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Jia and Stem Combo






Forest Formation




One will waddle through various obstacles when he or she is

proactive. As such, it is advisable to remain passive. Everything
will fare well if you keep calm; what the heart wishes the hands
will accomplish

Auspicious fortune is waiting. This implies bountiful strength and

energy. One must look closely. An inauspicious door creates
inauspicious energy. Strength can be sapped just as easily as it
is given.

Extremely auspicious. Denotes positive outcome in all

endeavours. However, when it falls on houses that represent
Entering Grave or Striking Punishment , this combination
can be extremely undesirable.

Green Dragon
Protecting Leader

Relax and wait for the opportunity. A proactive mind this

season will be met with much resistance. One must watch the
signs and look for an opening. A forcible hand will only receive
force in return.

Auspicious outcome. Denotes positive energy and great

strength. However when the Door is inauspicious, the energies
would turn inauspicious two folds.

Green Dragon
Combines Spirit


Positive outcome for all goals set. Fortune appears to be

extremely auspicious. Beware houses that represent Entering
Grave or Striking Punishment because such combination
welcomes unlikely consequences.

Good for meeting Noble people and receiving support. Excellent

combination for career pursuits and seeking fame. Also good for
promotion and getting support from superiors.


When it falls on Grave location, it will be compelled with all

previous positive effects nullified.

Wood Fire Brilliance


Now is the season for the establishment of networks. The

foundation of such shall be Noble and supportive people. Pursue
one's career and fame concurrently and be rewarded by both.
Fear nothing for even if it falls on Grave location,
compounded fortune will nullify the omen.



Heaven counters Earth, pulling in unwanted outcomes. This

emulates the effects of Jia-Jia combo, which denotes
unsuccessful pursuits, lonesome ventures and lack of support.

Shinning Green
Dragon Formation

Nobleman Enters

Despite the foundation of Earth's pull as strong, remember that

the heaven can greatly counter it. Unlikely consequences will
befoul the unwary and audacious. Pursuits will be unsuccessful
as emulated by the effects of Jia-Jia .

Due to lack of support from superiors, this formation is not

favorable for either official or personal affairs. Even those who
support you will meet with trouble.






As such, expect difficulties in whatever youre embarking on.

Misleading instruction and command by others amplify this
negative streak.
Due to lack of support from superiors, this formation is not
favorable for either official or personal affairs. Even those who
support you will meet with trouble.
As such, expect difficulties in whatever youre embarking on.
Misleading instruction and command by others amplify this
negative streak.


Auspicious matters turning the other way round, and continue

to disintegrate. The situation is growing murkier and you are left
feeling helpless. You seem to meet with rivals or challengers
everywhere, and your feeling of fear and anxiety only attest to
this inauspicious stride.

Leader Flying

Auspicious fortune will now veer towards the opposite direction.

Dawn is farther away and the day will only get darker. Rivalries
will erupt or get worse. Anxiety and fear will be constant
bedfellows that writhe and moan upon the weary.
Denotes cutting away your foundation or removing your
support. It is only with auspicious Doors you can make plans to
escape or avoid a confrontation with your enemies. Meet with
negative Doors, however, one may incur major cut-backs and
loss of fortune.
Also, be aware of injuries relating to your feet.


Green Dragon
Broken Feet

To grow, the bird must leave the nest; for the wolf, the pack; for
the son, the moon. Like the Wolverine, cutting away a limb also
brings energy and strength. The path to escape without
confrontation runs through the auspicious Doors. Negative
Doors will cleave fortune by half.
Footwear must be thick to avoid injuries which are bound to
happen. Likewise, be mindful of your steps and do not rush.


Not good for romance-related activity. If proceed, you will find

that your good intentions being misinterpreted. Nothing in
terms of communication and relationship would go well.
Obstacles and stagnancy will drag down everything you do.

Dragon Enters
Heavenly Prison

Love is not around the corner. It is far away. The body may be
used inappropriately if one is not careful. Poison is not a
woman's only weapon. Communication and love are on Holiday.
Calls on collect will not be accepted. Stagnancy is the enemy. It
drags the season with it.
You can outwit your competitors, and your idea will bear fruitful
results. Auspicious Doors in sight, this formation will bring good
fortune. Without the presence of inauspicious Doors, however,
this formation can cost you unusual setbacks and unpleasant
affairs and or stagnant progress.


Green Dragon
Elegant Seal

Despite the bear's power and teeth, the fox may win through
clever wit. The fox's fortune is beholden to this simple truth.
Competitors will easily fold to foxy boxing. Auspicious Doors is
forthcoming but not infallible. The presence of Inauspicious
Doors, this formation will bring good fortune. Without the
presence of inauspicious Doors, it can cost you unusual
setbacks despite a wily nature.

2. Yi and Stem Combo






This formation also known as Roots Attacking Jia .


Maxes Yin

Everything will be successful and well, adding brilliance to your present

splendor. There will be excellent support from friends and related parties.
When this formation is compelled by inauspicious Door, it denotes
fortune loss and injuries due to problems brought about by people close
to you.

It is not advisable to approach your superior or important contacts for a

meeting or discussion.


Day Noble
Fu Yin

Not advisable also to pursue fame or status or to take risk at this time.
Your condition is not changing at a speed that you are comfortable with.
Do not take unnecessary risk as you should remain in your sphere of

This combination denotes promotion and celebratory events.


Noble Crest
in Position



At the location of auspicious Stars, you can expect good news in terms of
a promotion. Auspiciousness abound if auspicious Door is present, as all
your endeavors will go well and the outcome that is desired will be
materialized. At inauspicious Door or inauspicious Star, however, one
should brace themselves for a separation.

Good for signing contract or deals, Noble Assisting denotes well received
ideas and strategy that will be executed effectively and that everything
goes well.
Very good for carrying out administrative work and examination.

Favors female. Male counterpart that opts for this formation should be
wary as it is inauspicious for them.
Beneficial for scheming and initiating a stealth plan.



Whenever auspicious Door is present within this formation, you can

execute your plans effectively. With an inauspicious Door, however, brace
yourself for wealth loss or bodily harm.
This formation is good for meditating, embarking on a leisure travel and
getting married.


Day Noble
Enters Mist


Day Noble



This formation denotes uncertainty. The path ahead is unclear or

Best to conquer the uncertainty by keeping calm and still. Develop
inner peace and conquer the unyielding with yielding.

Denotes possible lawsuit and losing of wealth. Relationships become

estranged and communications become strained.

Yi is Green Dragon and Xin is White Tiger . Because Yi

Wood can escape when opposed and controlled by Xin Metal, this
formation is thus named Green Dragon Escaping .
This denotes inauspiciousness, especially in marriage as wife is likely to





walk out on the husband. Even in work, subordinates or staff will leave
your employment.
In the presence of inauspicious doors, this formation may even denote
abduction or death of pets from animal abuse.


Day Noble

Young might rebel against the old, servants turn against their master,
and one might be dragged into a messy tangle of lawsuit and constant

Advisable to stick to the tried-and-tested rules as it is not favourable for

taking shortcuts or risk.
When meet with negative Doors, Stars and Deities, the situation may
worsen as life-threatening dangers can be expected.


Seal Meets

This formation denotes going into seclusion in favor of self-cultivation or

It denotes meditation and spiritual practices.

3. Bing and Stem Combo






Jia is the mother (Resource Element) of Bing Fire . When Bing Fire
returns to the mother, it emulates the act of a bird flying back to its cave;

hence the name, Flying Bird Fall into Cave .


This denotes that everything falls into place naturally and well; you will
succeed without having to stress yourself too much.
Everything goes well; you will gain both fame and wealth.


Flying Bird Fall

into Cave

Jia is the mother of Bing Fire . Whenever Bing Fire returns to the
mother, it emulates the act of a bird flying back to its cave; hence the
name, Flying Bird Fall into Cave ..
As such, when an actual bird returns to its actual cave it is tantamount to a
man returns to his actual home. Homes are useful for protection against
the elements, rest, and a place to hang one's hat.
In the home, everything is in place, everything is in order, and everything
belongs to the Master. Fortune belongs to the Master. In One's Home, One
is the Master. One's world is now One's home.
Everything will go according to plan.


Both official and personal affairs are well. All you need is better self
control. You can execute your plans now.

Bright Sun and


Possible legal issues or lawsuits arising due to contractual problems. Be

careful of misplacing important documentation and evidence. In work, be
careful of how you handle your important data.


Month Noble

Unlike the spider, action is not the only reward. Personal and official
rewards are around the corner for those with self-control. Execute plans
hastily but with control.

Beware of contractual problems in any of your dealings especially the acts

that may be demandable or faced with legal issues and lawsuits. This
menagerie can be avoided through careful planning and attention to detail.
Knowledge is power so do not allow it to work against you. Make sure not
to flaunt the important data that can be used against you.

Denotes receiving help from a Noble person. This formation also indicates
receiving approval or support in writing.
Where this formation meets with the Life Door, it forms the Heavenly Dun


formation. This combination favors self-cultivation and for supporting

or inspiring others.

Month Noble
Red Phoenix

Noble people are not mythical. They exist though rare. Assistance from the
noble is around the corner. Written support will grace the future.
Where this formation meets with the Life Door, it will form the Heavenly
Dun fo. Like intelligent wheat it implies self-growth and self-cultivation.
Others will be in awe at the change


Flying Bird Fall

into Cave

Same as Bing Jia combo.






Perfect resolution for most matters and youre likely to achieve both fame
and wealth.
This is the same with Bing Jia combo.
Fame and fortune are rewarded to the bold. Beauty is how one feels. Feel
beautiful and one acts bold.

It indicates the possibilities of receiving civil support. This combination is

auspicious only when meet with Auspicious Doors. It is good for signing
contract or pursuing long distance travel.


Where it meets with an inauspicious door, this formation will bring about
danger and health hazard.

Great Rebel

The State is Father. It will smile generously. Civil Support will come to those
that ask. This combination will only be auspicious when met with
Auspicious Doors. Long-term commitments made now will yield reward as
will long distances travelled.
Disregard any thoughts of travel with an inauspicious door, as this
combination will bring will only bring danger and health hazards.


Highly unfavorable formation. It denotes crumbling family ties or

relationships. Loss of belongings or ownership, including possible loss of
wealth are imminent.

Enters Great

Memories of happy times with family must be cherished, as familial ties

are about to crumble. Inauspicious fortune awaits.

It represents positive outcome stemming from sound strategy. A good

medical personnel will appear to cure your illness.


Sun Moon

Consistent strength and tenacity will be rewarded. Noble and wise health
professionals can cure the graves of cures if the patient is accepting and

Bing Fire is opposed and countered by Ren

favors the host, but not the guest.

Water. This formation

In the presence of inauspicious door, you may be bugged by problems and

being dragged down by others around you.
Denotes bad publicity or bad reputation for the guest.


Fire Enters
Heavenly Web

Despite its energy Bing Fire is opposed and countered by Ren Water.
This formation favors the host, but not the guest. Being hospitable and
open handed to those in need will bring fruit to the table. Those that
accept charity will rely on it for more than a season.
If an inauspicious door presents itself the danger of problematic
relationships will be a certain downfall.
Dependency and ill words will plague the guest.


Elegant Seal

Any written material and good intention from your side will be
misunderstood. Be careful of being framed and wronged for things you did
not do.
A silent man utters no lies. One is the lie one tells. Despite the hunger for
truth, only the lie will remain. Remain silent and nothing shall be







4. Ding and Stem Combo








Denotes a promotion and a bright future ahead. Possible increase in salary

and income. A positive formation indicating auspicious outcomes.

Green Dragon
Salivating The

The Master always notices the hardworking laborer. Auspicious fortune

shines on the laborer. A rise in pay is around the corner.
Indicates the possibilities of receiving help from Noble people, getting a
promotion, and a happy marriage. What you sincerely seek, you shall

Heavenly Flourish


Love one's spouse and one will be loved in return. Nobility attracts the
Noble and often times the Noble is generous. Expect love to be returned.

Indicates possible promotion in career, but you should be mindful that

extreme joy might beget sorrow.
Everything goes smoothly as you have planned. However if there is a
negative door, the positive situation could be short-lived.


Where there are negative stars, you must hold back your celebration as
your work is not finished. You may experience bigger loss because you
cannot endure through minor setbacks.

Star Follows Moon


Promotion within the career is around the corner. Beware climbing the
ladder. Extreme emotions makes one lose attention, which in turn loosens
the grip, and one will fall. The higher the position, the higher the fall.
Plans will fall into place. Beware a negative door as it will indicate that the
positive situation will be short lived.
Negative stars are not the end. Keeping on course will see the ship through
the brewing storm as long as it remains faithful to its plan and does not lose
its way.

Although positive matters unfold naturally, you should not take things for
granted. Be mindful of your actions.
What is good right now, may not last very long.


Noble Enters Great


Thank the Father for the gifts bestowed and more may come. Good fortune
will continue but it will not last forever.
Taking mental pictures of the present will strengthen the resolve when the
inevitable downturn comes.


Very auspicious formation. Denotes help from Noble people. Your task or
goals will become easier with the help of others.

Green Dragon Turn


Auspicious formation comes from Noble people. Goals and tasks become
easier with the help of others. Fear will only lead to failure and loneliness.

Negative love luck that said to involve a third party in the form of a female.
As such, be mindful of treachery and deceit in relationship.


Fire Enters
Grappling Hook

Poison is not a woman's only weapon. Love can be killed. Love can die.
Beware signs of a third party in the form of a female. A vigilant mind is
mindful of treachery and deceit in a relationship. Punish harsh but punish






This formation is also known as Jade Maiden Punishment Sha

Geng is the Deity of Obstruction, so travelers might not be able to carry
on their journey because of blocked communication or obstructed path in
travelling .


Hour Structure

Document and communication are blocked; while events and situations

develop inconsistently.
This formation is also known as Jade Maiden Punishment Sha
Geng is the Deity of Obstruction. Travellers must prepare for a wall to
hinder their journey. The choice of going home or getting stuck will weigh
heavily on those who have hit it.
Bureaucracy will be the source of blockage. Double-checking one's files is
always advisable as well as photocopying.



Red Phoenix Enters


Nothing goes well. What seems positive now will turn the opposite way
later. This combination might cause destruction to both sides.
Happiness has a time limit. Auspicious fortune is about to turn inauspicious.
This combination will cause destruction to both sides.

Five Deities Mutual


Everything goes as you have intended. You will also receive help at the
eleventh hour from a Noble person. For your lawsuits, a fair trial is
Sometimes, everything goes according to plan. Tenacity will be rewarded no
matter how late it seems. Nobility will ride through the waves of despair.
Legal trouble will be met with justice and equity.

Nothing goes well, communication with others might be blocked or be

hindered with obstructions. Your good intention is misconstrued and you are
misunderstood as well.
If there are negative Stars or Door, theres a possibility of being sued.


Red Phoenix Diving


Life happens when one makes plans. Preparedness is key to weather the
coming failure. Unfortunately the signs indicate that the countermeasure
may fail as well. In times of trouble it is important to keep strong. The road
to hell is paved with good intentions. The short cut is administered through
The negative Stars or Door increases the likelihood of legal troubles.

5. Wu and Stem Combo






Huge Rock
Crushes Wood



Everything is obstructed. Think twice if youre planning any further

advancement. It is better to lay low and stay passive.
Obstruction on pathways is to be expected. Bowel movements may also be the
victim. It is advisable to keep a low profile and a high fiber diet
A Wu - Yicombo. Jiaand Yi meet at the East, which is the residence of
the Green Dragon . Hence the term Green Dragon Combines Spirit .
Highly favorable outcome for making progress and executing plans. It also
denotes positive returns on your money.


Green Dragon

If meet with auspicious Doors, its positive effect would be doubled. But if meet
with inauspicious Doors, the positive effects would be nullified.
A Wu - Yicombo. Jiaand Yi meet at the East, which is the residence of
the Green Dragon . Hence the term Green Dragon Combines Spirit .
Investments will yield a favorable return. Plans will come into fruition in
unexpected manners. Do not question the method. Revel in the outcome.
If auspicious Doors are present, rewards will double. Inauspicious Doors will
nullify the fortuitous effect the world will keep on spinning as if nothing
This formation is aptly called Green Dragon Protecting Leader because
Green Dragon JiaWood produces Bing Fire, and this combination
indicates successful implementation of strategies for success and business. This
is an extremely auspicious formation.
If this formation Enters Grave or is hit with a Striking Punishment
formation, the positive event would be revoked in the end.


Green Dragon

This formation is aptly called Green Dragon Protecting Leader because

Green Dragon Jia Wood produces Bing Fire, and this combination
predicts successful execution of thoroughly made plans. Trusting in ones
constituents will be rewarded if one is tedious and alert. This is an auspicious
formation brings about auspicious fortune.
Enters Grave or a Striking Punishment formation negates all positive
outcomes but does not bring anything negative to the table. Expect nothing if
either of these formations are observed.

This formation is aptly called Shining Green Dragon Formation because

Green Dragon Jia Wood produces DingFire, and this combination
indicates successful meeting with superiors and establishing important network
and relationship with people of stature. It is also highly favorable for garnering
fame and material success.


Shining Green

Be mindful if it lands in a Graveyard location as it denotes trouble and trauma.

The Shining Green Dragon Formation is called so because Green
Dragon Jia Wood produces Ding Fire. This combination will bring about
fortune in meeting with one's Masters. Hard work will be noticed and reward by
both superiors and colleagues. Look to others for help but never forget the
importance of self-reliance in the accumulation of personal wealth and power.
Beware a Graveyard location as trouble and trauma follow this formation.
Gambling is not advised.


Fu Yin

This formation is characterized as a Fu Yin structure. It denotes that

everything is stagnant and slow at this time. It is better to take time to cultivate
the mind and rejuvenate the spirit. It is better to stay on the safe side,
remember that passive is better than active at this time.






Despair at this stage is unfounded. Despite feelings of stagnation, this moment

shall actually bring about rejuvenation. Allowing one's self to rest and take a
break will be rewarding in the far future. Everybody needs time in the rut to
revaluate his or her life.

Ji is derived from the Jia Xu pillar and Xu is the Grave for Wu Earth
This formation can be interpreted as a sign that your Noble person or an
individual who is able to help you has been convicted into prison or has been
removed. This means you no longer have the backing or support you need. The
situation is bad for both official and private affairs.


Enters Prison

Ji is derived from the Jia Xu pillar and Xu is the Grave for Wu Earth
Cultivation of self-reliance is its own reward. Revel in that knowledge. Misfortune
awaits the patron. Noble assistance does not last forever and it is important not
to follow them into hard times when they are hit by it.
The truth will come to light. Incarceration or legal trouble may befall the patron
of one with this formation.
As the Lead Star, Jia is most vulnerable to the clash from Geng Metal. As such,
this formation is named Leader Flying Palace .
It denotes derailing of plans and worsening situations, both due to the
unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances around.
If situation were already bad, expect it to get worse. There is unlikely to be any
profit from pursuit of business and even for health matters, and this negative
streak follows when youre seeking medication from doctor.
This formation also indicates a change of place.


Leader Flying

Even with auspicious Door, this formation will not turn for good, and things
would worsen if it meets with inauspicious Door. All previous efforts will be in
The Lead Star, Jia is vulnerable to the clash from Geng Metal. This is why the
formation is named Leader Flying Palace .
Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Bad situations are about to get worse.
Bad investments will only go down further. Sickness will only worsen. The
environment is a huge factor in fortune. Sometimes a change of area may be
good for the afflicted.
The auspicious Door means nothing. Only despair will be in sight. Tremble
before an inauspicious door. The worse will happen.


Green Dragon
Broken Feet

As Xin Metal controls Jia Wood and Zi clashes with Wu, this structure is
named Green Dragon Broken Feet.
It denotes the breaking down of a structure or system; communication
breakdown. Lots of misunderstanding or people unable to carry out their orders
effectively or efficiently.
If it is found at an auspicious Door the situation can be salvaged despite some
setbacks. You may still look out for an opening in the situation. If it is located at
an inauspicious Door, it denotes disaster, fortunes loss, or a broken foot or
getting hurt.
As Xin Metal controls Jia Wood and Zi clashes with Wu, this structure is
named Green Dragon Broken Feet.
Misunderstanding brings about the fall of empires. Misunderstanding will bring
about the breakage of business relationships. Production and effectiveness will
not be met because of misheard orders.
Auspicious Doors indicate that the situation may be salvaged through
methodical communication and harsh punishment of subordinates. An






inauspicious Door denotes the wisdom in giving up.

As Ren is the Heavenly Prison and Jia is the Green Dragon, this
formation is named as Dragon Enters Prison.


Dragon Enters

This formation denotes struggle and losing faith and hope. Everything is
damaged and money is lost.

As Ren is the Heavenly Prison and Jia is the Green Dragon, this
formation is named as Dragon Enters Prison.
Exploring a cave to quickly and without thought will lead one to be trapped in it.
Increased likelihood of being trapped in a one-way relationship if consummation
is done too hastily. Contraception is not a good defense against a fanatic lover.
As Jia is the Green Dragon and Gui is the Heavenly Net or the Elegant Seal
, this formation is named as Green Dragon Elegant Seal.


Green Dragon
Elegant Seal

The formation is neutral unless it is activated by an auspicious Door. It will then

denote blessings and happiness. Favorable for scholarly pursuits.

As Jia is the Green Dragon and Gui is the Heavenly Net or the Elegant Seal
, this formation is named as Green Dragon Elegant Seal.
Stagnation approaches unless an Auspicious Door formation is observed.
Happiness and wealth will follow. Those who play big stand to lose everything
but they also have the chance to gain the world.

6. Ji and Stem Combo






This is an inauspicious formation. Everything is not proceeding smoothly

with many obstacles and frustrations. Everything seems to be moving in
slow motion and not being productive.


If the formation lands on an auspicious Door, plans and strategies will go

as you wish. Youre likely to win favor from superiors as well. If it is
located on inauspicious Door all efforts will be wasted.


Dog Meets
Green Dragon

This situation is not favourable. Due to a number of obstacles and frustrations- the
inauspicious formation, so things will move slower than you expect it to be.
If you are able to remove all the obstacles along the way and create a clear path
before the auspicious Door, positive consequences will happen.
Looking for advice from wise people is a smart move. Do not allow things to be
hindered by the inauspicious Door so you will be able to reap the fruits of your
labour and waiting.

As Xu is the Grave of Yi Wood, Ji is Earth Gate. As such, this

formation is named as Hidden Grave Deity. This formation
denotes that it is best to keep a low profile and stay away from attention.


Hidden Grave

Everything is murky and unclear. Best to stay secluded or in hiding.

Without clarity you cannot act. Hastiness brings disaster.
As Xu is the Grave of Yi Wood, Ji is Earth Gate ,
All of these represent the Grave Deity . Rushing things will

lead to a speedy failure. Lay low and keep a low profile.

If the situation gets dark and confusing, better play things safe.
Grabbing the attention of an opposition will lead to your own
failure. Avoid any trouble and be a silent worker.

This formation denotes fighting fire with fire; one needs to make a stand.
For women, avoid obscenity and adultery.
Nothing goes smoothly without obstacles and struggles. You should know
that without struggle, there will be no progress.


Fire Rebelling
Earth Door

This formation tells you to have the determination to fight back

with equal strength and fairness, if not more. Do not be a blind
follower of your carnal caprices; women should avoid any sexual
temptation that leads to betrayal and weak spirit.
The struggle is a part of life and could work well as your learning
experience. Progress is only viable if you take that first action


Red Phoenix
Enters Grave

As Xu is a Fire Grave, this formation is named as the Red Phoenix

Enters Grave.
It denotes possible lawsuits and complaints. Various twisting of facts and
mismanagement of information can be expected as well. Avoid further
disasters as a result of speaking without thinking.
Since Xu is a Fire Grave, then this formation is named as the Red
Phoenix Enters Grave..

There will be possible lawsuit and complaints for bending the

facts due to ones own carelessness and misuse of information.






In order to mitigate the gravity of the circumstances, it is best to

contemplate first about the possible consequences of ones
speech before speaking it out loud.

This formation denotes offerings from others and that help is on the way.
There will be support but you need to wait for the right time to ask.
If it is located at an auspicious Door, everything will proceed well; at an
inauspicious Door, however, all efforts are wasted.


Dog Meets
Green Dragon

This formation denotes that people will help you and offer you
good things. You wont be alone that someone behind you will
support you with your needs.
Though it sounds promising, it is also wise to ask what you need
only at the right time. If the doors of destiny are favorable, just
proceed and everything will go your way, otherwise all efforts will
be wasted.

This is a Fu Yin formation. There will be stagnation and obstruction

along the way. The outcome will be unfavorable and people battling with


Earth Door
Meets Ghost

sickness might succumb to the disease. This is because Ji is the


This is a Fu Yin formation. Things will remain still and you

could have a rough road ahead. Because there is no progress,
prepare for the worse as one of the possible consequences is
health disease. Ji means cemetery and represents death.

This formation indicates upcoming legal disputes and arguments. Wealth

may be lost and your privacy might be intruded.
Be careful of being framed. Best to keep a low profile and stay passive.
Do not initiate the lawsuit.


Bright Hall

This formation is a signal that you have to prepare to face legal

battles in the future. Although this is a judicial process marked
with equality, it has unfavourable risks towards your wealth and
civil life as it requires spending and investigations.
Be cautious of what is happening around you to avoid falling
before treacherous plans. What yo should do is to keep calm and
avoid issues that will put you into the limelight. It is not advisable
as well to sue anyone as the plaintiff.

The formation denotes that things are well on the surface, but going
nowhere. It indicates being flashy with no substance.
Because of greed, you may lose the big picture.


Spirit Enters

This formation is deceiving because everything seems to be

working well by the looks of it but there are no results or
progress. Do not be deceived with the things that looks pleasing
before the eyes when has no sense at all.
Greed may only reward you regrets.


Earthly Net
High Stretch

This is an unfavorable formation. It denotes scheming, betrayal, adultery,

scandals and treachery.






This formation is plainly bad. This looms scheming, betrayal,

adultery, scandals, treachery where trust is compromised and
reasons are swayed by lustful desires.

This is an unfavorable formation. Your plans will not succeed.

Possible illness may arise. If meet with inauspicious doors, it denotes
health hazard and prison term.


Black Tortoise

This is a bad formation. Your plans are bound to fail for reasons
beyond your control.
The falling of your plans comes the possibility that your health
may fail as well. A sign that this is happening is the encounter
with inauspicious doors that symbolizes health dangers causing
one to be locked up in his or her room.

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