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Essay 2 |1

Carlos Wong
Prof. Amanda Furiasse
Essay 2
Representation of class, how is it that it came to be? What makes it so important
to come from a certain social status in order to reap the benefits of life? The answer is
simple, our own society constructed an ideology that now limits the very society which
created it. The origins of ones class is directly related to the amount of wealth someone
possess, so when someone is treated differently or belittled due to their class it is because
they sans wealth. As in the film "Kingsman: The Secret Service" the implications that
class have in society are abundant for example in two key scenes when they Kingsman
candidates meet for the first time and during the meeting in the mountain bunker of the
chosen people. Which directly support Marx's argument in his article "The Destructive
Power of Money" that when money is introduced into our society it divides us and
disrupts our reality.
In the first key scene, we see Eggsy meet the other candidates for Lancelots
position in the round table. The group of upper class male teens repeatedly belittle him
due to what he wears, to where he was not born to, and his inexperience as an agent. This
constant belittling is due to the fact that he lacked, as he said in the film a silver spoon
because of his families socioeconomic status. Instead of looking for common ground the
teens purposely find a way in order to further the divide between them as Marx states in
his article, which supports how money and class are interrelated. However, this is not a
true all the time, for example the females in the group are more understanding towards
Eggsy and tell him to ignore the fools, but they too are from the upper class, an inference
made due to their apparel. Leaving us with a further understanding of Marxs position on
money and that more than likely it will cause society to divide and disrupt itself, but that
there are few exceptions which exclude money from the equation and strive to create
bonds and harmony.
In the second key scene, we see Valentine in his mountain bunker preparing for
his great event with all of the chosen people that had enough money to be important,
which was only those of the upper class. For example, Charlie one of the very few
candidates for the Kingsman organization was able to secure himself a position in the
bunker due to his father. This goes to show how highly class is revered in our society that
even Charlie, an individual who failed the Kingsman exam, can enter the bunker solely
due to his father's wealth and social status. In this scene we see society as a whole divided
because now only those with wealth to back them up will be saved while the rest of
humanity is left to die. Disruption of reality is also an immediate consequence of wealth,
with Valentines plan to eliminate the parasite off of earth in order to reduce global
warming it is very contradictory in a normal setting of society where we thrive by
cooperation and not stratification.
In conclusion, we can appreciate the intricacy of class in our modern society and
how it benefits the few with wealth and forsake those without it. Marx explains to us that
money stripes the little human interaction we already have in this new modern era where
all interactions have become digital. We learn that it divides humanity into the two types

Essay 2 |2
the rich and the poor. It blinds society from the true purpose of what life is meant to be
which is cooperation and harmony. People now a days only look for ways in order to
make money so that they may survive in our society but overlook a key issue to
constantly strive for money is not a life that will provide much joy. The film Kingsman:
The Secret Service was able to exemplify the arguments held by Marx.
Word Cited
Cashin, Katheryn, and Lauren Martilli. Multicultural Film: An Anthology for
Florida State University. Fall 2015 ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2015. Print.
Kingsman: The Secret Service. Dir. Matthew Vaughn. Perf. Colin Firth, Taron
Egerton, Samuel L. Jackson. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 2014. Film.

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