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Eid ul Fitr or the 'festival of fast breaking' is the most celebratory of all Muslim festivals.

It is an
Islamic festival. It falls on the first day of Shawwal, the month which follows Ramadan in the Islamic
calendar. It takes place at the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting when people don't eat and drink
during the day. Fasting is forbidden on this day, as it marks the end of the month long fast of Ramadan.
The festival of Eid ul-Fitr is celebrated by first attending the mosque in the morning for Eid prayer.
After the Eid prayer, Muslims usually scatter to visit various family and friends, give gifts (especially to
children), and make phone calls to distant relatives to give well-wishes for the holiday. It is a time to
give in charity to those in need, and celebrate with family and friends the completion of a month of
blessings and joy. One is encouraged to rise early and partake of some dates or a light, sweet snack.
One should bathe, as always, but with the remembrance that this is a special day. Muslims are
encouraged to dress in their best clothes, new if possible. There is a special Eid prayer that is
performed in congregation. Most people wear new clothes with bright colours, while biscuits, cakes,
samosas, pies and tarts are presented to visitors as treats. Lunch is usually served in large family
groups. there is a special ritual called halal bi-halal. During this, Muslim-Indonesians visit their elders,
in the family, the neighbourhood, or their work, and show respect to them. They will also seek
reconciliation (if needed), and preserve or restore harmonious relations, Special dishes like ketupat,
dodol, opor, cookies, rendang delicacies are served during this day.
it is common during this period for people to engage in "mudik" activity. It is an annual tradition that
people in big cities such as Jakarta or elsewhere, travel to their hometowns or other cities to visit
relatives, to request forgiveness, or just to celebrate Eid with the whole family. The government of
Indonesia has prepared the transportation infrastructures to accommodate a huge amount of travellers
by repairing damaged roads and bridges. However, the impact is still tremendous as millions of cars and
motorcycles jam the roads and highways, causing kilometres of traffic jams each year
Eid ul-Fitr is a joyous occasion with important religious significance, celebrating the achievement of
enhanced piety. It is a day of forgiveness, moral victory, peace of congregation, fellowship,
brotherhood and unity. Muslims celebrate not only the end of all that fasting but also thank God for the
help and strength that they believe he gave them through the previous month to help everyone
practice self-control. It is a time of giving and sharing, and many Muslims dress in holiday attire.

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