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THIS AGREEMENT is made the [Click here and type DAY, MONTH & YEAR]
BETWEEN the parties described in Item 1 of the Schedule hereto (hereinafter called
the Landlord) of the ONE PART and the party described in Item 2 of the said Schedule
(hereinafter called the Tenant) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS the Landlord has
agreed to let the Tenant the premises particularly described in Item 3 of the said
Schedule at the rent and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

THE LANDLORD hereby lets to the Tenant and the Tenant hereby takes
ALL THAT premises inclusive of furniture and fixtures more particularly
described in Item 3 of the Schedule hereto (hereinafter called the
premises) for the term the duration of which is set out in Item 4 of the
Schedule and at a rental of which the amount and the name of payment are
set out in Item 5 of the Schedule hereto.


THE TENANT HEREBY COVENANTS with the Landlord as follows:


To pay the rent hereby reserved on the days and in the manner set
forth in Item 5 of the said Schedule.


To pay and discharge the cost of all utilities required for the efficient
operation and enjoyment of the premises inclusive of water,
electricity and telephone charges.


At all times during the term of this Agreement to keep the interior of
the premises, including the doors, windows, sanitary conveniences
and water apparatus (whether installed by the Landlord or the
Tenant) and all the Landlord's fixtures, and all the furniture and
fixtures specified in Item 6 of the said schedule in the same good
order and condition as they are at the commencement of the term,
(reasonable wear and tear excepted) and excepting deterioration or
damage or destruction by fire, lightning, windstorm, earthquake,
flood, acts of God or the country's enemies, riot or civil or other acts
and occurrences beyond the control of the Tenant.


To pay to the Landlord or agent the sum of [Click here and type
SECURITY AMOUNT] being [Click here and type # OF MONTHS]
months rental as security deposit in advance on the signing
hereof. The Security Deposit is to be refunded by the Landlord
interest free on the expiration of the term herein provided that the
Tenant has paid all bills and rent and has effected all repairs for
damages for which the Tenant is responsible, reasonable wear and
tear excepted. Any deductions to be made on presentation of all bills.


Not to assign, sublet or part with possession of the premises without

the Landlord's prior consent in writing.


Not to use or permit the premises to be used other than as a private

dwelling house.


Not to do or suffer to be done on the premises anything whereby the

insurance on the buildings on the premises may be adversely
affected or rendered void or voidable or the premiums increased, or
which shall create any breach of the restrictive covenants endorsed
on the Certificate of Title to the premises.

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Not to do or permit anything to be done on the premises which may

be or become an annoyance or disturbance to the owners or
occupiers of adjoining premises.
To permit the Landlord and his agents, surveyors and workmen with
all necessary appliance to enter upon the premises at all reasonable
times upon giving the Tenant SEVEN (7) DAYS PRIOR NOTICE
thereof for the purpose of viewing the state and condition thereon
and/or of doing such works and things as may be lawfully required to
be done by the Landlord under the terms hereof in respect of any
repairs, alteration or improvements either of the premises and the air
conditioning apparatus (if any) electrical conduits and water pipes
and drains in or under the same or any other parts of the premises
and its amenities.


To permit the Landlord to affix on the premises notices for sale or reletting of the premises and to enter and show the same to
prospective tenants or purchasers at all reasonable hours upon
giving the Tenant three (3) days notice of such entry during the last
three (3) months of the term thereby created or any renewal thereof
as the case may be.


To remedy all damage done to or suffered by the premises

occasioned by any act of default of the Tenant, his servants, agents,
invited guests or domestic pets. Damage by fire, lightning,
windstorm, earthquake, flood or act of God or the country's enemies,
riot, or civil or other acts and occurrences beyond the control of the
Tenant and fair wear and tear excepted.


Not to make or permit to be made any additions to or alterations in

the premises without the previous written consent of the Landlord.
PROVIDED that the Tenant shall have the right without any further
consent to install temporary shelves, ornaments, pictures, paintings,
air conditioning units and other electrical fixtures and fittings, housing
for generator stand-by plant and shall remove the same on or before
determination of the tenancy making good at the expense of
the Tenant and to the satisfaction of the Landlord any injury or
damage to the premises caused thereby and to report forthwith in
writing to the Landlord any wants or reparation of the structure and
external parts of the premises.

THE LANDLORD HEREBY COVENANTS with the Tenant as follows:


That the Tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing and
observing the covenants on his part herein contained shall peaceably
hold and enjoy the premises during the said term.


To execute all structural repairs both interior and exterior to the walls,
roofs, floors and drains on the premises, but the Landlord shall not
be liable to effect minor service repairs to the sanitary fixtures and
fittings and electrical wiring such as replacement of balls in toilets,
clearing of chokes in toilets or drains, replacing of washers and fixing
of blown fuses in the electrical system, these repairs being the
responsibility of the Tenant. Minor service repairs for purposes
hereof are agreed to be those costing [Click here and type AMOUNT]
or less per repair.

If the said rent or any part thereof shall at any time be in arrears and unpaid
(whether formally demanded or not) for the space of thirty (30) days after
the date on which the same shall become due and payable or if there shall
be any breach or non-observance of any of the covenants contained or
implied in this Agreement on the Tenant's part to be performed or observed
THEN in any one or more of such events it shall be lawful for the Landlord in
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that behalf to re-enter upon the premises or any part thereof in the name of
the whole and thereupon the tenancy shall absolutely determine but without
prejudice to any right of action or remedy of the Landlord in respect of any
breach of any of the covenants, conditions or agreements by the Tenant
herein contained or implied.

Should the premises become substantially unfit for occupation as a dwelling

house due to destruction or damage the tenancy shall terminate from the
date of such destruction or damage and the rent shall cease as from the
same date; if the premises are damaged but not to an extent to render it
wholly or substantially unfit for occupation as a dwelling house, then the rent
shall abate proportionately to the damage done until the same shall have
been repaired by the Landlord. PROVIDED HOWEVER that the rent shall
not cease or abate in any case where damage or destruction shall have
resulted from any act or default of the Tenant, the Tenant's servants, agents,
licensees or invitees, nor where any policy or policies of insurance effected
by the Landlord against loss arising from such damage or destruction shall
have been vitiated or payment of the policy moneys refused in whole or in
part in consequence of any act or default of the Tenant or any of the
persons aforesaid; And provided further that in the event of the Landlord's
failure to commence remedy of such damage within one month or failure to
complete remedy of such damages within three months the Tenant may
without prejudice to any of its rights herein (save where such damage is
caused by the act or default of the Tenant, his servants, agents, licensees or
invitees) terminate the lease forthwith and shall be liable for rent only up to
the date of termination computed as accruing from day to day. Failing
agreement by the parties as to any cease or abatement of rent as aforesaid
the same shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with Clause 8 hereof.


That the lease is subject to termination by either party giving [Click here and
type # OF MONTHS] notice in writing.


Any notice under this Agreement shall be in writing. Any notice to the
Tenant shall be sufficiently served if left addressed to the Tenant at the
premises. Any notice to the Landlord shall be sufficiently served if hand
delivered to the Landlord at the address in the attached schedule. Either
party may by notice as aforesaid substitute a different address for the
service of notices.


In case of any dispute or question whatsoever arising between the parties

hereto with respect to the cease or abatement of rent as aforesaid or to the
construction or effect of this Agreement or any clause or thing herein
contained or the rights, duties or liabilities of either party under this
Agreement or otherwise in connection with the foregoing the matter in
dispute shall be settled by reference to a single arbitrator in case the parties
agree upon one otherwise by two arbitrators one to be appointed by each
party and their umpire in manner provided by the Arbitration Act provided
that this clause shall not apply or be deemed to apply to any dispute or
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matter touching or with respect to the rent hereby reserved save with regard
to such cease or abatement or rent as aforesaid. In the case of such a
dispute Arbitration should be commenced within one month of notice of said
dispute being served.

The Landlord will on demand pay to the Tenant one half of the stamp duty
incidental to this Agreement and it is agreed that this Agreement shall not be
registered upon the title for the Landlord's premises.

10. The rent stated in the attached schedule is fixed for the period of this
11. In this Agreement (unless repugnant to the context):
The expression the Landlord shall mean and include as well the
Landlord's heirs, personal representative, successors and
transferees and other person for the time being entitled to the
reversion immediately expectant on the termination of the tenancy.

The expression the Tenant shall mean and include as well the
Tenant's heirs, personal representative, successors and permitted
transferees and assigns.


The expression the Tenancy shall mean and include the Tenancy
hereby created as well as any extension thereof.


Words importing the masculine gender include female, the neuter, a

partnership, and a firm or company and vice versa.

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[Click here and type landlord name]

[Click here and type landlord address]
[Click here and type landlord address]
[Click here and type landlord telephone #]


[Click here and type tenant name]

[Click here and type tenant address]
[Click here and type tenant address]
3. PREMISES All that parcel of land now known as
[Click here and type PROPERTY ADDRESS] in the
parish of [Click here and type PARISH] being all the
land comprised in Certificate of Title registered at
Volume # [Click here and type VOLUME #] Folio #
[Click here and type FOLIO #] in the Register Book of


A period of [Click here and type DURATION OF

LEASE] effective from [Click here and type START
DATE] to [Click here and type END DATE ]. With an
option to renew at the end of the period.




See attached list marked A for identification

A rental of [Click here and type RENT AMOUNT]

per month inclusive of maintenance fees,
payable monthly in advance. The payment is to
be made in [Click here and type CURRENCY]
dollars on the day the rent is due and delivered
[Click here and type landlord name]
[Click here and type landlord address]
[Click here and type landlord address]
b) The sum of [Click here and type TOTAL
AMOUNT] being [Click here and type # OF
MONTHS] months rent as security deposit and
one (1) month rent payable on signing hereof.
Rental herein is payable to:
[Click here and type landlord name]
[Click here and type landlord address]
[Click here and type landlord address]

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed these presents the day and
year herein before written.

) _______________________________________


) _______________________________________


) ________________________________________


) _______________________________________

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