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Minutes - CU Dems Executive Board Meeting

Date: Sunday, November 15, 2015 | Time: 5:00 PM 6:00 PM EDT

Location: Lerner 505L
In attendance: Kristen, Isabel, Annika, Allison, Adjua, Mike, Alex, Partha, Dan, Joelle, Kiana
Absent: Shoshana
Week in Review
General Body Meeting: Discussion of events at Yale and Mizzou

A view expressed: maybe holding these kinds of forums is something that we should
decide as a group?
o We should consider whether it is our job to express raw emotion or is it our job to
process the political dimension of such events?
o Maybe for the spring we should try to figure out a game plan for such events, not
be reactionary towards them?
o Maybe we should have an arc to plan such things?
Another view: a welcome change from the usual structure, big meeting worked well.
A further view: ensuring the comfort of participants we should make it a rule to not
o Consensus seems to be that we should not snap fingers as an Executive Board,
but not discourage General Body from doing so.
Were there any notes taken about the event?
o No
A view expressed: Dems is a particularly liberal space, but also a very inclusive space
that welcomes people from a broad demographic, and also isnt administration-run
Conclusion: Well use minutes from this meeting and the activism flowchart from last
retreat as a starting point for next retreat.

Next General Body Meeting


We are meeting on Hamilton 3 in seminar rooms

List of possible circles/topics for discussion over the next few weeks:
o Airbnb in SF (Isabel and Ben)
o Leads
o Buttons (on hold)
That might be a good leading up to finals circle
o Kentucky
o Paris and Beirut
o Second Amendment Activism
Dan: not this week/we could do a sit-down with Republicans;
We could get money to do a dinner.
o City Hall Activism (Kristen and Partha)
o Activism regarding Under1Roof and OMA
BSO is doing activism in that regard with their First-Year Rep
This is an idea that we will need to liaison with them on, and can discuss
at future meetings
o VOTE on these circles: 11-0 (unanimous)


Presentation has been pushed back to 11/22 at 4 PM.


Take Back the Night Event

o Shosh is planning and requests $35 for cookies
o VOTE on allocating this money: 11-0
Divestment Statement
o Mike will get back to us

Open Floor

Fall Elections
o Elections are on Wednesday the 2nd
o What are the logistics?
o Applications go out the 17th of November, due on the 29th of November.

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