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: IKMC 2012




Stress, Contributor of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Many people assumed that the problem of stress has no relationship with
the condition of the body or our health. In fact, this assumption is not correct,
because there is indeed a causal relationship between stress and health conditions
of our body. It is no wonder when there is an expression that says there is a
healthy soul in a healthy body. Same like stress between healthy conditions, stress
has causal with coronary heart disease. There are several factors trigger coronary
heart we have seen, among others, smoking and lack of exercise. But, did you
know that these two factors behind the occurrence of coronary heart disease risk
triggers are largely due to a sense of stress. Stress is the body's reaction to a
situation that looks dangerous or difficult for people.
Well, the stress did not directly make the condition a person's body can be
changed. But, on the advanced level, stress will make the disease develops in the
body such as coronary heart disease. Based on research, stress can cause
constriction of the arteries and decrease blood flow of up to 27 percent. As for the
other studies that say that heavy stress can lead to rupture of the artery wall that
triggers a heart attack. If exemplified on the life work, stress can be triggered
from the demands are too high, but the worker does not have control to change the

task. When workers experience stress weight then they will perform activities that
can get rid of the stress. Such as stress making people want to go sleep and lazy of
doing sport or anything. Then, it will make him or she get slows beat of heart and
decreasing ability to pump up of heart. When he or she gets a pressure in the
workplace, he or she can not ready to get that and make a heart attack disease.
Usually, people (worker) who get a stress and can not to solve it; will run
over to eating some foods for sight in that. In this case, the foods is have sweetest
materials in foods or many junk foods which have high cholesterol and unhealthy.
Unknowingly, he or she has a highly cholesterol and it can be caused obesity. It
means, over weight (obesity) can increase highly blood pressure and abnormally
of sum cholesterol. Then, from obesity will increase a risk of coronary heart
disease. Because, cholesterols of body can stuff up in artery vein and make
coronary heart disease. However, it has a causal relationship between coronary
heart disease and stress (from eating some foods).
Beside sleepy and eat some foods, people will run over to smoking. Well,
smoking is one of factors trigger coronary heart. But did you know that before
people want to smoking, he or she has a stress conditions. People who have stress
and can not to solving it definitely will confuse and upset. So, for compose it;
people will take a cigarette and smoking. They said that if we were smoke, all
problems will disappear. In fact, cigarettes make increasing blood pressure and
commit chemical materials. And then, it destruct artery vein and finally to be
coronary heart disease. Cigarettes contain many chemical materials, such as
nicotine, toluene, tar, cyanide, ammonia, cadmium, acetone, and naphthalene.

So, don't let a job makes you feel depressed. Therefore, a study show,
people who have high levels of stress in the workplace more risky had a heart
attack. Although stress is not a major cause of coronary heart disease causes such
as smoking and lack of exercise, stress, however, is the source of us doing so.
When we stress most people will wreak it with smoke until they feel the stress of
her or his missing. In addition, the existence of stress the person will also wreak it
with sleep that they become less exercise. This is why the stress became one of
the important things to note in the cause of coronary heart disease. If you have any
problems, look for solutions not only avoided because it will not solve your






Accssess by November,10th 2013
Magdalena, Maureen M. 2013.Faktor-Faktor Utama Terkena Resiko Penyakit

resiko-penyakit-jantung.html Accsess by: November,10th 2013

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