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Narrative Script

Written By
Kayliegh Anderson
Max Ashby
Chelsea Butler
Ridge Yeboah-Mensah


Within this shot we can see a well used lab with equipment
and desks.
We CUT closer to a shot of two desks. We can see a spherical
and cube like object inhabit one desk each. As we hear the
sound of footsteps we also hear a light switch, as the light
switch is turned off a spotlight is cast over the area of
the two desks.
CUT to a a full shot of the cube like object on the desk.
This will later be revealed as the Older Robot. The Older
Robot tries to unpack but it struggles.
CUT to the Older Robot as it pops its head out of it's
CUT to an over the shoulder shot from the shoulder of the
Older Robot, in this shot we can also see the spherical
object which will later be revealed as the Modern Robot.
CUT closer to a view of the Modern Robot followed by a CUT
to a MID SHOT of the Older Robot which is looking at the
Modern Robot.
We CUT back to the Modern Robot as it starts to wobble and
move. The Modern Robot hovers and begins to open up smoothly
as light pours from its casing. As it's opening up we CUT
to the Modern Robots arm.
We then CUT back to the Older Robot who is now comparing
itself to the Modern robot by looking at it's arm.
This is followed by a series of cuts as the parts of the
Modern robot are revealed. These cuts show the Modern
Robot's torso, both arms, face and we end on a full body
shot of the Modern Robot which is hovering after giving such
a perfect reveal.
We CUT to the Older Robot. The Older Robot turns away with a
grumpy look.
We CUT to the Modern Robot. It is excited and happy to be
activated. It begins playing music.
We CUT to the Older Robot which turns back around because of
the music.
We CUT to the Modern Robot which is 'dancing' to the music
he is playing.

We CUT back to the Older Robot it moves and creates a

jarring creaking noise.
We CUT to the Modern Robot. It has discovered that it can
project images. It projects a disco ball image from it's
We CUT to the Older Robot.
We CUT to the Modern Robot. It looks down at it's arms. It
looks back up, notices the Older Robot and waves at it.
We CUT to a shot of the lab in which we see the Modern Robot
We CUT to the Older Robot which seems unimpressed and
doesn't acknowledge the Modern Robot.
CUT to the Modern Robot who seems naive to the Older Robot
and projects a 'hello' to the Older Robot.
We CUT to the Older Robot which has the same reaction as
The Music from the Modern Robot is at it's most intense. We
see a series of increasingly faster cuts between the Modern
and Older Robot. We focus lastly on the Older Robot.
We CUT to the Older Robot unable to deal with it's feelings
it turns away completely and shuts itself down.
CUT to a LOW ANGLE SHOT as we are looking up at the Modern
Robot over the deactivated Older Robot.
We CUT in closer to the Modern Robot. It is sad because of
it's rejection. It also deactivates.
We CUT to a shot of the the lab. It is silent, this shot
holds for a while.
We CUT to the Older Robot. He activates again but notices
that the Modern Robot has shut down. The Older Robot seems
to feel guilty.
It accidentally makes noise as it moves its arms. As it does
so it comes to the realisation that it can use these sounds
together to make 'music'.
The Older Robot plays a 'song' to make it up to the Modern
We CUT to the Modern Robot who slowly opens to the music.
The Modern Robot is glad of this gesture. It begins playing

music and moving to the music.

We end on a shot of the Older Robot who seems happier about
the situation.

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