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SPARK 2014

National Entrepreneurship & Leadership Summit

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society is organizing SPARK 2014, the National Entrepreneurship and Leadership Summit
at GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology from January 24 through January 26, 2014.

Aims & Objectives:


To Commercialize Technology that is developed at Universities.

To provide hands-on training and mentoring to students towards Technology and Business Idea Commercialization.
To tap and hone the entrepreneurial and leadership abilities of Pakistani Youth.
To Create Awareness about Importance of Leadership among Students, Faculty and Researchers.

About GIKI
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology is the top leading engineering university in
the country. named after former Pakistani President Ghulam Ishaq Khan. Pakistani scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer
Khan was one of the founding members of the institute. The institute was registered in 1988 by its parent body,
the society for the promotion of Engineering Sciences and Technology in Pakistan (SOPREST) with its aim to
produce engineers who are able to meet and exceed the standards of this technology era.

A Glance @GIKI!

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616

Pakistan is on the threshold of a major breakthrough in the techno-industrial fields and needs professionals
with ability and vision to lead the way. SPARK aims at promoting competition, initiative and decision making
in our participants to build up a strong base of logical reasoning and critical thinking when deciding to launch
their start-ups in the corporate world. We strive to promote individuals who can upgrade existing products, and
in whom professional excellence is inseparable from a commitment to our ideals.
SPARK 2014 aims to gather the largest pool of intellectual capital anywhere by connecting the Pakistan
industrialists and entrepreneurs with the faculty and students of more than 100 universities and colleges of
Pakistan. Our mission is to educate, nurture, and inspire future entrepreneurs. The part of the summit will be
business professionals, engineers, entrepreneurs, faculty and students.
We are confident that the plan that has been setup will tap and hone the business skills of the students and
make them effortlessly adapt to todays highly complex and competitive business environment. SPARK has
specially been designed to give both business and engineering students an experience of making a whole
business model of a product/service before they step into the real life launching.

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616



IDEA: Extreme Business Building
ACUMEN: All Pakistan Product Expo
BATTLEFIELD: National Business Case Study Competition
ADMAD@GIKI: Student Advertisement Making Competition
CLIFFHANGER: Business Knowledge Quiz Competition

Social Events

TIE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society shall organize a Music Concert at SPARK

2014. Prominent singers from the Pakistani Musical Industry are being invited to
perform. Sponsor our music concert! Help us make our event bigger and better!

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616

IDEA: Extreme Business Building

IDEA, the TIE-YES Extreme Business Event is supported directly by TIE Islamabad further strengthened by our direct relation
with private businesses, public sector organizations, universities, media groups and non-profit organizations. IDEA as such,
will spread over 2 days from Jan-24 2014 to Jan-26 2014 and shall provide that ultimate platform through which students
from more than 100 schools and universities of Pakistan including GIKI shall compete, interact and learn collaboratively
under the atmosphere of seasoned entrepreneurs of Pakistan who shall mentor and coach the participants for one whole
day. Best teams shall be short-listed and given the chance to present their IDEA at the closing ceremony in front of all the
potential investors of the country. Such an intensely engaging competition is destined to transform the brilliant ideas of
students into practical business plans with a high focus on developing products/services for establishing businesses.
IDEA shall comprise of the following rounds:

National Business Plan Competition:

Students/Individuals who have a promising start-up idea are invited to come along with their
business plans and elevator pitches.
For those students, who would like to participate in IDEA and do not have a business plan, they shall
be allowed to attend all the Business Planning workshops and seminars throughout the event to
teach them the fundamentals and core competencies of a business model.
Participating teams will also have vantage access to over 40 experienced mentors, coaches and
trainers who would themselves be successful entrepreneurs or would be from the corporate and
industrial world.
Jan 25, 2014: Business Planning Workshops, Seminars & Group Coaching Sessions
Jan 26, 2014: Business Plan Presentations. Best start-up presentations shall be given chance to pitch their
ideas at the closing ceremony on January 26 2014 in front of potential investors from various industries of

A Glance!

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616

ACUMEN: All Pakistan Product Expo

ACUMEN an initiative by TIE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society is a trendsetter in the sociopreneurial paradigm
of Pakistan. Today, social enterprises are setting the nation on a growth path by including rural folk and by
conceiving novel projects with a social consciousness. ACUMEN aims to bring sociopreneurs to limelight so that
they are bestowed with opportunities of funding, branding, networking, and making their presence felt, if not
Acumen is a competition that focuses solely on technology related startups, technical projects that prove
industrially promising and mobile/desktop apps and software which present some solution to the current
problems facing Pakistan. Participating teams shall bring their projects and shall be provided with stalls and
boards to display their projects and present it to renowned Pakistani industrialists. The panel of judges shall
consist of people from a variety of backgrounds ranging from technical to entrepreneurial.
Guidelines: Students who have undertaken a project that is of industrial/commercial/social value can participate
in ACUMEN. They shall be provided with separate stalls to showcase their projects in front of the judges.
Students at all levels of academia are eligible to participate in the Business Case Study Competition.

A Glance!

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616

Student Advertisement Making Competition
TIE Islamabad and GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society are the proud organizers of the enormous and
prestigious advertisement competition ADMAD@GIKI. The two categories of competition PrintAd
and PhotoAd - make sure that all the creative sides of an advertiser are thoroughly reviewed for the
final decision. If you are good with painting, photoshop, or any graphics software, ADMAD@GIKI is the
right competition for you. The problem statements shall be industry-defined; our partner companies
have also used successful entries in the past. For all those looking to make a career in marketing,
embrace AdMad and prove your strengths.
Students who are good at ad-making may apply in ADMAD@GIKI. Students at all levels of academia are eligible
to participate in the Business Case Study Competition.

A Glance!

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616

National Business Case Study Competition
BATTLEFIELD, the TIE-YES Business Case Study Competition also supported directly by TIE Islamabad is the
Pakistans first ever Business Case Study competition that brings together school and university students to
compete in a fast-paced and challenging business case study. BATTLEFIELD provides students a chance to build
cross-cultural relationships and most importantly participate in a real world case study to analyze and develop
a business recommendation within 36 hours. The competition shall culminate at GIK Institute of Engineering
Sciences and Technology where each team shall present their solutions to a panel of judges who shall select
Students at all levels of academia are eligible to participate in the Business Case Study Competition.

A Glance!

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616

Business Knowledge Quiz
Quizzing is not an art, it is an addiction...". CliffHanger, the TIE-YES Business Knowledge quiz is a live
quiz show which shall take place at GIKI. The question has been asked, the quizmaster is waiting, and
the prize is all yours if you can figure out the answer. The timer is ticking. Cliffhanger is where you will
be required to listen vigilantly to our workshop speakers who will be seasoned entrepreneurs. The
teams participating in IDEA will stand trial at the hands of our renowned quizmasters and will be
getting prizes on spot.

A Glance!

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616

Social Events
Music Concert
Are u missing the beat? Or do you crave for an atmosphere full of excitement. Get your dancing shoes on so that you can
sway back and forth, left and right to the beat as TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society brings you a muscle-tensing,
heartbeat concert at Agha Hasan Abedi Auditorium. With the leading music artists in Pakistan at your disposal, a great time
is guaranteed! So make sure you dont miss out this chance to get rocked, as time and tide waits for none.

Adventure lovers and mystery decoders would like to hunt and explore the corners of GIKI? Be prepared to decode puzzles
from clues and make your way through the hurdles to earn a fun-filled adventure of a lifetime and thats not it! The team
to make it to through the quickest receives a surprise prize at the closing ceremony!

Hiking Trip
Early morning of the 2nd day of the event, Team YES will take their esteemed participants to the trip of GIKI hills, which
will be arduous to some, but relishing to fun mongers and mountaineering enthusiasts. Its just too hard to miss!!!

Theme Dinner
We also have planned a theme dinner for the participants on January 26, 2014.

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616

Sponsor Proposals

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


The companys name will be associated with the event title. This includes the company
sponsoring the following:

Prize Money
Event T-shirt/Hoods
Shields and Certificates
Entertainment night stalls
Paper advertisements


The company's logo will be the most prominent on all forms of advertisements
(publicity banners, paper advertisements, flexes).
The companys name will gain highlight in the media coverage.
Invitations will be sent along with event posters, containing the sponsors name
and logo, to more than 300 universities, colleges, and schools.
Shields, bearing the sponsors name or logo, will also be given to the judges and
Certificates ,bearing the sponsors name, will be distributed among all the
Event T-shirt/Hoods will be distributed among all the participants and the TiEYES team.

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


The gold sponsor will have their names and logos printed on the following things:

Paper Advertisements
Event Guides

Event Posters

TV advertisement


Paper Advertisements include event guides, brochures and invites for participants,
judges, and guests. The companys logo will also be displayed on the official
website, Facebook page and the event T-shirt. The logo will also be displayed on
the posters, smaller in size than the platinum sponsors logo. The companys name
will also be broadcast on the media as part of event coverage.
Size of the logo on main banner will be 400cm^2.
Further terms can be set and agreed upon in the meeting.

Silver Sponsor Package includes the name/logo of the company printed on every page
of our:

Paper Advertisements, Event Guides

Website & TV Advertisement

The company does not need to sponsor the event completely. By providing partial
sponsorship, the company can become silver sponsors, and will get their logo displayed
on the event guides, brochures, websites, and gain media coverage. Terms can be set
and agreed upon in the meeting.

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


In bronze Sponsorship Package, the company will have its logo/name advertised on
the following things:

Side Flexes
Event Guides

The company's name will be printed on the event guide provided to the participants,
and guests. It will be displayed on the official website and the posters, aside from the
banner, which will be spread throughout the campus to publicize the events.

Instead of choosing from the above, the company can also sponsor a particular part
or aspect of the event which they deem suitable to promote their companys services
and/or products.

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


The Entertainment Night at SPARK 2014 shall feature a musical concert by any of the well-known
Pakistani singers. The sponsorship amount may vary depending upon the performer available, the
arrangements made for the night and the quality oF the media coverage. However, an estimated
amount is written below and the actual cost is very likely to be close to it. The company/organization
can also arrange any singers or band on their own to perform at the concert. The benefit to the
company will bE the publicity associateD with the concert's media coverage, as well as on the posters
and flexes highlighting the concert.

Glance@GIKI Ambience!

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


Cost Breakup

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


Event Banners
The name and logo of the sponsorinf company will appear on the banners. The types and dimensions
of the banners are as follows:

Event Publicity
The society promtes its event by hand-made posters, hanging posters, hangings etc which are spread
throughout the campus. The company will need to sponsor for the materials needed for this handmade publicity.
The logos of the sponsors will also be hanged on cafe walls, alongside other publicity artifacts.

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


Event Posters
The company can cover the price for the event posters which will be design with the sponsorss logo
on it and it will be distributed throughout the universities in Pakistan. It will also be pasted on the
faculty notice boards and hostels notice boards all over the campus.

Event Liaison
Event liaison includes the formal invitations to the universities and schools all over the country as
well as to judges and guests speakers.

Event T-Shirts/Hoods
Event T-shirts/Hands will be designed with the sponsors logo and name (depending upon the type
of sponsor) on it. All the society members will keep wearing them throughout the event. These Tshirts/Hoods will also be distributed among the participants. This will take the name of the sponsor
to each participants family and contacts.

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


Certificates and Shields

Certificates will be handed over to all the participants of the event. They will include the sponsors logo
on their portion in the order of sponsorship. Shields will be awarded to the guests, speakers, and the
winners of each category. The total estimated cost of the two things is here.

Events Guides
The event guides is an introductory pamphlet containing all the information and schedule of the event
plus the map of the campus sites. It is given to each of the participants and they keep it with them
during their stay at GIKI. The cost of guides is as follows:

Transportation Costs
TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society will provide the participants from different cities with facility of
transport. GIKI buses will pick the participants and professors from various points of Islamabad,
Rawalpindi and Peshawar including Benezir International Airport Islamabad, Rawalpindi Daewo
Terminal and Peshawar International Airport. Complete Transportation will charge around.

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


Accommodation Costs
The participants and guests will be provide accommodation at GIKI campus. For this purpose, we
require mattresses, pillows, bed-sheets on blankets on rental from caters in Islamabad or Peshawar.
Plus the GIKI Guest House will be hired for the stay of VIPs.

Messing Costs
Following meals shall be served to the participants and gates during their stay. the detailed schedule
of the meals and their estimated costs are given below:
Days 1
24th Jan, 2014 High tea
24th Jan, 2014 Dinner
25th Jan, 2014 Grand Dinner

Day 2
25th Jan, 2014 Breakfast
25th Jan, 2014 Lunch
25th Jan, 2014 High Tea

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616

Day 3
26th Jan,2014 Breakfast
26th Jan, 2014 Lunch


NOUMAN KHAN (President)
Mobile #: 03345004987
Email ID:
MUAAZ TAHIR (Vice President)
Mobile #: 0321-5687616
TAYYAB ALI KHAN (Director Sponsorships)
Mobile #: 03335333225
ABDULLAH NISAR (Director Operations)
Mobile #: 03125284545

TiE-GIKI Youth Entrepreneurial Society - Sponsorship Package

GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi (23640), KPK, Pakistan
Telephone: +92-334-5004987, +92-321-5687616


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