Diary NG Panget

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Beginning :
adalah seorang
gadis miskin
dengan kulit wajah
sensitif dengan
banyak jerawat. Ia
tinggal dan bekerja

dengan bibinya
sebagai pelayan di
rumah makan
sederhana. Eya
tidak sengaja
bertemu dengan
chad di rumah
makan bibinya dan
sejak saat itu ia
berteman dengan

chad dan ternyata

mereka satu
kampus di kampus
Eya ( Nadine ) is a poor and ugly girl with sensitive

facial skin with a lot of acne. She lived and

worked with her aunt as a waiter in a regular
restaurant. Eya ( nadine ) the ugly girl met with a
cross at the Academy Wilford . The ugly girl
took a job as a personal assistant to a wealthy
handsome and cool young man that is cross . She
was forced to take on the job to improve her
poor condition.


Eya and cross never agreed either at home or on

campus . They always fight because cross
unruly . eya are in a complicated situation ,
his friends lory like cross but his friend chad
liked lory . however , cross like eya .


Eya and cross plan to unify chad and lory , by

showing that they are dating . Lory very sad but
eventually he understood that chad was always
there for him . Eya was eventually love cross
that turned out to have a good personality and
warm . Four friends eventually became two
couples were very happy
Eya accidentally met with chad, handsome young man at
restaurant her aunt and from that moment she was
friends with chad and turns them one at college Academy

Eya (nadine) si gadis jelek bertemu dengan

cross di academi wilford. Si gadis jelek itu
mengambil pekerjaan sebagai pembantu
pribadi untuk pemuda tampan yang kaya raya
yaitu cross.

sikap acuh tak acuh

sifatnya berkepala dingin cool


pribadinya terasa hangat

personal feel warm

Diary ng Panget
mengikuti kisah

seorang miskin ,
jerawat sarat
Eya Rodriguez
( diperankan
oleh Nadine )
sebagai sarjana
berjuang di
Academy . Dia

sebagai pembantu
pribadi orang
kaya anak manja
Palang Sandford
( diperankan
oleh James )
yang juga
eksklusif yang
sama . Keduanya

tidak akur ,
tapi karena
mereka terjerat
dalam permainan
teman sekelas
mereka ' kasih
sayang ,
hubungan mereka
menjadi lebih
rumit .

Diary ng Panget
follows the story of
a poor, acneridden Eya
(portrayed by
Nadine) as a
struggling scholar
at Wilford
Academy. She

lands a job as a
personal maid of
the rich spoiled
brat Cross
Sandford (played
by James) who also
attends the same
exclusive school.
The two dont get
along, but as they

get tangled in their

classmates games
of affection, their
becomes more

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