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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
For Evangelization & Reconciliation
2408 SE 16th Avenue l Portland, OR l 97214

Parish Office 503-231-4955 l Fax 503-736-1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the Paulists, committed
to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we, the community of St.
Philip Neri, strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all Gods creations
through worship, education, and service toward the
common good.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the

se s


The drawing for the two Civil War baskets will be held
THIS WEEK after the 9:30am Mass. Last chance to buy
your tickets. Show your team spirit and support this Altar
National Bible Week (Nov.15-20) - The Bible: A book
Society fundraiser.
for the family. The Bible is as a great prayer book: use the
ADVENT BEGINS NEXT WEEKPsalms or read any of the stories and put yourself in their
This week our liturgical year comes to a close. Asshoes
we to see what you would do in their situations. For the
begin the new liturgical year, The Year of Mercy. It is afamily---read the stories and talk about the characters.
we can draw similarities with our own lives and
time of waiting for the coming of Christ. We are asked
situations. If you are looking for a readable - reliable
pray and reflect as we wait for the coming of our savior.
translation, we will be selling the New American Bible for
What will you and your family do to prepare as we wait for
$6.00 each after the Masses Nov. 21 & 22.
this joyful celebration? We will have Advent candles &
rings for sale next weekend. There are many ways toCAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT
Second Collection this weekend. The collection for the
deepen this special season. Let us know if you need
Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides
the funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift
the poor in the United States. CCHDs grants improve
Signup today to bring a green vegetable, sweet potato
or support economic development, and create
juice drinks for the Thanksgiving Dinner. Signup affordable
sheets on housing in low-income neighborhoods. Help us
the counters. You can bring your dishes on Wed.continue to defend human dignity and build communities of
afternoon after 2pm or Thanksgiving morning after
Please give to the CCHD collection.


If you are new to the parish, visiting from across town, across the country, or other parts of the world, welcome &
for worshiping with us! Fill out one of the Welcome Cards in the pew racks and drop it in the collection basket or give it
one of the priests. Stop by after Mass and introduce
If you have any questions or would like more information, please call the office, 503-231-4955.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe s November 22,

Saturday, November 21st:
Sunday, November 22nd:
Monday, November 23rd:
Tuesday, November 24th:
Wednesday, November 25th:
Thursday, November 26th:
Friday, November 27th:
Saturday, November 28th:
Sunday, November 29th:

8:00am Mass
4:00pm Mass
9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
8:00am Mass
12:10pm Mass
8:00 am Mass
4:00pm Mass
9:30am Mass
10:30am Mass

Jong-Ho Lee
Margueritte Wolfe <B>
Robert Salta
Deaf Community
Pat Baumann
Peggy Stiverson <B>
All Brothers & Sisters
In Thanksgiving for our bounty
Barney Barnes
Nguyen Van VInh
Mabel Mace
People of St. Philip Neri
Deaf Community


If you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, birthday, marriage, or other special event,
please fill out a Mass Intention form (located in foyer of the Church) or call the

Nov. 25:
Office Closes at 1pm
Nov. 26:
11am-12:30pm Thanksgiving
Dinner All are welcome!
Nov 29:
1st Sunday of Advent
Nov. 30:
7pm, Michael Allen Harrison
Concert, Church
Parish Staff
Pastor & Director of NW Paulist
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP x118
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP .x114
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Bill Edens, CSP .x113
Director of Faith Formation
Barbara Harrison ...x107
Business Manager
Jeanne McPherson ..x103
Office Manager
Rose Wolfe ..x101
Maintenance & Grounds
Ed Danila

Church Cleaning, November 23-29, Jerry & Priscilla Stewart

A Word from Servant of God Isaac Hecker, Paulist Founder

The question now arises, How, and by what means, these Institutions will
give the most efficient co-operation to this renewal of the life of the Holy
ghost in the hearts of the faithful; for concentration is force, and the law of all
effectual and extensive work is that of association. [On the Mission of New
Religious Communities, 1876]
If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another person who is ill, and you
believe something miraculous has happened, please phone Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP, at
202-269-2519 and tell him your story.


Plans for our 5th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner on Nov. 26, 11am 12:30pm are
in the final stages. Please invite parishioners and neighbors who are alone,
without plans, homeless or in transition are invited to join us. We have
invitation cards to hand out to those you invite. You can help by donating:
vegetable dishes, & juice drinks. Cash donations are also welcome to help
offset the cost of food from New Seasons. Please write Thanksgiving Dinner
in the memo line of your check. We also need donations of socks, gloves,
hats, & scarves. If you play the piano and have a couple hours you could
share with us, give us a call. For more information, call the office 503-2314955. Sandra Wolicki 503-680-7163 or Mary Wittig 425-985-1434.

It is our tradition to bring non-perishable foods to the Thanksgiving Day Mass.
The food will be brought forth at the offertory time as part of our gifts brought
to the altar. Bring non-perishable foods: rice, beans, canned vegetables &
fruits, staples sugar, flour, salt & pepper, cereal, individual microwavable
servings. Let us remember those who are in need during this season and all
through the year as we give thanks for our abundance.


Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe s November 15,

Pastoral Corner
This weekend we come to the end of the Churchs liturgical year. Next week we begin anew with the First
Sunday of Advent as we begin to remember the story of our salvation. As the saying goes: what goes around,
comes around. Ho-hum, here we go again. Well, yes and no. The story is the same, and yet it is brand new
as we apply the Word of scripture to our daily lives.
We believe that the scriptures are the LIVING WORD of God for us who receive it by reading or hearing it.
As ancient as the Word is, in fact it is eternal, it is always brand new, the Word is always addressing us in the present
moment. To date I have never repeated a homily. I have been tempted but if I am going to be faithful to the Living
Word, I must always try to preach it in the new present moment.
I like the idea that scripture can convict us, convict us of many things; our lack of caring for the hungry and
homeless, consoling the sorrowful, welcoming the stranger. Scripture can also console us, hug us, care for us in a
multitude of situations. When we open the pages of Scripture we are opening a relationship with the Living Word
and we need always ask what is this Scripture saying to me here and now, in the situation I find myself.
The Scriptures are unlike any other literature we know. They are not simply a description of what happened
in the past, nor do they tell us secrets about the future. As I said above they are the living Word and when we open
them up, allow them to enter into the fabric of our lives, they help us find Wisdom for today. They help us see the
next right step to take. To immerse ourselves in the Living Word allows us to be the Living Word for others.
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP




Michael Allen Harrison will open his Holiday concert

season with his 14th annual concert at St. Philip Neri
Church on Monday, Nov. 30 at 7pm. The Altar Society
will be selling tickets after all the weekend Masses and in
the office during the week. This concert has helped fund
many projects around the parish. Plan now on
supporting this important fundraiser and kickoff your
holiday season with a wonderful evening of holiday
music. Tickets: $15 for general seating & $25 for
preferred seating.
Proceeds from this years concert will go toward painting
Carvlin Hall and refinishing the stage.

As you do your holiday shopping remember to use

your Fred Meyer Rewards card. Each purchase at
Fred Meyer & QFC using your Rewards card helps
support our parish. If you have not designated St.
Philips, go to
e-Scrip Mall is another way to help support the parish
as you shop this holiday season. Just go to and link one or more credit cards
then shop at participating stores and restaurants
using that card(s). eScrip will deposit funds into our
account. (Reminder: Safeway no longer participates
in the eScrip program.)

Next Sund ay s R eading s

First Su nday o f Advent
No vember 2 9, 20 15

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