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C/ San Mateo, 13 (Metro: Tribunal/Alonso Martnez).
Tuesday to Saturday: 9:30-18:30
Sundays: 10:00-15:00
Its free for people under 18 so take your identity card with you!
You can follow the museum activities on Twitter: @MRomanticismo
Essential: you must include the ticket as an evidence of your visit.
Deadline: January 14th or 15th, 2016

Write a report of your visit according to these guidelines (2 pages is the limit!):
1. Presentation of the Museum; general impression of the visit.
2. The museum is representing a house of the 19th century (belonging to
the bourgeoisie). These houses had a public area and a private area.

From the public area, you are going to describe the ball room.

From the private area, you are going to describe one bedroom.

3. There were also some differences between areas for men and areas for
women. Compare two rooms dedicated to each genre.
4. Explain any aspect that caught your attention about the daily life in the
19th century.
5. Choose your favourite object of the museum. Explain your choice.
6. Conclusion (including a mention to activities that the museum offers).

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