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Magazine num­b er 19, December 2007

Hans Peter Reinders

Stimulating Innovation in
Urban Agriculture
Urban Agriculture
­w ww.­r uaf.­o rg

Urban agriculture is a dynamic concept, given the wide range of ture normally falls outside the mandate
urban situations and stakeholders. This diversity is one of its of conventional agriculture research
main attributes. Urban farming systems are in constant institutes, little research has been done
development as urban farmers adapt their existing practices or into the development of urban farming.
come up with new ones. Innovation is continuously taking place. Agricultural extension organisations
usually give little attention to the urban
areas. As discussed in UA-Magazine 17, the

Editorial ttention to urban agriculture is degree of organisation of urban farmers is
increasing in cities around the world. often low.
Previous UA-Magazines have looked
at its multiple functions, its role in However, urban farmers are not waiting
community building, experiences with until researchers find solutions for them.
policy development for urban agriculture As in rural areas, farmers in cities are
and support to urban farmer organisations. constantly adapting to changing circum-
Taking this line further, this issue looks at stances and are experimenting and
how urban farmers can be supported in innovating on their own. How can this
their efforts to improve their livelihoods. innovativeness be supported?

Urban farming systems need to be adapted Throughout this issue, the difference in use
to specific urban conditions such as of the words “innovation” and “innova-
confined space, closeness to consumers, tions” should be noted. Innovation (without
and health considerations due to closeness an s) is an ongoing process of generating
of farming to people. Farmers who have and applying knowledge to bring about
recently migrated to cities bring along improvement in a production system (and/
their rural farming knowledge that may or related up- and downstream activities),
not always apply in the urban settings in in a way that the process can eventually be
which they find themselves. Urban poor or replicated in other localities. Innovations
entrepreneurs who are without a farming (with an s) are the outcomes of innovation
tradition may lack relevant knowledge. But processes. They can be technical, referring
there is little formal support to upgrading to strongly improved or new products or
René van Veenhuizen their knowledge and improving their services and improvements in the produc-
Editor farming practices. Because urban agricul- tion process and practices. Or they can be

December 2007 1
In ­this ­issue

Growing Power
and natural resource management (www. 03 Promoting Local Innovation in Rural; and Urban Harvest, a Agriculture: experience and lessons
system-wide initiative of the Consultative for urban settings
Group of International Agricultural 08 “Where’s Muck there’s Money”:
Research (CGIAR) to direct and coordinate a cautionary tale from Jamaica
the collective knowledge and technologies 09 Enhancing Technical, Organizational
of the Future Harvest Centres towards and Institutional Innovation in
strengthening urban and periurban Urban Agriculture
agriculture ( 16 Innovative Wastewater Recycling in
urbanharvest/home.htm). More informa- an Indian Village: linking the rural with
tion is provided on page 61. the urban
17 In Search of Safer Irrigation Water for
The issue starts with two articles that Urban Vegetable Farming in Ghana
Growing Power Youth Corps member Malcolm Evans
systematise rural and urban experiences in 20 Innovations in Greenhouse Rainwater
non-technical, such as improvements in enhancing local innovation processes. In Harvesting system in Beijing, China
the strategy or organisation of a group of the first introductory article, Will Critchley, 22 Family Business Garden as an
farmers. In addition, a system innovation Chesha Wettasinha and Ann Waters-Bayer Innovative Enterprise in Urban
refers to improvements in the relations of prolinnova present lessons learnt in Agriculture
between various actors, e.g. chain devel- a series of programmes that sought to 25 SPIN Farming: improving revenues on
opment, which is often a combination of scale up and institutionalise participatory one acre plots
technical, organisational and market devel- approaches to innovation development in 27 Technologies for the Production
opments. Finally, innovation capacity (or agriculture and natural resource manage- of Edible Plant Species in Bogota,
innovativeness) refers to the creativity and ment. The authors consider how the Colombia
ingenuity of farmers and other local actors, lessons from primarily rural settings can be 30 Micro-gardens in Dakar
and their capacity to engage in innovation applied in cities. They argue that, to be able 32 From Eradication to Innovation:
processes and thus continue adapting to to fully support local creativity and innova- towards healthy, profitable pig-raising
changing conditions. tion in agricultural research and develop- in Lima
ment, researchers and other development 34 Innovativeness of Dutch vineyards
Some articles in this issue merely promote actors need to recognise and become 36 Cleaning, Greening and Feeding Cities:
innovations (and some acknowledge the involved in a joint process with farmers Local initiatives in recycling waste in
importance of doing this in a participatory aimed at improving their innovations. The Kampala, Uganda
way), while others do this by stimulating focus is on understanding how farmers 39 Urban Agriculture in Msunduzi
the innovation capacity of the farmers innovate and learning how to facilitate the Municipality, South Africa
themselves. Supporting local innovation interaction of farmers with other holders 41 Solid Waste Recycling in Addis Ababa,
starts with identifying endogenous innova- of complementary knowledge and skills. Ethiopia; Making a business of waste
tions developed by farmers and other local management
actors, as an entry point to more equal The second introductory article, by Henk 44 Enhancing Local Knowledge in
partnership in a process of participatory de Zeeuw of ETC-Urban Agriculture Urban Livestock Breeding in Bukavu,
research and development (“participa- (the coordinator RUAF-Cities Farming DRCongo
tory innovation”) involving more than for the Future pogramme) and Gordon 46 Innovations in Producer-Market
one type of stakeholder. This activity is Prain of the International Potato Centre Linkages: Urban field schools and
aimed at: 1) stimulating and disseminating (the coordinator of the Urban Harvest organic markets in Lima
local innovations that are more widely programme), discusses how specific urban 49 Urban Agriculture as Social Justice
applicable; 2) enhancing local capacities to conditions influence the process of innova- Change Agent and Economic Engine
interact in vibrant processes of participa- tion in urban farming. Multiple livelihood 52 Selected Appropriate Technologies for
tory innovation; and 3) integrating this strategies, less community cohesion, fewer Urban and Periurban agriculture
approach to research and development possibilities for integrated farming, lower 55 The Suburban Farm: An innovative
into mainstream institutions, in this partic- availability of indigenous knowledge, model for civic agriculture
ular case, into institutions concerned with presence of urban markets requiring quick 57 Innovations in Urban Livestock
urban development. responses and the need to develop Keeping in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
specialised production systems, all call
This issue of Urban Agriculture Magazine for site-specific attention to innovation
is a collaborative effort of the ruaf Cities processes in urban farming. The urban
Farming for the Future Programme; setting, the authors argue, offers numerous
prolinnova (Promoting Local Innovation), opportunities and challenges for technical,
an international learning and advocacy organisational and institutional innova-
network that currently involves govern- tion. They draw several “lessons learnt”,
mental and non-governmental organisa- gained by RUAF’s Cities Farming for the
tions in 16 countries in Africa, Asia and
Latin America on promoting local innova-
Continued on page 7 u
tion in ecologically-oriented agriculture

2 UA-Magazine
Promoting Local Innovation in
Rural Agriculture: Experience and
lessons for urban settings

Will Critchley
Since agriculture began some
10,000 years ago, it has been
shaped and spread almost
exclusively by the farmers
themselves, and for the most
part without the help of scientific
research or extension agencies.
Farmers came up with ideas,
carried out experiments and arrived
at their own conclusions. Innovation
by farmers was the way forward:
this local innovation, indeed, was
the dynamic process that led to the
development of farming traditions
(Critchley 2007).
RECPA members, Uganda.

urrently, public agricultural research Box 1: A community organising itself: For every creative farmer – woman or man
and extension is under criticism for the RECPA environmental association in – the process of innovation is driven by an
failing to deliver new technological Uganda enquiring mind. Innovators commonly
leaps. As a result, there is a crisis of confi- The Rwoho Environmental and Conservation
integrate locally available resources, such
dence in conventional research, extension and Protection Association (RECPA) in as by recycling organic ‘waste’ materials
services and national and international Ntungamo, Western Uganda, is a local that others discard. In dry areas, where
‘innovation systems’, and funding has group that was organised for environmental water is the limiting factor, innovators will
purposes. Thus, it can be characterised as a
decreased considerably. Several alterna- social, rather than a technical, innovation. tell you that they ‘don’t waste a drop’. They
tives have been proposed: one of the Inspired by a charismatic leader, the capture rainfall runoff and channel it to
current favourite options is semi-privatisa- association was formed – without any vegetable gardens and orchards. There are
tion of services catering to ‘common outside assistance – some years ago in various examples of farmers who use
order to protect a denuded hillside above
interest groups’ of farmers. However, many the village of Rwoho. The government had
observers doubt whether the poorest previously cut down a plantation forest The process of
farmers will benefit from such arrange- and left the land scarred and vulnerable to innovation is driven by
erosion. The formerly clear stream feeding
ments. So it is vitally important to
the village had become sediment laden and an enquiring mind
remember that farmers – the poor as well the community was determined to take
as the well-resourced – continue to experi- action. RECPA now has over 150 members, rainfall runoff to carry animal manure in
ment, and they still learn from each other. and it has started re-vegetating the hillside their own, low-tech, version of what
without any outside assistance. RECPA has
Evidence abounds of local initiatives that agronomists call ‘fertigation’. Some farmers
been identified as a prime candidate for a
have provided answers to problems faced new project entitled ‘Stimulating Community innovate in crop and livestock husbandry
by farmers; and these initiatives are the Initiatives in Sustainable Land Management’ practices and breeding; some in developing
results of farmer creativity. (SCI-SLM). SCI-SLM, currently funded by pesticides from local plant materials;
the Government of Uganda, is eventually
expected to receive funding from the Global
others focus on post-harvest processing of
FARMER INNOVATION OCCURS Environmental Facility (GEF) and will then products; and yet others create tools and
EVERYWHERE be active in Ghana, Morocco and South machines. Indeed, many innovators experi-
An example of a local innovation that has Africa as well as Uganda. The project will ment in multiple ways, simultaneously.
be working to stimulate efforts and share
taken off and changed the livelihoods of a experience where there is spontaneous social Groups may come up with innovative ways
whole region in Serbia is given in Box 2. innovation to control land degradation. of marketing: this is a form of ‘social
Source: Field notes (W. Critchley) innovation’. Another example of social
innovation is when a community organises
William Critchley itself to deal with a common problem on
Chesha Wettasinha community land. Box 1 describes such a
Ann Waters-Bayer locally formed environmental association
) in Uganda.

December 2007 3
Sanja Treskic
Box 2: The ‘Arilje method’ of raspberry
cultivation: a local innovation from Serbia

In the 1970s and 1980s, Dobrilo Nenadic

was working as an extension agronomist
in Arilje, Serbia. By chance, he stumbled
across an innovation – and he had the skill
to uncover and develop its potential. The
innovation, which simply comprises removal
of young raspberry shoots (which are usually
allowed to grow alongside the fruit-bearing
branches), came to light when one of the
farmers whom he regularly visited decided
to abandon his plantation after the harvest
and removed the young shoots so that fruit
picking would be easier. The following
year, when Mr Nenadic visited the farmer’s
field, the new shoots had re-emerged
vigorously, and were carrying good quality
fruit – and an unexpectedly high yield. Mr
Nenadic undertook various experiments
and eventually established the combination
of measures that, together with shoot The innovator Mr Nenadic in between two members of the research team
removal, provided the best combination of
yield, quality and profit. This innovation
spread rapidly and, interestingly, women
played a key role in promoting its adoption
by showing each other what they had been tions, integrating relevant information and time – this as a resource for development.
able to buy (washing machines, etc) as a ideas from other sources. Thus, the The achievements of ISWC were published
result of the profits: this put subtle pressure
research and development agenda builds in the book Farmer Innovation in Africa (Reij
on their husbands. Not only is income from
raspberry production important for local on local realities and initiatives. & Waters-Bayer 2001) and in several
people’s livelihoods, but it also provides magazines, journals and conference
them with the financial means to set up SUPPORTING LOCAL INNOVATION proceedings, as well as in various forms in
private enterprises: it creates the conditions
for economic growth. The ‘Arilje method’
IN RURAL SETTINGS the different countries. However, though
has become the accepted practice amongst Two recent development programmes that some researchers, extension agents and
raspberry growers and, in only a few years, focused on promoting and stimulating farmers undertook experiments together,
this location has become the epicentre of rural farmer innovation in Africa were farmer-led participatory research as an
raspberry production in Serbia.
Source: Treskic and Damljanovic 2007 ‘Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation’ alternative approach to agricultural
and ‘Promoting Farmer Innovation’. research and development did not take
firm hold among the institutions that were
Such local innovations – technical as well Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation involved in the programme.
as socio-organisational – are the outcomes (ISWC) in Africa was an action-research
Box 3: Giving recognition to women’s
of a process through which people or programme supported by the Netherlands
innovation in Tunisia
individuals in a given locality discover or Directorate for International Cooperation
develop new and better ways of doing (DGIS) which operated from 1997 to 2001 In Tunisia, one of the countries involved in
things, using locally available resources in seven countries – Burkina Faso, ISWC, the local culture does not favour the
idea of strange men going into a village and
and their own initiative, without pressure Cameroon, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Tunisia,
talking to women. Thus, it was a challenge
or direct support from formal research or Uganda and Zimbabwe. The programme for the ISWC country team, which was
development agents. recognised and celebrated local innovators made up mostly of men, to identify women’s
– men and women (see Box 3) – who were innovations. The team therefore decided
to invite a group of 15 women – mainly
If this local creativity is to be harnessed for developing new ideas in land husbandry teachers and students from the city who
agricultural research and development, on their own, and then used them as a were returning to their villages for the
then the scientific as well as the develop- source of inspiration for development. In summer holidays – to help them out. The
ment communities need, firstly, to recog- each country, researchers and extension group was trained to conduct a study of
women in their villages involved in farming
nise and then become involved in agents were trained in participatory and processing agricultural produce. Within
improving and disseminating these research methods so that they could two months, they had identified 31 women
improved practices, and – more impor- combine forces with these innovative innovators. The women’s innovations
tantly – to encourage the process of local farmers in a process of joint experimenta- involved animal husbandry, cropping,
handicrafts, use of medicinal plants, charcoal
innovation through ‘participatory innova- tion to improve the effectiveness of their making and stoves, and processing milk
tion development’ (PID) (Wettasinha et al. innovations. The programme’s achieve- from sheep and goats. This creative way of
2006). In PID, all actors – farmers, develop- ments were substantial, not just in unearthing women’s innovations helped
many Tunisian researchers, development
ment agents, research scientists and others revealing the remarkable creative potential
agents and policymakers recognise the
– when they agree it is appropriate, come of smallholder African farmers, but in innovative capacities of women.
together in a process of ‘joint experimenta- ‘opening the eyes’ of many researchers and Source: N Nour, B Chahbani and R Kamel, in:
tion’ to further develop the local innova- extension agents to see – often for the first Reij and Waters-Bayer 2001.

4 UA-Magazine
Promoting Farmer Innovation (PFI), a methodology is described in a forthcoming clips, etc. Such documentation has not only
project that ran from 1997 to 2000 in East publication Working with Farmer Innovators created the opportunity for formally
Africa, was developed by the United (Critchley 2007). Box 4 highlights one of educated agricultural professionals to
Nations Development Programme the innovators identified by PFI. recognise the potential of local knowledge
(UNDP) and operated through host and creativity, but has also given a sense of
agencies in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. NGO-FACILITATED PARTNERSHIPS pride and self-confidence to farmers about
Focusing on soil and water management in TO PROMOTE LOCAL INNOVATION their achievements. Researchers and devel-
dry areas, PFI was intended to be a pilot The experience and lessons gained from opment agents within the country
exercise within each country’s National these two programmes served as a spring- programmes are now embarking on PID –
Action Programme under the Convention board for an international partnership joining with farmers in a process of
to Combat Desertification (CCD). PFI was programme called prolinnova (Promoting farmer-led participatory research.
very much a hands-on, action-oriented Local Innovation in ecologically oriented
project, with the stated target of having agriculture and natural resource manage- Simultaneously, the country programmes
500 farmers – half of them women – adopt ment). The programme was launched – are placing strong emphasis on partnership
innovative technologies from other initially in three countries – with inception building and learning at all levels as a
farmers within three years. It was favour- funding from the International Fund for means of mainstreaming PID within the
ably reviewed in October 1999, including Agricultural Development (IFAD). Since relevant institutions. A common strategy
two ‘could do better’ observations. These 2003, with increased funding from several used in all countries is to set up a multi-
referred to a poor gender balance (too few sources (the largest being DGIS), the stakeholder platform at national or sub-na-
women innovators had been identified) programme has expanded to include 16 tional level – in the form of a Steering
and lack of involvement of researchers in countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Committee – and to get key people from
the overall programme. While gender prolinnova seeks to enhance local innova- research, education and development
balance was addressed with some success tion systems in agriculture and to integrate institutions on board. They are involved in
in the final year, PFI never managed to fully participatory approaches to research and a continuous process of reflection on the
attract the interest and attention of development into national institutions of roles of different stakeholders in
researchers. agricultural research, extension and educa- supporting the personal and institutional
tion. In each case, a local NGO convenes change required for farmer-led research.
Nevertheless, the project was very effective the major stakeholder institutions to Action is being taken on all fronts – educa-
on the ground: for example, in Kenya, 50 design and implement a country tion, research, extension and policy – to
farmer innovators (16 of them women) programme. bring about such change. Universities and
were identified and, within three years, colleges are moving beyond conventional
over 4400 farmers (60% of them women) As in ISWC and PFI, most partners in the teaching methods to enable students to
had been taken to visit farmer innovators. prolinnova country programmes started by have not only the knowledge, but also the
In Uganda – the only country where an recognising and documenting local attitudes and skills to facilitate participa-
impact assessment was carried out – 700 innovations. This has been done through tory processes. Some researchers are
farmers (at least) had adopted/ adapted diverse means, including surveys, inter- breaking with tradition and publishing
innovations from farmer innovators views, observations and seminars. These findings of joint experimentation with
(Critchley et al. 1999; UNDP 2001). PFI is innovations have then been documented farmers as co-researchers, and thereby
featured in a 27-minute broadcast-quality in various forms: catalogues, posters, giving value to such research. In some
documentary (UNDP 1999) and its basic magazines, photographs, radio and video cases, development workers are using
farmer-led experimentation as an
Box 4: Grace Bura: Turning gullies into Grace Bura created new land to plant crops approach to extension. Events at which
cropland in Tanzania farmer innovators communicate directly
Will Critchley

with policymakers are being used to draw

Grace Bura’s husband is a retired teacher attention to issues around local innovation.
– and it is Grace herself who is the farmer
in the family. In 1982 she acquired, and
decided to reclaim, some severely gullied LESSONS AND CHALLENGES
land. Her technique, which she developed The two projects, PFI and ISWC, taught us
herself, was to pack the gullies with strips/ a great deal about working with farmer
checkdams of trash and soil ‘sandwiches’. On
top of these strips, she planted tree-cassava innovators and other partners – particu-
(These became strong vegetative barriers larly extension agents and researchers – on
in due course, and the gullies filled up with the ground. Practical lessons were learnt.
sediment. The gullies gradually disappeared.
prolinnova, on the other hand, which
In the PFI video (see above reference), Grace
tells the interviewer that she has ‘created evolved from these two projects, has
new land to plant crops’. Other farmers in yielded important experience regarding
the area, Grace is not certain how many, networks, platforms and partnerships, and
learnt this technique from her as a result of
about institutionalisation of new concepts
farmer-to-farmer exchanges organised by
the project. Being modest but also a good and practices.
communicator, Grace was an ideal farmer to
work with. Overall, our experience from working with
Source: Critchley et al. 1999
farmer innovation in rural areas has been

December 2007 5
very positive, although not without experimentation. Capacity building and within the city will be exposed to what
challenges, as discussed below. The main change in attitudes cannot be achieved these innovators are actually doing and
point is that farmer innovators were found simply through training and orientation realise that they make a positive contri-
to abound: nowhere did the programme seminars alone – but through positive bution to the city. By giving due recogni-
partners fail to identify innovators with on-the-job experience. tion to the innovators, such documenta-
creative ideas: women and men, young and tion could help to overcome the common
old, individuals and groups. Furthermore, In working with local innovation, issues of perception that urban farmers are more
the large majority of the innovators were intellectual property rights cannot be of a hazard than a help.
very open and willing to share and learn avoided. The need to patent local innova-
from each other. Rather than simply tion may occasionally arise, notably if an - As in rural settings, partnerships among
copying the innovations of others, they innovator hopes to generate income from a diverse stakeholders will be vital to
were inspired to innovate further particular niche. However, vibrant innova- promote the process of innovation in
themselves. And most innovators tion systems thrive from open and frequent urban settings. However, the range of
responded well to the idea of organising sharing among people with different stakeholders within an urban setting is
themselves into groups for mutual support, experiences and ideas. Our efforts to likely to be far more diverse than in rural
although there were always a few who promote rural innovation have focused on areas, involving public health workers,
preferred to go it alone. innovators who are eager to share with municipal authorities, consumer groups,
Probably because the farmer innovators and learn from others. They do, however, housing associations, waste management
were receiving praise and recognition for expect to be given recognition for what entities and others. It is obvious that
the first time, they welcomed the agricul- they have achieved. It is therefore impor- these stakeholders have conflicting
tural extension agents much more cordially tant to ‘give credit where credit is due’, by agendas. Thus, such multi-stakeholder
than previously, when the outsiders had naming innovators and rewarding them partnerships would be more complex to
come in only to instruct. Both sides were with the chance to learn more. facilitate, and would certainly demand
more ready to listen to each other and thus more facilitation skills.
the door was opened for collaboration in OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE
continuing the process of innovation, LOCAL INNOVATION IN URBAN - Supporting a process of innovation
integrating both the ideas of the farmers FARMING means looking beyond technologies and
and the ideas that the extension agents Farmers in urban settings are also involved practices to new forms of social organisa-
were bringing from outside. Thus, recogn- in looking for new and creative ways to tion; in the case of urban agriculture, this
ising local innovation is one promising improve their farming and other produc- may include innovations in the legal
entry point to empowering farmers and tive activities, perhaps even more so than sphere. Creative ways through which
laying the foundation for participatory their rural counterparts on account of the migrants have gained legal access to land
innovation development and, ultimately, to specific conditions in urban settings such or water. Contractual agreements made
improving farmers’ livelihoods. as limited space, intensive competition for between urban and rural residents in
resources, increasing demand for fresh and order to stay within city laws are
One challenge we have faced is in keeping safe food, and opportunities to recycle examples of the latter.
the spotlight clearly on current, local urban waste. Migrants from rural to urban
innovation. While traditional practices can areas often end up having to adapt and - Women play an often invisible but never-
be good and worthwhile, it is the dynamic innovate simply to survive – and urban theless important role in local innovation
and adaptive process of innovation by farming is one option. Recognising local in rural settings, and may be equally or
individuals and groups that we are trying innovation in urban farming, bringing even more involved in innovation in
to recognise and to strengthen. different innovators together to learn from urban agriculture; it would be necessary
Sustainability lies in the capacity of farmers each other and working together in joint to take a close look at the gender roles in
to continue to innovate in the face of experimentation could lead to forms of innovation and participatory research in
constant change, so it is this capacity that farming that are better adapted to the cities and to ensure due recognition of
we are trying to promote. urban conditions of the city, effective in the women’s contributions.
use of limited resources, contributory to
Another key challenge is in building environmental sustainability and accept- - Sharing local innovative practices with
capacity and changing entrenched able to city authorities. others who could benefit from and/or
mindsets amongst both the scientific further adapt them is crucial in keeping
community and decision-makers. It is not From our experience of working with local the process of innovation going. Such
so long ago that smallholder farmers’ innovation in rural areas, we see the sharing becomes easier in urban areas
practices and knowledge were derided as following opportunities and possible because people live in closer proximity,
being inefficient and obsolete. Therefore, challenges for stimulating innovation in but ethnic and other social boundaries
pointing out the potential of local innova- urban agriculture. may still need to be overcome.
tion represents a revolution in thinking.
But many scientists still see this simply as - Recognising and documenting local - As funding for agricultural research and
going backwards instead of forwards and innovation would certainly be a good development has almost exclusively been
many find it difficult to accept a demand- starting point also in urban areas. Such meant to benefit rural areas, there will
driven farmers’ agenda. But there are documentation could yield many inevitably be more difficulties in
always some who warm to the idea of joint benefits. Many different stakeholders accessing funds for supporting research

6 UA-Magazine
and development in urban agriculture.
References for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural
Furthermore, this will be possible only Critchley W. 2007. Working with farmer innovators Development course, International Centre for
where urban agriculture is legalised. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
Critchley W, Cooke R, Jallow T, Lafleur S, Laman (CIHEAM), Bari, Italy.
However, there may be opportunities to M, Njoroge J, Nyagah V and Saint-Firmin E (eds). UNDP. 1999. Promoting Farmer Innovation (Video:
access municipal funds for supporting 1999. Promoting farmer innovation. 26 minutes).
Nairobi: Workshop Report No. 2, Regional Land UNDP. 2001. Fighting poverty through harnessing
local innovators in urban settings, Management Unit (RELMA) Nairobi. local environmental knowledge: PFI Final Report.
especially if these innovators are at the Reij C and Waters-Bayer A (eds). 2001. Farmer UNDP-UNSO, New York.
innovation in Africa: a source of inspiration for Wettasinha C, Wongtschowski M and Waters-
same time helping to solve urban agricultural development. Earthscan, London. Bayer A (eds) . 2006. Recognising local innovation:
problems, such as waste disposal (see Treskic S and Damljanovic N. 2007. The “Arilje experiences of PROLINNOVA partners. International
method” of raspberry cultivation: a local innova- Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Silang, Cavite,
Van Beek and Rutt, this issue). tion from Serbia. Unpublished thesis of same title Philippines.

- Those supporting urban development

generally have little or no background in
agriculture and natural resource
management, and will inevitably need
relevant training – in addition to capacity Training in Local Innovation for “Focus City” Researchers,
building in recognising and supporting Change Agents and Community Leaders
local innovativeness, just as it is also
needed by rural development agents. On the 29th and 30th November a course was targeted at local innovation in urban
Lobbying and policy advocacy will also was held at Makerere University, agriculture, and focused on improving
be required so that promoting local Kampala, Uganda for Researchers, skills in the processes of identification,
innovation in agriculture is recognised as “Change Agents” and Community selection, characterization and joint
an approach to urban development. Leaders under the Focus City (or experimentation. Dr Shuaib Lwasa,
“Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Focus the project coordinator, expressed his
- With many research institutes being – Kampala”) project. The training was satisfaction with the course, and looks
located in or near cities, distance has given by William Critchley, Ronald forward to continued collaboration with
made it difficult to get researchers to Lutalo and Sabina Di Prima under the PROLINNOVA.
work together with local innovators in PROLINNOVA programme. Attended Contact:
rural areas. With urban farmers being by 10 men and 8 women, the course for further information.
literally on the doorsteps of the
researchers, it may be less of a challenge
to get them involved in participatory
innovation processes in urban farming.

- Cities are areas where many young u From page 2

people with relatively good education
often find themselves without regular Future (CFF) and CIP’s Urban Harvest in water use (from Ghana and China), in
work. The energy and ideas of youth programmes, about ways to support livestock production (from Democratic
could be harnessed in programmes that urban producers engaged in innovation Republic of Congo and Peru), and waste
stimulate people to search for creative processes. Two articles in this issue are recycling (Uganda and Ethiopia) are
ways of using the multitude of resources from the Urban Harvest programme. presented. These experiences show that
available in cities. technical innovations often have to go
Following these two introductory articles, together with organisational or institu-
- In areas where programmes promoting this issue presents 19 case studies on tional innovations (as is argued by
rural innovation are in the vicinity of agricultural innovation in cities around de Zeeuw and Prain in this issue and
cities, there would be good opportunities the world. This issue of the UA-Magazine illu-strated by the articles on the develop-
to link emerging urban agriculture takes stock of a broad range of experi- ment of Farmer Field Schools in Peru and
programmes to learn from the principles ences related to innovation by urban new ways of urban planning in the USA).
being applied in the rural settings. farmers and the efforts of other actors to Special emphasis in this issue is given to
support the farmers’ initiatives. It explains the use of participatory methodologies for
- Currently, many donors are interested in concepts and gives examples of farmers’ promoting innovation in urban farming
supporting innovative approaches to innovation and how it is being stimulated. systems.
creating ‘green cities’, so looking for, and Contributions are on technical innovations Together, these articles cover a wide
building on, local innovation in urban in vegetable farming for confined spaces spectrum of experiences from a total of 18
agriculture is an opportunity not to be (for example in Colombia and Sri Lanka), countries in the North and the South.
missed: the time is ripe. social innovation as in community based
agriculture (as shown in examples from We would appreciate your comments
USA and South Africa) or innovation in on the articles in this issue and welcome
marketing and entrepreneurial agriculture further reports on your own experi-
(as presented in the articles on USA (SPIN) ences in stimulating innovation in urban
and Ethiopia). Also technical innovations agriculture.

December 2007 7
“Where there’s muck there’s money”
…..but an anti-social smell as well:
a cautionary tale from Jamaica

Will Critchley
Dickie Morrison keeps goats in his yard, between his house and his
neighbour’s place within a residential suburb in Jamaica. Dickie is an
innovator, producing fattened goats from his own feed-mix that he skillfully
formulates himself. His goats are fed on a concoction of by-products from
food processing plants, chopped-up fodder grass and leucaena leaves
(a leguminous tree). Visitors are proudly shown how Dickie chops the
vegetation with his specially modified electric chaff-cutter and mixes the
feed. It is clear that the goats enjoy the food; and they appear sleek and
healthy as well. Visitors likewise enjoy the spectacle.

T here is no doubt that Dickie produces

well-fed goats and makes good
money. Added to his accomplish-
ments, he is also revered for his skills
in livestock rearing by the Ministry of
This is not a numerical test, in which
coefficients are applied and innova-
tive technologies are rated according to
a mathematical formula. Rather, it is a
quick assessment to be applied in the
Dickie Morrison produces well-fed goats and
makes good money

positive and OK as it is from local innova-

tion that needs improvement. Second,
Agriculture, and is a member of the field by a development worker – or by this is an example in which participatory
Jamaica Goat Breeders’ Society: all this on a team whose specific task is to identify research and development – in other
only a few square metres of land. His goats and verify innovations. Many urban words researchers and other development
command a good price, and are consumed innovations will effortlessly pass the agents working together with the farmer
curried and “jerked” with spices for which TEES test – for example the production – can help him improve his innovation for
Jamaica is world renowned. The trouble of compost from organic urban waste the benefit of all concerned. Increasing the
is, Dickie’s goats – and there are an awful (see examples in Van Beek and Rutt, this farmer’s access to information and knowl-
lot of them – produce copious quanti- issue). Compost provides a rich planting edge is another way to enable him or her to
ties of manure and urine, and the slurry material (T+); the ingredients and labour experiment further and come up with his/
smells and causes a local nuisance. Flies input cost very little and the product has a her own solutions.
are attracted and this annoys neighbours: market (E+); compost helps recycle waste
there have been a series of complaints. This materials (E+); and it is neither a social As an end note, before we chastise Dickie
therefore raises the question: how can we nuisance, nor something that can only for the location of his goat house, we
filter out what is “good” innovation from benefit one person (S+). Innovative urban have to take a closer look at his situa-
innovation that needs improvement? compost making will be, therefore, usually tion. The construction of the goat house
TEES-test compliant. was completed before the area was fully
A quick and simple guide to assessing urbanised. As years passed and housing
technical innovation is provided in a new Returning to Dickie and his goats, clearly development grew, Dickie soon found
manual entitled “Working with Farmer here is a system which has merits. But the himself surrounded by displeased neigh-
Innovators” (Critchley, 2007). The “TEES merits are confined to the “T” and the first bours. Our last lesson is: don’t always
test” is an easy-to-remember way of “E” of the test. Technically the feeding jump to conclusions when analysing
analysing a technical innovation. system is good, and the innovator makes innovation in urban agriculture. There are
money. But it falls short of the second “E” many dynamics at work, and it pays to be
“T” - Does the innovation perform well techni- because it pollutes the local environment, observant and, professionally speaking,
cally: better than common practice? and fails the “S” because it annoys the inquisitive.
“E” - Is the innovation economic: do the neighbours.
benefits outweigh the costs? Critchley W. (2007) Working with farmer innova-
“E” - Is the technology environmentally What are the lessons to be learned then tors. CTA, Wageningen
friendly? Are there negative external from this brief case study of - undoubted - Acknowledgement:
impacts? innovation in urban agriculture? First, it is The authors would like to thank CTA (the Technical
Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation),
“S” - Is the innovation socially acceptable? important to look further than just techni- and CARDI (the Caribbean Agricultural Research
cally successful innovation. “Innovation” and Development Institute) under whose joint
auspices a farmer innovation training workshop
after all is a neutral term: it simply means and follow-up fieldwork were carried out in Jamaica
William Critchley something that is new in a given context. It in 2005. A report detailing case studies of farmer
innovators in Jamaica is available from CARDI or
Maxine Brown is essential that development agents learn CTA: please contact Dr. Francis Asiedu
Judith Ann Francis to distinguish between innovation that is (; or;
Judith Ann Francis (

8 UA-Magazine
Enhancing Technical,
Organisational and Institutional
Innovation in Urban Agriculture
The preceding article by Critchley et al. presents important experiences gained in rural development programmes
regarding how to support technological and socio-organisational innovation in farming systems. To what extent
can such rural-based experiences be applied in the urban context? How do the specific urban conditions influence
the process of innovation in urban farming systems? What are the main technological and socio-organisational
challenges at hand in the urban context? In what ways can local innovation processes in urban farming systems
best be supported?

Hans Peter Reinders

his article explores such questions

in order to identify key factors
that influence innovation in urban
agriculture and to come up with ways in
which to strengthen innovation processes
within it.



The role of agriculture in local liveli-
Although rural people in most parts of the
world engage increasingly in non-farm
activities, agriculture remains their
primary occupation and source of liveli-
hood. Local farming and natural resource
management knowledge and skills
are generally passed on from elders to
children. Cultural norms often define the Organoponics are prominent in Havana
division of tasks and responsibilities.
foods). Despite these opportunities, - Very poor and food-insecure urban house-
The origin of the people involved in urban some periurban and urban producers holds (including female-headed house-
agriculture varies widely as does the continue to have a ’rural outlook’ and holds with children, HIV/Aids-affected
contribution of agriculture to urban liveli- need support to utilise new markets households, young unemployed people,
hoods. Urban farmers can be: and market channels (Arce et al., elderly people without a pension,
- Farming families that have gradually 2007). They can also be constrained etc.). These socially excluded people
become absorbed by the expanding city by other, negative changes, especially may engage in food production out of
and often adapt their farming systems loss of customary land rights, increased necessity on very small plots on – often
to new urban opportunities, like close- competition for land from speculators marginal –- vacant open private or public
ness to markets with better opportuni- and industry, quarrying activities (e.g. land and around/in/on their homes.
ties to collect market information and construction sand and stones), and - Low and middle class urban households
to sell directly to urban consumers more regulation, control and political that seek to complement their incomes
or shopkeepers (either in fresh or in pressure (Mubvami et al., 2003). by engaging in agricultural activities,
processed form including vending street - Recent migrants who engage in agriculture often on their homesteads, e.g. zero
as a (temporary) survival strategy. They grazing dairy units, small poultry units,
often rely on relatives and people with tree nurseries, ornamental plants,
common origins to get access to land, mushrooms, etc.
Gordon Prain or else make use of vacant public land. - Richer people who see good investment
CIP, CGIAR-Urban Harvest Programme They often bring farming knowledge opportunities in agriculture and engage in
) g.prain and skills from their place of origin, larger-scale agro-enterprises often with
Henk de Zeeuw part of which does not apply under the hired farm managers and farm workers
ETC-Urban Agriculture, RUAF urban conditions and will need adapta- (large poultry and pig farms, flowers,
) tion. strawberries, etc.).

December 2007 9
Yilma Getachew
The last three categories of urban and their views on local development
producers are already urban citizens and differ widely. Public sector agricultural
many of them may have limited prior research and extension services normally
farming experience and skills when they do not serve the urban areas; but urban
start producing. Agriculture is often producers have easier access to libraries
only a secondary or tertiary livelihood and market information and are more
activity, alongside other employment exposed to the extension activities of
by different family members. Typically agro-chemical companies, with not
female household members, supported by always positive results.
young children, carry out the major part
of the agricultural work, while the male Productive resources: access and
household members engage in off-farm quality
employment. However, the reverse situa- In rural areas in many developing
tion also exists, in which the woman countries, land and water resources
works in an office, as a housekeeper or are rarely polluted. Water availability
petty trader, while the husband takes care varies highly depending on the region;
of the farming activities (Arce et al. 2004). but where water is available, its price
The fact that agricultural production is generally low. Land and labour costs,
Bucket and drip irrigation for Vegetable
in urban areas is often combined with especially in remoter rural areas, are
Production in Urban Areas of the Philippines
part- or full-time activities in other urban normally low. The major part of produc- Robert J. Holmer
sectors means that urban household tion costs consists of inputs such as
decision-making processes and strate- seeds, fertilisers and pesticides. Urban Farming types and agricultural
gies regarding deployment of household producers frequently work under diffi- innovation
resources are more complicated than cult environmental conditions with land The above factors have a strong impact on
those for rural households. and water resources often polluted due the types and styles of farming that one
to industrial contamination, traffic, and encounters in rural and urban settings.
Social context lack of collection and treatment of house- Rural areas are dominated by rain-fed
Even though the socio-economic circum- hold wastes. Production close to a large farms that produce cereals, coarse grains
stances of rural communities are rapidly population also brings along specific or root crops or extensively raise livestock
changing (Bebbington 1999), these health risks, such as contamination of (cattle, sheep). Urban and periurban
communities continue to be relatively water, soils and/or products from agro- “farms” tend to become specialised
culturally homogeneous and stable. pesticides and zoonosis (Birkley and Lock, micro-units of intensive livestock raising
Networks of kinship and neighbourliness 2001). In urban areas land availability and horticultural production, sometimes
facilitate farmer organisation and inter- and security are low and land prices are without the need of cultivated land (as
vention processes. Urban producers on high. Water may not be easily available or in rooftop, hydroponic and container
the other hand often come from diverse constrained by high prices (piped water) production). Perishable and “special
socio-cultural backgrounds. They live in a or low quality (polluted rivers or insuf- niche” products dominate, especially
highly dynamic environment with strong ficiently treated wastewater). The costs green vegetables, dairy products, poultry,
fluctuations. Under these conditions, of commercial inputs may be lower and pigs, mushrooms, ornamental plants,
there is often a low level of trust between alternative low-cost sources of nutrients herbs and fish. Year-round production is
households, thereby contributing to a are often available (in urban organic common through multiple crop cycles,
sense of insecurity. Theft of products is wastes and wastewater). Labour is almost irrigation and use of cover.
much more common in urban compared always more costly than in the rural areas Innovation takes place continuously in
to rural areas. These circumstances make and less reliable, due to the availability of rural farming systems, and in some areas
interventions and the organisation of alternative, if uncertain, non-agricultural it is even intensifying under the influ-
urban producers much more difficult. employment opportunities. ence of increasing market penetration
and stronger rural-urban linkages, both
Political and institutional context driven by globalisation processes. But in
In rural areas agriculture is accepted as a the urban context the need as well as the
legal land use category, land ownership is opportunities for innovation appear to
Yilma Getachew

usually customary and, in general, there be higher, due to the factors mentioned
are relatively few external stakeholders to above, leading to a higher intensity of
contest land rights or to contest the direc- technical innovation, more diversity in
tion of local development. In contrast, farming types as well as new forms of
urban agriculture, especially in inner-city organisation and cooperation.
areas, is often not a legally accepted land
use and is constrained by important legal Demand for non-agricultural services
restrictions (Mbiba, 1999). There are also Various urban needs (other than food)
a large number of urban stakeholders influence urban and periurban agricul-
Trench Garden in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
with competing interests in the natural ture, such as the demand for recreational
resources necessary for agriculture, services, management of urban and

10 UA-Magazine
periurban green spaces, heat/CO2 reduc- mixed upland systems) requires applica- relevance in the urban context (Radoki
tion, ecological education, storm water tion of participatory methods and active and Lloyd-Jones, 2002; Prain, 2006),
storage, and wind/dust protection, to farmer participation in situation analysis since it analyses households dynami-
name but a few. Many urban producers in and the technology development process cally in terms of the use they make of all
Western countries, but increasingly also (Biggs and Farrington, 1991; (Critchley their assets (access to natural resources,
in and around large cities in the South, et al., in this issue). Urban agricultural physical equipment and infrastructure,
integrate these new functions in their systems exhibit even higher levels of their knowledge and skills, financial
micro-enterprises. complexity than rural upland systems income and credit, social relations) in
and call for a combination of farmers’ interaction with their environment
Oppostunities en challenges knowledge and innovation skills with (ecological conditions, market opportuni-
for INNOVATION IN URBAN new technical and market opportunities. ties and practices, municipal regulations
FARMING SYSTEMS However, participatory technology devel- and policies, institutional services, etc.)
The specific interactions between urban opment with farmers is more difficult in to secure their livelihoods (Prain, 2006;
farming systems and their urban environ- the urban context, due to multiple factors Bailkey and Smit, 2006).
ment create various specific opportunities such as variable farming strategies, less
and challenges for technical, organisa- organisation, commitment to other jobs, This approach takes into account the
tional and institutional innovation. Key dispersal among the non-cultivating multiple livelihood strategies of urban
areas requiring attention include the population, etc. Moreover, concepts such households and the effects an agricul-
opportunities for and risks of accessing as “farming system” and “recommenda- tural innovation has on a household’s
and recycling accumulated urban non-agricultural activities (e.g. reduced
nutrients (Dubbeling et al., 2005); the availability of household capital or labour
need to adapt and intensify production In the urban context for non-agricultural activities), as well
in space-constrained conditions (van the need and the as specific contextual factors, such as
Veenhuizen,, 2003); the risks of exposure opportunities for municipal regulations restricting agricul-
to urban contaminants (Cole et al., 2004); innovation are high tural activities in certain locations (Peters
the opportunities for agro-enterprises et al., 2002).
and accessing diverse nearby markets
(Holmer, 2001; Peters. et al., 2002); and tion domain”, which are used in rural In the rural context, participatory
the need to engage with a dense and often agriculture to identify common oppor- technology development builds on the
intrusive regulatory, policy and planning tunities for technological intervention “indigenous” knowledge of the local
environment, which impinges on agricul- (Norman et al., 1995), are not as appli- farmers. But, as indicated above, in the
ture in multiple ways and makes demands cable due to the high degree of diversity urban setting the traditional technical
on the types of technologies that can be and rapid changes in the urban produc- knowledge and skills of producers may
used (Dubbeling, 2001). tion conditions. This makes it difficult to be restricted or may be of less value.
find broadly applicable innovations and However, the urban producers may
TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION interventions. have knowledge of other factors that
From rural programmes we have learned are highly relevant for the innovation
that successful innovation in more The more recent “sustainable liveli- process, such as local socio-economic
complex agricultural systems (such as the hoods approach” seems to have special dynamics, opportunities to get access to
resources, the market situation or typical
urban risks, and the capacity to innovate

and learn from experiences. Against this

background, it is understandable that
good results have been obtained with
approaches like the Farmer Field Schools
that combine elements of training with
experiential learning and experimenta-

Technical innovation in urban

Innovation through intensification
of urban and periurban horticultural
systems, which can be described as
maximising output from minimal space,
is encouraged by the urban setting and
occurs in different ways, each of which
is associated with specific health and
environmental risks:

Container composting in Kumasi, Ghana

December 2007 11
- Cultivation of high-value crops during dairy units and the inter-relations
the off-season. This requires irrigation between urban crop and livestock
and/or covering, the use of adapted production.
varieties and/or increased pest control - Enhanced access to feed. In the urban
measures to control or avoid higher context access to forage and other
pest pressure. Risk factors are high feed sources, and their efficient use in
cash investment, prolonged pesticide livestock nutrition, are important issues
contamination and increased losses of for technical innovation. Since forage
urban biodiversity. Rooftop Gardening in Senegal is often scarce in urban and periurban
- Adoption of high-yielding varieties areas, three responses are common: a.
and/or increased use of agro-chem- use of soil-less systems like hydroponics Forage is brought (e.g. Napier grass,
icals. This method leads to a higher (Marulanda and Izquierdo, 2003) and fodder legumes, Para grass) from
output per unit of land. Risk factors “organoponics” (Premat, 2005), and periurban areas into the city for use
are pesticide contamination, nitrate other “low space, no space” technolo- by livestock keepers in the sub- and
leaching and loss of urban biodiversity. gies. Many examples of such technolo- intra-urban areas (e.g. in Hyderabad).
- Application of bio-intensive gardening gies can be found in other articles in this In this case, frequent problems occur
and permaculture practices. Both issue and in the UA-Magazine no. 10. in relation to transport issues and the
methods entail intensification and lack of space for forage markets (Njenga
diversification of production through Sustainable intensification in urban horti- et al., forthcoming). b. More intensive
the application of ecological princi- culture clearly needs to go hand in hand use is made of concentrates to feed the
ples and low-cost improvements to with: animals (at high cost). c. Large amounts
agricultural management (IIRR, 1991; - Reduction of health and environmental of food residues are collected from
Getachew, 2002 and 2003). They have risks by facilitating the conversion restaurants, markets, agro-industries
low health or environmental risks. The to practices based on Integrated Pest and urban households for the prepara-
BIG approach is very suitable for use in Management (IPM) or organic farming tion of animal feed. The third option in
the urban context due to its emphasis practices and enhancing farmers’ particular should be given more atten-
on intensive use of available space, capacity to apply safe management tion.
as well as the nutritional quality and practices when using urban wastewater - Reduction of zoonosis risks. The
safety of the food produced. The same and organic wastes; increased risk of transferring diseases
applies to permaculture that seeks to - Improvement of the fertility of the soils from animals to humans in urban areas
make optimal use of locally available - due to compaction, overuse, presence needs to be reduced by working with
resources by combining the cultiva- of trash and farming on marginal land, producers on the adequate manage-
tion of fruits, vegetables, herbs and fertility in urban farming systems is ment of animal diseases and wastes,
the raising of livestock with rainwater often a problem (Evans et al., 2000) preventing scavenging, and maintaining
collection, reuse of household waste- asking for incorporation of organic adequate slaughtering procedures,
water, composting of household organic materials, e.g. composted urban organic among other issues (Lock and De
wastes, dry composting toilets, green wastes, or transfer to popular hydro- Zeeuw, 2001).
building, etc. (Watkins,1993). ponics and organoponics;
- Enhanced access to low-cost seed ORGANISATIONAL INNOVATION
Two intensification methods used in and planting material, which is For the reasons mentioned above, urban
the urban context are less common or of major importance for the poor producers are often poorly organised.
non-existent in rural agriculture: urban producers (Scheidegger and More research is needed to identify
- Maximised use of available natural Prain, 2000). This can be addressed existing informal networks and groupings
resources where these had not previ- through the promotion of local seed of different types of urban producers; to
ously been used for agriculture. This networks (Arce et al., 2004) and the analyse their problems and needs; and to
includes the use of wastewater, as a use of indigenous species that produce identify effective ways to support urban
source of water but also as a source of easily harvestable and storable seeds farmer organisations and their involve-
nutrients (Buechler et al., 2006), the (Poubom, 1999). ment in urban planning and development
use of composted urban organic solid processes.
wastes (Cofie and Bradford, 2006) and Innovation in urban livestock systems It is important to bear in mind that
the use of abandoned or marginal lands, The key challenges for technical innova- producer organisations in urban areas
such as old factory or workshop areas, tion in urban livestock systems are the may take more diverse and unusual
riverbanks or wetlands. Risk factors in following: forms than those in rural settings. In the
this strategy are exposure to pathogens, - Diversification and adaptation to UA-Magazine no. 17 on “’Strengthening
parasites and heavy metals. space constraints. In the urban setting Farmer Organisations” Santandreu
- Intensified use of limited and vertical more attention is needed for technology and Castro (2006) distinguish between
spaces. This strategy includes the use of development regarding small and micro economically oriented organisations (more
patios, roof tops, cellars and balconies; livestock (including guinea pigs, grass like the rural agricultural cooperatives,
the use of various types of container cutters, earthworms, snails, fish in with a main emphasis on improving
systems and hanging baskets, growing small ponds and containers, and rearing production, cheaper inputs, savings and
walls and cascades or pyramids ; the young stock) as well as zero grazing credit supply, and marketing), socially

12 UA-Magazine
oriented organisations (community groups shops, farmers’ markets, direct sales to through a small intervention leveraged
/ gardens organised with the support of shops, restaurants and supermarkets), across the cluster (Holmer, 2001).
churches, community centres and NGOs processed foods (preparation and vending
to help vulnerable households enhance of foods in local food stands and small POLICY AND INSTITUTIONAL
their food security/nutrition and self- restaurants, packaging, etc.) or as inputs INNOVATION
help capacities) and politically oriented (e.g. compost, earthworms). Innovation In the urban setting, innovations in
urban producer organisations (focusing in urban agriculture can be greatly agriculture are strongly influenced by
on advocacy and lobbying activities to enhanced when research and support local institutions, policies and regulations,
improve their legal status, enhance access organisations link up with the micro and which are more pervasive and invasive
to land, and increase their participation in small enterprises engaged in agricul- in urban areas than in the rural areas.
urban planning). Each of these types has tural processing and marketing activi- Innovation in many cities is constrained
its own dynamics and forms of innovation ties to support their local initiatives and by the informal legal status of urban
and will require different intervention strengthen their entrepreneurial skills and agriculture, lack of land use security, and
strategies to strengthen that innovation business development capacity (Holmer, lack of support from technical and finan-
(see UA-Magazine no. 17 and 18 for more 2001). A good example of a successfully cial institutions. Innovation processes in
discussion on these issues). implemented micro-enterprise approach urban agriculture have a better chance of
to innovation in urban agriculture is the success if they are part of an integrated
To deal with the low social capital in PROVE programme in Brazil (Homen approach to urban development and are
urban areas described earlier, a lot of de Carvalho, 2001), which combined embedded in an enabling institutional
attention will have to be given to capacity capacity building and organisational and policy environment.
building in areas such as building group strengthening, adaptation to municipal
cohesion, conflict resolution, leadership sanitary requirements, creation of a trade- Cuba serves as a useful example of
development, participatory planning, etc. mark serving as a quality seal, creation of how an enabling policy environment
Preferably, such organisational capacity “producers’ kiosks” in supermarkets, and can impact the development of urban
building will be closely linked with enhancing access to capital for invest- agriculture. Through effective policies and
processes of technical innovation and ment in small agro-industrial processing institutional support, urban agriculture
enhancing technical analysis and problem facilities. developed between 1989 and 2000 from
solving capacities (Arce et al., 2007; Prain, A “cluster development” approach might a marginal activity to a major component
2006). also be highly relevant in the urban in the urban food system in Havana and
context. In this approach groups of other cities, a major employer of urban
In urban farming, more than in rural similar agricultural micro enterprises (e.g. labour and an important source of micro-
farming, innovation takes place in the small-scale mushroom producers) and nutrients for the urban population. At the
form of micro-enterprise develop- closely associated (actual or potential) same time, it greatly reduced the accumu-
ment. Due to their closer proximity to support services analyse how they might lation of organic wastes (Novo, 2003).
consumers, urban producers tend to cooperate in order to overcome scale
engage more in direct marketing of their disadvantages, make more efficient use No policy or institutional change related
produce, in the form of fresh products of scarce resources and facilitate innova- to urban agriculture can be achieved
(farm sales, local outlets and mobile tion in their enterprises. This can be done before the value and potential benefits
of urban agriculture are recognised, the
associated risks are made clear and the
Andrés Vélez-Guerra

actual constraints to and opportunities

for its development are known. Therefore
it is necessary to raise awareness among
politicians and institutional managers and
to provide them with adequate informa-
tion that will allow them to involve other
local stakeholders.

Various communication and lobbying

strategies are used to better inform
decision makers (Dubbeling, 2005).
The most effective strategy is to stimu-
late institutional engagement in urban
agriculture, that is, to engage all relevant
institutional “stakeholders”, including
policymakers, right from the begin-
ning in the situation analysis and design
of research and action projects, in the
monitoring and evaluation of results and
in determining consequences for actual
Members of the farmers group Dyen Te Don meet in Bamako policies and programmes of the local

December 2007 13
government, national organisations and opportunities (e.g. analysis of specific e. Focus on enterprise development
other stakeholders. requirements of various market segments, In the urban setting a focus on micro-
adaptation of crop choice and production enterprise development and enhance-
The RUAF “Cities Farming for the Future practices, certification and trademarks, ment of entrepreneurial skills, such as the
(CFF) programme” brings together local strategic alliances, etc.). The most effec- capacity to analyse markets and react to
authorities, NGOs, universities, farmer tive approaches seem to be those that new opportunities, will greatly enhance
groups and other “stakeholders”’ in a joint help urban producers identify gaps in the innovation process (in production
learning and planning process on urban their actual knowledge and skills and as well as in processing and marketing).
agriculture by assisting in the establish- provide practical learning and experimen- The importance of enhancing the food
ment of a Multi-Stakeholder Forum on tation opportunities to fill these gaps (like security and nutrition of the urban poor
Urban Agriculture, the formulation of in the urban farmer field schools; Prain, should not be forgotten, but the need for
a City Strategic Action Plan, and the 2001). cash income is high in the urban context;
revision of existing policies and regula- and in order to arrive at sustainable urban
tions on urban agriculture (see the city c. Combine technical innovation with production systems, intensification (in
pages on building and strengthening urban a safe and ecological way) and a greater
farmer organisations market orientation will be needed.
The CGIAR Urban Harvest programme Considering the high socio-cultural
similarly emphasises engagement with diversity among urban producers their f. Recognise the diversity in urban
policymakers and relevant local institu- lack of producer organisations and the farming systems
tions to facilitate the development of multiple livelihood strategies of the urban Urban farming systems vary widely from
safe and sustainable agriculture. This poor, continuous efforts are needed to purely subsistence to fully commercial
programme has implemented Stakeholder enhance group cohesion, build up trust and from micro-units to large enterprises.
and Policy Analysis and Dialogue (SPAD) and cooperation, enhance motivation The development needs and oppor-
in Lima (Warnaars and Pradel 2007) and and self confidence, strengthen organi- tunities of the various urban farming
Hanoi (Tinh 2004), among other areas. sational skills, etc.,, when engaging in systems thus also differ widely. The most
processes of agricultural innovation with promising approaches therefore appear
LEARNING POINTS FOR urban producers of the poorer sections to be those that recognise this diversity
SUPPORTING INNOVATION of the population. An emphasis on group and tune support and interventions to the
PROCESSES IN URBAN building would facilitate the technical needs and opportunities of each specific
AGRICULTURE innovation process at hand as well as the type of producer (for example: jasmine
The experiences gained to date with organisation of urban producers and their growers, community gardeners, intra-
promoting innovation in urban agricul- claim-making capacity. urban zero grazing dairy units, periurban
ture in the RUAF-CFF and CIP-Urban intensive horticulture).
Harvest programmes have resulted in a d. Link technical-organisational innova-
number of “lessons learned” regarding tion with institutional innovation
the best ways to support urban producers The need for institutional innovation
in innovation processes. (both public and private) is even stronger
in the urban context than in the rural
a. Focus on livelihoods: For urban agricul- areas due to the tradition of institutional
ture to be viable and sustainable, innova- neglect of the urban agricultural sector.
tion needs to take into account that in the
urban context agriculture usually comple-
ments other income-earning activities
F. Aroyo

undertaken by the household and

contributes to and draws on the diverse
set of household assets. In order to come
to a correct understanding of the actual
role of farming in the livelihoods of the
urban poor and the opportunities/
constraints for its development, a situa-
tion analysis should be based on the liveli-
hoods concept.
b. Focus on enhancing innovative
capacity and experiential learning
Given the dynamic and challenging
urban conditions, innovation support to
urban producers should focus strongly
on building their problem-solving capaci-
ties (problem analysis, identification and
testing of alternative solutions) as well as
their capacity to identify and utilise new Using available space and resources

14 UA-Magazine
Hans Peter Reinders


References Anglophone Africa with urban agriculture. technology generation. Rome: FAO.
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mainstreaming in urban food production and Getachew, Y, 2002. The Living Garden: a Agrifood Systems: Products, Enterprises and
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Vegetable Production Systems as Livelihood for Congested Urban Centres in Ethiopia, Prain, G.,2006. Urban Harvest: A CGIAR Global
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T. Zschocke (eds), 2005. Feeding Cities in approach to development and appropriate

December 2007 15
Innovative Wastewater Recycling
in an Indian village: Linking the
rural with the urban

Will Critchley
It is increasingly recognised that in rural areas of developing countries
the microenvironment around the household/ home garden is the centre
of productive resources (Chambers, 1990; Scoones, 2001; Critchley et al.,
in preparation). Not only are people based there, but animals tend to be
housed close by and crop production is more intensive and diversified
around the homestead. The most common hotspot of fertility and
production is thus around the house and compound. From the point of view
of water, the home is again a concentration point: not only is water brought
there for various domestic purposes (and wastewater thus available after
use), but also roof tops and compacted compounds give rise to runoff.
Mr. Rautela working on an irrigated plot

T his article describes a case of innova-

tion within a village context in the
foothills of the Himalaya mountains
in India, where water has become a
precious and limited commodity. Though
and to oversee maintenance of the supply
lines. He felt that someone needed to
manage the water on community level to
make sure that everyone has equal access,
and to make the villagers aware that they
supplementary irrigation, and is also fairly
distributed amongst a user group. One
of a growing band of water volunteers,
Rautela is at the heart of a socio-technical
innovation that makes a significant differ-
nothing like Delhi or Mumbai, Chhabisa don’t need to be continuously dependent ence to people in his village. We conclude
is a relatively densely populated village. In on the government for help. Wastewater that there is potential for many more
some ways – in terms of production within from a main storage tank in Chhabisa innovators to be identified in the field of
the village – it can be seen as a midway is used by women to wash clothes. The water management within village and
point between true urban agriculture and wastewater then drains into an adjacent urban settings: local people who have
rural home gardens. open storage pond with a capacity of specific and valuable technical skills and
2,000 litres. Rautela skilfully overseas the socially minded attitudes. It is important
In Chhabisa village, just as elsewhere in use of that water for irrigation of people’s that we learn to look for local solutions to
Uttaranchal, the dry season water supply kitchen gardens, where chillies, tomatoes, problems in urban areas that conventional
has been decreasing each year – for various pulses and potatoes are planted. The total agricultural research has feared, or not
reasons, but mainly due to a change in area irrigated is between a quarter and been permitted, to implement.
forest composition. Daily household one hectare, depending on the season. He
rations in some villages may be as little supervises a rotational system whereby Based on a paper entitled “Innovation and
as 40 litres per family during the summer each of 14 nearby families receives the flow Infiltration: Human ingenuity in the face of
months (Brommer, 2002). In the driest on a given day. These days can be ‘traded’ water shortage in India” prepared by William
month of May, and sometimes for even through negotiation, under the oversight Critchley and Marit Brommer and presented
longer, the villagers are solely dependent of Rautela. at the International Symposium on Water,
on the unreliable and limited supply from Poverty and Productive Uses of Water at
government pipelines. The four naulas This idea of a self-appointed, and locally the Household Level, Johannesburg, 21-23
(stepwells) are dry at that time. Dripping accepted, innovative and imaginative January 2003.
taps and broken pipelines are still common water volunteer is new. Rautela realised
features in Chhabisa and other neigh- that the seriousness of the water problem References
bouring villages. required that someone take charge in the Brommer, M.B. (2002). Unlocking the flow of
indigenous water knowledge in the Himalayas.
village. That person is needed to keep an Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Vrije Universiteit
Ten years ago, Mr. M.P.S. Rautela resigned eye on technical problems with supply Amsterdam
Chambers, R. (1990) Microenvironments
from his job in Delhi and returned to his lines, to stimulate less dependency on the Unobserved. Gatekeeper Series no 22. London:
home village, Chhabisa. He soon invented government and to rationalise the use of International Institute for Environment and
a new post for himself: that of part-time wastewater, as well as to mediate in local Critchley, W., M. Brommer and G. Negi. 2003.
“water volunteer”. He wanted to help water disputes. This is a vital role, and “M.P.S. Rautela, Water Volunteer” LEISA
Magazine, Vol 19, 3
rationalise the use of scarce village water, while it doesn’t address the causes of the Critchley, W., M. Brommer and G. Negi. (in prepa-
low-flow problem, the position of water ration) Local innovation in green water manage-
ment (chapter to be published in Bright Spots: book
Marit Brommer volunteer certainly helps to minimise the being edited by IMWI, Sri Lanka)
) negative impacts. Mr. Rautela adminis- Scoones, I. (2001) (ed.) Dynamics and Diversity: soil
fertility and farming livelihoods in Africa. London:
William Critchley ters and adjudicates water for irrigation, Earthscan making sure that it is used judiciously for

16 UA-Magazine
In Search of Safer Irrigation
Water for Urban Vegetable Farming
in Ghana

IWMI Ghana
Irrigated vegetable farming is a common practice in and around
many cities in low-income countries. It is also an important
means for attaining urban food security and balanced diets,
and it provides a livelihood to many urban dwellers. However,
increasing contamination of irrigation water sources makes
this practice a major risk factor for public health, especially as
most vegetables grown are consumed raw. Urban vegetable
farmers in Ghana use different water sources for irrigation,
depending on the location of their farming sites. Surface water
is most commonly used as it is easily accessible and thus most
economical. Farmers collect it from streams, stormwater drains
and gutters with greywater. However, these water sources are
usually heavily contaminated with untreated wastewater.

Source of irrigation water for urban vegetable farming in Accra

I n Ghana, scientists and urban farming was at that time not receiving ered as an alternative as it is too costly and
vegetable farmers are working appropriate support from authorities. very scarce even for domestic use. There
together in identifying, testing and are only a very few places where farmers
implementing a number of interventions Initially, farmers were not motivated to have access to it, like in Dzorwulu, Accra.
to make the practice safer. This is being participate as the local media and authori- Also treated wastewater is largely unavail-
done in Ghana’s three largest cities of ties had condemned this practice. Farmers able for irrigation as very small amounts
Accra, Kumasi and Tamale. One of these were therefore very skeptical about any (less than 10%) of wastewater is treated
interventions is the use of alternative water related “research”. In addition, due to their in Ghana. In addition, the few existing
sources which are perceived to be safer. proximity to academic and research insti- treatment plants are not located where
These alternative sources are the subject of tutions, farmers had already provided so their effluents can be used for farming.
this article. much information with no visible benefit In Ghana, only two farming sites i.e. La in
that they were very unwilling to give any Accra and Zagyuri in Tamale, use effluent
Urban vegetable farming in Ghana is an more. Thus it was difficult to find farmers from treatment plants serving nearby
informal activity; it is largely unregulated who were committed to the project.
and farmers receive very limited exten- Likewise, relevant government institutions
sion support from relevant government wanted first to see tested interventions, Treated water is too
institutions. We planned to actively involve since they could not personally visualise costly and very scarce
farmers and relevant government authori- any. However, the project was aimed at even for domestic use
ties in the project at all stages. The farmers’ involving them in developing the type of
help was needed in developing more proven interventions they were asking for.
appropriate interventions that could easily military camps is used for irrigation. In
be adopted. This was in line with findings This was overcome by clearly spelling out La, the effluents are poorly treated while
from many studies on technology develop- the objectives of the project and explaining in Zagyuri, the treatment plant is broken
ment which have shown that innovations the need for their involvement at all stages. down.
largely fail in resource-poor countries when For farmers, this was first done through the
local communities don’t participate. The leaders of their farmers’ associations, who Groundwater usually has better water
authorities’ involvement was necessary explained it to their members. For govern- quality than surface water. However,
for policy support and sustainability of the ment institutions, we presented quantified the costs for installation, operation and
interventions, especially as urban vegetable benefits from urban vegetable farming and maintenance for infrastructure needed for
showed some interventions from other water lifting increase with depth, so deep
cities in Africa and Asia that had been groundwater was economically prohibitive
Bernard Keraita1*, Pay Drechsel1, successful. for a long time (1). Farmers were left with
William Agyekum2 and Lesley Hope1 shallow groundwater, as the only feasible
IWMI West Africa, Accra, Ghana SHALLOW GROUNDWATER AS AN alternative water source to contaminated
CSIR-Water Research Institute, Accra, Ghana ALTERNATIVE SOURCE surface water. The use of shallow ground-
*Contact:) Treated water (pipe water) was not consid- water is common along the coastline in

December 2007 17
several West Africa countries and has been Box 1: Safe use of shallow groundwater in dugouts
successfully used with vegetable farmers in
Benin and Togo (Drechsel et al., 2006).
Background: Mr. Ofori farms on a 0.2 ha farm. He mainly plants lettuce, cabbage and spring
onions all year round. He has five dugouts (shallow wells) in his farm. Our first observations
showed that shallow wells had no specific shape and the farmer usually walked into the wells
SHALLOW GROUNDWATER with watering cans scratching the pond beds as he collects water.
It is a common perception among farmers
in Ghana that shallow groundwater is Suggested Interventions:
“pure” and uncontaminated. Hence, - Place an embankment around the dugouts to prevent contaminated surface runoff
from entering the pond. The farmer declined as he depended a lot on surface runoff to
wherever feasible, farmers take initiative
supplement groundwater recharge. On this, we proposed then that surface runoff be
to construct and use dugouts (shallow channeled to one entrance on the shallow well where it could pass through a simple filtration
wells) instead of using stream water which system like sand bag to reduce contamination.
is generally perceived as more contami- - Proper design of dugouts to improve sedimentation of particles and pathogens in water
nated. These dugouts are usually less than hence improving water quality. Mr. Ofori said he widened dugouts to get more water. We
suggested channeling of surface runoff (as in (i) above). The pond bed could also be wedge
1 m deep and with surface area of less
shaped to allow sediments to collect in one end of the well while the farmer fetches water
than 5 m2. They are located very close to from the other end.
vegetable plots which also lessen watering - Better water collection practices like using a “rope and bucket” system to draw water. To
labor due to the lessened distance of avoid walking into dugouts, he could place a plank of wood across the dugouts or by making
carrying watering cans. steps on the edge of the well where he could step on as he draws water from the deeper
parts. He was also advised to collect water with minimal disturbance which is a habit that he
could change over time.
However, assessments on water quality Observed changes:
from the dugouts currently used in irriga- - Improved channeling of water into the dugouts and water now has only one entrance to the
tion show high contamination levels, but dugouts. However, the filtration system has not been installed.
lower than other surface water sources - Better shaped dugouts with wooden planks across the dugouts. Though not consistently, we
observed him collecting water with minimal disturbance.
used. We used participant observations
- We have had some improvements in water quality and hope as more discussions continue,
and discussions to find out reasons for further improvements will be attained.
high contamination levels on dugouts and
ways to reduce it. We observed two kinds
of dugouts:
where farmers from different farming sites lifting so depths were restricted to 7 m.
- Shallow wells: These are storage ponds ranked measures from the most to least Shallow tube wells have successfully been
for surface runoff while they also suitable. Measures ranked least suitable used also in West Africa like in the Fadama
receive groundwater recharge. Some across farming sites like treating water in irrigation project in Nigeria and Keta
of these ponds are close to the polluted dugouts with chemicals were not given shallot farming in Ghana (Kortatsi et al.,
stream allowing water to infiltrate. further consideration. In these meetings, 2005). This initiative was fully supported
However, surface run-off carries manure, we also agreed on the criteria for assessing by urban vegetable farmers in Ghana.
greywater and other contaminants. the measures and practices proposed. Farmers provided labor during test drills.

- On-farm ponds: Some farming sites In the last three years, we have worked However, the test drills showed that
have no chance of getting any shallow with farmers who use dugouts in different there was no potential to use tube wells.
groundwater. This was more in Accra farming sites and tested a number of In Accra, the water was saline while in
and Tamale as the two cities are drier measures and practices on their plots Tamale, the water table was too low and
than Kumasi. But farmers make earthen to reduce contamination in and from Kumasi had low water yields. We had
ponds (usually deeper than dugouts to dugouts. Assessment was based on feedback meetings with farmers where test
collect surface runoff whenever it rains. laboratory analysis on levels of microbial drills were done and explained to them the
In the dry season, some function as inter- contamination, perceptions from farmers outcome. Nevertheless, it was shown from
mediate storage pond filled from streams and socio-economic analysis. Regular test drills that hand dug wells could yield
nearby with motor pumps feedback was given from farmers and enough water. But due to the high costs
scientists and modification on specific involved (about USD 2000), it was not
WORKING WITH FARMERS TO practices done and tested further. To illus- feasible for farmers in the area. This was
IMPROVE THE USE OF DUGOUTS trate the process, a typical example is given explained to farmers. We however agreed
We first held city level meetings i.e. for Mr. Ofori, a farmer at the Engineering to install hand-dug well, fitted with treadle
in Accra and Kumasi where farmers farming site in Kumasi in Box 1. pumps to lift water, for demonstration
from all main vegetable farming sites purposes.
gathered in one farming site to identify FROM DUGOUTS TO WELLS
suitable measures and practices to reduce As a further improvement to dugouts, the Farmers’ involvement in implementation
contamination in dugouts. A wide range scientists proposed the use of tube wells and assessment of interventions
of measures were suggested, which were as they are cheaper in construction and Farmers provided labor during the instal-
not very different for the two cities. To less prone to contamination from surface lation of the well system and almost all
streamline the measures for field assess- run-off than dugouts and shallow wells. farmers in the farming site participated.
ments, we conducted suitability analysis We planned to use treadle pumps for water However, due to system limitations, only

18 UA-Magazine
IWMI Ghana
system and interestingly suggested ways to

IWMI Ghana
modify the system to make it work better.
An example of this is given in Box 2 on an
issue related to labor.

It was clear that any intervention should
allow for flexibility to be modified to
better suit farmers. This calls for openness
between scientists and farmers and having
systematic feedback meetings. A number
of important lessons were learnt from the
process of implementing and assessing
trials on dugouts, shallow tube wells and
the hand-dug well system with farmers. Improved practices can reduce
But in general, the alternative safer water contamination risks
sources showed no much potential and
Carrying raw wastewater for irrigation that leaves many farmers to continue using We expect to develop appropriate and
using head pan in Tamale wastewater. With such limitations on easily adoptable interventions for the
safer water sources, we are now focusing different farming sites to comprehensively
two farmers could use the system. These on minimizing risks while farmers use reduce health risks. The aim of this article
two farmers were given field observation wastewater. While working closely with was not to suggest universal appropriate
sheets to assess the system. Other farmers farmers, we have identified a number of interventions for risk reduction as they
were encouraged to make observations interventions that we are currently testing can vary widely depending on local condi-
and where possible use the treadle pumps. with farmers while quantifying their risk tions. However, we have shown how such
Water quality tests were conducted and reduction potential. These include; interventions can be implemented and
monitoring of the use of the system was the study has shown that some might
also done by our field assistants. Farmers - Measures based on improving water work while others fail under certain
and scientists agreed to observe the system quality on farm: Appropriate design and conditions. The study showed the need of
for about six months, after which we held use of on-farm sedimentation ponds, working closely with farmers to identify
a meeting to evaluate the system perfor- use of simple filtration systems like slow the measures that are most appropriate,
mance. sand filters and fabric filters considering farmers’ local opportunities
and constraints.
Laboratory results showed that the water - Measures based on irrigation manage-
quality from the system was much better ment: Irrigation methods where we
than the dugouts that were being used focus on appropriate use of watering 1) It was only recently that the Ministry of Food
in the same farming site and was well cans and change safer irrigation systems and Agriculture subsidised deeper borehole drilling
also on selected urban farming sites, however often
within the acceptable levels according to like simple irrigation kits. We are also without success.
the WHO guidelines for irrigation (WHO, working on better scheduling in
2006). We collated observations from the irrigation especially withholding irriga- References
two farmers using the system and our tion some days before harvesting of Drechsel, P. S. Graefe, M. Sonou, O.O. Cofie, 2006.
Informal irrigation in urban West Africa: An
field assistant and had a meeting where vegetables Overview. IWMI, Colombo. Research Report 102.
we first discussed their observations. This
Kortatsi K., E. Young and A. Mensah-Bonsu (2005).
was followed by group discussions at the - Measure along the farm-to-fork Potential impact of large scale abstraction on the
farming site where all farmers participated. pathway, in markets and food prepara- quality of shallow groundwater for irrigation in the
Keta strip, Ghana. West African Journal of Applied
A number of issues were raised during the tion to avoid further contamination and Ecology 8.
group discussions. Farmers identifying support decontamination, e.g. through WHO (2006). WHO guidelines for the safe use of
wastewater, excreta and greywater – Volume II:
a number of challenges while using this appropriate vegetable washing. Wastewater use in agriculture. WHO-UNEP-FAO,

Box 2: System assessment issues of concern: Example of labour

Strength: Farmers said that the system lessened labor needed and estimated that they could
irrigate 2-3 times more land using the system compared to when watering cans are used.

Weakness: The treadle pump system requires two people working at the same time; one
person to pump water from the well, while another person on the other end pulls the hose and
waters the crops. This is a big limitation as farmers usually don’t work in pairs because every
farmer has his own schedule of activities.

Suggested modifications: Install an intermediate reservoir or have a big drum where a farmer
could pump water into and then use it when needed.

December 2007 19
Innovations in Greenhouse
Rainwater Harvesting System in
Beijing, China
Beijing is a city faced with a shortage of water. Less than 600 mm of rain rainwater. Water is guided through the
falls per year; but this figure is highly variable and actual rainfall has been rainwater collection flume at the bottom
lower than average in the past eight years. Less than 300 cubic metres of of the greenhouse into a deposit pool and
water is available per person per year; this is one eighth of the average pumped into an underground storage
volume per person available in the country as a whole and one thirtieth of pool, where the temperature of the water
the world average. Because of the downward trend in rainfall, surface water increases and it is mixed with micro-
is gradually drying up and the level of ground water is declining. compost. The water is then again pumped
into a basin and through gravity it enters
the micro-irrigation system. An average

ture under the motto “tap new sources greenhouse of this type is about 85 metres
he agricultural sector consumes a of supply, reduce consumption and long and 8 metres wide. The plastic roof
large volume of water, 90% of which prevent pollution”. Rainwater harvesting measures about 900 square metres, while
is groundwater. Excessive use of is one of these projects. The technology the cultivable area under the roof is about
water for agriculture threatens Beijing’s of using the surface of greenhouses 500 square metres.
ecology and the availability of water for to collect rainwater was developed in
consumption. The lack of a sufficient China in 2005 by the Beijing Agricultural This technology has a number of advan-
water supply also influences glass- Technology Dissemination Station and tages. Firstly, it taps a new source of
house agriculture around Beijing since the Soil & Compost Work Station. Both water – rainwater – thereby reducing the
it is increasingly difficult to get access authorities fall under the Beijing Bureau of pressure on groundwater. In areas that are
to groundwater. Thus, saving water in Agriculture. The construction of this type suitable for agriculture, but have limited
agriculture has become an urgent task and of greenhouse is subsidised and farmers access to water, the technology allows
a common goal for the whole society. are supported by exhibitions, training, agricultural production and increases
farmer to farmer exchanges and websites. livelihood options. The rainwater is of
In April 2007 the Beijing municipal good quality for irrigation and suitable
government started to charge a fee The capturing of rainwater is combined for micro-irrigation. The chemical
for agricultural water use exceeding with efficient irrigation techniques (drip composition of rainwater is such that it
a particular quota (depending on the irrigation). The farmers are further stimu- rarely jams micro-irrigation pipes. The
production type, e.g. paddy rice, wheat, lated to include a reuse component by technology provides a reliable supply of
aquaculture, vegetable gardening, fruit composting and producing biogas (see water (especially important under erratic
trees, or livestock). Now if farmers exceed figure). rainfall), and thus stimulates the produc-
their quota, they have to pay 0.08 Yuan per tion of several harvests of a wider diversity
extra cubic metre of water used for grain The technology consists of a greenhouse of crops. This increases the benefits for
crops and 0.16 Yuan per cubic metre used (see figure) with a special roof that collects farmers, and subsequently stimulates the
for other crops. Most farmers are able to
limit their use to stay within the quota,
but with decreasing rainfall, it is becoming
more important to save water and find
other sources, like rainwater. Farmers’ water
use for home consumption is not limited by
a quota (a separate system has been imple-
mented for this type of water use).

The Department of Water Saving, of the
Water Authority, has undertaken a series
of projects on saving water in agricul-

Zhang Feifei, Cai Jianming, Ji Wenhua

) Structure of rainwater harvesting system (one greenhouse)

20 UA-Magazine
local economy. After the structure is built 2.5 m high). In the rainy season, the big other farmers in vegetable and fruit
by local builders, it is relatively simple to pond cannot contain all of the collected production, aquaculture, fishing and
use and maintain. rainwater, so excess water will then be other leisure activities.
used for aquifer recharge. The cost of - Due to the enormous pull of the labour
HUAIROU constructing a big pond is estimated to market in Beijing, more and more
Supported by the city of Beijing and be 200,000 Yuan (20.000 Euro) (which is farmers are getting jobs in urban areas,
implemented by the Bureau of Agriculture cheaper than constructing three smaller and as a result, only elders and women
and the Beijing Water Company, two pilot ponds). are engaged in agriculture. The poten-
projects have been started in Huairou tially higher income of urban agriculture
disctrict (one of the 10 districts in Beijing). may keep labour in the area.
By using a rainwater harvesting system and
It costs 80,000 Yuan (8,000 euros) to build drop irrigation in Grapes production in a - It will improve the regional food system
a small tank system, but these projects greenhouse, less money needs to be spent on and development direct linkages
are being fully subsidised by the Beijing labour, pesticides and electricity for pumping between farmers and urban consumers
water, thereby reducing costs to about 950
government. This technology is now being Euro per greenhouse per year. This system is
of organic produce;
used for the production of about 10,000 ha currently being tested. - It is important to improve the regional
in Huairou, and accounts for 85.3% of all food system and develop direct linkages
land under irrigation. In 2007, twenty new between farmers and urban consumers
rainwater greenhouses were built. The structure of a rainwater harvesting of organic produce;
system under construction in Huairou - It provides an experience with participa-
Each greenhouse can collect up to about tive/bottom-up development of cooper-
200 cubic metres of rainwater per year The RUAF-CFF programme supports atives and famers' organisations.
(capturing water from May to October). the organisational development of the
However, in the past years this amount cooperative to improve its functioning and A number of challenges remain, which
has never been reached due to erratic the support it provides to its members. are the focus of current research. A first
rainfall. For one cropping cycle, grapes This involves the establishment of a multi- challenge is the technical design of the
need 85-100 m3/mu, Chinese cabbage functional rainwater harvesting system pond, considering the distance over which
needs around 100 m3/mu, cucumber and development of the agri-tourism water has to be pumped back to the
needs 60-80m3/mu, and tomato needs 80 component. The SWITCH programme greenhouses and for other uses. Another
m3/mu (1 mu is approximately 670 square supports this endeavour by conducting challenge concerns the amount of land
metres; the standard greenhouse would research into water flows and water needed for this system. Research will
have 500 square meters or about 0.75 mu). quality. have to look into the supply of water and
whether this pond could meet the needs
Capturing 200 cubic meters of rainwater The proposed system will be composed of: of agricultural production every year. One
would allow for 2-3 cropping cycles per - five rainwater harvesting greenhouses of the main aims and challenges for the
year. But due to the scarcity of rainfall and that will support the activities of cooperative is to reduce the use of ground-
land to store the water, in practice most individual farmers in the greenhouse, water while at the same time improving
farmers using this technology still need to additional farming on land outside the the farmers’ incomes.
add groundwater. greenhouse, other activities and aquifer In addition work needs to be done in
recharge; demonstrating the potential of this pilot
IMPROVING THE SYSTEMS - reuse of household grey and black water project to cooperative members and
Huairou Fruit and Vegetable Cooperative and organic waste for composting and related institutions. Therefore, not only
is one of the government’s pilot projects a biogas installation (for light bulbs the technical aspects, but also the whole
(see UA-Magazine no. 18). The cooperative in greenhouses; compost dissolved in development process in Huairou, will
specialises in the production of grapes and irrigation water); be recorded for use elsewhere and for
Chinese dates. The cooperative currently - a pond system designed as an ecological showing that the system can improve the
encompasses 1108 households and it has landscape (with reed, duckweed and quality of water, and provide benefits to
built five greenhouses in its contracted fish) and recreational facility; various stakeholders. This approach is also
farmland. But according to the coopera- - tourism/leisure infrastructure (fishing, still being researched by the cooperative.
tive’s leaders, the potential of this system houses, regional food and products).
René van Veenhuizen

has not been fully explored. In light of

the opportunities offered by the growing The development of this project is based
market in Beijing and the multiple on the following arguments:
functions urban agriculture can offer (see - It is easier to build a big pond than five
earlier papers on this in UA-Magazine), small tanks (in terms of space available
the cooperative plans to extend the single and design), although the initial cost
production units into an integrated system may be higher.
by combining the five greenhouses that do - It could be used to promote agri-tourism
not include a rainwater harvesting system. activities, such as fishing, and lodging.
The rainwater from five greenhouses - A wider impact on the community
will be collected in a big pond of about is sought by developing the multiple
500 cubic metres (20 m long, 10 m wide, functions of agriculture, by involving Growing a wider diversity of crops in the greenhouse

December 2007 21
Family Business Garden as an
Innovative Enterprise in Urban
Home gardening is usually seen as

Thilak T. Ranasinghe
a subsistence-oriented production
system. However, in urban and
suburban areas land is a precious
resource, which is why home
gardening can be turned into a
profitable production system. In this
context the concept of the Family
Business Garden was launched on
World Environment Day 2000 in Sri

Utilisation of limited space with vertical structures

T he Family Business Garden (FBG)

concept is based on the idea that a
family’s nutritional needs should
be met through a proper mix of environ-
ment-friendly agriculture and commer-
technology adoption, crop management,
post-harvest technology & value-addition,
and landscaping & housekeeping. The
centre petal represents a family’s basic
requirement of physical development.
to focus on animal husbandry select
small livestock, such as chickens, quails,
rabbits and the like. More appropriate
and attractive types of farming involve
the development of creative methods
cial agriculture, and on the principle of The dual-stalk symbolises the ability and many vertical cultivation structures,
sustainable agricultural entrepreneur- to farm based on either commercial or such as cultivation towers, cultivation
ship (Ranasinghe, 2005). The concept environmental principles, or on a combi- mega bottles, cultivation racks, cultiva-
seeks to integrate Indigenous Technical nation of both for greater sustainability. tion cages, cultivation pyramids, cultiva-
Know-how (ITK) with effective forms of The FBG logo also shows the feasibility of tion ladders, cultivation tats, cultivation
modern scientific knowledge available adopting various strategies according to antennas, cultivation nets and edible
in different fields of sustainable develop- the different socio-eco- airscapes. Simplified hydroponic cultiva-
ment. Ultimately this will help optimise nomic-cultural-environ- tion is also popular. In the urban context,
small or medium-scale productivity in the ment conditions of urban environment-friendly methods of plant
longer term rather than only maximise communities. protection are common, i.e., integrated
productivity for short-term benefits. pest management and the use of tradi-
Logo of the Family tional methods.
FBG CONCEPT Business Garden
The FBG concept recognises five strategic
components of farming in the urban Each of the five components focuses on Edible landscaping with cultivation tower
context, represented by the various petals a specific aspect of urban agriculture:
in the logo (figure) : i.e., family nutrition,
Family nutrition: This component refers
to the allocation of space, or maximisa-
tion of available limited vertical space of
Thilak T. Ranasinghe

Thilak T. Ranasinghe, the homestead, for the cultivation of the

Director of Agriculture (Western Province), nutritious vegetables, fruits, yams and
Colombo, Sri Lanka. spice crops preferred and selected by
) u family members. Families that choose

22 UA-Magazine
Thilak T. Ranasinghe
My garden is a small one…. Everyday I Origin of the concept and
consume one leafy vegetable out of it. My innovations
children are also interested in this
activity. Overall, through gardening I gain a The primary idea behind the FBG concept
high level of mental satisfaction. emerged while the author was working with
Female doctor and gardener, remote rural populations of the Moneragala
17 September 2002 district, Sri Lanka, in launching the Homestead
Development Campaign to celebrate the
Technology adoption: This component Creative living structure of edible airscape International Year of Shelter for the Homeless
stresses that wherever possible urban in 1987. The campaign demonstrated the
households should select economically response to the dynamic urban situation, similarities between rural and periurban or
viable crops or products that generate FBG micro-entrepreneurs position urban urban areas; for instance, the lack of nutri-
income for small or medium-level entre- agriculture in new areas of overall urban tious food during the dry season, the scarcity
preneurship. Practitioners of FBG have development. Post-harvest management of water for use in homestead cultivation,
identified new crops/products, i.e., is a must and product diversification, the variety of strategies adopted to conserve
mushrooms, cut flowers, ornamental i.e. producing a variety of value-added water, the simple methods developed to
plants and processing of value-added food products to meet the changing demands process and preserve fruits and vegetables,
products, that satisfy the sustainability of urban consumers, is part of the success and the traditional pest management methods.
aspect of the concept. The proper integra- of FBG. Women who practice food Many urban dwellers used to apply these
tion of ITK and modern technology plays processing and preservation receive techniques in varied scales under different
a major role here. Low cost, effective and handy income for their outputs. conditions, but much information has been
efficient appropriate technologies are I believe this [food processing] is the most lost and they currently lack the innovative
advocated. suitable solution to the present problem of strategies needed to adapt these techniques
Family Business Garden: in my opinion this is increased vegetable prices faced by c to the urban context.The FBG concept was
a timely project that would provide immense onsumers at the market. In future, I expect launched in the form of an exhibition plot at
benefit to small-scale entrepreneurs. that our people will be more informed on Muthugama, Sri Lanka, on World Environment
Private trader, 30 August 2001 this enterprise. Day 2000 by the Western Province
Female employee, 14 June, 2002 Department of Agriculture (WPDOA). A special
Crop management: Soil, water, pest strategy was developed to introduce low/no
and sunlight or shade management is Landscaping and housekeeping: This space cultivation techniques, especially the
treated with high priority within the FBG component focuses on environmental cultivation tower (an indigenous technique)
concept. Recycling of resources is imple- and psychological factors. FBG practi- and hydroponics cultivation boxes (a modern
mented by recipients who adopt house- tioners may reduce their mental stress technique) and to monitor their applica-
hold waste management techniques, and improve their capabilities as local tion. Throughout this process recipients
such as composting, crop rotation, use of managers and businesses. The creation adjusted and adapted these techniques. For
green/animal manure, proper water utili- of a pleasant, edible land- and “airscape” instance, Mr. Jayawickrama (a retired person)
sation and crop management practices applies principles of landscape architec- constructed his cultivation tower with cement
(soil and water conservation, water ture, housekeeping, personal organisa- and decided to plant seedlings in small pieces
harvesting techniques, micro irrigation tion, and psychology. The creation of a of PVC tubes for effective plant establishment.
techniques, and so on). Shade manage- charming environment in and outside He further added some innovative vertical
ment is stressed to optimise use of the the home or business keeps the entrepre- structures, namely, cultivation racks and culti-
limited land available in urban areas. neur’s business more manageable. vation tanks for rooftops. Mr. Jayathilake (an
Integrated farming, which makes use of Here, you can see how to cultivate within a extension agent) contributed to the innova-
livestock, aquaculture, trees and crop small space or a concrete slab. There you can tion process by training people and creating
production, is selected by only a limited easily produce 4-5 leafy vegetables and two new vertical cultivation structures including
number of the FBG practitioners for pod vegetables. Moreover, vine vegetables hanging hydroponics bottles and a cultivation
cultural or economic reasons. cultivated in cultivation arches can be ladder. These structures are now spreading
The combination of vegetables and flowers adopted in any homestead. By so doing, you rapidly and private entrepreneurs are
in this small-scale Family Business Garden can gain greater physical and mental satis- motivated to produce them on a commercial
attracts many onlookers. By studying this, faction than by visiting a leisure park. scale (eg. City Gardens Company). Mrs. Adlina
one can develop ample knowledge on simple Chairman of the Lions Club, Kelaniya, Weerpura focused on edible landscaping and
irrigation, drainage and soil management Sri Lanka 28 August 2003 added fruits and vegetables to the cultivation
systems in edible landscaping techniques. tower. In addition, she started a plant nursery
Teacher, 17 December 2004 DISSEMINATION AND SUPPORT TO for additional income and now also produces
LOCAL INNOVATION honey with two bee colonies. These experi-
Post-harvest technology and value- Several impact studies have revealed ences have been used by the RUAF-CCF
addition: Even though products come that family nutrition and the technology initiative to further popularise these practices.
from homesteads, marketable quality adoption components are the most For example, an urban extension method of
standards of the products have to be met attractive and the first to be adopted extension street walks was initiated by the
in order to compete with international by practitioners. Once these practices WPDOA during the Promotional Week of 2007.
products available at local markets. As a are established, the business gardeners

December 2007 23
Thilak T. Ranasinghe

Interactions with other government

departments (like Health, Women’s
Affairs, Central Bank), and with other
NGOs (like Sevanatha, Agromart, Red
Cross Society), private organisations
(Lanka Transformers) and community-
based organisations has contributed
to creating links between small groups
or civil society groups and institutional
networks. The attention currently
being paid to FBG at schools, vocational
agricultural training programmes and
even at universities and in post-graduate
courses ensures a bright future for the
concept. Projects involving local govern-
ment and international organisations like
ICRC and RUAF have helped to influence
city planners and to convince donors to
Food processing as a micro-enterprise
address urban poverty through agricul-
tural development strategies.
gradually develop the other components. and demonstrations and by participating
For instance, one woman FBG producer in adaptability testing trials conducted FUTURE OF FBG
mentioned that after two years she now by extension agents. These activities are National and international linkages
produces fresh vegetables for the market being further expanded and linked at offer promising opportunities to further
and has joined micro-groups to meet the the entrepreneurship level with the help develop the FBG concept in areas such
growing demand of local supermarkets. of civil society groups that mainly work as roofscape technology, tissue cultures,
on women in development. Inspired aquaponics, aeroponics and organopo-
However, the FBG concept does not have by these activities, municipal authori- nics. Together with the rising interest in
a blueprint model and the technology ties have embraced the concept of FBG FBG among urban young entrepreneurs
transfer process may occur in many as a means to achieve a cleaner city – as and the increasing demand of urban
different ways. Knowledge about FBG has it effectively reduces the costs of urban consumers for natural, healthy and nutri-
reached many urban dwellers in Western waste management andhealth care and tious food products, this suggests that the
Sri Lanka through a variety of commu- creates new income-generating oppor- market for FBG will continue to grow in
nication channels: mass media methods tunities through increased agro-tourism the future.
– newspapers, magazines, posters, hand- within city limits.
bulletins, almanacs, radio and television; The FBG concept allows an urban dweller
interpersonal methods – exhibitions, to receive on-the-job training, to learn
seminars, action-research sessions, The FBG concept does not about informal systems and procedures,
workshops, training classes, demon- have a blueprint model and to become an independent manager
stration sites, field days and field tours; in a sustainable form of development
individual methods – visit to information (Bridge, O’Neill & Cromie, 2003). Social
centres, telephone calls, letters, e-mail capital development through micro-group
communication, project involvements, The innovative activities and initiatives formation and entrepreneurship will also
thesis assignments, so on. of urban dwellers in the Colombo and help reduce urban violence and improve
Gampaha districts have also attracted the lives of the poor by raising living
Urban exhibitions of FBG have helped the attention of policy makers, who standards. FBG is therefore an important
create new perceptions of urban agricul- have included urban agriculture in local step in the process of sustainable urban
tural micro-entrepreneurship, such as and national policies. The innovative agricultural development.
vertical living structures, and service conceptual FBG approach adopted by
provisions in edible-landscaping, or the Western Provincial Department of
hydroponics and micro irrigation systems. Agriculture and its agricultural exten- Bridge, S., O’Neill, K. & Cromie, S. (2003).
In addition, the formation of micro sion agenda assisted in getting urban Understanding Enterprise, Entrepreneurship
and Small Business, 2nd Ed, (New York: Palgrave
groups facilitated by agricultural exten- agriculture into the National Policy of Macmillan)
sion and training agents has opened up Agriculture and Livestock: 2003-2010, Ranasinghe, T. T. (2005). From informal to formal
acceptance: leaps and bounds of urban agriculture
access to new, and diverse forms of, value- specifically Policy Statement No. 29 in in the development sphere, The International
added product ventures. Innovative urban the policy document of 2003. The govern- Journal of Biodiversity Science & Management,
Vol.1, No. 1. pp 17-24.
dwellers have joined the FBG initiatives ment’s latest Agricultural Policy of 3
by becoming involved in the knowledge September 2007 also included a specific
management process of the concept, i.e. focus on urban agriculture (in Statement
by attending seminars, training sessions, No. 17).

24 UA-Magazine
SPIN Farming: Improving
revenues on sub-acre plots

Backyard plots in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Wally with a roto-tiller, the only mechanized equip-
ment SPIN requires

Cities are impulsive, boisterous, spontaneous, and competitive, while 20 years ago on an acre-sized plot outside
agriculture is plodding, tranquil, deliberate and deferential. SPIN-Farming of Saskatoon. Thinking that expanding
is helping to create a world where for one to be right, the other does not acreage was critical to their success, they
have to be wrong. bought some farmland adjacent to the
South Saskatchewan River 40 miles north

of Saskatoon, where they eventually grew
e-engineering food production At the forefront of this new version of vegetables on about 20 acres of irrigated
systems is central to addressing urban agriculture is SPIN-Farming. SPIN land. After six years farming their rural site,
all of the modern world’s major is two things. It is a mindset, enabling the couple noticed that they were growing
challenges – national security, finite governments and NGOs to re-think who high-value crops, like spinach, salad mix,
resources, diet-related illnesses. At the can farm and where they can farm. It is carrots and radishes, in their backyard
same time, sustainability has gone beyond also a commercial farming system that is plot in town, and they were growing
a buzz word and is now spurring specific equipping a new generation of entrepre- low-value crops, like potatoes, peas and
plans for significant change in how cities neurial farmers. SPIN stands for Small beans, at their acreage in the country. This
function. Producing food for residents Plot INtensive. Much has been written led Satzewich to realise the advantages of
within city borders is a cornerstone of about small-scale farming over the past sub-acre farming in town.
these plans. Some cities are considering 30 years; however, the term “small scale”
or have actually implemented initiatives is not definitive. It can mean anything In town, his irrigation system was the
that require meeting a quota of their food from a couple of acres to a couple of water faucet – he did not have to rely on
needs through local food producers. This hundred acres. SPIN is designed specifi- fluctuating river levels. The work crew
has very positive implications for urban cally for sub-acre parcels, i.e. less than an for his sub-acre plots consisted of himself
agriculture. The emerging consensus on acre. What distinguishes SPIN from other and his wife – he did not have to depend
climate change is also providing impetus farming methods is that it is non-technical on outside labour. When he looked at the
to rebuild local and regional farming and unencumbered by any specific financial picture, it showed that although
systems and to support smaller, sustain- ideology. It is a “franchise-ready system” the overhead cost of a sub-acre operation
able farms, which are less energy intensive. that also accommodates creativity and is a fraction of that of a large-scale conven-
Urban agriculture is not a new concept, the place-based nature of farming. Based tional farm, the bottom lines were similar.
but cities are beginning to realise that to on growing high-value, multiple crops That is when he realised that a sub-acre
establish sustainable, secure and healthy intensely on sub-acre parcels, the organic- farmer can earn significant income with a
food systems, they need to court profes- based SPIN system outlines how to lot less stress and a lot less overhead and
sional farmers, either home-grown or from produce USD 50,000+ in gross sales from with much more certainty of success from
outside their borders, and accord them the a half-acre. year to year. So Satzewich sold his farm in
respect and support the cities provide to the country and his experiment in sub-acre
other entrepreneurs. SPIN was developed over the last twelve city-based farming became the basis for
years by Wally Satzewich in Saskatoon, the SPIN-Farming system.
Saskatchewan, Canada. Mr. Satzewich’s
Roxanne Christensen farming career began traditionally. He and The most well-documented SPIN applica-
) his wife Gail Vandersteen started farming tion is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the

December 2007 25
sixth largest city in the U.S. Five years ago to envision what is possible as well as a SPIN-Farming Key Concepts
a commercial urban farming project was system for implementation. • Standard size bed – one that measures 68
undertaken by the Philadelphia Water cm by 8.5 meters
Department in partnership with the At its root, SPIN integrates agriculture into • High-value crop – one that produces USD
Institute for Innovations in Local Farming. the built environment in an economically 100 per harvest per bed
The Department was seeking ways to save viable manner. SPIN Farm models can be • Relay cropping – the sequential growing
on maintenance costs on its significant incorporated into any existing neighbour- of crops
• Intensive relay cropping – growing 3
land holdings as well as to encourage new hood, any new school, housing develop-
high-value crops per bed per season
businesses that would contribute positively ment, or shopping mall. The applications
• Bi-relay – growing 2 lesser-value crops per
to the environment. Wally Satzewich are far-reaching, and planners and devel- bed per season
served as the agricultural advisor to the opers are just beginning to understand • Single relay – growing 1 low-value crop
project, and a half-acre demonstration how SPIN fits into the sustainable develop- per bed per season
farm called Somerton Tanks Farm was ment tool kit. An architect is re-developing • 1-2-3 rule – divides the farm into 3
created on Department land following the a mobile home trailer park in rural Napa different areas of crop intensity
SPIN-Farming system. In 2006, its fourth County, California, and is incorporating • Land allocation – the smaller the farm,
year in operation, the farm was operated SPIN-style farm plots into the individual the more of its area needs to be devoted to
by a husband and wife team and one part- residences. A woman is re-developing 8 intensive relay production
time labourer and produced USD 68,000 acres in Milton, Florida, after extensive • Revenue targeting formula - 1 acre
accommodates 400 standard size beds,
in gross sales from a half-acre. A study of hurricane damage and is incorporating
including paths, walkways and infrastruc-
this urban farm pilot recently completed sub-acre SPIN-style farms as a way for
ture; if all are intensively relay cropped
for the State of Pennsylvania projects that residents to generate income to offset the they will produce USD 300 per bed per
this sub-acre farming model can produce cost of their homes. season; 400 beds x USD 300 = USD 120,000
USD 120,000 annually, with operating per acre per season
expenses of USD 60,000, and net income to At the same time that it is helping govern-
the farmer couple of USD 60,000, which is ments, developers and NGOs envision
above the city’s median household income. farming as an integral part of urban and more money than they know what to do
This study makes the case for developing periurban economies and communi- with, and others have less than they need.
a network of small farms based on the ties, SPIN’s non-technical, easy-to-learn, Some are convinced the world is doomed
Somerton Tanks Farm model and outlines inexpensive-to-implement farming while others are trying to save it. For more
the major economic and fiscal benefits an system is also enabling aspiring entrepre- information and examples, please visit
agricultural industry will have for both neurial farmers around the world. What www.
the city and state. A regional planning these backyard and front lawn farmers
organisation recently stated that “Farms in are responding to is the availability of a SPIN is helping to move urban agriculture
and around Philadelphia stand to become farming method that removes the two big beyond the realm of environmentalists
major forces in Philadelphia’s economy barriers to entry - land and startup capital. and social activists, and is demonstrating
and welfare.” SPIN can be practiced on as little as 1,000 that it makes good business sense. It is
square feet, or it can be located on a half- undoing urban agriculture’s image of a
Philadelphia is not alone in creating a acre of city-owned land, or it can be multi- downwardly mobile profession of last
city-based commercial farming industry. sited on several residential backyards. It resort. It is re-defining farming for the 21st
The Queen City Farm project in Buffalo, requires minimal infrastructure and is century – sub-acre, low capital intensive,
New York, is following Philadelphia’s therefore low capital intensive. Irrigation environment-friendly, close to markets,
example by applying the SPIN-Farming relies on the local municipal water supply, entrepreneurially driven. And it is helping
model in a programme that integrates the and the only mechanised equipment is a to advance a farming revival that cuts
community development aspects of urban rotor-tiller. Because of its sub-acre scale, across geography, generations, incomes
agriculture with commercial production. labour requirements for a SPIN farm and ideologies to provide common ground,
And several pilot projects throughout are minimal and can be readily obtained quite literally, beneath everyone’s feet.
Canada are using SPIN-Farming to foster within the network of family, friends or the
Open house tour in 2004, showing the distance
entrepreneurial farming activity. An local community. By re-casting farming as of the farm from neighbouring houses
immigrant senior centre in Edmonton, a small business in a city or town, SPIN is

Alberta, is using SPIN to create an making the farming profession accessible

urban farming training programme for and relevant again to a new generation.
immigrant seniors. An edible school
grounds project in Vancouver is planning It is important to note that SPIN-Farming
to implement SPIN-style high school is not one size fits all. Some farmers are
gardens in response to a City Councilor’s practicing it in their backyards in the city.
challenge to develop 2,010 new food Others are doing it in front lawns in the
producing gardens by 2010 as an Olympic suburbs or as part of larger acreages in
Legacy. Different cities and towns have the country. Some are doing it part-time,
different priorities and resources on which others full-time. Some are young and just
to build their local farming industries, and starting out, while others are older and
SPIN-Farming is providing both a mindset on their third or fourth career. Some have

26 UA-Magazine
Technologies for the Production
of Edible Plants in Bogota,

Rob Small
The population of the Bogota Capital
District is increasing rapidly. A major
reason for this is internal migration.
The need for housing for these
displaced people has contributed to
the accelerated use of periurban and
urban areas for construction of houses,
affecting the availability of land suitable
for urban agriculture. Meanwhile, there
is an increase in the demand for arable
land and for food that contributes to a
balanced diet.

Cultivation in beds Botanical Garden of Bogota

G iven their serious social and

environmental impacts, the District
Administration has developed
different alternatives for overcoming
poverty and exclusion, which affect
The Bogota Capital District is located at
4° 35’ north longitude and 74° 4’ west
latitude at an altitude of 2640 metres above
sea level. Its annual temperature varies
between 4 and 14 °C (46 °F – 68 °F), with
(Amaranthus caudatus), cold-weather
chilli pepper (Capsicum pubescens) cubios
(or mashua, Tropaeolum tuberosum)
guasca (Galinsoga parvifolia), passion
fruit (Passiflora cumbalensis), oca (Oxalis
approximately 55.3% of the population of averages of 12-13 °C. It is home to a popula- tuberosa), llantén (Plantago australis),
tion of close to 7 million people (6,824,510),
the Capital District (Dane, 2003). who live on a surface area of nearly mountain papaya (Carica cundinamar-
400 square kilometres. censis), melon pear (Solanum muricatum)
CHANGE-ORIENTED RESEARCH and quinua (Chenopodium quinua).
As a contribution to this search for alter-
natives, the José Celestino Mutis Botanical The new urban residents quickly adapt to The search for new technologies is
Garden of Bogota – a municipal centre for urban cultural practices, but at the same focused on adaptability and potential
scientific research and development – is time they are in danger of slowly losing acceptance by the community (based on
conducting various urban agriculture traditional knowledge on the production, indicators like low implementation cost,
research projects. The aim is to generate consumption and use of autochthonous easy replication in the urban spaces and
alternative technologies that can improve resources such as native plant species. adaptability for use in limited spaces that
urban production systems. The Botanical Garden’s research therefore are not ideal for agriculture).
promotes the use of cold-weather Andean
and exotic plant species as an alterna- In order to develop technologies suitable
tive crop for household food production for the many different conditions of the
and to help improve the nutrition and urban environment in Bogota (which
diversify the food patterns of the commu- includes very limited availability of
nity. The Botanical Garden promotes agriculturally suitable land, reduced
the cultivation and consumption of physical space and differences in terms
promising native species that have been of bio-climactic areas, ranging from wet
shown to have high nutritional value, and areas to dry areas with irregular rainfall
potential food, medicinal and industrial and high levels of solar radiation), an
uses, and which also require knowl- experimental scheme was designed.
Claudia Patricia González Rojas edge about how to grow and use them. Experiments at the Botanical Garden and
) Some of these species are the amaranth with urban farmers were set up, which

December 2007 27
Horizontal Cushions
included the cultivation of urban crops planting, maintenance, harvest and
on hard surfaces (flat roofs and terraces) productivity of Andean and exotic cold-
in built-up areas, using plastic containers weather plant species, when cultivated
(like tubes, cushions, bottles, beds and as an alternative crop for household
trash bins) and five types of substrates consumption.
based on compost in different proportions.
The containers were selected based Based on the results obtained in the study,
on their suitability for the crop to be Table 1 presents the different systems of
produced, keeping in mind the character- production recommended for growing
istics of the plant such as its size, architec- urban crops in containers in built-up
ture (tree, bush, grass), the shape and size areas under the climactic conditions of
of the useable part (leaves, fruits, flowers, Bogota.
tubercles or bulbs), the growing cycle
(short, medium or long) and its depth and
type of root growth (vertical and deep or
lateral and on the surface). In addition,
the size of the container had to be suffi-
Black plastic bags with the necessary
cient to hold the amount of substrate
amount of substratum and an irrigation
necessary to permit the adequate growth system. For various bulb plants.
and development of the plant. The type Vertical Tubes
This type allows for the efficient use
of material was also taken into account of water and for a better use of space
in selecting the container, with a prefer- and easy harvesting. The use of this
container is recommended for planting
ence given to inert materials like plastic,
bulbs. It also reduces the time needed
for example trash bags, soft drink bottle for weeding, and the plastic cover
etc., in order to avoid the interaction of prevents possible damage or diseases.
undesirable substances with the nutrients.
For this reason, metal pails or barrels - Area required per cushion: 0.3 m2
- Number of plants per cushion: garlic
were not used, nor containers which
(10), red onion (10), radish (16), beet
had contained paint or other chemical (10), carrot (12)
products. - Compost-husk ratio of 2:1

In terms of the mixes of substrates used to Bottles

grow crops in the containers, an effort was
made to define the characteristics of the
“ideal” substrate, including the availability
of nutrients for the plants, good water
retention capacity, and good aeration.
The substrate also needed to be easy to
produce or be available at a low cost. Black plastic bags with the necessary
amount of substratum and an irriga-
tion system. For various small fruit and
Compost offers a high organic content,
can retain water and is relatively easy Tubes can hang free, or can be placed
to produce, since in many communities vertically against walls, terraces, or
it is produced in order to reduce solid cement yards, where they receive
organic household wastes (for example, maximum sunlight.
Vertical tubes make optimal use of
food scraps). In an effort to improve the
horizontal growing surfaces as more
supply of air and reduce the weight of the crops can be grown per unit of area.
substrate that the container would have They also reduce the time needed for
to support, burnt rice husks were added weeding, and the plastic cover prevents
to some mixes. Solid organic household possible damage or diseases.
A bottle, preferably painted on the

wastes are readily available and, with a outside in a dark colour for growing
- Area required per tube: 0.09 m2
good procedure, can be processed into different vegetables and medicinal herbs.
- Number of plants per tube: chard (16),
Cut off the top of the plastic bottle, and
compost in just five months. celery (12), coriander (16), spinach (16),
use the resulting part that is 20 cm deep
strawberry (12), lettuce (16), mint (16),
and 10 cm in diameter. Holes should be
In this way, the researchers of the parsley (16), spearmint (16), thyme (16),
made in the base in order to facilitate
lemon balm (16)
Botanical Garden could study the influ- drainage during watering.
- Compost-husk ratio of 2:1
ence of the type of container, the type of This type of container is one of the most
accessible and low-cost receptacles.
substrate and the different bio-climactic
The individual containers prevent
conditions of the Capital District on possible contamination at the roots.
agronomical behaviour in terms of

28 UA-Magazine
- Area required per bottle: 0.014 m2
- One plant per bottle of for instance Production mixes affected the adaptability, growth
chard, garlic, peas, marigold, red onion, Tubular and bottle containers turned out and development of the different plants.
coriander, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, to be the most favourable for the growth The substrates made up of two or more
herbs (like mint, parsley, thyme etc.),
and development of most of the species, materials mixed together demonstrated
radish, beet, carrot.
- Compost-soil-husk ratio of 2:1:1 in all of the ecological strata analysed. The superior properties to those that only
type of container clearly influences plant contained one element. For example, a
Plastic Wastebaskets growth (measured by weight in grams) mixture of rice husks, dirt and compost
and productivity (quantity of biomass had superior characteristics in terms of
produced per unit of volume and area of moisture retention, capillarity and
substrate). The tubular containers have a nutritional content than any of these
vertical orientation, which makes optimal substrate components individually, thus
use of the limited horizontal space (in allowing for superior development of the
one tube occupying 0.09 m2 of horizontal plants studied.
space, 16 chard or spinach plants can
be grown easily [1]). For example, a bed CHANGING THE QUALITY OF LIFE
container covering 0.76 m2, of horizontal OF THE POOREST
space allows for the cultivation of 20 The research showed that extremely poor
plants; thus, on one square metre it is and excluded groups can grow vegetables
possible to plant approximately 190 plants effectively in an urban environment like
In order to plant bulb plants or tubercles,
the depth of the container should be distributed among 12 tubular containers, that of Bogota, by optimising the use of
a minimum of 20-30 cm, in this case a or just 25 plants if using bed containers spaces in built-up areas using containers.
plastic wastebasket. Drainage holes (see figure 1). Based on the research results, recom-
should be made in the bottom. mendations can be made on the use of
Species substrates containing compost and husks,
- Area required per wastebasket: 0.11 m2
The species that are recommended for which can reduce the (environmentally
- Number of plants per wastebasket: planting in tubes have morphological unsustainable) use of dirt from natural
amaranth (1), broccoli (3), cubios (4), characteristics (fairly shallow roots and ecosystems in cultivating produce.
lima beans(1), ibias (4), potato (1), thin stems) that make them able to easily
native potato (2), quinua (1), cabbage
grow and develop in tubular containers. The research results have been shared
(3), uchuva or Inca berry (1).
- Compost-soil-husk ratio of 2:1: Among these are chard (Beta vulgaris with more than 2000 urban farmers in
var. vulgaris), celery (Apium graveolens), Bogota who, with the help of technical
Beds cilantro (Coriandrum sativum), spinach assistance provided by the Bogota
(Spinacia oleracea), strawberry (Fragaria Botanical Garden, have replicated the
vesca), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), mint alternative technologies and are further
(Mentha piperita), parsley (Petroselinum adapting their vegetable production
crispum), thyme (tymus vulgaris), grape- systems in built-up areas like patios or flat
fruit (Melissa officinalis) and spearmint roofs of homes, including the design of
(Mentha spicata). their household productive units. By using
containers, tubes, bottles, cushions and
In addition, for garlic (Allium sativum), beds, they have been able to take better
pea (Pisum sativum), pot marigold advantage of the scarce amount of space
Beds are one of the most commonly (Calendula officinalis), onion (Allium available, and to plant a wider variety of
used containers for growing urban cepa), cedron (Lippia triphylla), flowering species for their own consumption and
crops. One needs to have a horizontal
kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala), for sale, which allows them, through their
space that allows the plants to absorb
maximum sunlight. The beds can be built chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), own efforts, to improve their family’s
with used or new boards. nettle (Urtica urens), radish (Raphanus diet, diversify food patterns, and generate
sativus), red beet (Beta vulgaris var. condi- complementary income.
- The dimensions of the beds vary in width tiva), rue (Ruta graveolens) and carrot
and length, depending on the available Notes
(Daucus carota), better productivity
space and depth needed. There should 1) In calculating the number of plants of leafy
be a minimum depth of 10-12 cm for was reported in bottle containers, since vegetables like spinach or chard, an average was
taken because the number may vary depending on the
chard (Acelga), cilantro, lettuce, parsley, although this container produced plants plant’s characteristics.
and other leafy vegetables; and 20 cm with less weight than those in the beds or
for beets, radishes or carrots in order cushions, for example, the space occupied
to allow for the proper development of References
by the bottle is 0.014 m2 and the reduced CID Nacional Household Survey. DANE, July
the roots. Recommended dimensions 2003. In: Por un compromiso social contra la
for the beds are: 2m long and 1.2m wide amount of substrate required meant that pobreza en Bogotá. December 2003. Ediciones
(depending on the space). more bottles and thus more plants could Antropos Ltda.
- Suitable plants: chard, garlic, pea, be located in one square metre.
marigold, red onion, coriander, cauli-
flower, spinach, lettuce, herbs (mint,
parsley, thyme etc.), radish, beet, carrot.
- Compost-soil-husk ratio of 2:1:1 In terms of the evaluation of the different
substrata, it was found that the different

December 2007 29
Micro-gardens in Dakar
Micro-gardening is an innovative

Awa Ba
response by farmers to urban
constraints, but also to urban
demands with respect to the quality
of products. The urban context
in that sense is conducive to
technological innovation because
of the numerous developments and
interactions which take place.

A meeting of the UPROVAN Farmer Association in Dakar

T he city plays a prominent role

in technlogical development
(Lefebvre, 1968): “For a very long
time, the Earth has been the great labora-
1999, the Department of Horticulture in
Senegal has been coordinating a project
called the Micro-gardens’ Programme.
This department has played a crucial
d’arrondissement) of Ouakam and in
the Centre de Sauvegarde of Pikine-
Guédiawaye. The major determinants
are the availability of land and the
tory, (..) it was just recently that this role in innovation, firstly by taking the willingness of the municipal authorities
role was taken over by the city”. Specific decision to entrust researchers with to support the implementation of micro-
circumstances in Dakar have stimulated the project, which was to be developed gardening. Micro-gardens are generally
the development of micro-gardening, together with the farmers. Another managed by women’s economic interest
such as the annual arrival of many new innovation was to have the researchers groups (EIGs).
inhabitants (about 100,000 according and farmers experiment with a number
to IUCN, 2002), the subsequent search of solid substrates such as groundnut HUMAN RESOURCES IN
for new livelihood opportunities, the shell, rice husk and laterite. These ideas AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH
problematic access to farming land originated from the researchers but were Before the project could be launched,
(Mbaye and Moustier, 1999; Fall and Fall, tested by ten beneficiary families. the organisation of the Department of
2001), and several efforts of NGOs and Horticulture’s research management and
researchers promoting urban agriculture. A micro-garden consists of a container agricultural administration (under the
and a planting substrate on which Ministry of Agriculture) needed to be
A micro-garden is a soil-less farming the crops grow. In the Micro-gardens’ adapted. First, agricultural technicians
system, which involves the cultivation Programme the plants are most often of the Horticultural Development Centre
of plants on either solid substrate or in first raised in nurseries by the farmers (CDH), particularly those working in the
water (hydroponic). This technology has themselves using a solution of nutrients. agricultural supervision services like the
been tested by FAO in Latin America and The stock solution is made by chemical Departmental Rural Development Service
the Caribbean (see for instance articles industries and bought at the market (SDDR), needed to be familiarised with
by Abensur Riós and César Marulanda Initially the programme provided the this new technology. This department
in UA-Magazine no. 10, 2003). Since solution free of charge to the farmers, was responsible for the training of the
but after special training the farmers beneficiaries. The programme particularly
started to make their own (Programme worked with farmers who were members
Report, 2004). of economic interest groups (EIG). An EIG
is an association of people who join forces
The innovative character of the to create a small enterprise oriented at
technology is in the application of processing and marketing local products.
a modern production technology – Each EIG has 12 members and the benefi-
hydroponics – in small areas, such as a ciaries’ training sessions were decentra-
Awa Ba courtyard, terrace, roof, the city council lised and held at district level. According
) compound or school grounds. This is to the Department of Horticulture, “a
Ngouda Ba done, for example, in the backyard of five-day training workshop addressed
) the municipality building (commune to the regional technicians of the project

30 UA-Magazine
was organised in December 2002. At manage this marketing effort, micro-gar- Macro and micro-stock nutrients have
national level, some 1440 people from deners would like to have a specific place to be kept in a cool place. In addition,
the country’s ten regional capitals, the to sell their products. This would provide micronutrients need to be stored in a
departments of Dakar, Kaffrine and them with the opportunity to explain dark place. Their dosage depends on
Linguere, benefited from the training”. the quality of micro-garden vegetables the substrate (liquid or solid), the type
The trainees were selected according to and their benefits to consumers’ health. of plant and its growth stage. The two
their degree of poverty and willingness Already a few restaurant owners have examples in the box were given by the
to participate in (micro) gardening (in started using micro-garden lettuce: who micro-gardening project for liquid,
line with the objectives of the Micro- verify their origin. hydroponic substrates. The water is
gardening Programme). often tap water used for irrigation.
Micro-gardens can be located in various However, well water is also used and
Most of the trainees were women (more places, 75% of micro-gardens in Dakar the possibility of using rainwater is also
women than men are members of EIGs), and Pikine are located on terraces (roof being considered.
and since women’s access to land is very gardens). In other parts of the country,
limited, their role in urban agriculture is they are placed on the ground in court- CONCLUSION
strengthened by providing them with a yards or outside the home. In Dakar, researchers and farmers
micro-garden. It is also mostly women collaborated in the development of
who are involved in hydroponics. A USING URBAN WASTE micro-gardens. Research contributed
survey conducted by the author in 2005 Many micro-gardens are made out of to the understanding of plant nutri-
found that, 36 of the 180 Dakar-based recycled materials, both the containers ents and the use of solid substrates to
farmers (market gardeners, orchard- as well as the substrate. Containers replace the soil. In addition, participative
ists, flower growers, micro-gardeners, can be made of wooden boards from training was provided to the farmers,
animal breeders, fishermen and rice boxes found at the port of Dakar, plastic in farmers’ schools. This innovation is a
farmers) were women. Twenty-five of bowls, buckets, tyres cut longitudinally technical response to the constraints and
these women were engaged in micro- and polystyrene boxes formerly used to advantages found in the city. In Dakar,
gardening. package fish. the port and food processing industries
can be considered as advantages for

The programme is ongoing and new the supply of substrates and wood used
farmers are being trained and supported in the fabrication of micro-gardening
in Dakar as well as in the regions. tables. The soil-less fresh vegetable
Individuals or agents from private insti- production system has been adopted
tutions wishing to undergo training by some inhabitants (50 percent of the
pay only the cost of materials. The surveyed producers mentioned that they
agricultural technicians who conduct the commenced their agricultural activity in
training are paid by the project. Another 2000). However, the poorest beneficiaries
survey conducted in 2006 among 98 of need help in order to strengthen their
the farmers in Dakar showed that partici- self-reliance.
Micro gardens on rooftop in Dakar
pants found the duration of the training
rather short. The solid substrate or water (for the References
hydroponic production of leafy vegeta- Abensur Ríos, J.. 2003. Hydroponics Technology in
Urban Lima, Perú. In: Urban Agriculture Magazine
The success of the micro-gardening bles) filling of the containers is often no. 10, Micro Technologies for Urban Agriculture.
activity is due primarily to the micro- made up of waste. Solid substrates are 2003. RUAF.
Comité Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la
gardeners’ higher production. According made from agricultural waste: groundnut Sécheresse dans le Sahel (CILSS). 2002. Institut
to the Programme, a micro-garden can shells (60%) and rice husks (40%), both of du Sahel. Programme majeur population / dével-
oppement (CERPOD). Ministère de l’Economie
provide 6 cropping cycles each year and which can be replaced by laterite gravel et des Finances. Direction de la Prévision et de la
obtain an average yield of 30 kg of vegeta- (a material that is used less and less). Statistique (DPS). Rapport de recherche. Profil
démographique et socio-économique du Sénégal
bles/m2/year. The 2006 survey also The shells and husks needs to be cleaned 1960-2000. 174 p.
showed that most participating families and stored for at least twenty-four hours Fall S.T., Fall A.S. 2001. Cités horticoles en sursis ?
L'agriculture urbaine dans les grandes Niayes au
consume between 5 and 9 kg of vegeta- to facilitate fermentation. The different Sénégal. CRDI, Ottawa.
bles per month, which is more than what researchers and the project team experi- Lefebvre H., 1968. Le droit à la ville I. Editions
anthropos, Paris, 165 p.
non-participating families consume (on mented with these materials with a view Marulanda Tabares, C.H. 2003. Hydroponics in
average between 1-4 kg). Surplus produc- to improving access to the technique: by Latin America. In: UA-Magazine no. 10, Micro
Technologies for Urban Agriculture. RUAF.
tion is sold to neighbours and friends, or using the most abundant substrate in each Mbaye A, Moustier P. L’agriculture urbaine
others interested in organic produce, and regional context, the price for farmers dakaroise. 1999. 26 p.
Prain G. 2001. Farmer Field Schools, an ideal
provides additional income. could be minimised. In Dakar, these method for urban agriculture? In UA-Magazine,
inputs are offered in an increasing number No. 5. RUAF.
République du Sénégal. Ministère de l’Agriculture,
No marketing training is currently of places, to ensure their proximity to the de l’Elevage et de l’Hydraulique. Direction de
provided, but the programme is looking beneficiaries and thus reduce transporta- l’Horticulture. FAO. PSSA. Projet Micro-Jardins,
(2004). Programme Microjardins 2002 : rapport
into ways of including this in the regular tion costs. These materials have to be technique et financier. Mai 2004. Pp. 7 et 8. 29 p.
training. In addition, in order to better bought by the farmers.

December 2007 31
From Eradication to Innovation:
Towards healthy, profitable pig
raising in Lima
Pig raising is an important livelihood

Urban Harvest
activity in the District of Lurigancho
Chosica, which is a low-income periurban
neighbourhood located in the Rimac valley
in the eastern part of the city of Lima.
As many as 1600 families are thought to
depend on this activity for some or all
of their income. Without organisation,
technical support or regulation, they
mostly operate in small clusters of informal
livestock units perched on the arid hillsides
of this desert city. This type of production
raises concerns about public health risks
and environmental pollution, and yet
relatively simple changes in management
can make pig raising a profitable,
sustainable activity that can contribute
significantly to the well-being of urban and
periurban families. Group discussion and Capacity building with pig breeders of the Association
Haras El Huayco

B efore 2005 the municipal authori-

ties in Lurigancho-Chosica focused
only on the most negative aspects
of informal pig raising activities. It was
not even considered an informal produc-
Chosica. At the same time Urban Harvest
was working on a case study of the
“Asociación de Criadores Ganaderos Porcinos
de Saracoto Alto” in Cajamarquilla, the
largest pig raising settlement in the district
the pig raisers, however, the municipality
(UASD) did not call in the local police,
but instead called a meeting between the
MINSA representatives and the Saracoto
pig raisers.
tion system, rather it was perceived as a (129 producers with an average of 3000
clandestine activity. Since the creation of animals). This study also identified some Eventually, eradication was not seen as
the municipal Sub-department for Urban public health concerns and highlighted a the first choice, because its sole effect
Agriculture (UASD), as described in lack of knowledge about certain aspects would have been to force the producers
UA-Magazine no. 16 (Arce et al. 2006), the of livestock management as one of the to move to other unoccupied areas, thus
local government has changed its views. main causes. As part of efforts to broker a spreading environmental and health risks
Now, instead of eradication as the major better understanding between the munici- to other parts of the district. The alterna-
strategy, the government has begun to pality and the pig raisers, Urban Harvest tive approach was to eliminate the origin
support a transformation process towards convened the first round-table discussion of those risks. The result of the meeting
more organised pig raising. In this process between the parties, in August 2004, to was a “transformation roadmap” in which
the municipality has been supported by discuss improvements in management on MINSA postponed the order for eradica-
some local institutions and enterprises the one hand, but also formal recognition tion for six months and producers under-
which have identified market oppor- of pig raising as a small enterprise by the took to improve the management condi-
tunities for producers and themselves municipality, on the other. tions, following a transformation agenda.
deriving from the pig raising transforma-
tion process. However, a study about sanitation in Urban Harvest supported this agenda with
relation to pig raising undertaken by the the organisation of a training course for
In 2004 officials of the Ministry of Health Health Directorate found negative effects over 100 producers during June and July of
(MINSA) identified the presence of on public health and the environment in 2006. The course presented the technical,
a number of serious diseases such as Lurigancho – Chosica. Based on this infor- biological and nutritional aspects of a
cisticercosis and leptospirosis in several mation, MINSA requested the munici- healthy pig farm, drawing on the resources
pig raising settlements in Lurigancho- pality to eradicate the Saracoto pig raising available in the area and focusing on
settlement in January 2006, because the transformation criteria agreed with
of the continuing unsanitary produc- MINSA. Farmers who successfully
Jessica Alegre, Gordon Prain, Miguel Salvo tion conditions. Thanks to the ongoing finished the course were invited to join
) dialogue between the municipality and the Healthy Pig Raising Organisation, a

32 UA-Magazine
council initiative created by the UASD to allowing them to extract higher margins producers who have transformed their
bring together those farmers interested in for themselves and maintain low margins systems, the regulation must be strict
bringing about positive change in agricul- for the small producers. With the trans- with those pig raisers who, even after
ture in the district. This course was the formation to a more formally organised completing the training course, retain
beginning of a new working style for the pig raising system with an emphasis on the unhealthy practices, because they are
UASD, which involves promoting several quality and safety, it is expected that risking public health and the future of all
linkages between public and private small-scale raisers will be able to sell their pig raisers.
institutions to help producers face and pigs directly to the market, leading to
overcome a negative situation. higher incomes. Secondly the UASD should help raisers
get in touch with small credit institutions
PIG DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (PDP) To date about 200 pig raisers have to finance the transformation of their
The Pig Development Program (PDP) is a participated in training courses. Of management systems. Other UH/CIP
UASD initiative which formalises the pig these, 25 production units have already experiences show that responsible partici-
raising transformation agenda in munic- transformed themselves into clean, pants in training courses are also respon-
ipal policy. It was approved by municipal organised and healthy farms and a sible when receiving credit. To better
authorities in January 2007 and is thus a further 70 production units are in the facilitate the use of micro-credit, future
direct result of the round-table discussion process of transformation. This means courses will offer schemes for small-scale,
meetings promoted by Urban Harvest. that almost 50% of trainees have applied gradual change in production systems,
their learning to radically change their which can be financed with micro-loans,
PDP works towards the creation of livestock management. It also shows rather than present the option of a
sustainable pig raising parks by promoting that after only five months the PDP has one-time, full farm restructuring.
the formalisation of pig raising based on reached about 13% of informal producers,
MINSA criteria in three fundamental who are now aware of how to raise pigs Finally, a major achievement of this inter-
areas: order, cleaning and vaccinations. If under healthy conditions. Nevertheless, vention has been the interest and support
producers meet the criteria in these three there is still resistance to change among shown by the MINSA representatives with
areas, they can effectively apply the new some producers, even with the risk of regard to the idea that innovation is an
livestock management skills acquired in eradication. Since the market still accepts alternative to eradication when it comes to
the courses. Application of these manage- their pigs as they have been produced for pig raising. They recognise that innovation
ment practices can reduce health risks, decades, they see no reason to change protects public health and the environ-
better protect the environment and those practices, especially since transfor- ment whilst offering bigger benefits for
improve the quality of life of the small mation requires some additional invest- local producers.
urban pig raiser (Figure 1). ment in new infrastructure.
PDP has been following these steps in the CEPIS (2007). “Riesgos a la salud por la crianza de
transformation process: Pig producers who are unwilling to trans- credos alimentados en sitios de disposición final
de residuos sólidos en América Latina y el Caribe”.
form their systems present two challenges. CEPIS. Lima.
To date the actors involved in the process First, there is a need to enhance the
Data from SGAU of Mapping of pig raising park.
are: the Ministry of Health (district depart- level of inter-institutional collaboration, Arce, Blanca, Gordon Prain and Miguel Salvo, 2006.
ment (DISA IV – Este), the Agricultural especially the formation of a multi-actor Towards the Integration of Urban Agriculture in
Municipal Agendas: an experience in the district of
Health National Service (SENASA), the quality monitoring system, involving Lurigancho-Chosica, Lima, Peru. In Urban Agriculture
Urban Harvest Program (UH/CIP), the public health and municipal authori- Magazine, No 16, RUAF, Leusden, Netherlands.
Municipality of Lurigancho–Chosica, ties in coordination with the Healthy Pig Arce, Blanca, Jessica Alegre, Dennis Escudero,
Two private teaching institutions, and the Raising Organisation. The monitoring Gordon Prain, and Jorge Sáenz. 2007. Crianza de
Cerdos en Zonas Urbanas: Diagnóstico y Propuesta
National Policy of Peru (PNP). system needs to be given formal recogni- Municipal de Sistema de Manejo en el Distrito de
tion through a Municipal Regulation on Lurigancho Chosica, Lima (Peru). Compilado por IPES
en Porcicultura Urbana y Periurbana en ciudades de
ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Healthy Pig Raising. To protect those América Latina y el Caribe.
Inter-institutional work promoted by
UASD and supported by Urban Harvest
and partners has led to the identification
of 40 informal pig raising settlements Good
throughout the district, involving about 1. Pig raising
2. Mapping
3. Pig raisers
of pig practices
1,600 families and an estimated annual sector baseline raising
characterisation and qualifying
stock of 5,000 female pigs and a total parks

production of about 60,000 head per year Quality Less Environment

(sourced from map of pig raising park2). 5. Creation of a Healthy Pig 4. Inter-institutional products disease better
Raising Organisation whose whose Work: MINSA – spread protected
This represents an important sector of the members lead the transformation Urban Harvest/ CIP –
local economy, which the district authori- to organised production systems SENASA
Health Environmental
ties cannot afford to ignore. Actually Better
prices risks risk reduced
the main beneficiaries of the system at 6. Publication of a 7. Implementation of a reduced
municipal regulation for municipal regulation for healthy
present are the traders who represent the healthy urban pig raising urban pig raising by farmers
“legitimate” part of the pig production
Local development
system through their links to the market,

December 2007 33
Innovativeness of Dutch

Hans Peter Reinders

Wine production in the Netherlands
is increasing. Since the Netherlands
is not a traditional wine-producing
region there is a tremendous need
for new knowledge. This knowledge
is partly imported from other regions
with similar characteristics, such as
Germany. But since every location
is unique, specific knowledge also
needs to be developed. Research is
limited for such a small sector in the
Netherlands, so a lot of innovations
are developed by the growers
themselves. A good example of an
innovative enterprise is the Dutch
vineyard El Placer, located in the city
of Lelystad.

Exchanging knowledge with visitors interested in viniculture

E l Placer was established in the year

2000 on half a hectare close to the
city of Lelystad. The municipality
had made it possible for entrepreneurs
to start up new agricultural activities on
Due to the city’s expansion, it would
now be difficult to find available land
in or near Lelystad on which to expand
this successful concept. However, since
however, this ancient production system
came to an end during the French occupa-
tion of 1795 to 1814, when Napoleon
decided that wine could only be produced
in France. At the same time grapevines
small plots of land around the city. The grape growing and winemaking provide were plagued by the pest Phylloxera
new owners of El Placer chose to start relatively high revenues per hectare it is that came from Northern America, and
a vineyard rather than establish a horse possible to produce them profitably on a more aggressive varieties of mildew. As
stable, tree nursery or flower-growing limited space. Marketing the wine has been a result, traditional knowledge about
business like their neighbours. This initia- relatively easy, since the urban population Dutch winemaking vanished. The defeat
tive, which was quite innovative for the likes the idea of exclusive regional wines, of Napoleon and rootstocks of varieties
Netherlands, proved to be successful and people often buy them to give away as that are resistant to soil-borne Phylloxera
as the vineyard now produces nearly presents or souvenirs. created new possibilities for viniculture in
1300 bottles of wine a year. While the the Netherlands. But the practice was not
neighbourhood slowly became a suburb Like El Placer, many Dutch vineyards reintroduced until the 1990s when newly
of the city in the following seven years, are characterised by intensive land use, developed grape varieties became available
the vineyard developed into an exclusive high labour and capital inputs and high from Germany. These varieties resist downy
urban agriculture enterprise. revenues, which make wine produc- mildew (a very destructive fungal disease)
tion possible on relatively small parcels and ripen early in the season – charac-
of land. Most of the winegrowers are teristics that are perfect for the Dutch
urban citizens who started to make wine circumstances. However, due to the lack
as a hobby, but eventually became part- of local knowledge and tradition, it took
This article is based on the experience of a project time professional growers. These urban several years before these new possibilities
with Dutch winegrowers developed by ETC Urban vineyards represent a new kind of enter- were utilised by innovative farmers in the
Agriculture and initiated by El Placer Vineyard. prise and product, which do not have a Netherlands. The El Placer vineyard was
tradition and are therefore not supported able to make use of these new varieties and
by any traditional or localised knowledge. thereby contributed to the redevelopment
By definition, these, often part-time, of the Dutch wine sector in close collabora-
farmers are very dynamic and flexible. tion with other new wine growers.   

Hans Repko The Netherlands did in fact once have a When El Placer started it seemed easy
) grape-growing and winemaking tradition, to copy the German system of grape

34 UA-Magazine
growing and winemaking. However, the successful experiments were also carried applied successfully in several other Dutch
Dutch reality turned out to be different. out with spontaneous fermentation, so vineyards. The specially designed bag is
For example, the early ripening of the that no artificial yeast needed to be added. doing now so well that it is being sold
grapes was not always as successful as The natural yeasts supplied by the compost commercially and is already providing El
expected. Fungal diseases were still a tea allowed the grape juice to ferment. Placer with extra revenue in addition to
problem because of the more temperate the sale of bottles of wine. Some colleagues
Dutch climate, and the particular Dutch All in all, the small urban vineyard became also apply the compost tea developed by El
soils made the cultivation of these varieties a local laboratory where a lot of innova- placer, and have indicated that they benefit
more difficult than in Germany. These tion took place and new knowledge was from it. Other, more sceptical, colleagues
problems where specific for the Dutch generated. Some of these innovations also remain doubtful. Despite positive data
situation and needed a local solution. had unexpected side effects. For example: and experiences from other growers and
Unfortunately, traditional knowledge was the little bags placed over the grape researchers, also in the USA, New Zealand
not available and the farmers received very bunches, which were intended to hasten and South Africa, these sceptics claim
little formal support from the agricultural the ripening process, also turned out to be that there’s no real evidence that this tea
establishment, including the government a perfect way to avoid damage by birds, works in the Netherlands. The somewhat
extension service. Thus, the only way insects and hailstorms, and they simpli- phenomenological explication provided
for the winegrowers of El placer to find fied the harvesting process by making the by the owner of El Placer (the effect is
solutions for these problems was to start pre-packed grape bunches easier to handle. clearly visible and understandable) is not
their own innovation process in combina- This multi-purpose effect compensated convincing enough for them – they want
tion with intensive knowledge exchanges for the enormous labour input needed to more research and statistics.
with colleague growers. apply a “personal” bag to every bunch of
grapes. Other innovations were not always THE PROCESS OF INNOVATION
INNOVATION IN DUTCH successful: although the spontaneous Although the reality of the urban Dutch
VINICULTURE fermentation process almost always leads winegrowers may differ from the situation
El Placer started several experiments and to perfect-quality wine, in one particular of urban producers in low and middle-
tried out several new ideas. The owners year all the wine had to be specially treated income countries, the processes show a
started experimenting with transparent to get rid of a bad taste it caused. Also, number of similarities. Innovativeness
little and permeable fleece-bags placed compost tea needs to be of a specific and of producers will especially arise when
over every bunch of grapes, to improve perfect quality, otherwise it will not effec- there is a need for new knowledge and
ripening. These little bags work like small tively prevent the growth of downy mildew when traditional knowledge is limited.
greenhouses (to generate higher tempera- in rainy weather conditions.. Innovativeness of urban producers
tures) and result in a higher sugar content is especially needed when there is
in the grapes. To avoid attacks of downy INNOVATIVENESS limited external institutional support.
mildew, so-called “compost tea” was used. Innovations are only possible if the Furthermore, innovativeness can result in
This traditional treatment consisting of winegrower has the interest and time to unexpected positive side effects and trials
vegetable water extracted from compost carry out numerous trials, is prepared to can lead to different new technologies
was first described by Vergilius in Roman learn from the errors, and is willing to that were not foreseen during the initial
times for use on grapes. The compost tea is take risks. Because El Placer is not a very stage of the experiment. Persons who like
sprayed on the soil, vines, leaves and fruit. large farm, the time spent on learning and to, and are used to, thinking outside the
In this way, other, harmless, fungi from the innovation is relatively little. In addition, traditional boundaries and structures are
compost occupy the grape plants, thereby if some experiments fail the consequences crucial in the process of innovation. Not
ensuring that an attack of the mildew are, to a certain degree, limited. Both being risk averse is an important condi-
fungus will be less successful. owners are not fully dependent on the tion for innovativeness. This is often
To get rid of the numerous snails, chickens vineyard - one is retired and the other related to the producers’ economic situa-
where introduced in the vineyard. And a has another part-time job – so a financial tion. Additional income or some level of
self-constructed insect-hotel was used to loss caused by a failed innovation is less economic prosperity enhances the ability
ensure a sufficient diversity of insects. This dramatic. Therefore, the owners are willing to take risks. Producers also need to have
insect hotel contains a wooden block with to take risks in order to come up with time to dedicate to their pioneering activi-
a variety of holes that provide a wide range innovations. It also helps that both owners ties. Whether the innovation is applied and
of insects the possibility to winter and have a high level of education, are curious shared by others depends on the applica-
hatch in the spring. and open to new experiences. bility of the innovation to improve (urban)
production. If the innovation shows clear
Several new methods were also tried out ACCEPTANCE BY OTHERS results in practice, others will easily adopt
in the wine-making process. To avoid the An important indicator of a farmer’s it, especially if the new technique solves
high costs of oak barrels, but still produce innovativeness is the acceptance by other urgent problems for colleague producers.
wine with this typical taste, successful growers of his or her innovations. El
Hans Peter Reinders

experiments were carried out with the Placer shared its innovative experiments
addition of specially arranged pieces of with several other vineyards and tried to
oak timber during the ripening of the compare the results with other realities in
wine. With the objective of developing a the Netherlands. The grape bag method,
unique taste (part of the famous “terroir”), although highly labour intensive, has been

December 2007 35
Cleaning, Greening and Feeding
Cities; Local Initiatives in Recycling Waste
for Urban Agriculture in Kampala, Uganda.

Sanderijn van Beek

Uncollected solid waste is one of Kampala’s most visible environmental
problems, and one of the main causes of environmental degradation within
the city. While this poses a critical health hazard to the livelihoods of the
urban poor, it also hinders economic growth and social achievement
(Sengendo, 1994). However, amidst the gloom, there are local initiatives
– developed by enterprising individuals and groups – which are helping to
address waste problems through the creative reuse of organic waste in
urban farming (1). Some of these innovations are rapidly becoming common
practice; others are still experimental.

R ecycling organic waste is of

profound significance in the
“garden city of Africa” – where
more than 30% of households practice
urban agriculture, which plays an
(Critchley, 2007). Whether the innova-
tive schemes or strategies have already
become accepted practice over decades,
or are altogether new, the process of
local innovation that underpins them
The 3 S’s and 3 R’s

important role in ensuring food is increasingly recognised as being an itself to be uniquely adapted to the
security and incomes. Mougeot (2006) important, sustainable, means towards characteristics and constraints of the
argues that by linking waste manage- poverty reduction within cities of devel- metropolitan context. Organic waste
ment to urban farming, we can speak oping countries. and other common city by-products
of a “triple-win” situation: the urban constitute useful inputs to urban
environment gets cleaned up, health Local innovation can be technical or farming. Recycling of this waste is
hazards are reduced and agricultural social. The value of a technical innova- the basis for, and inspiration behind,
production is increased. tion can be determined by a simple various innovations.
analysis using the TEES test, which
The focus of this paper is on the examines technological, ecological, In Kampala urban agriculture was
process of local innovation in the economical and social attributes (see legalised two years ago (in 2005),
recycling of organic waste for urban Critchley et al., this issue). Social innova- and has been steadily encouraged
agriculture. Local innovation, defined tions, on the other hand, identified as by municipal authorities. This policy
by UN HABITAT (2002) as “a locally “new forms of institutional arrange- change is a remarkable milestone.
initiated, acceptable, creative and ments to improve agriculture and the Simultaneously, awareness of the impor-
adaptive solution in response to a local environment” can be evaluated in terms tance of reducing waste, of re-using
condition or challenge”, has also been of their sustainability, ease of replica- and recycling it, is gradually gaining
referred to as the “dynamic process that tion, and inclusiveness of the poor and ground in Uganda. These principles are
leads to the development of tradition” marginalised (Critchley, 2007). embedded within Uganda’s 2002 Solid
Waste Management Strategy and the
Local innovation in agriculture has been Solid Waste Management Ordinance.
demonstrated in rural environments for However, the extent to which recycling
decades and is increasingly receiving is practiced is still limited in Uganda due
Sanderijn van Beek, University of Amsterdam attention from development practitio- to lack of appropriate technologies and
) ners. Yet with the rise of urbanisation awareness of benefits. Yet on a small
Rebecca L. Rutt, University of Amsterdam and associated farming, local innova- scale there are individuals, groups, and
) tion in these urban situations reveals now some projects experimenting with

36 UA-Magazine
the reuse of nutrient-rich organic wastes on the innovations of others (that she and organising her recycling system to
in the field of urban agriculture, thereby has further modified), her approach to suit her own reality, she has involved her
building more sustainable neighbour- sharing her knowledge is innovative. It is neighbours by creating a social network
hoods and helping to secure livelihoods. a form of social innovation. to make mutually beneficial reuse of
organic waste in urban farming. Her
The following stories of two individuals In many similar ways, Damalie neighbours have learnt the technolo-
and two organisations illustrate how Namusoke is an inspirational agent gies from her, and they have also joined
local innovation, in the creative use of of change within her neighbourhood. hands to improve the cleanliness of their
urban waste, has helped to shape and Living in a low-lying, densely populated immediate environment.
improve urban agriculture in Kampala. area in the north-east of Kampala,
her community is characterised by Damalie is also an active member of
Mabel Bikandema is a mother of seven informal settlements with limited the Kasubi Community Development
and an enterprising urban farmer. access to services and infrastructure. Association (KACODA), a grassroots
“You won’t find me throwing out Roadsides, wetlands, drainage channels initiative set up by the members
any rubbish!” said Mabel during an and streams are littered with rubbish, themselves that deals with the
interview. To supplement waste from plaguing the area. However, Damalie, issue of solid waste in their part of
her own farm and household, Mabel just as Mabel, is determined not to Kampala. KACODA provides about
regularly goes to the market and pays become a victim of these hazardous 45 community members with two
boys 2,000 Ugandan shillings (USD circumstances. Instead, she attended bags each to separate biodegradable
$1.15) each to gather leftover organic workshops on proper solid waste from non-biodegradable wastes. After
matter. She creates homemade compost management and disposal at the separation, employed youth collect the
that is sold to other urban farmers at nearby Kasubi Parish Local Community garbage from the households. After
a price of 8,000 USh (USD 4.60) per Development Initiative, where she got collection and separation, wastes are
50-kg sack. Her compost mix consists inspiration on how to “turn the waste reused in multiple ways. For example,
of animal waste (from her own pigs and burden into a livelihood benefit”. banana peelings are sold as feed to
hens) and foodstuff by-products, such livestock keepers, and like Damalie
as peelings of bananas and dead leaves Today Damalie encourages her neigh- does, dried banana peelings are mixed
and plants. Mabel generates profit for bours to separate banana peelings from with charcoal dust and anthill soil to
herself, provides a small yet significant other waste and bring them to her home. form briquettes for fuel. The mixture
income for local youth, and contributes After drying them, she sells the banana comprises one basin of anthill soil,
in her own way to a cleaner Kampala. peelings for animal feed to livestock three of charcoal dust and three of
owners at USh 2,000 (USD 1.10) per 100 banana peelings.
Interested in teaching others, Mabel kg sack. The peelings that have already
is enthusiastic about spreading the begun to decompose (and are therefore The KACODA initiative is based on “the
values of home-grown organic crops, not appropriate for animal consump- 3 S’s and 3 R’s”. These are: Sourcing,
homemade compost and generally tion) are mixed with animal urine to Sorting and Separating waste (into bins
providing a household with produc- create nutrient-rich manure for her and sacks) and Reducing, Recycling and
tive activities. She says, “I cannot have kitchen vegetable garden, where she Reusing waste (for various purposes).
the knowledge of farming and keep grows cabbages and eggplants. Part of This principle originates from an NGO
that knowledge to myself”. With the the produce is for domestic consump- (“Living Earth Uganda”) but has been
help of the Kampala District Farmers tion while the rest is put up for sale. adopted by KACODA as an inspira-
Association (KADIFA), Mabel organised Furthermore, Damalie makes charcoal tional motto.
an agricultural radio programme at briquettes from the peelings, by mixing
Radio Sapiensa. As a volunteer she hosts them with charcoal dust and anthill soil, KACODA has played an influential role
a show that provides free farming tips which she sells in batches of around 30 for youngsters in the area, who were
to listeners. Mabel also extends an open – a small jerry-can full - for USh 1,000 inspired in 2004 to start the Community
invitation to curious farmers to visit (USD 0.55). She also uses the briquettes Life Skills Empowerment and
her home and see firsthand her many herself for cooking, and thus reduces Development Centre (CLEDC). While
projects, including oyster mushroom her requirement for firewood or “real” their ideas and some skills originated
growing, livestock rearing, horticul- charcoal. The income generated from from KACODA, the initiative is essen-
ture, and composting. She even makes these activities helps Damalie take care of tially theirs. Althouth the techniques
all-natural medicines, creams and her family. She points out, “I have enough applied by the centre are once again
cosmetics from plants like the Moringa vegetables, some I sell, and some we eat. not in themselves groundbreaking,
tree. Mabel emphasises the fact that My children are satisfied”. Beyond these the social dimension which lies at the
income is not only found in office or personal benefits, Damalie contributes to core of this initiative is interesting. This
shop jobs. If one grows food at home a better living environment. group of youngsters has set up a demon-
then no matter how Kampala’s economy stration site to involve the community
may fluctuate, the family will at least Damalie is another case of an adopter in waste-problem solving. These young-
have some measure of nutritional and adapter of a series of techniques, sters are demonstrating what commu-
and financial security. While many of who has instigated a social innovation. nity action can achieve.
Mabel’s technical initiatives are based In addition to adapting the technologies

December 2007 37
Sanderijn van Beek
hindered by a variety of factors. The process currently operates, what the
legal status of both urban agriculture farmers’ exact needs are, and what they
and recycling practices create more recommend to increase efficiency and
stability on the surface, but this legisla- efficacy – things which the farmers we
tion is not as enabling as it may seem interviewed value highly.
at first glance. New permit require-
ments outlined in the Solid Waste
Management Ordinance and the Urban This paper is based on fieldwork for
Agriculture Ordinance may, ironically, Master degrees from the University of
restrict rather than stimulate innova- Amsterdam. Fieldwork was conducted
tion by creating barriers that did not with Environmental Alert in the Focus City
previously exist (2). Legality is indeed Research Project in cooperation with the
the crucial first step. Yet the policies that International Development Research Centre
guide urban agriculture and Solid Waste IDRC: case studies and interviews are cited
Management (SWM) must be carefully with permission. We express our gratitude
and thoughtfully constructed to ensure to Dr. Shuaib Lwasa (Urban Harvest), Dr.
maximum gains for society as a whole. William Critchley (CIS), and Mr. Ronald
Lutalo (Environmental Alert) for their
Additionally, community groups and support in our field research and valuable
You won’t find me throwing out any rubbish individuals lack support from local comments on this article. We would also
authorities in terms of capacity building, like to sincerely thank Mr. Moses Nadiope
CLEDC has set up a demonstration financial resources, information-sharing (Community leader from Kasubi Parish,
centre for sorting and reusing waste that and training on both issues. Policy ought Kampala), Ms. Mabel Bikandema, Mr.
is collected from households. Peels are to encourage the scaling-up of improved John Kisiga Director of KACODA, Ms.
picked by volunteers and sold as feed local innovations. One way forward Damalie Namusoke and Mr. Francis Kizito,
for animals at 2,000 USh (USD 1.10) per is by using government researchers to Executive Secretary of CLEDC, for sharing
100-kg sack, selling on average 20 bags help urban farmers experiment, and by their stories and time with us.
a week. Some of the peels are used to using extension workers, together with
make organic manure. At the demon- the innovators themselves, as agents of 1) It is important to understand that Kampala
stration site vegetables such as carrots dissemination. Government-supported imports vast quantities of green cooking bananas
from the adjacent countryside to prepare the
and cabbages are grown in sacks filled radio programmes, a proven success in national dish “matooke”. The result is a massive
with manure. Furthermore the CLEDC the rural environment, are also valuable quantity of banana peel waste.
2) The Kampala City Council (Solid Waste
promotes door-to-door sensitisation on in the urban context as shown in the Management) Ordinance states in part VI
issues of waste management. case of Mabel. Policy can, and should, –Disposal, Paragraph 38 (i) that “No person shall
operate an establishment for the purpose of
build an enabling environment that is recycling solid waste without a valid permit issued
This last example clearly illustrates the more than simply regulatory. by the Council”.
benefits of these local initiatives and References
social innovativeness that link waste The innovators we have described Critchley, W. (2007) Working with farmer innova-
tors. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
disposal with productive systems of have been a motivating influence on Furedy, C. (1992) Garbage: Exploring non conven-
urban agriculture. their friends, families and neighbours. tional options in Asian cities. Environment and
Urbanization, 4 (2).
However, in order to best facilitate Mougeot, L.J.A. (2006) Growing Better Cities;
All four initiatives extend beyond the community farming groups and individ- urban agriculture for sustainable development.
International Development Research Centre
idea of waste disposal. Waste is rather uals to explore the opportunities of Canada.
seen as an under-used resource, which waste recycling, local authorities must Sengendo, H (1997) Urbanization, Urban
Governance and the Environment: Critical condi-
can be re-utilised in food cultivation. involve these knowledgeable actors in tions for the formulation of an environmental
In this shift of mindset towards what further development of urban agricul- management strategy for Kampala-Uganda.
Mawazo, the Journal of Faculties of Arts & Social
Furedy (1992) calls “resource recogni- ture and solid waste management strat- Sciences Makerere University.
tion”, the reuse of organic waste contrib- egies. This kind of participatory action UN HABITAT (2002) Innovations in Local
Governance and Decentralization in East Africa,
utes towards a cleaner environment, will also stimulate further innovation by An Inventory. Nairobi: UN-HABITAT.
to more healthy living conditions and giving confidence to farmers, thereby
to providing food. People feel empow- amplifying the benefits.
Separation of garbage
ered, and this power is channelled into
Sanderijn van Beek

achieving these “triple benefits”. There is a critical need for the local
authorities to formalise waste collec-
The case studies presented give good tion for public health and safety. The
reason to be optimistic about the poten- recycling and reuse of waste must also
tial of local innovation, both technical be formally driven through integration
and social, within the connected fields with municipal waste policies, be they
of urban agriculture and waste disposal. publicly or privately managed. Using
However, the diffusion and widespread farmer innovators as contributing
implementation of these practices are experts, authorities can learn how the

38 UA-Magazine
Urban Agriculture in Msunduzi
Municipality, South Africa
In Msunduzi Municipality of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, backyard

Farmer Support Group

gardens are growing in popularity. People use small pieces of land to
produce crops, often municipality-owned open grounds or wastelands in
their vicinity. Some councillors encourage this and may provide tools and
seeds. This policy support is also based on the realisation that sustainable
agriculture can contribute to a reduction in pollution in the city.

D ue to poverty and high rates of

unemployment, people in urban
areas may resort to agriculture.
For some of them, this is a practice they
were accustomed to before migrating to
propagation of indigenous plants and the
coordination of food garden initiatives in
the Msunduzi Municipality.

Wild edible plants were identified as

urban areas, for instance women who crops that can assist in ensuring food
were used to participating in community security, nutrition and ultimately good
gardens in the rural areas. The produc- health. Such crops require less intense
tion of food helps to alleviate poverty care, can be grown organically, are fast Trench preparation in Msunduzi Creche site
caused by HIV/Aids, which has left many growing, and are hardier than many other
families, in particular women and conventional crops. They also contain
children, without income. many of the micronutrients required for clinics, youth groups, support groups of
good health, usually at concentrations people living with HIV/Aids (PLWHA)
A number of governmental and non-gov- greater than conventional crops. and community- based organisations
ernmental organisations have put urban (CBOs).
food security at the centre of their devel- The African Roots Project developed a
opment strategies (1). In 2004, the African strategy to increase the variety of nutri- The following activities were imple-
Roots Project was formed out of the tious plants cultivated by a large number mented during the second phase of the
recognition that good nutrition is the of affected urban households (Njokwe project:
most important requirement for good and McCosh, 2005). The following activi-
health, particularly for people affected by ties were implemented during the first Identification of indigenous vegetables
HIV/Aids. The project, which ran through phase of the project: Indigenous vegetables were promoted as
2005, was a partnership between the a supplement to conventional crops,
Children in Distress Network (CINDI), the Strategic planning workshop particularly because of their high micro-
Institute of Natural Resources (INR) and Identified stakeholder groups, partners nutrient content. The choice of crops to
the Msunduzi Municipality. It also and community gardeners were invited to be promoted was based on their
included the University of KwaZulu- a workshop to develop a strategy for the popularity as indicated in secondary
Natal, and local and provincial govern- implementation of the indigenous information and in the survey. In
ment departments, e.g. Agriculture, vegetable project. They set out the Msunduzi (Njokwe, 2005) the following
Health and Education. project’s aims, objectives and activities. indigenous vegetables were selected for
propagation: blackjack (Bidens pilosa),
The aims of the African Roots Project Situation analysis amaranth (Amaranth spp.), spiderweed
were to address food insecurity and the In 2004, a survey was conducted on the (Gynandropsis gynandra), cowpeas (Vigna
nutritional needs of poor urban commu- prevalence and contribution of indige- spp.), orange sweet potato (Ipomomea
nities affected by HIV/Aids through the nous vegetables to the family diets of batatus), lambsquarter (Chenopodium
households in the city of Msunduzi. The album), calabash (Lagenaria spp), wild
survey sought to improve urban farmers’ mustard, and quickweed (Galinsoga
understanding of their own consumption parviflora). These crops were chosen
patterns, the diversity of crops that can be because they are common in the
produced and their nutritional values. Msunduzi area, grow easily in cultivation
BJ Njokwe and M. Mudhara, Twenty-eight different garden groups and have a high nutritive value, particu-
Farmer Support Group, Center for participated in this participatory assess- larly in micronutrients. These crops are
Environment, Agriculture and Development, ment, e.g. community garden associa- also well known by both the young and
University of KwaZulu-Natal tions, groups organised around gardens at older generations.

December 2007 39
Farmer Support Group
Bio-intensive gardening nutrition, health and indigenous vegeta-
At all sites in Msunduzi, demonstrations bles, and the production of posters on
were conducted on bio-intensive nutrition, health and HIV/Aids. An
gardening techniques such as trench beds, Indigenous Vegetable Awareness Day was
container gardens, raised beds and no-till organised, during which dieticians and
systems. Organic farming was promoted other speakers talked about the role of
to avoid the negative health and environ- indigenous vegetables in mitigating the
mental impacts of agro-chemicals and effects of HIV and Aids and in promoting Indigenous vegetables are promoted as a
poisons that cause problems for people good health in general. Farmers also supplement to convential crops, because of
their high micronutrient content
with compromised immune systems and displayed seeds they had collected.
to save money that many of the target Demonstration sites on organic produc-
groups do not have. tion of indigenous vegetables were devel- Njokwe, 2006). The plots on the farm are
oped in community gardens, local clinics, used to create awareness and to research
Seed collection and propagation special and pre-primary schools, and and demonstrate sustainable techniques
Apart from amaranth and sweet potato, Drop-in-Centres. for the production of specific indigenous
seeds of these indigenous vegetables were vegetables. Its target group includes both
not available commercially. Therefore UKULINGA FARM / URBAN TO urbanites who want to participate in
participants learned to collect their own RURAL urban farming and rural farmers who
seeds for propagation. They were trained The support that institutions and organi- want to adopt, adapt and practice urban
in collection and competed with each sations such as the African Roots Project farming principles relevant to their rural
other in seed collection workshops, in have been offering to the HIV affected situation. Through cross visits, farmers
which prizes were awarded according to and infected areas is widely recognised. make their own assessments that lead to
variety, quantity and quality of seed Some provide implements and inputs, but informed decision making.
collected. The workshops also created an in general support for production
opportunity for the participants to share techniques is rather limited and inconsis- LESSONS LEARNED
experiences in seed collection, which tent. Hence, most urban farmers still The involvement of multiple segments of
enhanced the knowledge of all partici- operate with inadequate implements, the urban population, e.g., youth groups,
pants. Demonstrations on the propaga- technical know-how, land, water and People Living with HIV/Aids (PLWHA),
tion of indigenous vegetable seeds were other agricultural inputs, yet they manage school children, clinic volunteers, tradi-
easily conducted in areas where miniature to adapt to the circumstances they face. tional and elected leaders, in the promo-
nurseries had been established. Youth tion and production of indigenous crops
groups and school children in particular The Farmer Support Group (FSG) recogn- should be supported by all stakeholder
liked to be involved in nurseries. ised the need to support innovation in groups. Schools, clinics, churches and
urban agriculture. It developed a multi- community centres should have food
Nutrition training officer pronged approach to address the need for gardens on site, through which potential
A nutrition training officer, employed by information and innovation in urban gardeners in the community can be
CINDI, worked closely with the agricul- agribusiness/gardening. This approach taught, encouraged and mentored.
tural coordinator employed by the includes some of the strategies used by
Institute of Natural Resources. This made the African Roots pilot project. Partnerships should be developed with
it possible to take a more holistic FSG has many years of invaluable experi- local and provincial governments, NGOs
approach to nutrition. Project participants ence working with resource-poor and and CBOs to facilitate upscaling of the
were informed about the agronomic HIV/Aids-affected people in the Msinga results. The Department of Health can
aspects of both conventional and tradi- and Bergville rural areas. It uses offer clinic sites, educate its staff about
tional food production as well as the approaches similar to the one piloted by the importance of indigenous crops and
importance of nutrition and the four food the African Roots Project in Msunduzi ensure that Community Health Workers
groups. Demonstrations of appropriate Municipality. The main difference is that and home-based care volunteers educate
methods of food preparation were FSG promotes identification, action beneficiaries about the benefits of indige-
conducted to ensure that maximum nutri- research and development of innovations nous crops and encourage them to
ents are retained in the food. by farmers in their fields. It conducts produce and eat indigenous crops. The
experiments on its own research farm, Department of Agriculture can train its
Promotion and upscaling and promotes action research conducted technicians on the value of indigenous
The project maintained close links to by the farmers in their fields. FSG is a crops and their production techniques
several government departments, (e.g. member of PROLINNOVA, a global coali- and provide extension support services in
Agriculture, Education and Health) as tion of organisations that promote partici- upscaling the project. The Department of
well as to NGOs and CBOs in order to patory innovations development (PID). Education can include urban agriculture
raise awareness of the benefits of indige- and the importance of indigenous crops
nous vegetables within technical services The indigenous vegetables that are exper- in relation to HIV/Aids in education
in an effort to upscale the use of indige- imented with at Ukulinga Research and material. The municipality and traditional
nous crops. Promotional activities were Experiment Farm were identified by both leaders can allocate land for urban
also undertaken during the above-men- young and old, urban and rural farmers in
tioned activities, such as presentations on Msinga (Njokwe and McCosh, 2005; Continued on page 43 u

40 UA-Magazine
Solid Waste Recycling in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Making a
business of waste management

The major partners in this Solid Waste
Management (Bio Recycling) project are:
Bioeconomy Association (BEA) –
Non-governmental organisation
Addis Ababa City Administration
(Clean, Beautifiction and Park Agency) -
Governmental organisation
Arada Sub City of Addis Ababa -
Governmental organisation
Birhane Clean and Environment
Sanitation Association – Private business
Training crop production using soil mixed with bio compost


Solid waste management is a major challenge facing the cities in the Organic solid waste is collected from the
developing world. The commercial recycling of organic waste into a valuable central fruit and vegetable marketplace
organic fertiliser called “Bio-compost” is new in Addis Ababa and it is having in Addis Ababa and from residences and
a noticeable impact on improved organic waste management and urban shops located around the market. Tackling
agriculture. this waste takes up a considerable part of
the municipality’s budget.

I ntegrated Biofarm Enterprise

(IBE), a private limited company in
Ethiopia, began operations in Addis
Ababa in 1998, based on a philosophy
quality, sustainable productivity and low
levels of waste and environmental loss.
Since then, IBE has served as a national
model for waste management, environ-
The assembly of wastes occurs at two
levels. The first is at market and house-
hold level. The fruit and vegetable whole-
salers and retailers at the market collect
of working with nature to achieve high mental restoration, resources manage- wastes in garbage tanks, while waste from
ment and food production to benefit residences and shops around the market
the surrounding community (Getachew area is collected by a private business
Tikubet, 2002). organisation called Birhane Clean and
For the past eight years, IBE has also Environment Sanitation Association. A
functioned as a training and demonstra- fee is paid for this service to the associa-
tion centre. It now also operates field tion. The second level of assembly from
stations in different regions of the country the market area to the project area and
(Assella, Mekele, Assossa and Gurage), other dumping areas is carried out by
which strengthen training and research the municipality. About 40 m3 or 3500
opportunities has involved urban organic kg organic waste is collected from this
waste recycling and utilisation in collabo- market area per day. But only 16 m3 or
ration with different partners. 1400 kg is used for this project because of
Berihun Tefera: Bioeconomy Association The major objectives of this project are capacity problems. The rest needs to be
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. to increase awareness, set up the produc- dumped outside the city by the munici-
) tion of organic fertiliser from solid waste pality. IBE received about 534,000 kg
Getachew Tikubet: Integrated Biofarm collected from residential areas and of waste in 2006. Separation of organic
Enterprise, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. marketplaces and stimulate its use for wastes from non-organic wastes and
) urban and rural agriculture. sorting are done at both levels of collec-

December 2007 41
tion. The non-organic wastes go to other a bio-compost logo in two languages, bio-compost produced in 2007 and 2008
industries, and the income generated by English and Amharic (the local language), will be sold. The majority of customers
this is designated for Birhane Clean and a list of ingredients, available nutrients, are urban dwellers, who use the bio-com-
Environment Sanitation Association. instructions for use and a contact address. post on their homesteads, and periurban
The bags are prepared in three different farmers, who use it for the production
The various participants in the waste weights, 2 kg, 4 kg and 25 kg, intended of horticultural crops. IBE also gives
management system all learn about respectively for small and medium size training courses to different groups and
proper handling, collection, sorting, compost beneficiaries and middlemen sells its products for project-level urban
transportation and loading. In addition, (super markets). In addition, 100 kg bags agricultural production. These groups are
training is given to 100 youths employed of bio-compost are packed without a made up of youths, women cooperative
by the Birhane Clean and Environment seal or label. These are used by IBE or members, fuel wood carriers, partially
Sanitation Association, who participate sold to direct customers. Certification sited individuals, students, retired
in the solid waste management process is in progress and IBE has already been persons, orphans, nuns, etc. More than
with the assistance of the Bioeconomy granted official support and recognition 90% of the bio-compost marketed is for
Association (BEA). for this by the Ministry of Agriculture use in urban agriculture, but the rural
and Rural Development and the market for bio-compost will also grow
The compost preparation area of IBE in Environmental Protection Authority. as awareness of the product increases
Addis Ababa is located 6 km from the waste among rural farmers. IBE is the first and
source area. The project uses an above- The standard instructions for use of only entity in Addis Ababa engaged in the
ground compost preparation method to bio-compost are to mix 3 to 4 kg of commercial collection and recycling of
recycle the organic waste. Each phase of the bio-compost with an equal part of local organic waste.
process takes about three months, and IBE soil and apply this to each square metre
completed three phases in the past year; of land. The price of bio-compost was 2 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS
hence it converted the 534,000 kg of waste Birr/kg (about 0.235 USD/kg) in 2006 and The financial analysis below is based
into 265,800 kg of bio-compost, which was 2.5 Birr/kg (about 0.294 USD/kg) in 2007. on incurred costs and revenues and
sold packed and unpacked. This is nearly half of the current market estimated opportunity costs. IBE has
price of inorganic fertiliser. incurred costs for labour, implements,
BEA determined the nutrient content of soil nutrient analysis, packing, marketing,
the bio-compost through laboratory tests IBE uses and markets the bio-compost in salary and administration, which are
conducted by the International Livestock three ways. estimated to be 404,136 Ethiopian Birr
Research Institute (ILRI), These showed a) For internal use: IBE in Addis Ababa (47,545 USD). This also includes the costs
that it provides more than the average has about 5 ha of horticultural land for assembling, loading, transporting
nutrient requirements for plant growth and a nursery site. Here IBE applies and unloading wastes that are covered
and by far more nutrients than the local about 185,000 kg of organic fertiliser by the partners. Without these opportu-
soil prepared with the inorganic fertilisers (before packaging). nity costs, the estimated total is 226,936
DAP and Urea. The high percentage of b) To project-based trainees: IBE has Ethiopian Birr (26,698 USD) (see table).
organic matter in the bio-compost, which given practical training and backstop- The business has the capacity to earn
is not present in the inorganic fertilisers, ping assistance to more than 21,000 135,189 Birr (15,905 USD) and 312,389
also gives the soil better structure, water trainees, most of whom have their own Birr (36,752 USD) with and without
absorption capacity and aeration. In farms. All of these trainees bought consideration of opportunity costs,
addition, bio-compost is applied usually bio-compost from IBE when they respectively.
only once every 2 to 3 years, making it less started farming. For example, 200
expensive to use than inorganic fertilisers, members of the former Fuel Wood Birhane Clean and Environment
which are applied every year. Carrier Women’s Association bought Sanitation Association has a training
10,450 kg for 26,100 Birr (about 3,071 service and provides assistance on

USD) at a rate of 2.5 Birr/kg (about waste management. The city’s waste
0.294 USD/kg) for their horticultural dumping site is located 13 km from the
farm at the City of Addis Ababa, waste source area, whereas IBE’s waste
Keraneyo subcity in May 2007 (which recycling area is located 6 km from the
is 1999 in the Ethiopian calendar). source area. As a result, by dumping at the
c) To shops and supermarkets: IBE sells IBE site, the municipality saves the time
the bio-compost from its main distribu- and costs associated with transporting
tion centre. Customers include Abader, each truckload of waste the extra 14 km.
Abrico and Adgemu supermarkets and Therefore, IBE is not expected to cover
agricultural input suppliers at Addis this opportunity cost. After evaluating the
Ababa. It also promotes the product to previous year’s performance, the partners
Urban waste turned into marketable different flower farms. extended their agreement for the coming
compost years and the Environmental Protection
Nearly 70% of the bio-compost produced Authority of Ethiopia also approved the
The bio-compost is packed in plastic in 2006 was used by IBE itself. However, expansion in size and scale.
bags that are sealed and labelled with it is estimated that 80 to 90% of the

42 UA-Magazine
Table 1. Cost-benefit of IBE u From page 40
Items Revenue/
agriculture projects and encourage local
communities to produce and consume
In Birr In USD traditional crops.
Revenue (from sale of bio-compost) 539,325 63,450
Labour 49,746 5,852 The sharing of experiences and innova-
Implements 15,000 1,765 tions between urban and rural farmers is
Soil nutrient analysis 4,500 529 important and efficient because rural
Packing costs 85,440 10,052 farmers have knowledge that has been
Marketing costs 12,000 1,412 generated over many decades. For
Salary and administrative costs 48,000 5,647 instance, the Msinga people have devel-
Others 12,250 1,441 oped innovative ways to cook, process
Opportunity costs 177,200 20,847 and mix indigenous vegetables in order to
Assembling at the market 14,400 1,694 preserve them and balance nutrients in
Loading 10,800 1,271 their diet (Njokwe, 2006). Rural areas
Transport to project area and unloading 144,000 16,941 have more wild varieties of indigenous
Others 8,000 941 vegetables than urban areas, which have
Total Cost (including opportunity costs) 404,136 47,545 fewer or no wild areas at all. On the other
Total Cost (not including opportunity costs) 226,936 26,698 hand, urban farmers have invaluable
Profit (including opportunity costs) 135,189 15,905 experience on how to survive on very
Profit (not including opportunity costs) 312,389 36,752 scarce resources with limited or no
support, and they have access to markets.
These and other lessons are being shared
The business is financially feasible if the Agriculture is an important part (85%) through the network of rural and urban
bio-compost is sold at a price that is not of Ethiopia’s economy and labour force. farmers interacting through the FSG.
lower than the break even price of 1.52 But, due to land degradation, agricultural The farmers’ evaluation reports showed
Birr (0.18 USD) considering opportunity production has become dependent on that the yield of exotic and indigenous
costs and 0.85 Birr (0.10 USD) per kg fertiliser application. As a result, Ethiopia vegetable cultivated in trench and raised
without consideration of opportunity imports vast amounts of inorganic ferti- plots is very high. Production costs are
costs. Since IBE is a private limited liser. Bio-compost thus has important low compared to the conventional
company, any profit earned is reinvested. potential in this country. farming system.
Through various experiments conducted
PROMOTION Getachew Tikubet 2006. The BioFarm: An
together with farmers and at Ukulinga
IBE promotes bio-compost organic Integrated Farming Approach to Restore, Create farm, FSG will further strengthen the
and Sustain Wealth. In: Resource Management for
fertiliser and urban waste management Poverty Reduction Approaches and Technologies,
exposure of urban and rural farmers to
recycling in general in the following ways: Assefa, A., Getachew, T. & Johann, B. (eds), Selected innovative techniques Eventually, a
Contributions to Ethio-Forum 2002. The Regal
- By managing bio-compost marketing Press Kenya Ltd, Nairobi.
market development strategy will be
centres. adopted to allow the communities to raise
- By inviting officials of different govern- income to meet some of their needs.
mental and non-governmental organisa-
tions to visit the project.

1) In Msunduzi, these institutions include CINDI

-Through the media (advertisements) Network, Institute of Natural Resources, Department
of Health, Department of Social Welfare, Department
and publications including brochures, of Agriculture, the Farmer Support Group (FSG) of the
newsletters and posters. University of KwaZulu-Natal, and the School of
Agricultural Science and Agribusiness of the same
The municipality also actively promotes university.
urban agriculture and the use of bio-com-
post. Farmer Support Group, 2004. Promoting
Agricultural Innovation in AIDS affected Rural
Households. An Action Research in KwaZulu-
CONCLUSIONS Natal, South Africa. Progress Report for March
Waste management is a big issue in urban Partial view of Biofarm, Assela Branch 2004-December 2004.
Njokwe, B.J., 2006. Msinga Indigenous Vegetables
management, especially in mega cities that Could Provide People with Most Needed
like Addis Ababa. Land is scarce in these

Micronutrients to mitigate HIV/AIDS and Food

Insecurity. A Paper presented at PELUM South
cities and it needs to be used productively Africa Workshop on Food First on 28-29-Sep-
and efficiently. Therefore, businesses tember 2006, Ascott Inn, Pietermaritzburg.
Njokwe, B.J., and J. McCosh 2005. African Roots:
that recycle organic wastes and produce Traditional Foods to address Nutrition in the
standardised and packed organic fertilisers Modern World. A Paper Presented to the Urban
Micro-Farming and HIV/AIDS Workshop,
as described here are vital. They contribute Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa 15-26
to urban waste management but also August 2005
Van Diepen, I., 2004. “The Impact of HIV/AIDS on
indirectly to the promotion of safe agricul- Rural Livelihoods of Farmer Households”, An
ture in the city by providing organic fertil- ethnographic study in Msinga sub-district.
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
iser to urban farmers in small packs. Tree seedling production using biocompost

December 2007 43
Enhancing Local Knowledge in
Urban Livestock Breeding in
Bukavu, D.R. Congo
The city of Bukavu, the

Innocent Balagizi, Diobass Kivu

administrative centre of South-Kivu
Province, is situated in Eastern DR
Congo some 2,000 km from the
capital, Kinshasa. It is an important
commercial, administrative and
university centre with a population of
over 600,000 inhabitants. For several
reasons many of them have turned to
farming to secure their livelihoods.

Women belonging to a farmer’s research team

any people face problems in people, both women and men, and young ANIMAL BREEDING
supporting their families. Salaries unemployed ex-combatants, sought Diobass Platform works with internally
in the civil service and other refuge in the city of Bukavu. The already displaced people and has a programme
state-run services are paid irregu- fragile conditions in Bukavu further deteri- focused on urban farmers. In 2003 and
larly or not at all, and to make ends meet, orated and the city saw an increase in the 2004, Diobass observed a rapid increase
civil servants are engaged in backyard number of homeless people and street in animal breeding and received requests
gardening and animal keeping in the city. children. The increase in the population to support animal breeders of Bukavu.
Due to recent conflicts in the eastern part led to urban sprawl, and the lack of urban A preliminary exploration of animal
of the country living conditions in those planning in these areas around the city breeding was done, and support was
areas deteriorated. Armed conflicts in the resulted in the parcelling of plots to allow provided to the Animal Breeder Federation
agricultural zones, which used to be the for the construction of new dwellings. (FEDE/PREIV).
city’s breadbasket, forced the inhabitants
of entire villages to leave their homes in The migrants rapidly adjusted to the new The prevailing animal breeding activity
search of peace. Many of these displaced circumstances and were creative in finding is raising small numbers of goats, pig,
new livelihood strategies like gardening rabbit or poultry. In a survey of 96 house-
and animal breeding in backyards and holds conducted in the periurban areas
open spaces, such as along the avenues. of Bukavu in 2003, it was found that
Urban agriculture also helps to clear the vegetable production and animal keeping
wild grass of vacant sites and dumping is often combined. The average number of
grounds in the city of Bukavu. animals kept per household is 29 goats, 24
pigs, 19 rabbits or 31 hens.
Vegetable gardening is prominent in
Bukavu and is predominantly for home Over time, changes were observed in
consumption. Animal breeding in the urban agriculture in Bukavu. In the
city provides small incomes to house- survey, Diobass noticed that animal
holds, and is also seen as a way to ensure breeding had increased and shifted in
Augustin Cihyoka, Diobass Platform a supply of extra cash when needed. It is focus. Traditionally, animal breeders kept
) integrated with vegetable farming. goats, which is still common practice

44 UA-Magazine
among older people for savings. However, The animal feed now used is composed of Breeding rabbits to improve livelihoods
goat breeders allow the animals to roam palm seed cake, brewers’ grains (residues in South Kivu, DRC
free in the city, which allegedly destroys from local breweries and sometimes from Innocent Balagizi Karhagomba and
trees and gardens, and leads to conflicts local banana and/or corn-based alcoholic Christophe Rukeratabaro
between small gardeners and the breeders. drink breweries) and a lot of herbs. The Diobass Platform
Therefore, the current tendency especially breeders have to buy these ingredients Email :
among new and young immigrants in at the market of Bukavu Town and from
Bukavu is to breed pigs instead. local small soap factories. Eighty out of the The war that took place from 1996 to 2003
112 households favour this mixture and in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
PIG BREEDING feed their pigs a daily maintenance ration (DRC) caused a strong decrease in livestock
Pig breeding is profitable. In Bukavu, the of 2-3 kg of blended foodstuffs, or 4- 6 kg numbers in villages and cities. Traditionally
price of a pig varies between USD 20 and for the pregnant and young pigs that need cattle plays a key role in rural and urban
150, according to its weight and age. This to be fattened. Seventy of the breeders agriculture, providing milk, nutrients and
represents an important contribution to agreed on the need for a back-up ration in social status. Cattle breeding used to be an
household income, in addition to food the form of roughage given at will. important livelihood activity for the Bashi
produced in small gardens. The study ethnic group, in South-Kivu. However,
undertaken in 2003 by Diobass included To improve the quality of the breeding restocking of cattle is expensive, and most of
96 households involved in pig breeding. stock, urban animal breeders exchange the Bashi are poor.
Of these households, 87 mentioned that high-performance reproducers and Therefore, periurban farmers took up
the activity was providing a substantial acquire the best breeds from major local breeding of rabbits as a strategy to slowly
income for them (Lawahira Ntagenwa, firms like the Pharmakina consortium, build up capital and be able to start breeding
2003). Thirty-eight households used the from religious communities and from cattle again. Rabbit breeding is not as expen-
income from pig breeding to pay school leading farmers of the city. The members sive and very fast. A couple of rabbits might
fees, while 15 used the income to meet of the federation collect contributions to cost around 10 USD, and can generate 72
family needs other than food require- buy the pigs. In this way poor breeders rabbits in one year, producing up to 4,000
ments. also have access to improved animals. new rabbits in the following year, which have
a value of about 80 cows – that is, if they
CHALLENGES The issue of swine fever is recurrent and survive, since intestinal coccidiosis is a major
Over the past few years, pig breeders have causes heavy losses in animal breeding constraint. Intestinal coccidiosis kills about
been working to improve the feed they households. In 2002, Diobass organised 80% of young rabbits at the age of 2 to 3
give their pigs in order to reduce the risk a local animal breeding and farming months.
of swine fever. Despite some success in knowledge and practices trade fair. These In 2003 a research group of periurban farmers
this area, they are still confronted with a proceedings resulted in the creation of a (called OPELABU) supported by the Diobass
number of challenges. The key challenges local knowledge promotion centre. One of Platform used indigenous knowledge to
are access to land for extending breeding the priorities of this centre is the validation develop a local drug that prevents this early
space, poor access to ingredients for the of suitable recipes for the prevention of mortality caused by coccidiosis. The drug is
feed, inaccessibility to veterinary services, African swine fever in the region around a mixture (in equal quantities) of powdered
lack of quality breeding stock, and the Bukavu. Since 2004, FEDE/PREIV has fruits of Capsicum frutescens (Chilli), leaves of
need for (or lack of access to) credit. been distributing a recipe composed of Tetradenia riparia (local name mutuzo), bulb
veterinary plants useful for the prevention of Gladiolus psittacinus (Gladioulus in English,
To address these challenges, animal of African swine fever. This knowledge Glaïeul in French), and Piper guineense
breeders of the city of Bukavu organised was developed by sharing experiences (African pepper). Every 2-month-old rabbit is
themselves into the Animal Breeders between traditional urban breeders given 1 ml of this mixture per week and from
Federation (FEDE/PREIV) to share their and recent migrants from rural areas. 3-4 months they are given 2ml per week, This
experiences and consolidate their activi- Experienced rural breeders were also treatment has reduced the incidence of this
ties. The members of the federation jointly invited to the meetings. Improved recipes killing rabbit disease from 80% to 5%.
started experimenting with pig breeding, were tested by breeders in different OPELABU members had around 200 rabbits
both recent migrants and those who have locations. in 2003, and this stock has increased to
lived in the area all of their lives. 13,000 rabbits now, which when sold,
This practice made it possible for breeders together will allow for restocking of 260
Inspection of the dried plants to increase the number of livestock and cows. The product is sold by OPELABU for
better meet the needs of their families. the accessible price of USD 7 per litre, which
Walere Sahini, Diobass Kivu

Most of the livestock around Bukavu was allows treatment of about 100 young rabbits.
decimated by the war in 2004 and by The development of local knowledge is
swine fever (based on our own informa- important in the promotion of urban and
tion and from Diobass partners). However, periurban farming and the support of liveli-
there is currently ample livestock in the hood strategies of small-scale producers.
city itself, where the impact of the war The rabbit breeding model developed by
OPELABU facilitates self-reliance in livestock
breeding systems.
Continued on page 48 u

December 2007 45
Innovations in Producer-Market
Linkages: Urban field schools and
organic markets in Lima
Organically-produced food is

Urban Harvest
increasingly in demand among
more affluent urban populations
of developing countries, and these
city dwellers are willing to pay a
premium for food quality and safety.
Agricultural producers living in and
around these cities are well placed
to take advantage of this lucrative

Evaluating the yellow tramp during the agroecological analysis

s well as offering higher prices, the orative programme of the CGIAR Lima where the urbanisation pressure on
organic market also usually Initiative Urban Harvest (1) and local agricultural land was highest. The objec-
provides more stable prices partners, which is being undertaken in tives were to:
throughout the year. However, Lima, Peru, to help producers take advan- • Enhance access of urban producers to
most urban producers are unfamiliar with tage of this opportunity and overcome high-value markets for organic products
the specific techniques for organic their constraints. The programme is using • Increase the access of consumers to fresh
production or else doubt the economic the locally developed methodology of and healthy foods and improve family
opportunities this market offers. Urban Field Schools to strengthen diets
Moreover, the organic market has strict farmers’ internal organisation and help • Eliminate harmful effects of agriculture
quality demands, such as organic certifi- develop novel linkages to diverse types of on the environment.
cation, and often requires negotiation organic markets. Urban Harvest was supported by the
capacity from producers because they “Junta de Usuarios Rímac (JUR)”, which is
often sell directly to consumers or special- DEVELOPING A NEW “SCHOOLS the local irrigation system management
ised distributors. Most local producers are FOR URBAN FARMERS” institution, and by the local government,
not used to these requirements. They METHODOLOGY the District Municipalities of Lurigancho
especially lack business management A baseline study undertaken in 2004 Chosica and Santa María de Huachipa.
skills and the capacity to organise identified strengths and limitations for
themselves for better marketing. agro-enterprise development among local The Schools for Urban Farmers method-
agricultural producers and capacity ology has three steps. Although these
Thus, innovative approaches are needed building needs. An important conclusion were elaborated over a period of two
to enable producers to take advantage of that emerged was the need for capacity years, the three stages can be completed
this new demand. “Agricultores en la building in enterprise development, but it in as little as 15 months, depending on
Ciudad” (Farmers in the City) is a collab- was also concluded that there was a lack local circumstances.
of learning methodologies compatible
with the urban life style. Based on its use First, a participatory field diagnosis is
in rural contexts by the International conducted over a period of about six
Potato Center, the Urban Harvest research months. Using different diagnostic
Nieves Gonzales, Urban Harvest team identified the Farmer Field School methods (participatory workshops, group
Miguel Salvo, Urban Harvest and (FFS) methodology as a high-potential interviews, surveys) this step involves
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid tool for use in urban environments, if it documentation of local practices, oppor-
Gordon Prain, Urban Harvest and could be adequately adapted. Adaptation tunities and production constraints. This
International Potato Center (CIP) of the FFS model was undertaken over a diagnostic process also includes informa-
) period of two years in two districts of tion and sensitisation about the project

46 UA-Magazine
goal and objectives. without paying much attention to safety sought to show the advantages of self-or-
The second step involves the creation of procedures). With high input costs and ganisation so that they could exchange
an urban-adapted farmer field school fluctuating market prices, the economic experiences and learning, reduce costs
(FFS) about integrated crop management, returns on this kind of horticulture are and improve their marketing abilities.
with particular attention given to pests frequently negative. Instead of selling the
and soils. Preliminary sensitisation land to urban developers in the face of URBAN FIELD SCHOOL
workshops help create awareness among low returns, as some producers are doing, ASSOCIATIONS
farmers about the value of natural and an alternative identified through the The Urban Field School Associations
human capital – protecting the environ- diagnosis is to take advantage of new, (UFSA) are the result of self-organisation
ment and human health – and the value of close by, urban markets. There is a local among some members of the FFSu,
social capital, in other words, the commitment to horticulture, but there is mainly for the purpose of strengthening
relevance of group organisation. An urgent need to find ways of making organic or ecological production capacity
important part of the urban adaptation of production more profitable. and organisational and entrepreneurial
the FFS involves intensive preparatory skills. Members are thus self-selected
work with time-constrained urban ADAPTED FARMER FIELD SCHOOLS from among the membership of the FFSu
producers on the advantages of this kind The International Potato Center has and are those with a strong interest in the
of agriculture. More intensive interactions extensive experience with the use of organic or ecological production
take place between the research team and Farmer Field School (FFS) methodologies techniques introduced in the second step
the selected producers than typically for building farmer capacity in rural areas, of the methodology. The third step
occurs in rural-based FFSs primarily especially on integrated pest management encourages these self-selected and
because of the way that agriculture (IPM) of potato. This method has also motivated producers to elaborate their
competes for time and space with other been shown to contribute to the strength- specific needs and plans as part of the
urban livelihood strategies, so that sensiti- ening of social capital among farmers UFSA enterprise activities and capacity
sation to the value and potential of (Pumisacho & Sherwood 2005). building. In the Lima case, producers
agriculture needs more time. The third expressed the need for more formalised
step is an urban field school, involving The FFS methodology needs to be organisation, more training in enterprise
capacity building on organic production adapted to urban conditions because management, training and research on
and the development of a market orienta- participants are urban producers organic production and for support to
tion towards new commercial opportuni- involved in urban lifestyles and produc- apply what they learnt at the FFSu. They
ties (Figure 1). These steps are discussed tion systems that make different also sought help to reach the production
below in more detail. demands on time, labour and physical conditions required to become formally
resources, and involve different crop certified for organic production. The
rotations, soils etc., compared to the participatory design of the methodology
Urban Field rural sector. The focus of the urban- ensures that producers themselves imple-
ICM Farmer School for adapted Farmer Field Schools (FFSu) was ment and maintain the UFSA, whilst the
Field Diagnosis ➔ Field School ➔ Organic
integrated crop management because the R&D organisations provide technical
management of pests and soils were support. Other local institutions, like the
identified as the main weaknesses of municipality or the Irrigation Users’
Figure 1: Three step “Schools for Urban urban producers. At the beginning of the Authority (JUR), supported market
Farmers” methodology for stimulating FFSu (in 2005), the following comments research and enterprise dialogues with
organic production were commonly heard: new business opportunities.

PARTICIPATORY FIELD DIAGNOSIS • “Nobody can produce lettuce without Technical ➔

The diagnostic study in Eastern Lima used Furadan” (a highly toxic local insecti- training
preliminary workshops, group interviews, cide). “Chupadera [Fussariun spp an ➔➔ ➔ ➔ ➔

important fungal disease] wins.” ➔

key informants and surveys to understand

Social Market
➔ ➔

➔ ➔

the local production systems and liveli- • “They lie when they say they don’t apply Organisation production
hoods. From the study it emerged that chemicals. They apply them during the

➔ ➔ ➔➔

local producers are poorly organised. night when nobody can see them.”
Farms are very small and marketing relies • “You can get a higher price, but if you Research &

on a complex array of intermediaries. grow without chemicals leaves are monitoring
Farmers have very limited information damaged.”
about market prices and the tendency is • “Plants grown without urea, grow with Figure 2: Urban Field School Association
to grow the same products in the same a yellow colour. Who will pay for operational model
seasons, leading to saturated markets and them then?”
low prices. In this scenario, farmers try to The UFSA is composed of three physical
maximise productivity and product The FFSu aimed to change these senti- areas (Figure 2). A pilot production area is
appearance and minimise production ments, making farmers conscious of the used for the application of organic
costs and labour, which result in high possibility of using diverse means of methods for growing crops and raising
dependence on chemical products controlling insects and diseases in order livestock for the market. A participatory
(especially highly toxic pesticides, often to reduce the use of agrochemicals. It also research area is used to evaluate new

December 2007 47
Urban Harvest
organic technologies. A training and • A diversity of market outlets has been
meeting room is used for capacity established for organic products.
building. The UFSA Center aims both to • A second-level organisation,
train those farmers who were involved in “Organización de Productores
its design and establishment and also to Orgánicos de Lima y Callao” has been
train other local producers who want to established, linking producers in the
learn from the first group’s experiences Eastern Cone with other production
and ultimately join their organisation. areas of Lima.
• There is an increase in the farmers’ own
The UFSA is based on the self-organisa- consumption of healthy organic vegeta-
tion of farmers who take part in it. It takes bles and increased local sales to neigh-
approximately one year to reach the level bours.
of farmer participation, organisation and • The original group of organic producers
autonomy that can ensure the sustain- is beginning to train other farmers. Group photo of the organic producer
ability of the UFSA. Thus training begins • Organic production has restored organisation of Huachipa after the school
with social subjects: self-esteem, leader- farming as a profitable means of earning
ship ability acquisition, networking, a living. Data from 5 farmers growing on
negotiation. From this base the group 0.25 ha show that they now sell S/.2,800
u From page 45
deals with the generation and application (approximately $930) monthly during
of integrated organic agricultural and the lower demand winter period was less severe than in the rural areas, pig
farming techniques and its adaptation to (vegetable consumption increases in breeders managed to prevent their pigs
the urban environment, processing to add summer). from contracting African swine fever, and
value to the produce and finding market- Nevertheless the participating organic the federation has been active in joint
places (Urban Harvest 2007). The farmers producers identify several issues still to breeding and the exchange of feeding and
involved are also responsible for diffusion be dealt with. The farmers need to: breeding innovations. The city even has a
of the knowledge that they have learnt to • Better exploit their proximity to diverse livestock bank that supports the reactiva-
other farmers in Lima. “Graduate farmers” city markets tion of animal breeding in the rural areas.
begin to give farmer-to-farmer training • Improve their organisation and crop In December 2006, the federation of pig
about six months after the establishment planting planning to respond better to breeders organised several exchanges with
of the UFSA and after they themselves increasing demand. (The SWOT analysis rural animal breeders and offered them
have received different kinds of capacity conducted by producers themselves 117 female piglets of good stock.
building training. They also increasingly points to communication, perseverance
participate in demonstration and and responsibility as weaknesses.) Encouraged by these results from
commercial fairs organised by municipal • dedicate themselves full-time in the farmers’ action research on endogenous
authorities and Urban Harvest, which is future, to respond to developing practices in breeding and prevention
another type of horizontal sensitisation of markets, with part-time producers of African swine fever, the federation,
peers and other stakeholders. supporting production from small plots which currently has 112 members,
• continue to develop production technol- further embarked on the fattening of
ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES ogies, such as installing more efficient piglets (purchased at 2 months and sold
The main achievement is the establish- irrigation and crop protection practices at between 5 and 8 months). Fattening
ment of two stable and sustainable UFSAs • Use more widely those technologies piglets for sale will be a major activity in
for producing and marketing organic which have already been locally tested the forthcoming years and is currently
vegetables, known as Cosecha Sana SAC and implemented to improve poor taking place at three pilot sites in Bukavu.
(COSANACA) and the Asociación de urban irrigation water quality.
Productores Agropecuarios Orgánicos de Animal breeding in the city provides
Huachipa (APAHO) (Urban Harvest 2007; 1) The Consultative Group on International
small incomes to households engaged in
Alegre et al. 2006). Agriculture Research (CGIAR) is a unique global this activity. To reduce the constraints
partnership that works to promote food security,
poverty eradication and the sound management of
encountered by these households, urban
Other specific achievements include the natural resources throughout the developing world. breeders pooled their efforts and devel-
The International Potato Center, which is one of
following: fifteen Centers sponsored by the CGIAR, convenes the
oped exchanges which resulted in the
• Producers are experts at organic produc- Urban Harvest System-wide Program. validation of feed recipes to prevent swine
tion and know the technical information. fever, with the backing of action research
• Producers are now able to negotiate for References undertaken by the Diobass Platform.
Pumisacho, M., and S. Sherwood. (Eds). 2005.
themselves sales to different markets, Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores en América
However, animal breeders need to further
without the intervention of intermedi- Latina (Farmer Field Schools in Latin America). develop strategies to jointly access credits
INNIAP-Fortipapa, Republic of Ecuador
aries. Urban Harvest. 2007. Agricultores en la Ciudad.
and be able to boost their viable micro-
• Currently 2.5 ha of urban land is Informe 2006. Urban Harvest. Lima enterprise initiatives.
Alegre J., D. Escudero and O. Tesdell. 2006.
managed by the two associations, which Agricultural Business Associations in Urban and
are officially certified as organic produc- Periurban Areas in Lima, Peru. In UA-Magazine
LAWAHIRA Ntagenwa Olivier, Etat de l’élevage
tion areas by an independent certifica- porcin dans la ville de Bukavu, TFC, UCB, Faculté
d’Agronomie, 2003.
tion organisation.

48 UA-Magazine
Urban Agriculture as a Social
Justice Change Agent and
Economic Engine
Growing Power is a national non-

Growing Power
profit organisation and land trust
that supports people from diverse
backgrounds and the environments
in which they live. Growing Power
provides hands-on training, on-the-
ground demonstration, outreach and
technical assistance through the
development of Community Food
Systems that help people grow,
process, market and distribute food
in a sustainable manner.

Youth Corps at the Chicago Avenue Community Garden

G rowing Power was established in

1998 as Farm-City Link, a farmer-
operated greenhouse and small
farmers’ cooperative located in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, USA. It was formed to assist
Vermicomposting is now at the core of
Growing Power’s vision and activities to
make urban agriculture a viable option in
cities. Compost is the key to viable farming.
“Growing Power inspires communities
to build sustainable food systems that are
equitable and ecologically sound, creating a
just world, one food-secure community at a
small farmers in their efforts to compete Nutrient-rich waste and organic material
for business contracts with wholesale are sourced from local restaurants and Growing Power greenhouses are made of
buyers. Soon the property’s owner and food wholesalers and are broken down by salvaged frames from local nurseries and
farmer, Will Allen, began to field requests worms to produce a sustainable fertiliser farms that were unable to compete with
from the community to install gardens, that outperforms synthetic fertilisers. large-scale industry. These greenhouses
often with youth involvement at the core Growing Power embraces reuse, recycling have several levels of plant growth:
of the programmes. Supported by Heifer and reclamation in its economic and hanging baskets (for pea shoots, sunflower
International, Growing Power established ecological model for intensive production. sprouts, rugula lettuce and Bull's Blood
the first youth project consisting of youth beets), pots partially submerged in water in
training in and production of aquaponics Allen has combined his knowledge of aquaponic systems, and beds edging along
and vermicomposting. farming and his understanding of the city the sides. In one of the greenhouses a
as a series of interconnected food and swimming pool serves as a water reservoir
ecological systems to develop an urban and home for tilapia fish. They clean the
food production system. Part of Growing water, which is drawn upward to the top of
Power’s philosophy is that there is always the structure to flow down through the
more than one right way to do things, growing levels.
and that a variety of solutions offers
community members options. The multi- The hoop greenhouses used by Growing
cultural nature of the organisation and its Power are unheated and draped with
policy that everyone is welcome and shade cloth in the summer for cooling.
valued lead to innovations and new Growing Power has developed so-called
approaches as additional perspectives “Living Biological Worm Systems” to grow
Erika R. Allen, Growing Power USA and skills are shared. food in the winter months using the “hoop
With contributions from Laurell Sims and
Daniel Espinosa

December 2007 49
Growing Power
plans are being developed for the organisa- Growing Power undertakes community
tion to purchase the property from Allen in outreach through education programmes
order to build a new premise where it can that show how the organisation is contrib-
expand its training, youth development uting to the availability of locally grown,
and food processing capacities. fresh, safe and healthy food that exceeds
certified organic standards. This food is
The property in Milwaukee currently supplied to Chicago’s farmers’ markets,
includes six greenhouses, three hoop Farm-City Market Basket (Growing
houses, a small retail store, a utility Power’s CSA-style food security
building, a small barn that houses some of programme) and partners in procurement
the livestock and the beekeeping opera- contracts. All of these activities provide
tion, outdoor pens for livestock, and a large important opportunities for individuals
plot of land on which the first stage of the and communities to network as they work
organisation’s sophisticated composting together to promote food security and
operation is located. The centre offers environmentally sound food production
opportunities to a wide array of city stake- practices.
holders to learn from and participate in the
development and operation of Community A number of factors are currently contrib-
Food Systems. uting to the need for training programmes
for emerging producers: available land,
In addition to this urban centre, Growing growing consumer demands for food
Grant Park Potager Power has a rural farm site in Merton, safety and environmental responsibility,
Wisconsin. On this 17 hectare parcel of and the increasing interest among the
within the hoop” method of hot beds land Growing Power hosts the Immigrant youth in growing food and new employ-
covered with mini hoops to preserve heat Farming Project and the Food and Fitness ment opportunities.
that is generated from the composting Initiative with the Greater Milwaukee Boys
process. Growing Power’s Living Biological and Girls Club. Two hectares of this rural MILWAUKEE
Worm System approach is an active farm are devoted to intensive vegetable Growing Power serves as a ”living
learning tool to teach young people and production. The rural site compliments the museum” or “idea factory” for the young,
adults the importance of closed loop urban facility. In addition to growing the the elderly, farmers, producers, and other
systems and how to grow food in urban vegetables sold at the market, it houses a professionals. Over the last ten years,
soil and depleted/contaminated spaces. herd of meat goats, raises pasture poultry, Growing Power has developed a number
cultivates grasses for the variety of animals projects in Milwaukee.
All of this leads to an important economic on site and produces large volumes of - Growing Power Youth Corps: This is a
reality: this type of year-round production compost. year-round, youth leadership programme
has a yield value of nearly $200,000 per offering both academic and professional
acre per year! This type of production is ACTIVITIES experience in Community Food System
labour intensive, but that labour means Growing Power’s projects fall essentially development and maintenance. Young
jobs in urban environments.. It also trans- into three areas (consistent with its objec- people from primary school through
lates into healthy, sustainable produce for tives): college work at the Growing Power
local restaurants, which allows them to Training: On-site workshops and Community Food Centre during the
spend more money on healthy food and hands-on demonstrations are given in summer and gain competencies in all
less on shipping produce from California Milwaukee and Chicago. active demonstration areas of the facilities.
or international sources. Nearly every Technical assistance: Training and assis- - “Urban Farm Girls” Program (launched
aspect of the organisation’s production, tance in project development focus on the fall 2005): A diverse group of young
programmes, and products directly development of Community Food Centres women, ranging from 7th- to
benefits the local community. Some of the and on transforming urban areas into 11th-graders, from eight different schools
most under-served populations in the gardens and urban farms. This includes attend weekly meetings and plan, grow,
United States are starting to produce their national and international outreach to and market their own crops and value-
own food. In addition, facilitators across farmers and communities. added products.
the nation and around the world are being Food production and distribution: Food - Farm-City Market Basket Program
trained to set up similar community food production takes place in the organisa- (FCMB): This is a weekly, year-round,
centres in their own communities (most tion’s urban demonstration greenhouses food security programme that supplies
recently in Skopje, Macedonia). and on the rural farm site. The distribution safe, healthy, affordable vegetables and
of produce and value-added products takes fruit to communities at a low cost. The
URBAN AND RURAL place through the Rainbow Farmers’ programme effectively increases city
The Growing Power Community Food Cooperative and the year-round food residents’ access to affordable food, while
Centre is the last remaining farm and security programme: Farm-City Market providing a viable market for small
greenhouse operation in the City of Basket Program (including Community farmers and urban gardeners in which to
Milwaukee. It is currently owned by Supported Agriculture); sell the food they grow.
Growing Power Director, Will Allen, but

50 UA-Magazine
- Rainbow Farmers’ Cooperative: Growing - Living Skills: A training series on food specific to Puerto Rican cuisine, such as
Power helped create the Rainbow production, processing, marketing and “Recao”, a staple herb. It is a challenge to
Farmers’ Cooperative, a network of small distribution, utilising year-round horti- find new farmers who are willing to
family farmers who grow and market culture, agriculture, composting, vermic- produce these vegetables and sell them at a
food using sustainable techniques. ulture, and aquaculture techniques. small and developing market.
- Growing Together: Community Food
Systems “From the Ground Up”: This is a CHICAGO The Jackson Park Farm Site and Education
national, grassroots training programme In 2002, Growing Power opened a Chicago Center was established in June 2007. Most
of neighbourhood-based food and office to assist urban agriculture initiatives of the site is dedicated to production for
gardening projects. in the Chicago area. It currently operates Growing Power and community farming.
three urban agriculture farming projects, Supported by Growing Power’s Chicago
A Community Food Centre provides delivers to eight Farm-to-City Market Youth Corps, community members learn
wonderful spaces for hands-on activi- Basket drop sites, manages an active stall at gardening basics and apply the Living
ties, for large demonstration projects, the Green City Farmers’ Market and Biological Worm Systems. The Chicago
and for growing a myriad of plants, delivers local produce to premier restau- Youth Corps is a year-round teen develop-
vegetables, and herbs. A space no larger rants. In addition, Growing Power is ment programme. Teens work five days
than a supermarket can hold some involved in food policy issues via the per week for 4.5 hours per day in the
20,000 plants, thousands of fish, and a Chicago Food Policy Advisory Council and summer months to learn both farming
livestock inventory of chickens, goats, provides guidance to thirty high school skills and “soft” job skills, such as appro-
ducks, rabbits, and bees. and four college interns and one appren- priate communication skills for the
tice. Their projects include the following: workplace, conflict resolution, and
Demonstration and training modules teamwork. This year during the spring and
include: The Grant Park Urban Agriculture Potager fall, these teens helped develop a food
- Large- Scale Food Residue Processing. (Urban Farm) partnership with the literacy campaign to inform other teens
Using aerobic and anaerobic digestion Chicago Park District is proving that the about local agriculture and healthy food
methods, food waste is diverted from social benefits of urban agriculture reach options. They produced a button with the
landfills and made into organic compost, beyond local food miles and food security slogan “Turnip the Volume on Vegetables”,
which is then used in local community and encompass youth economic develop- and painted a mural at the office in
garden and urban agriculture projects. ment and education. This edible garden of Chicago.
- Vermicomposting and Composting: 1850 square meters in the midst of Grant
These “living” systems are composed of Park has over 150 varieties of vegetables, GROWING FOOD AND JUSTICE
carbon residue, customised microorgan- herbs and flowers, and it is used as a FOR ALL
isms, minerals, and red wriggler worms. hands-on educational site for 10-30 youth This Initiative, hosted by Growing Power,
The resulting “material” is remarkably interns, sponsored by the City of Chicago’s is an new comprehensive network that
fertile, giving plants access to the nutri- After School Matters programmes views dismantling racism as a core
ents needed for both plant growth and principal bringing together social change
for human nutrition. El Conuco Farmers’ Market in Chicago’s agents from diverse sectors that are
- Aquaponics: A closed-loop plant and fish largest Puerto Rican neighbourhood is in working to bring about new, healthy and
growing system that can be utilised in its first season. Growing Power is the sustainable food systems and support and
small spaces, with minimal cost and primary vendor at the market and another build multicultural leadership in impover-
maintenance. Growing Power does not youth project, God’s Gang, also sells ished communities throughout the world.
use chemicals or artificial additives in this produce at this market. Customers are
system. beginning to ask for produce that is more Coupled with our vision for social and food
justice, Growing Power has a vision to
Youth Corps at the Chicago Avenue Community Garden share and help others grow food where we
all live, thereby decreasing our reliance on
Growing Power

petroleum-fuelled industrial farming while

maintaining technically complex and
flourishing biological production systems
that are accessible to all people regardless
of economic circumstances or environ-
ments. This is the future of agriculture:
using natural processes to create highly
productive, urban food sources, and intro-
ducing healthier alternatives for people
and the environments in which the
systems are implemented.

USDA. 2004. Household Food Security in the United

December 2007 51
Selected Appropriate
Technologies for Urban and
Periurban Agriculture
Urban and periurban agriculture

Gilda Carrasco.
requires the use of appropriate
technologies that reduce
environmental impacts, are easy to
implement by the urban farmers, are
low-cost, and use local inputs. Since
1996, the United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) has
been promoting the use of a number
of appropriate technologies.

Seedbed in Toril

T he technical teams of the urban

agriculture projects that the FAO
implements in Latin America and
the Caribbean together with the benefi-
ciary urban farmers have validated a
The FAO recommends that the following
elements be taken into account in each
production and training component of
a project on urban and periurban agricul-
ture for household consumption and on
Medellin, and the use of plant-based
biopesticides in Bogota, Colombia.

Small urban gardeners in the central area
series of procedures as good practices for the generation of income through the of Chile, with the support of agronomy
planting and harvesting fresh, healthy commercialisation of surpluses: students from the University of Talca and
and clean food. This was done by using the FAO Regional Office for Latin America
participatory methodologies in a 1. Selection of crop species and the Caribbean (Carrasco and
“learning by doing” approach. Several 2. Sustainable use of local seeds and Izquierdo, 2005), have developed a system
farmer-oriented technical manuals have efficient forms of propagation of floating seedbeds. This technique
been developed and are also available (1). 3. Sustainable use of irrigation water guarantees more vigorous and resistant
4. Sustainable management of soil and seedlings as well as efficient use of the
substratum seeds, thereby improving crop yields.
5. Efficient use of space
6. Plant nutrition The technique has long been utilised by
7. Comprehensive Pest and Disease the tobacco industry to obtain tobacco
Management (CPDM) transplants under sophisticated condi-
Juan Izquierdo. Group Coordinator AUP 8. Protection from adverse weather tions and to sterilise soil using Methyl
RLC. FAO RLC. conditions bromide (a practice that is now prohib-
) ited). The simplified floating seedbed
Gilda Carrasco. Faculty of Agronomy. Together with the urban farmers, the FAO “method” was designed for urban and
Universidad de Talca. Chile. has identified, for each of these elements, periurban farmers as a way to achieve
) a series of innovative and appropriate high-quality seedbeds and transplants of
Juan José Estrada. FAO Project GCP/ technologies. This article describes just a different vegetable species.
BOL/035/BEL. El Alto. Bolivia. few of these technologies that have been
) validated by the urban farmers: floating The floating seedbed, also known as the
Sara Granados. Consultant, FAO RLC. seedbeds in central Chile, solar tents in El floating system for seedling production, is
) Alto, Bolivia, mulching of family plots in a hydroponic technique that can be

52 UA-Magazine
implemented on a large scale to obtain ment and soil conservation by North “learning by doing” techniques such as
seedlings for transplantation either into American and European universities. seeding, transplanting, composting,
another hydroponic system or into the In general, mulching consists of covering harvesting, and integrated pest manage-
ground. The advantage of this system is the soil with organic and inorganic ment (IPM). These technologies were
that seedlings can be produced in a materials at a thickness of 5 to 10cm. This previously validated at the DTC. Similarly,
reduced space, which is especially useful technique has many benefits, the most the use of mulching is a common practice
in urban or periurban areas. important of which are that it: for the 80 periurban strawberry growers
• protects the soil from extreme tempera- in the coldest areas of Uruguay, who are
This technique consists of building a tures and brusque weather changes, working with the FAO in an urban
shallow (20 cm) pool, which is filled with • keeps the soil temperature constant, agriculture project. Here, the mulch
a nutritional solution; on top of this, seed which in urban areas helps prevent bad material is used to protect the harvest
trays or plastic bottles are placed horizon- odours on patios and terraces caused by during the winter to prevent the plants
tally, and filled with substratum, in which decomposing organic material from flowering too soon. The plants that
seeds are planted. This facilitates irriga- • maintains soil structure, since in pots or have early flowers are damaged by the
tion and fertilisation. Currently, it is containers the soil or substratum tends cold during the beginning of spring. The
possible to cultivate all types of horticul- to become compact due to the impact of mulch also helps keep the strawberry
tural and ornamental plants, indepen- water drops from rain and irrigation plants in the fields clean by protecting
dently of the end system that is chosen: • saves water: mulching conserves moisture them from soil particles when it rains.
nutritional solution, substratum or soil. in the soil, preventing evaporation
• reduces the intensity of maintenance SOLAR TENTS IN THE ALTIPLANO
work, since it helps prevent the prolifer- OF THE ANDES
Gilda Carrasco.

ation of weeds. In cities characterised by low tempera-

The material used to make mulch from tures, frost, hailstorms, snowstorms and
plant remains can be found on the patios scarce availability of water during much
or on nearby land including places where of the year, agricultural production in
municipal garbage is dumped. Grass open fields is very difficult. Still one can
cuttings, newspapers, ground-up paper, find urban and periurban agriculture
dry leaves, and other plant-based here. It is possible to overcome the limita-
materials are excellent sources of mulch tions imposed by nature, by building
for home gardens. protected environments or greenhouses.
In the Altiplano they are also called solar
The time of year to apply the mulch tents, and some families with more affec-
Broccoli in two cell sizes
depends on the results that one wants. tion for the Aymara language call them
Floating seedbeds must be located in a The application of mulch as an insulation “juntu uta”, which means warm house.
protected environment that is free of between the soil and the air moderates They provide an alternative space for
frost, so if located in the open air they are the soil temperature. This means that the growing fruits and vegetables, aromatic
placed under a tunnel of polyethylene, or soils that are mulched in the summer will plants, medicinal plants, flowers and
they are placed within a greenhouse. In a be fresher than those without any other crops.
protected environment, the temperature coverage. In winter, mulching prevents
conditions allow for an earlier and more the soil from freezing deeply, acting as a
uniform emergence of the seeds planted layer of insulation. With a lot of wind,
in the seedbed. Mulch has been used for decades in tradi- a tunnel-type tent is
tional agriculture and was recently recast
If a small farmer has to produce, for as a part of urban agriculture. Aside form
example, 500 lettuces per week, he will the advantages that it offers in terms of
need to seed two seedbeds per week. Each caring for and protecting UPA crops, the The Municipal Government of El Alto, the
seedbed costs USD 4 to produce and lasts different kinds of mulch can be combined third most populous city of Bolivia, and
at least two years. The procedure can be in order to enhance the aesthetic beauty the FAO (supported by Belgium) have
simply and easily adapted to the farmer’s of crops. In the city of Medellin, 200 together been implementing this
conditions: if he has a small greenhouse urban farmers, beneficiaries of the technology since 2003 at an altitude of
or plastic tunnel, the seedbed could be emergency project of the FAO and the more than 4000 metres above sea level.
located there, or if he just has a plastic Italian Cooperation in Colombia, grow The solar tents accumulate heat during
structure or a small shed, he could install eggplants and peppers on wooden beds or the day and give it off slowly during the
the transplanting area in this location. recycled containers in their family night, in this way avoiding frosts and low
gardens. They use straw and grass temperatures that could damage the
MULCHING: PROTECTING CROPS mulching cut into little pieces to prevent crops. It is important to remember that
Mulching technology has long-proven the soils from dehydrating in the high low and high temperatures do not allow
benefits and is especially recommendable temperatures. This technology has been for the normal development of crops. In
for urban agriculture in arid or desert promoted by the FAO through commu- the greenhouse, the growth of the crops is
areas of Latin America. The technology nity farms or Demonstrative and Training accelerated. The following are some of
comes from old research on crop manage- Centres (DTC), where technicians use the many advantages of this system.

December 2007 53
1. The yields are greater because a larger In training workshops undertaken in some pests that have to be controlled
quantity of products are obtained in less 2004, 10 solar tents were built by all of with a more effective treatment. In their
space; up to 50 plants of different the participating farmers. At the begin- own homes, farmers can make simple
species have been planted per square ning, the production was done collec- preparations from plants to control small
metre, using all of the interior space of tively, but some started replicating the outbreaks of insects.
the tent. technique in their family gardens, by
2. It improves the quality of the crops, adapting their domestic area for the solar Nowadays, there are many recommended
because it reduces certain problems like tent. Farmers and the technical team ways to achieve the holistic management
pests and diseases. reached the conclusion that the key of pests and diseases. Many of these have
3. Temperature and humidity can be aspect of production within the solar been scientifically proven to be effective,
controlled, primarily because inside the tents is management: maintaining proper and many are the product of traditional
greenhouse water does not evaporate temperature and humidity, keeping a know-how and experience. There is still
rapidly. schedule of when to open and close doors much research and field testing that needs
4. Different production systems can be and windows, and above all carefully to be done with these formulas; however,
used. Hydroponics has also produced handling the agrofilm. Taking care of all the most important innovation has been
good results in solar tents, and there- of these items will allow a tent to have a the change in attitude of the urban
fore the crops can be organic and/or useful life of at least 10 years. farmers regarding the use of sustainable
hydroponic. and cleaner technologies in the phytosan-
The solar tents are just normal green- itary management of the crops. There has
houses with walls made by adobe blocks Spreading the concept is been a clear trend towards the use of local
and black bodies made by painted bottles biodegradable and more economical
full of water. Experience shows that in
important but public inputs.
areas with a lot of wind, a tunnel-type policies are necessary
tent is recommendable, (10 metres long CONCLUSIONS
and 4 metres wide), while the model The problem of frost and low tempera- Urban and periurban agriculture provides
attached to the house performed best. tures can be reasonably managed using food and income and is therefore impor-
disposable plastic bottles painted black, tant for poverty alleviation. Urban and
Juan Jose Estrada

barrels of boiled water, thick and dark periurban agriculture can have an impor-
covers, rustic sawdust stoves and other tant impact on the food and nutritional
methods. security of urban families if the produc-
tion yield in family and community
PLANT-BASED BIOPESTICIDES gardens can be guaranteed. This requires
In the San Vicente neighbourhood in appropriate and simple technologies that
Tunjuelito near Bogota, Colombia, 25 are low cost, easily adopted and replicated
urban producers, supported by the FAO by the farmers, , and above all environ-
Telefood fund, grow garlic in the grooves mentally safe. This is how Chilean,
Inside the solar tent. Hydroponic and
of their wooden beds and containers. Uruguayan, Colombian and many other
organic farming They use the garlic extract in dry times to urban farmers in the world, in the
control mildew on potatoes and tomatoes, described cases supported by the FAO,
Juan Jose Estrada

and to repel slugs and other leaf eaters. have managed to validate cleaner, innova-
tive and appropriate production
In a family garden or when raising small techniques that facilitate the incorpora-
animals, there are always micro-organ- tion of food production in their household
isms and invertebrates that threaten the dynamics. This has allowed them to,
proper development of the plant or above all, reap good harvests that they
animal species. This is a problem even in consume at their tables, exchange with
the city, where the presence of these neighbours, and even sell in local markets.
organisms may be more limited, but
where their management has to be more 1) Visit
Hanging tent. Municipality of El Alto, Bolivia.
Household micro-garden project GCP/ rigorous and properly-done to prevent tecno.htm
BOL/035/BEL the intoxication of people and animals, References
the pollution of water and soil sources Carrasco, Gilda; Izquierdo, Juan. 2005. Manual
técnico. Almaciguera flotante para la producción de
The materials used by the urban farmers and damage to property through the alm·cigos hortícolas. Universidad de Talca - FAO.
in El Alto are low cost and available misuse of agro-toxins. (Technical Manual for floating seedbeds). On-line
in Spanish at:
locally. The walls are built with stones,
mud and adobe, the roof has a wooden In household and urban agriculture, flota.pdf
frame using mainly logs and a few strips daily monitoring is the best prevention,
of wood, and the roof covering is however when there are sudden temper-
polyethylene agrofilm (with 250 micras ature changes in the crops, this can
of UV protection). trigger a growth in the population of

54 UA-Magazine
The Suburban Farm: An innovative
model for civic agriculture
Innovative US developers are

Nevin Cohen
integrating farmland into their
residential areas (subdivisions),
providing space for food
production and linking residents
to their farmer-neighbours,
with positive consequences for
both. Suburban farms can be an
important part of a sustainable
regional food system.

Farming is an integral part of Prairie Crossing

rowing concerns about the negative Civic agriculture includes flexibly THE FARMING SUBDIVISION
environmental and social impacts organised farms and food producers, The farming subdivision is an innovative
of the agro-industrial food system including urban farms. On the retail side, response to the desire to foster civic
have led to the rise of an opposi- civic agriculture comprises various forms agriculture. A small but growing number
tional movement promoting alternative of direct marketing, such as farmers’ of residential developers are producing
food systems, shortened food chains, or markets, community supported agricul- housing subdivisions designed from the
what is broadly defined as civic agriculture ture (CSA), or cooperative production and start to include working farms (Munoz,
(Feagan, 2007; Lyson, 2000). Civic agricul- distribution, all of which closely connect 2007). These farmland subdivisions are
ture implies a commitment on the part of food producers and consumers. geographically dispersed, and are built in
producers and consumers to developing both suburban and more rural locations.
and strengthening a sustainable system of CIVIC AGRICULTURE AND CIVIC The type of farming practiced varies, too,
agriculture and food production and SPACE from simple haying to diversified organic
distribution that relies on local resources This civic engagement is critical and is vegetable farming. In comparison to tradi-
and serves local markets. The institutions related to the locality in which civic tional subdivisions, they have numerous
that make up a civic agriculture system are agriculture occurs. Specific spaces that potential environmental benefits,
a part of the local economy, produce and bring producers and consumers together, including land conservation, land restora-
sell food that matches the ecological and like a weekly farmers’ market, can help tion (if organic growing methods are
cultural needs of the community, are restore a sense of community to a city or used), and production of food destined for
small-scale, not capital intensive, and rely town (Feenstra, 2002; Norberg-Hodge et local markets. They also provide social
on the knowledge of the individuals who al., 2002; Allen, 2004). Creating social benefits as well. Residents in develop-
live in a particular place (DeLind, 2002). spaces for civic interaction is an important ments with common spaces report that
part of fostering civic agriculture and the the shared open space in these communi-
creation of successful food system alterna- ties enables them to meet and connect
tives (Feenstra, 2002). And, according to with other people (Plas and Lewis, 1996).
DeLind (2002), civic agriculture has the
potential for “grounding people in By bringing homeowners and farmers
common purpose” and for “nurturing a together in a cohesive community, these
Nevin Cohen, sense of belonging to a place and an types of developments also have the
Eugene Lang College, The New School for organic sense of citizenship.” potential to reduce the physical and
Liberal Arts. New York. USA. emotional distance that has grown
) between consumers and food producers.

December 2007 55
By carving out farmland and farm markets Sandhill Organics’ proximity to its feasibility of integrating organic farmland
in the midst of homes, these communities markets. into the growing number of suburban and
offer spaces for individuals to interact with exurban residential communities being
their neighbours and with the people Residents interact with the farm in a developed across the nation, it is likely to
growing and selling food, thus contrib- variety of ways because the farm is a point move us a small, incremental step towards
uting to the development of a civic agricul- of interest in the Prairie Crossing food system reform. By participating in
ture system. landscape. A walking trail on a rise and supporting alternative agricultural
separating the homes from the farm models, such as communities built around
FARMING VENTURES AT PRAIRIE enables residents to look over the working small farms, both consumers and farmers
CROSSING landscape. The farmers’ market has help to create an opening for more signifi-
Prairie Crossing is a 267 ha residential become an important meeting place for cant restructuring and transformation.
development with 359 single-family the community. Residents can interact
homes and 36 condominiums, located 60 more actively by helping with farm chores. Prairie Crossing is a unique project, the
km north of Chicago (but considered A little over one-quarter of those residents challenge for planners and developers is to
suburban, since many commuters live surveyed reported that they had volun- design truly affordable versions of the
here). It is an excellent example of the teered on the farm at least once (Watson, farming subdivision that accommodate a
farming subdivision. The project was built 2006). diverse population and fit into a wider
on farmland. Designed from the start as a variety of residential communities,
conservation development, it features The owners of Sandhill Organics go so far including older suburbs and urban neigh-
clustered homes and approximately as to say that they have more in common bourhoods undergoing redevelopment.
two-thirds of the land is set aside for open with the people who live in Prairie
space, ecologically-restored wetlands and Crossing than with the handful of nearby Diffusing the farming subdivision innova-
prairie grasslands, two commuter rail farmers they know. They think of tion throughout the residential develop-
stations that connect to Chicago, and (62 themselves first as neighbours to the ment industry would require the educa-
ha) organic farming activities (Prairie people who live in Prairie Crossing and tion of planners and developers about the
Crossing, 2007). second as the community’s farmers. financial feasibility, marketing advantages,
and public benefits of these types of devel-
The area supports Sandhill Organics, CONCLUSIONS opments. The US Green Building Council’s
which is a small, organic, family farm As a farming subdivision, Prairie Crossing Leadership in Energy and Environmental
enterprise, on approximately 16 ha. embodies many of the values of civic Design programme for Neighbourhood
Sandhill Organics relies on a CSA model to agriculture. Farming is an integral part of Development (LEED-ND) has taken a step
sell its produce, with CSA shares providing Prairie Crossing, with homeowners and in that direction by awarding a credit for
approximately 60% of its annual $300,000 farmers interacting as neighbours, friends, projects designed with permanent farms
revenue, and farmers’ market sales and food producers and consumers. and gardens, helping to legitimise and
accounting for another one-third. In Residents have a close physical connection promote the idea of farming subdivisions.
addition to leasing land to Sandhill to the farmland through trails and roads Other organisations, from cooperative
Organics, the subdivision also supports a that border and cross the farm, and have a extension offices to non-profit land trusts,
1.2 ha educational farm on the site that connection to the process of farming. The can educate developers about the value of
works with 375 students from two local farm itself is embedded in the identity of integrating farmland into their projects,
schools. An additional area of farmland the community, serving as an important and the methods by which they can do so.
has been set aside as a beginning farmer common space. In addition, Sandhill
incubator programme, enabling individ- Organics is clearly part of the economy of Spreading the concept of a farming subdi-
uals interested in becoming farmers to the development itself. By growing food vision is important, but public policies are
develop business skills and gain experi- organically, the farmers are meeting the also necessary to make it easy, and cost-ef-
ence on relatively small parcels. The conservation goals of the community as fective, for a developer to build farmland
incubator programme is in its second year, well as satisfying the tastes of Sandhill’s into a residential project. At the federal
with five beginning farmers who have customers. level, federal farm subsidies should be
been recruited through informal networks shifted to smaller-scale fruit and vegetable
growing food on approximately 2 ha An important feature of civic agriculture is growers. State and local governments
parcels a piece. that it is a system of food production should set stricter limits on the develop-
“characterised by networks of producers ment of prime farmland surrounding
Farming in Prairie Crossing, as in many who are bound together by place (Lyson, cities, update zoning ordinances so that
suburbanising communities, presents 2004)”. As one of a growing number of they encourage conservation develop-
logistical challenges. One common organic produce farms in Northern ments, and provide financial assistance to
concern, according to Sandhill Organics, is Illinois, Sandhill Organics is an integral developers who preserve, restore and
that the agricultural infrastructure does part of the region’s diverse, civic network enhance the value of the farmland on their
not exist in this community in the way it of family farmers. properties.
would in a more rural community. On the
other hand, farming in a more densely If Prairie Crossing does nothing more than
populated community also has its advan- to increase the connection of residents to
tages. Among the biggest advantage is their food system and demonstrate the References on page 58 u

56 UA-Magazine
Innovative livestock-keeping in
Ethiopian cities
As urbanisation increases

Wolfang Bayer
in Ethiopia, city dwellers are
responding in innovative ways to
problems of high unemployment
and opportunities of high market
demand by growing crops and
raising animals. Many people in
poor families, especially women
and youth, take these initiatives
because they already knew
farming before they migrated to
town, or they learned it from others
who were farming in town.

A donkey can earn income through fetching water, flour and other goods

I rrigated vegetable farming in Addis

Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, is now
partly in the formal sector. Eleven
marketing service cooperatives of urban
farmers produced almost 12,000 tons of
Poor urban families that have little to
invest usually start with chickens, which
need little space, find their feed almost
anywhere and bring quick returns for
immediate needs. A local chicken costs
encourage urban dwellers, especially the
poor and formally unemployed, to raise
“fast-return” animals. In some cases, even
some technical advice and veterinary
services are provided for urban livestock-
vegetables for the city market in 2006 about 25 Ethiopian Birr (roughly 3 USD). keepers.
(Addis Ababa City Government 2006). In Families with a bit more money for initial
contrast, livestock production is mainly in investment (about 50 USD) buy a donkey, Most of the urban farmers, however, still
the informal sector. The forms of which can earn income through fetching have to depend primarily on their own
livestock-keeping differ depending on the water, flour and other goods. knowledge and ingenuity. Faced with
space and initial capital available. many problems of keeping animals in the
Livestock-keepers in the larger towns cities, they have been obliged to find
SPECIES FOR SPACES face problems in obtaining feed and innovative ways of obtaining animal feed,
Households with more living space keep water for their animals. Another problem water and medicines.
dairy cows, sheep, goats, or oxen for is conflicts with neighbours because of
fattening, sometimes combined with bees the smell of the animals and the manure. Some urban farmers collect residues
and poultry. Poorer households with less Ruminants (cattle, sheep and goats) often from local beer-making, flour-mill dust,
space – usually in rented rooms, with have intestinal problems because, to grain residues etc to use as feed. Some
several people living in one room – keep supplement their daily rations, they collect grass or tree foliage from woody
only one or two sheep or goats, or a scavenge in urban wastes and sometimes areas in and around the town. Others
donkey or chickens. eat indigestible plastics. access feed by taking waste from
vegetable markets; this also helps to keep
INNOVATION BY NECESSITY the marketplaces clean.
Hailu Araya, Alemayehu Ayalew, In many large regional towns and cities in
Azeb Werqu and Nigusie HaileMariam Ethiopia, e.g. Mekelle in Tigray Region, Only better-off urban dwellers can afford
Institute for Sustainable Development, the municipal governments are gaining to give tap water to their animals.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia interest in urban farming. As part of their
) poverty-reduction programmes, they Continued on page 58 u

December 2007 57
u From page 57
Although the water of rivers and streams
Yilma Getachew 1950-2007
is often polluted, many poorer livestock-
keepers use these sources, but they prefer
to use springs. Some have innovated by
feeding residues from local beer-making,
which have high water content.

Most urban farmers of rural origin have

traditional knowledge about treating
animal diseases, e.g. chopping and mixing
local plants to control lice in chickens; or
using the flesh of Ire (an Aloe species) to
treat bloat in cattle. Some farmers without
traditional knowledge use modern
(chemical) human medicines such as
Ampicillin and Tetracycline as an
immediate measure for sick sheep or goats.

People who keep large ruminants

(especially cattle) sell the manure for use
as fuel or compost, or use it at home to
reduce their fuel expenses. Youth groups
Yilma Getachew, sharing experiences on vegetable farming in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
collect manure and other urban waste
from city streets and compounds and
make compost that they either use in It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of Yilma Getachew who passed
gardening or sell to other growers of away in 2007. For all those of us who were fortunate enough to have worked with
vegetables or flowers. such a dignified and knowledgeable practitioner, there is no questioning the prolific
role that Yilma played in the development of urban agriculture, as an activist,
RURAL LEARNING FROM URBAN researcher, teacher, innovator and pioneer of the urban field. With over thirty years
LIVESTOCK-KEEPERS of work experience as a researcher, lecturer, rural development practitioner and
Innovations made by urban people are writer Yilma dedicated his life to food security issues and in particular the develop-
showing also rural people new possibili- ment of innovative grass root technologies in both the rural and urban settings. But
ties. Grazing by unattended livestock is a his greatest passion was the small food-producing garden. Growing walls, container
problem in many parts of rural Ethiopia. gardening, intercropping with legumes, basket composting, manure tea and organic
Without extension support, urban waste recycling were some of the technologies that he promoted but always holisti-
livestock-keepers have developed systems cally and in one garden or on one plot. Yilma’s greatest challenge was to develop
of tethering and cut-and-carry feeding. gardens that could sustain poor families on the smallest possible plot size, using an
Government extension agencies use these approach that Yilma referred to as bio-intensive gardening. His own homegarden in
urban examples to show farmers living Addis Ababa bore testament to this approach.
near towns the importance of controlled A. Adam-Bradford
grazing. Also the innovative feedstuffs
such as vegetable wastes provide
examples to rural farmers.

In some cases, the women’s and youth u From page 56

groups keeping livestock in towns, e.g. in
Allen, P. 2004. Together at the table: Sustainability California Press.
Addis Ababa and in some municipalities and sustenance in the American agrifood system. Lyson, T. A. 2004. Civic agriculture: Reconnecting
in Tigray Region, have been successful in Penn State Press. farm, food, and community. Tufts University Press.
DeLind, L. B. 2002. Place, work, and civic agriculture: Munoz, S. S. 2007. For sale: Condo with chicken
building up their animal numbers. Some Common fields for cultivation. Agriculture and coop. Wall Street Journal Online. May 18, 2007.
youth have accumulated so many animals Human Values 19, (3): 217-224. Norberg-Hodge, H., T. Merrifield, and S. Gorelick.
Feagan, Robert. The place of food: Mapping out the 2002. Bringing the food economy home. Kumarian
that they want to go back to rural areas to 'local' in local food systems. Progress in Human Press Bloomfield, Conn.
have easier access to feed and more space Geography 31, (1) (2007/2/1): 23-42. Plas, Jeanne, and Susan Lewis. 1996. Environmental
Feenstra, G. 2002. Creating space for sustainable factors and sense of community in a planned town.
for the livestock. This illustrates the cycles food systems: Lessons from the field. Agriculture and American Journal of Community Psychology 24, (1)
of innovation and development in urban Human Values 19: 99-106. (02/12): 109-143.
Hinrichs C.C. 2000. Embeddedness and local food Prairie Crossing Holdings Corporation. Prairie
farming that can even lead to urban-to- systems: Notes on two types of direct agricultural Crossing - A conservation community. in Prairie
rural migration. market. Journal of Rural Studies 16, : 295-303. Holdings Corporation. Grayslake, IL, 2007. http://
Kloppenburg, J., J. Hendrickson, and GW Stevenson.
1996. Coming in to the foodshed. Agriculture and Watson, JS. 2006. Preservation of the environment
Human Values 13, (3): 33-42. and open space through free market housing incen-
Reference Lawson, L. J. 2005. City Bountiful: A century of tives. University of Illinois at Chicago.
Addis Ababa City Government. 2006. Urban community gardening in America. University of
Agriculture Department Report. Addis Ababa.

58 UA-Magazine
Facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships: which is published under another title. Since the last edition,
Lessons from PROLINNOVA the number and type of organisations that apply communica-
Critchley W, Verburg M & van Veldhuizen L (eds). 2006. tive strategies to foster change and development in agriculture
Silang, Cavite, Philippines: International Institute of Rural and resource management has become much more varied.
Reconstruction (IIRR). 55pp. This book is aimed at those who use communication to
Small-scale farmers often have good ideas, but in order facilitate change in agriculture and resource management.
to maximise the rewards, these ideas need to be shared. It consists of 6 parts, including part one on “Rethinking
To address this, the Prolinnova programme brings multi- Extension” and part three on innovation as a process of
stakeholder partnerships to the fore. It proposes that effec- network building, social learning and negotiation.
tive collaboration between farmers, researchers, extension
staff and marketing professionals is essential in turning Grassroots innovation
a good idea into an innovation with widespread benefits. ILEIA. 2000. ILEIA Newsletter 16 (2). ILEIA, POB 2067,
This concise booklet looks at ways to foster participatory NL-3800 CB Amersfoort, Netherlands. 40pp. Downloadable
innovation development (PID) at a regional, national and at:
global level, drawing on lessons from Prolinnova projects in This special issue of the ILEIA Magazine (now the LEISA
Africa and Asia. Development professionals interested in the Magazine) is devoted to indigenous experimentation and
mechanics of agricultural innovation and management will innovation in agriculture and natural resource management,
find this a useful, readable resource. including local innovation in communication about farmers’ innovations. It is also available in French and Spanish.

Recognising local innovation: experiences of PROLINNOVA Documentary: "Another world is plantable!"

partners Buenos Aires, Berlin, Cape Town
Wettasinha C, Wongtschowski M & Waters-Bayer A (eds). In the film series, "Another World is Plantable!", community
2006. Silang, Cavite, Philippines: International Institute of gardens in different parts of the world are presented. At the
Rural Reconstruction (IIRR). 64pp core of the film series are the activists from the community
Although far-removed from the high-tech laboratories gardens, the gardens themselves, and the visions the activists
of formal academia, small-scale farmers are agricultural have of them. They recount how and why their gardens are
researchers in their own right and as sources of creativity and not just green oases in the middle of the city, but projects that
good ideas, they should be admired as valuable partners in bring into being 'another world'. Please visit:
innovation. This Prolinnova booklet aims to raise the profile
of these talented farmers. Four case studies (Ghana, Ethiopia mentarfilme.html
and two from South Africa) are complemented by sections on
identifying, celebrating and sharing innovations from both PTD/PID Circular
men and women, laying the foundations for a new era of This is a periodic update on participatory technology/innova-
farmer-led participatory research. tion development, aiming to make experiences on farmer innovation, participatory technology and innovation develop-
ment in ecologically-oriented agriculture and natural resource
Farmer innovation in Africa: A source of inspiration for management more widely known to development practi-
agricultural development tioners. The circular is published under the PROLINNOVA
Reij C & Waters-Bayer A (eds). 2001. Earthscan, 120 Pentonville global partnership programme (see separate rubric in this
Rd, London N1 9BR, UK ( 362pp. section). The main part of the circular is an annotated bibli-
One of Africa’s major untapped resources is the creativity of its ography of publications, including “grey” reports on work
own farmers. This is the main message of this volume of studies in progress. It also reports on past and upcoming events
on how, despite adverse conditions and lack of appropriate (workshops, training activities, exchange meetings etc.)
external support, small-scale farmers – both men and women on-going programmes and networking activities. Back issues
– have experimented and innovated in order to improve their of the circular are archived at PROLINNOVA’s website at
livelihoods. Numerous lively examples show how a participa- Contact Chesha
tory approach to agricultural research and development – one Wettasinha at or
that builds on local knowledge and initiatives – can stimulate to subscribe to the circular.
the creativity of all involved, not only the farmers. This rich
source of case studies has been written primarily by African Impacts of Urban Agriculture, Highlights of Urban Harvest
extensionists, researchers and farmers to document and analyse research and development, 2003-2006
their experiences and to inspire other development workers, Organised within a research framework that encompasses the
researchers, policymakers, students and teachers. themes of Ecosystem Health, Livelihoods and Markets and
Stakeholder and Policy Analysis and Dialogue, Urban Harvest
Communication for rural innovation: Rethinking agricul- presents the impacts of innovative work undertaken in Africa,
tural extension (third edition) Asia and Latin America to enhance, the food, nutrition and
Leeuwis C (with contribution from A. van den Ban) 2004. income security of the urban poor through agriculture.
Blackwell Publishing, CTA
This book is the third edition of “Agricultural Extension”,

Books / Web sites
Unlocking farmers’ potential: Institutionalising farmer knowledge as an important part of the development process.
participatory research and extension in Southern Ethiopia Farmer Led Documentation (FLD) is an empowering process
Eijgu Jonfa & Waters-Bayer A. 2005. London: FARM-Africa. in which local communities take the lead role in the documen-
46pp. ISBN: 1 904029 06 X. tation process.
This second publication in FARM-Africa’s Project Experiences
Series draws from work carried out by FARM-Africa and The potential of using composted municipal water in agricul-
partners to incorporate Farmer Participatory Research into the ture: The case of Accra, Ghana
activities of government organisations involved in developing Hofny-Collins AH. 2006. Uppsala, Sweden: SLU Service/Repro
and disseminating agricultural technologies. The publication This thesis addresses the relationship between urban waste
presents the key elements that supported the institutionalisa- and agriculture using an interdisciplinary systems approach.
tion process and the challenges that stemmed from working The economic, socio-cultural and political and environmental
within bureaucratic procedures. With its focus on the lessons potential for using municipal waste compost (MWC) in urban
generated by the project, the booklet is essential reading and periurban agriculture in Accra, Ghana, was explored from
for those working to institutionalise Farmer Participatory different stakeholder perspectives.
Research in Ethiopia and beyond. Available to download at: Innovative ways of engaging the private sector in provi-
sion of municipal services with special reference to selected
Farmer-centred innovation development: Experiences and Sub-Saharan African countries
challenges from South Asia Osiche M. 2007. In: Local Governance and Development
Kolff A, van Veldhuizen L & Wettasinha C (eds). 2005. Bern: Journal Volume I, Number I, June 2007. Harare, Zimbabwe:
Intercooperation. 155pp. ISBN 984-32-2674-7 Sable Press
Various projects and programmes of Intercooperation (IC) in The paper examines the role of the private sector in municipal
South Asia promote farmer-centred development of innova- development in Africa. Although the paper is written in a
tions towards sustainable NRM. Approaches such as PTD, conceptual manner, the use of case studies makes it a more
farmer-led experimentation, and farmer-oriented extension practical subject with a number of pragmatic lessons to be
through Farmer Field Schools are applied in different ways, learnt. The discourse identifies the extent, mechanisms and
depending on the institutional capacities, partnerships and conditions for the efficacy of private sector involvement.
prevailing farming systems. In November 2004, IC organised a
regional workshop at which representatives of these projects Food and the city in Europe since 1800
and programmes shared their experiences from Bangladesh, Atkins P, Lummel P, Oddy DJ. 2007. United Kingdom: Antony
India, Nepal and Pakistan. This publication is based on Rowe Ltd.
the proceedings and papers of this regional workshop and There has been a rapid urbanisation throughout Western Europe
provides substantial documentation of the approaches used since the nineteenth century. Bringing together studies from
and the lessons learned. across the continent, this edited volume looks at the impact
this urbanisation has had upon diets and food systems over the
Enabling innovation: A practical guide to understanding and past 200 years. It stresses the fundamental links between food
fostering technological change systems, food cultures and food politics on one hand and the key
Boru Douthwaite. 2002. ZED Books, 7 Cynthia St, London changes in European social history on the other.
N1 9JF, UK (
ISBN 1 85649 972 3. 266pp. Producer organisations and market chains: Facilitating
An agricultural engineer takes a critical look at his research trajectories of change in developing countries
work in Asia in designing technologies for and with small- Edited by: Giel T, Bijman J, Oorthuizen J. 2007.
scale rice farmers, and reflects on the many failures in devel- 320pp – paperback – ISBN-13: 978-90-8686-048-7
oping “appropriate technology” when there is no awareness The role of producer organisations in market chains has
of the social processes involved in innovation and technology received increasing attention in recent years, both from
diffusion. The final chapter is a guide to launching a “learning governments and donors. In UA-Magazine no. 17 urban
selection” approach to understanding and catalysing techno- experiences were discussed and in 2008 we will seek to
logical change. focus more on market chains. This book presents various
approaches to support producer organisations in terms of
Farmer-led documentation for sustainable agriculture and providing economic services to their members, with a focus
natural resource management on developing countries. Markets are increasingly fragmented
Ruter D, Wuhib E, Lutalo SG, Chavez J. 2007. Kampala, in value chains that link farmers with specific processors,
Uganda: Ashek Systems. retailers and consumer segments. Several contributions in this
Successful development of sustainable agriculture and natural book analyse these dynamics in specific value chains, such
resource management depends on the effective interaction as the fair trade and organic agriculture and their potential
between knowledge and experiences of local farmer commu- to provide market outlets for smallholder farmers. This book
nities with expertise of development agents. Development is the result of a Dutch partnership between policy makers,
organisations are therefore documenting and sharing local researchers and practitioners organised in a platform called

Web sites
Prolinnova is an international NGO-led initiative to build a The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition Policies
global learning and advocacy network on promoting local and Strategies (FSN) is an on-line community whose
innovation in ecologically oriented agriculture and NRM. members share experiences, identify resources, provide
The focus is on the dynamics of indigenous knowledge, and peer coaching and support and find collective solutions to
on how research, extension and other actors in development food security and nutrition issues, focusing on policies. It is
can strengthen the capacities of farmers to adjust to changing supported by the FAO.
conditions: to develop and adapt their own site-appropriate
systems and institutions of resource management. Country/
regional programmes have been built up in Bolivia, Burkina The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam is an
Faso, Cambodia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, independent centre of knowledge and expertise in the
Nepal, Niger, Peru, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania areas of international and intercultural cooperation. The
and Uganda, supported by the International Institute of Rural KIT Information Portal – Rural Innovations Systems (RIS)
Reconstruction (IIRR) in the Philippines, ETC EcoCulture – provides access to free, full-text electronic documents on
and the Centre for International Development at the Free RIS, both as an analytical concept and a development tool.
University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. It is also a unique entry point for all other Internet sources
on RIS, including newsletters, discussion groups, websites, bibliographic databases, and directories of organisations and
Here you will find information about the ongoing work of projects. The Institute is a not-for-profit organisation that
Urban Harvest, the CGIAR system-wide initiative on urban works for both the public and the private sector in collabora-
and periurban agriculture. Available in both English and tion with partners in the Netherlands and abroad.
Spanish, the website explains the aims of Urban Harvest and
focuses on its activities in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It
contains a photo gallery and links to other relevant organiza- The Sustainable Food Center (SFC) supports and is active
tions, and highlights current research and documentation in local food system development in the USA. SFC teaches
in the field of urban agriculture. A new webpage is currently sustainable food gardening practices to children and adults;
under construction. organises markets for locally grown produce in urban areas
accessible to low-income residents; donates produce to area food pantries, and develops training courses for individuals and
UPWARD (Users' Perspectives With Agricultural Research and institutions on how to prepare healthy and affordable meals.
Development) is an Asian network of scientists and develop-
ment specialists working to increase participation by farmers
and other users of agricultural technology in research and Periurban regions in Europe are facing extreme pressure
development. The UPWARD website provides news and infor- on their rural areas. The balance between sustainable open
mation resources on participatory research and development space, sustainable agriculture and urban spatial and economic
and innovations for sustainable root-crop livelihoods. dynamics needs to be re-established. This demands a combi-
nation of European, national and regional policy strategies and objectives. Therefore it is essential to recognise the
The Centre for Information on Low-External-Input and specific periurban agenda in the new European regulations on
Sustainable Agriculture (ILEIA) is an independent organi- rural development and structural funds. Purple consists of the
sation that seeks to contribute to alleviating poverty by regions Mazovia, Ile de France, Flanders, SE England, Dublin
promoting agro-ecological approaches. Documentation, region and Regio Randstad.
analysis and publication of successful experiences in low-ex-
ternal input and sustainable agriculture (LEISA) are the major
activities. The website provides access to large, searchable On this website on permaculture in Chile you can find and
databases on LEISA and PTD. download folders describing practices of intensive organic
gardening. Downloading is free, but a commitment to work on a garden or distribute this information to at least two other
Honeybee Network is a global initiative to give voice to gardeners is requested.
creative and innovative people at the grassroots level. The
Honeybee Network is run by SRISTI (Society for Research
and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions) SUSPER is dedicated to enhancing food security and
in India. The Network has an online database of innovations, strengthening and promoting technical and institutional
primarily from India but also from other countries. Honeybee issues relating to periurban agriculture. The project works in
tries to connect innovators with each other through communi- four Southeast Asian cities: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City,
cation and networking in local languages. Innovations can be Phnom Penh and Vientiane.
submitted via the innovation registry form on the website and,
after verification, will be added to the innovation database. Urban Grown
This is the newsletter of the Kansas City Center for Urban

Books / Web sites
2008 International Year of Sanitation Water and Sanitation in International Development and
On the occasion of the launch of the International Year of Disaster Relief, (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
Sanitation (IYS) on November 21st 2007 in New York the May 28-30 2008
partners of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance agreed to come This International workshop is sponsored by UNESCO and
up with a short press statement of the SuSanA, which can be organised by the University of Edinburgh. A broad range of
found at: issues will be discussed, which will be published in proceedings
and an edited book. For more information
13th World Forestry Congress (Buenos Aires, Argentina) uk/water_and_sanitation_2008
18-25 October 2009
The conference theme will be "Forests in development - Workshop on Rethinking Impact -
a vital balance". You may visit for more infor- Capturing the Complexity of Poverty and Change
mation. (Cali, Colombia)
26-28 March 2008
14th International Symposium on Society and Resource The objective of the workshop is to draw from the experiences
Management (ISSRM) (Burlington, USA) of professionals from multiple disciplines of natural and social
10-14 June 2008 sciences regarding evaluation of research aimed at poverty
ISSRM is the official annual meeting of the International reduction, social inclusion and sustainable development, with
Association for Society and Natural Resources. The theme of particular interest in new methods and metrics and impact
the 2008 Symposium, which will be held at the University of assessment efforts supporting learning. For more information:
Vermont in Burlington, is "People and Place: Linking Culture
and Nature", and will focus on the human dimensions of
environmental and natural resources issues. Abstracts are due Pollinating our Future, urban agriculture conference
by 8 February 2008. For more information: (Milwaukee, USA) 28 February – 1 March 1 2008
This conference invites everybody interested in urban agricul-
2008 Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities ture to participate and share needs, experiences, questions, and
Conference, Awards & Trade Show (Baltimore, USA) project ideas. Leading urban agricultural experts from around
April 30 - May 2, 2008 North America will participate in a series of forums, workshops,
The conference will raise awareness of the many benefits of exhibitions, presentations, videos and networking opportunities
green roofs, share new research findings, provide information leading up to the actual conference to take place on March 1,.
on the latest designs, implementation techniques and products, For more information:
and broaden networks while working towards building more
sustainable cities through green roof implementation. For more
information: FAO-IWMI-RAID Second African Forum on Irrigation and Drainage & Regional Workshop on `Informal irrigation:
importance and prospects in West and Central Africa'
Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes (Berlin, Germany) (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
6-9 April 2008 7 - 8 February 2008
The conference will bring together scientific expertise on The Regional Association on Irrigation and Drainage for West
impact assessment, land use and landscape research, environ- and Central Africa (RAID) will host the forum, which will offer a
mental economics, agriculture, forestry, rural sociology, urbani- platform for exchanging experiences and fostering dialogue.
sation and the science policy interface. The conference is meant More information can be found at the RAID website
for researchers, political decision makers at national and inter- ( or you may contact the
national levels and professionals. For more information: http:// Secretariat at During the forum, a regional workshop will be organised jointly by FAO, IWMI and
RAID, with the main objectives of making a situation analysis of
European Climate Conference Rovigo 2008 Climate Protection informal irrigation in a few African countries and contributing
and Renewable Energy: Medium and Small Communities to the development of joint inventory methodologies to assess
facing the Challenge (Rovigo, Italy) its extent, performance and impacts. In addition, the regional
2 – 4 April 2008 workshop will make specific proposals for the sustainable
This conference is a capacity-building event that aims to development of informal irrigation in West and Central Africa.
transfer good practice and know-how from experienced local
governments to medium and small communities who are Growing Power Workshop Series
currently starting up with climate protection or busy revising (Milwaukee, USA)
their local action plans. The event is jointly organized by the January- May 2008
Province of Rovigo (Italy) and ICLEI –Local Governments for Growing Power is offering two workshops: Growing Your
Sustainability, as a follow-up to the conference ‘A Future with Community Food System "From the Ground Up" and Growing
Zero CO2 Emissions’ held in Stockholm in 2006. Farmers! Commercial Urban Agriculture Training Programme.
More details, or contact: The latter training programme will be offered January 12-13, February 16-17, March 15-16, April 19-20, and May 10-11, 2008.

You will learn how to build a profitable farm by developing a SPIN Cities: Farming Where We Live
business plan. For more information: (Milwaukee, WI, U.S.A)
February 28 and 29, 2008
Urban Agriculture Course – ‘Understanding Urban Agriculture To equip a new generation of farmers with the know-how to
(CVFN 410)’ (Distance learning) farm commercially without having to own much, if any land,
8 January 2008 and without having to make a large financial investment, SPIN
Responding to the demand for training in urban agriculture, organises a training for backyard, front lawn or small lot
ETC-Urban Agriculture and the international network of farmers in urban and peri-urban areas. Wally Satzewich, a
Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food Security veteran urban farmer and developer of SPIN, will show how to
(RUAF) are developing a portfolio of distance education courses replicate his success using this unique sub-acre farming system.
on urban agriculture in partnership with Ryerson University’s The cost is $200. To register, contact Roxanne Christensen at
Centre for Studies in Food Security and 610-505-9189 or or
The Chang School. The courses are offered in two modalities. register online at <http://
An accredited course (as part of Ryerson University's education> . For more on SPIN, see the article in
program), which starts on 8 January 2008 and will run for one this UA magazine on page 25 or go to
semester (14 weeks). And a free and self-paced (independent <outbind://60/> .
learning) course. This course will be offered starting in February
2008. The materials developed for the university courses will
also be offered for free on the RUAF website ( u From page 64
and as a CD-Rom.
Please go to for more • An analysis of the (mix of) strategies that urban producers apply
when faced with water shortages or decreasing water quality and the
information on how to enrol.
technical or organizational innovations they develop in this field
• Stories on successful efforts to create alternative water sources for/
Courses by the Institute for Housing with urban producers (rainwater collection, recycling grey house-
2008 hold water, etc.)
The Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies • Well documented cases on (cost-effective) ways to reduce the water
(IHS) is an international centre of excellence associated with the needs of urban producers
Erasmus University Rotterdam. A new series of executive • Recent experiences with innovative approaches to enhance the safe
courses for managers and decision makers has been announced, recycling of urban water for agriculture
aiming to help them prepare their cities for the future. The • Experiences gained with promoting the integration of agriculture
executive courses, with a duration of 5 to 10 days, include field in integrated sustainable urban water and sanitation management
trips to European cities. For more information: strategies
We would appreciate if you clearly mention in your article where
these experiences have been gained and who were the main actors
IndigenoVeg International policy dialogue workshop involved and the conditions under which the activities were devel-
(Grahamstown, South Africa) oped. The article also should present clearly the impacts achieved,
23-26 January 2008 costs related, problems/challenges encountered and solutions found,
IndigenoVeg is a EU-funded coordinated action partnership to the major lessons learnt and recommendations for practioners and/or
promote the sustainable production of indigenous vegetables planners and policymakers.
through urban and periurban agriculture in Africa. IndigenoVeg
is organising an international policy dialogue workshop on Articles on urban agriculture submitted to the UA-Magazine should
“Production, consumption, poverty alleviation and policy" at consist of approximately 2,300 words (for three-page articles), 1,600
Rhodes University ( Next to joint learning, the words (for two-page articles), or 700 words (for one–page articles),
preferably accompanied by an abstract, references (maximum of 5),
purpose is to explore synergies and opportunities between the
figures and good-quality digital images or photographs. The articles
fields of urban agriculture and distil key policy lessons. For more
should be written in a manner that can be readily understood by a
information: wide variety of stakeholders all over the world. We also invite you to
submit information on recent publications, journals, videos, photo-
Emerging Issues Along Urban-Rural Interfaces II: Linking graphs, cartoons, letters, technology descriptions and assessments,
Land-Use Science and Society workshops, training courses, conferences, networks, web-links, etc.
(Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
9-12 April 2007 Issues of the UA-Magazine planned for 2008
This conference was a natural extension of a similar-themed The following other issues will be produced in 2008 and your ideas
Urban-Rural Interface conference held in 2005 in London, UK. and contribution of articles are already most welcome:
The conference attracted 240 attendees from 16 countries, and No. 21: Role of Urban Agriculture in Emergency Situations and
the many presenters represented a wide spectrum of perspec-
No. 22: Marketing of Urban Agriculture Production and Chain
tives, both academic and non-academic. All of the presentations
made at the conference are available at Of course, all other suggestions and comments on the UA-Magazine
are also welcome. Please take a moment to voice your opinion by
sending a letter or an email to the editor.

Urban Agriculture Magazine Urban
Agriculture Magazine
We invite your contributions to the next two issues of UA-Magazine: Strengthening Urban Producer
ISSN 1571-6244
JULY 2008
Please send us your contribution before: 15 MARCH 2008 No. 19, December 2007

Urban and periurban producers need water (year round or seasonally) for irrigating their crops and UA Magazine is published two times a year by the
provision of drinking water to their animals or fish. Apart from rainwater, other sources of clean water Network of Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture
and Food Security (RUAF), under the Cities Farming
are usually scarce. They use the water of streams and canals (with varying degrees of contamination),
for the Future Programme, which is financed by
shallow or deep wells, pipe-born (potable) water, water collected during the wet season in tanks, DGIS, the Netherlands, and IDRC, Canada.
drums or other storing method, grey water, recycled municipal wastewater (at different stages of treat-
UA Magazine is translated into French, Spanish,
ment) among others. Producers' choices regarding water sources depend on: the intended uses of the Chinese, and Arabic, and distributed in separate
water, available and accessible water sources, the price of the water from each source, their degree of editions through the RUAF regional networks, and
is also available on
contamination and related health risks, the nutrients the water contains, the costs related to the water
lifting, storing and distribution equipment needed, the reliability of the supply, farmers’ knowledge The RUAF Partners are
(e.g. awareness of health risks), among others. • Latin America: IPES Promoción del Desarrollo
Sostenible, Lima Peru; email:;
Magazine in Spanish:
In case of water shortages or decreasing quality of the available water sources (chemical pollution; coli • Frenchspeaking West Africa: IAGU Institut
Africain de Gestion Urbaine, Dakar, Senegal; email:
bacteria and helminths, salt, irregular supply), urban producers may apply various strategies, including:; Magazine in French: www.iagu.
• seeking to enhance access to actual water source org/ruaf/ruafiagufr.php
• complement with -or switch to- other water sources (e.g rainwater collection, use of wastewater) • English-speaking West Africa: International
Water Management Institute, IWMI-Ghana; email:
• seeking to reduce water needs (adapting crop choice or type/number of animals, use of shade nets,
mulching, production in plastic tunnels, applying water-saving irrigation methods, shift to other Website:
production period, etcetera) • East and Southern Africa: MDP Municipal
Development Partnership (MDP); email: ;
These farmers are important in that they provide the perishable vegetables that feed the cities. In a
number of cities around the world, urban producers and other stakeholders engage with policy-makers ture.html
to develop well-integrated sustainable water management strategies that link provision of water for • South and South East Asia: International Water
Management Institute, IWMI-India; email:
various urban uses (including urban and peri-urban agriculture) with recycling, sanitation and urban
environmental management. In Accra, producers, water users, researchers, trainers, NGOs and policy Website:
makers regularly meet and work together in a Multi-Stakeholder Platforms or Learning Alliance, to
• North Africa and Middle East: American
formulate joint vision, strategies, action plans and projects that integrate water, food and environ- University of Beirut, email:;
mental sanitation in the context of sustainable city development . These platforms (or this platform) is Magazine in Arabic:
supported by RUAF and SWITCH. • China: IGSNRR Institute of Geographical Sciences
and Natural Resource Research of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences; email:;
This issue is a collaborative effort of RUAF (, SWITCH (
Magazine in Chinese:
and SuSANa ( SWITCH (Sustainable Water Management • Coordination and Support: ETC Foundation;
Improves Tomorrow’s Cities’ Health) is an EU-funded consortium of 33 partner organisations from email:; Magazine in English: www.
15 countries that are working on innovative scientific, technological and socio-economic options for
sustainable water management in the “City of the Future”. SuSANa, the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance, Editors, No. 19
This issue was compiled by René van Veenhuizen
is an open global competence network of more than 50 organisations active in the field of sustainable (Responsible Editor), together with Will Critchley,
sanitation and developing joint initiatives in support of the UN International Year of Sanitation (2008), Ann Waters Bayer and Chesha Wettasinha of
PROLINNOVA, and Gordon Prain of CIP - Urban
and to contribute to the achievement of the MDGs.

We are interested to receive your article with well documented experiences regarding sustainable Web Editing, Events, and Books
water use in urban and periurban agriculture, especially: Femke Hoekstra and René van Veenhuizen

Continued on page 63 u Administration

Ellen Radstake

Language Editor
In the last issue of the UA-Magazine (no. 18: Building Communities), a question- Catharina de Kat-Reynen
naire was included. The main question in this survey was whether you would like to
Design, Layout and Printing
continue receiving the free hardcopy of the UA-Magazine. We need this information Koninklijke BDU
to clear up our subscriber database: so if you have not done so already, please answer
the questions on the form and send this back to us, or use the form on our website Subscriptions
The editor: We would very much appreciate it if you would
find some time to also fill out the full questionnaire, which can also be done at our Address
Urban Agriculture Magazine
website at P.O. Box 64
Many thanks, we very much appreciate your contribution. 3830 AB Leusden
The Editor The Netherlands
Visitors’ address: Kastanjelaan 5, Leusden.
Tel: +31.33.4326000
Fax: +31.33.4940791
64 UA-Magazine

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