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Are limiting beliefs, fear of failure, or lack of courage holding you back in life?
Are you stuck in a rut in an uncomfortable comfort zone and struggling to see a way to
improve or expand your world?
Then read on, for I think youll find this Blog helpful to put some perspective on whats
happening for you. Its a Blog about how you can become conditioned to believe youre
stuck or trapped in circumstances and cant escape.
Baby elephants are often tied to trees with a piece of rope or chain to stop them escaping.
At first, as would be expected, the elephants pull and tug with all their might.
After a while however of struggling and failing to escape, the baby elephants believe that
they are not strong enough to break free and give up even trying. This limiting belief
becomes so firmly imprinted in their minds, that they can be tied to a tree by the same thin
rope or chain as an adult elephant, yet continue to make no attempt to break free.
Reality, however, would be different one tug and they would have freedom.They have all
the power within them to break the rope or chain easily and to pull the tree out by the
Interestingly, even removing the rope or chain makes no difference to the adult
elephants behaviour.

Their minds have become so programmed to expect

a difficult

struggle, they stay in the proximity of the tree where they know they feel comfortable
and safe.

We are so similar to those elephants at times often operating in a comfort zone as if were
chained and imprisoned within it. We subconsciously set ourselves limits and boundaries,
beyond which we think we cant easily go. We let lack of confidence in our ability hold us
back, and limiting thoughts and beliefs imprison us.

We act just like the elephants, settle for being uncomfortable in our comfort zone, and give
up trying to improve or greatly expand our lives.
I hear you say you have tried to change your life.
I ask: Are you trying hard enough?
I hear you say you want success in life.
I ask: Do you truly believe you can have it? Do you know and believe you deserve
it? Are you prepared to do whatever it takes, for however long it takes to get it?
Throw off your fear of failure, fear of judgment of others, fear of not being good enough or
deserving enough. Throw off your thoughts of not being strong enough or talented enough
to achieve exactly what you want in life.
I urge you to stop making excuses, stop waiting for the magic wand, and dig deep for
strength and courage. If you do nothing different, if you dont take action, youll continue to
get the same old same.
Expand and stretch yourself daily beyond your existing comfort zone. Do one thing every
day that scares or stretches you a bit and youll find your belief and confidence, and your
world will grow.
For within you right now is the power to make your biggest dreams and visions
Limitations exist in your mind only, and all change in your life begins with you!

The Psychology of Money, Prosperity and Wealth

by Kristine Hallbom
What stops people from succeeding financially and having ongoing prosperity in their life?
The answer is generally focused around the belief that financial success is not a possibility.

There are many people who have unconscious barriers that prevent them from having the
wealth and abundance that they deserve.
If you have limiting beliefs about money at an unconscious level, it will be difficult to move
though your financial limitations because your unconscious mind will dampen your efforts to
succeed. This is why some people end up living from paycheck to paycheck their whole life
because at some level they dont believe that theyre capable of doing better.
At a conscious level, most people think theyre doing everything possible to achieve their
goals. However, there still might be some unconscious part of them that doesnt believe
they can obtain success. The more a person avoids that unconscious part, the more
obstacles will continue to show up in their every day life. Thats the way the mind works.
For example, think of all the people you know who read the think and grow rich books,
attend financial seminars, say daily affirmations, and still have money problems. All of these
things theyre doing are worthwhile, yet they often dont get to the core of their issue,
which usually involves some type of limiting belief.
People have many different unconscious beliefs about money. Some of the more common
ones weve come across are:
You have to work hard to make money.
I will never be rich.
Having money isnt spiritual.
Life is a struggle.
Money is hard to manage.
You need money to make money.
Its too late in my life to think about getting wealthy.
I dont have the magic ingredient that is necessary to be successful.
I cant be successful because my parents werent successful.
These type of beliefs limit people because theyre looking for the answers outside of
themselves, when in reality the keys to prosperity exist within themselves. Wealth is not
what a person has. It is a state of mind. The people who succeed in life from a financial
perspective have positive beliefs about money, wealth and prosperity. They understand that
wealth is an internal experience.
Instead of focusing on all the possible ways to get rich, many people spend a lot of time
obsessing about what they dont have. An interesting pattern develops in which they
become angry or resentful over their situation, which creates more limitations and barriers
in their lives. Its so easier to get ahead in life when youre coming from a peaceful state of
mind, versus an angry or resentful frame of mind.

The first step in understanding the unconscious patterning of a persons financial situation is
to explore the deeper nature of how they represent money.
For example, a person with money issues may have had parents who lived in poverty, and
they subsequently formed a Depression Era mentality. Hence, an unconscious belief was
developed that the person will always have to struggle financially because thats what their
parents did. Or they might have had a parent tell them over and over again that theyll
never be successful, and eventually they began to believe it.
Its very common for children to unconsciously form limiting beliefs around money at an
early age. These types of limiting beliefs are referred to as imprints in the field of Neuro
Linguistic Programming (NLP). An imprint is basically a memory that is formed at an early
age, and can serve as a root for both the limiting and empowering beliefs that we may form
as children. Some of the beliefs that we may develop at early ages are not always healthy,
and are created as a result of a traumatic or confusing experience that we have forgotten.
How we unconsciously and consciously view the world in terms of money is generally based
on such beliefs.
Identifying your limiting beliefs is a critical first step. Once youve identified what some of
those underlying imprints/beliefs are, you can use different NLP and life coaching processes
to quickly move through those obstacles, thus allowing you to see and experience all of the
financial opportunities that are really available to you.
Beliefs About Possibility
The primary psychological difference between those who do well financially and those who
dont revolves around beliefs about possibility. For example, many people dont even view
financial success as an option. They dont have the capability to open themselves up to all of
the possibilities that are available for achieving prosperity. Often theyll get stuck in a
monthly routine and are unwilling to take risks or try something different because theyre
afraid that theyll end up being worse off than they already are. What these people dont
realize is that its common to have to take a step backward in order to move forward.
Many millionaires have gone bankrupt at some time in their life and then in a short time will
completely turn their financial situation around for the better. Moreover, many people who
start up their own businesses often lose money in the beginning. However, they do this,
trusting that their new business will expand to a point where theyre earning a nice salary
while collecting a tidy profit.
Not everyone has to take risks or step backwards to get ahead, though its important to
consciously open yourself up to the idea of what is possible for you. In order to embrace this
idea, you must first have the ability to change your daily routine by doing something

different. This includes learning how to view your world through the eyes of prosperity and
abundance, instead of lack and poverty.
Try this on for a moment:
Think about something that you want and all of the possibilities that you have in achieving
it. Ask yourself, What is possible?
Now try something different.
Think of something that you dont have, but that youd like to have. Think about all the
reasons why you dont have it and how you wish you could have it.
Notice which one of those makes you feel better.
Hopefully, the first statement made you feel better because it was designed to expand your
unconscious and conscious frames around wealth and prosperity. Its amazing what can
happen to a person once they change their attitude and beliefs about possibility. Once
people begin to shift their thinking, they start seeing results almost instantaneously. The
shifts may be small at first, but as they continue to embrace their new way of positive
thinking, a lot of magic opens up for them.
For example, many years ago a number of Vietnamese boat people immigrated into the
United States. Many Americans were concerned about the strain that would be created on
welfare and other government services as a result of these people coming into the country.
Interestingly, many of the Vietnamese who went into business for themselves ended up
doing extremely well. Why is that?
An obvious answer might have to do with the fact that the Vietnamese people came from a
country where if they said the wrong thing, they would get shot. Then they came to the
United States where the worst thing that could happen was that someone would call them
on the phone and harass them because they didnt pay a bill.
If you come from a world where death is a moment to moment reality to a place where
options are endless, then there is no reason not to try everything. Instead of being angry or
bitter about having to leave their country, they were grateful to be alive. Instead of sulking
in self-pity, many of them adopted a creative attitude that revolved around the question,
What is possible?
Consequently, when they moved here, two or three Vietnamese families would live in a
confined space. They went out and got minimum wage jobs and pooled all of their money
together. When they got enough money, they would buy a business and the whole family
would start working at the business. Once the business became fairly successful, they would
buy a piece of real estate. Then they would buy more real estate, and so on.
For these Vietnamese people, success was an affirmation of what is possible, because
everything was possible to them. All they had to do was prioritize what they wanted, and

then categorize the different possibilities in achieving. Instead of feeling sorry for
themselves, they stayed positive and kept a laser beam focus on their long-term goal of
wealth and financial prosperity. People can do anything they want. The question is: what are
they willing to do to get to their possible outcome?
Wealth is a State of Mind
Often people will confuse who they are with how much money they make. Whether someone
makes a million dollars a year or $15,000 a year, everyone still has the capability to achieve
a certain degree of financial abundance in their life.
For example, when the Nazis took over in Germany, there were very many wealthy people
in the society who had their lives ripped away from them and they ended up in
concentration camps. Viktor E. Frankle or Anne Frank were in situations of the worst poverty,
yet they actually had an abundant life.
In Mans Search for Meaning, author Viktor E. Frankle said that the one thing that a person
has that can never be taken away from them is their attitude.
We who lived in the concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the
huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in
number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man, but one
thing: The last of his freedoms to choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances, to
choose ones own way.
Frankle, a psychologist, adopted a creative attitude that helped him survive the nightmare of
living in a concentration camp. He was able to manifest internal prosperity by exercising his
right to do so. This same attitude led him on a path towards achieving and living an
abundant life once he got out.
Wealth and Self Worth
When it comes to thinking about prosperity, its helpful to understand that its a resource
that flows through us. We are a conduit for prosperity. Once this is realized, then we start to
identify with the fact that were the ones who choose how to channel this resource. Viktor
Frankle made this distinction in the concentration camps. Every single one of his material
possessions were stripped away from him, including his shoes. The only thing he had left,
was the ability to believe in himself and to embrace the idea that he was still a good person,
despite the fact that everything had been taken away from him. This was an important
distinction for Frankle to make, because then having money was no longer a question of his
Money doesnt determine who you are; its simply a resource. Having a strong inner sense of
self is what is truly important. Money is merely an external element. Once people stop
equating their self-worth with money, then the doors of possibility swing open for them

because theyre willing to try more things. Once they start feeling better about themselves,
they become less fearful and are open to trying something completely different.
Its a matter of getting clear on your financial goals, and then declaring to yourself, This is
what I want and there are several ways of achieving it. There are several possibilities for
making it happen. If something doesnt work, then Ill try something else.
And if the next thing doesnt work out, then its simply feedback that you need to try
something else. It doesnt mean that youre a failure or a terrible person. It simply means
that there is something out there that will eventually work and that something is outside of
you. You are still the same person on the inside, no matter what.
Measuring ones self-worth by how much money one has can be devastating. For example,
there was a woman who had 17 million dollars set aside for her in a trust fund by her
parents. It would pay her out at least $800,000 a year in interest as long as she was
breathing. This person found her identity and self worth in the lifestyle that she lived and
how much she owned. During one shopping spree, she spent $18,000 in the lingerie section
of her local department store.
Most of the actions that she took when it came to spending large sums of money were the
result of comparing herself to her sister. The sister was in the same situation; she also had a
trust fund that paid out a lot in interest. However, the sister never looked at money as an
aspect of her identity. She never determined her self-worth by how much she had.
All it meant to her was that she had something to fall back on if there was ever a problem.
She married and started several businesses with her husband. They became extremely
successful in their own right and it turned out that after many years, the income from her
trust was relatively small compared to the income generated from the businesses they had
Interestingly, the woman who based her identity and self-worth on her pocketbook spent
large sums of money to keep up with her sister. She eventually went bankrupt. This is an
extreme example of someone who measures their self worth on how much money they
The womans situation became even more complicated when she started comparing herself
with her sister, which is also a statement about her self-worth. Its common for a person to
compare their financial status with someone else and, sadly, this is the root of much of the
emotional pain that people carry. People have a tendency to compare themselves with their
friends, co-workers, family members and so on. When people compare themselves with
someone, what theyre actually doing is making a judgment about themselves and the other
person. At some level theyre basing their identity and self worth on external elements.

When someone decides to stop comparing themselves to others, theyll begin to notice
amazing shifts in their life because theyll be viewing life from the inside looking out. Theyll
be internally referenced, which will enhance their self worth and identity because theyll be
determining who they are from their own heart. Theyll no longer give other people the
opportunity to determine who they are, because theyll already know themselves at a very
deep and spiritual level. Instead of basing their self worth on external elements like a
paycheck, they develop a strong inner sense of self-worth which gives them the courage to
try new things-thus expanding their opportunities.
For example, there was a janitor who made only about $1,800 a month. After doing some
beliefs work with NLP and financial planning, he decided to start his own business. He began
by saving money and then he bought all the supplies that he needed. He kept his regular
janitor job, but he took a new cleaning contract on the side. He then got another contract
and hired somebody else to help him out. After a period of time he decided to quit his janitor
job and started his own cleaning company. He eventually made a tremendous jump in his
monthly salary, and had a sense of freedom that he had never experienced before.
What is interesting about this story is that the man was still doing janitorial work. What
changed was his self-worth. Instead of thinking, Oh, Im just a janitor, I cant do anything
else. Im not smart enough, Ill never be rich, he began thinking, What is possible? What
are some ways that I can achieve wealth? Everybody needs someone to come in and clean.
Homes need it, schools need it. Theyre hiring me to do it, why dont I just get on the other
side of the fence and start up my own business!
Thats how you open up possibilities. It starts with a dream. Then its a matter of turning that
dream blueprint into reality. As a person begins to embrace their own self worth and open
themselves up to the idea of what is possible, theyll attract wealth and prosperity into their
life. The outer world is truly a reflection of our inner world. If someone is feeling good on the
inside, generally it will show on the outside and theyll draw positive experiences into their
life. Thats the way life works.
The Power Word Technique
Excerpted from Build Your Money Muscles

The subconscious mind accepts what it is told and uses these beliefs to bring forth
outcomes. If you tell your subconscious mind that life provides opportunities, you will have
opportunities; tell it that you never get what you want and disappointment will prevail.
Contradictory beliefs, however, can cause interference, as can resistance to change.

For example, if I tell my subconscious mind that I am experiencing an easy cash flow yet I
harbor the conflicting belief that it is difficult for me to make money, no matter how often I
reinforce my perception of an easy cash flow, it will be obstructed. Likewise, fear or any
other uncomfortable emotion I might have about the effects of an easy cash flow could also
hinder a positive outcome.

Fortunately, because the subconscious mind believes and acts on what it is told, it can also
be taught to release old beliefs and unhealthy emotions and move through resistance.

To harness the participation of your subconscious mind, practice the following technique-a
method based on the Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) approach developed by psychologist Larry
Nims. First, choose what I call a power word, which can be any word or short phrase that,
unlike the word money, perhaps, does not have a strong emotional charge for you. My power
word is terrific. Examples of terms my coaching clients have used include Shazam, Freedom,
Peace, Do it, and Go, girl.

Next, read the following statement aloud to alert your subconscious mind to the outcomes
you would like it to present.

Subconscious mind, every time I notice a problem, discomfort, belief, or behavior I intend to
release, you will employ the following power word to eliminate all the roots of the problem,
emotional discomfort, belief, or behavior. You will also apply this power word to install any
statement of intention, affirmation, or new belief that I make. The power word I am going to
use is __________.

If you later decide to change your power word, repeat the statement and conclude by
saying, Subconscious mind, I am now going to use the power word _________.

This method calls upon the power word to cue in the subconscious mind for purposes of
releasing dysfunctional habits and installing functional ones. A release statement, to be
followed by your power word, might include any one of these: I release the belief that I
cant change, I release my expectations of failure, I release my fear of change, I
release my need to criticize myself, or I release my need to procrastinate.

The installation of an intention, affirmation, or new belief, also to be followed by your power
word, articulates your willingness and desire to adopt a more functional habit. A statement

of intention might be as follows: I am willing (want, give myself permission) to change my

relationship with money.

A statement of affirmation, which presents a condition or state of being as if it were already

in existence, would be voiced as an I am statement, such as I am comfortable with

A statement of new belief, on the other hand, would be expressed as an outcome you are
capable of achieving, such as I can improve my financial position. It is also possible to
combine a hoped-for installation with a release by using your power word after a releaseand-manifest statement, as in I give up being stuck and manifest freedom.

Any sequence you prepare to release one habit and install another should be easy to
perform and will make its effects known inwardly. Simply repeat each statement and your
power word, adding more statements as necessary, until you note a distinct lessening of
tension or overall sense of well-being. When using your power word to release a recurring
uncomfortable emotion, merely focus on the emotion and repeat your power word until the
feeling dissipates.

To overcome resistance to change, you could work with a sequence such as this:

I release my need for resistance. (Power word)

I release my fear of financial change. (Power word)
I am willing to deal with the consequences of moving forward. (Power word)
I give myself permission to enjoy changing my financial position. (Power word)
I can make these changes and still be safe. (Power word)
I can make these changes and not be alone. (Power word)
I am comfortable with change. (Power word)
I release my resistance and manifest change. (Power word)
On the other hand, to surmount impediments introduced in response to an identity threat,
you might achieve better results with this sequence:

I release my need to maintain my current identity. (Power word)


I release my fear of creating a new financial identity. (Power word)

I release my fear of being unable to change my financial behaviors. (Power word)
I want to change the way I deal with money. (Power word)
I am willing to go through the discomforts of this change. (Power word)
I am able to deal more comfortably with money. (Power word)
Using your power word in this way will give you a sense of control over outgrown habits that
may be obstructing your financial progress. In fact, it will often diminish or eliminate the
emotional charge causing the block.

Inviting your subconscious mind to participate in shifting your financial position replaces selfdefeating thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors with constructive ones. As such, it
serves as a potent conditioning force. Customized as needed, this method can
independently eliminate barriers to progressive change and eventual prosperity.

Energy Psychology Technique- (BSFF)

Financial blocks are caused by old emotions and limiting beliefs. My goal has been to find
techniques that allow for the rapid elimination of these blocks so that you can create a
comfortable, prosperous life for yourself.

I have been using two techniques in the emerging field of Energy Psychology that can help
you quickly and easily overcome your financial blocks. They are Be Set Free Fast (BSFF),
developed by Larry Nims, Ph.D. and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), developed by
Gary Craig.

Be Set Free Fast (BSFF)

BSFF is a highly focused method for treating virtually any kind of discomfort. This is done by
eliminating from your subconscious both self-limiting beliefs and the emotional roots of the

The basic theory of BSFF is that your subconscious mind is a faithful servant and will do
whatever you tell it. And what you are going to tell it is to use a simple cue word, of your
choosing, to eliminate all of the roots of whatever problems you ask it to treat.


BSFF is that simple. However, it does take some finesse to recognize and eliminate all of the
roots of your problems. To help you learn to do this, Joan Sotkin, the creator of, has collaborated with the developer of BSFF, Larry Nims, Ph.D. on a
book that will quickly teach you this elegant technique.

- The Courage to Be You w/ Joan Sotkin

In this episode, I talk about the fact that everything you have done and learned so far is
what makes you uniquely you. Do you have the courage to speak your truth? Do you have
the courage to really be you?

Being interviewed on other podcasts has given me a whole new perspective on my work and
has given me the confidence to speak more honestly about what I know to be true.


How do we make our lives work? Is there something within us that creates our life stories?
There is so much more to us than we can perceive with our three-dimensional minds. When
we realize there is more, we can create our lives from a more peaceful place.
When we try to describe something that exists in other dimensions, we are using threedimensional language, so it cant be accurate.
We all have the power of creation within us, and when we are aware that we are a part of a
whole, we can accomplish more.
Our perception of the real rules for living is often limited.
If we all understand our connection and work together, our lives can be a lot more pleasant.
Each one of us has something unique to bring to the world, and every one of your life
experiences has made you who you are.
What has happened to you and what you have done is not good or bad, its just what youve
done, and you have the option of asking, Is this what I want to keep on doing, or do I want
to do it differently?
As people get older, then tend to take fewer chances.
What if we arent stuck in three-dimensional reality?
If you see yourself as anything but special, you arent seeing the truth of you.


When we open our minds to that which lies beyond what we think is real, we enhance our
lives in incredible ways.
What are you hiding about yourself that you are afraid to let out?
Once we say out loud who we are, then we can be free from a lot of our life struggles.


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