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Sea horse.

Hippocampi bodies oloiqare covered by a series of plates or bony rings , unlike most
other fish that have scales. Its shape swimming is unique because it does erect and
with help from his dorsal fin. It has a sort of crown on his head which is different for
each individual, no one is like another.
Their snouts are long and tailored to meet their food and the eyes can move in
different directions at once, like a chameleon.


Sea star.

Sea stars have, usually, five arms, which are wide around the body disc and ever
closer as they move away from it. Echinoderms are radially symmetrical for and
present, very often, very bright colors. At the bottom of each tube- arms are located
grooves, whose openings are located in tube feet, forming double rows; these are
normally provided with suction cups and serve for locomotion. Diverticula of the
stomach and sexual organs are also housed in the arms. Although most species have
five arms, some specimens have many more. In other cases, the body grows and
expands so among the five arms, which seems to become a pentagonal.


Blue whale.

The Blue Whale is enormous. It is the largest of all whales and, indeed, is the largest
animal that has ever lived on Earth (larger than any known dinosaurs). His head is very
wide and long, up to a quarter of the total length of your body. It also has a huge ridge
along the top of his head and a big front of her two blowholes stain.
The blue whale has a skin or light blue-gray color, with many white or gray spots,
mainly behind the head. The belly of a blue whale can be white, blue or sometimes
yellow. This yellowing is not the actual color of the whale, but is caused by tiny algae
that attach to the body of the whale.
The Blue Whale is 55-88 ventral grooves that expand when the whale is feeding.
Instead of teeth have beards, which can reach up to 1 meter in length!
When you breathe, your breath can reach a height of 6-12 meters.



Measured between 1.5 and 4 meters, weigh between 130 and 300 Kg. It's an animal
curved back and dark gray rubbery skin. The skin of the bottlenose dolphin offers
minimal water resistance allowing you to swim at incredible speed (and can reach
speeds of 50 km. / H). The forward momentum achieves vertical tail movements.
These long and highly aerodynamic, their forelimbs have become swim fins, whereas
later disappeared and led to the tail ending in a tail fin located in a horizontal plane
(unlike fish in which is vertical).
Bottlenose dolphins are gray, varying from dark gray at the top of the dorsal fin to a
light gray almost white at the bottom. This makes them difficult to see from above and
below the swim. The upper and lower jaws elongated give these animals the name
"bottle nose". The real nose however is the blowhole above the head. His face shows a
"feature smile".
Adults ranging in length from 2 to 4 m (6 to 13 p) and weight from 150-650 kg (3301430 pounds) with the rams which are slightly larger and considerably heavier than
females on average. The size of the dolphin appears to vary considerably with habitat.
Most research in this area has been restricted to the North Atlantic Ocean, where
researchers (Hersh and Duffield, 1990) have identified two ecotypes.



The octopus is a carnivorous marine mollusk, present in waters of temperate and

tropical climates around the world. The octopus is characterized by a soft body with a
well-developed brain and eight arms, each of which has two rows of suckers.
As in vertebrates, the two big eyes and octopus have complex lens that provides
sharp vision. These animals can change very quickly, the color and texture of your skin
depending on your state. You can reach five feet and weigh about 15 kg.



The shark is a fish that lives mainly in the seas of warm water. It is the most important
predator among fish by its sharp teeth, which quickly replaced as the loses
Shark skin , which can be blue , white , brown, gray or shades mixed color is very
rough because it scales tip that resemble teeth. They have a liver that helps them float,
being lighter than salt water
The shark has highly developed pectoral fins and a typical dorsal fin , located behind
the neck , triangular in shape . When the shark swims near the surface , the typical
triangle that stands out is the dorsal fin. Its also just pointed snout .
The size and dangerousness vary by type of shark. The largest is the whale shark ,
which reaches fifty feet long and weighs up to eighteen tons , but that does not harm
humans. The white shark measuring up to five meters and is much smaller than the
whale, but has a very sharp teeth . Do not attack humans by nature, but if it invades
their territory , the shark can seriously hurt . There are also other types of sharks, such
as the peregrine ( twelve meters long ) , the bull shark, saw the angel shark and tiger
sharks , among others.


Killer whale.

The killer whale ( Orcinus orca) is a species of toothed whale whale belonging to the
family Delphinidae ( oceanic dolphins ) , which lives in all oceans. It is the largest
species of delfnido and the only existing recognized within the genus Orcinus .
This whale has a robust and hydrodynamic complexion . The species , as a distinctive
feature , has a long dorsal fin that can measure up to 1.8 m in males and features a
black and white coloring is distributed in a particular way , which is unique to each
individual and can distinguish the others. The orca has a marked sexual dimorphism ;
Females are smaller than males and have a shorter dorsal fin. An adult male can reach
5.5 t weight and up to 9 m in length, while a female is usually around 7.7 m long and
weighs less than 4 t.

Sea dog.


The common seal has a large, broad, rounded head with a short snout and concave
profile . The trunk and fins are small compared with the size of the head.
Nostrils are V-shaped , being slightly apart at the base . Hearing are triangular in
shape .
In the front limbs, fingers are decreasing in size from 1 to 5, the nails do not protrude
excessively from the edge of the fingers and is rather triangular section . In the later ,
the length of the fingers do not follow this pattern ; the 2nd and 5th are the same size .
Like other pinnipeds , when traveling on land are driven with the forelimbs . Clavan
claws into the ground and dragged the body , carrying boards and straight.



Zebras are mammals which are characterized by distinctive white and black , striped
native Africa. The animal is 3.5 to 5 feet tall and weighs 440-990 pounds. These
herbivores are more common in flocks and their main diet is grass .
List of Birds of the Jungle
There are around 10,000 living species of birds found worldwide , ranging from 2
inches Hummingbird ostrich 8 feet in size. Due to the diverse nature of the jungle ,
many birds choose it as their habitat. Different types of birds are classified in different
orders , Falconiformes , Galliformes Strigiformes and Coraciiformes.


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Bears are mammals belonging to the Ursidae family , found throughout the northern
hemisphere and in some parts of southern hemisphere. There are eight species of
bears living on the planet, the most prominent are the Black bears, brown bears,
Grizzly bears and giant panda. Except for the polar bear, which is totally carnivorous
and the giant panda, which is entirely herbivorous , all other species of bears are
omnivorous in nature.


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Giraffe, a ruminant mammal, native to Africa. It is the highest of all the animals that live
on the planet, with an average height of 14-17 feet. An adult male giraffe weighs about
2,630 pounds, while his female counterpart weighs 1830 pounds . The range extends
from this animal Chad to South Africa. Most often in the prairies , giraffes venture into
areas with dense vegetation , where food shortages.

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A fox is a canid , sporting a long thin snout and a bushy tail . There are 37 identified
species of this animal in the jungle , spread in jungles around the world . Originally
from almost every continent , the red fox is the most common species of fox. These
creatures are omnivorous diet, berries , fruits, fish , birds, rodents , rabbits , reptiles .

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Elephants are the largest land mammals on Earth . Elephants are divided into 2 sub types , the African elephant , native to Africa and Asia , native Asian elephant . African
elephants have a height of 8.2 to 13 feet and a weight of 5,000 to 14,000 pounds , are
the largest land animals on Earth . Asian elephants are relatively smaller , with a height
of 7-12 feet and weighing between 6500-11000 pounds.

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Gorillas , native to Central Africa, are the world's biggest living primates. These species
that inhabit the soil , are of the hominid family, are herbivores by nature. The exact
number of gorilla species is debatable, but the gorilla species most commonly found
include the western lowland gorillas found in Cameroon, Congo , Angola and
Equatorial Guinea , and the mountain gorilla found in Rwanda , Uganda and Congo.

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Although called koala bear , this pouched mammal, in fact, is not a bear . This
marsupial carries its young in a pouch for 6 months after birth . Koalas are native to
eastern Australia . Koalas can weigh approximately 20 pounds. They feed on
eucalyptus leaves and just leave these trees. They spend eighteen hours a day


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The tiger is an obligate carnivore , native to most of Asia. Although the size varies with
species , an average tiger can grow to 13 feet and weigh up to 660 pounds . There are
six subspecies of tiger, namely the Bengal tiger in India and Bangladesh, the
Indochinese tiger found in China, Thailand, Cambodia , Laos and Vietnam, Tiger of
Malaysia is located south of the Malay Peninsula , the Sumatran tiger is on Sumatra
island of Indonesia, the Siberian tiger found in eastern Siberia and south China tiger is
located in southern China. It is predator in the food chain and feeds on a variety of
herbivores ranging from deer to water.


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It is a mammal artiodctilode the Caprinae subfamily which was domesticated long

( about the eighth century millennium BC ) , especially for meat and milk. The male
goat is called a goat , sneak, goat and young goat or goat.
Domestic ruminant mammal , such as a meter tall, slight , slim, with short hair , rough
and often reddish , hollow horns , large , cornered , gnarled and turned back, a tuft of
long hairs hanging lower jaw and tail very short . Female of this species , slightly
smaller than the male and sometimes without horns.


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The sheep is a mammal that is characterized by body covered

with wool, which can be extracted and used to make clothes
and blankets, among other things.
Some breeds have two horns on its head and body are
covered with wool, but there are races that have fur
This animal is herbivorous, ie feeding on herbs and other
products that have nothing to do with the meat. Their main
food source are shrubs, seeds, grass and legumes, such as
The sheep are played slowly, because the females give birth
to two cubs at a time max: usually, litters are one brood. The
male of this animal is called sheep, and calves, lambs. Their
gestation period, ie the time the lamb remains in the womb of
the mother sheep during pregnancy.

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The horse is a mammal of the family Equidae . It can be

tamed or live in the wild. A female horse is called , the
breeding male pony is called , and the called breeding female
foal . There are 86 different breeds of horses in the world .


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Roosters and chickens are raised primarily for meat birds and
their eggs. Chicken is called juvenile animal of this species.
The hen rooster is distinguished by being smaller , have
shorter crest and lack of spurs. Chickens are naturally
gregarious birds that have lost the power of flight due to
artificial selection of human beings.
Hens and chickens are sensitive and intelligent animals also
very sociable individuals who love spending the day wiping
and preening their feathers , pecking , sunbathing or taking .


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This animal is a ruminant mammal of large and robust body,

weighs about 800 kg of average weight and measuring a
meter and a half tall.
Its use in livestock has spread across the globe , although
originally it was used for work and for obtaining milk today the
breed for their meat (which is called cattle ) your skin is used
for leather tanneries and subsequent manufacture of sale as
purses , shoes, bags , etc .; their excrement is used as
fertilizer or fuel.


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Pigs are considered greedy and dirty , for many human cause
for derision, something to eat or a nickname for insulting
others . Far from both prejudice and discrimination find some
nice , noble and intelligent , very clean contrary to what is
thought nonhuman animals and those who actually like to
spend the day eating , playing and sunbathing . Pigs are very
curious, usually always looking for new stimuli , and when
offered two objects

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It is known from some that have reached 2.5 meters high at

its wildlife and 3 meters in meat production in captivity. They
can weigh up to 170 kg and females lay eggs that can weigh
nearly 2 pounds.
Their wings do not have sufficient size to be able to fly , but
help them balance for walking or running at high speeds , as
the ostrich reaches speeds of 93 kilometers per hour. His neck
is long and his little head with large round eyes, its beak is flat
and rounded at the tip.
As is common in the ratites , the male is slightly larger and
better plumage than the female, as it is more colorful , which
was the subject of hunting in several African communities ,
bringing in many regions to the total.

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Peacock called the 3 species of birds that are distinguished by

the bright colors of the feathers : Indian peacock, green
peacock peacock and Congo.
Peacock belongs to the order Galliformes and the family
Phasianinae . Peacock name to both sexes is awarded by
almost everyone , but the truth is that only the male is called
a peacock. The female is in English, peahen , which in Spanish
translates as " peacock " it sounds a bit strange .
It is the national animal of India.

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