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The Need for Others and Language in Relation to the Seminary Formation: The Quest

to Nosology
Contemporary Philosophy
By: Kristoffer Lorenz L. Basbao

Introduction: The History of Western Philosophy

Philosophy entered mans history thousands of years ago. The Western Philosophy all started in
Greece and later spread not only in Europe but in the whole world. The history of philosophy is divided
in four eras. These are Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, and
Contemporary Philosophy. The Ancient Philosophy focused on the basic stuff of the world. The ancient
people wondered so much about the creation of the universe and its basic element/s. People wondered
about what the start of existence was. They looked at the world full of wonderment and amazement.
The Medieval Philosophy focused more on the existence of God. During the medieval ages, people
focused their thinking on God and religion. They would also consider God as the start of all. It is also
the time where Christianity is in its triumph. Theology was better supported by Philosophy as if it was
its handmaid only that, there are things that are for faith alone and there are things for reason alone.
They have boundaries because they are different sciences. The Modern Philosophy focused on the
existence of the ego. The I was the focus of the philosophical inquiry. All the topics and discussions
were focused in the ego. God was not talked about during those times. The Contemporary Philosophy
focused on the existence of the Other/s. The need for objectivity and relationship was emphasized
through the Other. Relationship was greatly highlighted. Aside from the turn-to-others, it was also
the time of turn-to-language. Language is important especially in relating with others. It is the medium
of communication which later leads to relationship.

Contemporary Philosophy: Turn-to-Others Turn-to-Text

Contemporary Philosophy, in the history of western philosophy, is the time wherein the focus of
philosophy is the existence of others and the use of language. It is presently the trending philosophy. We
are now living in the contemporary world. It is the Turn-to-Others and the Turn-to-Language. The
focus is the Other to show that man is not solipsistic and man longs to extend himself to other subjects
like him. With the help of others, the objectivity of the world is possible. The objectivity of the world
cannot be achieved only by the ego. It needs other subjects like him for the objectivity to be possible.
Aside from the objectivity of the world, relationship is also highlighted. Relationship cannot happen
with the ego alone. It can happen if there are more egos present. The very basic relationship is the IThou relationship (Buber). It can extend more to the relationship with the community (Scheler). The
examples of philosophies during those time were Husserls Intersubjectivity, Heideggers Mitsein,
Schelers Person and Community, Levinas Face, Bubers I-Thou, etc. All focused on the
relationship with the Other/s.
Aside from (the) Other/s, language is also the focus of contemporary philosophy. The use of
language is highlighted because it bridges the ego to other subjects. Communication is possible with
language. Later, relationship is established through it. With the medium of language, thoughts and ideas
can be passed, shared and expressed. Of course, we cannot deny the fact that language has its
limitations. There will always be limitations in language. Let us consider that language cannot really
capture the pure eidos. It even distorts them. The interpretation of the Other also matters. That is why
during the contemporary era, philosophies like Linguistic Analysis and Hermeneutics existed to achieve
the correct interpretations. The examples of contemporary philosophies which focuses on language are
Heideggers Destruction, Freges Sense and Reference, Russells Denotation, Derridas
Deconstruction, etc.

The Relevance of Contemporary Philosophy to the Seminary Formation

Contemporary Philosophy refers to the era wherein the focus of philosophical inquiry is the
Other and the Language. It is the Turn-to-Other and the Turn-to-Language. The focus is on the
Other in order to achieve the objectivity of the world. Other subjects are needed for the objectivity of
the world be possible. Building relationship with others is also emphasized considering that we humans
are relational beings in nature. We are not meant for our self alone. We are meant for others. Language is
also emphasized because it is used in relating with other egos. It is the medium of communication which
later leads into relationship. Relationship always starts with communication. In relation to the seminary
formation, what is really the relevance of the contemporary philosophy in the formation? How is it
important in the priestly ministry?
Contemporary Philosophy is important/relevant in the seminary formation because, it teaches us
how important others are and how important building relationship is. Building relationships within the
seminary community is really important for the effectiveness of the formation. With relationship,
formation is possible. In fact, it is the start of formation. Priest-Formators can only form seminarians if
they had built relationship with us (seminarians). As future priests, the demands in us are much greater.
Priests are to relate with, not only with priests but also with the ordinary people (in all classes). It is also
important in the ministry because a parish priest can only shepherd Gods people by building first
relationship with them. One cannot directly impose something to someone whom he had not built
relationship with. Another thing which is important for the priesthood is the dialogue with people.
Relationship starts with ordinary conversations. Priests should talk to the people in order for them to
know their context and to know how they would look at things. In that way, priests will somehow
understand where they (people) are coming from. Through conversations and dialogues, the relationship
of the priests and the people are being intensified and are continually growing.

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