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# Version V3
# Date 12/5/2007 - JBB
# This version includes the addition of the TPL's
# Numbers between 0 and 20 are reserved for internal use in the program Installa
tion Assistant
# Numbers between 21 and 49 are reserved for errors in the program Installation
# All the others numbers can be used for messages in Template files
Msg10 = <font color = "#66FF66">DHCP assigned address</font>
Msg11 = <font color = "red">Static address</font>
# Internal Error Messages
Msg21 = The Smart Wizard is already running. Please stop the last session and re
start the Smart Wizard.
Msg22 = Not Enough Memory
Msg23 = Automat File not found. Application will be closed.
Msg24 = Application Error
Msg25 = A Diagnostic dll was not found
Msg26 = A Diagnostic function was not found
Msg30 = Wireless
Msg31 = Wired
Msg32 = Unknown
AskForCD= Please insert the Smart Wizard CD supplied with your device to continu
# English text for all Smart Wizard HTML pages
Msg40 = <fs=11><ct=0x8f0046>No</ct></fs>
Msg41 = <fs=11><ct=0x8f0046>Yes</ct></fs>
Msg50 = Smart Wizard by NETGEAR
Msg51 = NETGEAR Smart Wizard
Msg52 = STEP:
Msg58 = 20
# Charset
Msg59 = charset=iso-8859-1
# Header Text
Msg60 =
Msg61 =
Msg62 = N150 Wireless Router
Msg63 = Installation Assistant
Msg64 =
Msg68 = Connect with innovation
Msg69 = ®
# Tab Text
Msg70 = 1
Msg71 = 2
Msg72 = 3
Msg73 = 4
Msg75 = 1. Preparation
Msg76 = 2. Router Connections
Msg77 = 3. Router Setup
Msg78 = 4. Register
Msg80 = 1
Msg81 = 2
Msg82 = 3
Msg83 = 4

# Text definitions
# Common Text
Msg100 = Next
Msg101 = Back
Msg102 = Help
Msg103 = Re-try
Msg104 = Exit
Msg105 = Yes
Msg106 = No
Msg107 = Cancel
Msg108 = Change
Msg109 = Manual
Msg110 = Complete
Msg111 = Select
Msg112 = Start
Msg113 = Finished
Msg114 = Setup
Msg115 = Install
Msg116 = Print
Msg117 = Skip
Msg118 = Recheck
Msg119 = Review
Msg120 = WEP64
Msg121 = WEP128
Msg122 = WPA
Msg123 = WPA2
Msg124 = None (Not Recommended)
Msg125 = <b>Replay</b>
Msg126 = <b>Progress</b>
Msg127 = Continue
Msg130 = Select &quot;next&quot; when done.
Msg131 = Select an option and click &quot;next&quot; when done.
Msg132 = Enter the account information then click &quot;next&quot; when done.
Msg133 = Select &quot;Exit&quot; to close window.
# Error Messages
Msg140 = Error entering address. It must have three digits in each entry box. Pa
d with leading zero's.
Msg141 = Username has a maximum of 64 characters. Please re-enter the username.
Msg142 = Password has a maximum of 64 characters. Please re-enter the password.
Msg143 = You must enter a selection before moving to the next screen.
Msg150 = You must fill in every box.
Msg151 = Please enter your first name.
Msg152 = Please enter your last name.
Msg153 = Please enter your complete telephone number.
Msg154 = Please enter an email address NETGEAR can use to contact you.
Msg155 = Please enter your product's serial number from the product bottom label
. You must enter a valid serial number to register your product.
Msg160 = The network name must have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 32 character
s. Please re-enter the network name.
Msg161 = The passphase must have at least eight and the most 63 characters with
no spaces or characters such as ".@#$%^*()+=".
Msg162 = Your password must have a minimum of four characters and a maximum of 3
2 characters.
Msg163 = The SSID must be no more than 32 characters long with no spaces. It can
not contain non standard characters such as ".@#$%^*".
Msg164 = Each field of the IP address must be less than 256 and padded with lead
ing zeros. Example - 001 or 020 or 200.
Msg165 = Your passphase must have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 32 characters.
Please re-enter your passphrase.
Msg166 = Each field of the subnet mask must be less than 256 and padded with lea
ding zeros. Only numbers are allowed. No spaces, letter or decimals. Example - 0
00 or 032 or 248.
Msg167 = The IP address must be 12 digits in length. Each octet must be padded w
ith leading zeros. Only numbers are allowed.
Msg168 = The subnet mask 12 digits in length. Example -
Msg169 = The Default Gateway must be 12 digits in length. Each octet must be pad
ded with leading zeros.
Msg170 = The DNS Server Address must be less than 256 and padded with leading ze
ros. Example - 001 or 020 or 200.
MSg171 = Enter the correct serial number. It is located on the back of the route
# Welcome.tpl
Msg200 = Welcome to the router installation assistant.
Msg201 = Run this CD only on a computer connected to an existing router or modem
with a cable.
Msg202 =
Msg203 =
Msg204 = Next
Msg205 = Select your language:
Msg206 = You need to install a WG111v2 to run the wireless demo.
Msg207 = Install WG111v2
Msg208 = English
# Language Selection
Msg210 = Chinese Simplified
Msg211 = Chinese Traditional
Msg212 = Czech
Msg213 = Danish
Msg214 = English
Msg215 = Finnish
Msg216 = French
Msg217 = German
Msg218 = Hungarian
Msg219 = Italian
Msg220 = Japanese
Msg221 = Korean
Msg222 = Norwegian
Msg223 = Polish
Msg224 = Portuguese
Msg225 = Russian
Msg226 = Slovenian
Msg227 = Spanish
Msg228 = Swedish
Msg229 =
# Network Checking Section Page text
Msg250 = Current Setup
Msg251 = Please wait while we detect your current setup.
Msg252 = These settings will be stored and used later in the setup of your new r
Msg253 = We are done detecting your modem configuration. All is well and you are
ready to start the installation of your new router.
Msg254 = All of the network setting are good to go.
Msg255 = Now we are ready to start the process of putting your new router in the
Msg256 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
Msg260 = Network Adapter
Msg261 = Network Connection
Msg262 = IP Information
Msg263 = Modem Detected
Msg264 = Internet Connection
Msg265 =
Msg266 =
# Page-No-Connection.tpl
Msg270 = Setup Detection
Msg271 = Ethernet connection not detected
Msg272 = You must have an existing physical Ethernet connection from the compute
r to a modem, router, or gateway.
Msg273 = Follow these steps to check the Ethernet connection status:
Msg274 = Check that the modem/router/gateway that the PC is connected to is plug
ged in and turned on.
Msg275 = Check that the lights on the front of that device are green. If the lig
hts are not green, contact your Internet Service Provider or the manufacturer's
user manual.
Msg276 = Check that the cable that connects the modem/router/gateway to the comp
uter is securely inserted both at the modem/router/gateway end and the computer
Msg277 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
Msg278 = Click <b>Skip</b> to install the router without an Internet connection.
Msg279 = If you do not have a modem, you can install the router and use only its
wireless features without connecting to the Internet.
# Warnings.tpl
Msg280 = Before You Start
Msg281 = Review these guidelines.
Msg282 = Before you start the installation of your new router you will need to m
ake sure the following things are done.
Msg283 = NETGEAR only supports connecting one
Msg284 = router
Msg285 = to a
Msg286 = modem
Msg287 = . If a router is already connected to the modem, you will replace it wi
th the new NETGEAR router. If a
Msg288 = gateway
Msg289 = is installed, it will be treated as a modem when you install the new N
ETGEAR router behind the gateway.
# Page_Insert-Stand.tpl
Msg290 = Router Stand
Msg291 = Attach the router stand.
Msg292 = Attach the stand to improve the performance of the router. Keep the top
of the router unobstructed.
;Msg293 = NETGEAR recommends that you do this to help cool the router during use
Msg294 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# CC-1.tpl
Msg300 = Install Router
Msg301 = Remove the Ethernet cable
Msg302 =
Msg303 = Unplug the Ethernet cable at the modem end. Do not remove the other end
of the cable from your computer.
Msg304 =
Msg305 =
Msg306 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
Msg307 =
# CC-0
Msg310 = Modem
Msg311 = Unplug the modem.
Msg312 = Turn off the modem and unplug the power cord.
Msg314 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# CC-6.tpl
Msg320 = Power-On Sequence
Msg321 = Plug in the router power adapter.
Msg322 = Remove the label on the back of your new router.
Msg323 = Take the adapter labeled
Msg326 = from the box and plug it in.
Msg327 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# CC-7.tpl
Msg340 = Power-On Sequence
Msg341 = Connect the power adapter to the router.
Msg342 =
Msg343 = Take the power adapter cord and insert it into the power connection lab
Msg344 = on the new router.
Msg345 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# CC-2.tpl
Msg360 = Cable Connections
Msg361 = Connect the Ethernet cable to the new router.
Msg362 = Remove the label that covers the ports at the back of the router. Inser
t the other end of the cable that is still attached to the computer into the
Msg365 = Ethernet port
Msg366 = marked
Msg367 = on the router so that it clicks into place.
Msg368 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# CC-3.tpl
Msg370 = Cable Connections
Msg371 = Connect the Internet cable.
Msg372 = Locate the cable labeled
Msg373 = in the box and insert it into the
Msg374 = Internet port
Msg375 = labeled
Msg376 = on the new router.
Msg377 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# Page_L-Wired-CC-ModemPlugin.tpl
Msg380 = Install Modem First
Msg381 = Connect and power up the modem
Msg382 = You need to follow the instructions about setting up your
Msg383 = Modem
Msg384 = .
Msg385 = It needs to be setup before you can start setting up your new router. C
lick <b>Next</b> after the modem has been set up.
# CC-4.tpl
Msg390 = Modem Connection
Msg391 = Connect the Internet cable to the modem.
Msg392 = Insert the other end of the cable labeled
Msg393 = into the Ethernet (LAN) port of the modem.
Msg395 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# CC-5.tpl
Msg400 = Power-On Sequence
Msg401 = First, power on the modem.
Msg402 = Power the modem back on. Verify that the modem status lights show that
it is turned on. Wait 2 minutes for the modem to finish starting up.
Msg405 = Click <b>Next</b> when the modem is finished starting up.
# FW_Send_PleaseWait.tpl
Msg420 = Router Update
Msg421 = Router update
Msg422 = Estimated time to complete the transfer is 6 minutes.

# FW_Reset_PleaseWait.tpl
Msg425 = Router Update
Msg426 = The router is resetting.
Msg427 = Estimated time to complete the reset is 2 minutes.
# FW_Send-Fail.tpl
Msg430 = Router Update
Msg431 = Upgrade Error
Msg432 = The update process failed. The is not a problem. You will be able to fi
nish the setup of the router.
Msg433 = It is recommended that you visit the NETGEAR website (WWW.NETGEAR.COM)
after the installation of your new router. You will be able to complete the upda
te manually.
Msg434 = Click <b>Next</b> to finish the setup of your router.
# PleaseWait-WAN_Check.tpl
Msg440 = Internet Detection
Msg441 = The wizard is checking the Internet connection.
Msg442 = Estimated time to complete the detection is 4 minutes.
# Configuring-1.tpl
Msg450 = Internet Setup
Msg451 = Router Internet port setup
Msg452 = Estimated time to complete the setup is 2 minutes.
# Resetting-Router.tpl
Msg460 = Router Configuration
Msg461 = Completing the configuration
Msg462 = Estimated time to complete the configuration is 90 seconds.
Msg463 =
Msg464 =
# PleaseWait-NIC.tpl
Msg470 = Installing NIC
Msg471 = Installing the WG111v2
Msg472 = Please wait while we install the WG111v2 drivers and client software.
Msg473 = This will not take long.
Msg474 = Configuring the wireless settings.
Msg475 = Please wait while we configure the WG111v2 client software.
# SetupRouter.tpl
Msg500 = Network Security
Msg501 = Wireless Name
Msg502 = SSID
Msg503 = Wireless Security:
Msg504 = Name the wireless network.
Msg505 = Wireless Passphrase:
Msg506 = Passphrase
Msg507 = Set up wireless security.
Msg508 = Admin Password
Msg509 = Choose Network<br />Security Level:
Msg510 = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis exerci odio vero, commoveo laoreet sci
sco interdico hendrerit pecus delenit nutus, haero. Dolore in exputo accumsan in
ut persto velit huic torqueo erat commoveo tum quidem vel. Sed, tristique, jugi
s nulla hendrerit regula. Aliquip, ingenium probo modo ventosus paulatim. Dolus,
singularis eu in, jumentum eligo persto.
Msg511 = Enter a value up to 32 characters with no spaces. The name identifies t
he wireless network when connecting other devices. Click on the text field to ch
ange the name. The wireless name is case-sensitive: "NETGEAR" is not the same as
Msg512 = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quis exerci odio vero, commoveo laoreet sci
sco interdico hendrerit pecus delenit nutus, haero. Dolore in exputo accumsan in
ut persto velit huic torqueo erat commoveo tum quidem vel. Sed, tristique, jugi
s nulla hendrerit regula. Aliquip, ingenium probo modo ventosus paulatim. Dolus,
singularis eu in, jumentum eligo persto.
Msg513 = Warning: The passwords do not match. Please re-enter them.
Msg514 = When Enabled, the Wireless Router will broadcast its name (SSID) to all
Wireless Stations. Stations which have no SSID (or a "null" value) can then ado
pt the correct SSID for connections to this Access Point.
Msg515 = Broadcast SSID:
Msg516 = SSID Broadcasting
Msg517 = Encryption Level
MSg518 = Enable
Msg519 = Disable
Msg530 = WEP64&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Msg531 = WEP128&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp
Msg532 = WPA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&n
Msg533 = WPA2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&
Msg534 = WPA/WPA2&nbsp;&nbsp;(Support for both)
Msg535 = None&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(Not Re

Msg550 = <b>Note: All other wireless devices in the network must match the chose
n wireless security and passphrase.</b>
Msg551 = <b>Note: All other wireless devices in the network must match the chose
n wireless security and passphrase.</b>
Msg552 = <b>Note: All other wireless devices in the network must match the chose
n wireless security and passphrase.</b>
Msg553 = <b>Note: All other wireless devices in the network must match the chose
n wireless security and passphrase.</b>
Msg554 = <b>Note: All other wireless devices in the network must match the chose
n wireless security and passphrase.</b>
Msg555 = <b>Note: All other wireless devices in the network must match the chose
n wireless security and passphrase.</b>
Msg556 = The passphrase should be between 8 and 63 characters long. To change th
e default passphrase, click on the text field. When choosing a passphrase, avoid
selecting common words or names or a close variation on a common word or name.
The security of the network relies on the
msg557 = passphrase strength.
Msg558 = <b>Note:</b>
Msg559 = <b>The passphrase cannot contain spaces or non-English characters.</b>
# AdvancedUser.tpl
Msg560 = Shortcut for Experts
Msg561 = Skip the instructions.
Msg562 = If you choose to skip the detailed cable change instructions, you will
have to make all of the connections to the new router yourself.
Msg563 = You will need to make all of the connections to the new router yourself
Msg564 = Click <b>Skip</b> to skip the detailed connection instructions, or clic
k <b>Next</b> to continue.
# AdvancedUser-Connections-Wireless.tpl
Msg570 = Installation Type
Msg571 = Connect the router yourself.
Msg572 = Use this illustration to verify that the connections on the new router
are correct. <b>Important:</b> Before making any connections, unplug the modem f
rom the power outlet. After connecting all of the cables, ensure that both the r
outer and the modem are plugged in and the modem is turned on.
Msg573 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# Select-Install.tpl
Msg600 = Installation Type
Msg601 = Choose the installation type.
Msg602 = Click <b>Next</b> when you have made your choice.
Msg603 = You need to select what type of installation you will be performing. Lo
ok at the images below and select the one that represents what you will be doing
. Click <b>Next</b> after you have made the selection.
Msg604 = Replace an existing router in the network with the new router.
Msg605 = Add the new router to a network that does not have a router already ins
talled.<br>Select this option to install the router behind the existing modem or
Msg606 = Add the new router to a network without replacing an already installed
router or a gateway.
# User-Select.tpl
Msg610 = Adapter Detection
Msg611 = Select one Ethernet adapter
Msg612 = Select one adapter from the list below to use for the router setup.
# Select-Install-Replace-Router.tpl
Msg620 = Adding the new Router
Msg621 = Replacing an old router?
Msg622 = Are you replacing an existing
Msg623 = router
Msg624 = with your new router?
Msg625 = It is <b><u>not recommended</u></b> to add a second router to a network
Msg626 = Such a configuration can prevent features of the router from working re
liably. Features such as file and print sharing, firewall protection, UPnP, port
forwarding, and others may function correctly.
Msg627 = Consider replacing the existing router with the new NETGEAR router.
Msg628 = Click <b>Yes</b> if you are replacing an old router, otherwise you will
need to exit this application and refer to the documentation for assistance wit
h installing a second router.
Msg629 = You must enter a selection before moving to the next screen.
Msg630 = We do not support this option at this time. Select one of the other opt
ions and click Next or click the Exit button in the upper right corner of the wi
ndow to close the application.
# Select-Install-Replace-Gateway.tpl
Msg640 = Replacing Device
Msg641 = Are you replacing your ADSL Gateway?
Msg642 = Are you replacing a
Msg643 = cable modem
Msg644 = or an
Msg645 = ADSL gateway.
Msg646 = You cannot replace these with your new router.
Msg647 = If you currently are connected to the modem like in the picture above,
and are adding the new router then click <b>Next</b> to continue.
Msg648 = Ethernet
Msg649 = networking information. This cannot be done by your new router.
Msg650 = It is also not possible for this installation to assist you in adding y
our new router into this network. It is beyond the scope of this installer to he
Msg651 = Refer to the documentation that came with your new router for more info
rmation about this.
# Select-Install-Add.tpl
Msg660 = Adding the new Router
Msg661 = Do you currently have a router installed?
Msg662 = Do you currently have a
Msg663 = router
Msg664 = in your network already?
Msg665 = We recommend that you <b><u>do not</u></b> add a second router to a net
Msg666 = Such a configuration can prevent features of the router from working re
Msg667 = Consider replacing the existing router with the new NETGEAR router.
Msg668 =
Msg669 =
# Page-GoodWAN.tpl
Msg680 = Discovering Network
Msg681 = Network Detection Completed
Msg682 = We have completed the detection of your current network setup.
Msg683 = You are now ready to add your new router to you network.
Msg684 = Click <b>Next</b> to start adding the new router.
# FW_Available.tpl
Msg700 = Router Update
Msg701 = Software Update Available
Msg702 = There is a newer version of the router software available for download.
Msg703 = The updates included in the new version are listed below.
Msg704 = Click <b>Next</b> to start the update process.
Msg705 = Click <b>Skip</b> to update at a later time.
Msg706 = Note:
Msg707 = The router software can be updated at a later time by visiting the NETG
EAR website.
# CC 1-1
Msg800 = Old Router
Msg801 = Power off the old router.
Msg802 = Power off the old router.
Msg803 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# CC 2-1
Msg810 = Old Router
Msg811 = Disconnect the Ethernet cable.
Msg812 = At the router end only, disconnect the Ethernet cable that connects the
computer to the old router. Leave the computer end of the cable attached to the
Msg813 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# CC 3-1
Msg820 = Old Router
Msg821 = Remove the old router and its Internet cable.
Msg822 = At the modem end, remove the Internet network cable that connects the o
ld router to the modem. Remove the old router.
Msg825 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# Page_Gateway.tpl
Msg900 = Gateway Install
Msg901 = We cannot replace a gateway (Error RG-101)
Msg902 = This installation cannot replace a
Msg903 = gateway
Msg904 = .
Msg905 = A
Msg906 = provides many services that your new router cannot replace. Your
Msg907 = performs the process of converting your ADSL or Cable data in to
Msg908 = Ethernet
Msg909 = networking information. This cannot be done by your new router.
Msg910 = It is also not possible for this installation to assist you in adding y
our new router into this network. It is beyond the scope of this installer to he
Msg911 = Refer to the documentation that came with your new router for more info
rmation about this.
# Page_ReplaceRouter.tpl
Msg920 = Replacing Router
Msg921 = Replacing your old Router
Msg922 = Are you replacing an existing
Msg923 = router
Msg924 = with your new router?
Msg925 = It is not recommended to add a second router to a network.
Msg926 = Such a configuration can prevent features of the router from working re
liably. Features such as file and print sharing, firewall protection, UPnP, port
forwarding, and others may function correctly.
Msg927 = Consider replacing the existing router with the new NETGEAR router.
Msg928 = Technically advanced users who are comfortable with setting up reserved
IP addresses, DMZ servers, and static routes can refer to the online manual for
procedures to configure the options that a complex two-router setup may require
Msg929 = Click <b>Next</b> to replace your router, otherwise exit and refer to t
he documentation for assistance with installing a second router.
# Page_L-Wired-CC-RemoveRouter.tpl
Msg940 = Remove Existing Router
Msg941 = Power down and remove existing router
Msg942 = Locate the power cable on the old router and remove it.
Msg943 = Remove the cable that connects router to the
Msg944 = modem
Msg945 = .
Msg946 = Now remove the cable that connects the old router to your computer.
Msg947 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
Msg948 = Note:
Msg949 = Do not remove any cables from the modem.
# ResolvedLocalDNSPrivate.tpl
Msg960 = Router Installed
Msg961 = The router is already detected.
Msg962 = The router is already installed in the network.
Msg963 = Click <b>Next</b> to step through the detailed cable connection instruc
Msg964 = Click <b>Skip</b> to proceed to the router setup page.
# Page_Second_Router.tpl
Msg980 = Adding a Second Router
Msg981 = Adding a second router (Error AS-1001)
Msg982 = It is not recommended to add a second router to a network.
Msg983 = Such a configuration can prevent features of the router from working re
liably. Features such as file and print sharing, firewall protection, UPnP, port
forwarding, and others may function correctly.
Msg984 = Consider replacing the existing router with the new NETGEAR router.
Msg985 = Click <b>Back</b> to select a different installation option, otherwise
exit to refer to the documentation for assistance with installing a second route
# IP Address Message Tags
Msg1000 = IP address
Msg1001 = Subnet mask
Msg1002 = Default gateway
Msg1003 = Preferred DNS server
Msg1004 = IP Address Type:
Msg1005 = PPPoE:
Msg1006 =
# InsertNIC.tpl
Msg1100 = Insert NIC
Msg1101 = Insert the WG111v2 in a USB port
Msg1102 = Plug the WG111v2 in to a USB port and then click <b>Next</b>.
# Addition Text for wordy tpl files
# Warnings.tpl
Msg1200 = If a warning from a personal firewall or anti-virus application instal
led on the computer appears during the installation, select the option which giv
es the Installation Assistant permission to continue.
Msg1201 = The router connects to broadband DSL or cable modems only. If you have
a dial-up modem, upgrade to broadband Internet service before installing the ro
Msg1202 = Click <b>Next</b> when done.
# FW_Send_PleaseWait.tpl
Msg1220 = Average time to download and upgrade is 6 minutes
Msg1221 = Typical download and upgrade time might be:
Msg1222 = 5 minutes on a high speed Internet connection
Msg1223 = 7 minutes on an average speed Internet connection
Msg1224 = 10+ minutes on a slow speed Internet connection

# Testing-Router*.tpl
Msg1500 = Cable Verifications
Msg1501 = Please wait while the wizard verifies the cable connections.
Msg1502 = Testing Network Information
Msg1503 = Testing for Router Contact
Msg1504 = Testing Router Communications
Msg1505 = Congratulations! The router is connected correctly.
Msg1506 = We now need to start configuring the new router.
Msg1507 = That process will start automatically in a few seconds.
;Msg1508 = Estimated time to complete the tests is 5 minutes
Msg1510 = Cable Connected
Msg1511 = Network Information
Msg1512 = Router Contacted
Msg1513 = Router Communications
# Checking-WAN-Port-0.tpl
Msg1550 = Internet Detection
Msg1551 = Checking the Internet port on the new router
Msg1552 = We have finished checking the Internet port. No changes to the port ar
e needed.
Msg1561 = Setup the static IP values
Msg1562 = The Internet connection uses
Msg1563 = static IP
Msg1564 = addressing.
Msg1565 = Verify that the information below is correct. If you need to change it
, enter the new values in the boxes below. If you do not know what the correct v
alues are, contact your Internet service provider.
Msg1566 = Note:
MSg1567 = This page could also be displayed if the modem was not completely powe
red off. If the modem has a backup battery (for example, if the lights are still
on when the modem is unplugged) press the reset button after unplugging the mod
em. After resetting the modem, leave the values on the page unchanged and click
# Checking-WAN-Port-PPPoE.tpl
Msg1580 = Internet Connection
Msg1581 = PPPoE connection detected
Msg1582 = A PPPoE connection requires verification of credentials before login.
Msg1583 =
Msg1584 = Enter the required information below.
Msg1585 = Login Name :
Msg1586 = Password :
Msg1587 = Click <b>Next</b> after you have entered the information.
# Checking-WAN-Port-BigPond.tpl
Msg1600 = Internet Connection
Msg1601 = Bigpond/Telstra connection detected
Msg1602 = A Bigpond/Telstra connection requires verification of credentials befo
re login.
Msg1603 = Enter the required information below.
Msg1605 = Login Name :
Msg1606 = Password :
Msg1607 = Click <b>Next</b> after you have entered the information.
Msg1608 = Authentication Server:
# Checking-WAN-Port-PPTP.tpl
Msg1620 = Internet Connection
Msg1621 = PPTP connection detected
Msg1622 = A PPTP connection requires verification of credentials before login.
Msg1623 =
Msg1624 = Enter the required information below.
Msg1625 = Login Name :
Msg1626 = Password :
Msg1627 = Click <b>Next</b> after you have entered the information.
Msg1628 = Computer IP Address :
Msg1629 = Server IP Address :
Msg1630 = Connection ID/Name :
# Error Pages
# Page_Domain.tpl
Msg2500 = Network Detection
Msg2501 = The computer is on a domain.
Msg2502 = The computer has a static IP and is part of a domain. The application
cannot continue the installation.
Msg2503 = To install the router without using the application, read the document
ation that came with the router.
Msg2504 = To install the router using the application, choose a computer which i
s not part of a domain.
Msg2505 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
# Not-Supported-OS.tpl
Msg2520 = Operating System Detection
Msg2521 = Unsupported operating system
Msg2522 = The application only runs on Windows 2000, Windows XP or Vista 32-bit
version operating systems. Run the application again on a supporting operating s
ystem, or consult the documentation to setup the router independently.
Msg2523 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
Msg2524 =
# Demo-Vista.tpl
Msg2540 = Vista
Msg2541 = This demo does not run on Vista.
Msg2542 = The Installation Assistant Demo is not designed to run on Vista.
Msg2543 = This is just for the Demo. The production code will be fully compatibl
e with Vista.
Msg2544 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close. You will then need to run this on a comput
er running Windows XP.
Msg2560 = No IP Information
Msg2561 = Adapter addressing error
Msg2562 = Your computer does not have a network adapter that is configured corre
Msg2563 = You need to make sure that the cable is completely plugged in and the
modem is powered on.
Msg2564 = Click <b>Re-try</b> after you check the cable, or click <b>Exit</b> to
close the installer.
# No-Contact.tpl
Msg2580 = No Router
Msg2581 = No Router detected
Msg2582 = Verify that:
Msg2583 = The Ethernet cable is completely inserted into the orange Ethernet por
t labeled
Msg2584 = at the back of the router and into the computer.
Msg2585 = The power cord is completely inserted into the power connection labele
Msg2586 = and the adapter is plugged in.
Msg2587 = The power and Ethernet lights are on as depicted in the image.
Msg2588 = Click <b>Recheck</b> to run the tests again.
Msg2589 = Click <b>Review</b> to step through the cable connection again.
# TestCable-Display.tpl
Msg2600 = No Connection
Msg2601 = Ethernet cable is not connected.
Msg2602 = Verify that:
Msg2603 = The Ethernet cable is completely inserted into the orange Ethernet por
t labeled
Msg2604 = on the back of the router and into the computer.
Msg2605 = The power cord is completely inserted into the power connection labele
Msg2606 = and the adapter is plugged in.
Msg2607 = The power and Ethernet port lights are green as depicted in the images
Msg2608 = Click <b>Recheck</b> to run the tests again.
Msg2609 = Click <b>Review</b> to step through the cable connection again.
Msg2610 = Network Connection
Msg2611 = Unable to change the network settings
# Wrong-Router.tpl
Msg2620 = Router Model
Msg2621 = Unsupported router model installed.
Msg2622 = The application only supports the installation and setup of the NETGEA
R router model
Msg2623 = or higher. Obtain the correct router model before running the router i
nstallation again.
Msg2624 = Some antivirus applications can interfere with the router detection pr
ocess. If an antivirus application is installed in the system, close it temporar
ily and run the router installation again.
Msg2625 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
# Wrong-Router-SOAP.tpl
Msg2630 = Router Model
Msg2631 = Unsupported firmware version.
Msg2632 = The application only supports the setup of the NETGEAR router model
Msg2633 = or higher with firmware version
Msg2634 = or better. You will be connected to the manual configuration page to s
etup the router.
Msg2635 = Click <b>Next</b> to finish setting up the router.
Msg2636 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
# Checking-L-Wired-1e-R.tpl
Msg2640 = No Adapter
Msg2641 = No working network adapter was detected
Msg2642 = The application did not detect a network adapter that is functioning.
This could be that they are turned off or not installed correctly.
Msg2643 = You must have a working adapter to setup your router. Check your adapt
ers to make sure they are turned on and enabled.
Msg2644 = Click <b>Re-try</b> to retest for a working adapter, or click <b>Exit<
/b> to run this on a computer with a working adapter.
# Checking-L-Wired-3e-R.tpl
Msg2660 = IP Error
Msg2661 = No IP Information
Msg2662 = The application detected that your network adapter has no Internet Add
ress information. This information is needed in order to communicate with other
network devices like your new router.
Msg2663 = Please check your cables and make sure that your modem is turned on.
Msg2664 = After you check these items click <b>Re-try</b> to retest for the info
rmation, or click <b>Exit</b> to close the application. Then run this applicatio
n again on a different computer.
Msg2665 = Please make sure you have a working connection to your current wireles
s network.
# Checking-L-Wired-4e-Good.tpl
Msg2680 = No Modem Contact
Msg2681 = Modem Failed to Respond
Msg2682 = The application is not able to contact the modem in your network setup
. This may be caused by one of the following:
Msg2683 = If your PC is currently running a PPPoE dial-up application to the DSL
modem or a VPN connection, ignore this message and click <b>Next</b> to conti
Msg2684 = Click <b>Next</b> to continue testing, or click <b>Exit</b> to close t
he application.
Msg2685 = If your modem is not connected correctly, check your connections. If y
ou continue to see an error, contact your Internet Service Provider.
# Checking-L-Wired-6e-R.tpl
Msg2700 = No Internet Connection
Msg2701 = Internet Connection Test Failed
Msg2702 = The application is not able to make a connection to the Internet.
Msg2703 = You need to check your modem to make sure it is powered up and working
correctly. Contact your Internet service provider if you cannot correct the mod
em issues.
Msg2704 = Click <b>Next</b> to continue the installation, or click <b>Exit</b> t
o close this application.
Msg2705 = Note:
Msg2706 = You can continue with the installation of your new router. You will no
t be able to connect to the Internet until you have resolved the connection issu
# Page_SOAP-Error.tpl
Msg2720 = Router Communication
Msg2721 = The router is unresponsive.
Msg2722 = The router is not responding. The cable connections are all correct, h
owever the router has failed to respond to requests from the application. A like
ly cause for this problem is having antivirus, firewall or network management pr
ograms running at the same time.
Msg2723 = To use the application to install and configure the router, close thos
e programs and run the application again. If you do not wish to close the progra
ms, the router configuration can be done manually.
Msg2724 = Click <b>Next</b> to install the router manually.
Msg2725 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
# Page-WANPortDown.tpl
Msg2740 = Internet Detection
Msg2741 = Check cable connections to router
Msg2742 = Verify that:
Msg2743 = The Internet cable is completely inserted into the yellow Internet por
t labeled
Msg2744 = at the back of the router and into the modem.
Msg2745 = The power cord is completely inserted into the power connection labele
Msg2746 = and the adapter is plugged in.
Msg2747 = The power and Ethernet lights are on as depicted in the image.
Msg2748 = Click <b>Recheck</b> to run the tests again.
Msg2749 = Click <b>Review</b> to step through the cable connection again.
# RestoreIP.tpl
Msg2760 = Restoring Information
Msg2761 = Restoring Initial IP Information.
Msg2762 = The application is restoring the original
Msg2763 = IP
Msg2764 = information for your computer.
Msg2765 = This is being done because you are exiting the installer before the co
mpletion of the router installation.
Msg2766 = This process will take a minute, please wait.
# No-Connection-Help.tpl
Msg2780 = No Connection Help
Msg2781 = No network Connection Help
Msg2782 = The application is detected the you are not connected to the network.
This can be caused by a loose cable connection or the modem is not turned on.
Msg2783 = Please check the modem and the cabling, then click <b>Next</b> to cont
inue the testing.
Msg2784 = If you are still having problems you will need to refer to the user se
tup manual. It will be able to help you. Select on the <b>Manual</b> button to o
pen the document.
# Page-WAN_FixedIP_Failed.tpl
Msg2800 = Internet Detection
Msg2801 = Static IP Setting
Msg2802 = The router is setup with the static IP values read from the computer.
However, there is no Internet connection with these settings.
Msg2803 = Click <b>Next</b> to enter the settings manually.
Msg2804 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
# Page_NotAdmin.tpl
Msg2810 = Account Type
Msg2811 = Administrator account type required
Msg2812 = The current account does not have administrative rights on the compute
r. The application can only run from an account with administrative rights.
Msg2813 = Change the account type and run the application again.
Msg2814 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
# Page-Wireless_Not-Supported.tpl
Msg2830 = Wireless Installation
Msg2831 = Ethernet adapter required
Msg2832 = The computer has no Ethernet adapter installed. Add an Ethernet adapte
r and run the application again.
Msg2833 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
Msg2834 = The application did not detect an Ethernet adapter in the system. This
could be because the laptop is running on batteries and the adapter has been di
sabled. Plug in the power adapter and restart the application.
Msg2835 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
# Page_Domain-DHCP-Error.tpl
Msg2850 = Network Connection
Msg2851 = No rights to change network settings
Msg2852 = The login account on this computer does not have enough rights to chan
ge the settings for the network card.
Msg2853 = The computer is part of a business network and the netwrok administrat
or restricted the account rights.
Msg2854 = The installation cannot continue at this time. To install the router a
sk the network administrator for additional rights or use a computer that is not
part of a business network.
Msg2855 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
# Page-Inet_Test_Failed.tpl
Msg2870 = Internet Connection
Msg2871 = Connection Test Failed
Msg2872 = The Internet connection test has failed. This is most likely because t
he login information provided is incorrect.
Msg2873 =
Msg2874 = Click <b>Next</b> to reenter the login information.
Msg2875 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application.
Msg2876 = The Internet connection test has failed. Ensure the modem is turned on
and the cables are connected correctly as depicted in the image below.
Msg2877 =
Msg2878 = Click <b>Next</b> to retest the Internet connection.
# Page_Driver_Protocol_Error.tpl
Msg2890 = NIC Driver Error
Msg2891 = Network Device Driver Error
Msg2892 = It has been detected that there is a problem connecting to your networ
k device.
Msg2893 = It is recommended to restart you computer to resolve this problem.
Msg2894 = Leave the CD Rom in the drive during the restart of the computer. The
application will automatically restart.
Msg2895 = Click <b>Next</b> to restart your computer or click <b>Exit</b> to clo
se the application.
# Page_No-Flash.tpl
Msg2910 = Flash Support Required
Msg2911 = Flash Active X Player must be installed
Msg2912 = It seems Adobe Flash Active X Player is not installed on this machine.
The application needs the Flash player to continue. If you choose not to instal
l the player, the application will close.
Msg2913 = Click <b>Continue</b> to install the Flash player and the new router.
Msg2914 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application without installing the Flas
h player.
# Page_Low-Flash.tpl
Msg2930 = Newer Flash Required
Msg2931 = Current Flash Player too old
Msg2932 = The Flash Active X player installed in your computer is not a new enou
gh version to support this application. You will need a newer version installed.
Msg2933 = Click <b>Continue</b> to install the newer Flash Player. After the upg
rade the application will be closed. Please restart the application to install y
our new router.
Msg2934 = Click <b>Exit</b> to close the application without upgrading your Flas
h Player.
# Register.tpl
Msg3000 = First Name:
Msg3001 = Last Name:
Msg3002 = Telephone:
Msg3003 = E-Mail:
Msg3004 = Serial Number:
Msg3005 = The product serial number can be found at the back of the router. The
serial number does not contain the star before and after the number.
Msg3006 = Do you wish to receive e-mail from NETGEAR?
Msg3007 = Do you wish to be part of the NETGEAR product feedback program?
Msg3008 =
Msg3009 =
Msg3010 = Where did you purchase your NETGEAR product?
Msg3011 = Select
Msg3012 = Catalog
Msg3013 = NETGEAR Online
Msg3014 = Other online store
Msg3015 = Reseller/Solution Provider
Msg3016 = Retail store
Msg3017 = Other
Msg3018 = Distribution
Msg3019 =
Msg3020 = How simple or difficult was the installation?
Msg3021 = Very Difficult
Msg3022 = Difficult
Msg3023 = Moderate
Msg3024 = Easy
Msg3025 = Very Easy
Msg3026 = Simple
Msg3027 =
Msg3028 =
Msg3029 =
Msg3030 = Would you recommend NETGEAR products to your friends and family?
Msg3031 = (* Required Field)
Msg3032 =
Msg3033 =
Msg3034 =
# Summary.tpl
Msg3100 = Router Summary
Msg3101 = Wireless Name
Msg3102 = Wireless Security
Msg3103 = Wireless Passphrase
Msg3104 = Router Security:
Msg3105 = Router WAN Port Settings
Msg3106 =
Msg3107 =
Msg3108 =
Msg3109 =
Msg3110 = install additional applications
Msg3111 = setup additional computers
Msg3112 = Below are the router settings. A copy of these settings will be saved
on the desktop. To view the file when finished, double-click on: <b>Router_Setup
.html</b>. To print the file once opened, select the Print Button at the bottom
of the page. The Router Login shortcut on the desktop is for access to the route
r configuration pages. Double-click on it to make any additional changes to the
Msg3113 = Select the <b>Print</b> button to have this page printed so that you h
ave a record of the settings. It could also be used to assist you in adding addi
tional computers to you network.
Msg3114 = <font color = "#ffffff"><b>To access your router to change the setting
s or to view status click on the new "Router Login" icon of the desktop. The def
ault username is "admin" and the password is "password".<b></font>
Msg3115 = <font color = "#ffffff"><b>There is also a file named "
ml" on the desktop. It contains your current network settings.</b></font>
Msg3116 = WEP Key
# DeskTop.tpl
Msg3500 = NETGEAR Network Setup Summary
Msg3501 = Wireless Settings
Msg3502 = SSID
Msg3503 = Security
Msg3504 = Passphrase
Msg3505 = Print Page
Msg3506 = Router Login
Msg3510 = Netgear
Msg3511 = Router Network Setup
Msg3512 = WAN Port Setting
Msg3513 = Port Address Type
Msg3515 = System Information
Msg3516 = Operating System
Msg3517 = Router Serial Number
Msg3518 = WAN Port MAC Address
Msg3520 = PPPoE Settings
Msg3521 = Account Name
Msg3522 = Password
Msg3523 = Bigpond
Msg3524 = My IP Address
Msg3525 = Bigpond Authentication Server
Msg3526 = Bigpond Settings
MSg3527 = PPTP Settings
Msg3528 = PPTP Server IP Address
Msg3530 = NETGEAR Support - 1-888-NETGEAR
Msg3531 =
Msg3532 = WNR1000 Support
Msg3533 = Router Login
Msg3540 = IP address
Msg3541 = Subnet mask
Msg3542 = Default gateway
Msg3543 = Preferred DNS server
Msg3544 = Alternate DNS server
Msg3550 = Router Login Information
Msg3551 = Router Admin Login Name
Msg3552 = admin
Msg3553 = Router Admin Password
Msg3554 = password
# InitialIP.tpl
Msg4000 = Initial Network Settings
Msg4001 = These are the network settings that were detected before the applicati
on was run.
Msg4002 = Use these only to restore the original settings if the installation fa
Msg4003 = This will only be required if the computer originally had a fixed IP a
# Tip definitions
Text1 = Software that uses the public Internet to securely
Text2 = connect to a private network, such as in a
Text3 = corporation.
Text1 = Software that controls what connections can be
Text2 = made to and from your computer.
Text1 = A router enables multiple computers to
Text2 = connect to the Internet.
Text1 = A gateway includes both a modem and a router in one
Text2 = device and enables multiple computers to connect to
Text3 = the Internet.
;Text4 = most of them can connect to multiple computers.
Text1 = A single device that enables multiple computers to
Text2 = connect to the Internet. It combines both router
Text3 = and modem functions. Some Gateway are wireless,
Text4 = most of them can connect to multiple computers.
Text5 = It will have a phone line conencted to it.
Text1 = A single device that enables multiple computers to
Text2 = connect to the Internet. It combines both router
Text3 = and modem functions. Some cable modem are wireless.
Text4 = They will have a TV cable connected to them.
Text1 = A modem enables a computer to transmit data over telephone
Text2 = or cable lines. DSL and cable modems send data at a higher
Text3 = speed of transmission than older dialup modems and are
Text4 = required for use with the router you are installing.
Text1 = A modem enables only one computer to connect to the Internet.
;Text2 = Typical modems can only connect one computer
;Text3 = at a time to the Internet unless it is used in
;Text4 = conjunction with a router.
Text1 = A common method of using cables to connect
Text2 = computers together in a private network. An
Text3 = Ethernet cable is similar to telephone cable and
Text4 = carries the signals between Ethernet devices.
Text1 = One of the four orange ports marked "Ethernet" at the back
Text2 = of the router. The ports allow the connection of multiple
Text3 = computers or other devices to the network.
Text1 = The WAN port is the connector on the Router or Modem
Text2 = that would be connected to the ISP's network connection
Text3 = or to the modem.
Text1 = The yellow port marked "Internet" at the back of the router.
Text2 = The port allows the connection to the Internet through a modem.
Text1 = A power cord. It converts the alternating current
Text2 = (AC) from a wall outlet, into direct current (DC)
Text3 = required by an electronic device.
Text1 = The LAN cable is used to connect your PC to the new
Text2 = router. The connectors look like large phone cable connectors.
Text1 = Acronym for network address translation.
Text2 = Commonly used to enable multiple computers on
Text3 = a private network to access the Internet using a
Text4 = single public IP address.
Text1 = A security system that uses a series of keys on
Text2 = both sides of a wireless transmission to encrypt
Text3 = data for secure transmission. WEP is compatible
Text4 = with all wireless devices. However, it has known
Text5 = flaws that skilled hackers can exploit.
Text1 = A secret code that gives you access to a wireless
Text2 = network. This key works for all wireless adapters
Text3 = that are trying to join a wireless network.
Text1 = Passphrase is similar to a password. It can contain letters,
Text2 = numerals and special characters. The passphrase is used to allow
Text3 = devices to connect to the network.
Text1 = A strong passphrase uses a combination of these:
Text2 = Numerals (1,2,3)
Text3 = Lowercase letters (for example: a,b,c)
Text4 = Uppercase letters (for example: A,B,C)
Text1 = A method of converting data into a format that
Text2 = cannot be easily understood by unauthorized
Text3 = people.
Text1 = A company that provides Internet access to
Text2 = individuals or companies.
Text1 = A unique number that devices use in order to
Text2 = identify and communicate with each other on a
Text3 = network. An example IP address is
Text1 = Every web site is actually a set of numbers such as
Text2 = A domain name server converts this
Text3 = number to a more easily remembered domain
Text4 = name like
Text1 = An address for a computer or router that is
Text2 = assigned automatically every time it connects to the
Text3 = Internet. This is in contrast to a static or fixed IP
Text4 = address that is a permanent, unique address.
Text1 = A permanent, unique address that is assigned to a
Text2 = computer or router connected to the Internet. They
Text3 = are often assigned to computers that others on the
Text4 = Internet need to access.
Text1 = PPPoE is type of broadband connection to the
Text2 = Internet. A PPPoE connection usually requires
Text3 = entering a user name and password every time
Text4 = you want to access the Internet.
Text1 = PPTP is type of broadband connection to the
Text2 = Internet. A PPTP connection usually requires
Text3 = entering a user name and password, and
Text4 = PPTP server IP.
Text1 = Bigpond is type of broadband connection to the
Text2 = Internet, mostly used in Australia. A Bigpond
Text3 = connection usually requires entering a username
Text4 = and password, and Bigpond authentication server.
Text1 = This is the information you use to log in to your ISP
Text2 = to access the Internet. Many times the password is
Text3 = not detectable. It is normally the same as your
Text4 = e-mail password.
Text1 = This is the "name" of your wireless network.
Text1 = This is a device that connects your computer to a
Text2 = wireless network.
Text1 = The device that enables a computer to communicate
Text2 = with a network. Some wireless adapters are built
Text3 = into computers by the manufacturer. Different
Text4 = wireless adapters support different security and
Text5 = encryption types.
Text1 = A domain is a group of computers that are all
Text2 = members of the same group. Domains are typically
Text3 = used in corporate environments. Changing the
Text4 = network configuration of a computer that is a
Text5 = member of a domain could cause it to not be able
Text6 = to access the domain resources.
Text1 = The data that your ISP uses to communicate with
Text2 = your computer or router. You should have this
Text3 = information with your account information that
Text4 = came from your ISP.
Text1 = Wireless security protects your data as it travels
Text2 = back and forth across a wireless network. You can
Text3 = use only one type of wireless security on your
Text4 = network at a time and all devices must use the
Text5 = same security settings.
Text1 = This is the password that you will use to access
Text2 = the router when you log in to it. The default
Text3 = password is "password".
Text1 = <ac><fs=12><b>Exit Application</b></fs></ac>
Text2 = <ct=0x0000ff><hr=100></ct>
Text3 = The router setup is not complete.
Text4 = Exiting at this point may leave your computer unable
Text5 = to connect to the Internet. Do you want to exit now?
Text1 = <ac><fs=12><b>Exit Application</b></fs></ac>
Text2 = <ct=0x0000ff><hr=100></ct>
Text3 = The router setup is not complete. Do you want to exit now?
Text1 = <ac><fs=12><b>Exit Application</b></fs></ac>
Text2 = <ct=0x0000ff><hr=100></ct>
Text3 = You need to run this application from a different
Text4 = computer. Select "Yes" to exit.
Text1 = Most access points will automatically broadcast their SSID
Text2 = so that the network can be more easily detected and configured.
Text3 = Disabling SSID broadcast won't stop an experienced wardriver,
Text4 = and isn't a significant contribution to security
# Image definitions
# Design
Pic65534 = Common\Page\Progress00.gif
pic65535 = main.css
pic65536 = Styles-EN.css
Pic3 =

# Pictures
pic100 =
pic101 = Common\Page\Tag-1.gif
pic102 = Common\Page\Tag-2.gif
pic103 = Common\Page\Tag-3.gif
pic104 = Common\Page\Tag-4.gif
pic105 = Common\Page\Tag-5.gif
pic106 = Common\Page\Tag-6.gif
pic107 = Common\Laptop-Wired\Advanced.png
pic108 = Common\InstallFeet.swf
pic109 = English/page_04b.gif
pic110 = English/Page_CE-2.gif
pic111 = English/Page_CE-1.gif
pic112 = English/Page_CE-3.gif
pic113 = English/Page_CE-4.gif
pic114 = English/Page_CE-5.gif
pic115 = English/Page_CE-7.gif
pic116 = English/Page_CE-7-1.gif
pic117 = English/page_15.gif
pic118 = English/page_16.gif
pic119 = English/Norton-CP.jpg
pic120 = English/Norton-Disable.jpg
pic121 = English/Page_4-1.gif
pic122 = English/Page_4-2.gif
pic123 = English/Router-T.gif
pic190 = Common/Current-Gateway.gif
pic191 = Common/Current-Modem.gif
pic192 = Common/Current-Router.gif
pic193 = Common/Current-Router.png
pic194 = Common/DA0247_NETGEAR_Smartwizard_.png
pic195 = Common/DA0247_NETGEAR_Smartwizard_.gif
pic200 = Common/frame.jpg
pic201 = Common/timer-B.gif
pic202 = Common/Detection-1L.swf
pic203 = Common/Detection-1L-Error.gif
pic204 = Common/Detection-1L-Good.gif
pic205 = Common/Current-Router-Replace.gif
pic206 = Common/Current-Router-Replace-Remove.swf
pic207 = Common/progress00.gif
pic208 = Common/Plugin-Modem.gif
pic209 = Common/Router-front_1.png
# Laptop Detection and Cable change images
pic219 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-1-S.swf
pic210 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-1.swf
pic211 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-2.swf
pic212 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-3.swf
pic213 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-4.swf
pic214 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-5.swf
pic215 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-6.swf
pic220 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-1-e.swf
pic221 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-2-e.swf
pic222 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-3-e.swf
pic223 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-4-e.swf
pic224 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-5-e.swf
pic225 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-6-e.swf
pic230 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-1-Test.swf
pic231 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-2-Test.swf
pic232 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-3-Test.swf
pic233 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-4-Test.swf
pic234 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-5-Test.swf
pic235 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Detection-6-Test.swf
pic300 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-0.swf
pic301 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1.swf
pic302 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-2.swf
pic303 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-3.swf
pic304 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-4.swf
pic305 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-5.swf
pic306 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-6.swf
pic307 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-7.swf
pic308 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1-0.swf
pic309 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1-1.swf
pic310 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1-2.swf
pic311 = Common\Laptop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1-3.swf
pic419 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection.swf
pic410 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-1.swf
pic411 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-2.swf
pic412 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-3.swf
pic413 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-4.swf
pic414 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-5.swf
pic415 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-6.swf
pic420 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-1-e.swf
pic421 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-2-e.swf
pic422 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-3-e.swf
pic423 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-4-e.swf
pic424 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-5-e.swf
pic425 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-6-e.swf
pic430 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-1-Test.swf
pic431 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-2-Test.swf
pic432 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-3-Test.swf
pic433 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-4-Test.swf
pic434 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-5-Test.swf
pic435 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Detection-6-Test.swf
pic500 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-0.swf
pic501 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-1.swf
pic502 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-2.swf
pic503 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-3.swf
pic504 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-4.swf
pic505 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-5.swf
pic506 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-1-0.swf
pic507 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-1-1.swf
pic508 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-1-2.swf
pic509 = Common\Laptop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-6.swf
# Desktop Detection and Cable change images
pic610 = Common\AskUser01.png
pic611 = Common\AskUser02.png
pic612 = Common\AskUser03.png
pic613 = Common\Advanced.png
pic614 = Common/
pic615 = Common/
pic620 = Common\Desktop-Wired\AskUser01.png
pic621 = Common\Desktop-Wired\AskUser02.png
pic622 = Common\Desktop-Wired\AskUser03.png
pic623 = Common\Desktop-Wired\Advanced.png
pic624 = Common/
pic625 = Common/
pic630 = Common\Laptop-Wired\AskUser01.png
pic631 = Common\Laptop-Wired\AskUser02.png
pic632 = Common\Laptop-Wired\AskUser03.png
pic633 = Common\Laptop-Wired\Advanced.png
pic634 = Common/
pic635 = Common/
# CableChange-Start.swf
pic1000 = Common\wg111v2.gif
pic1100= Common\Laptop-Wired\No-Cable.png
pic1101= Common\Laptop-Wireless\No-Cable.png
pic1102= Common\Desktop-Wired\No-Cable.png
pic1103= Common\Desktop-Wireless\No-Cable.png
# Desktop Detection and Cable change images
pic1210 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-1.swf
pic1211 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-2.swf
pic1212 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-3.swf
pic1213 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-4.swf
pic1214 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-5.swf
pic1215 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-6.swf
pic1219 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-1-S.swf
pic1220 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-1-e.swf
pic1221 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-2-e.swf
pic1222 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-3-e.swf
pic1223 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-4-e.swf
pic1224 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-5-e.swf
pic1225 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-6-e.swf
pic1230 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-1-Test.swf
pic1231 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-2-Test.swf
pic1232 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-3-Test.swf
pic1233 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-4-Test.swf
pic1234 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-5-Test.swf
pic1235 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Detection-6-Test.swf
pic1300 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-0.swf
pic1301 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1.swf
pic1302 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-2.swf
pic1303 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-3.swf
pic1304 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-4.swf
pic1305 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-5.swf
pic1306 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-6.swf
pic1307 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-7.swf
pic1308 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1-0.swf
pic1309 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1-1.swf
pic1310 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1-2.swf
pic1311 = Common\Desktop-Wired\US\Cable-Change-1-3.swf
pic1419 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection.swf
pic1410 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-1.swf
pic1411 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-2.swf
pic1412 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-3.swf
pic1413 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-4.swf
pic1414 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-5.swf
pic1415 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-6.swf
pic1420 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-1-e.swf
pic1421 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-2-e.swf
pic1422 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-3-e.swf
pic1423 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-4-e.swf
pic1424 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-5-e.swf
pic1425 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-6-e.swf
pic1430 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-1-Test.swf
pic1431 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-2-Test.swf
pic1432 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-3-Test.swf
pic1433 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-4-Test.swf
pic1434 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-5-Test.swf
pic1435 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Detection-6-Test.swf
pic1500 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-0.swf
pic1501 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-1.swf
pic1502 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-2.swf
pic1503 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-3.swf
pic1504 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-4.swf
pic1505 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-5.swf
pic1506 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-1-0.swf
pic1507 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-1-1.swf
pic1508 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-1-2.swf
pic1509 = Common\Desktop-Wireless\US\Cable-Change-6.swf
# Commom Page Images
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