Teacher Evaluation in Nsu

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Teacher Evaluation 1

Teacher Evaluation in
North South University

MD. Fakhrul Alam

ID: 1220185030
Course: ENG105, Section 02
Jossef Burnett (Jbt)
Submission Date: 31 March 30, 2015

Teacher Evaluation 2

I would like to thank all the students of North South University who helped me by
participating in the questionnaires of the survey and allowing me to complete my research. I
would like to thank all my friends who help me to do the research paper within the deadline. I
would also like to thank North South University administration department for the guidance,
support, and cooperation in writing the research paper.

Teacher Evaluation 3

This research paper is on the topic Teacher Evaluation in North South University.
Teacher Evaluation is a process of evaluating the faculty members by the students involved in
their courses at the end of every semester. The main purpose of teaching evaluation is to provide
information and feedback to the faculty members or the instructors so that they can improve
themselves, add materials to the course and also improve the quality of the way they teach the
students here. This is a very important system to be done in almost every institute because
professional practice needs to be improved, be up to date and always be examined. Through this
research, I wanted to find out that are the results really accurate of the evaluation or not. My
hypothesis is that teacher evaluation is not accurately done by the students in North South
University and teachers are not getting the accurate evaluation results. However, I also expected
to find out what is teacher evaluation for the students and some reasons through which I can
prove my hypothesis to be true. I also tried using a few secondary sources like a short talk with
some students, online information. I am glad that my hypothesis has been proved right through
my questionnaire of the survey.

Teacher Evaluation 4

Table of Contents
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

Background------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Areas of Research ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Methodology ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Data Presentation and Analysis ------------------------------------------------------- 9

Summary of Research Findings-------------------------------------------------------- 18

Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

Recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20

Bibliography------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23


Teacher Evaluation 5

Teacher evaluation can have many purposes like collecting feedback which later helps to
improve professional skills as well as the course material. This might also help for taking
personal decisions of a faculty or even help the institute to know about the faculty well as well as
what the students think of him or her. Teacher Evaluation is a systematic process which is mainly
done almost in every educational institute in Bangladesh as well as also practiced in other
foreign countries.
Well-constructed course evaluations can help improve teaching and learning experiences
in the classroom (Teaching Assistant Fellows, 1994).
The students of the target area, that is students of North South University has to evaluate
the faculties after every semester by answering a number of questions regarding the course
material, performance of the faculty in class and so on. The topic Teacher Evaluation in North
south University seemed to be interesting to me due to a number of reasons. Firstly, as a 10 th
semester student it is obvious that I have evaluated many times and every time I evaluate I find
students who are not willing to do so. I saw students evaluating on behalf of their friends too.
Therefore, I decided that I would like to work on the above topic which hopefully would
contribute a higher significance to the institute.

Teacher Evaluation 6

The research paper is based on the topic Teacher Evaluation in North South University.
Since this is a research done based on the students of North South University and also is a course
completion requirement this was not possible to know that whether any research were done on
this topic or not through the university.
When a teaching evaluation is conducted with the purpose of accountability in mind, then
the outcome of the evaluation would often be an overall assessment of the teacher's teaching
performance, and sometimes judged in comparison with those of his or her peers. Because results
of such summative evaluation will often be used to help the university management to make
personnel decisions, such as contract renewal, substantiation and promotion, they are often done
formally using more formalized procedures.
It is earlier stated that the evaluation takes place after each semester but are we actually
aware of the fact that the results are accurate or not? What are the thoughts running in the
students mind with the topic? Are there actually in dishonesty or any factors present which
effects the result of evaluation? I am glad to say that the entire research completes all the above
information as well as the research paper will tell us some more interesting information.
Teacher Evaluation is a process of evaluating the faculty members by the students
involvement in their courses at the end of every semester. The main purpose of teacher
evaluation is to provide information and feedback to the faculty members or the instructors. But
this evaluation is not accurately done by the students in North South University and teachers are
not getting the accurate evaluation results. And this is my hypothesis.

Teacher Evaluation 7

Areas of Research
The area of the research is the students of North South University answering their idea of
evaluation, likings /disliking about the process, preference on the peer form, way of answering
the questions and many more.
I wanted to know about the following information through this area of research and they
are listed below:
1. Are the students giving right answers to evaluate the faculty members?

2. Are the results of teacher evaluation accurate?

3. Do the students like or dislike the teacher evaluation process?

4. Is the evaluation having any impact to improve professional knowledge of faculty


5. Are there any factors affecting the results of teacher evaluation?

6. Is teacher evaluation having any implementation toward or against the faculty

I hope the research will be helpful for the institute to improve its current status of

Teacher Evaluation 8

The methodology I have used in this research can be basically divided into two parts,
primary data collection and secondary data collection. The two methodologies will be shortly
discussed below.
Primary data collection
I prepared a survey questionnaire for the area of my research in order to get my primary
research to be completed. The questionnaire included a total of 8 questions which also included
students completed teacher evaluation semesters that means which semester is going on of the
student. I take those students, who completed 3 semesters because it will give me more accurate
results of my questions. A sample of 30 students participated on the survey approximately. The
primary data are presented through pie-charts in percentage.

Secondary data collection

I had a short talk with some students regarding the research topic as well as hypothesis.
This was more or less like a short interview with them and the results in the secondary data
collection will be discussed later. I also collect some information from the online also.

Teacher Evaluation 9

Data presentation and analysis

Perception of Students about the Teacher Evaluation
This was one of my very important requirements in the research because this could be
represented as one of the factors of why my hypothesis could be proved true. The pie-chart
represents the percentage of sample students which says that 5% of 30 students think it is very
important and 25% think it is important but the majority students think that it is a waste of time
and not so important. The graphical chart is given below:
Fig 1: Percentage of students perception about teaching evaluation

Perception of Students
Very important 5%

Important 25%

Waste of time 40%

Others 0%

Nothing 30%





Teacher Evaluation 10

Are the students given correct answers to all the questions?

This was the second question asked in the survey questionnaire which represents 40% of
30 students get bore of answering the questions in teacher evaluation while 10% of 30 students
always do it properly. It is unfortunate that almost 30% of 30 students randomly answer all the
questions and 20% read a few question and answer randomly in the teacher evaluation. The
graphical chart is given below:
Fig 2: Percentage of students correctness of the answers of evaluation questionnaire

Correctness of Question Answers

I Randomly answers all of them 30%
I Read a few and answer randomly 20%
I Get tired of answering 40%
I pay full attention 10%




Teacher Evaluation 11

Are the results of evaluation given by students always correct?

As it is shown in the pie-chart almost 90% of 30 students think No that means the
results are wrong and 10% of students think Yes that means results are correct. This graph (fig
3) shows that students are aware of the fact that whatever they evaluate all these are wrong and
cannot be used for further requirements.
Fig 3: Percentage of students thinking about results correctness of the answers in evaluation

Students Thinking about Results Correctness of Answers

Yes 10% No 90%



Teacher Evaluation 12

Do the Students Like or Dislike the Process of Teacher Evaluation

In the pie chart (Fig 4), we can see that only 10% of 30 students like the process of
teacher evaluation while the majority that is 90% of 30 students feels that they dislike and 0%
dont care about the process of teacher evaluation. Most of the students think that there is nothing
in this process of evaluation. This evaluation process has same thing in each semester.
Fig 4: Percentage of students liking or disliking or I dont care the process of teacher evaluation

Liking ,Disliking or don't care

Like 10%

Dislike 90%

I don't care 0%



Teacher Evaluation 13

Is any change required in the process of evaluation?

Students were asked that how many of them want a change in the teacher evaluation
method. 85% of 30 students think yes while 15% think no and 0% says dont know. That
means 85% of 30 students want change in the process and 15% do not want any change in the
process of evaluation. This could be mainly happened because if the methods are changed the
students would interestingly evaluate faculty members properly. The graphical chart is given
Fig 5: Percentage of students thinking about change in the evaluation process

Changed Required
Yes 85%

No 15%

don't know



Teacher Evaluation 14

Time preferred by the students when the evaluation week starts

Which time do you prefer to do the evaluation is the question. It was seen that almost
15% of 30 students complete the task very quickly taking time to evaluate in 1 st week while 50%
did it anytime rather than 1st week they want to and 25% of 30 students forget about the dates and
10% wait for the advising day. But 0% students are rush at the last hour. To see the anytime
rather than 1st week and forget the dates percentages this again proves that students are
unwilling to do the teacher evaluation and giving less importance to it.
Fig 6: Percentage of students time preference for evaluation

Time Preference for Evaluation

First week 15%

Anytime rather than 1st week 50%

Forget the dates 25%

Wait for the advising day 10%

Rush at the last hour 0%




Teacher Evaluation 15

Duration (time) taken by the student for evaluation

To prove my hypothesis that whether it is correct or not I asked students that how do they
usually evaluate. 75% of 30 students do not have enough time to read all the questions and
answer one by one, 5% students ask to the friend or mate sitting next to them and 20% think that
they take time for evaluation.
Fig 7: Percentage of the students taken the duration for evaluation

Duration (Time) Taken for Evaluation

Yes I do 20 %

No, not enough time! 75%

Ask fellow mates 5%




Teacher Evaluation 16

Did you ever pass your NSU ID number and password to your friend for teacher evaluation
on behalf of you?
In the Chart (Fig 8), we can see that the majority 55% of 30 students pass their NSU ID
number and password to his or her friend for teacher evaluation on behalf of him or her. And the
other 45% of 30 students did not pass their NSU ID number and password to his or her friend for
teacher evaluation on behalf of him or her.
Fig 8: Percentage of students doing dishonesty

Passed NSU Id Number and Password for Evaluation

Yes 55%

No 45%


Teacher Evaluation 17

Reasons for avoiding Teacher Evaluation

Students do not have enough time for evaluation.

NSU does not have sufficient computer for evaluation.

Students do not concern about evaluation time.

Evaluation process is totally time consuming.

Evaluation questionnaire is same in every semester.

There are so many questions in questionnaire.

There is no implementation of the teacher evaluation as per students demand.

Teacher Evaluation 18

Summary of Research Findings

Most of the students think that this process has many problems which should need to improve.
Most importantly they think that they do not get any kind of implementation after evaluation.
Many teachers in NSU are not actually giving proper lectures, proper guidelines, time to study,
and most importantly learning procedures to study. They evaluated against the teachers and want
some action against them. But they dont get the implementation. To see that there is no value of
evaluation they avoid the teacher evaluation. Also I find that in NSU teacher evaluation process
is not attractive to the students. They want some change in the process which may be attractive,
innovative questionnaire.

Teacher Evaluation 19

Since there was a shortage of time I had to work with a very small sample. Hopefully I
could have proved my hypothesis more clearly and more accurately if I had the chance of
increasing my sample size. Students in the survey were found less interesting on the research
topic. It is a very negligible task to be done every semester for the majority but as we all know
how important it is but the fact is although we are aware of the importance of the teacher
evaluation but moreover students are unwilling or disliking the process. To conclude it is all I can
say is my hypothesis have been almost proved right. Last of all the survey, I conducted shows
that certain change in the process might end up with more accurate results but not exact one.

Teacher Evaluation 20

Process of evaluation might need some certain changes which might help the situation of
the teacher evaluation. Most importantly try to get results which will be approximately correct.
The following gives a short description on the new changes of the teaching evaluation process.
The ideas are to make it interesting to the students.

1. In the current evaluation questionnaire, there is many multiple choice questions with
five options which could be turned into yes/no questions and make it more interesting
to the students.
2. Students know the questions properly because they are doing the evaluation for many
semesters. So, they become bore to give that question answer. If there is any change is
possible such as change in the evaluation questions in each semester might sound
interesting to the students and increase their willingness to see the change in the
3. Involve two or more invigilator in the teacher evaluation room to invigilate the
students ID with photos and try to avoid dishonesty.
4. In the evaluation, there are many questions regarding the instructor or faculty
members and course materials. Reducing current questions of the evaluation may
decrease the students hassle.
5. Give those kinds of questions in the teacher evaluation questionnaire which are
relevant to the teacher evaluation. Such as, in the current questionnaire, there is a
question about the course materials that is The subject materials of this course are
not taught in other courses. Most of the time, students will disagree with it in certain

Teacher Evaluation 21

courses. The questions might be this way Some of the subject materials of this
course are not taught in other courses.
6. On the other way, if faculty members will take his or her evaluation at the end of the
final exam or at the end of the last class by giving evaluation questionnaire, that will
be the best thing. Then the faculty members will take one copy of evaluation
questionnaire answers and submit the original evaluation questionnaire answers in the
supervision department or their own department. It will be helpful to the faculty
members to evaluate him or her by own and also by their department or supervision
7. A change in this process could be done by using the Midterm Exam Evaluation
process. This evaluation is basically short and done in the exam hall by providing a
page with certain questions to students.

Evaluation Questionnaire Sample Feedback from the Students

Did you find faculty member lecture suitable for class?

Teacher Evaluation 22

a. Yes
b. No
Did the faculty member speak clearly and appreciably?
a. Yes
b. No
Could you read the faculty member writing properly?
a. Yes
b. No
Did you understand all the instructions and class procedures?
a. Yes
b. No
Did the faculty member encourage questions, involvement and argument?
a. Yes
b. No
Did the faculty member answer questions effectively?
a. Yes
b. No
Did you have any scheduling conflict with the office hours of faculty member?
a. Yes
b. No
Was the pace of the course about accurate?
a. Yes
b. No
Were the course curriculum, assignments, and projects understandable?
a. Yes
b. No

Eric S. Taylor, S. E. & John H. Tyler, H. J. Can Teacher Evaluation Improve
Teaching? Retrieved from: http://cepa.stanford.edu/content/can-teacherevaluation-improve-teaching
In this article based on some arguments about teacher evaluation, authors has tried
to find out whether teacher evaluation improving teaching or not. Through
analyzing some factors like traditional use of information, availability of new
information knowledge, highly structured classroom observations activities, author
summarizes the improvement condition of teacher evaluation.
A skilled writer taylor and tyler has shown some indication like Well-designed
evaluation, encouraging teacher, formal scoring and feedback routines,
opportunities for effective practices conversation in their articles to show evaluation
benefit. Through this strong indication they points out the teacher evaluation
benefit. The writer has provided a well-reasoned and strong analysis in this article
that teacher evaluation improves the teaching quality.

Teacher Evaluation 23


Kwan, K. (1999). How fair are student ratings in assessing the teaching
performance of university teachers? Assessment and Evaluation in Higher
Education, 24(2), 181.
In this book the author give some arguments about the fairness of students
on teacher evaluation. The author takes some factors like dont bother about
assessment, take as work, feeling biasedness, think this process useless and
analyze these factors and summarize the student fairness condition on
assessing teacher performance.
Kwan has proven some facts like students fill up the evaluation forms by
friends or class mates, not carefully reading the instruction just given
answers, also doing friends evaluation, sometimes biased to show fair rate of
assessment the teacher evaluation. By proven of these factors strongly Kwan
indicates that student showing less fair about assessing the teacher

Theall, M., & Franklin, J. (1991). Using student ratings for teaching
improvement. In M. Theall, & J. Franklin (Eds.), Effective practices for
improving teaching (pp. 83). San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass Inc.
In this article based on some factors the author tries to indicates that
students ratings are important for teaching improvement. Taking efficient
teaching, quality maintains, effective formula, favorable information the
author analyzes and summarizes the teaching improvement.
The author indicates some factors like learning objective from evaluation,
following students opinion about teaching, taking action against poor
performance, knowledge about effective teaching to show the formula of
teaching improvement. By providing these factors the author showing strong
evidence about student ratings help to improve in teaching.


Teacher Evaluation 24

Neumann, R. (2000). Communicating student evaluation of teaching results:

Rating interpretation guides (RIGs). Assessment & Evaluation in Higher
Education, 25(2), 121-134.
In this book based on some research author try to find out some important
factors about communicating student evaluation of teaching results. Taking
the effectiveness of evaluation, quality, reliability of evaluation information
author analyzes and summarizes the communication condition of teacher
result evaluation.
Neumann has given some points like increasing the teaching quality,
specializing the education process, understand and effective students
knowledge to indicates the importance or the value of student evaluation of
teaching result. Through this points the author made a strong evidence and
well-reasoned about the importance of this communicating student
evaluation in teaching result.

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