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Meeting 7/3/15

Programs, Projects, and Activities

1. Project SIIM Strategic Interactive Instructional Material
Most Functional SIIM
Starts after the First Grading Period
Least Mastered Skill Based from the First Grading Skill(s)
Should be reproduced for the IDENTIFIED Students
RIGID monitoring shall be expected (how the students progress from Day 1 and Onwards;
Each K12 teacher shall hold a remedial class for students who are left behind; If a Grade 7
teacher identifies a problem the concerned the teacher is the sole teacher to solve it, the teacher
may deem to apply intensive or regular level training.)
August 2015 Start of the Creation of SIIM
Evaluation of the SIIM - END of Second Grading Period October 2015
Periodic Test School Based Examinations
Monitor the Content - KPUP
RE: Remedial Classes
There should be NO student left behind
May be focused on reading or daily instruction
HTs shall decide on the schedule
Those teachers may have 4 days of remedial OR dependent upon the needs of the student(s)
Find ways to give these teachers award(s) / Surprise them during Teachers Day
English to information technology (EN2IT)
School Based (Sort of a Demo but not)
Construct OR Develop Materials using technologies that can be used in the Lesson
Compile all of the Material(s)
English EPS will request FUND for the Prize
Dr. Tugade shall invite EPS to judge the effectiveness of the material during the Contest Proper
EN2IT is Teaching using a very UNIQUE method / gadget
INFOCUS Projector (13,000-14,000)
NOTE: PILOT Implement in a Grade Level (to test)
Judging: November 2015
Can be converted to a CIP (Continuous Improvement Program) where the strat is evaluated
by the members of the Department and is further improved by the members of the Department.
CI Continuous Improvement- (to be discussed in JULY)
Colloquium Like (Presentation Only No Questions)
RPMS Shall roll out within JULY this Year c/o SDO

Project SMART
Synchronized Mentoring to Achieve Responsive Teaching
Master Teachers
School Based Initiative
MTs Clustered last year shall be the one to handle it
MTs = Dyadic Pair (Schools Min: 2 Max:3)
Starts at JULY (this month) select schools you want to rub elbows with
VALMASCI Malinta = Confer with the MT from Mentoring
PNHS Wawangpulo Malanday
Develop monitoring Tool (HT) > To monitor MT and Maximize the MTs function

HT sends a PM to the EPS for the proposed tool to be used in the evaluation of the master


July 13, 2015 announcement of winners Summer Reading Camp 2015
April 2016 (implement with or without MEMO from Div or NCR) in addition conceive a plan for
the upcoming summer reading camp.
Dr. Almeda considers reading programs as a big deal
Project STEM DREAM STM (Secondary Teachers of English Movement to Develop Reading
Enthusiasm to Achieve Mastery through Story Telling and Mentoring)
June-Aug School Based
Prepare materials for STEM to DREAM
Reading Caf and Reading Center
Update Reading Caf and how the Reading Center is utilized
Most Functional Library
Project ETQC (Enhance Teacher Quality Circle)
Conceived by the Division
Continue this
Project EETIC
Enhanced English Teachers Instructional Competence
Seminar Training Type
Might be Last week September or First week of October (max 2 nd Week)
2 MTs and 2HTs
Expected Number of Attendees: 20HT and 30MT
Luntiang Paraiso (Resort)
Crystal clear
Venue and Amount (for 50 Pax) Saturday and Sunday
Monthly Supervisory Report
Attach / Send report FB
Objectives: [A.) Date B.) Activities C.) Remarks]
1 page per month would do
National Reading Month
Any School Based Contest [Continue]
1. Reading Comprehension (G7, G8, G9, G10)
2. Story (G7)
3. Book Talk (G8)
4. Oration (G9)
5. Poetry Writing (G10)
6. Speech Choir (G7-G10) 15 Members [ONE (1) Entry per school only]
Reading Assessment Report (Grade 7)
(First Week of June Deadline)
Hard copy signed by the School Head
Observation of Classes (Next Week: July 6)
Make sure the LP is signed from JUNE
Assess teachers using the NCBTS material
The Teachers file (Pre Observation Information)
Furnish comments that was given to them
Will be verified by the Observers (Division-Regional-National).
Written / Performance / Periodic Test (assessment for the students)
Accomplishment Report

Activities / Description(s) Rationale which is Purely Narrative

SPECIAL NOTE: HT gives Pre Observation to the Teacher and that would be the focused of the observation.

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