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Court Profile

The Seal of the Court of Appeals
Court of Appeals Hymn
Martsa ng Court of Appeals
The Philippine Judiciary Hymn
Functions of Organizational Units

The Court of Appeals, second highest tribunal of the land, was created on February 1, 1936 by virtue of
Commonwealth Act No. 3 promulgated on December 31, 1935 with its eleven (11) Judges with Pedro
Concepcion as the first Presiding Judge.
With the enactment of Commonwealth Act No. 259 dated April 7, 1938, the appellate judges were named
justices and the composition of the Court of Appeals was increased to fifteen (15) justices. Executive Order
No. 4 (1942) was issued by the Executive Commission on February 5, 1942, again increasing the number of
justices to seventeen (17). In the latter part of 1944, it was regionalized into five (5) Districts -- Court
Appeals for Northern, Central and Southern Luzon; for Manila and for Visayas and Mindanao.
With the abnormal conditions prevailing during the Japanese Occupation, the Court was abolished in 1945
when Pres. Sergio Osmea Sr. issued E.O. 37.
After the Japanese Occupation and with the passage of R.A. 52 sponsored by Sen. Vicente Francisco on
October 4, 1946, the Court of Appeals was recreated consisting of a presiding justice and fourteen (14)
associate justices. Marceliano Montemayor was the first post-war presiding justice. The first post -war
legislation on the judiciary was R.A. No. 926, otherwise known as the Judiciary Act of 1948. The composition
of the Court was increased to eighteen (18) by R.A. 1605; then to twenty-four (24) justices by R.A. 5204 on
June 16, 1968. The number of CA justices was increased again to thirty-six (36) in 1973 and to forty-five
(45) in 1978.
In 1983, there was a thorough judicial reorganization under Batas Pambansa Blg. 129. E.O. 864 was issued
wherein the Court of Appeals was renamed Intermediate Appellate Court and its membership enlarged to
fifty (50) associate justices and a presiding justice. However, only thirty-seven (37) justices were appointed.
With the change of government in 1986, President Corazon C. Aquino issued E.O. 33 on July 28, 1986, in
which the name Court of Appeals was restored with a Presiding Justice and fifty (50) Associate Justices.
On February 23, 1995, R.A. No. 7902 was passed expanding the jurisdiction of the Court effective March 18,
On December 30, 1996, R.A. No. 8246 created six (6) more divisions in the Court, there by increasing its
membership from fifty-one (51) to sixty-nine (69) justices. The number of divisions was increased from
seventeen (17) to twenty-three (23) and its membership from fifty-one (51) to sixty-nine (69). The first
seventeen (17) divisions were to be stationed in Manila for cases coming from the 1st to the 5th Judicial
Regions, the 18th to 20th divisions in Cebu City for cases from the 6th to 8th Judicial Regions and the 21st
to 23rd divisions for cases from the 6th to 8th Judicial Regions and the 21st to 23rd divisions in Cagayan de
Oro City for cases from the 9th to 12th Judicial Regions.
However, this law was fully implemented only in 2004, with the appointment of eighteen (18) new justices
for the Visayas and Mindanao stations and the opening of the Cebu and Cagayan de Oro offices.
The Court of Appeals reviews the decisions and final orders of all the Regional Trial Courts. Also, the Court of
Appeals reviews decisions and resolutions in administrative cases of the Ombudsman, and those of the
Department of Justice and other agencies exercising quasi-judicial functions, including the Office of the

President. The decisions and resolutions of the National Labor Relations Commission are now initially
reviewable by the Court of Appeals, instead of a direct recourse to the Supreme Court, via petition for
certiorari under Rule 65 (St. Martin Funeral Home v. NLRC, 295 SCRA 414).
On July 7, 2004, the Supreme Court, in People vs. Efren Mateo (433 SCRA 640), allowed the Court of
Appeals to conduct an intermediate review before the case is elevated to the Supreme Court in criminal
cases where the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment or death.
On December 15, 2005, the Supreme Court issued A.M. No. 05-11-04-SC promulgating the rules of
procedure in Anti-Money Laundering cases under R.A. No. 9160 as amended, wherein the Court of Appeals
was granted jurisdiction over petitions for freeze orders on any monetary instrument, property or proceeds
involving an unlawful activity under said Republic Act. On October 24, 2007, the Court of Appeals was also
granted jurisdiction over petitions for Writs of Amparo, pursuant to A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC. Likewise, effective
February 2, 2008, the Court was granted jurisdiction over petitions for Writs of Habeas Data, pursuant to
A.M. No. 08-1-16 -SC.
The recent appointees to the Supreme Court are Justices Estella M. Perlas Bernabe and Bienvenido L. Reyes.
Currently, the Court of Appeals under Presiding Justice Andres B. Reyes, Jr. has embarked on several
projects to make the Court more responsive to the demands of the times.
With the cooperation of the Justices, the Presiding Justice launched a Zero Backlog Project 2010 and
instituted the new and improved Court of Appeals Management Information System to provide real time
monitoring and tracking of cases. This includes monitoring and tracking of cases in Cebu and Cagayan De
Oro Stations, wherein a similar system was launched on September 20, 2010 and on October 26, 2010
respectively, thus making the Court of Appeals fully computerized. The system is designed such that litigants
from any corner of the country can access information regarding the status of their cases from their
computers. The court is likewise making preparations for the electronic filing of cases, thus making the court
truly accessible. The total computerization of the court as well as some changes in the processing of court
documents has tremendously added to the court's capacity to make court decisions even faster. The
launching of these records management systems was accompanied with employee morale and training
programs, thus making the employees of the court a true partner in the dispensation of justice.
This complements the earlier opening of the Court's One-Stop Processing Center on September 15, 2008,
wherein basic public front line functions were consolidated in one place.
The Court's main building, which was the pre-war College of Engineering Building of the University of the
Philippines, was partially, razed by fire in 2007 has been repaired, renovated and modernized in keeping
with the dignity befitting its stature.
Being the second highest court of the land, the Court of Appeals handles around 90% of all cases elevated
to the third level courts which cases often involve complicated issues and voluminous records, thus
sharpening the skills and enhancing the proficiency of Court of Appeals Justices in almost all fields of law.

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A Court where JUDICIAL EXCELLENCE is a Daily Reality.

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(1) To enhance the public trust by disposing of cases justly, speedily, and impartially.
(2) To employ computerized and automated innovations and re-engineer administrative and operational
(3) To uplift the professional and moral standards of Court officials and employees.
(4) To provide magistrates an environment conducive to the faithful discharge of their judicial tasks.
(5) To uphold the Rule of Law by fairly and fearlessly defending the Constitution and the rights of the people.

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The Seal of the Court of Appeals

The seal of the Court of Appeals is composed of two ovals with the following elements: at the center of the
inner oval, the 1946 coat of arms of the Republic in its center, the scales of justice and sword on the upper
background; and a branch of laurel on each side of the foot of the coat of arms; whereas, the garlands
"Republic of the Philippines" surround the upper arch of the outer oval and "Court of Appeals" on the lower
arch. Below the oval is the Court's motto, justitia per legem.
Each element of the seal symbolizes the Court's ideals and patriotism. Symbolically, the 1946 coat of arms
of the Republic depicts the country's history. The upper portion of the coat of arms represents the
independence of the Republic from colonization, the eight-rayed sun representing the eight provinces placed
under martial law by Governor General Ramon Blanco during the Philippine Revolution and the five-pointed
stars presenting the three geographic regions of the country, i.e. Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. To
emphasize the independence of the Republic, the sun and stars have a white background symbolizing peace
and purity. In contrast, the lower portion of the coat of arms represents the colonial history of the Republic,
symbolized by Lion-Rampant of Spain on the right against red background representing courage and bravery
and the Bald-Eagle of the United States on the left against blue background for noble ideas. The scales of
justice, adopted form the scales carried by the Roman goddess of justice, Justitia, represents the Court's
idealism of fair and equal administration of the law without influence. The sword, on the other hand, also
adopted and carried by Justitia, personifies the Court's power to punish offenders of the law. With the
branches of laurel, representing joy, the scales and sword of justice emphasize the Court's victory in the
battle against the offenders of the law and the swift administration of justice without corruption, greed,
prejudice or avarice. To guide the Court's action towards such idealism, justitia per legem, literally translated
as "justice through law," has been adopted as its motto.

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Court of Appeals Hymn

Words and Music
Justice Jesus M. Elbinias
(December 01, 1998)
The Court of Appeals
So stately its seal
Proclaims justice is for all.
The Court of Appeals
With courage and zeal
Fulfills its judicial call.
We rule conscience free
With sound equity
Dispense justice swift and real.
The law will prevail
In this citadel
So Steadfast the Court of Appeals.
Ring out the bells for justice
Beat drums and trumpet peals
Let all the world take notice
We hail the Court of Appeals.
Our sight set afar
At justice -- our star
To guide us in our ideals.
If God so commands
We march flag in hand
For country and Court of Appeals.
(Repeat the Refrain and last stanza)
If God so commands
We march flag in hand
For country and Court of Appeals.

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Martsa ng Court of Appeals

Titik at Musika
Justice Magdangal M. de Leon
(February 01, 2011)
Sa bansa nating minamahal
Sagisag ka ng pag-asa.
Pantay-pantay bawa't mamamayan
Katarunga'y umiiral.

Court of Appeals, Court of Appeals
May dakilang simulain.
Batas ang siyang naghahari
Sa pagtupad sa tungkulin.
Court of Appeals, Court of Appeals
Ang katwiran ay laging gabay.
Paglilingkod na wagas kailanman
Kabalikat sa ating kaunlaran.
(Ulitin ang Koro)
Paglilingkod na wagas kailanman
Kabalikat sa ating kaunlaran.

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The Philippine Judiciary Hymn

Words and Music
Justice Jesus M. Elbinias
The Philippine Judiciary was born of liberty
A bulwark of democracy enshrined in history
The annals of the nation trace our rightful lofty place
Our institution is ablaze with glory, light and praise.
We pledge our all, our heart and soul
To seal our loyalty
We march as one, our task be done in constant unity.
The Philippine Judiciary endowed with majesty
With justice, law and equity pursues its destiny
Our voices rise in harmony to hail triumphantly
The honor, faith and legacy of our judiciary.

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Functions of Organizational Units

The Court of Appeals En Banc is composed of the Presiding Justice and
sixty-nine (69) Associate Justices.
The Office of the Presiding Justice implements policies, executes the
resolutions and enforces the orders of the Court of Appeals En Banc. It
performs the functions specifically vested upon him by the law, rules
and regulations or those implied therefrom and performs all other
functions and duties inherent in his position. The offices of the

Associate Justices assist the Presiding Justice in his adjudicative and

administrative functions.
The Office of the Clerk of Court acts as the administrative officer of the
Court. He/She exercises general supervision over personnel and
administrative matters; recommends courses of action to be taken on
various matters ranging from personnel action to non-judicial concerns;
disseminate information concerning court activities of public interest;
answers queries from litigants, counsel and interested parties
pertaining to the status of cases pending in the Court and perform
other functions as may, from time to time be assigned to him/her by
the Presiding Justice or the Court. In all official matters, and in relation
with other government agencies, the Clerk of Court Is usually the
liaison officer.
The Office of the Assistant Clerk of Court shall assist the Clerk of Court
in the performance of his/her duties and functions; performs such other
duties and functions as maybe assigned to him/her by the Presiding
Justice or the Clerk of Court and in case of vacancy in the position of
the Clerk of Court, the Assistant Clerk of Court shall act as Acting Clerk
of Court, until his/her successor shall have been appointed and
qualified; in case of absence or incapacity of the Clerk of Court, the
Assistant Clerk of Court shall perform the duties of the Clerk of Court,
until the latter reports for duty.
The Office of the Division Clerks of Court is under the direct control and
supervision of the Chairman of the Division. It takes charge of the pre
and post adjudicative matters relative to cases brought to the Court.
The Accounting Division takes charge of accounting and monitoring of
all court financial transactions, revenues, collections and remittance. Its
functions include general supervision and administrative control of
activities in financing. budgeting, accounting, collections, and other
related matters including processing and control of staff salaries and
other financial concerns.
The Cash Division takes charge of cash disbursements, reports and
collections, payment of salaries and wages of justices, officials and
employees of the court to include casual and contractual employees;
supervises the preparation of collection reports and daily deposits to
Land Bank of the Philippines of all monies, checks, money orders for the
court; checks preparation, issuance of official receipts for various funds
and check releasing, records of miscellaneous matters and transactions.


The Fiscal Management and Budget Division prepares and executes the
annual budget of the Court, initiates plans and budget preparation for
better utilization of Court funds, fiscalizes the Courts financial interest
to cover budget deficiencies and corrective measures needed. It
prepares reports as required by the Department of Budget and
Management, Commission Audit and other government agencies. It is
in charge of budget allotment and control for the Court and provides
advise and assistance to the Court on the status of appropriations,
allotment and such other financial matters as maybe needed.
The General Services Division is in charge of Court buildings, grounds
and facilities, supervises the janitorial agency maintaining the court
premises, coordinates with other government agencies and private
entities on needed major repairs and services in the Court, sends out
by mail or personal deliveries, official court notices and processes.
The Human Resources Management Division provides essential support
services to the Court through personnel administration and
management, human resource training and development,
administration of leave matters, employees welfare and benefits,
retirement and personnel discipline. It also attends to personnel actions
such as appointment, recruitment, promotion, transfer, re-employment,
detail, demotion, retirement and separation and is also in charge of
Court plantilla, notice of salary adjustment and step increments.
The Information and Statistical Data Division serves as the center for
systematic exchange or dissemination of information about the Court
and renders prompt, sincere and accurate case information service
assistance to the public; collates from the offices of the Justices, and
submits to the Office of the Court Administrator and other requesting
government agencies monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual
statistical reports on case accomplishments, case load and case
The Judicial Records Division takes charge of case docketing activities
like receiving, compiling, processing, reporting all pleadings necessary
for the proper adjudication of appealed judicial cases whether civil or
criminal in nature and also original actions falling under the jurisdiction
of the Court of Appeals. It administers records keeping policies,
procedures and techniques, implements and evaluates programs for the
systematic management of judicial records; prepares entries of
judgment; maintains systematic filing and records keeping. It is also in

charge of remanding decided cases to the court of origin, and acts as

case records custodian for the Court.
The Library Services Division assists the Presiding Justice, Associate
Justices, officials and lawyers of the Court, including private practicing
attorneys, in their legal research tasks; is in charge of acquisition,
inventory and distribution of all law book collections, law journals and
the like to the Presiding Justice, Associate Justices.
The Management Audit Division performs performance audit of the
different offices of the Court, pre-audits payrolls, vouchers and
performs actual inspection of all purchased supplies. It acts as adviser
for the courts financial management program.
The Management and Information Systems Division is in charge of all
information and communications technology needs of the Court;
provides technical services related to the planning, development,
maintenance and implementation of information systems; supports and
guides the Court in its computerization efforts or implementation of new
technology, and performs systems update and enhancements of
existing systems in the Court. It maintains and regularly updates the
electronic information bureau in the Court of Appeals intranet to include
court information and downloadable forms for all Justices, officials and
employees alike.
The Medical and Dental Services Division attends to the health needs of
all justices, officials and employees of the Court through free medical
and dental consultation and treatment, pre-employment physical
examinations, laboratory tests including electrocardiogram (ECG) and
certain modalities of physical therapy. Medications for commonly
occurring ailments are dispensed free to sick employees. It is also in
charge of the CA Health and Welfare Plan available to all Justices, court
officials and employees alike.
The Property and Supply Management Division is in charge of
procurement, inventory, budget projections, and maintenance of all
Court properties, equipments, and supplies. It is also in charge of the
cleanliness, peace and order, maintenance, repairs of the Court of
Appeals cottages and administration building located at Baguio City.
The Reporters Division keeps custody of the originals of decisions and
final resolutions in binded form, cause its publication in the Court of
Appeals Reports Annotated (CARA) and in the Official Gazette decisions

and final resolutions; prepares and publishes with each reported

decision and final resolution a concise synopsis of the facts necessary
for a clear understanding of the case, the names of counsel, the
material and controverted points involved, the authorities cited therein
and a syllabus which shall be confined to points of law; and calls the
attention of the Presiding Justice to conflicting decisions, in which case
the Presiding Justice shall convoke the Divisions concerned to resolve
the same.
The Raffle Committe is in charge of assignment of cases by raffle to the
different justices, ensures its proper and equitable distribution and
keeps a general record of such assignment. Actual process of raffling
through a lotto-like device is carried out by a Raffle Committee of three
Court of Appeals Justices assisted by the Raffle Staff. The results of the
daily raffle are disseminated to the appropriate offices. It guarantees
the transparency of the whole process which requires utmost honesty
and efficiency, initiative judgements and discretion based on established
principles and policy.
In charge of formulation, evaluation and management of security
systems for the Court of Appeals premises, property and Justices,
officials and employees; Maintains peace and order, safeguards the
properties of the court and performs other related functions as maybe
assigned by the Presiding Justice.

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