Unit One Checklist

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Unit One Checklist

A01 File Management

Screenshots to show the creation of at least two folders containing two sub-folders each

Screenshots to show files saved to appropriate folders with appropriate filenames (P)

Screenshots to show creating a password protected document (P)

Screenshots to show backing up work to a removable storage device (P)

Screenshots to show shortcuts to folders and files (P)

Screenshots to show shortcuts to programs. (M/D)

Screenshots to show deleting, copying, moving and [renaming files] (M/[D])

Screenshots to show deleting, copying, moving and [renaming folders] (M/[D])

Screenshots to show restoring work from a removable storage device (M/D)

Screenshots to show the use of a search facility to find and open a file (D)

Screenshots to show you can edit and delete shortcuts (D)

AO2 WWW Research and email

Screenshots to show the use of a search engine (criteria, results and contents of a
website) (P) _
Printout of a source list with URLs (P) _
Screenshots to show book marking useful sites and organising the bookmarks into folders
(M/D) _
Comment on the trustworthiness of each site used (M/D) _
Print out to show findings of copyright (using text and images from the Internet) (M/D) _
Screenshots to show the use of " " and Boolean operators (D) _
Comment on the validity of each site used (D) _
Screenshots to show sending, receiving, replying and forwarding an email, one with
attachment (P) _
Screenshots to show sending, message to multiple recipients (P) _
Screenshots to show receiving and saving attachments (P) _
Printout of short document about the risk of receiving and opening attachments (P) _
Screenshots to show an email to multiple recipients and multiple documents attached
(M) _
Screenshots to show an email with priority setting, high or low importance (M) _
Screenshots to show the use of cc and [bcc] (M/[D]) _
Printout of short document on how to reduce the risks (D) _
Comment on privacy issues (D) _
Screenshots to show the use of an address book to store, retrieve and use of contacts (D)
Screenshots to show the creation and use of a signature (D) _
Comment on how up to date the information is on the websites you have used. (D)

A03 Business Presentation

Multimedia presentation with at least three slides (P) four (M) five (D) _
Screenshots to show accuracy checking (spelling and grammar) (P) _
Printouts in slide format (P) _
Printouts in handout format (M/D) _
Slides have consistent style (M/D) _
Screenshots to show the use of appropriate animation and transitions (M/D) _
Speaker notes on the notes page and printouts with notes showing (D)

A04 Business Documents

Business letter, Memo, flyer (P) _
Screenshots to show the use of spelling and grammar checks for all business documents
(P) _
Graphics from more than one source including www and digital camera (P) _
Formatting features such as font size, style and paragraph justification have been used.
(P) _
Source list for images, tables, graphs used in documents (M) _
4 page A4 Newsletter with table and one graph (M/D) _
Consistent house style (M/D) _
Screenshots to show the use of a graphic created using a drawing package (D) _
Five mail merged letters (with footer showing date and document information) (D)

A05 Business Spreadsheet

Printouts of a simple spreadsheet with at least one formula and borders (P) _
Printouts to show the effects of data being changed to obtain different results (P) _
Printouts to show the use of MIN, MAX, SUM, AVERAGE (M) _
Screenshots to show adding and deleting rows (M) _
Printouts to show the formulae used for one spreadsheet (M) _
Screenshots showing print preview and page setup with appropriate page orientation
(M/D) _
Printouts to show the spreadsheet formatted, with appropriate headers/footers (D)

A06 Business Database

Screenshots to show a deleted, added and edited record (P) _
Screenshots to show a customer query and design view (P) _
Screenshots of address label query, sorted. Printout of report (M/D) _
Screenshots of complex query using logical operators and design view. Sorting on one
field (D) _
Annotated printout of two reports in two different formats eg table and address labels (D)

Remember when printing out your evidence, only print two slides per page

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