Its initial speed was

(a) 9.8 ms-1

(b) 24.5 ms-1

(c) 49 ms-1

(d) 98 ms-1

4. If magnifying power of magnifying glass is 3, then focal length will be:

(a) 25 cm

(b) 12.5 cm

(c) 5 cm

(d) 3 cm

5. Weight of a 60 kg man in moving elevator (downward) with constant acceleration

of (1/2)g (g =

10ms-2) : Page 2 of 7

(a) Zero

(b) 300 N

(c) 600 N

(d) 200 N

6. The kinetic theory of gases suggests the average kinetic energy per molecule is.

(a) (12)KT

(b) KT

(c) (3/2)KT

(d) 2KT

7. The ratio of orbital velocity to escape velocity is :

(a) 2

(b) 1

(c) 1/2

(d) 2

8. Resultant of two perpendicular vector of equal magnitude (Say A) will be:

(a) A (b) 2A (c) 2 (d) A

9. In order to produce beats, the two sound waves should have:

(a) The same amplitude

(b) Slightly different amplitude

(c) The same frequency

(d) Slightly different frequencies

10.When wave is reflected from the boundary of denser medium then phase of
wave changes bv :

(a) 0

(b) 90

(c) 180

(d) 270

11.The law of conservation of energy is the basis of:

(a) Stream line flow

(b) Equation of continuity

(c) Bernoulli's equation

(d) Venture relation

12.When a ball is thrown straight up. the acceleration at its highest point is :

(a) Upward

(b) Downward

(c) Zero

(d) Horizontal

13.The radian is equal to :

(a) 2 rev

(b) /4 rev

(c) /2 rev

(d) 1/2 rev Page 3 of 7

14.A body of mass 1.0 kg drops from the top of a tower of height 50 m , what will be
its K.E., 10m

below the top :

(a) 490 J (b) 49 J (c) 98 J (d) 980 J

15. When one mirror of a Michelson Interferometer is moved a distance of 0.5 mm,
2000 fringes

are observed. The wave length of light used is :

(a) 5000 m

(b) 5000 A

(c) 500 cm

(d) 2000 A

16.The optical fiber is covered for protection by a :

(a) Glass Jacket

(b) Plastic Jacket

(c) Copper Jacket

(d) Aluminium Jacket

17. For total assessment of uncertainty in the final result obtained by multiplication
and division :

(a) Absolute uncertainties are added

(b) Fractional uncertainties are added

(c) % age uncertainties are added

(d) Error are added Page 4 of 7

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2014 Group 2

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 3.10 Hours Marks: 83

(Essay Type)

Note: Out of Q. No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 write any Twenty-Two (22) short answers. While
writing answers

Q. No. and its part carefully. Each part carries two marks. 44


Q2. Write short answers to any 8 questions. 16

1) Define Physics, Nuclear Physics.

2) How many seconds are there in 1 year?

3) Write the dimensions of: (a) Pressure (b) Density

4) Give the drawbacks to use the period of a pendulum as a time standard.

5) Define Null Vectors, Equal Vectors.

6) Can you add zero to a null vector?

7) Is it possible to add a vector quantity to a scalar quantity? Explain.

8) State Newton's Second and Third Law of Motion.

9) Explain the circumstances in which the velocity v and acceleration a of a car are :

(a) Parallel

(b) Anti-parallel.

10) At what point or points in its path does a projectile have its minimum speed, its


11) Show that the range of projectile is maximum when projectile is thrown at an
angle of 45

with the horizontal.

12) Why fog droplets appear to be suspended in air?

Q3. Write short answers to any 8 questions. 16

1) A girl drops a cup from certain height, which breaks into pieces. What energy
changes are


2) Calculate the work done in kilojoules in lifting a mass of 10 kg through a vertical

height of


3) Define the term power and its S I. unit.

4) When mud flies off the tyre of a moving bicycle, in what direction does it fly?

5) What is meant by angular momentum? Page 5 of 7

6) What is Geo-Stationary Satellite?

7) Can we realize an ideal simple pendulum?

8) What happens to the period of simple pendulum if its length is doubled? What
happens if its

mass is doubled?

9) Describe some common phenomena in which resonance plays an important role,

10) What features do longitudinal waves have in common with transverse waves?

11) Why does sound travel faster in solids than in gases?

12) Describe briefly about nodes and antinodes.

Q4. Write short answers to any 6 questions. 12

1) Could you obtain Newton's rings with transmitted light? If yes, would the pattern
be different

from that obtained with reflected light?

2) How would you distinguish between plane-polarized light and unpolarized light?

3) Define : (a) A ray of light, (b) Wave front,

4) Write down the names of the essential components of a spectrometer.

5) Explain the difference between angular magnification and resolving power of an



6) Sketch the ray diagram of a compound microscope.

7) Derive the Charles' law from kinetic theory of gases.

8) Is it possible to convert internal energy into mechanical energy? Explain with an


9) Does entropy of a system increase or decrease due to friction?


Note: Attempt any THREE questions.

Q5. (a) Define elastic and inelastic collision. Explain elastic collision in one
dimension to show

the relative velocities before and after collision are same. 5

(b) Show that the three vectors i + j + k, 2i-3j + k and 4i + j-5k are mutually
perpendicular. 3

Q6. (a) What is a conservative field? Show that a gravitational field is a conservative
field. 5

(b) A gramophone record turn table accelerate from rest to an angular velocity 45.0
rev min-1

in 60 S. What is its average angular acceleration? 3

Q7. (a) Define simple harmonic motion. Prove that projection of particle moving in a
circle along

vertical diameter is a SHM. 5

(b) The frequency of note emitted by a stretched string is 300 Hz. What will be the

of this note when the tension is increased by one-third without changing the length
of the

wire? 3

Q8. (a) Define microscope. Derive relation for magnifying power of compound
microscope. 5 Page 6 of 7

(b) Light is incident normally on a grating which has 2500 lines per centimeter.

wavelength of spectral line for which the deviation in second order is 15. 3

Q9. (a) Define terminal velocity show that terminal velocity is directly proportional
to the square

of radius of the droplet. 5

(b) Estimate the average speed of nitrogen molecules in air under standard
conditions of

pressure and temperature. 3


(Practical Part)

(A) Attempt any four questions. 8

i. What-is zero-error?

ii. What is meant by the pitch of a screw g,.uge?

iii. What is simple pendulum?

iv. State Hook's law.

v. What is moment arm?

vi. What type of vibrations are set up in the wire o. sonometer?

vii. What is end correction?

viii. What are conditions for total internal reflection?

(B) Write a brief procedure of the experiment to measure diameter of- a wire with a
screw gauge

and then calculate its area of cross-section. 3


Write a brief procedure of experiment to find refractive index of material of prism by

critical angle


(C) Answer the following questions on basis of graph :

(i) Find focal length of lens.

(ii) For a value of 1/p = 0.07cm0 find value of 1/q = ?

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