New Gravity-Flow Column Gives Faster and Simpler Purification of Histidine-Tagged Proteins

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11254 - Discovery Matters Issue 2 4/10/05 2:30 pm Page 24

Protein purification and production
New gravity-flow column gives faster and simpler
purification of histidine-tagged proteins
A. Bergh, M. Carlsson, A. Karlsson, and H. Lindgren
GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden

Histidine-tagged proteins* can be quickly and simply The recovery was greater than 98% in the first 3 ml eluate
purified on His GraviTrap columns prepacked with Ni from His GraviTrap, and approximately 80% from the other
Sepharose 6 Fast Flow without the need for a pump or column. For complete elution from Ni-NTA Superflow, a total
purification system. The protein binding capacity volume of 6 to 9 ml was needed, and the total purification
(approx. 40 mg/column) is among the highest available time was close to 100 min. The total purification time was
on the market, and separations can be completed in 20 min when His GraviTrap was used (Fig 2A). The purity of
as little as 30 min. Large volumes of clarified or the eluates was similar as determined by SDS-PAGE (data
unclarified samples can easily be applied and the not shown).
purified protein can be eluted in a small volume His GraviTrap and Ni-NTA Superflow columns were also
resulting in a highly concentrated target protein. compared under denaturing conditions. Histidine-tagged
Maltose Binding Protein (MBP-(His)6; Mr 43 000) in E. coli
Introduction BL-21 lysate containing 7 M urea was applied to the
Immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) is a columns. Elution was achieved by lowering the pH from pH
widely used and highly effective technique that exploits the 8.0 to pH 4.5. Although denaturing conditions increase the
affinity of histidine-tagged proteins to metal ions attached purification time due to the higher viscosity of the samples
to chelating separation media, such as Ni Sepharose 6 Fast and buffers, total purification time was still approximately
Flow. His GraviTrap is a single-use column prepacked with four times faster on His GraviTrap (Fig 2B).
Ni Sepharose 6 Fast Flow. His GraviTrap provides high
protein binding capacity, short purification times, and simple Complete details of these comparisons are
operation. provided in data file 11-0036-90, available at
The purification of histidine-tagged proteins on His
GraviTrap can be divided into four stages: equilibration, His GraviTrap also enables rapid separation of large
sample application, washing, and elution (Fig. 1). proteins. To demonstrate this, His GraviTrap was used to
Purifications can be performed either under native or purify (His)10-TRX-P450 (Mr 133 200). E. coli JM109 cells
denaturing conditions, and a number of additives can be expressing (His)10-TRX-P450 were enzymatically and
used. In addition, new accessory products further increase mechanically lysed and a 20 ml clarified sample was loaded
speed and convenience. onto His GraviTrap using LabMate. The whole purification
took just 25 min.
His GraviTrap and accessories
Results show that the purification yielded three major
His GraviTrap contains 1 ml of Ni Sepharose 6 Fast Flow, protein bands when analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Fig 3A, lane 4).
which delivers a protein binding capacity of approximately Western blot analysis confirms that each of the three bands
40 mg histidine-tagged protein/column. The columns are contains a histidine-tag (Fig 3B). However, only a weak band
made of bio-inert polypropylene, and special frits protect can be seen from the band at approximately Mr 15 000.
the medium from running dry during use. The column Some of the smaller proteins may have passed through the
packaging can be converted into a stand (Workmate), and membrane due to a prolonged blotting time. N-terminal
the plastic tray in this package can be used to collect sequencing (data not shown) of the three bands confirms
liquid waste. that the low molecular weight bands are truncated forms of
the histidine-tagged target protein. To separate the full-
The optional LabMate reservoir increases the loading length protein from the truncated forms, a second
capacity from 10 ml to approximately 35 ml. Large volumes purification step, such as gel filtration, is recommended.
can thus be applied in one go without having to constantly
attend the column to add more sample. Summary
The new His Buffer Kit delivers added convenience by His GraviTrap columns provide a very fast and simple
providing phosphate buffer concentrates and highly pure method for purifying histidine-tagged proteins without the
2 M imidazole stock solutions. This kit eliminates time- need for a pump or purification system. The prepacked Ni
consuming manual buffer preparation, thereby promoting Sepharose 6 Fast Flow gives high protein binding capacity.
optimal convenience, performance, and reproducibility. Proven protocols, application data, and new support
products help optimize purification results and simplify the
Faster purifications under a wide range of whole procedure.
To obtain data file 11-0036-90, visit
The performance of His GraviTrap was compared with
Ni-NTA Superflow™ gravity-flow column (Qiagen Inc.) during
the purification of histidine-tagged green fluorescent protein Acknowledgements
(GFP-[His]6; Mr 28 000) from an E. coli lysate. The imidazole GFP-(His)6 was provided by Dr. David Drew, Dept. of
concentration in the sample and binding buffers was 45 mM Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University,
for His GraviTrap and 10 mM for Ni-NTA Superflow (the latter Stockholm, Sweden. MBP-(His)6 was provided by Pharmacia
according to manufacturer’s recommendations). Diagnostics, Uppsala, Sweden.
11254 - Discovery Matters Issue 2 4/10/05 2:30 pm Page 25

Protein purification and production

— (His)10-TRX-P450

Fig 1. Purifying histidine-tagged proteins with His GraviTrap is

a simple four-stage procedure.


— (His)10-TRX-P450

Fig 3. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis of the purification of
(His)10-TRX-P450 on His GraviTrap. (His)10-TRX-P450 was purified
with His GraviTrap using a binding buffer of 20 mM sodium
phosphate, 500 mM NaCl, 40 mM imidazole, pH 7.4. The elution
buffer was the same except that 500 mM imidazole was used.
(A) SDS-PAGE of fractions from the purification of (His)10-TRX-P450
on His GraviTrap (electophoresis was performed using
PhastSystem™ electrophoresis sytem, PhastGel™ Gradient 10-15
gel, under reduced conditions with Coomassie™ Blue staining).
(B) Western blot using PhastTransfer™ Unit and Hybond ECL.
(Primary antibody: Anti-His. Secondary antibody: Anti-mouse
Fig 2. Comparison of total purification time for His GraviTrap IgG-HRP). The E. coli JM109 lysate was diluted 1:20 for
and Ni-NTA Superflow gravity-flow column. (A) Under native electrophoresis. The amount of histidine-tagged protein detected
conditions, His GraviTrap was almost five-times faster. (B) Under in the flowthrough is a result of column overloading. M = High-
denaturing conditions, His GraviTrap was approximately four- Range Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers (RPN756). Negative
times faster. control = untransformed E. coli JM109.

Ordering information
Product Code number
His GraviTrap (10 x 1 ml) 11-0033-99
His GraviTrap Kit (includes 2 packs His GraviTrap and 1 pack His Buffer Kit) 28-4013-51
LabMate PD-10 Buffer Reservoir (10) 18-3216-03
His Buffer Kit (includes 2 x 100 ml phosphate buffer, 8x stock solution, pH 7.4; 1 x 100 ml 2 M imidazole, pH 7.4) 11-0034-00
High-Range Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers (250 µl) RPN756
Hybond ECL (20 x 20 cm, 10 sheets) RPN2020D
Anti-His Antibody (170 µl) 27-4710-01
Mouse IgG, HRP-Linked Whole Ab (from sheep) (100 µl) NA931-100UL
PhastSystem Separation-Control and Development Units 120 VAC 18-1018-23
PhastSystem Separation-Control and Development Units 220 VAC 18-1018-24
PhastTransfer Kit 18-1001-23
PhastGel Gradient 10–15 (10 gels) 17-0540-01
PhastGel Buffer Strips - SDS (10 pairs) 17-0516-01

* See licensing information on page 28.


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