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How is Gender Represented?

Independency of Luther is being shown as he is represented as the lone hero.

This shown through the use of the long shot where it focus on him and the
background is blurred out; lighting is generally dull. Therefore, this suggest the
focus is on Luther as he is the one being in control of the situation at that
moment of the scene and perhaps later on in the episode. The representation
being shown of men here is also dominancy. Furthermore, the over the shoulder
shot over Luther and focus on Alice. This shows that she is in control of the
current conversation taking place; this is a counter stereotype, as this is the
opposite of womens stereotype in media. In addition to that, there is a shotreverse-shot transitioning into an over the shoulder but to Alice, focusing on
Luther, this shot itself represents the dominance and hierarchy of men to women
as it shows Luther talking down to Alice. This is shown through media how men
should stereotypically treat women, by downgrading when approaching them; it
is part of the patriarchal society showing their power over them. A long shot,
following up with a two shot straight after, to show the relationship between the
two genders, in the part of the clip it shows them both being tense with each
other. Alice shows her emotions through her body language that is shown
through these shots; her body language suggests her being flirtatious and
slightly seductive as she touches his face, as a female this links to her gender
being represented quite sexually. With Luther, these two shots attempts to show
his dominance over the Alice, this is a clear representation of men through them
tow shots.
Both Luther and Alice, wear smart clothing with dull colours. This shows
equilibrium between the two genders being represented and that they are both
in equal control of anything that happens. The make-up of Alice is pale and dull,
this suggesting that this gender type expresses their emotions the strongest. For
an example, for Alice her make-up being like this may represent her as being a
bitter and stubborn character. The lighting contributes to this as it becomes dull
when the camera focus on her, this is because women in TV dramas can be
represented as stubborn characters. In Alices costume, no skin is shown, this is
done on purpose as its is going against the stereotype of not being fully clothed
to show her sexualised within the character, it however shows independence as
not only as a person but as a women. This links to gender as women are shown
to be the one that always needs or prefer to work with someone or a helper or
alternatively as a team. This represents the opposite of how women should be
represented as her costume suggests her as a strong independent that can work
by themselves and doesnt need extra help.
Shot-reverse-shot between the characters represents gender as it shows both of
their reactions to each other. Alices facial expressions towards Luther is
controlling and manipulative which over powers his and is again counter
stereotype as she has a lot of power towards Luther where editing shot allows
you to see Luthers reaction which becomes more weaker and weaker as their
conversation progresses which for both genders are the complete opposite of
how they are normally represented.

Throughout the clip, the type of sound used is diagetic as Alice and Luther speak.
The dialect and language that is spoken by the woman is very formal. This
represents women because they are seen to be well spoken than males and are
more stereotypically more intelligent and is obviously proven through Alice s
You do make some relevant points Tafi, however, you need to be much more
specific and you must work harder to improve the clarity of your own expression.
LEVEL 2: 23

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